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How Joe Biden Could Have Won 2024 — But Didn't

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
January 16, 2025 8:17 pm

How Joe Biden Could Have Won 2024 — But Didn't

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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January 16, 2025 8:17 pm

Joe Biden just delivered his farewell address to America. And while nobody is sad to see him go, Charlie has an important message: If Democrats start running on Biden's farewell message, they might start winning elections again. Plus, Collin Plume talks about what faces Scott Bessent as Treasury secretary, and what the prospects for both gold and cryptocurrency will be under the new Trump administration. Sen. Rick Scott discusses the aggressive push to get Trump's Cabinet picks confirmed on Day 1 of the new admin.

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Hey, everybody.

It's in The Charlie Kirk Show. First, we have Senator Rick Scott to recap some of the hearings and the chances of who is actually going to be confirmed. And secondly, we have my friend Colin Plume from That is Great company, phenomenal partner.

That is Listen carefully as Colin makes a very compelling case that silver is the new oil. Email me as always, freedom at Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives. And we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Joining us now is the great senator from Florida, Senator Rick Scott. Breaking news, Senator, you're going to have a new colleague as you are, I think, now the senior senator from Florida. Finally.

I know. Finally, I think you've been the junior senator to Senator Rubio for quite some time. Your reaction, Senator? I want to introduce Marco yesterday.

I said one of the benefits of you getting nominated to be Secretary of State is I finally get to be the senior senator. So I spoke to him. I just spoke to her. I've already spoken to her a couple of times. I just got off the phone with her. She's going to come up this weekend. So I'll be meeting with her and doing everything I can to help her get after mating gets started quickly. She's been a successful attorney general in Florida for six years. He took over after Pam Bondi. She's done put a lot of effort in it to try to hold the Biden administration accountable. So I think she's going to be a good colleague to work with.

So, yeah, just talk more. The announcement was made this morning by Governor DeSantis. Ashley Moody will fill the vacant seat. And so that obviously keeps us solidly in the majority and will be another powerful voice in the United States Senate.

So walk us through how the confirmation process is going right now, Senator. We have Scott Besant and also Pam Bondi. How do you think Pam Bondi did? Well, so Pam Bondi was outstanding.

I had the opportunity. She's a good friend. As you know, I had the opportunity to introduce her yesterday at the Judiciary Committee, and she did a great job. She she's somebody that's smart, hardworking. She's going to try to bring respect back to the Department of Justice. She's not going to play this law fair.

Gotcha. What the Biden administration, the Obama administration did. So I think she's going to do a really good job. And she did a fabulous job yesterday. Marco Rubio, of course, Foreign Relations. I also had the opportunity to introduce him. He did a great job. As you know, he's very knowledgeable on foreign relations. And I think what his what he wants to do is bring the Secretary of State's office back to the importance that it should have in deciding foreign policy in this country. So Pete, Pete Hedgeseth did a great job at armed services. So I'm on that committee. He did a great job. He sent me.

Here's what I like about Pete. He's he's a warrior. Like my father did all four.

There's only three thousand people did all four combat jumps for the async that were born during the Second World War. Right. I respect and admire those people. They know where the problems are. They know what the war fighter needs.

That's where Pete is. He fought. He served in Afghanistan and he served in Iraq. He knows what the war fighter needs.

That's what we ought to be doing. So I think he's going to do a great job. He will be confirmed. I don't know how many Democrats are going to vote for him. I don't know how many Democrats will vote for Pam Bondi, but they're going to be confirmed. And hopefully we'll get them confirmed quickly. John Thune has committed to have a aggressive process to try to get all these confirmations done as quickly as possible.

It appears that Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are going to try to slow down as much as possible, which makes no sense. Donald Trump was elected president. He won a big win.

He won the popular vote. You should help them get their team together. And by the way, if his team does not do a good job, there's elections in two years.

