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Watching the Golden Age Begin — My Reaction From the Capitol Rotunda

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
January 20, 2025 11:31 pm

Watching the Golden Age Begin — My Reaction From the Capitol Rotunda

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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January 20, 2025 11:31 pm

In between the swearing-in ceremony, the rally, and Trump’s blizzard of history-making executive orders, Charlie snuck away to record a special reaction to this incredible day. Listen to Charlie reflect on the election, Trump’s many fulfilled promises, and all the potential of America that is about to be unleashed over the next four years.

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Hey everybody.

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Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job. Building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Can we afford every fiber of my being into? My heart, my soul, prayers, energy. As those of you know, this has been a relentless mission for us at Turning Point Action and myself for quite some time. Can we take back our country? Is the form of government that we have still alive?

That was the question. We believed yes and we bet it all on that proposition. We went all in on the idea that our form of government, which is that the people are in charge, not the plutocrats, not the unelected administrative state, still reigns supreme. So we went all in on that idea and the whole world was against us. The FBI, major institutions, every possible power center on the planet did not want Donald Trump to become president again. They tried to throw him in jail for 700 years. Massive lawfare operation.

Unprecedented. And President Trump decided not to give up and we had his back at every corner and every turn. From mobilizing young people on campuses, from doing campus stops to billions and billions of views on TikTok and Instagram and other social media, to going through our own trials and the difficulty that we had at Turning Point. From the January 6th committee to the lawfare against us.

And so being there was beyond words. And of course the ceremony got moved inside the Capitol to the Capitol rotunda because of the cold weather. And by the way, let me say, if you even walk for 20 seconds outside here in DC, you will say Trump was right. Trump was right.

You might be listening to this podcast in North Dakota or Minnesota. But cold is nothing. I'm telling you, these people, there would have been an 85 year old that would have come in from South Carolina and would have waited all night to hear Donald Trump speak on the National Mall and would have died. I'm telling you, Donald Trump saved lives by putting his inauguration indoors. It is frigid.

The wind chill, it is no joke. No exaggeration. So it was the right move. And in the rotunda, I thought the visual was phenomenal.

The aesthetic was classy. And President Donald Trump gave what I believe was the greatest inaugural address in history. Now, hilariously, I was seated right in front of Eric Swalwell.

I'll tell you about that in a second, which was something else. And it was just honored to be able to make the cut, honestly, and be able to get a ticket. It was obviously the hottest ticket in town.

Not just the hottest ticket on the planet to get in, but there were like 10,000 people who were planning to get good tickets that got no tickets. So we were honored to be in the room and the president has always been there for us and we're always there for him. The president laid out what I believe was the greatest inaugural address in history. It was bold. It was visionary. It was inspiring. Listen here, as President Trump says that he will put America first.

Listen. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will very simply put America first. Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced.

The vicious, violent and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end. Fundamentally, a nation is defined by its people. It is not its topography. It's not its terrain. It is not the climate.

It is its people. And when you have a relentless stream of people that do not share your values, you are being invaded and you have foreigners that are occupying the United States of America. Donald Trump says clearly, we are no longer going to be an occupied land. Our sovereignty will be restored. He will mobilize the military to the southern border.

Listen. First, I will declare a national emergency at our southern border. All illegal entry will immediately be halted and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came.

Now, let me just pause. This is an extraordinary, shocking inaugural address saying I'm going to fulfill every major campaign promise that I made. I'm not going to sue for peace. I'm not going to bend the knee.

You guys already tried to kill me. I'm going to do everything that I said I'm going to do. You're going to get a border back.

Inflation is going to go down. We're going to have peace in the Middle East. President Trump laid out a bold and exciting vision to deliver on all of that. President Trump also mentioned that we're going to go to Mars.

Listen. And we will pursue our manifest destiny into the stars, launching American astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars. What President Trump is doing is he is reinvigorating the spirit of the American people and just being there firsthand. There were two groups of people crying. The first group, I actually saw tears from some Democrat staffers because they knew that their power is gone. And I don't know when they're going to get power back. If we do our job and we execute and we build this movement four years from now, God willing, we will be there at the inauguration of J.D.

Vance. We'll see. We'll be hopefully there at the inauguration of then president-elect Vance. We'll see. So there was tears from Democrat staffers. The other types of tears that were there was tears of gratitude and joy from patriots, from people that love the country and people that were just taken aback that we get another chance at our republic.

