Hey, everybody. Today on The Charlie Kirk Show, remarkable, massive and dramatic action by President Trump. We are getting back the federal bureaucracy.
Affirmative action gone. We have Senator Mark Wayne Mullen to discuss, but I go through the latest accomplishments on just recapping day two. Email us as always. Freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk Show and get involved with Turning Point USA at TPUSA.com. Buckle up, everybody.
Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.
He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created. Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. It is Wednesday, January 22nd. Honored to be with you guys as always. It is a rapid news day, as you would expect, as the golden era is unfolding in front of us. Between the end of our broadcast yesterday and the beginning of this broadcast, President Trump has been rapidly at work. Yesterday, President Trump did some remarkable things, and we're going to spend some time on two of them.
But let's just kind of go through the list. President Trump prohibited all use of racial discrimination or DEI at federal contractors and universities receiving taxpayer dollars. President Trump ordered federal buildings worldwide to stop flying the pride flag, which the left had turned into a de facto second national flag around the world. President Donald Trump launched the Stargate Project yesterday, a collaboration with Silicon Valley aimed at cementing America as the global leader in emerging AI. President Trump unleashed ICE with full authority to target the criminals Joe Biden allowed to roam freely around this country who were raping and killing. President Trump granted a full and complete pardon to Ross Ulbricht, who was wrongfully given a life sentence by overzealous federal prosecutors, one that I care deeply about. Andrew would tell you, I've been fighting for Ross for years, and I hope to have Ross on the show, by the way, soon, which would be amazing, right? Ross has been writing me letters. I have a collection of these letters that Ross would write me from prison and got to know his mom very well. Ross Ulbricht was so treated so unfairly. President Trump gave him a complete and unconditional and full pardon. So we will cover the Ross Ulbricht news in some time. I got to tell you, for me, that was one of my greatest failures of the first administration. I pushed so hard to get Ross out of prison at the end of the first administration. And we got it done this time. So praise God.
But let's spend our time on the earth moving stuff. Now, the fact that President Trump went shock and awe on January 6th on the first day, it moved the Overton window so much that the media is not even emphasizing the policy changes that President Trump is making around the sacred cows, the untouchable third rails that are key components of left wing governance. As you know, on this program, we argue that during the civil rights era, there was a new constitution that was brought in. The new constitution was the Civil Rights Act. The new constitution was this super governmental new founding that thou shall not be racist. And of course, on this program, we believe that racism is terrible from the pit of hell and has no place in decent and advanced society.
We also believe that this movement of anti-racism is bigoted at its core, that the movement of anti-racism actually goes against the core colorblind promise of the United States of America. In the 1960s and 70s, we started to bring in several changes to federal laws and believe it or not, one of which was done by executive order. Did you know that Lyndon Baines Johnson signed Executive Order 11246, which mandated affirmative action rather than merit-based hiring in federal employment and contracting? Because of this affirmative action order, affirmative action has been the pseudo-law of the land in America since Lyndon Baines Johnson was president. This was not passed by an act of Congress. This was not drawn up in committee hearings. This was not something where the American people got behind it like the Civil Rights Act.
No, this is something completely and fundamentally different. This was done by an act of the president. This was an executive order, stroke of a pen. Now, mind you, do you know that Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, the three Republican presidents, refused to touch this?
In fact, they wouldn't even take meetings on this topic. It was way too radical. The affirmative action order required white people to be discriminated against in the federal government. This is probably the most aggressive and bold executive order ever issued by Trump in either of his terms. In political terms, it may be the bravest move by a U.S. president in half a century or more. When President Trump announced late last night was the repeal of Executive Order 1126.
I just got to be honest, this is one of the most remarkable things President Trump has ever done. 1126 supposedly just tells federal contractors not to discriminate. But for more than 50 years, this order has been interpreted by the government and by the courts as requiring discrimination.
