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Ask Charlie Anything 205: Underestimating Democrats? Living in Small Towns? Fighting Fraud in PA?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
December 2, 2024 5:00 am

Ask Charlie Anything 205: Underestimating Democrats? Living in Small Towns? Fighting Fraud in PA?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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December 2, 2024 5:00 am

Charlie returns to taking questions from Charlie Kirk Exclusive subscribers, including:


-Should the Trump Administration prosecute Pennsylvania Democrats who tried to count illegal votes?

-Should young people return to small towns?

-Are conservatives overplaying their hand right now and underestimating the Democrats?

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Hey everybody we take questions from you. If you are a member you can ask us questions directly and ask me anything episode only from members that is When you are a member you get special benefits and meetups for example at America Fest and some of our other events. Charlie Kirk exclusive you guys can listen to our episodes advertiser free so become a member today that is Subscribe to our podcast open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk show and get involved with Turning Point USA at that is and as always subscribe to our podcast and get your friends to do the same.

Buckle up everybody here we go. Charlie what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie he's an incredible guy his spirit his love of this country he's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries destroyed lives and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country that's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of the Charlie Kirk show a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals.

Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at that is it's where I buy all of my gold go to All right this hour is our members hour so if you guys are a member you can dialogue with us ask us questions. I want to get to as many as we possibly can we've been a little behind on this once we get back to established order we do this weekly. Jeffrey will be first. Jeffrey make sure you unmute yourself. Happy Thanksgiving thank you for being a member what's on your mind?

Hey Charlie thanks for everything that you do. Hey quick question if the Biden administration adopts this WHO amendment that I've been hearing about and I saw excerpts of it way back in the spring what does that do to the Maha movement? So not a lot I mean the WHO does not have superseding authority over American sovereignty thankfully this is going to be one of the top orders of business for the president. I think we should abolish the WHO of America's involvement I think we should completely disconnect from it it's largely a scam. The WHO is just a kind of grifting racketeering scheme to take taxpayer dollars from very wealthy countries and to appropriate them towards faulty and flawed science. There was a test and the test was COVID for the WHO and then they did just fail miserably they were actively against the best interest of humanity during COVID and the lockdowns they recommended the lockdowns they couldn't tell us where the virus came from they pushed the six feet of social distancing they pushed the vaccine and they have very very suspicious ties and connections to the Chinese Communist Party and so it won't do a lot because we won the election. Since we won the election this won't do a lot.

Now remember the WHO who wouldn't even acknowledge Taiwan in an interview this is one of the most radical organizations I think President Trump should withdraw from it and that our time energy and money as a country is much better spent elsewhere. Thank you for being a member I really appreciate it Jeffrey and just everybody knows when you are a member you make this whole show happen you help make all of the campus stuff that we do on this program happen you help make the millions of people's minds who we change and in addition you guys get a lot of goodies access to our events including Amfest. Thank you so much Jeffrey. Next is Isaiah love the name Isaiah. Isaiah happy Thanksgiving thank you for being a member what's on your mind? Hey Charlie um sorry my question is what can families do to stay tight-knit and nuclear in today's world?

Well this is actually the subject of my next book which I feel even more compelled to write um giving that Dennis Prager is not in the best condition right now and hopefully gets out of that. I truly believe if you look at the 10 commandments that the 10 commandment that connects to all the other commandments especially the one that said that connects to honor your mother and father so that you may live long in the land of which I'm giving you is to to keep the Sabbath to remember the Sabbath day and to keep it holy. I am a firm believer that we as Christians should keep the Sabbath and I don't say this legalistically I say this that I think you are missing out on one of the sweetest most amazing gifts from the divine by not keeping the Sabbath. Now I will fully acknowledge and disclose to you I struggled to keep the Sabbath the last month. The whole team will tell you Andrew and Blake I had my phone on during the election and the weeks that followed however this weekend I am planning to get right back into standard Sabbath tradition um I took a cheap month for the country. I think everyone will grant me a little bit of a pardon a little bit of Sabbath amnesty if you will a little Sabbath amnesty to save the civilization.

