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The NIH Admits the Truth: The Covid "Conspiracy Theories" