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Bring On Your Toughest Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
September 6, 2024 4:30 pm

Bring On Your Toughest Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 6, 2024 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/06/24.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

Let's do it.

Phone lines are open. You've got questions. We've got answers. It's time for the Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on the Line of Fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks for joining us on the Line of Fire.

Michael Brown, as always, delighted to be with you. Phone lines are open. Your calls on any subject that relates in any way to anything we've ever touched on on the Line of Fire, anything I've ever written, any debate I've ever had, anything that connects with our ministry in any way. If it relates to anything we can help you with, give me a call. 866-348-7884. That's 866-34-TRUTH. And our purpose in doing these shows, which we've done for many, many years, when we went to five days a week, I had listened to Rush Limbaugh sometimes on the air and remembered he had Open Line Friday.

I thought, you know, yeah, let's just have a day where people can call in with any subject. But I have no desire just to give you random information. And my calling is not to be the Bible answer man, as others have done. But everything we do has the same goal. It's to infuse you with faith and truth and courage to help you stand strong on the front lines.

That's the reason. And hopefully with the calls, there's something you can learn, maybe a subject that will help you, help you grow. And I'm sure the Bible answer man and others, that's their goal as well. But just to say it again, I have no desire to just give information. Rather, let's communicate truth, let's clarify issues, let's come to deeper understanding so that we can be more effective in our work for the Lord. So that we can bear more fruit, so that we can grow in Him.

Just accumulating abstract knowledge, we all agree, is not helpful unless there's a practical application of that. Let's grow together in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Before we go to the phones, simple reminder if you're not getting our Front Line newsletter. Friends, we are living in such critical days and we want to do our best to equip and help you and strengthen you. The Front Line newsletter, we've had more signups for this than anything we've ever done in the history of our ministry. And we're so blessed to put this out.

It's free, it's digital, it's once a month, it's beautifully produced. And this month, September, is going to be a very heavy Israel focus because of so much happening relating to Israel. Our whole ministry thrust is going in this direction and we continue to have great opportunities to share the Gospel with Jewish people who don't know the Messiah.

We have great opportunities to push back against the lies of anti-Semitism. We want to pour into you and edify and bless you. So if you're not getting the Front Line newsletter, along with our weekly updates with latest articles and videos, go to and click subscribe., click subscribe. Alright, let's go to the phones.

We'll start with Chandler in Oklahoma. Welcome to The Line of Fire. Hi Dr. Brown, thank you so much. I just wanted to say what you all said right there resonates with me as well. I've learned that, you know, like the Bible says, all scripture is given for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, so that we may be equipped to every good work. It's not just about winning an argument, but it's about producing fruit for the Lord.

Yes, 2 Timothy 3, 16 and 17, the purpose is the Word, and right in there is rebuking and correcting, something that we need to consistently do if we love God and we love people. Yes, sir. Yes, what's on your mind? Well, I had called you last Friday about the Jehovah's Witness thing.

Got it, got it. Alright, Chandler, hey, we do have a policy, which is, yes, so our Truth Team, please keep a better look on that. We don't allow a caller within three weeks of a previous call to be fair to others because people can't get through. So, please follow up. If you remember, I gave you our assistance email who came out of Jehovah's Witnesses, egall at real messiah dot com, egall, I-G-A-L, I-G-A-L at real messiah dot com, and he'll be glad to help you out. I've just got to be true to our policy, sir.

Alright, so let's go over to, let's see, Andre in Columbia. Welcome to the line of fire. Hey, Dr. Brown, so nice to hear from you and hear your voice and be live with you and your audience, so I'll be very brief. You know, so I, you know, Jesus is terrific, but what I've discovered through understanding through Kabbalah, the 12 tribes of Israel, I'm getting things and salvation so much greater through understanding the 12 tribes of Israel. Could you explain what you mean by that, sir? So, from my limited understanding, if I were to recap what I just said, is that I've gotten great clarity from Jesus and a lot of his words, but the understanding I've gotten from Kabbalah and applying the 12 tribes of Israel in each moment of my life along with the 72 names of God every five days to my whole year. So, yes, so hang on, Andre, hang on, you've got me a little concerned here. What do you mean applying the 12 tribes of Israel?