You must discriminate against white people. You have to discriminate based on race to get federal dollars. This has become a total invasion of every principle that made America great. It's a total invasion of the text and the promise and the structure of the Constitution. Executive Order 11246 by LBJ was meant to supersede the U.S. Constitution. And to be very clear, we want a country based on merit, not race. That is it. We want things that matter to be prioritized more so than things that do not matter.
How you act, how you present yourself, how hard you work, that is what the society should be built upon. Your character. President Donald Trump is doing these day one and two offensives.
He is overwhelming the opposition. And by the way, if you check out my book, Right Wing Revolution, it described a strategy a lot like this. Maybe some people took some inspiration from it.
Who knows? But we want all people to succeed. Now, Andrew would tell you, remember yesterday, Andrew, I was walking around being like, there's more coming.
There's more coming. This affirmative action executive order is one of the greatest accomplishments by a Republican president in 50 years. It didn't take a big piece of legislation. It didn't take no child left behind. It didn't take, oh, you know, a mission accomplished aircraft carrier. It didn't take the invasion of Iraq.
It didn't take the forming of the Department of Homeland Security. President Donald Trump signing this executive order, making merit the law of the land and the custom in this country. Clarifies that discrimination is illegal and orders contractors and grant recipients to not practice racial discrimination. So just to be clear, that means every college across the country can no longer do affirmative action. That means Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Google. If you receive money from the federal government and you do affirmative action, you violate this order and you guys can be sued.
Every single business that does business with the federal government, you have to get rid of affirmative action. Do you hear that sort of chaos right now? Do you know what's going on right now as I'm doing this broadcast?
There are very heated H.R. and senior legal meetings happening at every major federal contractor of general counsels that are trying to figure out how to comply with this executive order. By the way, this should not be shocking. George W. Bush never did this because he was a coward. Ronald Reagan didn't do this because he didn't want to be called a racist. By the way, everyone says, oh, Ronald Reagan was this great president. He was a fine president. He should be remembered as such.
But he did not even have the courage to do what President Donald Trump just did. And we got it out on day two. We have one thousand four hundred days to get this into enforcement for the day that the DOJ, the Civil Rights Division, the Department of Justice through the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Education. I mean, this is massive. Even people that have been huge skeptics of President Trump are saying that this is one of the most significant milestones and accomplishments of a generation. This is the shock and awe strategy.
And we are now on day three. We have affirmative action out of the federal government. Anybody that is attached to the federal government. Let me be very clear. It's all about merit. If you are good enough to do the job, you will be hired. We want a merit based society, not a race based society.
Can you do the job? Don't care about the color of your skin. I care about the content of your character. That promise is being fulfilled. And President Donald Trump with more courage than any Republican president in 50 years.
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Use discount code Charlie to get thirty five percent off plus free shipping. That is balance of nature dot com balance of nature dot com. Joining us now is the great senator from the state of Oklahoma who's been terrific and was excellent in the committee hearing for Pete Hegseth, Senator Mark Wayne Mullen. Senator, welcome to the program. Feels like a new day in America, doesn't it?
It does. I've been on going to these liberal medias because we kind of have to get our message out there. Right. And I was on CNN. They asked me what the day felt like. And I said, man, sunrise is beautiful. The air in my lungs tasted better and my protein shake was awesome. It just seems like there's a tremendous amount of hope and optimism and excitement for this golden age we're going in. And I tell you, it's it sure feels a heck of a lot better than it did four years ago.
No kidding. And so, Senator, it looks as if the executive orders across the board are bold and dramatic. Let's go to one that is not getting as much attention, but a national emergency around energy. And that is something I know impacts your state of Oklahoma. What will that mean for approvals, environmental impact statements, exploration of oil and natural gas? What will that mean for the great folks in the state of Oklahoma? Well, it's not just Oklahoma, it's North Dakota, it's Texas, it's Pennsylvania, it's all of our energy states, including California.
