Hey, everybody. Enjoy this episode. Become a member. Members.CharlieKirk.com. That is members.CharlieKirk.com. Email us as always freedom at CharlieKirk.com and become a member to support this program.
Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.
He's done an amazing job. Building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. We are here in Phoenix, Arizona, at America Fest. And we have an all-star roster here. This is the tribute to the chase. We have Lacey, Brett, and Tyler. I'm going to do active listening here. This team here saved America.
One Arizona, one Wisconsin. They made it happen, everybody. Tyler Boyer is the grand maestro of such activities. Tyler, walk us through all this. But, I mean, we have talked about it privately. We are going to be talking a lot more about this publicly.
We chased in Arizona 315,000 ballots from our universe. And that's news. We're breaking that news here today. So you can take that.
You're going to see it in other places. But that is way beyond the difference that President Trump won here in the state of Arizona. We are in the place that we have to win now moving forward. And Lacey and the entire team in our Chase the Vote squad made that happen. Lacey, why don't you take through real quickly and then we'll hit in Wisconsin with Brett. Talk to me about the places that we needed to win the most and what we did to win those places by as much as we did here in Arizona.
Yes, of course. So one big thing was this was kind of a challenge when we had no idea what we were doing in the beginning. We often said that we were building this rocket ship as we were flying it. And quickly we found out that when you hire the right people, which is so many of you in this audience, it all came together. And so we knew we had to hire in Maricopa County. That was our big push from the beginning. We focused on hiring our top managers there. And from there we built out our ballot chase program.
Yeah, and that was probably the big difference maker, both of Arizona, Wisconsin, Charlie was that what we did that was so different was we hired the best the best and some of our managers are right here. I'm looking at Julie that's right in front of us right here. Antoinette I know I just saw her walking around right here.
There's Antoinette right there. But you have to hire people who hire the best people, because you need, you can't just hire on Craigslist. The last 20 days of the election, you have to hire talented activists who know the area that are from the neighborhoods in order to chase the votes that we need to win. So, so Tyler in Arizona, the in 2020. We all know what happened in 2020.
But the official count was 10,000 ballots that fell short of how did we end up and speak about the blanketing coverage of precincts that turning point action was able to pull off. Yeah, that's the perfect transition from what I was just saying was the difference maker here and this is for everybody to hear it doesn't matter what state you're from. It does not matter what state you're from, you have to be from the neighborhood to chase the ballots that we need to win. I say this again, you have to be from the neighborhood so that's the science.
It's not rocket science. This is like basic science right, which is that if you're from the neighborhood. You're going to know your face, right, don't cut them off in traffic right because they're not going to want you to come to their door to chase their ballot. And this is what we train to, they need to know you be comfortable with you know you're from the same places care about the same things that they do, and they're more likely to show up to vote. And this is the simple math that we came up with as we identified those top neighborhoods first. And we said in these precincts rewards. We're going to put the, we're going to hire full time the people that we need to do that work.
And that is the difference maker. And in Wisconsin particularly Arizona we have a lot of people from a lot of places. So we're a lot more trusting and able to say, Oh, I'm from somewhere else too that's cool. I'll listen to you, but in Wisconsin. This is in particular the very important science that we had, we have people that are living in law with Tosa, and in parts of Waukesha County, that matters so much that have lived there their whole lives and they're only going to listen to people who have also lived there their whole lives. Yeah, I mean there's way more value in saying, Hey, I'm your neighbor from down the block let's talk about why you don't vote versus hey I'm a random stranger and from out of state.
What issues do you care about most. So we were really excited to put together infrastructure that created people knocking doors in the neighborhoods that they lived in the areas that they know best, which turned into moms knocking on the doors of other moms, Latinos knocking on the doors of other Latinos, and to really what we believe is a remedy to the turnout problem that we were hanging on to in Wisconsin for the longest time. This is something that's a complete shift away from how we know get out the boat to historically be in Wisconsin, we're excited because we've created now permanent infrastructure that we can keep rolling into the Supreme Court race on April 1. So, so let me ask you, if it wasn't for turning point, and we want to just compliment the Trump campaign did a great job Susie Wiles James Blair, phenomenal to work with, but were there other people that were doing this work in advance on the outside, and I'm thankful for what Elon did but we did was different than Elon Tyler was this new work being done in the movement.