I don't know what you mean. So, I'm not, and again, Dr. Brown, you know, I've learned so much from you, so I'll try to be very clear. So, the 72 names of God, you can apply them in Kabbalah every five days, which makes it 360 days, and then one additional... We're going to try one more time.

We're going to try one more time, sir. What do you mean by applying the 12 tribes of Israel? We're not going to get to the alleged 72 names of God, which is just Jewish mysticism, but what do you mean by applying the 12 tribes of Israel every day? So, from what I've learned is that each individual month, there's 12 months in the year and then there's 12 tribes, and if you know the tribe to overimpose over the energy of that particular moment in time, you can get greater clarity than sometimes just guessing a lot of the things and trying to apply Jesus' word to your life in each moment of your day. Andre, let me ask you a question, all right?

Yes, sir. Let me tell you just as straight as I can, with all respect, you are being misled. You are... How? This has nothing to do with the Bible. This is false spirituality. This is myths of human beings or even demonic lies that you are now putting between you and God, and the energy you're feeling is not from God. It's not from above.

It's either purely soulish and human or it's demonic. Nothing you're saying has anything to do with Scripture. The words of Jesus are plain and clear and to be applied the way He said them. There is not different energy per month.

You do not superimpose a certain tribe over a month. If you have 72 names of God, it's just mysticism. The simple thing is the basics are true.

One God, one Savior, one Word of God, turn away from sin, live for Him cleansed by the blood of the Messiah. And all this stuff is at best human and soulish and fleshly, but not of the Spirit. At worst, it is demonic and harmful to your soul. And I'm not sure how you got into all of this, but it is absolutely leading you away from Jesus. Whatever you're feeling that you feel you're getting closer to Him is a deception.

It's actually leading you away from Him. Can you explain how that would lead me away from Jesus when it's Jesus that covers the gaps of impurity? Where if I'm off in my understanding, I rely on Jesus because He took away all of my sins. But there are some times I need so much more clarity, Dr. Brown, where I have found that that clarity has come through understanding the 12 tribes.

So hang on. The previous caller happened to reference 2 Timothy 3, 16 and 17, that the Word of God is sufficient for teaching, for correcting, for rebuking. So yes, we have a personal relationship with God, and that's communion with the Holy Spirit. Not myths about 12 tribes and energy and 72 names of God.

None of that. It's communion like I have a relationship with my wife on a much higher level. We have communion with God. Otherwise, everything we need in terms of how to live and doctrine and who God is, is found in the Bible, specifically. This other stuff is either soulish or demonic. Paul warns about it in Colossians 2. This pseudo-spirituality with these pseudo-revelations that you claim to fill in the gaps. The only gaps there are, are that the answers are found in scripture or in personal fellowship with God, not through imposing all this other stuff. You are adding to the Bible, because the Bible does not say there's any kind of energy on each month.

Quite the contrary. Every day is the same and is a day before the Lord. There is no such thing as a tribe that is associated with each month, and the characteristics of that tribe are associated with the month. It's not found in scripture.

That's a myth. I mean, Ecclesiastes 3 says there's a time for everything, and what I'm trying to say is when I read the Sefir Yetzirah, the Sefir Yetzirah actually teaches me how to apply Genesis 1 in the different context of my whole entire year. You said to bring you complex questions, I'm talking about the Sefir Yetzirah, which is an aspect of creation according to Kabbalah. Ah, okay, so let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question.

Yes, sir. If someone rejects Jesus, rejects Jesus as a false messiah, absolutely rejects the New Testament as revelation from God, categorically says Jesus Yeshua is not the Messiah of Israel. He did not rise from the dead. He is not God incarnate. They categorically state that.

If He were miracles, they'd say they're counterfeit miracles. They categorically reject the New Testament as the word of God. Categorically, can those people bring you true revelation of God?

No. Okay, that's the authors of the Sefir Yetzirah. The authors of the Sefir Yetzirah categorically, or the author, categorically rejected Jesus Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel, categorically rejected that He rose from the dead, categorically rejected that the New Testament is the word of God.

So they cannot bring you true revelation. But it's understood that the Sefir Yetzirah was written by Abraham though, Dr. Brown. No, sir, that's nonsense. You have a better chance of writing the Sefir Yetzirah as opposed to Abraham.