Help them get their team together. Democrats should not be fighting us on this and then let them go do their job. And if they don't do a good job, the public has the opportunity to vote in two years and not elect Republicans again. So, Senator, can you contrast the pace at which the Senate is operating right now versus 2017? It feels as if there was just a slow walk back during Trump won. This seems to be moving at a rapid pace, even so that I think you and many other senators are bouncing in between simultaneous concurrent hearings.

Is that correct? Absolutely. So there's a commitment by our leadership. Senator Thune has made a commitment that we're going to do this as quickly as possible. I think all of us are going to do everything we can to get them done. So the only thing is it's not going to be us slowing this down this time. It's clearly going to be that we're going to stay here. We're going to work if we need to through the weekends to get things done. It'll be we'll see how much the Democrats want to slow it down. It takes a certain number of hours of debate for every one of the cabinet members.

So if they make us use up all that time, then we'll all be sitting here, including the Democrats. So I think we're doing the right thing. And I think we need we need to say to ourselves, we should be clearly no worse than the pace of when Obama got his cabinet put together. And I think that should be our standard. And I know that's exactly what we're demanding right now.

And hopefully that's what we'll get. So there are several votes upcoming. Can you just walk through our audience how this is going to work?

So President Trump in three days and twenty two hours and forty seven minutes becomes the forty seventh president of the United States. I'm sure I'll see you there, Senator. But then it's a work day for you where most of us are going to kind of go celebrate. We have a big ball to host.

It is a work day. Walk us through what that day looks like as far as how quickly we can get these people confirmed into office. So what will happen is as soon as Donald Trump is sworn in, then he'll sign the nomination letters and send them back over here. We will have our committee votes to confirm them out of committee as quickly as possible, as many as we can get done that day.

And then we'll start the process. Now, the Democrats can slow us down. They can make us take 30 hours of Senate hours basically for each of these cabinet members. So we'll see if that's what they do. If you go back to Barack Obama, I can't remember, but he got many confirmed his first day.

They didn't work that they didn't work to help Trump in 2017. Hopefully, you know, they'll they'll work to get some of these done. I don't know how Marco Rubio is going to get almost every vote, I assume. I think there's going to be a lot of people that they're all going to vote. I think you're going to get these people wish they should get done immediately within hours after Trump is sworn in.

No, I think you're right. I think I think Rubio could pass on a voice vote and also understand that it's unusual for senators to vote against one of their own, especially someone like Senator Rubio, who's been around for quite some time and despite disagreements, has always been very respectful and cordial to the other side. So, so, Senator, if you were to say which of the ones do you anticipate a little bit of drama or a little bit of a fight?

Pete Hegseth had a great hearing, was obviously very high profile. Tulsi Gabbard. Which are the ones that our audience should really focus on to try to make sure that President Trump gets his full cabinet? Well, what you need is you need national defense done as quickly as possible.

Number one thing you ought to be doing. So we need to get our Secretary of Defense done. We need to get Marco Rubio done. We need to get Tulsi Gabbard done. So, so Pete had a great hearing. I think it's very difficult to vote against him. I don't know how the Democrats are going to do, but that should happen very quickly.

Marco should happen hopefully within hours. But after that, we need the Attorney General done. Pam Bondi did a great job at her hearing. She was outstanding.

She doesn't take any any gut from anybody. So hopefully those get done. We need to have Russ Vogt approved. He's going to be management budget Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi, I assume they're going to make it. They'll make her life miserable for a while, like they did Pete's for a while. They'll be, you know, what they what they Democrats do. They do smear campaigns. But these are great nominees. These are these are hardworking Americans. These are people that are going to change the direction.

So, Kash Patel that, you know, they're going to go after, you know, if you look at history, they're going to go after Kash. But look at that. I mean, look at who they're replacing. Christopher Wray, who's clearly, you know, it was, you know, it was lawful against Trump.

Merrick Garland. And look at how General Austin ran the Secretary of Defense. And by the way, twice within six months, he was AWOL. I mean, he had he was in the hospital and didn't tell people. So, I mean, that's a violation of law. And of course, Biden did nothing about it.