Well I want to give a huge compliment to Brett, our entire Wisconsin team, our managers, see some of it. And what they did Charlie is you're right, the work that Elon and this is really important for people that are paying attention closely, the work that Elon did is really important, the pound the doors type door hanger knock on doors talk to me remind them to vote work, they did that, we actually steps stepped up and helped out in Wisconsin so we not only were doing our job in the neighborhoods, chasing votes, but then we are team said we want to help Elon we had a partnership that we did just exclusively in Wisconsin. It works, and it saved the day because we were able to ensure that Wisconsin was one for Trump by doing that work, it created a model now for success that we can replicate in other states. So I know sometimes I think this gets downplayed our team was essentially doing triple duty in Wisconsin, not only was there an opportunity every single day in Wisconsin for volunteers to learn how to chase ballots with our super chase events, but we had hundreds of chasers out in the field chasing low propensity and disengage voters, and then with our partnership with America pack that allowed us to target a whole new universe of voters that we knew were not turning out in the way that they needed to at that time, we created a well rounded effect in Wisconsin that so I think history will look back on and smile, let me ask you, how, how easy was it easier to do it because of President Trump, the President Trump make the chase easier.
Yeah, so Charlie, we actually just talked about this and I really want to focus in on this and this is for everyone that's thinking about running in 2028 or 2026 for that matter. The populist message that President Trump carries and he doesn't so effectively is a big portion of what makes the job easier. When you can knock on a door and people understand the issues and they agree on the issues and this is the magic of President Trump. President Trump made this election so much easier because people fundamentally understand the issues better because of how he speaks. And if we keep doing that, we're going to win for a long time and we're going to be able to chase ballots at doors.
If we get into the Oh, what's the price of tea and China divided by three and what is Iran's nuclear like that that's not what's going to matter. This is why the America first movement matters so much simple understanding of the things that matter close to home from the neighborhoods are what changed the game and President Trump made that easy, we're going to do another segment together I do want to talk about lose by less, which is part of what we did here in Arizona. From what I from what I remember you are live or have lived in Pima, is that right.
That is correct. All right. How did we do in Pima County which is terrible should be given back to Mexico's off place.
I'm half kidding. But how did we do my right Tyler Pima is not good in Pima in 2024. I would trade Pima County for Rocky point and any any day but how did we do in Pima, but it's okay we will. What is so awful about Pima, I've lived in a hotel for 100 plus days this year so I don't know if we can say lazy still live in Tucson. That being said, I will say I have seen so many things come around and be mine, because of the border, because of safety. President Trump what he speaks is so relatable for moms for everyday people. It's so easy for our kids right and in Pima County I no longer even recognize where we live.
And that's really sad, we bought our house thinking we wanted to live somewhere that had good schools, our kids can no longer go to those schools. Are you worried about the future of the US economy with so much uncertainty in the air it's natural to fret, but the security of your retirement savings, but there's one asset that stands the test of time and that is gold for centuries gold has been a hedge against market volatility and economic instability, they gold IRA from noble gold investments you can harness the power of precious metals to help protect your financial future by rolling over your existing IRA or 401k into a self directed gold IRA you can enjoy the potential for long term stability diversify your portfolio with a tangible asset that has real value, setting up your gold IRA has never been easier with noble gold investments streamline process and expert guidance. This election year don't let election volatility and uncertainty keep you up at night vote for the timeless safety of gold and silver in 2024 noble gold investments will help you with up to 10 one ounce silver Trump coins or 10 ounce silver American flag bar.
If you open a qualified account, go to noblegoldinvestments.com now that is noblegoldinvestments.com noblegoldinvestments.com Tyler, really quick summarize all this. Well, Charlie, you were just talking about Pima and southern Arizona in general along the border we saw. Similarly, what happened in Texas happened in Arizona, which was a huge spike in the Latino population Hispanic population, showing up big for Trump. And this is huge. There were precincts in in Yuma, that had over 200% increase in voting for Donald Trump for 2020. In Pima County, we had precincts that were darn well there are 50% increases in voting turnout, specifically for Donald Trump. This is massive.
When you're looking at these numbers, you're going Oh my gosh, this is insane. And that's part of the conversation that we were having about how do we do the work? Well, we were focused on coalitions are being built that were chasing the specific people.