Every historical scholar on the planet, every solid historical scholar on the planet, every one of them, whether it's a thousand or a million, 100% will guarantee you that the Sefir Yetzirah was not written by Abraham. So you called in, and I'm going to do my duty as a watchman on the wall, and say you are going in a dangerous direction. And very soon, sir, the Jesus you believe in will not resemble the Jesus of the Bible at all.

Go back to the basics. You've been misled. You have been deceived. You've been given false information.

Everything you need is found in Jesus Yeshua as written in Scripture, and is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, not by mystical books written by others who rejected Him. Please, sir, I appeal to you. Hear my words.

We'll be right back. This is Michael Ellison, founder of Tributa Wellness. I want you to hear an amazing testimony from my friend James Robison, and most all of you will know of him. He and his wife Betty host the Life Today television program. Now here is James. Let me tell you about a miracle I experienced. My friend Michael Ellison, he and his wife are our 40 year plus best friends.

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Now that's just my testimony. But that's been more than 10 years with no pain. Matter of fact, if I miss for some foolish reason, a few days, I can feel it creeping back that fast. So give it a try, see if it helps relieve your pain. I hope it does like it has mine, because it worked for me.

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Call 800-771-5584 or go online to This is how we rise up. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Welcome back, friends, to the Line of Fire. I would have continued the discussion for Andre's good, accept the degree of deception he's under. It's just layer after layer after layer after layer and believing all types of myths and fairy tales. I have no problem, friends, I have no problem with someone studying Zohar or Jewish mysticism with someone who understands it and maybe find some very interesting insights or spiritual parallels by which we can now share the Gospel with a Jewish person. But to study it, thinking this is now going to give me spiritual enlightenment as a follower of Jesus, no, no, no, you're barking up the wrong tree.

So may God open Andre's heart and mind. And my bigger question is, why isn't your relationship with Jesus Yeshua enough? We have a relationship with God through Him, not just intellectual, but a relationship with God through Him. The Word of God gives us everything we need for life and godliness, how we conduct ourselves before the Lord, who God is, and relationally, we walk with the Holy Spirit. He enlightens us, He leads us, He teaches us, He opens up the Word and makes it real to us. We don't need some other type of special revelation wherever it comes from. And you say, well, Brown, you believe in prophecy and special revelation. No, no, I believe that God continues to speak because the Bible tells us He does.

It's very simple. I do not believe He's giving us new special mystical information that is now going to fill in the gaps missing in the Bible, or missing in our relationship with Jesus. So, God help Andre and others like him. 866-344-TRUTH Let's go to Jackie in Florida. Welcome to the line of fire. Hi, Dr. Brown, how are you? Doing well, thank you.

Thank you for having me. The question I have has to do with a ministry misunderstanding. And I've been really struggling with this for the past several months, but I had been following a ministry for about six years, had moved across the country to be a part of that ministry. God was really opening up some really supernatural doors of provision and favor and I was even offered a role by the ministry and everything was going amazing for about two years. And then out of the blue around fall of last year, I had received an email from the ministry regarding the position I was hired for saying that they thought a better direction moving forward was to remove me from that staff position and just have me serving in other capacities instead. I was shocked for sure because I had absolutely loved what I did and there was really no signs or writing on the wall that that position was coming to an end. So, I chose to continue to keep my health high and just continue to serve in the capacities that they allowed.

And six months later I had a friend. Did they give you a reason? Did you sit down and find out why they felt they wanted to go in another direction? Yeah, I did ask them for a meeting to discuss what happened and when I sat down with them they said that I didn't do anything wrong. They said that they felt like the role was a little bit beneath me and they didn't want to keep me hemmed up where I was if the Lord was calling me into other things which really perplexed me because only three times within that year was I asked to do outside ministry with other ministries in which I had always asked explicitly for their permission and was always given their blessing to go. So, they felt that this was holding you back but you didn't feel held back at all?

No, I absolutely loved what I did and who I did it for. So, about six months later I had a close friend of mine come to me. They wanted to grab dinner with me to just break bread and learn more about me.

