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You Are Watching Your Country Be Taken Back

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
January 23, 2025 4:10 pm

You Are Watching Your Country Be Taken Back

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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January 23, 2025 4:10 pm

ICE agents have been unleashed to round up immigrant criminals who were always there, but whom Biden refused to go after. Foreign investment is pouring back into the U.S. now that Biden isn't around. American patriots are going free and DEI commissars are losing their jobs. You are watching America be taken back, and the Trump administration isn't even close to finished yet. Charlie discusses their strategy, then talks to comedian and podcaster Dave Smith about the pardon for crypto and tech pioneer Ross Ulbricht.

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Hey everybody. The cultural depression is ending. Recap of day three of the Trump presidency. As always, you can email me freedom at and subscribe to our podcast.

We go through the Ross Albrecht pardon and the latest deportations happening in Boston. Involve a Turning Point USA at That is Start a high school or college chapter today at Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to We are parked here in DC until further notice, until all the nation's problems are solved. It is really something to witness the pace and the rapidity of which this administration is working. I had the opportunity to go to the White House yesterday and see firsthand how hard the staff is working. They don't have to be operating at this kind of pace. They do not have to be setting the pace this way.

I mean, there are so many more days to do these things. The way an administration usually works is kind of settle in, go to the Navy mess, sign a couple ceremonial executive orders, say, well, we have to get a big piece of legislation passed. Let's meet with some senators, meet with some congressmen, wait for our cabinet to get confirmed. The White House is now the fulcrum of liberty on the planet. It is the center of a free society.

If you desire a free society that's happening on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And there you see President Donald Trump signing executive order after executive order. There are one thousand four hundred and fifty eight days to go of this Trump presidency.

One thousand four hundred and fifty eight. There are two and a half days fully in the books, half of a day on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday, President Donald Trump continued his shock and awe, his executive order blitzkrieg, and the media cannot keep up. You see, they are overwhelming the system, kind of very similar to how the cabinet picks were chosen. They just can't keep up with what President Trump is doing. It's hard for those of us that do this for a living to keep up. The news is coming at such a velocity. And I'm a professional.

I do this for a living. And I have to really slow down and read the actual text of the executive order. To recap yesterday, as of five p.m. last night, the shutdown of all DEI offices in the government and placed all existing DEI employees on indefinite leave, not to be reallocated, not to go be able to do other damage, indefinite leave. That is a precursor likely towards their termination. You want to go be a DEI official?

Go work for Salesforce. President Donald Trump announced a new deployment of one thousand five hundred active duty troops to assist in securing the U.S. Mexico border. And I've been told that that is just the beginning, that it might get up to as much as ten thousand, maybe even twenty thousand troops.

Also, public reporting shows that as well. This one's really remarkable. President Donald Trump had a call with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia announced it would invest six hundred billion dollars, six hundred billion dollars into the United States.

Now, think about this for a second. Did Joe Biden ever have a similar type of announcement? Oh, I just got off the phone with the country and they're going to announce investing the money. Donald Trump has secured over one trillion dollars in 48 hours. President Donald Trump has secured over one trillion dollars of new money coming into the United States. That means more jobs, higher incomes, less inflation, more prosperity and more growth into the United States of America.

This is the place. This is the safe haven for investment for investment around the planet, from Saudi princes to Japanese banks. They want their dollar bills in the United States of America. So President Donald Trump did not need to author a tax cut. He did not need to have a deregulatory agenda. He needed a phone call. Now, it makes you wonder, why did Joe Biden not do that?

Because Joe Biden embodied this slow, lethargic, bureaucratic mindset of how to run government. It would seem almost unseemly to in a diplomatic phone call, announce an investment of money. And President Donald Trump's got my phone and said, hey, by the way, what are you going to do? Oh, well, we'll do 400 billion. President Trump said, let's make it six.

How about 600 billion? Six hundred billion dollar investment into the United States of America. President Donald Trump also ordered the Border Patrol to begin immediately deporting anybody caught crossing into America illegally without a hearing, ending the insane and anti-American Biden policy of catching illegal border crossers only to let them claim asylum and be released into America with a court date months or years in the future. The last two days of Joe Biden's administration, there were 12000 people that crossed the southern border. The first two days of Donald Trump's administration before all of this was actually put into place, only 750. And that number is going to go down. By the way, if it's just 750 over two days, we're on pace for some of the record lowest border crossings in modern American history. We're going to get that number even further down.