We just found out yesterday. Senator, in closing here, the new administration is going to hit the ground running. Lessons that you learned during Trump won that you want to communicate with our audience. The media is going to be out of control.

We must stay disciplined and steady at the wheel. Senator, closing thoughts. So it really matters if the public is vocal about what they expect. Donald Trump won.

He won big. You need to do the public needs to do whatever they can to let their senators know is very important to be very helpful to Donald Trump to get his agenda done. The more active you are, the better chance they'll get done. I love it. Senator, keep up the great work and deliver Pete Hegseth and Tulsi across the finish line. We're counting on you. Thank you, Senator.

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Scott Besson is acing this confirmation hearing. Look, we very well might be heading for some economic turbulence sometime soon. Some choppy waters, some uncertainty and some financial curveballs. I was just reading here in one of my many newspapers that I try to read during the break here as inflation data.

It's looking a little better, but it's nowhere near where it needs to be. And guess who is posting a surge in profits? J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs post surge in profits. This is going to be an unsustainable economic recipe.

If the top banks in the top one percent keep on posting record years and record profits while everyday Americans can't afford eggs, butter and groceries, you're going to have an economic revolution. This is exactly why Joe Biden did what he did in his farewell address. Do we have Joe Biden's farewell address? Joe Biden didn't believe a word of what he said last night.

However, it was very well written. Whoever wrote that speech was basically lamenting that that is what the Democrats should have said this last year. Run against the oligarchy. Run against the entrenched economic powers and interests.

Joe Biden's farewell address. Would have been very politically challenging for Donald Trump to run against Donald Trump himself being a billionaire. Elon Musk being a billionaire, even though Joe Biden got more support from billionaires and more support from one the one percent and the wealthiest counties in America disproportionately voted for Joe Biden. I think eight out of 10 of the wealthiest counties. It's a message that would have been very difficult for Republicans to overcome if Democrats would have been saying on immigration, saying on crime, saying on the trans stuff.

Instead, it's just completely out of control. And Joe Biden's farewell address said that there is a smaller and smaller group of people controlling more and more of the wealth. I mean, he's correct. Of course, he didn't believe that throughout any part of his presidency. He pandered to that very same oligarchy. He made that oligarchy protected by the lawfare regime.

He did the bidding of that oligarchy. But we don't want to live in such an oligarchy. We want to be able to have it where there is robust free market competition that if you want to be able to get to 400 billion dollars in wealth like Elon Musk, we have no problem with that. But we want to make sure that we can get 10, 20, 30 more people like Elon Musk. We want this to be the center of entrepreneurial activity around the planet. We do not want to have a system where there is an entrenched ruling class that is untouchable. Here in The Wall Street Journal, it writes, Big Bank profits surged in the fourth quarter as Wall Street roared back to life with net income rising 50 percent and doubling at Goldman Sachs. I mean, it's the best years they've ever had.

Black Rock's profits rose assets under management edged up to eleven point five trillion dollars. This is Joe Biden with the message that Democrats should have run on if the Democrats would have run on this message and said, we're going to close the borders, we're going to be tough on crime. For any Democrats taking note, that's the pivot they should make.

Play cut 90. I want to warn the country of some things that give me great concern. This is a dangerous country and that's a dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people.

The dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked. Now, he's worried about an oligarchy. Last week, he gave the nation's highest civilian honor to George Soros.

He doesn't believe any of this. This last election, Joe Biden represented the oligarchs and now he's regretting that he didn't run against them. But it was the people versus the plutocrats. That is what this election was all about. It was the people versus the plutocrats and we the people own the table.

We got a seat at the table. And now the chairman of the board is back to being we the people. But what I'm reading here with this economic data, as Scott Besson continues his testimony, this is unsustainable. And it's unsustainable that the biggest banks in the country are posting a 50 percent profit and doubling of income at Goldman Sachs. How many of you in this audience saw your net income double this last year?

Anybody? Anybody in this audience see your income for your family double? How about up by 50 percent? How about up by 10 percent? I bet many of you in this audience are actually getting poorer every single year because of inflation thanks to Joe Biden.