I kind of take the position I tend to be more closed off and it takes a long time for me to open up to people and she kind of sensed that something was wrong so I had dinner with her and I opened up to her about many areas of my life regarding my family, my dynamic with my parents and this situation with work and in me discussing with her I was 100% honoring. I didn't bash the ministry. I was just open and honest about how I just felt blindsided about the decision and I was just sad. I kind of came all in with this and didn't expect the door to close as it did and to which point a couple of weeks later I had received an email from the ministry saying that they had received word that I was potentially sowing seeds of discord due to that my serving position would be removed immediately and that was effective immediately and that completely broke my heart. I was shocked and completely taken aback and saddened because this person had gone behind my back and whether intentionally or unintentionally misconstrued what I shared with her and I responded to the ministry sharing how heartbroken I was and how I had never spoken ill of the ministry in any way shape or form. I was really just trying to process this painful transition with a friend and I asked if I could meet in person with them to repent if I said something wrong and also receive clarification as to what was said about me so I can either repent if I said something wrong, clear the air and say I'm so sorry that what was shared with you wasn't the truth to which point they said that they would only want to keep things in email to mitigate any he-said, she-said communication and I wasn't trying to buy them something or anything Can I just ask if this is a large ministry or a small ministry, would you say? Relatively medium to large, medium to large but I had worked with them for about two years so I thought I would have built up enough rapport so I wasn't trying to bible-sump them but I just conveyed in a very graceful manner Proverbs 18.17 that the first person to plead their case was right until they kept their boundary there and I respected it I pretty much told them myself, let them know this is exactly what happened this is what I said, I didn't bash the ministry or its members and I just said would you prefer if I just stay and watch online moving forward they said I'm welcome to attend any future services unless things progress in an unhealthy manner at which point they would have to handle things as they would typically do which I took as maybe asking at that point for me to find another place of worship they didn't say that explicitly but that's kind of what I took from that but my heart has been so heavy over these past several months I have not been back to the church in about five months only because I don't want to draw any attention to myself Let me just jump in because I'm looking at the clock I hate when this happens, it's important, I hate when this happens we've all been on both sides of this, the church side, the individual side these things are so painful I hear it in your attitude, the not meeting thing baffles me to this day I've endlessly tried to sit with people face to face and they often won't meet and it just baffles me try to get people in the same room but listen your relationship with God and God's purpose and plan for your life far transcends your current situation it seems like a mountain right now but in the overall scheme of things you're going to see there are much much bigger things that God's after so here's what we've got to do, I've got a break coming up on the other side of the break I just want to share my heart with you but I think it's going to be relevant for others who are suffering deep church wounds I hate when this happens and there's no good reason for it and I don't know why we do this to each other and why we hurt people the way we do but somehow we've got to do better and the fact that you're generic, you're not drawing attention to individuals it's just something in Florida you're still speaking respectfully and graciously after what you went through, I hear your heart in that I think I have something that will help you so I want to share it with you on the other side of the break and then our great David Kerrigan will get to you as well or just conservative moral values, you could be cancelled you could be cast out, you could be put down, you could be silenced I'm here to say friends that I am not about to be silenced and I don't believe you are either it is time for us to stand up, it is time for us to say enough is enough it is time for us to push back in Jesus' name not fighting the way the world fights, no overcoming evil with good, overcoming hatred with love overcoming the flesh with the power of the Spirit overcoming lies with truth and that's what we're here to do on the Line of Fire broadcast and friends, it's not just a broadcast, it is a movement of people around the world God's people standing up saying enough is enough and saying Lord here we are, send us, use us I want to urge you today to join our support team because we are on the front lines together and we are literally touching people around the world in America, in the nations, in Israel and together with your help we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe so I encourage you, go right now to, click donate monthly support, click donate monthly support when you do, you become a torchbearer we immediately send you two great life changing books we immediately give you access to many classes I've taught others have to pay to take those, you get them for free exclusive video audio content, a new audio message every month an insider prayer newsletter, 15% discount on online bookstores so much more, join our support team today go to, donate monthly support This is how we rise up It's the Line of Fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH Here again is Dr. Michael Brown Thanks so much for joining us on the Line of Fire Michael Brown, so glad to be with you So Jackie, I'm just going to share with you as you listen your life in God spans many many years before this and by His grace we'll spend many many years after this and many times God brings us into a situation a ministry, yes for that ministry but often just to do something in us to teach us certain things, to bring us on our journey and you are in another location, you're relocated because of ministry etc.