Yes. And these are people that normally would not vote, which is so important. We chase the disengaged voters. So these are 315,000 people in Arizona that normally would not have voted if we would not have contacted them. And I think that's critical.
Yeah. Brett, Wisconsin Supreme Court race educate the audience and I got to throw it to Ben, we still have our work cut out for us in Wisconsin. 2025 has a couple elections going on nationwide in Wisconsin. Hear me out everyone, the Wisconsin Supreme Court race in April is the most mission critical race in the country in 2025.
I'm not discrediting Virginia, I'm not discrediting New Jersey, that's great. But what will happen in Wisconsin in April will determine our success in 2028. What do I mean by that we are hanging on to a one or we are right now losing a one seat conservative majority on our state Supreme Court. If we do not win this conservative majority back, the very first thing that will happen out of the gate is that voter ID will be scrapped in the state of Wisconsin. I don't need to tell you guys how detrimental that could be to the cause.
Well, and Charlie, we talked about the lose by less mentality. There are places in America where we know that the manipulation is so severe. Pima County is one of them.
Dane County is one of them. The manipulation is so severe, we have to make it as difficult for them to manipulate the election as possible. That means we have to get more voters out, ID them by specific voter ID, track them and make sure that we're not going to lose more ground in the places that they are, you know, trying to cheat and manipulate maximally.
And that is the key. Turning Point Action is going to be expanding with offices in Nevada. We're going to continue Wisconsin, Arizona and another state that we're not going to yet proclaim, right? We will have big news after Christmas. Big news after Christmas, where we're expanding into, but it's going to be exciting stuff, Charlie.
It's going to be big. Thank you guys. Brett, Lacey, Tyler, great work.
Thank you guys so much. Ben, let's go to you as we kind of do a line change. Speaking of action, we got this young man, high school. Tell me your grandma, tell me the story. Okay, my name is Janet Frazier. A year ago this weekend, I took my grandson to the reawaken tour in Tulare. And I want you to hear the rest of the story from Braden. Yeah, so I actually thank Charlie Kirk so much for what he does.
As a student, I watch him on hours on end each day, and I actually started a chapter at my school. And so I've been teaching everybody about just politics and how the Electoral College works. And shout out to Sasha, my field rep, for helping us. And all your guys' donations go back to us, the high schoolers. We get snacks to give to the students and encourage them to come. We got a big ball to have them sign called a Freedom Ball.
It was so cool. And so I just want to thank Charlie for all he does. And I had a question for him.
Charlie, we've got one question for you. So for somebody like me who wants to get into politics, and I want to be a constitutional attorney, so I want to go to college and go to political college. You've got to go to Hillsdale. If you've got to be an attorney, go to Hillsdale College.
Okay, Hillsdale College. And then one more thing, for somebody like me who wants to get into politics, how would I be able to work with you one on one and become like your apprentice in a way? Well, so we actually are constantly hiring. You might, as long as you're okay, not sleeping, traveling everywhere, hating your life, running and getting a lot of coffee and all that.
I'm half kidding. I will say this about politics. It is the ultimate meritocracy that you don't have to go to college.
You have to just work your tail off and you will ascend, especially in turning points. So if you're really serious about it, go talk to Mikey and we will we'll see what you're made of. Most people quit, by the way, 90% of people that say, Oh, I want to work future. I'm like, Oh, yeah, yeah.
Okay. They're like, they're like, Oh, wait, we're working on a weekend. I'm like, Yeah, everyone go back and you know, shuffle papers or something. We played a win at turning point. We don't just sit around.
Go talk to our team if you're serious about it. Okay, very special guest here. So I, as you guys know, traveled the country and went to college campuses and brought the good word to them. Mitchell Brown is here from Signal Polling. Mitchell, welcome to the program. You know, I'm going to recreate part of it here as we do this.
Who wants a hat? Say we're going to see here. There you go over there. We did that on campuses across the country. Mitchell, you did the study. Did we make an impact visiting all these college campuses? Again, great impact that you had. We have three or four awesome numbers for you here. And so what we went and did was I knew how impactful this was just by the vibe we were seeing on the college campuses now compared to 2020.
And so I went back and I want I wanted to see how people were actually responding on the ground. So we went in first and asked voters under 30 in all seven of the swing states what they thought of turning point, what they thought of Charlie and how often they were seeing them. So you have a forty nine percent name I.D. with voters under 30 in the swing states.
