Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. Congressman Eric Burleson joins the show about the latest CR news. And then Neil McDonough joins us from Angel Studios. Angel.com, very famous actor.
Talk about his values and the new movie Homestead. Check it out right now, Homestead. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. That is freedom at charliekirk.com. And get involved with Turning Point USA at tpusa.com.
That is tpusa.com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy, his spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold.
Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Joining us now is Congressman Eric Burleson. Congressman has called the CR a total dumpster fire. Congressman, welcome to the program. We have about seven minutes here, and we appreciate you calling in.
I know you just came right off the floor. Take some time and educate us. What is a CR? What is in this bill, and why are you against it? Yeah, CR is a continuing resolution. In fact, Charlie, we basically have been doing this since whenever we took the majority.
We've only been kicking the can down the road. We are continuing the budget that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have passed. We cannot seem to muster the willpower to make the kind of cuts that are necessary. What happens is we get to the end of the year when our fiscal year ends in September 30th, and in order to avoid a government shutdown, they will pass a continuing resolution. Usually, they'll do it until Christmas so that we get to this moment where we all want to go home for Christmas, and then they jam us with an omnibus bill that has a bunch of pork and a bunch of bad things in it.
That's exactly what we have going on right now. 1,500 page pork barrel piece of garbage that everybody who votes for it should be ashamed of themselves. So what do you have to say to the counter that we want a clean slate for President Trump, a belief that I hold that we do not want any of the legislative poison for Trump to inherit, right? We want Trump to have a clean slate and that the only way to get President Trump a clean slate was by passing the CR.
No, I think that you could do a clean CR and that would accomplish the goal, but that's not what they're trying to do. They're trying to just throw in a bunch of items in this to get Democrats to vote for it. So this is a Democrat heavy bill. We're going to fund the new Francis Scott Key Bridge.
There's an RFK stadium project in here. There's a huge boom doggle for the pharmaceutical companies for big pharma in this. And so I'm honestly big pharma stands to benefit 50 billion dollars out of this out of this bill.
The bill might as well say it's being brought to you by Pfizer. Yeah. So so walk through the process here if we can. Was there a an appropriations process? Did this come out of committee? Did you guys get a chance to debate all of these details? Were you guys given weeks of informed consent here? Walk us through the process here. No, no.
That sounds all of that sounds great. And that's the way it's supposed to work. But that's not what happened. The process is supposed to these bills are supposed to be 12 separate bills or funding bills. And they go through the the the subcommittees of appropriations and then they are debated and they come to the floor for a vote individually. That does not happen.
Instead the speaker holds all the cards and holds all the power. And what and what the speaker did is over the weekend we were hearing rumors that this was going to be an omnibus bill that's going to include all these provisions. And that's we that's all we that's the information I got was through through rumors.
So I read I texted the speaker tried to reach out to him. Others did as well. But we didn't we didn't know about what was in the bill. Nobody, other than the speaker's office knew what was in the bill until until he came in and kind of gave us a little bit of framework on Tuesday morning. Well, here we are Wednesday, we're probably going to vote on it today. They dropped the the text of the bill last night at six o'clock at night.
You cannot tell me people have had enough time to read a 1500 page bill between last night and tonight. And so if we didn't have time to read it, and I know that this is a difficult topic and I say this as someone who wants a clean slate for President Trump, who is to blame for this congressman? You know, sadly, I think that Mike Johnson could do better. I have a lot of high hopes for him as an individual and as he's an amazing human being. But this is a complete failure. And I don't think that I think just objectively, this is not something that this is not the way we should be doing things.
And and I think ultimately it falls on him to step forward and do better. So let's play some piece of tape here. Let's go to cut 53 of Speaker Johnson, of which, look, I'm not going to comment on that because I think the speaker wants to have a clean slate.
But why not work through Christmas? Let's play cut 53. Well, I was communicating with Elon last night. Elon and Vivek and I are on a text chain together. And I was explaining to them the background of this. They understand the situation. They said it's not directed to you, Mr. Speaker, but we don't like the spending. I said, guess what, fellas?