but what I'd encourage you to do is this is to say, Lord I want to grow in you and learn through this maybe what you're going to learn is how not to treat others maybe what you're going to learn is how ministries can be over sensitive and how we have to do better than that maybe you can learn to be even more loving and forgiving although in your heart it doesn't sound like you're bitter it sounds like you're hurt versus bitter it's far better to be hurt than bitter because bitter now we're holding on to sin hurt means we're just wounded and sometimes it helps us relate better to the Lord who offers, suffers rejection and misunderstanding from His own people and I would not live in the past that happened, ask the Lord to heal the wounds, the sense of rejection something's wrong with you and you did this wrong they never told you that you did wrong in the job situation and you know that you weren't seeking to malign or slander them when this person then shared with them why they'd be reporting it back and why they react the way they react the way you're sharing it with me sounds completely wrong in terms of how everything was handled that being said, move on, move on that's behind you, bless the church, bless the ministry thank God for the good they do pray prayers that they'd be everything God's calling them to be anything in you that maybe they didn't want to share with you directly that God wants to show you, show me Lord and let me grow through this, let this be a growing experience rather than one that hurts me, that hangs over me but the biggest thing is don't live in the past that phase of your life, for whatever reason God brought you over maybe He brought you over to teach you certain things that you should only learn going through this just draw closer to Him, make yourself available and you may end up moving back to another area many of us moved, did this, did that, only to find it didn't fit after years, but you had to actually do it, walk through it I tell people you can't get into your 30s till you go through your 20s many times we have to live through something and then find out, okay God confirmed it, He brought me there but it wasn't for the purpose that I thought it was it's just a journey of life you look back at this years later and you realize it's just a tiny little bit it feels like a mountain now but just a tiny little blip so Jackie I hope you can take hold of those words as I share them with you and God brought you, He's the shepherd He's guiding your life just cast yourself on Him and say, Lord how do we move forward and forgive them from the heart confess to God in anything you did to fail you've done that, now move forward could you send another email communication to them just to let them know since they were my covering or would you just silently leave it alone and just vanish no it's fine, in other words your covering is not a mystical thing it's not like they had some magic thing over your life while you were there they've basically treated you the way they have so move on you could just bless them if you want it just for the record you could say hey I haven't been there in some time but just want them to know you love them pray for them, wish the best for them and you're attending this and such whatever just for closure sake if you want but I wouldn't bring up anything in the past you just you know you wouldn't don't rehash it, don't ask to me don't rehash anything I would just bless them, honor them thanks so much I learned a lot in my time, may the Lord be with you and move on to where God wants you to be and then over time you'll learn more lessons from it but the key thing is come out of it with a pure heart come out of it without bitterness and where you have been wounded because rejection hurts and we carry these wounds see if you get some good ministry to get there because the rejection I did something wrong I'm not good enough for that whatever you get hit with that's where you want to get healed you don't want to live with that so you go to the Lord if you can't get it resolved get some good godly counsel and then move on it's the phase of your life we all go through very few people live all their lives without going through a phase like this and it's what you do from it hey I'm going to go to another call but bless you Jack you made God's grace be there thank you so much you bet thank you alright 866-344-TRUTH let us go over to Cincinnati Greg welcome to the line of fire hey Dr. Brown how are you doing well thank you yeah I just wanted to start by saying hey Jackie with her situation that was just going on just listening you know I feel bad for her I feel like that's just one of the tricks of Shaitan the devil you know is you know and I would personally encourage her to just like you told it just