We're going to get it down into the teens and eventually, hopefully even zero. And we can actually manage this now, by the way, more troops, more deportations, no CBP one border app. President Donald Trump has executed a shock and awe deportation campaign. Now, this is the one that shows how morally dark the Democrat Party has become.

This one shows how they are against the United States of America. So you would think that if President Donald Trump wants to go deport people, you think, oh, it's only going to be nannies and agricultural workers. No, embedded in our communities, they, ICE knew the names. ICE knew the names. They knew their locations. They knew their criminal histories. And they were just sitting around probably committing other crimes. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, while they were president, refused to act on these people because it would be against the national religion of the American Democrat Party. Thou shall not deport a foreigner. Yesterday, over 500 violent emphasis on violent, over 500 violent criminal illegals were removed from the streets in thirty six hours. These are thugs whose whereabouts in crimes were well known by local officials. But Democrats refused to detain them because it might hurt their feelings. It might hurt the feelings of a child sex trafficker or a child rapist. Democrats can't possibly hurt the feelings of a drug smuggler, can't possibly hurt the feelings of a gun runner. Every single one of these arrests means that there will be one less Lake and Riley, one less Jocelyn Nungari and one less Rachel Morin. Any Democrat sanctuary jurisdiction refusing to comply or worse, actively impeding President Trump's deportation orders must be defunded and likely prosecuted.

Mess around and find out. President Donald Trump is also mobilizing other parts of the Department of Defense to using military aircraft to assist CBP in the deportation operation. President Donald Trump also ordered a freeze on Department of Justice consent decrees with local police departments, which Biden and Obama used to shackle local police and prevent them from stopping crime. This is just in the last 24 hours. We're analyzing all this. You are seeing your country be taken back. You see those people being arrested. Those are the worst of the worst. And they were just sitting harboring in your communities. And not to mention, this is the kicker.

This is very important. They were terrorizing other legal immigrants and Americans in their communities. These are not exactly good people.

These are bad hombres. The rule of law is now being unleashed after the invasion was unleashed on us. The cure, the solution, the fix to widespread anarchy and open borders and the tyranny in these towns has been what does the law say? And the law has always been on our side.

And that is what is so critical. It's not like Donald Trump needed to convene both houses of Congress and make an elaborate speech and say we need the ability to deport. Those laws are on the books. We did not need James Lankford's border bill.

We did not need a bipartisan thing. You needed the will to say handcuffs on illegals, put them in cars. The bottom line is the color revolution is being rolled back. That cultural depression that we were living through, we are seeing being put to an end because we have the will to govern, the will to execute the laws, the will to do what we said we are going to do. Charlie Kirk, you're in this new year.

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I think the world of these two men, they've helped me with so many different issues and problems, high integrity, Christian, they share our worldview. Go to Rolling back the color revolution is not easy. And that's why you must start fast. You must start with a triumphant shock and awe. The Lake and Riley bill, by the way, is now soon to become law.

It's passed the House, passed the Senate. I bet President Trump is going to do a big signing ceremony with Lake and Riley's family around him, as he should. And I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. Don't underestimate the strategy of this Trump administration. People think, oh, first Trump administration, chaos, all this.

No, this is a different team. These are the young guns, the people like Stephen Miller, the people like Sergio Gore, the people like James Blair, the people like Dan Scavino. These are the young guns of the prior administration that didn't always get a chance to flex their muscles. They saw things happen in the first administration and they wish that things would have gone differently. And then they saw President Donald Trump displaced from power in the 2020 election.

And we all know what happened there. And they had four years to think about it, to plan for this. Russ vote had four years to methodically plan.

What will I do? And if you think, by the way, things are going well now, wait until you have Pam Bondi. Wait until you have cash Patel, wait until you have Russ vote at Office of Management Budget. Wait until you have Bobby Kennedy. Wait until you have Tulsi Gabbard. It is just about this is just executive actions.