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Perfect guest is Colin Plume, great partner of the program at Noble Gold Investments dot com. Colin, say hello. Hello. How are you? Good to be here.

It's good to have you here in Palm Beach. Yes. Oh, very nice.

It's our last program here in Palm Beach before we head up to the imperial capital. Yeah. And you've got some goodies here.

So Scott Besson is going to have some serious challenges in front of him. What would you say are the biggest ones if you had to identify them? Well, overall, with the economy, I think, you know, the CPI report came out inflation still. It's sticky, right?

It's still here. So that's something that you have to think about is do we focus on reducing inflation or do we focus on growth? And I think what my opinion is is there's only a few different ways to go as you go high growth, high inflation. You go high growth, low inflation, which is the ideal, but very difficult to do. Low growth, high inflation, stagflation.

That's always dangerous. We don't want that. We've been living through a little bit of that.

We've been living through a little bit of that. So we need I my opinion, I don't think with the next administration coming in, I don't think there's any way that you're not going to have inflation, but I think it will be coupled with high growth. So so from a policy standpoint, what would you like to see happen as far as the Treasury secretary managing the money supply to be able to boost middle class income? Well, it's tough because I think it they've been very conservative with the money supply and they've reduced the amount that they've exposed to the to the markets. A lot of people believe they will open that back up. They're going to start freely bringing money back into the markets.

Be careful when you do that. You've got to be careful because that could bring inflation again. But I think that all the measures going forward, we want wage growth, we want job growth. The people that have been hurt the most over the last four years have been people that have had credit card delinquencies.

They've been the highest that we've seen in a long time. Last year was a lot of debt, a lot of debt for middle Americans. So they need high growth opportunities. They need wage growth. And those are the measures that I think are going to put more money back in people's pockets so that they can live a better life and not take on all this debt.

And look, there's a chance that inflation does continue to get out of control. Talk about how gold is doing and silver. Gold has been very reliable.

In fact, I think gold is at two thousand seven hundred fifty one dollars an ounce. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Gold was up twenty six percent last year. Six percent. Yeah.

Paul Tudor Jones. I mean, they said it best. All roads lead to inflation. That's why you're seeing alternative assets, gold, crypto, all these things really do well. The world is divested away from the dollar. They're moving away.

The bricks are moving away. It's a natural progression. The petrodial dollar, this great control that we had where every dollar is being used for oil, that seems to be going away. That was a massive advantage that we had. Then Nixon signed in nineteen seventy three.

It was one of the best things he had ever done. And that seems to be slipping away. So I am concerned that inflation will will continue to be here in the high twos. And I've been saying for a few years that I think two percent inflation is an unrealistic number. If you look at the world, nobody holds themselves to two percent. I actually think we're going to go to a three percent model. And and I think that's much more attainable.

But I think we're going to sit in the high twos. And the key is to be able at least to have growth outpace inflation. Right. The very baseline. Right. So you have a new three percent baseline inflation rate. What is it technically now?

I have it. Two point seven. I don't believe that. Can you talk about the fabrication of some of these inflation numbers? Because people will tell you things are getting more expensive than that.

Yeah. Well, if you go back to, you know, early 1980s and how they calculate inflation, you take the same numbers, say we'd be above 10 percent. They've pulled out a lot of different statistics to show a number that's low. And that allows them to continue the day and continue the spending. And that's typically what politicians want to do. They don't want to make any cuts. I think this new administration, that's the big goal.

Right. To make some significant cuts to bring our debt down, which gives people more. The whole de-dollarization is based on the fact that people are losing confidence in our dollar. It's not that they want to trade in another currency that's better.

There really isn't anything that's that much better. They just don't feel comfortable with our debt. That's that's what's happening. And so the the challenge for the administration will be to manage that inflation, navigate those waters. Talk about what you're doing at Noble Gold Investments and your new book about silver, which is equally as interesting.

