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The Pro-Life Movement and Donald Trump

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
September 3, 2024 4:20 pm

The Pro-Life Movement and Donald Trump

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 3, 2024 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/03/24.

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

It's time for the pro-life movement in America to recalibrate time from the start. It's time for the Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown.

Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on the Line of Fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Once again, friends, we are going to have a very important broadcast here on the Line of Fire. Michael Brown, delighted to be with you. Coming your way again from our CFNI, Christ for the Nations Institute studio in Dallas, Texas. But the phone number is the same as always, 866-34-TRUTH, 866-348-7884.

I was traveling yesterday, Labor Day. I hope you enjoyed the repeat broadcast on the beauty of holiness. Tomorrow, I have an exclusive one-hour interview with Jonathan Cahn.

He does lots of interviews, but we've got a full hour. I'll talk about his brand new book, Friends of Jonathan Cahn. You'll be eager to listen to it.

Follows of Jonathan Cahn. Take a listen. I think you'll find it eye-opening and relevant. Again, phone lines are open. Later in the show, I'm open to taking calls on any subject. We're going to start, though, by talking about Donald Trump and the pro-life movement and where things stand today and the need for recalibration. And then some painful updates from Israel.

Then we'll get to some calls. If you want to call in, especially on the pro-life subject, 866-348-7884. And boy, friends, I'm writing articles day and night. My heart is just pouring into this material, these resources. We're really praying over every radio show. We want to really serve you.

We want to equip you. I feel the sacredness to the mission. I feel an urgency to the calling.

I had my monthly prayer retreat this last weekend and felt such a sobriety before the Lord, seeking Him and really wanting with all my heart to help spark revolutionary fire in each of your hearts. So wherever God has you, you may be preaching to millions. You may be shut in and privately praying. You may be pouring into toddlers at home.

You may be making big real estate deals. Whoever you are, if you know the Lord, He has you on the front lines. You are called to service. You're called to be a soldier in a holy army that fights with spiritual weapons, that overcomes evil with good, that overcomes hatred with love, that overcomes lies with truth, that overcomes the force of the flesh with the power of the Spirit.

But make no mistake about it. We are in a war. And my message this morning to the students at CFNI is that following Jesus is a serious matter. So by God's grace, we want to equip you. We want to pour into you. We want to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. If you're not getting our frontline newsletter, it's essential. It's once a month.

It's digital. It's free. Go to and click subscribe. Okay. I want to start with the issue of pro-life. Pro-life. One reason that many of us voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was the issue of Supreme Court justices.

This was a big, big issue. And Trump, to his credit, appointed three conservatives. Not everyone loved every pick, but overall, very good picks from the consensus of most three conservative justices. They were instrumental in the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. Absolutely instrumental. Many other key cases have come before the court that have to do with our essential freedoms as Americans and freedoms as believers.

And in point of fact, the court has ruled in our favor in case after case after case. That's major. I appreciate it. And when I voted for Trump again in 2020, it was also a vote against a Democrat agenda that I consider to be radical and unhelpful. Obviously, I had my issues with Donald Trump's character and behavior.

Obviously, I had concerns about the effect that he would have on the church and to the extent that our association with him would hurt our witness. I had concerns about all those things, weighed it out and felt it was the better alternative to vote for him versus Joe Biden. Of course, the official election results. He is not our president. Joe Biden's been our president the last four years. We know Joe Biden will not be our president.

Again, now it's between Vice President Harris and former President Trump. And we know what the Democrat abortion policy is. We know how radical it is. We know that states have passed laws that, yes, allow for abortion right up until delivery. That is on the books. If there was considered to be a valid reason, even the emotional health of the mother, she can't take, she's going to have a breakdown, you could actually abort a viable baby that would be born one minute later. That's reality. And in Virginia, the previous governor, Northrop, had said—and he had a medical background, correct?

He had said that if there was a case, a baby survived an abortion, then you have a talk with the parents. You let it live or you kill it. This is real. This is known.

This is recorded. So we know the radical policy. We know how radical Vice President Harris's abortion policies would be. We know the celebration of Planned Parenthood within the Democratic Party. We know all that. We get all that. We understand it. And even the pregnancy crisis centers, pregnancy life centers, where they just offer—there are hundreds of them throughout America performing incredible services for the communities, with about 97 percent of the women coming in saying they were treated well.

This very favorably spoke of their treatment. And they're saying, hey, would you like an ultrasound of your baby? Would you like to know other alternatives? No, we don't perform abortions here, but can we give you other alternatives? Can we talk about adoption?