It was the Saturday before the election the Saturday after the election this last Saturday I think one more the last actually last weekend I was about half I had my phone on for half the day and I did a little bit of work so we're phasing back into it. I really believe though families need devoted time the Sabbath is the largest standing celebration of God creating the heavens and the earth. The fact that I honor the Sabbath I look forward to Friday night to being just with my family. I look forward to Saturday with no work and no way that people can reach me. It is a it is a destination it is also a cathedral in time and God created the family as his chosen institution to honor him. The nuclear family is the biblical model to keep values being passed down to have strong connections and strong networks together um and I really believe that as the nuclear family erodes that tyranny and socialism Marxism can ascend that Marxism must abolish three things PP Bill's connection to the divine your ownership of private property and the nuclear family and so I think honoring the Sabbath is a great way to ice to keep out the noise to protect yourself from all the chatter of modernity and to get back into the things that matter so and and even if you have family who you disagree with if you spend time appreciating each other and getting down to just spending time with one another I encourage you guys this Thanksgiving this Saturday take the Sabbath challenge which is for one month every Friday night to Saturday night turn off your phone and spend time with your family I that's what my next book is about it's called it's the working title which people seem to like is stop in the name of God and it's very interesting somebody my team said Charlie you sure you want to write that I said you know I'm gonna wait for a message from God the fact that Dennis is not on the air right now and that was Dennis's most exciting thing that I was working on I feel a moral obligation to bring that book to completion it will be a little bit different than the MAGA doctrine the college scam and right wing revolution however I think in some ways more important okay what do we have here let's go to Josh Josh thank you so much for being a member you helped make this show possible happy Thanksgiving what's on your mind hey so I've been fighting with seeing a lot of our local like community activities and stuff go by the wayside because the younger generation won't take over for the older generation and it seems like they're blocking away from our small towns and that sort of stuff like no other I've come from a really small town in Oregon and it just seems like there would be ways to promote those things with our youth and that sort of stuff that we could bring these traditions back and and more community pride and it's it's sort of it sort of saddens me to see these these kids kind of go listless after after high school and I just kind of wonder do you guys have any ideas or anything like that that would promote like pride in our communities and our small towns and that sort of stuff anymore yeah I have a couple thoughts on this so the first of which is sometimes young people do need to come out and experience the world before coming back that is the story of the prodigal son but I will mention this though and I think it's it's fundamentally important that I think there is a trend to go back to the towns that you were raised in I think technology makes that easier I think that the kind of aura of the big cities is fading and that there is a desire to go back to the connectivity and the community of the smaller town America that used to exist in fact we're seeing that happen in in states like Texas and Arizona in Arizona in particular it's not just that Phoenix is growing it is all the smaller towns that are growing Show Low is growing Payson is growing Prescott is growing Prescott Valley is growing Sedona is growing these are smaller towns that we're actually seeing somewhat declining population or at least trending up declining population and now we're seeing a surge tech definitely causes problems but it can also provide amazing opportunities used well you can be more connected to a small town while still having access to global economic opportunities so I highly recommend for some of you if you want to live in the town you were raised maybe it's Kalispell Montana or Duluth Minnesota try to make it happen I think it would be good for you good for the city good for the community and good for your family I for one would not be able to live in a major city I would not be able to live in DC or New York or Minneapolis or Chicago or Los Angeles San Francisco and when you go to these small towns you are able to then build up the churches build up the communities as well what happens when the power's out your phone says no service and the grid is down do you have a backup plan if you don't have a satellite phone from you're risking more than just missed calls a satellite phone from keeps you connected no matter what you can be miles from civilization or in the middle of a natural disaster this phone works when everything else fails it's your lifeline when the world goes dark and let's be real these days anything can happen but with you're prepared sat123 is committed to American values they believe in reliability and quality that you can trust when it matters most