Now, actually implementing things, it's going to get better and better. But the young guns in the White House, they're playing for keeps. And this is what is a I don't I don't think the media has actually ever made this argument. It wasn't just Donald Trump who feels emboldened because of all the indictments against him. Donald Trump's team concurrently experienced all those feelings alongside of him.

And his team are equally as empowered and focused with precision to execute the agenda. They were there when President Donald Trump got the phone call at Ben Benminster, New Jersey, saying, sir, you are indicted. They were there in the New York City courthouse when he actually got convicted. They were there at Mar-a-Lago when his home got raided. And those staffers who stood alongside him like Walt Nada, what a great American he is. And they tried to turn Walt against the president and they failed.

Or Natalie Harp or Susie Wiles, who is just a rock star. They are in complete harmony with this kind of strategy because deep down they said, no, you put us all through hell. You try to put us all in jail.

You try to make us all your subjects and your servants. So, no, there will be no compromise. There will be no metaphorical quarter. We're not going to put up with it.

It's not going to happen. So people think, oh, well, President Trump is just kind of on this errant mission. No, his team is unified. His team has the same cadence and they're battle tested. The Trump team, I can tell you this personally, they're phenomenal people.

There's no like team of rivals or knifing or strife. It is they tried to take us all out. They tried to put us all in federal prison. They tried to kill our guy.

They tried to kill the boss. And now we are here to fulfill that mandate. It is well orchestrated.

It is organized. And do you know what else is not happening? Almost no leaks.

So far, and that's a big deal. Reporters are like very used to the Trump operation leaking like a sieve, almost no leaks. They're the ones that are actually learning about this on social media. Now, there might be a leak here or a leak there. But generally, in Trump world, they think they can always kind of get one step ahead. Not this time.

No, you're not going to get inside action on who the executive or what the executive orders are, who the next people are. And the media, all of the media's atmospherics and the media's ability to ascertain what direction things are coming from, their head is spinning as it should be. And it's just the start.

This is the new normal. This pace is not going to slow down until every single one of the problems that was identified as solved is not going to slow down. This is a spiritual mission to restore our republic.

And there's a lot to restore. Just the other night, our turning point, you say chapter at University of Washington had an event canceled because the university did not support their right to free speech. Maybe the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, run by Leo Terrell, needs to open investigation into the University of Washington. Maybe the Department of Education needs to withhold their funding. This is going to be a full court press in every major corner of the country.

Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Denver, Phoenix. We're not going to put up with this because they did everything they did everything they could to try to take all of us out. And we remember that on a daily basis. Neutral gear is not an option. Either you get run over or you're setting the pace. That is the only one of two things in D.C. Either they're calling the shots or you're calling the shots.

D.C. is a binary town. Either you're in power or you are not. There is no middle ground.

There is no neutral ground. You've got to keep the foot on the gas, full speed ahead. And the pace that President Trump is setting is making Democrats scream for mercy.

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That is Joining us now is Dave Smith, husband, father, comedian and libertarian, host of Part of the Problem podcast. Dave, I want to have you on the program because I want to sufficiently celebrate the pardon of Ross Ulbricht with somebody who understands the issue. I've been pushing for Ross very, very hard.

In fact, it was my greatest failure of the first Trump administration. The last couple of weeks, I tried so hard to get him out of federal prison. Ross Ulbricht is a free man with a full and unconditional pardon.

Please educate our audience. Dave, who is Ross Ulbricht? What was he convicted of? What is the significance of this pardon? Sure. Thanks for having me, Charlie.

And I appreciate your work on this issue as well. A lot of people, you know, were really in President Trump's ear about this case. Ross Ulbricht was, he was essentially convicted of starting a website. Now, the feds would say that he was convicted of like money laundering or drug dealing. But the logic of it would essentially be like if you were to say on Craigslist, there's illicit stuff going on. But this wasn't just the government shutting down Craigslist.

This was the government arresting Craig and giving him two life sentences plus 40 years when he had not committed a violent crime at all. And it was just so preposterous. You know, I saw Michael Knowles was tweeting about this. And I went back and forth with him a little bit. And by the way, I like Michael Knowles.