Yeah. The new book is called Silver is the New Oil. And it's basically a book where I I believe that we're coming into a new supercycle. And the new supercycle is high growth and and high and higher than normal inflation, but higher opportunities. And I think the opportunity in silver is something that a lot of people don't talk about. Everyone talks about gold and gold has already gone on a massive run, but silver is still below its 1983 price. And there's no other commodity out there.

Why is that? Is there been an abundance of supply? There hasn't been that much supply. I think a lot of it has been pushed down by a lot of the larger organizations. They don't want the price where it should be. But yeah, I mean, we're sitting at thirty dollars an ounce basically today, which is a number that it had already hit 50.

It's hit fifty dollars an ounce. So if you look at solar energy, EV, all the electrical uses, medical devices and I go into really long detail and then the government, the military uses a tremendous amount of silver drones, all those things, so much silver they don't even want to release how much silver they use. So I do think there's a massive opportunity. So I get into that in my book. And I also talk about some investment strategies that are outside the traditional investments that I've used in my life that talk about those.

Yeah. Well, one of them is just focusing on assets that I really talk about here is that there's going to be opportunities where you're going to acquire assets at a good price. And you want to continue to acquire those assets.

You just focus and you add. And the two assets I talk about in the book are silver and real estate in satellite cities. I still think there's tremendous opportunities in cities that are outside the main city. So like you're out in Phoenix, obviously, Phoenix and Scottsdale, Flagstaff, Mesa, the next city where people naturally grow and they haven't seen that explosive growth. Those are the cities you want to identify.

Find a city you understand and go out there and get it. Mesa. We like Mesa. Yeah. Yeah. That's one of the cities I talk about in my book. I also talk about Greenville, South Carolina, which I actually just bought a property this year or last year.

I bought a property there because I really believe in it. But silver is the easy one in that there's no work. Right. There's no maintenance.

There's no tenants. There's so you can really buy it and sock it away. And it's it's a sleepy investment that you can just not think about. And then, you know, 10 years from now, when it's sitting at, you know, one hundred, one hundred fifty dollars an ounce, you'll be. So, yeah, let's. So why hasn't silver over since 1980s move and why will it now?

I know you're going through some of those. But what do you think will be the forcing? I think the market for silver on the exchange is still pretty small. It's not as actively traded. Also, if you look at gold, gold is is bought so much and just held, whereas silver is seen as more of an industrial metal. But what people don't realize is that a lot of the uses for silver aren't recyclable.

Some are, but some are not. Like, for instance, refrigerators. There's almost two ounces of silver in most refrigerators today.

Nobody's going to go in that old refrigerator and pull that out. Right. That two ounces is gone. Right.

Solar panels, 10 to 20 grams. But if there was two ounces of gold, they would take there is two. They would have. Yeah, exactly. I mean, this is five ounces of gold.

So, yeah, I mean, if someone would get in there and then what is that? This is a kilo? This is a kilo. Yeah, that's a kilo of gold.

Yeah. If there was a kilo of gold in a refrigerator. Well, your refrigerator.

Don't don't just walk through the streets with this. Your refrigerator would be one hundred thousand dollars. Yeah. How much is this, by the way?

That's close to eighty thousand. Wow. Yeah, that's nice. I asked Colin if I could keep it.

He said no. Well, we'll talk about it. I'll give you a good price. I'll do a great price.

I know you'll do a great price. Keep going, please. Well, and also I was going to say not to transition totally out of it, but I was evacuated in the fires and I've been talking to praise God. You guys were scared. We were OK. And I was talking to people is that this is exactly this right here is some of the stuff that I put in a backpack and I left with. And I think that one of the things that people are not going to report and it's going to come out is that there's someone in the fire that had millions of dollars of Bitcoin sitting on a ledger that's gone. You know that they forgot their password.

No, no, they they had it on a letter in their house and it's gone. Right. The thing is, is you got to people think some things are investments or not. I was joking earlier about purses and some of these things. And, you know, people are going to be in a situation where is if this is so easy. I mean, you could this is you know, we're talking about like one hundred thousand dollars here.