Can we talk about what it would take for you to have the baby and how we can help with that? That's what they do. There could really be a threat to those under a Harris presidency. On the flip side, on the flip side, there are massive problems now on the Republican side. Donald Trump and his debate with Joe Biden made clear absolutely not he would oppose a federal ban on abortion, so something that's been part of the Republican Party platform for years and years. He would oppose a federal ban on abortion. It's back with the states after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Let it stay there. He's made clear on a less controversial level that he accepts the three exception clauses for abortion. Number one, the life of the mother, which is universally accepted. You could do something to save the life of the mother versus the universally accepted. And then, also in the cases of rape and incest. We understand that's less than 1%, or around 1% of all abortions performed overall, but he's made that clear. And then the only statement he's made is they oppose late-term abortions.

Otherwise, and think of this. People have pointed this out. It wasn't the Democrats who did this. It wasn't Barack Obama who did it. It wasn't Joe Biden who did it. It was President Trump who effectively gutted the Republican Party platform.

Read it. It's gutted. It no longer has a pro-life platform in it. It no longer has a pro-life plank, excuse me, in the platform.

That's not there anymore. And please just hang on for a minute. Let me get this all out before you say, I'm not voting for Democrats. I'm not asking you to vote for Democrats.

I could not vote for Kamala Harris myself. All right? Well, why do you take your enthusiasm away from Trump? Because we need to be sober. And my whole goal today is to talk about the pro-life movement and how it needs to recalibrate. And I've been talking to one of my colleagues who's been on the front lines of the pro-life movement for almost 50 years now. And he said, we are really divided, discouraged, disjointed. It's a really, really difficult time. The worst time possible after the overturning of Roe v. Wade to be in this disheartened, discouraged, even divided condition. Not that they're against each other, but it's hard to even unify and come together. So I'm laying out the facts because I want to point to a positive way forward.

All right? The presidential platform, Republican platform under Trump has removed its pro-family, pro-marriage statement. So it opposes radical trans activism.

It doesn't say a word about same-sex quote marriage and things like that. So under Trump's leadership, the GOP party has now shifted to moderate pro-choice, whereas the Democrat party is radical pro-choice or literally radical pro-abortion. But you no longer have a pro-life party in terms of their official stance. Let's go a little further.

J.D. Vance, vice presidential candidate Senator Vance, has said that if a federal ban for abortion made it to the desk of President Trump, he would veto it. Now hang on. That is saying that the American people, by vote, through their elected officials, have enough majority that they can now go with an actual constitutional amendment, a ban, whatever it would take, the exact technical words. But you need, you can't just do that by one vote. Okay, 51-49 majority in the Senate. No.

You need 60. And you need, in the House, you have to have the strong representation so that this is through our electoral process. The people of America, through the process, we haven't said we're going to be 100% versus 0%. It was like that with slavery or anything else in our history.

But 100%, no. But the majority, a strong majority, are saying, we want a federal ban. He's still saying it would be vetoed. Not only so, but President Trump has said, well, I live in Florida, and I've never been comfortable with this thing of six weeks, the pro-life law in Florida.

No abortions after six weeks. So now a push back against that. President Trump said, yeah, that's too soon.

They need more time. I would vote against it. As a citizen of Florida, I would vote against that. And then he said that there would be federal funding for IVF. Now IVF is more controversial. But remember, as much as people have been helped through IVF and had babies through IVF and we rejoice at their success, that maybe ten embryos are created, one is used. What happens to the others?

Do they get thrown away? That is proto-life. That is first stages of human life. So that's controversial as well. And in the past, the problem was the pro-life movement recognized that Trump would stand for many of these issues, and he did, and would vote and nominate and appoint ultimately the Supreme Court justices, and he did, and we appreciate that. But his hard conviction was never fully pro-life to the degree, say, that Ronald Reagan's was, or certainly the pro-life leaders were.

It was never there. In that sense, he was not fully one of us. But we talked about it. We say we, I mean evangelicals and pro-life leaders. Vice President Pence said that he was the most pro-life president in American history. Trump said that of himself, the most pro-life president in American history. I don't want to name names, I've got to look at names here, but I don't want to name names, but there were major national pro-life leaders who said the same thing. He is, and was, the greatest pro-life president in American history. And I believe what happened, and it's so easy to happen, is that at a certain point, a shift took place.