don't wait until it's too late head on over to that is use promo code charlie for 25 off protect yourself protect your family and stay connected with Blake as he normally does kindly reminded me that Phoenix is a major city however I will say this Phoenix is a very horizontal city becoming a vertical city it is not necessarily as dense as New York Chicago Boston DC it's incredibly spread out and I don't technically live in Phoenix email us as always freedom at and subscribe to our podcast become a member today it is a glorious thanksgiving everybody jennifer thank you for being a member happy thanksgiving what is on your mind I'm a mother of two boys and we're all Christians and my question is how do you think that the current political and cultural climate especially with the issues of the war in Ukraine the economic instability will impact the way that we raised our children and teach them about faith responsibility and the future yeah I mean look teaching young people about that one of the most important things is turning off the devices and pouring in to young people about foundational texts um look I mean our our daughter is only two years so I'm hardly an expert on this however I can say limiting screen time and never put our faith ultimately in government instead we put our faith in God and God almighty and God alone one of the most important things you can do and I think we are serious we are seeing again I don't want to be overly optimistic because uh blake will bring me back down to earth but I think that we could be entering an American renaissance I'm seeing people in our community and are following that in our um that are kind of in our following ranks that are desiring the beautiful things the deep things the established natural order as we say many times here on the Charlie Kirk show uh nature is healing and I will just say this verse um Philippians I love this verse by the way Philippians 4 11 to 13 I'm not saying this because I'm in need for I've learned to be content whatever the circumstances I know what it is to be in need I know what it is to have plenty I've learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want I can do all this through him who gives me strength uh thank you so much really appreciate it um and uh let's let's go here to Penelope please uh what is on your mind Penelope thanks for your memory hi I was just wondering if the rumors are true are you actually going to run for governor of Arizona no I'm I'm staying at turning point USA those are uh a lot of rumors but a lot of people are talking a lot of people are talking and I was wondering also about how Kerry Lake lost even though Trump won Arizona so uh a couple things on that number one McConnell kind of forsake kind of abandoned if you will the Kerry Lake campaign uh there was no investment from DC senate republicans there was no major concerted let's just say strategy from the DC senate and yeah look I mean McConnell and the gang they did not want Kerry Lake to become a US senator they did not want Kerry Lake to get across the finish line and because of that um look she was always pulling behind it's just a fact we actually were able to tighten that and so now we've seen um a honestly this is this is one of the reasons why we sadly sadly lost in Michigan and Wisconsin as well um Kerry Lake is amazing I wish she'd be a senator but you know when you do not have investments from DC and from the senate leadership fund it's very very hard to overcome that so very hard but thank you for being a member really appreciate it love you thank you let's go to Andrew next Andrew uh what is on your mind thank you for being a member yeah uh thanks for taking the time to do this I'm currently working on a documentary titled uh darkest before the dawn which features uh an already in the can roger stone alex jones james o'keefe and others and basically the at this point the focus on persecution in the united states and so I'm looking for uh to also include stories of families who haven't volunteered for the limelight but have experienced maybe significant persecution like j sixers anybody else would you be able to point me in the right direction to connect with such families or resources that could help me find them yeah Jessica Tapia in California for example uh is is a great one um there's so many examples that I could give the one that I think would be really interesting is young women in sports um young women in sports in particular have been so attacked have been so persecuted with the male men in female sports we have a bunch of students that have spoken out I would be happy to connect you with them and Riley Gaines of course has a long list than a ton as well so okay great uh thank you and thank you for being a member really appreciate it so all right let's keep going uh Janine is that right am I reading that right Janine thank you for being a member what's on your mind hey Charlie um I have two questions um first what is in your opinion priority number one in investigations for the new justice department is it election malfeasance in 2024 and or 2020 uh January 6 2021 uh those who weaponize the justice system during the last four years Russia gate Afghanistan withdrawal uh what what in your opinion is the number one to to start with yes so um let me just first say this I think that the number one priority of the new department of justice is