This fits this could fit in a tiny little bag. Right. And you know, silver takes more to supply, though. Right. I mean, it takes it to store. Yes, absolutely. Yes, silver does.

So we do storage for silver for clients. But gold is not. I mean, this is. Yeah. I mean, this is. Yeah. Right.

So you could fit you can look at this. You can fit a million dollars in a shoebox pretty easily. So it's liquid. You can take it places. That's why I think it's a really smart investment.

That's why people like it. But the liquidity and the other thing that I love about precious metals, the way we do it is that you're not paying anyone a fee every year. You once you buy this, it's yours. Every other investment in the world, there is some fee you're paying somebody every year, whether it's a management fee or property tax or an annual fee.

You know, once you buy this, that's so interesting. So they are exempt from any property tax they're exempt from. There's not I mean, if you sell it, there's capital gains.

If you do it in the IRA, there's no capital gains. But actually, 12 states have actually gotten rid of capital gains on precious metals. What do you make of this move that some states want to have a gold back currency?

Have you seen this? Texas? Texas has done it. Yeah. There's this big move right now of states to try to have a metallics based reserve system, basically.

Well, inherently, it makes perfect sense because they're already accepting it for tax in that state. Right. Really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. There's multiple states. Utah has been doing it for many years. And for you could you could train golden for your tax.

Yeah. And if you think about that, why wouldn't the state want to do that? Like if over the last four years, gold is more than doubled. If somebody paid a tax, their state tax in this and this was sitting at forty five thousand dollars and now it's close to eighty thousand dollars. The state wins. Right. The state. Why would it as opposed to them taking it in cash. Right. Because the state's obviously going to keep reserves.

That's the whole idea. You keep reserves. So maybe they use cash that people pay in tax to pay whatever they need and they keep some of the gold and silver reserves. So I think it makes a lot of sense for a state to want to take an asset that's going to go up in value.

It's Any offers, anything's going on. We have you for another segment, Colin. I want to make sure.

Yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. We have some silver promotions right now. It's a great time because this you have until April 15th if you want to add to your IRA. So we have a lot of good promotions going on if people want to add more money to their IRA and their retirement.

It's a great vehicle to save money. I've known Colin for a while. He's the best in the business. There's a lot of shady people out there in gold. He's as good as it gets. Would you say there's some shady people in the gold industry? I would say yes.

Let's just say not great actors. Colin's as good as it gets. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. This is a very important reminder about your year end giving. If you're looking to do something that makes the greatest impact, join me in providing ultrasounds of preborn and saving babies. And remember that 100 percent of your gift goes directly to providing ultrasounds. Preborn separately fund raises for overhead and administrative that you can now know that every penny you give right now will go directly to the cause.

I am a donor, so listen carefully. When we do this with preborn, providing free ultrasounds to girls and women, it doubles the chance those moms will choose life. One hundred forty dollars gives five free ultrasounds and saves babies. Just twenty eight dollars a month can save a baby a month for less than a dollar a day. And speaking of your end giving, I can't think of a better one than a fifteen thousand dollar gift providing an ultrasound, saving thousands of lives for years to come. I'm a donor. Join me in donating at eight three three eight five zero two to two nine or click on the preborn banner at Charlie Kirk dot com. That is eight three three eight five zero two to two nine preborn banner at Charlie Kirk dot com. So, Colin, there were some numbers you were showing me here. You want to pull those up?

Yeah, they're very interesting. By the way, it's a lot in gold. That's nice. It's a lot of gold. I'll tell you.

Make sure you protect that. It looks like Scott Besson has just wrapped up as the cameras are flooding him. That is a wrap for January Madness Committee hearings.

What are we looking at here? Yeah, no, I was talking about non-financial U.S. firms held eight point four five trillion debt as of Q3 2024. And this is an interesting stack because I always look at these the yield on season triple rated corporate bonds, five point two percent December twenty twenty four double from December twenty twenty. So the rate is high on this. You know, triple a corporate debt is supposed to be the criminal crime.