I don't either. We got to get this done, because here's the key. By doing this, we are clearing the decks and we are setting up for Trump to come in roaring back with the America First agenda. And all of our fiscal conservative friends, I'm one of them, will be able to finally do the things that we've been wanting to do for the last couple of years.
Right now, Democrats still control the pens, and that's the problem. So we've got to get this thing done so we don't have the shutdown, so we get the short term funding measure and we get to March where we can put our fingerprints on the spending. That's when the big changes start and we can't wait to get there. Right. Congressman, of course, respectfully, I'm not asking you to bash a colleague or someone who is in leadership, but can you at least show where you disagree with what the speaker said there? Yeah, I think that, again, we always hear the rhetoric that we're going to do the hard things in the future, but we've got to do this right now.
I've heard that every time we come up to a decision or a vote. But I will say he didn't have to do this. He did not have to do an omnibus bill. This is a he could have done a clean CR. There's no way the Democrats would have turned down a clean CR without having to add all this other pork into it.
So I'm just that's why I think that, you know, respectfully, I disagree that this was the only way to get this done. Where do we go from here? What are the chances? Has it already passed the House? Has there been a roll call? Walk us through the schedule on the agenda as we conclude here. So they have not they have not told us when the vote is. The rumors are that it's going to be tonight.
But other than that, I don't I don't we don't I don't have the game plan. So so there is there's not been a vote yet. Is that right? There has not been a vote yet. But the longer this is, the more the American people are reading it and the more the American people are contacting us. And I think they're losing votes as we speak. So if that's the case, then is that will there be a government shutdown?
I think that there's time. If this doesn't pass, the Congress needs to stick around, do our job. And, you know, if we have to pass the clean CR to get us through to give Trump a clean slate, then so be it. But but this is this is absolutely worse than than any kind of continued resolution. Adding a whole lot of pork and more debt to the process.
There's going to be more work for Elon and they have to unwind. Congressman, thank you for your time. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Thank you, Charlie. Folks, your halls are decked with Holly and the sound of Andy Williams on the radio tells us to be of good cheer. But often the joy of the season is lost in the hustle and bustle. That's why my friends at Hillsdale College produced a free online course on Charles Dickens, a Christmas miracle. You're likely familiar with the story of old miser Ebenezer Scrooge and his three ghostly visitors. Scrooge famously refuses to be charitable in order to decrease the surplus population.
But there's more to Scrooge, which is why we cheer for him year after year. In this free online course, you'll learn how Scrooge is frightening and enlightening encounters reveal the joy of Christmas. You register today at Charlie for Hillsdale dot com. That is Charlie for Hillsdale dot com. Charlie for Hillsdale dot com. My friends do treat yourself to Hillsdale's new free online course on a Christmas carol. Sign up today by visiting Charlie for Hillsdale dot com.
That's Charlie for Hillsdale dot com. And on behalf of my friends at Hillsdale College, have a merry Christmas. Matt Gates is speaking out against the continued resolution, he says. And by the way, there's also an ethics report that has been released on Matt Gates. So Matt responds on Twitter by saying the Biden, Biden, Garland DOJ spent years reviewing allegations that I committed various crimes. I was charged with nothing and fully exonerated, not even a campaign finance violation. And the people investigating me hated me. Then the very witnesses DOJ deemed credible, deemed not credible, were assembled by the House ethics to repeat their claims absent any cross-examination or challenge from me or my attorneys. I've had no chance to ever confront any accusers. I've never been charged and I've never been sued.
Instead, House ethics will report reportedly post a report online that I have no opportunity to debate or rebuke or rebut as a former member of the body. In my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated, even some I never dated. But who asked? I dated several of these women for years. I never had any sexual contact with someone under 18. Any claim that I have would be destroyed in court, which is why no such claim was ever made in court.