killing the lawfare apparatus find out how it works and destroy it because that's pointing towards the future I also think we need to finally investigate act blue and get down to the bottom of how they operate I think there needs to be the beginnings of a RICO investigation behind all the floyd riots were they coordinated were they funded and the whole blm kind of organization I think finally needs to be brought to um criminal accountability and yes we do need election security there needs to be real investigations into ballot custody into voter rolls into all these different elements these fundamental elements um and of course the late drops um from Arizona and Wisconsin as well so um anyway there's there's so many things to restore people's belief in justice and integrity of our justice system so uh really appreciate it um the question and I think Pam Bond is going to do a great job I had a second question if you don't mind please do go ahead yes in 2026 uh the Michigan Democrat trifecta of governor AG and SOS will term out can you give advice on how we republicans in Michigan can take back our state yeah it's in Michigan look in Michigan we need we need better statewide candidates and we need to try to build off of the success that we have seen this last um this last cycle so um this last cycle what we've seen and like what we've seen basically is the Michigan Republican party win presidentially be very very close on the senate side and within like 18 or 20 000 votes with not with really not a major investment from the top down so we have to build out the grassroots infrastructure we have to get aligned with great organizations and we work directly with great education action in Michigan we were active in the seventh congressional district in Michigan um and you have to start local local local local state reps as well um we chased over 14 000 low prop votes uh in Michigan seven and successfully flipping that congressional seat from d to r and also helping win the state house and so i have to keep on that keep that momentum going um which would be critical to turn Michigan into a red state uh it shows that we can do it and president Trump did a miraculous job of setting the table right thanks so thank you okay uh let's see we have Melissa thank you for being a member hi charlie how are you i'm great i love your show and i thank you so much happy thanksgiving what's on your mind yes my question is what do you believe are the biggest concerns or challenges that our country's facing leading up to trump's second term so um i think subversion so like undercutting and subverting the established order and the transition from one administration to the other right i think that one of the biggest issues will be the lying will be the leaking will be the um circumstantial issues they sabotage the first trump administration and they will try to do it again and we have to try to be ready and so also just personnel personnel personnel is everything uh it's incredibly important now will the president actually get the intel briefs without the bureaucrats filtering out the truth um that is the question uh the and uh i am very very concerned that the intel community is going to try to subvert him again very good so but thank you for being a member and happy thanksgiving yes thank you happy thanksgiving thank you election day 2024 is in our rear view mirror and conservatives are fired up that president trump heading back to the white house in january but our fight isn't over and i'm asking you for your help conservatives for lower health care costs are warning us that big pharma and the far left are scrambling to fast track a big government scheme to eliminate free market forces in health care before the gop can take control of the white house in congress this pharma backed scheme called delinking would hand a massive 32 billion dollar windfall to the biggest drug companies and guess who would pay hard-working american customers consumers seniors and taxpayers you can help stop big pharma's money grab from american seniors and taxpayers by going to right now congress must reject big pharma's scheme to boost drug companies profits keep drug prices high undermine competition health care and hike health care costs for american people please go now to to join this urgent fight portions of charlie kirkshire are brought to you in part by conservatives for lower health care costs mary mary thank you for being a member what is on your mind i wanted to ask how do we prevent president biden from continuing to mess with our economy international politics and domestic politics because he certainly seems to be aimed at uh continuing to try to stir the pot um so look the the issue i think especially in ukraine um i think that president trump needs to have a total global reset and joe biden has just announced he wants another 24 billion dollars uh from congress in ukraine um he wants to try to spend more of our taxpayer dollars on the ground on this ridiculous proxy war with russia and we're seeing this develop you know up to a place where this could become world war three and they're going to try to hand donald trump the greatest possible mess imaginable and so i think president trump is very smart to try and govern the country through this interim period through this transition period and so i'll tell you i am not at peace about these this next month and