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The Secret of the Turning Point Ground Game

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
December 17, 2024 5:00 am

The Secret of the Turning Point Ground Game

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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December 17, 2024 5:00 am

Four years ago, Republicans across the country abandoned Trump in the wake of January 6. But Charlie and Turning Point stood by Trump at his lowest, and now have led the way to getting Trump back into the White House. In a recent speech to Palm Beach Republicans, Charlie explains why the Trump movement was so durable, why it has such powerful appeal to the country's young people, and how Turning Point paved the way to turn that appeal into the votes that won the election.

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Hey, everybody. It's in the Charlie Kirk Show.

My speech at the Palm Beach Republican Club, all about President Trump, how he won the election, and what Turning Point did to help make it happen. Become a member today, That is Get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is Everybody, you have to come to America Fest. It's The speakers are breathtaking.

Do you know how hard the team has worked on this? The least you guys can do is come and enjoy and celebrate. We got Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Steve Bannon, Patrick Bet-David, Ben Shapiro, Speaker Mike Johnson, Donald Trump Jr., Matt Walsh, Tim Pool, Ben Carson, the next Ambassador to Greece, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Michael Moles, Ted Cruz, Rob Schneider, Byron Donalds, Ana Paulina, Matt Gaetz, Danica Patrick, Brett Cooper, Jack Pessovic, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Benny Johnson, my wife, Eric Kirk, Riley Gaines, Brandon Tatum, Tom Holman, the Deporter-in-Chief, George Janko, Ali B. Stuckey, Sage Steele, and more. It's You might be able to meet your future husband, your future wife, your best friends. You're going to be so fired up. It is a celebration unlike any other. Our annual event, America Fest, is held December 19, 2021-22 at the Phoenix Convention Center. Those who attend this once-in-a-lifetime four-day event will hear from dozens of the nation's top speakers, as I just mentioned, network with thousands of like-minded attendees and 100-plus partnering organizations and experience concerts featuring top artists, all while celebrating the greatest country on the planet.

Following a Turning Point event, all attendees will return to their campus and communities more energized than ever. Go to That is We have, again, let me just repeat this, Tucker, Beck, Bannon, Bette David, Shapiro, Walsh, and more., Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to I want to spend our time tonight talking about what happened and really why it matters to think about this election because it was an election unlike any other. I see some great friends here.

Is that Drew? Oh, my goodness. How are you? And then I want to talk about what is going on as President Trump is building this extraordinary government because I believe we have a once in many lifetimes opportunity that is happening right now. And then I want to talk about some of the forces that are within the Republican Party that stand in the way of that once in many lifetimes opportunity, which kind of goes to the much work yet to be done. So what happened this last election? What President Trump pulled off is without a doubt the greatest comeback in American political history.

And he and he alone deserves credit for this from his grit, his resolve. When he was exiting office in 2021, after a very unjust election, many of you remember the media said that his entire political movement was dead. It was over and he was really put in exile just right down the street here. I remember I visited him in early February 2021. That was the easiest meeting I ever got in Mar-a-Lago history. I was not hard, kind of just called up like, yeah, you want to see the president?

Schedule's clear. Come on. You know why? Because almost every major Republican had abandoned Donald Trump at that time because they thought he was toxic. They thought the movement was over. And as soon as they couldn't get anything out of Donald Trump, they ran away. Well, at Turning Point and me especially, we never left the president's side because we understood what the president represented. And we believe that the 2020 election was so unjust that given any other circumstances, we could build a multi-year movement, right those wrongs and eventually get him back in the White House.

It was ambitious. It feels as if it's so common sense now, but going through these last couple of years, the improbability and you don't have to agree with me, but it is a fact. I believe the hand of God is on Donald Trump and has ushered him through this entire process in more ways than one. Let's talk politically. So in order for President Trump to be successful, he needed to do something that was very difficult, that most Republicans would never try to do. So the traditional Karl Rove way of looking at elections, who I don't think anyone should take Karl Rove seriously ever again after this election, he's been professionally wrong about everything for 20 years, is he says, all you have to do is win over swing voters, win over swing voters and you become president. So we had a different belief at Turning Point Action and we worked in harmony with the great campaign team that President Trump assembled, Susie Wiles, James Blair, Taylor, they did a phenomenal job.