My 30s were an era of working very hard and playing very hard, too. It's embarrassing, though not criminal, that I partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I ever should, I should have in my life. I live a different life now, but at least I didn't vote for a CR that messes over the country. I'm going to use a different word that flips over the country. How about that? In a lot of ways, we're going to miss Matt Gaetz in the House, but hopefully it just lets him be an even louder MAGA voice on the outside.
I know that Matt Gaetz is going to be at America Fest and the biggest speakers will be there. Something has to dramatically change. The way of doing business, the mode of operating right now, is unsustainable. It is unsustainable to allow Congress to continue to spend trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars that we do not have and act as if this is this is fine. The American people gave us a once in a lifetime opportunity. Now, we haven't yet sworn in that Congress, we haven't yet started that deal, but we have a mandate that is incredibly serious and the future of the country hangs in the balance in more ways than one. We have to ask ourselves the question, are we serious about actually fulfilling that mandate? Are we giving Trump his cabinet or are we just going to kind of do minor corporate tax reform and hope things get better? I do sympathize with the argument to give Trump a clean slate. I think that's I think that's wise because you don't want Trump on day one to use all of his political capital given by the American people to solve the Biden dysfunction of Congress.
So I think that's perfectly fair. However, this is still its own Congress with its own mandate. This was the 2022 mandate that we are still living under.
This is the 2022 mandate that the people gave the House of Representatives to Republican hands. So why are we not fighting at all? And I get it, you don't want to shut down the government to lead to Trump's presidency.
OK, OK. Time out. How about you just work another week? Show us that you care. Work one more week. Say that we are going to do a one week C.R. and we're going to work through Christmas and we're going to work through New Year's and we're going to find something that is not as disappointing as this, which has like bio weapon funding, censorship, industrial complex, get a few more concessions, get a couple, get a get some things. How about this? Trim NPR's budget by like 30 million dollars. Just get a couple little things.
And that might require you having to sweat it out over Christmas. What did we say during the last negotiation? They want to go home for Christmas more than anything else.
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Go to Charlie Kirk dot com and click on the preborn banner. Okay. Joining us now is Neil McDonough, who is starring in a very good film, Angel dot com.
You could check it out called Homestead. Neil, an honor to have you here today. Neil, tell us about this new film.
Well, first of all, just to work again with Angel Studios before that. What a big fan of yours, Charlie. What you stand for. Your way you talk the way that your pride in the United States of America is something that doesn't go unnoticed. So thank you so much for that.
First and foremost. Thank you. But, you know, Rave and I, my wife and I, we partnered up with Angel Studios a couple of years back and we couldn't be happier to be part of a film company that puts out films that the whole family can go to the movie theater and then go see a film together and not have to worry about seeing certain things in a film and then have a conversation after. Those are the great old days. When I was a kid, we used to go to see films where the whole family can go and see it.
Those days have just kind of been lost. There's a lot of messages that have been put into films from Hollywood that I don't generally agree with. I'm guilty of being part of some of them. That's for sure. I have to make a living too as an actor. But ever since we started working with Angel, we kind of changed things up and we want to give glory to God in everything that we do for our films.
And Rave and I are just about to start our 10th project together. So once we made that decision of not making about ourselves and making it about doing great entertainment for people to watch and to learn from, everything started to change. And films like Homestead are exactly that.
It's a film that talks about a horrible thing happens, as horrible things will always happen. That's part of life. But how will you deal with it as a dad? How will you deal with it as a landowner?
How will you deal with that as a husband? And in my character, who I kind of make it as a Richard Branson type of character, very well-to-do guy, prepared everything knowing that something like this was going to happen at some point. Well, it happened.
Atomic bomb goes off and the world is thrown upside down. But I prepared for it and I have militia guarding my homestead. Well, when I have relatives and friends pounding at the gate to come in and looking for food, what am I prepared to do as a self-proclaimed Christian? And it makes my character really think about what life is truly about. And I love doing characters like this because it makes me realize what life is truly about. And that's about, you know, it's about love. It's about loving each other and enjoying each other and the gifts that God is giving us.