And I'll be honest, I'm included in that group. We do not deserve this. I believe this is an intervention from the divine that has come down to give us another chance to be able to fight, to be able to grow, to be able to deepen our relationships. And we certainly do not deserve this. That is what grace is all about. Grace is getting something that you do not deserve. You fundamentally do not deserve.

That you received something you did not earn that you do not deserve. President Trump showed the immediate, bold action, the decisive action, the across-the-board action. In fact, President Trump declaring the southern border as a national emergency and that he will mobilize the military. In addition to that, we already have troops on the southern border that are being mobilized and it is now illegal to enter the United States.

What a concept. Something that Joe Biden would never, ever consider. Joe Biden would never mobilize the military to actually defend the homeland against a foreign invader.

Well, it is happening now. President Trump has mobilized the U.S. military to defend this great homeland of ours. And how prepared the team was? Stephen Miller and the whole staff prepared for this entire operation, ready to go. Executive orders, executive actions, knowing that this is not going to be easy, laying everything in front and playing to win.

That kind of rapid, aggressive action is exactly what the American people voted for. And I got to be honest, just as a spectator, the first time I actually saw in person Barack Obama, first time in person I ever saw Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is basically pointing out every single one of them to their faces, decline is a choice. Decline is a choice. And I want everyone to apply this to your personal life. Decline is a choice. If your life is not going well, there are series of choices that you are making that largely might contribute.

Of course, there's external factors, but what do you do with those external factors? And basically, of course, we're being invaded because we are allowing ourselves to be invaded, and President Trump says no more. While we may have won this election, the fight to restore our great nation is only beginning. Now is the time to take a stand, and Patriot Mobile is leading the charge. As America's only Christian conservative wireless provider, Patriot Mobile offers a way to vote with your wallet without compromising on quality or convenience. Patriot Mobile isn't just about providing exceptional cell phone service, it's a call to action to defend our rights and freedoms with Patriot Mobile. You'll get outstanding nationwide coverage because they operate on all three major networks. If you have a cell phone service today, you can get a cell phone service with Patriot Mobile with a coverage guarantee.

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Visit slash Charlie or call 972-PATRIOT. Again, this is what's so amazing. If the Democrat party loved America, Donald Trump's speech would have been, oh, here's our differences of opinion, we'll see where... No, I can fix this on day one. That shows that Joe Biden decided to not fix it on his last day. Also, the CBP-1 border app that was the that allowed millions of illegals to come into the United States, gone, deleted. Deportations are already underway.

Mark Milley's portrait from the Department of Defense, gone. President Trump's staff already getting into the White House, setting up shop, and getting ready to roll. And this kind of dramatic action is exactly what the country needs in this time of crisis. And we're going to be in a time of crisis no more. We are turning away from the dark days, the dark night of the soul, to the American Renaissance and a bold new golden era. And we are choosing that kind of ambitious success. Here's President Trump talking about how the golden era is here.

Listen. The golden age of America begins right now. From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will very simply put America first. Now understand, not only was he giving that speech in front of Biden and Obama, but the entire D.C. cabal.

Eric Swalwell was sitting right behind me. By the way, Democrats, some of those Democrat lawmakers are bad people. Donald Trump would say, God saved my life from a bullet. Everybody stands up except Eric Swalwell and Brad Schneider and all the Democrats. They would not even stand up and applaud the fact that Donald Trump is a liar.

I'm not going to go as far as to say that they want Donald Trump dead, but it's an inference that maybe they do. What Joe Biden did, and I have to mention this, and I'm sorry guys in this broadcast, is I just literally got back from the Capitol. I'm doing this broadcast to give you this urgent alert, this amazing breaking news alert. I hate to spend our valuable time on this, but what Joe Biden did on his last couple of hours of being president is one of the most mystifying, the one of the most grotesque, one of the most disgusting things we've ever seen. Joe Biden issued preemptive pardons. We have not seen this kind of preemptive pardons since Jimmy Carter with draft dodgers in the Vietnam War, or Gerald Ford preemptively pardoning Richard Nixon. Usually don't do preemptive pardons. Joe Biden preemptively pardoned Anthony Fauci, every member of the January 6th committee, including Eric Swallow who's sitting behind me. I was so tempted. For the record, for the record, I took the high road today. I want everyone to write, I was so tempted while we were milling around to go up and get Eric Swallow on camera and be like, so are you going to accept the pardon? Did you do anything wrong?

I was so tempted to put him on camera. Liz Cheney, Eric Swallow, Thompson from Missouri, Adam Kinzinger, they all get pardons. I thought they did nothing wrong. So that was the news in the, and Mark Milley, that was the news in the morning. Then, the news right as Joe Biden was taking the stage to surrender the presidency, hand over the presidency, was Joe Biden pardoned his entire family dating back to 2014.

We were told that there was nothing there, no issues, nothing to be worried about. He then preemptively pardons his entire family going all the way back to 2014. Going all the way back.

Get lost is all I have to say. He's the worst president in American history. He lives in a disgrace in a way that no president ever has. They were telling us forever, there's nothing here, there's nothing here, there's nothing here. And then on the way out, Joe Biden goes nuts starting to issue executive orders all the way across the board. I have to mention everybody, it's just, it's so grotesque, it is such a middle finger to our traditions.

And honestly, that makes this day taste even sweeter, because that's who they really are. That is what we just defeated. That is what all of you who chased ballots and registered voters, all of you that supported your local Turning Point USA chapters, all of you that organized groups, you helped make this happen. To get rid of this sick and diseased cancerous rot, this bacterial infection that has been eating the nation from within. It is gone, but there's a lot of work yet to be done, and we are operating at a rapid pace. As I am doing this right now, this update, there are more executive orders to come. President Trump has a lot more executive orders to come on January 6th, pardons, on tech issues, on a lot more stuff.

Drill, baby, drill. I mean, we're trying to keep up with all the news here in real time. It's almost hard to believe. But I just wanted to give this update for all of you. And I was in the room because of all of you. I hope I represented you well. I was so tempted to say something to swallow.

But anyway, that's a separate issue. And thank you guys for believing in us and believing in President Trump. I believe God spared his life for a mission, because God is not done with the United States of America. God is not done with this beautiful land, this sweet land of liberty. And also, as I'm looking at some of the footage as it's continuing, I cannot put into words the delight and the joy I have to see my friend, the guy that I endorsed to run for the U.S. Senate very early back in 2021. I was one of the first people to endorse, and people said, you have no idea what you're talking about, J.D. Vance. I was one of the first endorsements to not just become a U.S.

Senator, but now he is Vice President of the United States. Very, very difficult to even put that into words. It is beyond, actually, comprehension. It is a new dawn. It is a great new hope for the United States of America. We are so thankful for all of you. We are ready to get to work at Turning Point Action and at Turning Point USA. We know that our best days are ahead, and we're going to work to scale. We're going to work to multiply.

We are going to work to grow our operations, more so than we ever have before, and to try to help the president in any way we can on the outside. But now you could take a deep sigh of relief and say a prayer to God. Thank you. And with that, I want to play Franklin Graham's prayer in its entirety as we close out this broadcast, because it was as good as it gets. There were some good prayers. Lorenzo's prayer was very good, but I've got to tell you, Franklin Graham, he just crushed it. I want you to listen to this, and I want you to join him as we end and conclude this podcast.

We're going to be going live all week with exclusive updates, exclusive guests, detailing all the executive orders, reading the reaction from the left. But Franklin Graham talked about it in his prayer form. Listen to this.

Mr. President, the last four years, there are times I'm sure you thought it was pretty dark. But look what God has done. We praise him and give him glory.

Let us pray. Our Father and our God, thou hast said, blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. As the prophet Daniel prayed, blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are his. He changes the times and the seasons. He removes kings. He raises up kings.

He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. Our Father, today, as President Donald J. Trump takes the oath of office once again, we come to say thank you, O Lord our God. Father, when Donald Trump's enemies thought he was down and out, you and you alone saved his life and raised him up with strength and power by your mighty hand. We pray for President Trump that you'll watch over, protect, guide, direct him, give him your wisdom from your throne on high. We ask that you would bless him and that our nation would be blessed through him. We also ask that you would bless and protect Melania as First Lady. We thank you for the beauty, the warmth and grace that she shows not only to this nation but to the whole world. We thank you for Vice President-elect J.D.

Vance and his wife Usha and their young family. May he be a strength to President Trump to stand beside him, to hold up his arms like Aaron held up arms of Moses in the midst of battle. The prophet Samuel reminded the people, it was you that brought them up from the land of Egypt.

And he said, now stand still that I may reason with you before the Lord. So Father, we take this moment to stand still, to remember the great things that you have done for this nation. Thank you for the protection, the bounty, the freedoms that we so enjoy. We remember to keep our eyes fixed on you and may our hearts be inclined to your voice. We know that America can never be great again if we turn our backs on you. We ask for your help and we pray all of this in the name of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, your Son, my Savior and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. Thanks so much for listening everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
Whisper: medium.en / 2025-01-21 00:15:47 / 2025-01-21 00:23:41 / 8

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