a half because we could be getting towards something very very dark and destructive so mary thank you for being a member mary where are you from uh taylor texas at home of the new samsung chip fabrication plant um it's huge i love it i love it thank you for being a member daniel uh thank you daniel what's on your mind absolutely daniel happy thanksgiving um what is on your mind and thank you for being a member hi thank you for having me uh my question is in general is are we misinterpreting the mandate that trump received and specifically this is two parts to it uh first of all are we underestimating the democrats too much uh all over the news even in democrats and republicans i see everybody saying less rights for democrats that they're fundamentally gone whereas i feel that they primarily fail because a they had an atrocious candidate they had horrible policies and they had disaster after disaster of a record but they have so many things going for them they have the corporate media they have educational institutions they have tech giants they have the deep-seated government they have neocons uh if you look globally at other countries we're fortunate what happened here but for example the uk is doing very badly um and also when democrats vote they vote very united whereas we right now have a coalition of maga and old style republicans which as you can see is already starting to get some problems so are we underestimating the democrats too much in the way we communicate well i i'm not underestimating them look things can change dramatically if you looked at the 2020 election you'd think that you know maga is cooked the republican party can't win again or even the 2008 election the 2012 election look people are asking and repeatedly are we overplaying our hand and maybe however i will say this the democrats are going to come back with ferocity they still control the major institutions of influence they control hollywood they control the major tech companies they're not going to just go away the the the democrat party is not just going to disappear when we start probably deporting people they're going to be re-inspired and they're going to be in the streets and there will be protests doesn't really matter you have to do the job the american people hired you for and you have to do it quickly and efficiently and understand the media and celebrities failed them prove that they're not as powerful as they used to be and yeah i think some people might be getting a little too cocky but i don't really care we're three weeks out from a well-deserved well-earned victory there'll be plenty of time to humble people later i think that this is a well-earned celebratory period i really mean that and i i think it's okay to taunt the left a little bit i think it's okay to celebrate and to take a month off and just chill out and you'll never hear me say that a turning point we're not doing that but i mean just for the general population but the democrats will be back they're going to adjust they're going to figure out better ways to communicate to the population they hate losing um and also the democrats are in a time of civil war there's a there's a battle that is coming between the wokies and the moderates so it's by no means the democrats are done but we have an opportunity to seize on this mandate and it is a mandate he won the popular vote he blew out the electoral college he won triumphantly with more electoral votes they did in 2016 so but you have to imagine if you're the left imagine if you have all this cultural power and you still lose it could be very very demoralizing what's your second question daniel uh the question that's my second question thank you is are we paying enough attention to the new centrist trump voters who primarily want common sense policies um and i understand we have to look at the mega priorities we have to look at the corruption we have to look at the spending but there are a lot of people who don't really look at politics and they just saw how horrible the democrat policies were and they say okay i'm going to give trump a shot for a few years a few months and for example you mentioned deportations uh and i believe we have to get rid of the worst criminals but there's going to be a lot of people in this middle group we're going to if if we start doing like army or i don't know what else steve bannon has planned but if you start doing and they have a scenario where you show a kid on a video being taken away from his family or something that the democrats can play 24 7 for a couple of months a lot of these voters are going to be turned off would it be better to just try to incentivize people to self-deport and how are we looking at reaching these uh voters primarily what common sense policies the democrats being in a place of disarray and us having consensus type cabinet picks like rfk tulsi and when people start seeing your paychecks increasing costs coming down that will win a lot of approval but i'm not that interested in approval rating watching day-to-day for the first year just get the job done deport people fulfill the mandate no tax on tips and then you can start to see how the american people are processing it which will be overwhelmingly positive okay skylar thank you for being a member members charlie happy thanksgiving what's on your mind hello um so as someone who's like fresh into voting and more into