We said, well, let's think about this a little differently. Instead of trying to win over the same voters that are always in the middle, you know the type, they go back and forth, but there's not that many of them, but they have disproportionate amounts of influence. Why don't we just make the electorate a little more MAGA?

Why don't we make it a little bit redder? Now, the media said this was impossible. They said, you can't change the electorate. It takes too many boots on the ground, too much voter registration. The electorate is set and don't try to change it. But you look at actually voter turnout, I don't know what Florida turnout number is, but just take Georgia, one out of three eligible adults don't vote in the state of Georgia. And those people tend to be men who work with their hands with incomes under the age of 60,000 in rural areas.

That screams MAGA. These are people that should be voting, but they feel the system has betrayed them. They've never been registered to vote.

This is a first time voter. So the big bet that President Trump and his campaign team did, and we from Turning Point Action made, was why don't we reject the premise that every major consultant has made over the last couple of cycles that Mitt Romney made, and even George W. Bush, and we remake the electorate. Now, mind you, there's only one other candidate that remade the electorate in politics the last 20 years, and that was on the Democrat side. That was Barack Obama, where he remade the electorate. He made it younger. He made it more black. He made it more diverse.

They deserve credit for that, and they've not been able to duplicate it ever since. And so the idea was this, and it turns out our theory of the case was correct, which is that men especially were ready for a revolt against wokeism in this country, and we can remake the electorate across all demographic lines and ignore traditional race politics. If you're black, Hispanic, or white, it does not matter as much as the true distinction that should matter, male or female. And male-female distinctions matter a lot because they're given to us by God, and just observant nature tells us that.

So we had this idea that if we could make the electorate three points more masculine, one point more rural, then this would result in not all of the polling would definitionally be wrong because you're polling an old voter file where the electorate looked as if it's not going to look on election day. So this was not easy. We hired 1,500 people at Turning Point Action, full-time people on the ground in Arizona, Wisconsin, in Georgia, and Pennsylvania. In fact, you can go back and look at the articles. The media was cheering for our demise. Turning Point Action has no idea what they're doing. Trump campaign has outsourced this to the Turning Point Action, and they were ready for us to take all the blame for what happened.

So that was the first ingredient, remaking the electorate. But then came kind of our sleeper strategy. That was our big bet, was the one that we didn't advertise too much, which is hard for us because, you know, we like to run our mouths a fair amount at Turning Point, which was, which was the following, which was spending 12 years on these college campuses and kind of being known as the college campus guy.

We saw an opening, an attack vector, about 18 months ago. We said, we can move the youth vote by 20 points. No one's going to believe us. We're going to do the work. We're going to organize, hire the bodies, do the videos.

This could end up being the decisive factor. And for all of you guys, thank you, that have generously supported us at Turning Point. You know, this was not an overnight operation. You know that I've been doing this for 300 days a year for the last 12 years. You know that I've been doing this on campuses. Byron remembers, I used to tell Rush about this all the time. Like we can get this done. We can get this done.

And I believe the Lord led us to this moment where finally all the stars combined, where we were able to seize on this opportunity. Similarly to the all men moving to the right, young men moved the most to the right of any demographic that we saw. And Stanley asked me, well, Charlie, how do you best explain that? It's not that hard. You don't need a PhD or you don't need a Wall Street Journal article. Young men wanted to be part of a political movement that did not hate them.

Not difficult, right? That thought it was okay that they existed. That thought it was definition, actually that it's necessary to have men in your society.