And instead of making everything about ourselves, how can we serve our fellow brothers better? And that's what the film is about. And that's what I love about Angel Studios, that they allow us to make great films like this. I love it. Let's look at the trailer.
It's beautifully shot, like all things at angel.com and Angel Studios. This is Cut 61, the trailer for Homestead. Everyone wondered how the world broke. We're under attack. Deep down before society collapsed, we were already falling.
It was only a matter of time before it all crumbled. Try to hold your breath. Hold your breath.
I saw this. So what? Are you scared? America's just been attacked.
Is this an ark or is this a fortress? It would take a miracle for this to work, but I believe in miracles. Everyone wants to know how the world ended. This is the story of how it began again. That is incredibly powerful. So the premise is the world ends, you guys go back and then the moral dilemmas then ensue.
Yeah, it kind of perfectly put, Charlie. Yeah, it's what will you do when something like this, some tragedy happens, when an atomic bomb goes off and the whole world is just thrown upside down. What are you prepared to do if you're someone who has everything? Also, what are you prepared to do if you have nothing? And what are you going to do for your family to get food, to get anything, to get shelter?
These are discussions that aren't taken lightly and we don't take it lightly in the film Homestead. We really talk about it and what will you do? And I love being part of films like this because again, it's something that you can be six years old, you can be 90 years old, you can all be in the theater together and seeing something that will make you think. What am I prepared to do as a Christian? What am I prepared to do as a Jew or a Muslim or an agnostic or Buddhist?
It doesn't matter what you are. What are you prepared to do to help humanity? And that's what we're all here for.
At least that's what I firmly believe. We're here to love our neighbors and be kinder to each other and help each other and make the world a better place through love. And Angel Studios allows us to make a film like this, which is pretty fantastic.
And I'm so proud to be part of this. So I don't want people to see the movie, but it is a serious moral conundrum, which is if you can't do help the whole world, do you let everybody into your quote unquote Homestead in a situation like this? Does the film view this through a Christian ethic?
Yeah, for sure. I mean, anything through Angel Studios, you know, and again, I don't want to say it's just a Christian ethic, although it is for sure. It's a worldly ethic of, since we are all children of God, shouldn't we root for each other more?
And I keep on saying this all the time. And hopefully it'll hammer home to people at some point and not think that your race or creed or religion is that much superior to others, because that's what we all fight about, isn't it? We're all his kids.
So let's figure out how to root for each other more instead of tear each other down. And if you like films like this, if you would like to go to a film, you can bring the whole family, you can talk about worldly issues, Christian issues, whatever you want to call it, then you have to support this film, buy tickets, go to the theater, do these things, buy tickets for other people, paying it forward through the Angel website. And if you do that, you're telling Hollywood, you know, we're tired of the stuff that you usually put out, we want to talk about or see films that the whole family can enjoy together and have a good conversation about. And that's what Angel does. So if that's a film you want, it speaks loudly to them when they're turning profits on films like this.
So please, I implore you, if this is what you want to see out there, support the film, support Angel Studios, and it allows us to keep on making great films. When you buy tickets early, you enter to win an entire homestead full of equipment and Bitcoin and a Bitcoin. So that's quite a giveaway. Let's play Cut 76. This clip went viral. Bitcoin's up over $100,000. Now, so I'll take a Bitcoin.
I'm glad to take one of those. Yeah, exactly. Worth a lot more for the other stuff.
They go bags and everything else. You know, they've prepared a lot of great stuff for people. Absolutely. This clip went viral of a speech that you gave.
I'd love to dive into it. Play Cut 76, please. I said, you have to do it. We're going to fire you.
I'm like, well, I'm not going to do it. So they fired me. I was blackballed for two years. I couldn't get a job. And because of that, I lost my big, beautiful house in Los Angeles, my shiny Mercedes, all my stuff, and my swagger. And as you can imagine, at the time, I was really crushed.