I'm not like knocking him. But he was kind of saying, I understand why libertarians are supporting this. But why do conservatives care about this guy who created like a website where drugs were being sold on it? And I think that it's interesting, because I've been listening to a few minutes of your show as I was waiting here. And I think that you kind of laid it all out already.

It's because, look, first of all, conservatives, the highest priority should be conserving liberty. And aside from that, look, that your framing of 2020 was spot on. And then this was a color coded revolution that we just lived.

It had all the earmarks of a color coded revolution, I'll say, to borrow the feds' terminology. But look, first of all, the judge in the case, she was a woke judge who said at one point, that if a drug dealer in the Bronx had been caught, they'd have the book thrown at them. Therefore, we're going to make an example out of this kid. Like it was this totally backward, you know, racist, woke logic that we should punish this kid for the color of his skin. And, you know, I've met his mother several times, she's been all over the place for the last decade.

Lynn Albrecht was tirelessly advocating for her son. The fact that Donald Trump, you know, just ended this poor woman's nightmare, and just freed a kid. Look, man, I mean, I know I'm a hardcore libertarian. And I know that there are some issues where conservatives and libertarians disagree.

But I mean, the idea of giving somebody a double life sentence plus 40 years, I can't we all agree that that should be reserved for like, violent criminals, murderers, people who abuse children, something like that, the idea that a guy committed a website, he did nearly 11 years in prison for it. Thank you, President Trump, and God bless him for for free in this guy. Yeah, one more detail on this. And by the way, this is part of the coalition. So you're gonna have libertarians as part of a coalition, you're gonna have more aggressive people on foreign policy, which I'm not with them on this, you have to build a coalition and you have to have non-negotiable principles that when they're broken, they're out of it, they're off the team, like John Bolton is never coming back on the team. That's just not gonna happen.

Liz Cheney's never come back on the team. But let me just emphasize one other thing, though, is that the website was was operating, it shouldn't have it shouldn't it have been protected, theoretically by Section 230. For example, Mark Zuckerberg is not going to go to jail, nor should he if somebody uses WhatsApp to traffic drugs, which of course, it's probably happening, right?

Or if somebody uses Instagram or Facebook to illegally smuggle guns. So why wasn't Ross Ulbricht afforded the same Section 230 protections that the biggest drug companies, biggest tech companies are given on a daily basis? Yeah, I mean, that, well, that's a great question. And the answer to it is essentially that he started a market, but he was a big Ron Paul supporter. And this is why a lot of libertarians, you know, got behind him kind of felt like he was one of us. But what he was trying to do was start a marketplace where you could trade in Bitcoin, and it would be away from government surveillance or government control. And so this is why they went after him and made an example.

I mean, look, you're first of all, you're absolutely right, he should have been protected by 230. But none of these other people who played ball with the previous regimes are nobody's thinking about going after Zuckerberg like this. I mean, I said this kind of tongue in cheek, but I was saying on Twitter the other day, I mean, like a whole lot of people launder money and buy prostitution and drugs with cash. But we're not locking up the Fed chairman over it, which by the way, that that one I might support doing.

But we might, I might be convinced on this logic if that's what we were doing. But that's one of the things that I think conservatives should really pay attention to, right? It's this anarcho tyranny that we've been living under for so many years now, where you have, you know, you have these these laws, or whatever on the books, but then who, who do they go after versus who they don't go after?

I mean, you see this all over the place, right? In in California, in many of these blue cities, they're not going to go after the people doing carjackings, they're not going to go after the people stealing strong arm robbing stores, but let a property owner with a legal firearm try to defend themselves against one of these criminals. And they will throw the entire book against that person. You know, a lot of this would be cleaned up if they just let the Second Amendment take care of this stuff and let citizens protect their own property. But so that's what you have here in this Ross Ulbricht case, a case where they targeted this guy in a way that they would never have gone after others for the exact same, as you as you put it, Zuckerberg just admitted the other day when he did this turnaround, which I was happy to say that, yeah, we got a real problem with child trafficking on this site. And we all probably want to take measures to make sure that child trafficking is eliminated. But no one even thinks Zuckerberg should go to prison for life over it, because that's madness.