That you need strong men in order for civilizations to thrive and to survive. The last couple of years have been very tough on people economically. A lot of good folks have gotten into horrible debt just to survive. Some of you are paying 20 to 30% on your credit card debt and drowning in those monthly bills. If you own your own home, did you know that refinancing that home can help get you help right now? I can hear it now, but Charlie, I have a three and a half percent rate and I can't refi.

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Fill out their form and they'll give you a call and you can review the math together and see if it works for you. Get relief at today. And so again, President Trump is properly described. He's definitely not the most feminine candidate ever to run in the history. And it's actually a really interesting thing when you think about it philosophically, because the Democrat Party is toxically feminine.

Now, don't get me wrong. We need a we need a balance between the masculine the feminine. But at this worst, look, the worst of masculine characteristics is like invading Crimea. We got that.

Okay. The worst of feminine characteristics is policing speech because feelings matter more than facts. We can agree with that. So when we do not have the proper balance of the masculine feminine, you can get toxically in one direction, we should all be honest enough to know that society can go in that way. But we've always lectured our kids of toxic masculinity. We've never talked about what toxic femininity is. Well, the Democrat Party is toxic femininity, constantly apologizing for your circumstances, feelings based, not reason based, right? Everybody has their own truth. There is no leader.

There is no one standing up to the mob. What is toxic femininity? Daniel Penny that had to almost go to jail for standing up against a crazy person in the subway in New York. That's a perfect example. And, and we could go through many other examples like that. So we saw this as an opportunity that was larger than politics. We weren't the only ones, but we were definitely the biggest ones, the ones that went all in, that this was a cultural reckoning that was ready to realign, that the country was ready to shed itself of diversity, equity, inclusion, critical race theory, pronoun police, they, thems being fired from your corporate job because you happen to have a cross or you happen to celebrate Easter.

And we believe that there was this pent up energy of the men of this country, especially young men that were experienced the worst of the COVID terror. You must wear the mask. You can't have a nod. You can't have a nod. You can't have graduation. You can't have commencement. You can't have senior prom.

You can't see your kids. You must be pent up all the time and stare at a screen that they are ready to rebel against that, against all the people that stole their 18, 19, and 20 years from them. And we created a message that Donald Trump was the man, the vessel that was the rebuke of all the suffering you've been feeling post COVID where your grandsons and your grandkids that feel something is off, things are rigged against me.

Well, Donald Trump is the guy that will restore normalcy and restore masculinity back in this country. And we went all in on that, not just on the podcast strategy, which was obviously significant president Trump on Joe Rogan on Theo Vaughn, all these great podcasts, but I don't know if this audience necessarily saw some of it, but I guarantee you, your grandkids did what we did on the college campuses. Did anyone see our campus debates or any of our videos? Okay. I'd say about half of you know what I'm talking about.

Um, if you, by the way, if you don't, that's okay. You're just consuming a dying media. Um, because, uh, but it's okay.

It's not, it's not braggadocious. We got 3 billion views on Tik TOK on Instagram and understand this, that what used to be considered fringe media is now mainstream media. Mainstream media is now fringe media. I mean, we were reaching everything.

Don't take my word for it. Van Jones, all the major political people are saying what the Trump campaign and turning point action and Charlie Kirk did on social media was unheard of. And it wasn't that we ran ads. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's hard to recreate it. I would show up on a college campus, sit at a table, let a bunch of people say whatever they want, film it, and then put it on the internet, right? Rinse repeat that at 25 times.

And after like the second time, the third time, again, I've been doing this for 12 years. We started drawing to crowds of 5,000 people at university of Georgia, 3000 people. I mean, we can show you the pictures. It's like, no joke.

And I was like, this is not normal, um, at all. And, and by the way, the Kamala table at university of Georgia had like six people. We had 5,000 people. And it was all, by the way, it wasn't just men. It was young women as well.

And then it clicked. The young women will follow if the men will lead. And that is a truth regardless of whether or not it's in politics. And all of a sudden the men are stepping up with masculine energy and the women of the campus that don't have purple hair and that are not lesbians are following them because they want to actually eventually do what most women want to do, which is have a family and have a nice life. And that is where the directional energy is going. And by the way, one of the reasons why woke ism was able to be so successful is that we did not have enough men to stand up to this nonsense. They stop it.