And while the pro-life leaders continue to work tirelessly on the ground, and activism, and with pregnancy life centers, and standing in front of abortion bills sharing the gospel, and fighting for legislation state by state by state, there was a certain degree of putting our trust in the president to get the job done. And now, he's in a very different place. Now he's coming from a very different angle. Now we're in a situation of, what are we getting if he's in? He's voting against this, standing against this, speaking against this. So, it's time for recalibration. It's time for a restart.

We'll talk about it on the other side of the show. This is Michael Ellison, founder of TriVita Wellness. Being aware of the dangers of homocysteine is crucial to protecting our health. This natural, occurring amino acid that the body creates plays a vital role. But when elevated in excess, it can pose significant risk to our health. One of the dangers of elevated homocysteine is the impact on cardiovascular health. Research has shown that high homocysteine can contribute to heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

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Call 1-800-771-5584 or online at It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-344-TRUTH here again.

It's Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back, friends, to the Line of Fire broadcast. Again, I will take some calls on random subjects, 866-348-7884, or you can weigh in on today's subject about the pro-life movement needing to recalibrate.

In a little while, we're going to talk about some of the horrible recent news from Israel. Thanks to our co-sponsor TriVita. Much appreciated the partnership, the great wellness supplements. If you've not gone to, go there, check everything out. And your first order, make it your biggest because 100% of it is donated to the Line of Fire and you get a 25% discount on your orders.

Use the code BROWN25 at Okay, so we can all do this. As human beings, it's our nature to lean on the flesh.

So let me give you an example. Maybe you can relate to this. Maybe you're a pastor or a leader and your church or ministry has really needed funding. So you're on your knees, you're praying to God because you don't know anyone who has the ability to help you. And then God sends somebody or maybe it's just in your own life.

You had a real need. You're a student in college and you're praying for God to break through. You're going out in the mission field for the first time. You're praying to try to start a business and you just need help. And then God sends someone to you, someone with finances, someone with wealth. And they begin to say, hey, let me underwrite this. The Lord told me to pay your tuition.

I'm supposed to support you for the first year. It's very easy now to transfer your faith from God to the person that God is using. Very, very easy. And in many ways, to the extent that now Trump is the pro-life champion, the greatest pro-life president in American history, and he appointed to justices, so we're looking to him to do it. It's easy for any of us, including pro-life leaders, including pro-life politicians, to not look to a person to fight our battles. And I appreciate what Trump did. I was surprised, his first presidency, because I didn't expect it going in. I thought he was just using evangelicals and just using us and that once he got in, he would trash us like others had done or ignore us or put us to the side.

I thought that that would happen. And I was pleasantly surprised, greatly surprised as time went on that he kept so many of his commitments. And I voted for him with more confidence the second time around than the first, although I also saw the potential collateral damage with his presidency. And I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for him now. I'm not trying to talk you out of voting for him. That's not my purpose. I'm talking about how easy it is for us who are pro-lifers to now put our trust in a system or a person that's not what's going to bring about the change. Read my latest article on our website, Just click Read. And you'll see my latest article.

I excerpted from my recent book, Turn the Tide, which says that we have to change hearts and not just change laws. Now, we know this. We understand this. But let's be honest.

Let's be honest. All of you, if I asked you, are you pro-life? Yes. Are you against abortion?

Yes. Raise your hand. Now, be honest.

Be honest. Aside from casting a pro-life vote every two years or four years, or a vote that hopefully will go in the direction of pro-life every two years or four years, aside from that and talking about how you're going to vote, what do you actually do on a regular basis, daily, weekly, monthly basis for the pro-life cause? This is not to condemn.

It's to illustrate a point. I would say the vast majority of us who identify as pro-life, the biggest thing we do is every two years or four years cast a vote. The very few of us are involved on the ground, either working at a, volunteering or serving at a pregnancy life center, pregnancy crisis center, or standing in front of abortion mills, sharing the gospel, and pointing people to other alternatives and other choices other than abortion, or contributing financially to these groups or movements, or praying regularly for turning of hearts and minds, or posting regularly pro-life thoughts and concepts to help change hearts and minds. I would say the great majority of us, God knows the numbers, mainly vote every two years or four years. It's good that we do, but that should be strategy number four or five or six or seven on our list.

And to the extent it becomes number one or number two, to that extent we will absolutely lose the battle. In my book, Revolution in the Church, I talked about the church being a people, a community, and not a building. Now, if you're speaking German, the church building is the kirche, but the people, that's the gemeinde, the community, the congregation.

If you are speaking in Spanish, it's the same as in English. Iglesia is the physical building or the people. In English, the church is the physical building or the people.

And that can create a very misleading impression. That can give a very wrong idea because we go to church that's different than being the church. Really, aside from a couple hours out of your week and maybe some money out of your pocket, going to a church service once a week, giving some money, what are we actually doing and doing it? It's important to be connected and be worshipping with others and hearing the word, but what are we actually doing? And in Revolution in the Church, I talk about the difference between going to church and being the church.

I talk about the fact that the civil rights movement did not change America by people going to a civil rights meeting. Oh, it was inspirational. We saw a video clip from Dr. King. It was incredible. We sang again, Let My People Go.

It was powerful. We heard stories about people kicked out of hotels and wouldn't even get a room because they weren't the right color. But we're so inspired. And you go home, maybe pay your dues, and a week or two later you go back to the next meeting. No, that's not how America was changed. People didn't change America by being part of a meeting, but by being part of a movement. It wasn't going to a meeting, but it was joining a movement.

It's the same with us. Voting is important. Yes, laws are important. But right now there's been so much pushback against abortion. You take a state that was a red state, Ohio, that had laws, pro-life laws going the right direction. Now you end up with some of the most radical pro-abortion laws in the state because of a negative pushback.

So it's both and. It's changing hearts and minds as well as changing laws. And some of my friends on the front lines of the pro-life movement are really re-strategizing.

And they have some great political ideas as well that could be effective. So pray that God would give them unity of heart. Pray for anointing. Pray for wisdom. Pray for grace. Pray for divine strategy.

Pray for divine backing. But ultimately, the key is that grassroots, you and I, on the ground as followers of Jesus, do what we're called to do. Oh, it's costly. There's a price to pay. Our witness is costly.

Standing for what's right is costly. But let's honor the Lord and do what's right and realize that whatever good the president can do or whatever bad the president can do, it's ultimately up to us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Jesus didn't tell the king or the emperor, you are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. He told us, his followers, even the lowliest, even the least, even the unknowns. We are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth. By his grace, we are to be the moral preservative and the moral conscience of society.

We are to be leading the way and doing good and setting the captives free. You say, I don't know what to do. Every day, Lord, here I am.

Send me, use me. It may be in secret prayer. It may be in finances. It may be in sharing the gospel. It may be on social media. It may be preaching in the street corner. It may be on TV.

Maybe in a thousand different ways. He knows. But he's looking for people who are available. He's looking for people who say, here I am, send me.

He's looking for frontline soldiers. And that's all of us. That's you.

That's me. Called to stand, called to do what's right, regardless of cost or consequences. May the leaders of the pro-life movement have wisdom, anointing.

I don't mean that all put their trust in Trump. I'm just saying there could be a shift. There has been a shift of looking too much to a party, to a politician, to bring about change.

It's going to happen on the grassroots through each of us. We come back and we decided to break. Some heavy news from Israel.

I'm going to play a bunch of clips for you. I believe you'll be impacted. Don't call anyone. Hey friends, Michael Brown here. My delight to serve as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. We are living in such urgent times today, friends, that all of us are in the line of fire. There's a target on your back.

There's a target on my back. If you simply seek to live by biblical values or just conservative moral values, you could be canceled. You could be cast out.

You could be put down. You could be silenced. I'm here to say, friends, that I am not about to be silenced, and I don't believe you are either. It is time for us to stand up. It is time for us to say enough is enough. It is time for us to push back in Jesus' name. Not fighting the way the world fights.

No. Overcoming evil with good. Overcoming hatred with love. Overcoming the flesh with the power of the Spirit. Overcoming lies with truth. And that's what we're here to do on the Line of Fire broadcast.

And friends, it's not just a broadcast. It is a movement of people around the world. God's people standing up saying enough is enough and saying, Lord, here we are. Send us. Use us. I want to urge you today to join our support team because we are on the front lines together.

And we are literally touching people around the world, in America, in the nations, in Israel. And together with your help, we're going to amplify this voice and spread this movement around the globe. So I encourage you, go right now to Click Donate Monthly Support. Click Donate Monthly Support. When you do, you become a Torchbearer. We immediately send you two great, life-changing books. We immediately give you access to many classes I've taught. Others have to pay to take those.

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Donate Monthly Support. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on The Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back, friends, to The Line of Fire broadcast. So in recent days, absolutely horrific, shattering news from Israel. With the battle to get the hostages out, six hostages were found dead in a tunnel.