People forget California is actually an energy state. When we declared a national emergency, what it does is it puts that permit reform that we've been trying to pass in Congress for a long time. It puts it in hyperspeed, where we don't have to add the permit reforms, where we just simply can bypass a lot of the stuff that is happening with pipelines. People don't really think about pipelines being about energy, but it's one of the biggest choke points that the Biden administration put in place. One thing they did when they immediately went in is they declassified a lot of the pipelines and instead of allowing them to run at 100 percent capacity, they put them at 20 percent on new ones. They dropped some to 50 percent capacity, so they changed the permitting process. It brings that back to full capacity and allows us to move the product faster.
As you know, Charlie, that brings down the cost of energy when you're able to get the product to the system faster without competing on the same level. At the same time, it starts opening up public lands, where the Biden administration basically eliminated the ability to get permits on public land. It opens up Alaska again, which Alaska is a huge economic engine that the Biden administration just collapsed and killed. Then it opens up offshore drilling as the president was leaving. Keep in mind, the executive order to make it a national security issue was a way to go around the executive order that the outgoing Biden administration put in place that basically took all of our waters up to international and said there was a moratorium on offshore drilling.
The president was very smart, and I'm sure he had great people around him that were advising him on this too. By declaring it a national emergency, it takes it off the table and we can drill again until we get to energy independence. When we become the exporter, it puts us in a much stronger position. What a lot of people don't realize too is we're still importing petroleum products from Russia. So we're still funding the war in Ukraine that we're funding Ukraine to fight against, and then we're funding Russia.
So this takes that actually off the plate too. It's a major victory and win, and the president wants to become not just the energy superpower of the planet, which we are in pace, but also for artificial intelligence, which if we want to have artificial intelligence dominance, we need to be energy independent and dominant. Correct, Senator? Yeah, we do, and we needed to use it more strategically too. A lot of people think Saudi Arabia is being the oil capital of the world. The United States is the oil capital of the world. We have more reserves from oil, natural gas, and rare earth minerals underneath our feet, but because of the environmental movement, it has put us at a huge disadvantage.
But one thing that we don't talk about, Charlie, is what Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and these other countries do by setting up a sovereign wealth fund for their country by the reserves that they have. Let's think if we relook at the way that we do public land permitting. Instead of just simply giving the permitting to the oil and gas companies, and we have a one time fee where they get the permit, we sell it, and then they go on. What if we actually entered a partnership like you do with private land, like I do on my own private land?
I control the mineral rights, and I get a percentage of the minerals that are pulled off the land. What if we did that with the United States on the public lands, and then we started applying that 100% to our national debt, and we start using the natural resources we have to pay off our national debt? You know Congress is never going to be trusted with actually being able to do our budget, because we're going to be playing these games. We're going to have a 10 year balanced budget, which we've been doing 10 year balanced budgets forever, and we still haven't balanced it. But if we directly took the resources we have, and said that those funds had to be applied to national debt, we could actually see in our lifetime, Charlie, you and I, the country could be out of debt. I think it's a phenomenal point. In it, you'll explore the design and purpose of the Constitution, the challenge it faced during the Civil War, and how it has been undermined for more than a century by progressivism and liberalism.
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The register, charlieforhillsdale.com. Senator, right now we have this amazing trajectory when it comes to immigration. Let's play cut 106. Tom Homan confirming the worst people in America that are here illegally are being deported.
Play cut 106. What would a person have to do to get a visit from ICE? First, be in the country illegally, first of all. I mean, there's nothing in immigration law that says you've got to be convicted of a serious crime to be removed under the INA. So if you're in the country illegally, ICE can visit you. But right now, as we said repeatedly in the present, trust me clear, we're concentrating on the worst first. The public safety threats, the national security threats. And just yesterday in the last 24 hours, ICE arrested over 308, 308 serious criminals.
Some of them were murderers, some of them were rapists, some of them raped a child, some were a sexual assault of a child. So ICE is doing their job. They're prioritizing just as the president said they would. So ICE is performing excellent right now out in the field, and they're going to continue every day. Senator, your reaction to the rapid pace at which this administration is moving when it comes to the invasion?
