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Donald Trump, the Greatest Pro-Life President

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
January 24, 2025 3:39 pm

Donald Trump, the Greatest Pro-Life President

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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January 24, 2025 3:39 pm

Donald Trump was already the greatest pro-life president in history from his first term alone, and on Thursday he delivered once again. Charlie talks about Trump's incredible pardons for pro-life activists imprisoned by the Biden Administration, and also reacts to the administration's declassification of the JFK assassination documents. Newt Gingrich also joins to talk about the events of Trump's first five days, and why they are some of the most prolific days of any sitting U.S. President.

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Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show.

The golden era continues with Newt Gingrich as we talk about the significance of President Trump taking office and also my favorite executive order that has gotten very little coverage. Email us as always at freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk show. Get involved with Turning Point USA at That is

Start a high school or college chapter today at As always, you can email us freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. That is freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House. We have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

To buy gold, go to Now, for years, Republican politicians have been very skittish to engage on the issue of life. As you know, on this program, we are 100% pro-life and fight for the unborn not just on this program, but on college campuses, the most difficult place to advance such values and such a worldview. For years, Republican politicians have talked a good game when it comes to abortion and pro-life, but they rarely ever did anything.

They rarely ever made any policy decisions that were consequential in the fight for life. George W. Bush never even spoke at the March for Life. George W. Bush put people that were sympathetic with a pro-abortion agenda on the U.S. Supreme Court, such as John Roberts. Donald Trump changed all of that. As you know, Donald Trump was responsible for the reversal of Roe versus Wade and even owned it throughout the campaign.

In his actions, President Donald Trump is and will be remembered as the most pro-life president in American history, the most pro-life president, to fight for those that can't fight for themselves in the clear moral struggle that is in front of us. Today is March for Life, and many Republican politicians want you to ignore what is happening at the March for Life. Oh, don't talk about that issue. That issue is bad for us. And look, to be perfectly honest, the vast majority of the country is not where I am on the issue of pro-life or abortion. Totally understand that.

Totally get that. All the more reason for the March for Life, all the more reason to go march in the streets and to build up public support. Yesterday began a series of executive actions and pardons by President Donald Trump to show his support for the pro-life community, to show his commitment to delivering for pro-life patriots and people that have been wrongly scrutinized and criminalized. There is this law that never should have existed. It is anti-First Amendment, and it was used intentionally by the Biden regime to go after faithful Christians who would pray outside of abortion clinics. It is called the FACE Act, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. Now, even if you are somewhat pro-abortion or okay with abortion, you should be 100 percent against the FACE Act. The FACE Act basically carves out an unconstitutional island in America where people who want to say prayers outside of abortion clinics protected by the First Amendment are not allowed to do so. Meanwhile, if you want to protest, which is illegal, outside of a Supreme Court justice's home, the Department of Justice will not come after you.

So the FACE Act was rarely ever used. It says if you use physical force or threaten physical force to intentionally injure, intimidate, interfere with someone trying to get an abortion, okay, I get that, but that's not what actually ended up happening. The third one was that interfere by exercising their First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship. According to some anecdotal evidence from pro-life groups, the presence of people praying outside an abortion clinic can lead to a noticeable decrease in the number of abortions, with some claiming a drop of up to 28 percent in certain situations.

It has been a long-standing tradition for Christians to pray outside of abortion clinics. The FACE Act makes it a federal crime to do a left-wing style protest in exactly one place, an abortion clinic. Now, President Donald Trump was presented with these pro-life warriors who were targeted by the Biden regime for exercising their First Amendment rights. And to be clear, these people are on public property. This is a legitimate and legal protest.

They're not blocking the door, they're not doing anything of that sort, a circumstance. The FACE Act says you are not allowed to even voice your opinion in the proximity of an abortion clinic. For praying, President Donald Trump saw this, weighed all of the options, and issued full pardons for these pro-life warriors.

Calvin Zastrow, Heather Adoni, Bevelyn Williams, Paulette Harlow, Joan Bell, Jean Marshall, Herb Garrity, Jonathan Darnell, John Hinshaw, and Lauren Handy. Now, one in particular, Bevelyn Williams, is this amazing pro-life warrior who was released from prison. A black woman who loves her family, loves her country, who was put in federal prison. Does this look like the type of person who should be in federal prison?

Watch this, it's cut 160 net. Look, look, look, look at mama. Look at mama.

Look at us. And to be clear, none of these people did any acts of violence. Bevelyn Williams did not do any acts of violence. She did not burn down a Wendy's, she did not do any massive BLM type protest, but she got the most severe penalties imaginable. And President Donald Trump, in a courageous action, stands with the pro-life faithful in this country. She was a political prisoner because if you dare do anything outside of an abortion clinic, that is left-wing blasphemy. It is against the national state-run religion of the Democrat Party.

She was going to be stripped from her loving child and husband for nearly four years. And President Donald Trump deserves all the credit for this. I did what I could to try to vouch and push for this, but President Trump got lots of phone calls and lots of people, including many senators like Senator Josh Hawley, and he delivered. Now let me make a message to any pro-life warrior out there that might not have voted for Donald Trump, that might not have worked for Donald Trump, and there are lots of them out there. Some pro-lifers decided to say, I'm not going to get involved.

I'm not going to do anything to help Trump. He's not as pro-life as I would like him to be. He's not as pro-life as I am.

Well, now you can see the result of being able to have political power. On one side right now, you have abortion on demand websites being taken down on health and human services. You have pro-life warriors that are being pardoned and more pro-life victories coming, by the way. I don't want to leak any information, but more pro-life victories coming. On the other side, you would have Kamala Harris, who would definitely not pardon these people. They would be in jail forever. You would have more pro-life warriors and more pastors being put in jail.

It really was a binary. But let this be a learning lesson for any of some of the self-righteous activists who refuse to do anything to lift a finger for President Trump. Not only were you wrong, you were actively helping the enemy. And some people say, oh, I was just honoring God. Helping Kamala Harris is not honoring God. Helping that former illegitimate regime that was gender-mutilating our kids, keeping our borders wide open, that does not honor God.

Instead, those of you who did step up with courage and clarity to help President Donald Trump, despite all the noise around you, you guys can rest easy and see these victories be delivered. Life is a gift from God. And now we have the most pro-life administration in history. J.D. Vance is speaking at the March for Life today.

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Visit slash Charlie or call 972-PATRIOT. We are in the midst of a constitutional reset. We're in the midst of the rule of law being administered in this country. This is Liberation Week. It's really going to be Liberation Month. Think about all the changes that are happening.

J.D. Vance is going down to go speak at the March for Life. President Donald Trump is on his way to go visit the terrible damage in North Carolina and then California.

For those of you that are news junkies that watch here on the Charlie Kirk show, the pace is hard to keep up. And yesterday, President Donald Trump, oh, just happened to do another thing that would be the number one news story on the planet. He declassified all the MLK and JFK files. Oh, sorry, forgot to mention that.

Not to mention signed other executive orders. Now, I want to spend some time on this because, first of all, Kalen Doar, who is a good friend, is like the White House digital director. Did you see how beautiful the White House website looks? It's very good. I sent some very strong messages asking why their website looks better than ours. It's beautiful.

It's very clean. Andrew might be getting some of those messages, but not yet. I'm kidding. I love this website. And so what you can do on White House dot gov is actually read all of the executive orders. And there are some amazing executive orders that kind of slip through the cracks that people did not cover the first or second day. So I want to go through some of these because they're just amazing. So we know about restoring the freedom of speech. We know about the national emergency on energy.

But let me kind of go through some of these. So President Donald Trump, on his first day in office, out of all the things that is going on, he signs an executive order that is this putting people over fish, stopping radical environmentalism to provide water to Southern California. Can we put this up on screen?

I'm going to send this in the group chat. This one got no play. The name of the executive order that will be in the archives one thousand years from now, when historians are studying the United States of America, they're going to go through the presidential executive orders and there will be an executive order that says putting people over fish. Putting people over fish, stopping radical environmentalism to provide water to Southern California. And it's a very good executive order that says no more death, death or smelt.

This is great. Within 90 days, this memorandum, the Secretary of Commerce and Interior, Interior shall report to me the progress made in implementing the policies in this memorandum. The moral clarity of Trump is so clear, which is that actually human beings matter more than little goldfish.

President Donald Trump continued his executive order spree. This is one of my other favorites on day one, promoting beautiful federal civic architecture. This one got no play at all.

No play. Everyone was talking about birthright citizenship or January six. And this one is very profound. You can tell a lot about a society based on the type of buildings that you erect as you drive around this town, Washington, D.C. And you look at the Department of Energy or the Department of Education. They are indecipherable aesthetically from a federal prison.

They are the most ugly buildings. And it's almost as if the building takes on the form of the meaning of the department. Everything is very bureaucratic.

Everything is very linear. There is no ascension towards the divine. Now, I'm far from an expert in civic architecture, but I know two very basic rules.

You try to have structures that point up towards the divine and the circle is the perfect shape because there is no start. No is no finish. Is that the Department of Education? Is that not the most ugly thing you've ever seen? Oh, that's the FBI. Is that not the most ugly thing you've ever seen?

And that's not even the ugliest in Washington, D.C. It looks like a file cabinet. And in fact, the reason it looks like a file cabinet is actually of great significance and meaning. Because a file cabinet is kind of like a bureaucracy.

And remember, bureaucrat comes from the French word, which means desk worker. So the building takes on the form of the meaning. It looks like a Soviet prison, which is what they want it to be. It looks like the deep state because that's what it is.

No window is better than the others. We are all one. It's very collectivistic. It's very, dare I say, totalitarian. It's the Borg 196. Look at this beautiful feat of architecture. Let's go to 196.

OK, I can do that. I mean, that's that's pathetic. That's the Department of Education. President Donald Trump's executive order says, no, we're going to have marble. We're going to have traditional architecture, not this garbage. Promoting beautiful federal civic architecture. One of my favorite executive orders from President Trump. Making America great again starts with making America healthy again.

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864-644-1900. Joining us now is speaker Newt Gingrich. Mr. Speaker, welcome to the program. So much to discuss. But first, I want to make sure that we discuss your new film coming out, which will premiere on PBS on January 14th at 10 p.m. Eastern. I want to play the trailer and then get some of your remarks on it.

Play cut 191, please. Immigrants have come to America from around the world for many reasons. Some fled famine and poverty.

Others sought religious freedom and some came to the possibility of a better life. My name is Henry Kissinger and I came to America in 1938. The promise of freedom and opportunity continues to be a powerful draw for those who make their journey to America.

Mr. Speaker, tell us about this project. Well, I think it was inspired by Calista because her grandmother came to the United States legally from Poland through Ellis Island, as did something like 12 million other people. And so we believe deeply in legal immigration and we are strongly opposed to illegal immigration. And we wanted to make the case that people who have come here legally, some famous like Henry Kissinger, others like Maria Daum, who had been adopted from a Siberian orphanage and went on to become the first woman certified by the Marine Corps as a combat infantryman.

All of them in their own unique way has made America a better, wealthier, more secure country. And it's important that we find ways to strengthen legal immigration at the very same time that we control the border and we deport people who are here illegally. So that's why we did it. We're very proud that PBS picked it up and that people can find it streaming at I think I'll find that it's a very educational and at the same time, a very interesting show. I love the premise and what an applicable segue to what we are now seeing and living through. I want to get into the deportations and of President Trump, what he's doing immigration wise. But Mr. Speaker, I have to get your historical analysis first.

Let's just take an even greater step back and look more macro. On Monday, President Donald Trump took the oath of office in the capitol rotunda in the most triumphant political comeback in American history. Put this into words in a historical context of what we, the American people, are living through and what President Donald Trump accomplished this week. You know, when Kostin and I were in the rotunda listening to the speech, it hit me that it's the most revolutionary inaugural address in American history. The next morning I went and read Jefferson's first and second inaugurals, Andrew Jackson's first inaugural, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first inaugural. Sure enough, Donald Trump on Monday gave the most revolutionary speech.

If you read it and think about it, it's about cultural change, it's about political change, it's about economic change, it's about governmental change, and it's about changes in our role in the world. All those in 30 minutes, clear, decisive. And then what's amazing is, instantaneously, he began implementing it with hundreds of executive orders. He has in the last five days, I think, done almost as much as Franklin Roosevelt did in 100 days.

In fact, I told him that if he keeps us up for 10 days, he will have passed Franklin Roosevelt's 100 days, and that he shows no sign of slowing down. And if you saw him speaking to Davos by television, he laid it out for the business leaders of the world. You want to create jobs in America, you're going to have low taxes.

You want to create jobs overseas and try to sell in America, you're going to have a tariff. I think that was probably a huge, sobering shock to many of those business leaders. And you've already seen several groups come together to commit $500 billion for artificial intelligence.

The head of Saudi Arabia has pledged $600 billion in investments in the United States. And I think Trump has decided he's going to be probably the most consequential president, other than Washington and Lincoln, that we've had in American history. And he's certainly working at it pretty hard the first week. Mr. Speaker, I agree with all of that. I want to get your take on the lack of something.

I expected more resistance. President Donald Trump signed an executive order challenging birthright citizenship. If he would have done that back in 2017, he would have been met with 500,000 protesters in Washington the next day. President Donald Trump freed the January 6 prisoners, all of them.

And all we got were a bunch of whiners on cable TV. Where is the rank and file? Where is the infantry resistance of the American left?

Are they in hibernation or have they been eliminated? Well, you know, I think a couple of things. First of all, his nine-year project to get back here is unlike anything in American history. They did everything they could to stop him, and he's here. And maybe the most iconic moment was when he was shot and stood up with his fist up in the air yelling, fight, fight, fight. I think it took something out of his opponents to realize that you're dealing here not with a normal politician.

You're dealing with a citizen who has become a juggernaut of history. Second, the fact that he won by more than 2 million votes and that he carried every single swing state, all seven of them, I think demoralized the left. Here they had thrown everything they could at him, and here he is standing triumphant. And then they're watching, you know, to go back to General Thompson's phrase, they're watching shock and awe.

I mean, he's hitting them from so many different angles every day. They're getting 20 or 30 things to be outraged about daily, and I think they're just mystified. And I think the elite media knows that they're in deep trouble. They're declining economically. They're getting people laid off. Frankly, programs like yours or like Joe Rogan or like Fox News, all of these have become dramatically more important than the traditional elite media. And the result is that their revenue is going down, their employment is going down.

You look at the layoffs at places like The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times. This is a different world. Now, let me be very clear, and you sort of said this at the beginning, all we got so far is a ticket to the dance. We haven't realigned America. We haven't won massive majorities like Franklin Roosevelt. And so we've got to perform. We've got to do well enough to keep the House in 26. We've got to do well enough to elect another Republican president in 28. And until we've done that, I think we're still in a gray zone where Trump's personality is carrying us. But we haven't yet quite solidified the country as a new, MAGA-oriented, traditional American country, which is where Trump is taking us.

I think that is extremely wise. And President Trump does have a Washington-like quality, where Washington was larger than life. He would march straight into battle, as you well know, be shot at and even shot. And there was almost an aura around him that made him largely culturally and politically invincible. You said something, though, that historians would scoff at in prior years, and now they're maybe reconsidering. You said he is attempting or on pace to be on in the same sentence as Washington and Lincoln.

Please make that case. Well, I think Washington and Lincoln will always be preeminent. Washington essentially created the country. Lincoln held the country together through a four-year civil war.

So they're in a little different class. But if you go one layer below to Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Franklin Roosevelt, I have no doubt that Trump is going to end up— if he continues at this pace for four years and keeps the House and elects a successor, I have no doubt he will end up in a zone just below Washington and Lincoln and above people we've historically thought of as great presidents. And I think that if you watch his authenticity—I watched it the other night on Hannity, and they've known each other for 30 years— he's so calm, he's so relaxed, he's so much comfortable with himself that I think this is a very important moment. You know, Clifton and I made two movies, one about John Paul II called Nine Days That Changed the World, where he went back to Poland, and the other movie about Reagan called Rendezvous with Destiny. And Reagan and John Paul II meet for the first time, and they've both been shot. And part of their conversation is, why did God spare us? And they concluded that God had spared them from the assassins so they could defeat the Soviet empire.

And they agreed on an alliance which worked to defeat the Soviet empire. I think President Trump thought very deeply—I know Speaker Mike Johnson said after the second assassin was captured, Trump realized how really deep a problem and threat this was. And he and Trump went off to a room and prayed for two hours. Now, I think you're seeing a man who has been profoundly shaped by realizing that God saved him and that therefore he owes a different quality of duty than he would have thought a year ago. And I've known Trump a long time. This is a more sober, more serious, more considerate person than he was before these assassination attempts. I think that's exactly right. And he looks as if he has a centeredness that—I don't want to say it was lacking in the first term, but it is deepened and strengthened.

He feels present, ready, in total command and control of every room that he comes into. There's almost nothing that can surprise you once you've been shot, literally, at that point. What bad news article are they going to write about you? He's faced 700 years in federal prison. They tried to take his business empire away from him. And that word duty has been lost in American political virtue for quite some time.

And the media deep down almost knows that not only they've lost, but he kind of won in such a way that no matter how much they complain, they can't possibly stop him at this point unless there's legislative issues, which we're going to talk about. Mr. Speaker, please plug the film one more time. Sure. Journey to America. You can find it on

It's a great portrait of nine people who have made America a much better country. All right, everybody, it's playoff time. I don't want to hear—if you guys are a Chiefs fan, just skip through this, because I've got no patience.

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I'm just going to say it. It's at Arrowhead, right? Obviously, yeah, because the Chiefs are the number one seed. I think he's going to go crazy. The last time the Bills in a playoff went to the Kansas City Chiefs, if I'm not mistaken, was in 2022, was in that very famous playoff game, very famous playoff game where Josh Allen tied it and went to overtime. And then the Chiefs went down and they actually changed the playoff rules because of it. I'm very long on Josh Allen.

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But I'm just exhausted with like how much. By the way, have you noticed how the Taylor Swift op was very de-emphasized? Have you noticed that? Does she still go to games, Daisy?

It's very de-emphasized. It was like the number one thing. And now.

Yeah. Well, let's see how many losers she's picked. She picked Biden. I mean, she picked Kamala.

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Visit prize picks dot com for restrictions and details. Mr. Speaker, what could go wrong at this point? What are the potential cautionary pitfalls? You've been and seen a lot of presidencies that this administration needs to be cautious of and aware of.

Well, I think first of all, you have to have a certain level of humility. President Kennedy had a sign on his desk that said, Oh, Lord, your ocean is so big and my boat is so small. And even if you're as big as President Donald Trump, the world is much, much bigger. So you have to be cautious. You have to worry about not starting a nuclear war with Russia. You have to worry about what North Korea is going to do. You have to make sure that the Chinese communists don't think they can cross the Taiwan straits. You've got to worry about the Iranians who are religious fanatics and try to help the Iranian people who are not religious fanatics.

I mean, there are a lot of things out there that make the world complicated. We're undertaking a brand new struggle where we have defined criminal organizations like the cartels as terrorist groups. That involves a whole series of decisions. And Mexico is a big country.

It's a country that has large sections of it being run by criminal gangs. So that's going to be a major concern. The biggest concern, I think, for the president, the thing he has to focus on, is the economy. It's vital to him to keep the House in 2026, and it's going to be a real fight. If the economy is growing, if there's a sense of a Trump boom, then I think he's got a good chance of keeping the House. If the economy is still floundering, then I think there's a real likelihood we'll lose the House, and you'll end up with a Nancy Pelosi environment of Democrats obstructing, blocking, investigating, and possibly impeaching. So this is the central decision point, and that requires, in my judgment, passing a very, very strong bill.

I think by Memorial Day, as Speaker Johnson said, or certainly no later than July the 4th, because it's got to go into effect. Now, the early reports, $500 billion committed for artificial intelligence, the Saudis committing $600 billion, these are great things. But to get the average American on board, they've got to see the taxes change, the regulations change, the economy growing. If that happens, and with people like you, and I have to say, you were extraordinarily helpful and important in the last presidential campaign, and I think you made a significant difference, particularly in reaching out to younger Americans. So with the help of the entire team that elected him president, we have a chance to make sure we not only just keep the House, but we actually increase our margin. There are 13 Democrats in seats that Donald Trump carried. There are another 21 Democrats that are in seats he got within 5%. They're going to vote very strangely, very much against the American people, and we have a real chance to beat them and to substantially increase the majority that Speaker Johnson has to work with.

Well, thank you for those kind words, Mr. Speaker. My inclination has been for two bills, but can you convince our audience otherwise? I'm not against one. I mean, I'm far from a legislative expert. Why do you think one bill would be the best solution?

Well, let me just say as part of the background that I've engineered this before. We were the only Congress in 100 years to pass four consecutive balanced budgets, pass welfare reform, pass tax cuts, pass food and drug administration reform, invent Medicare Advantage. We did all that with the Democratic president.

Why? Because we followed Ronald Reagan's principle, Abraham Lincoln's principle, which is you start with the American people. President Trump, if he will campaign for about 10 weeks and go into the districts I just mentioned, the 34 that are vulnerable Democrats, he will pass a big bill.

I don't think you can do that twice in the first six months of the year. And I think it's desperately important that that be the tax cuts, deregulation, energy, affordability bill. I think you can throw in things for immigration. He's frankly going to do a lot on immigration without a bill. And I think people say we want a quick early victory. No, I want a decisive victory that shapes the economy for next year to give us a chance to keep the House.

Anything less than that is a failure. And I think the Senate is so cumbersome and so difficult to work just structurally that even though John Thune is going to be a very good majority leader and very cooperative with Trump, frankly, he would have a very hard time getting two big bills through the Senate in six months. So if I have to choose, I want one really big bill, as Trump describes it, one big beautiful bill. And I think that's the safest if you want to keep a majority in the House.

It's the safest if you want the Trump presidency to be successful. Very persuasive, Mr. Speaker. I yield to the experts and no matter what we'll be helping, whatever the team decides, we'll be there to support and we'll be there to make sure it happens. Mr. Speaker, thank you so much. Great to be with you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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