Turning point has a forty seven percent name I.D. and both of you are overwhelmingly positive with voters there. To put that into perspective, Trump is underwater with voters under 30 in those swing states and you are above water. So to show the impact of it not just being Trump down, it's other conservative voices. So we went and asked those people and of those people, thirty seven percent of those people said they saw, read or heard something from turning point this election cycle. And of that group, 58 percent of them said it was more likely to make them vote for Donald Trump this year.
So what that means by location stop. So we'll jump out with this first one here. I went and pulled the polling precincts of the seven largest schools that you stopped at in swing states. And we checked what the turnout shift was from twenty twenty to twenty twenty four and what that margin shift was.
I'm going to start with the biggest Penn State University turnout. Forty two percent higher than in twenty twenty. The margin shift, 17 points to the right. So we turned out more voters and did better with them.
Correct. Now, Westchester University, 19 percent higher turnout, 15 percent movement to the right. University of Wisconsin at Madison, 13 percent higher turnout, 11 percent shift to the right.
I can go through all of these. Georgia State University, 13 percent higher turnout, 14 percent shift to the right. And that is a tough campus that is not always MAGA friendly. And so who wants a hat, by the way? Let's see here. Here we go. So, by the way, this is what it was like on these campuses. I'm telling you.
And Mitchell, in polling, can you go through how dramatic a change like this is, seeing double digit movement? There is a cause and effect to this. It does not happen by itself. It's a cause and effect.
And we can talk about it on a longer forum next time. But we even saw this result is this is just the kids who stayed in their college town to vote, not kids from a different state that were going to these schools, not kids who voted in their parents' home precincts where they're registered. So that's also thing to factor in here. But this shift is monumental. For example, the shift with this voter group from 16 to 20 is almost none.
If you went to these college campuses, I went back and looked. There was only three that had higher turnout in 2020 than they had in 2016. And only one shifted to the right.
And it was by one point from 2016. So what you're saying is you had a control group. Correct.
And then you had the turning point group. Therefore, it would say that not every campus automatically had this sort of shift. So the control group proves that we actually helped move the youth vote towards the victory for Donald Trump. Correct. And you guys changed the conversation. So of this group, again, voters under 30 in these swing states, one eighty one percent of their media consumption is online or in social media.
It's not none of its legacy media. And the second part is for voters, their first time voting Gen Z voters. Abortion was twenty five percent of people's top choice. Inflation was twenty five percent and cancel culture was twenty percent.
So with first time Gen Z voters, abortion was only twenty five percent of people's highest issue. And that shows the type of work that we do. So the control group is the most interesting of what you say, because it shows that it wasn't just an automatic lurch to the right.
That it was the actual work that we were doing quickly before we have to get to our next guest. Tell us some of the other poll, the remarkable polling you saw this cycle as I throw out another hat here. Yeah, the most remarkable to point to is also outside of the swing states and how you can see how the culture on the ground is actually moving. If you look at California, Connecticut, New York and then even deep red areas, that's where the largest shift to the right was. So when Kamala Harris was spending her one point five billion dollars in the swing states, they weren't spending money anywhere else. And that's where the real cultural movement that Trump has created has moved. You look at counties along the border that are seventy five percent Hispanic that voted for Trump this time. You look at communities in New Jersey that are ninety one percent minority that voted for Donald Trump this time. You go through state by state, every single county moved further to the right than it did in 2020. Kamala Harris did not outperform Joe Biden, and it wasn't solely because of people talking about Trump.
It was also the anti vote against Harris in groups like. We're going to have you back on for a deep analysis. Thank you, man. Give it up for Mitchell. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. My pillow is excited to announce their Christmas extravaganza is finally here. Get this season's flannel sheets for as low as fifty nine dollars and ninety eight cents. They won't last long. So get them while you can.
They're famous. My slippers. These haven't been on sale for over a year and are regularly priced at one hundred ninety eight dollars and ninety eight cents. But for a limited time, they're now for fifty nine dollars and ninety eight cents. And their six piece towel sets are back in stock with extremely limited quantities, but only twenty nine dollars and ninety eight cents. With hundreds of my pillow products, there's something for everyone on your Christmas list from bathrobes, duvets, quilts, down comforters and so much more. Call eight hundred eight seven five zero four two five or go to my pillow dot com promo code Kirk and save on all my pillow products. That is promo code Kirk flannel sheets for as low as fifty nine dollars and ninety eight cents for the six piece towel set. But that's not all. They're extending their 60 day money back guarantee until March 1st, twenty twenty five plus on all orders.