politics recently um in your view what is the most effective way to engage young people in conservative principles and ideas well it's a great question skylar um how old are you skylar by the way i am 18 awesome well look i i could tell you this ask questions of your peers why do you believe that where do you get your information from what do you think is true asking questions can get you much and much closer to some approximation of the truth um and so then also try to read as many books as you possibly can on this subject matter nothing replaces a desire and a pursuit of learning and knowledge so skylar i would tell you just try to be non-confrontational but direct ask the right questions and hold the line if people try to call you a bad names just because your politics our tick-tock our tick-tock videos by the way were so popular because it was real debates authenticity deconstructing lies three billion views this semester um so thank you skylar really appreciate it thank you amy thank you for being a member happy thanksgiving members amy what's on your mind hi charlie happy thanksgiving to you and erica and your family we are uh just very sincerely thankful for you and the team daisy blake andrew ryan all of them it's just amazing to enjoy your coverage and all of your hard work so thanks for all that you do um i do have a question but as a quick aside to your book about the sabbath i read a book by john mark comer titled the ruthless elimination of hurry have you ever heard of that yeah i have i'm not a big fan of the author because he yeah it's actually a good book but um he thinks very highly of himself anyway but yeah um but yeah please continue yeah thank you you uh you sufficed my um my thoughts as well um so we live in the great commonwealth of pennsylvania and i just have to say it's been maddening to watch the officials who were outright and unlawfully attempting to block dave mccormick dave mccormick from crossing the finish line over bob casey which was obvious it was apparent it was called and we are just hopeful and praying that when president trump has his cabinet in place and ag lord willing ag pam bondy will be in place what can they tangibly do like what are the action steps what can actually occur to hold these lowlifes accountable especially in the state of pennsylvania yeah i mean i think we need to have an entire special division of the department of justice that goes in and these these people that were counting the illegal votes i think they should be indicted for that i really do i think that what we were seeing in bucks county was fragrantly illegal um and i think we need to have real arrests real subpoenas um and indictments happening because of what they've been doing to our election system i wish i could give a deeper answer on that but we're running out of time but i could tell you that in pennsylvania in particular it is it is hard to think what the elections would look like if the elections were conducted ethically and transparently happy thanksgiving amy i gotta get to one more thank you really quick um margaret what's on your mind thank you bring remember members charlie what is on your mind charlie uh thank you for everything that you have done for this country uh our daughter grace is a freshman at a local very liberal college and she had to move out of her dorm uh because of a a woman that turned male was in the shower the woman's shower and after three meetings with you know the the higher ups uh it was obvious that she had moved out of the dorm they weren't going to accommodate her feelings or her anxiety over the issue so she is uh she uh she voted in this election were these trans individuals or was this just alleged trans people or was no i believe i believe she had a surgery um she had a a whole uh thing on her her under her name showing that she went through surgery she was on um the medicine and her voice and everything like that she had full facial hair um so anyway she my our daughter got we introduced her to charlie kirk and she watches you faithfully and we also experienced bucks county and what they tried to do this election so we we we got a good taste of it for her we were glad we got to experience everything we did this uh semester because our daughter is into politics now because of you and what she's experienced and i would like to nominate you for the presidential medal of freedom well that's very sweet very very sweet but um i can tell you uh i don't think i deserve it uh and we should give it to elon musk instead but uh honestly you know what blake blake is right you know what blake is right give one to dennis prager that's that's who deserves one dennis prager should get one um far above anything i've done so i'll accept one in 30 or 40 years once my work is near the near the end i this is just one chapter of many things i want to do but it's very very sweet and very touching so thank you so much god bless you and say hello to your daughter for me so thank you thank you charlie become a member today members dot charlie kirk dot com and subscribe to our podcast god bless you guys have a wonderful thanksgiving talk to you soon thanks so much thanks so much for listening everybody email us as always freedom at thanks so much for listening and god bless for more on many of these stories and news you can trust go to
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