No, we did not have enough Daniel penny energy in this country. They say, actually, I'm going to call you about whatever point I want. You're, you're not going to swing against my daughter. You have to go through me. And that is the energy that is finally coming back to this country that built this nation in the first place. So we did this on these college campuses. Thank you. Um, and it was remarkably successful, reach billions and billions of people.

And I'll get you, I'll get into the data to show it. The final part of it was our embrace of early voting. And this deserves a lot of attention. I won't spend a lot of it, but if you guys watch the Charlie Kirk show, which we do, um, every day for a couple hours, you know that we were, we were just nonstop obsessed with trying to change the culture on early voting. In fact, I wore a shirt that said vote early for six months straight. We believed, we believed firmly that it was one of the dumbest ideas possible to try to tell all of our supporters to try to just vote on one day when the bad guys get 30 days and understand this when the, your theory of the case is that you're trying to get a bunch of people that never voted before. Well, then you, you, you fundamentally then need as many days as possible to get those people to vote because they, by the way, what we ended up being at turning point action was half of the time, a customer service line to answer what they would feel ashamed of questions. And you guys might laugh at them. Where do I go and vote?

Where do I put this thing? When I go there, are they going to ask, you know, for a utility bill and you guys might laugh. These are people that never voted for. They don't know. Right. And so we actually ended up being a customer service line for hundreds of thousands of first time voters. And guess what?

Easier to do that over a 30 day period than a 12 hour period. And what we ended up doing is that the smart Democrats knew they were going to lose like a couple of weeks out. We thought we were going to win, but then it was too good to be true.

So I refused to actually believe it. So we then chase more votes and won by more. Um, and that's how we got Senator Dave McCormick because of our crazy paranoia, um, which was a great win by the way. Um, and so early voting was a huge thing, which goes with this. The Democrats invested a lot in their ground game. However, our ground game, despite being just a couple of our groups, Elon Musk's group, our group, and of course the Trump campaign and a few others was able to out organize the Obama bros at their own game. And we did it through a mix of digital media chasing ballots, early voting, voter registration, and the proof is in a couple of different things.

And I'll share this and then I'll go to the youth vote totals and then I'll segue to kind of current time here. And we can talk more about this in question and answer, which is this, which is that there was one state more than anything else where we went all in, which is I live in the state of Arizona. I love Arizona. My goal is to make Arizona the Florida of the West, right?

That's what we're going to do. We're going to make Arizona the Florida of the West. It's a, it's a beautiful state and it's been abused by bad politics for too long. And from the McCain mafia to the nonsense of the 2020 election. And you guys know that I've spent time in Arizona. It's one of the gems of this country.

It's just the untapped potential of Arizona is significant. So we went all in. I mean, we went nuts. We hired a thousand people just in Arizona.

We did the deluxe package more so for two reasons. Number two reasons. Number one, I said, we need to win this under all costs and circumstances. Cause basically the Trump campaign was like, you got Arizona, right?

I was like, yeah, sure. You know, give us a whole state basically. Right. Um, the second of which is I wanted to prove that our theory of the case can be applied to future elections, that we had a data set. We could say, this is what happens when we're able to get properly funded, so on and so forth. So we worked very, very hard and registered thousands of voters, but here are the results in 2020, Donald Trump lost by 10,000 votes in the state of Arizona. Now lost as a, you know, let's just say fell short, right?

There's a bunch of nonsense there, but it is what it is, right? In this last election, he won by 197,000 votes. Now, now this is what's amazing out of all the swing States. There are seven swing States, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina. It was the best performing swing state of the seven swing States. It was the best performance that Donald Trump ever posted in the state of Arizona. And what if I told you he won by five and a half points, despite being outspent four to one, that's a very, very good test case that what we did in Arizona work.