They thought that I was some religious zealot. But to me, it was just that I didn't think it was the right thing to do. And also, I really love my wife.
And as I've said, and I'll say it a million times, these lips are meant for one woman. And I'm not sure if she's here in the room yet with our five kids, but if you see her, you'll understand why. But after that, my confidence was gone. I lost it all. And I started wallowing in self-pity. I started drinking my problems away. And I was in self-pity. I started drinking my problems away. It hurt.
Almost two years went by and it was the lowest point I could get to. And I remember this day like it was yesterday. I was so angry. And to God, I said, why have you forgotten about me?
Why are you doing this to me? That is some incredibly powerful stuff. Contextualize that for the audience, please.
Oh, be careful what you profess to be because you'll be called on it at some point. You know, that was one of those, I look back at that, you know, I call it my kind of the crucifixion for me of how hard it was going through all of that at that time. And it was brutal. It was really, it was hard. But I look back at it now with such pride and thankfulness because now I get to do what I've always wanted to do. And I needed to step up and stand my ground a little bit harder. And I stood my ground that day and it hurt. But there was a plan that I didn't know about that God had for us, that He has a plan for all of us, every single one of us, every one of you who are watching right now and listening right now, He has a plan for all of us.
You may not want to listen to that plan, but He has a plan. And His plan for myself and Reveille and the McDonough Company is to make films that give glory to Him. And if I hadn't been kicked to the curb like that, I'm not sure if I ever would have gone to this place where I'm talking about amazing films like Homestead or The Shift or The Last Rodeo we have coming out in May, which is just a stupendous film that incredible John Abnett directed for us that I wrote. And talking about kissing, the first time I kiss a woman on screen in a feature film is going to be in The Last Rodeo, which comes out again in May. And I wrote it, so I wrote into it that my wife, Reveille, has to play my wife in the film with flashbacks. She has three small scenes, but one of them is the two of us making out with each other, of course, while she's dying. And it's just, it's a beautiful, it was one of my favorite days I've ever had as an actor. I finally got to kiss a woman on screen and it's my woman.
And what a powerful feeling that was. So just to fill in more on that clip, though, just because we only have two minutes remaining in the segment, I'm assuming I'm inferring based on that clip, you were asked to do some sort of a kissing or sexual scene and you refused and therefore a sequence of cancellations occurred. Am I inferring correctly? You inferred perfectly.
Yeah, they want me to a kissing scene and I wouldn't do it. And they said, we'll fire you. I'm like, OK, well, then I guess you're going to fire me. And they did. And I was blackballed. You know, I was canceled.
I guess that's the term you call it. But it was brutal. It was hard losing everything.
And we had lots of stuff. But then I realized life wasn't about stuff. Life is about love and life is about doing the right thing and trying to always be the best version of you possible. And I learned a lot of great things from those times where I was really hurting. And I had two great things that get me through it.
My wife, Rivet, as I've said, I can go through life with one hand behind my back, as long as the other one's being led by Rivet. And the other one, of course, is my relationship with God, that I want to do the right thing by him. And that's what we're doing now. And films like Homestead kind of prove that, that I've gotten to this point where I get to make films that I'm really proud of, that give great messages about him and for him and how we can make the world a better place through film. And here I am on the Charlie Kirk show talking about this career that I've built with my wife. And how blessed am I. Praise the Lord.
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Allfamilypharma.com promo code kirk. So Neil, I'm sure that you are not the only person in Hollywood that shares these values, but you are one of the few that decided to stand up and actually pay the cost. Can you speak to that? Because the way Hollywood has been configured is to try and force one into submission and to make you act against your values. Neil?
Yes, for sure. If you're an actor, they want you to be an actor. If you're a writer, they want you to be a writer. If you're a producer, they don't want you to jump to different things and be some kind of a hyphenate, I guess.