Seventy five dollars or more. Go to my pillow dot com and enter a promo code Kirk. Let's go to you for one question as we bring up Matt Peterson. Ben, help us as we do a line change.
All right. What's your name and what's your message? I'm Bella. I help run a TV USA high school chapter and scene and I just have a question for Charlie.
Charlie, question for you. So I was just wondering if how can I help like more so expand and get more out into the community with my chapter? High school or college chapter? High school. High school. Where again? Sorry, North Carolina, North Carolina. Look, the biggest thing is activity, activity, activity, finding more friends, finding more people and then finding specific things you can do. It might be taken back to your school board. It might be hosting a lot of events that people like, but constantly using social media as well to try to connect with like minded friends.
And just so you guys know, at Turning Point USA, we have more high school chapters than college chapters across the country that are pushing for conservative values every day. What was your name again? Bella. Bella, you want to have Bella here? Give Bella a hat.
She's earned a hat for being a turning point chapter leader. Joining us now is Matt Peterson. Matt, you're from the Blaze. You're launching Frontier magazine.
Tell the audience about it and get that mic right up. Yeah, well, Charlie, as you know, this is when we say this is a movement, we mean it's more than just a political movement. So as important as voting is and it's essential. Beyond that, what this movement is about is establishing an American way of life that's worthy of the name in the 21st century. And that means shifting the culture in a way that far beyond just political commentary. And Frontier magazine, that Blaze has put out, is all about that. So this is about highlighting the people, the movements, the companies and the regions and states, like in areas where interesting things are happening that are moving against the woke agenda and providing a model really for the rest of the country.
I think everyone's asking, like, how do I live? You know, conservatives don't have a lot of media that talks about the normal stuff, right? That normal media would have and profiles of people like yourself or we did Chris Rufo in the last one. You know, what makes that guy tick? Left wing media would do that six ways to Sunday.
Right wing media usually doesn't. And Frontier is a beautiful aesthetic package that does it. How do people get access and order it? It's at blazemedia.com.
You just go to frontier slash frontier. Yeah, so tell us about how things are going at the Blaze. You guys are creating this really powerful media juggernaut. Tell us about it.
Yeah, well, it's been an incredible year. I mean, there's a lot of, you know, new faces, new shows. Jill Savage and I at Blaze News tonight are over at the booth over there. And I think you can see on the website something that's aesthetically pleasing if you go to the blaze dot com.
One of the first things I did that's really important is just change that site to make a site that's actually, you know, good looking, which is rare in our space, as you know. And Frontier magazine is just one example of that because we need a lot more than straight political commentary. We need a whole new media ecosystem. What do you make of this moment that we're in, this new American renaissance? You're a deep thinker. In fact, you're a teacher of mine.
I've taken informal, but you have formal classes from you with the Claremont Institute. What is your analysis of this moment that we are entering as a country? Well, I wish every student was like you.
I read that he reads he reads the words. I think that right now you can't underestimate the opportunity that we have because this is a completely different universe than we lived in before November. And I don't say that lightly.
You know me. I take this very seriously. I think we're in a very, you know, we were in a very serious situation as a country and as a civilization. But what has happened now is a complete opening of an entirely new frontier in politics, culture and commerce. And so really what exactly what you guys said in the opening, what has to happen now is that we put this all on overdrive. Everyone needs to it's time to build all the things.
Right. So everyone needs to go out there and do it. The time is now. And there's never been an opportunity like this in anyone's lifetime.
And it's like it's a once in many lifetimes opportunities. Give some action items on how people can turn that into applicable action steps because we get that question all the time. What can I do?
What can I do? Yeah. So I think the first thing is whatever sector you're in, look, throughout the last four years, people in all kinds of area, whether it's media, whether it's law, they would come to me and say things like, look, I want to find people who are not insane. I want to work for people who aren't about this agenda. And what you need to do first is find people of like mind. You'd be surprised at what you can create in any sector really of America right now, because there are like minded people like you who want to build new things. So first, you have to find those people.