From everything we understand, they were killed within 24 to 48 hours of being found, shot in the back of the head, execution style. And when I was in Israel in June, it was extraordinary to see how the whole nation was traumatized by this. This was your son. This was your daughter. This was your father.

This was your mother. I mean, you're talking about babies celebrating first year birth in captivity. Just mind-boggling. You say, what about all the Palestinians dying? That's horrific. That's terrible. But it is not an intentional assault to show me, show me the Israeli soldiers in Gaza, point blank range, executing an innocent, unarmed civilian with a gunshot to the back of the head.

All right, let's not make this comparison. What Hamas did violates every possible code of law or ethic by taking hostages, in particular, civilian hostages, non-combatants, babies, elderly women, extraordinary, extraordinary cruelty, evil. It's been the only thing that's kept them from being utterly wiped off the map by Israel. It's just trying to fight for the lives of the hostages. And when I was there in Israel, we were driving through Tel Aviv on the way to Jerusalem from the airport, and it's just overwhelming to see. You have right in the city center and all of these, it's just like little tents or booths set up for each of the different hostages and people coming in to rally every day and parents going to talk to people.

It's just day in, day out, almost a year now. And one of them was American, young man whose hand was blown off by a hand grenade and survived that, was in captivity this whole time. Young woman, traumatic story, where she's at the Nova Music Festival, and for four hours, she's on the phone with her sisters. She hid, they were elsewhere. She hid in a car with two friends who were dead, thinking that they would notice her there. She hid in a car with two dead friends.

Think of this. And then she's hiding behind bushes, and she's talking to her sisters, and then finally she says, they caught me, they caught me, and she's gone. So she made it.

She made it until now, then executed, executed in cold blood. It's absolutely traumatic for the nation. There's been a little joy the days before that when a Bedouin, so an Arab Muslim, who was also taken captive because Hamas killed fellow Muslims during their rampage and slaughter on October 7th and took them hostage as well, that he was somehow left behind and Israelis were going through a tunnel and discovered him. So it's been overwhelmingly traumatic, and a pastor called me, wanted to know, why are hundreds of thousands of people protesting against Netanyahu? Why not against Hamas? Well, of course, Hamas is the evil entity, the ultimate tip of the spear of evil, but the Netanyahu government got in. This is the fifth election in just a few years, and they only got in by cobbling together a coalition with extreme right-wing people, some of whom are outright racists, and there's been great division in the nation because of this, and he is rightly being blamed for the security failure. This is on his watch, the massive security failures that allowed October 7th to happen, so he's rightly being blamed for that, but in point of fact, it's Hamas that should be the target right now. The Hamas should be the target of the ire, of the anger. I understand the anger towards Netanyahu, and his critics will say he didn't do enough. He just wanted to stay in power.

He extended the war. I hope the ugliest charges against him are not true in terms of his motivation, but he's rightly indignant. Prime Minister Netanyahu rightly indignant with President Biden for talking about Israel needs restraint now or making it Israel's fault that they didn't do enough to get the hostages out. You have this utterly inhuman, horrific act and the criticism towards Netanyahu, so he responds to this at a press conference.

He's speaking in English here. Let's listen to what he had to say. I was asked whether Israel is not doing enough to release the hostages. Here we go.

Well, I want to set the record straight. On April 27th, Secretary of State Blinken said that Israel made an extraordinary generous offer for a hostage deal. On May 31st, Israel agreed to a U.S.-backed proposal. Hamas refused. On August 16th, Israel agreed to what the United States defined as a final bridging proposal. Hamas refused again.

On August 19th, Secretary Blinken said Israel accepted the U.S. proposal. Now Hamas must do the same. On August 28th, that's five days ago, five days ago, Deputy CIA Director said that Israel shows seriousness in the negotiations.

Now Hamas must show the same seriousness. I want to ask you something. What has changed in the last five days? What has changed?

One thing. These murderers executed six of our hostages. They shot them in the back of the head.

That's what's changed. And now after this, we're asked to show seriousness? We're asked to make concessions? What message does this send Hamas? It says, kill more hostages, murder more hostages, you'll get more concessions. The pressure internationally must be directed at these killers, at Hamas, not at Israel.

We say yes, they say no all the time, but they also murdered these people. And now we need maximum pressure on Hamas. I don't believe that either President Biden or anyone serious about achieving peace and achieving the release would seriously ask Israel to make these concessions. We've already made them. Hamas has to make the concessions.