Now you might ask about Kerry Lake. Is that what you're going to ask about the total population of Arizona? I could tell you there's about 3 million voters. So the population is about six and a half million, 7 million, because you have to say about, you know, 50% voter turnout might be a little less than that. My numbers might be a little off, but, yeah, that's about right. So yeah, about 3.2 million voted.

So population would probably be closer to 6 million. We'll, we'll, we'll talk about Kerry Lake in a sec. That's a, that's a, that's a Mitch McConnell problem, which gets into the third chapter of my speech tonight. Hey everybody, Charlie Kirk here. My pillow is excited to announce their Christmas extravaganza is finally here. Get this season's flannel sheets for as low as $59 and 98 cents. They won't last long.

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Now, let me tell you what I hate. I hate when people take credit for elections. Two entities deserve credit, almighty God and Donald Trump.

They deserve credit for this election. Okay. That's it. However, allow me to indulge you on some data that I think is very compelling of what would happen if turning point did not exist with the youth vote. So I had my entire team run it.

If I had the numbers, if anyone saw our presentation this last weekend at the gala, I can send it to you. It's, it's incredible. If the youth just would have voted the way they did with Joe Biden in 2020 Kamala Harris. It's that simple. Let me say that again. All Kamala had to do was get younger voters to vote for the guy that was like 76 and couldn't complete sentences back in 2020, but something changed. In fact, younger voters moved 13 points to the right. And here's the kicker. I say, this people won't believe it.

Baby boomers move three points to the left. I know, see, no one believes it. It's true. And by the way, it's multiple exit polls.

By the way, I totally believe it. By the way, why baby boomers are high trust of institutions. They watch a lot of TV, no offense. There's a lot of TV consumption and not exactly big into the Joe Rogan thing.

I think that's like the lowest of Rogan's listenership. Right. However, there's a, there's a deeper point there though, that again, I don't, I don't mean every baby boomer in this audience. That's not what I'm saying. But generally baby boomers, if you, if you ask them, do you think that our institutions are rotten to the core and deserve to be burned down? A baby boomer will say no, like eight times out of 10, you might be different, but instead they look at institutions as something to be honored and protected. Whereas Gen X millennial and Gen Z says, these things have never worked for us.

It is a scam. Burn it down, send in the revolutionary. And that was the energy that Donald Trump campaigned on. You might disagree with my analysis, but we can, we can debate that. The point being is that the biggest vote move of any voters this cycle were younger voters. In fact, we won the youth vote in the state of Michigan.

Let me say it again. We won the youth vote in the state of Michigan. We tied it in Wisconsin and we lost it by one point in Pennsylvania. And I could also say there would not be Senator Dave McCormick again with 53 Senate seats, if it was not for younger voters and how they move this cycle. So we could talk more about the election during Q and A there's so much we can go through, but here's the good news. We are building a political party that is durable to win for the next 50 years. Our party is now aligning less around race politics and more around class and male female distinctions, which I think is a very positive thing. In fact, as people get married and have kids, they become radically more conservative. The most conservative voting blocks are the ones that are getting older. In fact, Gen X millennial and Gen Z are all becoming more and more conservative.

They're showing no signs of going back. In fact, the baby boomers moving three points to the left was the first time we've seen since Barack Obama, older populations move back a little bit to the Democrat party. They almost always tend to get more Republican, redder, more Republican, redder. Now, mind you, when I say three points to the left, that was just against Trump.

The baby boomers voted overwhelmingly for Republican Senate candidates and overwhelmingly for Republican House candidates. So it's not that they've moved liberal. There was something about Trump that bothered some folks.

Okay. So we could talk more about the election in a second. Let's talk about this transition really quick. What President Trump is doing is he's assembling a team of change makers. We will never have this opportunity again from Cash Patel at the FBI, Bobby Kennedy at HHS, Tulsi Gabbard at DNI, from Pam Bondi as Attorney General. This is a team of all stars that we're presenting to the American people. Now this should be a no brainer. Here comes the more uncomfortable portion of our talk tonight, which a lot of you guys can help because a lot of these people come and ask you for money and some of you give them money.