Now, here's the craziest thing, Charlie. Keep in mind, these individuals, ICE knew where they were at, and they were openly still walking on our street underneath the Biden administration. The Biden administration refused to pick them up. On day one, President Trump went and rounded up more serious criminals and murderers than the Biden administration did in four years. Keep in mind, these individuals were out on the streets and ICE knew exactly where they're at.
That's why they were able to do it on day one. What they're also not telling there is they also went into the prisons and ICE arrested and started the deportation of an additional 300 murderers and rapists that was in our prison systems. Once again, the Biden administration knew they were there and they chose to leave them inside the United States. It really blows your mind to think that the administration, the outgoing president of the United States underneath Biden, refused to enforce the rule of law. I heard from several border agents that I've become friends with on my trips to the border that all came back, and they said the same thing I said earlier.
Today, it's a new day in America when they're actually able to do their job, and the morale increased by a thousand percent yesterday with our border patrol just because we have a new sheriff in the White House. Okay, so Senator here, in closing, it looks as if things are trending towards one big beautiful bill. I'm actually more on, I think, your side on the Senate side that two reconciliation bills, I think, would have been the better way of approaching it. If it's going to be one big beautiful bill, what is your wisdom on how we're able to get the biggest possible legislative victory for one big beautiful bill? Well, the president has made it very clear he wants one big beautiful bill, which allows us to negotiate more. Now, the House is real good about bogging down on big bills, but when you start looking at the different facets that we've got to deal with in the House, and I'll use Chip Roy, for example, in Texas.
Chip, it's very important to have border control and very important to have energy, but at the same time, he's wanting to do something that's very difficult. He's wanting to offset salt increase for states like New York by raising corporate taxes, which that's a non-starter for the president, a non-starter for me, but it's about negotiating. So if we were to do one big bill, it allows us to negotiate a little bit more by having more pieces in there, and it's got something for everybody. But I don't believe the House is going to be able to do it, so we're actually doing a contingency plan in the Senate to say if they can't do that, then we will start the two bills. And the reason why we had to do two bills in the Senate is because we can't do taxes. Taxes has to originate in the House chamber, not in the Senate. So we would have to do border, do energy, and do national security in the Senate.
We can't originate that, but then the second half of that bill, we'd still have to wait on the House because it has taxes in it. Senator, thank you for the time this morning. Excellent work as always. America is back, and thank you.
Keep fighting hard. And Charlie, I got to say something. I'm cool because my kids love you, and just for the fact that you and I have become friends, now all of a sudden I'm a cool dad. So thank you for giving me that opportunity.
I think that's hilarious. I wish I could have said hello at our ball, and that means a lot, Senator. Thanks so much. All right.
See you, brother. All right, everybody. This is rapid action right now. The incoming right now is hard to almost even keep up with. We've got affirmative action that is gone.
That is such an immense victory. It has been this untouchable third rail. Why? Why? Because no one wanted to be called a racist.
That's why. The failed Cultural Revolution of 2020 and 2021, where we were able to hold back just enough, revealed to the nation, the disgusting lower impulses of the postmodernist, poststructuralist, left-wing, culturally Marxist movement. People started to open their eyes and saying that, I don't want to raise my kids in this type of a country.
And it's fascinating on the affirmative action topic in particular. Because some of what President Trump is doing is not necessarily supported by the vast majority of Americans. I don't know if the vast majority of Americans agree with what President Trump is doing with January 6th.
I do. But I don't think that's necessarily in the vast majority of Americans. However, this is what's so interesting. Poll after poll, referendum after referendum, vote after vote shows that Americans detest affirmative action. That Americans think that affirmative action is the wrong way of hiring. Even in California. And we saw this with the Bakke case, where we struck down affirmative action at the Supreme Court. And yet Republican presidents have been so terrified, terrified of touching this. The American people overwhelmingly in poll after poll have said they do not want race-based hiring in any sort of institution.
California in 2020 voted for Joe Biden by 30 points, while simultaneously decisively rejecting affirmative action. And the media, they're just focusing on Enrique Tarrio, who was treated terribly, by the way. They're just focusing on Enrique Tarrio and that whole thing.