Thank you very much. You understand the anger there. What changed is what Netanyahu is saying. When something this outrageous and sick happens, shooting people in the back of the head who have been hostages for almost a year, absolutely despicable, inhuman, on every level, on every single level, why is not there just total international rage towards Hamas and a demand that you are cut off from any support, any funding, anything, unless you unconditionally release the rest of the hostages? I understand within Israel the anger towards Netanyahu. I get that.

Worldwide, the rage can only go in one direction. So, there is an ultra-orthodox Jew, Beryl Solomon, interesting story, apparently a former drug dealer and nightclub guy, and now ultra-orthodox Jew, a Lubavitcher, Hasid, as he'd be called, and I just discovered him recently, apparently he's really an entrepreneur and a good social media influencer. So, he's doing an interview with the lieutenant colonel in the IDF about what's actually happening there behind the scenes, trying to get an understanding, and I may not get to a single call or anything today, but I've got a bunch more clips. I want you to hear this. It will take you behind the scenes and give you some insight into what's happening on the ground in this painful, heartbreaking situation.

I know it's that 30 Jewish Thursday, but obviously, we need to talk about these things right now. So, let's listen to clip number one. When they found the hostages, was this a rescue operation for the hostages that went bad?

Is this a recovery of the bodies? There are things we can't say, but we got intelligence. We were getting intelligence all of the time from people we're finding and investigating all the time. We're getting intelligence from them. We're finding more and more tunnels. We're finding more and more hostages. Unfortunately, just before they come, they kill them.

That's what they do. They know that the second we're going to be inside the tunnels, they're finished. So, they're killing our hostages. Now, we want them alive.

We have the best forces in the world. Now, it's not like the Entenbe mission in the 1970s where you come with an amazing plane and come and do a, you know, a superman force, like Gonim Taniyal, Bibi's brother, and do a hostage, save the hostage. One soldier was killed that time. One hostage also was killed, but not in that place.

This is much more complicated. They are holding our hostages and the shavuim, you know, as human shields. The second they see, hear, feel someone coming close that is not their people, they shouldn't kill. And they explode themselves up. They have suicide bombers that they are hostages also, which means they're taking Hamas people or Palestinians from Gaza and putting them, suicide vests on them and they're actually also hostages with the Jewish hostages also.

The second someone comes close, they shoot to kill and they explode themselves. So, guys, we have the only reason to get them out back. Now, of course, we have here and there some heroic actions we find when they're not controlled by these people in the tunnels. When they're like Almog, the girl, and all the four guys over there and some guy over here and there, we took them out because they're held by like Al Jazeera people or other people who are not exactly the elite forces of the Hamas. Do you believe, so I saw a map recently of how Gaza has been cut up and how they've sort of concentrated all of the people within Rafah. Do you believe that the rest of the hostages are in Rafah and is there a chance of getting them out? Meaning, where are they holding with the rest of the hostages? We don't know exactly where they are, okay. We know they're in Khan Yunis, okay, Senwar's hometown, and Rafah. Why were they not smuggled out to Egypt or to another country?

Let's hope that when we didn't have the filled out for the first half year of the war, let's hope they weren't smuggled out. I think Egypt would not allow that to happen yet. Now, by the way, Egypt is an enemy country. We have no peace with them. They're doing bad, they're doing terrorism, they're bringing from the Sinai border also lots of terrorism. They're not, listen, officially we have peace with them, but they're not acting like people who was in a peaceful connection with us. Why did we not have control of the Philadelphia border before this?

If Israel wanted to, they could have taken it on day one. Because I'm a middle, like, lieutenant colonel, which means I have six different guys under me, and I'm like the middle officer in Iraq. The high command is doing a very, from my opinion, a lot of this is also you could send this to your people.

We're frustrated with what's going on in the high command of the idea. The guys who failed cannot win the war. The people who actually brought this on us, the intelligence, the southern command officers, Garland, the minister of security, is saying we could release Philadelphia route. These people were in the past 20, 25 years, based on the light of the routine of giving them, helping them, will make them not do terrorism to us.

No, that's a big, big mistake. To win this war, you have to take down the high command. They replaced the high command. Thank you so much, guys, for doing your job. You are heroes, but not for this war. We have to have other people who think differently in this war. I could give you names later on or now, but I'm saying that these guys cannot win the war because they don't know how to win the war. How do you win the war? I'll say how and what means victory. Powers will be strong and tough.