Two life sentences. And the other element here that you touched on, Dave, of why they went after Ross with such ferocity was because he was a pioneer of cryptocurrency. And you got to give Trump credit in the libertarian world is that he really has decided to tell the Jamie Diamonds to go pound sand. We are seeing an ascendant type of public policy portfolio where cryptocurrency is going to be allowed. There was a question, Dave, you remember that six or seven years ago was Elizabeth Warren and the worst people in government. Are they going to allow crypto to continue?

Are they going to just say that it's illegal? Ross Ulbricht was one of the early pioneers of decentralized block chain technology. I believe they wanted to put him on a show trial for that reason, saying that, no, you must use the government authored currency or else. But now President Trump has fully embraced cryptocurrency. I think Roger Ver, by the way, who also deserves a pardon, is kind of equally in that category.

I'm pushing for Roger as well, because they wanted to make examples of no, you must use our own monopoly on money. Can you comment on that? And also, President Trump has a crypto czar and wants to be the most pro crypto president in history. Yeah, well, it's really remarkable to me to watch Donald Trump's evolution on a lot of these issues. And, you know, Donald Trump is not without his faults.

And one of those obviously is, yes, of course. And one of Donald Trump's faults is that he has an ego for sure. I mean, I'm guilty of the same thing as well. And I haven't accomplished nearly as much as he has in life. So I'm not knocking him for it. But even Donald Trump admitted that his first go around, he just really didn't know much about DC. And I do think that Donald Trump, in some ways, underestimated how vicious the swamp was and how many brutal tactics they had.

And he got burned quite a bit in his first term. And I do think that he's shown an eagerness to learn since then. And he's gotten as you were just pointing out before I joined you, he's gotten a lot better people around him this time. And this is one of the areas where the the idea of like cryptocurrencies, specifically Bitcoin, where he's really come around, I believe on this issue. And he's I'm impressed with the fact that he's listening to smart people, which by the way, as you remember, eight years ago, this this was one of the knocks on Donald Trump, but he doesn't listen to anybody. And he thinks he has all the answers himself. But he's already kind of proven that not to be not true.

And so I love David Sachs being in there. And I'm I, you know, I think it's a very interesting dynamic. There's a lot of possibilities. Of course, as I'm sure you know, the swamp isn't defeated yet. And I'm sure they will be coming back at Donald Trump. They're coming back your point. You know, they're they're gonna try it. Look, a lot of the stuff they tried didn't work. And they've tried just about everything so far. But right now, I mean, there's there's gonna be an attempt to remove all of the good people around Donald Trump. That's what they did last time when they got Flynn out and they got Bannon out and they got a lot of the outsiders out of power.

But But regardless, I think your point is spot on. This was it was always about protecting power. And the most the lifeblood of big government power is the money supply. And they wanted to make an example out of anybody who would challenge that monopoly. Donald, I don't think that's going to be happening under the next Donald Trump administration. Or the current.

I should say exactly right current. That is so smart. Dave, we are out of time. Please plug your podcast. Your upcoming shows how people can support you.

Sure. Part of the problem is the podcast comic Dave is the website. Thanks so much, Charlie.

Dave, thank you so much. Email us freedom at Charlie I just love this new coalition that's being built. And we've allowed disagreements on the small stuff to not expand the movement sufficiently. I can work with libertarians on five or six main things on drug stuff. Not going to agree. That's fine on some immigration stuff. Not going to agree on foreign policy stuff. I'm almost 100 percent with them on a lot of this.

I think it's insane. We're sending money to Ukraine. I think it's insane that we're we're mongering in every corner of the world.

And then on some of the more, let's just say aggressive foreign policy people, they say they tend to be better in immigration. We need to find a coalition. You have to govern the country and you bring these different pockets together. And the president has done this brilliantly.

He's done this brilliantly. And the power of this movement is today, on Thursday, Thursday, January 23rd, we have Dave Smith about libertarian issues. Tomorrow, I'm going to be in the March for Life. And by the way, that coalition coming together, that's how you win in a country of 330 million people. And by the way, next week, we're going to be at the Bobby Kennedy hearings at the U.S. Senate.