When in reality, the structural changes that are happening are phenomenal. President Donald Trump parlayed this executive order spirit into a separate and equally potent executive order. As I mentioned with the FAA, we want the best pilots and the best air traffic control. We don't care about the color of somebody's skin when they're flying the plane.
We just want to make sure that they are there based on merit and competency, not on melanin content. And you just think about what Joe Biden and what Barack Obama and what all of these people have had to do to bring us to this moment. Where President Donald Trump is just bringing back to a center, common sense, no nonsense, I don't care what names you're going to call me, policy portfolio. George W. Bush would never do this. He was terrified of trying to touch affirmative action.
In fact, he might have liked it. We are going after the center of the life force of the illegitimate modern Democrat Party. The modern Democrat Party thrives on multiple falsehoods and we are smashing them one after the other. The world is going to end because of climate change. That's one of them. Another one. Trust the science. Trust the science.
Trust the science. We're smashing that one. The other one that love is love and trans people are who they say they are. Oh, the trans thing is over in this country.
That thing. You want to talk about a reversal of a cultural revolution? We went from having to accept the whole trans zealotry in every major institution to the trans mafia, the purple haired jihadis being run out in decent society.
No, you're not going to be able to serve in the U.S. military if you're Jeff and you think you're Jill. No, you're not going to be able to go after our kids and gender mutilate. By the way, stay tuned on the child mutilation stuff.
There is stuff coming. As President Trump promised in the campaign. And thirdly, we are taking back terrain on core issues the Democrats thought they were going to control. Wide open borders. The president thought, President Biden and the Democrat Party thought that they were going to have an open border regime for a generation.
They thought that they were going to be able to have limitless amounts of foreigners. That is over. It is done. The invasion is finished and the deportation efforts are underway. What is the Democrat Party going to look like? They have a very serious problem here. The Democrat Party has a very serious problem looming because they have built their constituency on race obsession and the country is race exhausted. So when you have a political party that is race obsessed and the nation is exhausted with your core issue, you're building yourself into a minority political party. And as the Democrats are so obsessed with, well, we have to make sure that BIPOC people have representation or Latinx people have representation.
Got to make sure that you have the trans and the LGBTQIA2 plus. And meanwhile, President Trump is actually mirroring the will of the American people and saying, no, why don't we even have this affirmative action guideline around in the first place? And affirmative action guideline was almost this untouchable, wholly inherited tradition that all it took is a signature.
That's it. No lawsuits, no Supreme Court decisions, no major pieces of legislation. It didn't take, you know, whip and votes on Congress. It took an act of the will. And that is what we are seeing and it is being demonstrated. It is one of my core life philosophies. What you focus on is what you get.
And most of life is are you willing to actually go and do it? And we have not wanted we have had a managed decline in the 1990s and early 2000s. And up until this point, it's been a slow motion managed decline. We'd rather lose the country than be called the racist. And imagine Democrats are going to be arguing against this. The Republican Party was in fear of this when all it means is that they get to go on TV, on news stations that nobody watches, to go be quoted in newspapers that nobody reads, to go say that the Republicans are racist, yawn, exhausted, tired, whatever. And we get to say we just banned racial discrimination in government. I sent out one tweet yesterday already has millions and millions of views on this topic, more than what Jamie Raskin can go cattle wall with Jen Psaki on MSNBC.
Go ahead, go complain to your 15 viewers. How are they even get their message out? They're scolds, they're whiners. And what are they going to complain? Oh, I really wish white people could be discriminated against more in the government.
No, no, no one wants that anymore. We are getting back to the center of the promise of the founding fathers. We're getting back to the core ethos of why this is the greatest nation in the world. And it's not the greatest nation because of race politics.
It's not the greatest nation because of D.E.I. critical race theory inspired policy measures. It's because of merit. It's because of this idea that you can succeed regardless of where you're from and who you are. And that is a beautiful thing.