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These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This is how we rise up It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Welcome back, friends, to the Line of Fire. I actually gave out the wrong clip there, so I want to go back and start with an earlier clip in the interview. This was really into the interview already. This will set the context for you a little bit better. So this is Orthodox Jew Beryl Solomon interviewing Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Jacobs, but Jacobs, they'll be introduced as we go on. So it's going to start with a newscast and then into the interview. So this is, I needed to start there, but it'll all be clear as you listen.

Let's go ahead. Six hostages were just discovered in Rafah who were killed by Hamas. The IDF announcing they have found six dead hostages inside of a tunnel in Gaza just days ago. I have with us a Lieutenant Colonel from the IDF, Daniel Jacobs.

He is the Lieutenant Colonel of over 700 soldiers, and he has some inside information for us about the operation, what's going on in Israel right now. So what happened now actually in Israel is a little trauma because it's going from all the sides. We're having also Gaza issues, West Bank issues, this is Dan Chamon, Janine, Jevron was killed, three guys were killed in Jevron, Gush Etzion, two guys were injured.

All around what's going on now is crazy. So I'll start with Gaza and I'll go up north later on. So as you guys know, we found on the way to one of the tunnels, we were actually finding the tunnels. We found inside the tunnels six guys, six bodies, the people who were hostages up to a few days ago, probably Thursday or Wednesday. We didn't know exactly when they were killed.

So until last Wednesday they were alive. They were killed, they were executed by the most worst terrorist organization in the world, Hamas. I'm sure you guys are hearing the news now what's going on in Israel, left, right issues. The Hamas is to blame what's going on now in Gaza. Not the left, not the right, in Israel. We're always used to blaming ourselves on issues that are happening around Israel. We knew actually where some of the houses were a few months ago.

We knew where one of the, probably maybe even Sinwar in one of the tunnels in Khan Yunis, that's his hometown. Two terrorists came out of the tunnels with underpants and hands up. Our special forces almost shot them, but they listened to what they're saying and they said, if you come into these tunnels, we're going to shoot and kill and kill anyone inside this tunnel, so we treated back.

So I asked you what happened a few days ago, could have happened also a few months ago. I'm going to ask the question for everybody watching this right now, why was it not done a few months ago? I'm not blaming anybody. We want the hostages alive.

The people were kidnapped in the festival and from people with semen from their home beds. We want them back home safely. This is the most craziest thing we have going on in the past couple months and of course weeks in this whole issue with agreement, non-agreement. We have to understand that agreement is important for Israel, but we're doing a deep agreement with the devil. We cannot agree that the Philadelphia route will be open. If we open up the Philadelphia, which was Egypt and Gaza, the Egyptians and the Hamas in Egypt have lists and tons and tons and thousands of terrorists waiting to go into Gaza when they open and take control of the southern route of Gaza.

They're waiting for it. Yeah, I saw a post from Rabbi Pesach Walicki, Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, now has become a friend, and a hostage's son was saying, what's more important, my father or the Philadelphia corridor? So again, this would connect Gaza to Egypt and Israel now has control of it. Which is more important?

This is a son asking about his father. Rabbi Walicki, who's got his own kids serving on the front lines in the military these days, Rabbi Walicki said actually maintaining the corridor is more important. In other words, if we give it up, then thousands more will certainly die. I mean, these are agonizing situations. The nation is in trauma.

Just think of if you've gone through a terrible hardship, a terrible hardship, and maybe you lose a loved one, then you have a major physical issue in your own life, maybe a car accident, and then your business collapses, and this all happens within a couple of years. I mean, you are officially deeply traumatized. Deeply traumatized. That's the state of the nation now. And obviously, all the people of Gaza, deeply traumatized in the midst of this war. It's an agonizing situation. But right now, with the horrific, shocking news, I mean, every day, people are the hostages, the hostages, the hostages.

They carry it in their hearts, they carry it in their mind. To find out, not just that dead bodies were found, but executed just devastated the nation. The clip ended, you said, well, the clip from the last segment ended, and Lieutenant Colonel talked about how to win the war. It wasn't like the specific strategy you'd be looking for, where we lost the end of that clip.

It was more just saying it has to be fought a certain way, and the current leadership of the military or security is not ready to fight it. All right, one more clip. This is extended, but let's listen to this while we still have time.

Go ahead. You know, one thing that drives me crazy about Israel is we try to separate God and Torah and Hashem and mitzvot from Israel and from the IDF. What do you think is the Torah approach and Hashem's approach, God's approach, to this war? Well, we're going to read the Torah approach in a few more weeks. Ki Tetzah la min chamal, right? Ki Tetzeh? And also, we just passed Re'eh. Re'eh, if you do good and you go in ways of God, God will help you.