to move on you know I believe that you know only thing everything Allah wills will happen so or God wills will happen so you know with her situation it happened God willed it to happen it's not necessarily what happened it's how you're going to respond to it you know so don't let it take you away from the church and don't let it take you away from the Bible and your studies you know so if you want to find another church you know go ahead yeah and you know sometimes we yes sometimes we can make you know it's good to have deep church commitments and life commitments but it's still not it's not a divorce it's not a marriage and a divorce and sometimes we just need to say okay it's time to move on anyway your question Greg what's on your mind yes so my question you said bring a difficult question yeah I am I'm a newly Muslim I've been Christian my entire life I reverted to Islam one year ago my question to you was in the Bible it was I believe that it was prophesied of Muhammad as the Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as the final messenger and I had came to this conclusion by the biblical verse Isaiah I believe it's Isaiah where it says I will raise up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee and he will utter his words unto his mouth it's Deuteronomy 18 yes so that disqualifies Muhammad categorically 100% disqualify if that has anything to do with your faith right there it's completely blown up demolished destroyed impossible I debated that yeah the Hebrew the words there in Deuteronomy make it impossible for it to be Muhammad it has to be a fellow Israelite according to the words from your midst and from your brothers is exclusively only can only be exclusively has to be an Israelite cannot possibly be a foreigner cannot possibly be an Arab cannot possibly be Muhammad you could put your name there I don't see it here it just says brethren here so no no no here let me read it to you let me read it to you go ahead go ahead did you not watch my debate with Shakir Hussain on this very topic I watch your show many times I haven't seen every video though oh then you gotta watch this debate you'll never be a Muslim again if you're honest you'll never be a Muslim again not for 30 seconds and now what concerns me no seriously not for 30 seconds not even for 30 seconds if you watch that with an honest heart yeah so are you ready the Lord your God Deuteronomy 18 15 okay the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet from among your own people so the Hebrew specifically says from your own midst from your brothers I went through every single time in the Hebrew Bible in Deuteronomy specifically where it says from your own midst from your brothers that only means exclusively 100% of the time without exception an Israelite a fellow Israelite that's why he says like me a fellow Israelite it's the only possible candidate isn't Ishmael the brother of Isaac? no no no from your own midst means from the people of Israel it only means from the people of Israel and when you combine it with I'm just telling you what the Hebrew says you live in Cincinnati if I want to tell you right now what the weather is in Cincinnati based on North Carolina you're going to tell me Dr. Brown I'm living here right now you're telling me it's not raining I'm watching the rain come down I'm telling you what the Hebrew means it means from your own midst means a fellow Israelite when it's then joined with from your brothers it's double underscored it only means it can only mean a fellow Israelite also he prophesies in Yahweh's name does Muhammad prophesy in Yahweh's name? no is the name Yahweh found once in the Quran? no it's not not found once in the Quran and not only so it says to be a prophet like Moses which Deuteronomy tells us he'll do signs, wonders, and miracles like Moses which Muhammad never did if there are a million possible candidates for who this could be Muhammad is the top of the list for who it cannot possibly be who it he is 100% excluded can I answer your question? yeah, yeah okay so when you said like Moses we believe that but no hang on hang on we're not getting there yet we're not getting there yet from your own midst 100 times out of 100 in Hebrew in the Bible in Deuteronomy, in the Law in the Torah is always speaking about a fellow Israelite without exception let's start there okay there's no but there's no but that's a fact no no no hang on hang on Greg Greg Greg we're gonna start there he must be a fellow Israelite was Muhammad an Israelite? no can't be Muhammad no he was not an Israelite alright so he can't be Muhammad case closed we're done I think that's more just your different interpretation because what I'm reading in this Bible don't say an Israelite fellow I've got the Hebrew okay Greg do words mean anything?