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Roughgreens.com slash Charlie. OK, joining us now is Monica Page, TPUSA White House correspondent. That's right. Turning Point USA has a White House correspondent. It's a whole new era at the White House.
And Monica, congratulations. Your ability to do hits. Look at that. Look how beautiful that is.
I might have to use that pass every once in a while. Yeah, there you go. Yep. This is a beautiful view. Every single day we're here. I'm going to be there very soon.
Let's just put it that way. So, Monica, is this new? Did the Biden administration want you on campus as well?
Oh, that's interesting. So previously I was at One America News doing the White House and I did cover the Biden White House. What a stark difference it's been in less than 48 hours here at the White House. I was just in the press briefing room. I have never seen it that busy with videographers, reporters, everybody's back to work. I mean, it's been very quiet at this White House for the past few months, but the nation's back. We're back to work. And there's a lot of exciting things coming out of the White House.
I mean, less than 48 hours in. So, yeah, what is the reaction from the press corps? They can't even keep up with the pace right now from the president. What are you hearing from the American press at the kind of rapid pace of things unfolding right now? Well, Charlie, I will say the media that has been accepted to report on President Trump, the best way to describe it is murderers row. I mean, you've got some really interesting and not so friendly reporters here at the White House who have previously not been very favorable to President Trump.
They have never given him any sort of fair or honest reporting. So it's going to be interesting to see the kind of dynamic once the press briefings start. But it's been very busy. I mean, I just was in the lower press offices just yesterday introducing myself, handing out my business card to the very friendly lower press that's there now in the Trump administration.
And they're excited. You know, they're still scrambling, setting everything up, which was really cool. I spoke with Caroline Levitt yesterday, the press secretary, of course, and she is very excited to make some new announcements. I'm not going to announce anything yet.
I'm going to let her speak for herself. But there's a lot of exciting things coming our way here, especially at Turning Point. So definitely stay tuned, Charlie. But it's been very busy the last 48 hours, and there's still much more to come, as you can expect.
We are seeing that kind of pace. Are you going to be able to be in the press briefing rooms when Caroline Levitt does ask those questions? Oh, yeah, I'll be able to ask questions.
She knows me on a first name basis. We do talk. So I'll be able to ask questions on behalf of Turning Point. And I do encourage our listeners and viewers here to send me some of your questions because I don't represent the mainstream media. I represent the American people.
I represent you, Charlie. So definitely feel free to send over any questions, anything that you'd like to know coming out of this administration. I'm more than happy to serve the American people and just ask the questions that people want to know the answers to.
You know, we're not asking, you know, what's Joe Biden's favorite ice cream flavor? We're asking about the economy. We're asking about how to keep Americans safe. We're asking the real questions that affect everyday Americans.
And I'm really excited to get real answers as well. I know we were just talking about affirmative action. We were just talking about DEI hires and, you know, just selecting the person that's right for the job. We've had a press secretary who really couldn't answer any questions. You know, she'd always say, you know, oh, you know, I just don't have anything.
I just don't have anything. And it was really frustrating for not only the American people, but as you know, we'll circle back. I mean, it's it's frustrating for reporters, too, because they're trying to do the story.
They don't have any answers. I try to ask questions. I actually introduced myself to Karine Jean-Pierre at one point. I took a photo with her right outside the Oval Office here on the on the Pebble Beach here, and she still didn't want to call on me.
Every email that I've sent Charlie, every every time I've raised my hand, all my emails go either unanswered or they're forwarded over to somebody else that eventually get deleted. So I'm excited to actually, you know, raise my hand and get called on and just ask questions and just do my basic everyday responsibilities in this role. So there's a lot to look forward to. And everyone here is very enthusiastic, whether they're on the same Trump side or not. Congratulations, Monica.
Looking forward to seeing you on campus later today. And my only ask is when they call on you in front of all of them, say, Monica Page here with Turning Point USA front lines. Caroline. Monica, great work. Thanks, Charlie. Appreciate it. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always at freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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