Okay? And it says also, Ki Tetzah la min chamal v'yivicha, which means when you go in battle, you have to be, first of all, even in a mitzvah, in a war of a mitzvah, I don't know what it's called in English, you have to leave your wife, leave your farm, leave your house, leave everything, no matter what, and go to battle. We have to be together. We have to bring the religious people into this war.

Not as battle fighters, bring them to help in hospitals, bring them just to help be part of the, you know, third time I'm going into the reserves now. You yourself are religious. You're wearing, are you religious yourself? I'm unorthodox. I'm unorthodox.

Beautiful. You keep Shabbat, you keep kosher. Right?

And the best thing is nidat. So, you saw me in the Kotel when I had finished my first half year. Then we went, two platoons of mine went into Gaza for one more month. And now we're going into October, I'm going to lose all the chagim to go in the reserves a third time. It's always on our shoulders.

Same people again and again. So, beginning at 150%, now having 75%, and in October maybe 50% of my guys are going to come to the reserves because they are tired, they have left their homes and families and they're exhausted, they want to go back to reality and normal life. And we can't because we're fighting this mitzvah. We're fighting the war. Now, some of the guys are getting divorced, some of the guys are getting this or losing their jobs or whatever. It's crazy. And it's on us.

And it's always on the people who are doing it again and again and again. We need help. We need it from the Hasidim, from the religious, we need it from the liberals in Tel Aviv. We also need help from the Americans. And you guys were helping us a lot in the beginning.

But now, we kind of lost it. What do you mean? Financially?

Morally? What do you mean? When I got the letters from the Americans, I got letters with all kinds of candies or lots of toothpicks. Enough of toothpicks. We got enough toothpicks. But we got drones and we got all kinds of things that were life-saving devices.

I'm not sharing this to brag, I'm sharing this to inspire. I mean, you reached out to me for last week for what? What did you need? Coffee mugs?

What did I even sponsor last week? Yeah, I got my guys' flashlights for the helmets, okay? And coffee kits for long missions.

I paid for coffee kits and for flashlights? Listen, this small thing that maybe a couple thousand here, a couple down there, it's a very, very important thing because the army is no budget for nothing. Listen, they hardly have money for ammunition like you probably know. So everything extra, I have to get for my soldiers on my own.

For last winter, I got my soldiers' fleas, you know, black fleas or brown ones, green ones? Because if not, my soldiers will be cold and not do missions and be freezing. Because the army said, listen, Daniel, just do what you have, if you have connections, use them.

Right, so this is the reality on the ground, friends. Going on this long, the army being that depleted, like he said, the enemy knows that Israel is better in a short war than a long war. Men in the reserves, so families, so you just go back, you go back, you go back. We're not just talking about all the young people, 18 and older, just right out of high school, straight into the military, mandatory service, a couple years for the women, three years for the men. But reserves, if you're a man, you're 40 years old, married with four kids and a job, you're called on, you go back. And some volunteer to keep going back. This is, it's that real that they're saying, yo, we didn't have, we didn't have fleeces, coats to put on during the winter. We needed that.

Flashlights, different things like that. That's the reality on the ground. This is what Israel is in the midst of, so I want you to be aware of it. I saw someone post on X the other day, well, how come no one talks about the Palestinian children being killed? I actually, I hear about it day and night. I hear Israel being accused of genocide day and night.

I see pictures when there's something that happens. For example, before Israel moved into Rafah, they successfully relocated about one million people in just a matter of a couple of weeks, two, three weeks in utensities because they were going in for their last offensive there in Rafah. And the Biden administration wanted to slow them down and they said, look, we will relocate everybody.

And they did, successfully. And then there's a bomb that drops. The next thing you hear about absolute horror, mind-boggling horror, Palestinians, including children, burned alive. You say, what did Israel do? Well, Israel bombed a Hamas outpost, which was set up right near where the refugees were in the tent cities, not knowing that there was a stockpile of Hamas weapons bombs there. So, when they took out the Hamas terrorists, it also ignited bombs that were right next to the civilians, put there by Hamas. So, Hamas is the ones responsible for the deaths of those children. Israel is taking out terrorists in a careful way. And because Hamas was embedded there with the refugees, with their bombs near the refugees, this atrocity takes place. It does not mean everything Israel does is right or righteous, but it means our indignation should be against the evil of Hamas. Pray against most enemies here. It's critical.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-09-03 19:41:24 / 2024-09-03 20:03:09 / 22

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