we're talking right now why are we talking? because words have meaning correct? we're trying to learn I'm trying to learn okay alright so I'm telling you look Zakir Hussain had to try to argue that the words from your own myths were added later he wants to use the Bible to prove his point then he has to now say that they were added later because he knows what this means so here's here's your assignment alright here's your assignment just go to the Line of Fire YouTube channel alright the Line of Fire YouTube channel just go there and look for my debate about is Muhammad prophesied in the Bible okay it's a whole debate just on that subject so your assignment Greg and then you can call back in a few weeks is to watch that it is impossible to be honest with God and the Bible and remain a Muslim after watching that that's my conviction that's why many have said Muslims can't raise that argument anymore so either you're going to accept what the Bible says or you're going to trash it may the Lord bring you back may He open your eyes maybe you never really knew Jesus maybe that was the problem maybe you're in a Christian church may the Lord really save and change you Chronic inflammation is the greatest health threat to humanity infections, injuries, toxins, poor diet, and chronic stress can attack your immune system and lead to chronic inflammation but now there's a solution you can fight this dangerous silent killer with Nopalea made from the super fruit of the Nepal cactus containing a unique group of bioflavonoids clinically shown to reduce chronic inflammation in a random double-blind placebo-controlled study it showed a reduction of elevated at-risk C-reactive protein levels resulting in an improvement in range of motion in the back, neck, and joints and an overall improvement in the quality of life Nopalea has helped thousands of people by lowering levels of chronic inflammation let's hear what customers are saying I'm a personal trainer and owner of three gyms super 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Here again is Dr. Michael Brown Thanks, friends, for joining us on the Line of Fire Shout out to our great co-sponsor Triveda Yeah, in fact, I'm about to have my Triveda daily drink of nitric oxide and myo health Yeah, part of my daily routine 866-34-TRUTH So listen, friends, we can debate all kinds of things But certain things you can't debate In other words, right now I'm sitting in a chair speaking through a microphone You may not agree with that You may not believe it, but it's the truth It's nothing to debate It is 3.45 and change Eastern Time Those are simple facts So simple facts in Deuteronomy and the language there Every time it says B'kir B'kha It is explicitly from your own midst It is explicitly speaking of within Israel Categorically And distinguishing that from foreigners So I'm not going to go through all the evidence of it Because there's a whole debate Where you hear a Muslim doing his best to push back It's futile He ultimately has to say those words were added So you get a point to the Bible to say Muhammad's prophesied the Bible Well, but then the Bible changed it to say it's not Muhammad So you realize it's really shaky ground there And there were Christian apologists who took excerpts from the debate And then just posted those as shorts And said no Muslim could ever use this argument again Now some still will But it doesn't work It flatly doesn't work All the arguments that Muhammad's prophesied the Bible When I debated Zakir Hussain I said look there's some great arguments a Muslim can Christian A Christian can have Which is the better ethical system Which conveys a truer picture of God Which has done more for the world What's the real word of God, the Bible, the Quran You debate those things But you can't debate whether Muhammad's prophesied the Bible It's just You can write a big fat book about it Some folks did recently It's just Zero plus zero plus zero equals zero That's what it comes down to But watch, watch the debate I did with Zakir Hussain The serious representative of Islam And knowing him in their circles as a debater We have a friendly relationship since then Just go ahead and watch it And as Muhammad prophesied in the Bible And if you have any questions the questions will disappear Alright with that let's go to David in Tennessee Welcome to the line of fire Hey buddy Hey So I have a question I have I know you're really good friends I know you're a good friend I have I know you're really good friends with Dr. Leighton Flowers And I don't know about good friends I've seen you guys interact together And I do have a question because I know And you tell me if I'm wrong on this I do think And I hold to this view of like conditional security So more the Armenian view of free will And I think you're on that side as well Craig Yeah Leighton Flowers and I participated in a conference together It's the only time we ever met So we had some good fellowship there And I appreciated a lot of his answers But that's the only time we ever met actually Yeah Okay Okay well I know that I think all three of us would agree That we're all provisionists We see God's free will And we believe in that libertarian free will Philosophical concept But how is it Dr. Brown How is it not a logical fallacy For Leighton to do such a good job at advocating That free will How mankind has the moral and free capacity As human beings to make that choice Either to be saved or to be lost But then we lose that I guess in his Southern Baptist theology We lose that free will After coming to God So he believes in that eternal security Or the one saved always saves So how in the world can you reconcile The doctrine of free will Back to eternal security And then not be a fallacy That's a good question Which I can't answer I don't know his theology that well Of course I'm good buddies with James White And James and I are strong opponents In terms of Calvinism etc. No that shows how little I know Of all of Leighton's theology I was not aware that he held to one saved always saved To me the only logical way To hold to one saved always saved Is to hold it the way a Calvinist would Perseverance of the saints And that I don't find dangerous either Because it gives no license to sin I'm not saying that Leighton Flowers does But I've met people over the decades And when we lived in Pensacola In our ministry school Students would be out on the streets sharing the gospel And run into people coming out of bars With an arm around