Don't be isolated. Right. And there's lots of people looking to invest and to build the new stuff that I know a lot of people here want to do. Blaze website again? That's at the blaze dot com. Pretty easy slash frontier.
Easy to find. Matt, you're a great man. Ben Burquam, how are we doing down there?
We're doing well. Truck drivers. Hey, Charlie, I just want to say thank you. And thank you, Ben.
And thank you, Blue, for all your hard work. But mostly I'd like to talk about the truckers. America has changed. The American truck, I've been in for one for 40 years and the American truck driver is now gone. We're maybe 30 percent of the workforce now. Yep. Jeff Bezos has shipped in all these people walking in here and put them in new trucks. They can't they can't speak English. Got to run.
They can't do nothing. God bless you, man. We love the truckers. We have the truckers back. Eric Metaxas, everybody. Give it up for the great Eric Metaxas.
Oh, thank you. What's going on? A lot's going on, Charlie. The country should be dead. Donald Trump should be dead by the grace of God. The country is alive. Donald Trump is alive, but it's only by the grace of God.
And the reason I say that is that God saved Donald Trump's life and he saved this nation for a purpose. We need to get busy. We just crossed the starting line and we need to get busy. There goes scorched earth on the deep state, on the bloated bureaucracy.
We need to get the rhinos out and everything Charlie says I agree with. So I'll just shut up. Well, so, Eric, the divine providence, Donald Trump being an instrument of divine providence. Yep. We see that. But let's be honest. The church did not step up the way it should have.
That's right. And you know what? It even makes me want to know what is the church if the church is not stepping up and living its faith out heroically, including politically.
I listen. I hope that I'll meet all these folks in heaven. But I don't expect them to have very big mansions. If you are not living out your faith, I don't know that you have faith. God looks at us and he expects us to live out our faith. And there are many people that they're very theological, but they don't live out their faith. They didn't they didn't even vote.
They didn't care about it. So one of the reasons Charlie and I are friends is we understand this. OK. And this is not just a theory we have. This is biblical.
You have to live out your faith or shut up about it. And Eric, you are the premier scholar on Bonhoeffer. You know, I give you a hard time because Eric deserves it. But that's actually the highest form of friendship.
When you could joke. I agree. Eric is the best.
He's 10 out of 10. I've known Eric for a long time. But Eric understands if the church goes silent, what happens there?
Well, OK. Some of you folks know the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the German church. A film came out. If you haven't seen the film yet, go see the Bonhoeffer film.
I'm telling you, see the film because the crazy left has tried to to silence the film. The Bonhoeffer story is a story about Germany in the 30s. But it's really a story about America today. When the church thinks our job is just to do church, you're serving the devil.
If you just have a nice church service, but you're not living your faith out heroically, you're serving the devil. The Bonhoeffer story is the perfect illustration of that. If you read my book, you know that story.
But it's a story of America today. But I believe God has spared us so that we don't go down the path that Germany went. And then we now have work to do. But we must use the reprieve.
Yes. God's purpose. Amen.
For God's glory. We got to do hard work. Plug your Socrates.
Yeah. Well, people ask me, what am I doing now? I run a thing called Socrates in the City.
We just had our 25th anniversary. If you don't know about it, go to Socrates in the City dot com. I interview all kinds of people.
It's kind of like PBS that skews conservative Christian. We ask the big questions. I've interviewed all kinds of people. And I've got that. We've got a book out. We've got all kinds of swag. I can't give these away for free. But if you make a big donation, you can see me at the Socrates in the City booth.
That's what makes Eric and I different. I give paths away for free. Who wants a hat? Forget it. That was really.
That was pathetic. How about all the way back there? Let's see. Let's see. Let's see how.
Let's see the campus tours. Wow. Those are aerodynamic hat. That's pretty good, Charlie.
They are aerodynamic. It's not bad, right? That's 25 campus tours back there. That looks good. Eric Metax's final thoughts. What are you going to be doing in this reprieve? You're right.
That's important. We just I want to say this again, folks, with winning this election. And on January 20th, we cross the starting line. We cross the starting line. Now we've got to run the race. And now we're all going to see what we're made of. And I really believe it's God's will.
I don't say this lightly. It's God's will to restore this nation to what God's will is for the nation. We've drifted for 50, 60 years and we've got to do the work and we've got to restore the taxes.
Everybody's purposes. Give it up, Eric. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. And God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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