I mean, that's that's your best. They're trading at five point two percent. So it's either one or two things that's happening, either that the the the market is saying that they're riskier.

Right. That's why they're paying such a high yield. They're paying two and a half percent, two point seven before, or they're trying to keep up with with Treasury bonds and what the banks are paying for. I think the average banks paying between four and four and a quarter, which is really interesting right now. I remember when that happened initially, everybody was enamored with keeping money in the bank. But now that inflation's probably at three percent or higher, is a four percent of the bank a number that really is good for somebody or are they just are they even breaking even are they losing money? These are all the things that I look at when I look at the economy. They've sort of got people in love with this four percent return. But, you know, when you look at what it takes to live in the cost of living and how everything is astronomically going up, I just don't think four percent is enough.

No, it's not for most people. And so the way you look at it, your company, what is that? What are the type of calls you're receiving right now? Give us kind of some of a demographic picture of the incoming you're getting at Noble Gold Investments.

Yeah. I mean, obviously, people are optimistic about the new administration. They're excited about, you know, what's going to happen. And, you know, they're hoping that things will happen soon, that, you know, wages will go up and things will get better.

I do think it's going to take some time and I do think it's going to take some time for anyone to come in and fix a lot of the problems he's going to have to come in four years of problems that he's going to have to clean up. So I think people are optimistic. I also think that if you look at some of the proposals when you talk about inflation, which is rampant right now, it's still going.

You talk about tariffs, you know, tariffs are the reason that no president really wants to take on tariffs is really it's a long game, right? Because it would make certain products more expensive in the short term. And so what we're starting to see is a lot of people buy things now before they think things will go up. I mean, I've seen numbers where they think computers could go an average computer of, you know, six hundred dollars could be with a 20 or 30 percent tariff could be seven or eight hundred dollars. So a lot of people are trying to pre buy things before these things can happen for those price upticks for the upticks happen. And so I think that's I think that's smart. And I do think people that are getting early on some of the things that we do will also take advantage. So I don't do any investment advice.

I'm legally not allowed to run federally regulated radio, nor would I because I'm not there. But I think it's fair to say that. Would you say that in the most durable portfolios, you've seen a pattern that these asset classes have some place in those side of portfolios without giving investment? Yeah.

Well, I always think about this is the class. Whenever you hear about hedge funds and these firms, they always say assets under management. Right.

That's the classic term that everybody says. What are assets, assets or businesses, assets or real estate assets or precious metals? These are all assets that the wealthy is buying that these big corporations are buying. So everybody is trying to acquire assets.

That's the key. That's the key to this next economy. And and I think what people need to realize is that a lot of people say this to us is that things sound and feel expensive. And if they sound and feel expensive, then why is BlackRock buying all these houses? Why are all these institutions picking up properties? You know, in Los Angeles, one of the biggest buyers of commercial real estate apartments is the city of Los Angeles. The city of Los Angeles, just, you know, Encino Woodland Hills, they just bought a four hundred million dollar apartment. But the city of Los Angeles with taxpayer money, they're buying assets. So the key to this new economy, to protecting yourself is it's really an asset economy.

That's really what you have to do. And and I do think that precious metals plays a part in that. But I think overall, it's just assets, having a business, having some different income streams and really being diversified. That's Just repeat any deals or any shipwreck stuff going on. We have some shipwreck coins right now. We're just we focus on incredible customer service. I mean, that's really what we what we do.

And there's a lot of, you know, gimmicks out there, things that you do. You are going to get some free gold and silver if you do any purchase with us. We have different promotions.

But really, what we focus on is selling bullion coins and bars. How much is this worth? That's five ounces.

So you're looking at, you know, eleven, twelve thousand dollars. I could just put that right there. Yeah. It fits easy in there. Just slide right in there. It's just right there.

No one even knows I have it. Do we have a metal detector? Does it does it pick up? Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah.

When I do our when I do our tour, Roberta, I got to run. Yeah. Thanks, Colin. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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