a girl dressed like a prostitute And the guy's drunk And our folks are sharing the gospel They go oh one saved always saved we're saved So we've seen that abused Whereas a Calvinist would not do that Because a Calvinist would believe if you're truly saved You'll live a holy life And if you fall away the proof that you're truly saved Is that you turn back So yeah I see no logical answer for that That if you are If you're not a Calvinist Why you would then hold to once saved always saved That yeah logically it doesn't make sense And again we understand in ourselves That we don't have the capacity to believe But that faith comes through hearing the message of Christ So that proving your grace And that a human being can say yes or no We can receive or reject The grace and mercy of God He's the savior But we can receive or reject That merciful salvation So yeah I David Let me just think for a second Logically how can I say That God gives us a choice That he's the savior He alone gets to credit the glory We don't save ourselves He alone is the savior That he gives us a choice Whether to receive him or not And then once we receive him I guess the argument would be From his perspective That once you receive him That it's now your choice To be saved So with that he changes your nature Just like in eternity That there's not going to be an opportunity to backslide There's not going to be sin or the world of temptation And God will say hey you've chosen eternal life Now you have it You can never lose it I guess he would say that already happens in this world That now our nature has changed So that we will never go back The question is What happens to the person that's living in sin That once walked with the Lord Maybe your best friend for 20 years Fell away now denies the Lord If they say they're still saved Well then that becomes very bizarre But I guess that's the only logical answer sir If I'm guessing and that may not be latent theology That once you've said yes I receive you Lord He now changes your nature So that you'll never go back Which is still another form of perseverance of the saints right? It is And I want to do ask you this too Before I let you go I won't keep you long So I did watch some of your debate with Corey Minor on this topic And Corey was in several passages But one thing he tried to greatly use I think was John 10 And I think you had a really good answer to it But create me if I'm wrong When he said in John 10 verse 29 He said my Father who gives them to me is greater than I And no one is able to snatch from my Father's hand Well actually it's verse 28 so I'm going to get you I'm sorry I will give them eternal life and they shall never perish And I don't have the Greek before me But I remember I think it's like ume out of a long tie Which I think is a double subjunctive negative Or really just a double negative in the Greek And it's an emphatic negative From what I can remember from it And Corey was trying to say that it's so emphatic Dr. Brown that it's not even possible For the sheep to fall away even into the future But again but the text is about his sheep And I think would it be appropriate to go back to a few verses And this is what I'm thinking What about where it says they hear, they know him and they follow him Would that be active verbs there? Yeah exactly and let me just say this David Number one I appreciate Corey studying the Greek and learning it But as I said to him on the air hey you're not a Greek scholar And sometimes when we are not scholars of a language We can read more into it than it intends We can even overstate But let's just say he was accurate on that But whether he was or not it's not even a question Who is it speaking to? Jesus sheep who hear his voice and follow him That is present and ongoing Look when I talk to cessationists and they say well that's in salvation No it's ongoing Hear his voice and follow him So it only applies to those who hear his voice and follow him And will never perish Yeah I agree with that I accept that 100% sure And those that don't obey his voice and don't follow him They have no promise Except if they repent he'll receive them Hey thank you sir for the questions Let's go to Carrigan in Georgia Time is short so please dive right in Yes sir thank you for taking my call My question is regarding the Ark of the Covenant Yes When the Second Temple was destroyed We don't really have any information in the scripture As to what happened to it We don't have it after the First Temple It was lost after the First Temple I'm sorry First Temple is there So what was in the Holy of Holies the Second Temple And what will be in the Holy of Holies when the Third Temple is coming? Right so for sure We have no historical record in the Bible about that But Jewish tradition tells us there was just a rock That was on the ground there Where the blood was sprinkled So that's according to Jewish tradition The blood was sprinkled on a rock that was there In the Holy of Holies As for a future temple in Ezekiel If that is to be taken literally as many of us would take that Ezekiel 40-48 The Bible doesn't tell us specifically It doesn't give all of the details So for example I'm just Let's say I was just searching for Ark of the Covenant right Ark of the Covenant What do you think about the different theories You do have a reference You have a reference in the book of Revelation That mentions it Is that still a future prophecy That's debatable But go ahead You've got about 30 seconds for your theory So go for it Jeremiah hid it It's in Ethiopia It's found on the Golgotha Those are different things people have said throughout the years Right Jewish traditions And the only thing we could say is No one is even going to talk about it Because the presence of God will be there in such a pronounced way So on the Day of Atonement in the Second Temple what did they do Well they still sprinkled the blood There was obviously something missing But they sprinkled the blood on the rock The only thing that we do have is Jeremiah 3 In those days when your numbers have increased greatly in the land because of the Lord People will no longer say the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord It will never enter their minds and be remembered It will not be missed nor will another one be made It just seems God's presence will be what we need And then we look back to the cause Hey thank you everyone for the cause today God bless you
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