Maha. On the other side, we have the Second Amendment folks. We have the cryptocurrency people. We have the tech bros. We have young people. We have the pastors who we adore. We have pro-Israel. You bring it all together. You have a unity party. Making America great again starts with making America healthy again.

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That is, 864-644-1900. The raids are beginning, as they should be. It's what the people voted for. It's what the people wanted. And these are violent, violent people.

The worst of the worst in our society. And they shouldn't be here. They weren't invited. They broke into the interior of the nation.

They committed crimes and they're still harboring themselves in our communities. Fox News got exclusive access to follow along on one of these raids. Now, I need to prep you before you see this clip. This almost feels like artificial propaganda.

In fact, Blake in our chat said, come on, this I know it's real, but it feels as if no way. This is the deportation effort of an illegal Haitian violent criminal in Boston, Massachusetts. I believe he's violent. If he's not, I'll correct myself at a future time. But based on all public reporting, he is.

The reason I have to say that, though, is I could see some lawsuit from ACLU suing me because I slandered a foreigner on our land. No, seriously, this is where we're at. This is where we're at. Charlie Kirk slanders violent criminal Jean-Jacques L'Hopierre from Haiti or something. I don't know his name, and it's almost you look at this, you say, come on. Is this really what he's saying?

Yes, this is a violent criminal. I'm not going to spoil it for you. Stop whatever you are doing. If you're washing dishes, stop that. If you're mowing the lawn, you must be in Cancun. If you are shoveling snow, if you're working out right now, just stop what you are doing and listen intently.

Play cut 141. Good morning, everyone. It's a frigid five degrees in the pre-dawn hours just outside of Boston, where this team of elite ICE officers is briefing on their targets for the day. We're going to be targeting some extremely violent offenders today. Within moments, the officers are on the move with eyes on their first target.

Looks like we got movement target vehicle coming out. They quickly take him into custody. He's an MS-13 gang member wanted in El Salvador for aggravated murder, and he has an Interpol red notice out for his arrest. We are targeting very violent threats to our community.

I'm not going back to Haiti. One of those threats is this illegal alien from Haiti. ICE says he's a gang member with 17 criminal convictions in recent years. F Trump, Biden forever. Thank you, Obama, for everything he did for me. This guy is a violent criminal that Joe Biden just allowed to continue to operate in these communities.

This is a public safety hazard. And by the way, the other illegal is from El Salvador. There were two people in that clip. There was one from Haiti, one from El Salvador.

The El Salvador was the MS-13 member. These people are all throughout our neighborhoods. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refused to do anything. And now we need to do our job. If you have one person in your family that voted for Joe Biden and still doesn't like Trump, text them this clip.

Text them this clip. Say, how could you possibly be against this? A guy that has multiple violent counts. I'm not going back to Haiti. Oh, yes, you are.

Go make Port-au-Prince great again. Or how about the MS-13 gang member? They're just hanging out. These people are convicted of crimes and we're treating them as if they are sitting on city councils administering food kitchens. And ICE has known who these people are and they have just been chomping at the bit.

And Joe Biden refused to do any of this. The entire previous administration wanted them here. They wanted the violent. They wanted the rapist. They wanted the drug smugglers. And none of this is an exaggeration.

You saw it on this piece of film. The American left hates Donald Trump so much. They've fallen in love with MS-13. That diversity is our strength and they're all going home.

Every single one of them. It's going to take some time, but we know where a lot of these people are and they have not been given the green light. Some of these gangs are like militia. They have some military training and Aurora is going to be liberated. And Springfield, Ohio, is going to be liberated. And Chicago is going to be liberated. And Seattle and Portland and Phoenix, they're going to be liberated. We're going to find every single illegal invader, every single one of these MS-13 bad hombres that's going after our children, that's smuggling drugs, and they will go back to the country of their origin and America will be safer because of it.

The migrant crime wave will come to an end and we will liberate our country from the current occupation and invasion that we have been suffering through. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-23 18:20:49 / 2025-01-23 18:35:32 / 15

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