I kind of threw out the rule book years ago, where I don't really care about any of that. All I care about is being the best actor that I can be. My dad said, if you go to Hollywood, if they give you $1, give them $2 worth of effort.
And my dad right off the boat from Ireland, he knew what $1 meant. And I work really hard to make sure that all the choices I make are really entertaining. That's my job security, to be the best actor that I can be and always be striving to be my very best in everything that I do.
Is it harder as a Christian or as a Catholic or as a person of faith? I don't even like to think about it. Look, I get to do film, I get to do TV, I get to do documentaries, I get to do stage, I get to play good guys, I get to play bad guys, I get to do everything. I've been very blessed to have this career that I've had. And now I get to do it with my wife, producing our films through Angel Studios.
And that's our home. And I can't even tell you how fortunate I am, you know, 10 years ago where I was and how hard it was and how brutal things were at that point thinking I was never going to get out of this. That I got out of it through my faith in him. And, you know, through my wife's faith in me that I got through those horrible dark times to create something so beautiful as the films that we've been been making lately. And it's just everything that I do, you know, from my health, what I eat, what I do with my body.
And, you know, but a year ago, I had to get really this great shape for the last rodeo and I got shredded, I got really ripped and I bought into this company, flipped my life and we started, you know, selling all these different great things to help people just feel better about life. So it's not just about my acting that I'm trying to make the world a better place. I'm trying to make the world a better place through the products that I am part of, things that I endorse, things that I wear, things that I eat, things that I say, everything. I try to make sure that it has importance to everything that I do.
And my wife, Ravet, feels exactly the same way. So the two of us together are on this kind of mission to make the world a better place through everything that we do. And isn't that what we're all supposed to do? One would think, what is your advice?
Last question here, Neil. We get this question a lot of young people that want to get into the arts, not just movies, but graphic design or in cinematography. And there's more people that have your worldview than I think people realize. I'm talking about specifically your advice to people that have a worldview that is not, let's just say, the main orthodoxy of Hollywood.
What would your advice be having the battle scars that you have? Well, you know, if you have talent, you'll go so far. If you have confidence, you'll go so far. If you have both, great things are going to happen. But to have confidence, you have to know who you are, what you really want to do.
And for me, it was, I wanted to make sure that I was surrounded by people who knew what I wanted to do, and we build together. So we keep on hiring the same crews, a lot of the same actors in our pieces, because they understand what we want to do and what we're trying to build. And for those who are new to it, look, you've got iPhones now.
We didn't have iPhones when I first started. You had to go get tape or you had to do, you know, shows or theater or whatever the case is, you have an iPhone, you can make your own movie and send it off to Angel Studios, send it to the Irwin Brothers, send it to the Kendrick, send it to Dallas Jenkins, send it to any of these people. If you want to be in the kind of films that we're making, send it to the McDonough Company. We have an email, we answer every email that comes in. That's the way we do it, because we want to give back and help and build for the future in this industry and to make films that give glory to him. And that's what we're doing.
And we're so blessed to do it. So if you're young and you're just starting out, or if you've been doing it for a while and you're kind of stuck, well, if that's the kind of film that you want to be part of, it's pretty easy. Reach out to these companies, support these movies, go to the movie theaters and keep buying tickets to films like Homestead or The Shift or The Last Rodeo or any of these films that the people that I just mentioned are making, then there'll be a lot more films like this. And with more films comes more production, with more production comes more crew, with more crew comes more jobs to people who need to work. And hopefully in California, they'll figure out a way to get more filming back here in the great state of California, because it's hard always leaving.
It's hard going to Vancouver for years or going to Atlanta or going to wherever. I love doing what I do. I sure would love it a lot more if I got to do it at home and sleep in my bed at night. And that's our next goal, to talk to the government, to try to make it happen here. Neil, excellent work. Thank you so much. Hope to meet you in person. Thank you for your courage and testimony.
Check out angel.com and watch Homestead right now. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to charliekirk.com.
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