So, uh, therefore you can really be helpful. It's that a lot of the people that are gonna be coming here for nice receptions and wine dinners in January, February, and March, a very simple question needs to be asked of them, which is why are you giving Pete Hegseth a harder time than Lloyd Austin that was Joe Biden's DOD secretary? Why is it that you are giving Donald Trump's cabinet a much harder time than any of Joe Biden's nominees? Can you show me one instance, cause I know the answer, where any of their nominees had to walk through the halls when a bunch of media was asking them questions and senators were flaky. And the answer is, of course not because many of our Republican senators do not share the values of their voters. And that is a big fundamental structural problem.

And so I can go through the list. There are a lot of Republican senators that voted to confirm Merrick Garland, Lloyd Austin, and Alejandro Mayorkas, almost all of whom are signaling they might not vote for Donald Trump's cabinet picks. And yet they come from some of the reddest States in the country, States like Idaho, States like South Dakota, States like Mississippi, States like West Virginia. Now, no votes have happened yet. There's still a lot of talk and rhetoric. However, we need to build a Republican party that is as conservative as its voters. It should reflect the will of the people, not the will of the ruling class or lobbyists in DC that want to overturn the will of the people. And while we're at it, they only have a Senate majority because of president Donald Trump. They're only in a majority because president Donald Trump was able to give them 53 seats. So putting that all together, we need to, we need to be very serious about launching primary campaigns.

I know this might not be what you want to sit here. We just won. You will not actually, you'll just win elections and lose the country. If the Republican party governs like moderate Democrats and does not fulfill the agenda of president Trump and let the message be very clear. And Joni Ernst was kind of central casting for this, this last week, if you oppose the president's nominees, you'll receive a primary challenge quickly and we will remove you from office immediately.

And so in closing, let me say this, and then we'll, we'll do some questions. As you can see, I'm a very agreeable figure. Um, and you know, the U S Senate lunch, um, couldn't, couldn't care less. You know why? Cause the game is changing because of social media. The people are waking up.

It's very simple. It's not too much to ask that the people should be back in charge of their government. What Doge is doing is a constitutional reset.

The likes of which we couldn't have never dreamed of. They are getting back down to the foundational and structural issues of our time, which is, is that a legitimate function of government? Should that department even exist?

Why do we have a department of education? Has that been tested to the Supreme Court? We're getting back to first principles that the founding fathers authored as original intent to send things back to the States, to give more power to parents and families and citizens, to be able to live the lives that you see fit and to try to shrink the size of Leviathan in DC. This is not going to be easy and this is a time to celebrate.

Don't get me wrong. What's going to come next is this $6 trillion beast per year is not going to go down easy just because we won an election. It's going to require citizen vigilance. It's going to require us holding people accountable because we have an opportunity to deliver on permanent border wall security, mass deportations. We have an opportunity to have the greatest economic growth miracle that we've seen in modern history, 5% growth and people being lifted out of poverty, the likes of which we've never seen.

We have an opportunity to abolish the department of education, which we should, by the way, we should abolish the department of education. And you put all of this together. I can just say that if we are complacent and we no longer are active communicating or under what's happening in DC, we just say, Oh, we want things are going to get better. We all know the lesson that comes after that.

That is why vigilance is critically important. And the president is not going to rest. I'm telling you both metaphorically and literally, um, he is ready to fulfill this mandate every single day. I could tell you the president tells his team, what did I run on? What did I promise? And that's what I'm going to do from no tax on tips, protecting social security and Medicare from liberating the American economy from its current shackles to drill baby drill to no men in female sports, to building the Southern border wall, to supporting our allies in Israel. Every single decision this man makes is through a simple prism.

One of which no other politician in modern presidential history has ever actually used. What did I say? And that is what I will do.

And we have to have his back every step of the way. Thanks so much for listening. Everybody email us as always freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
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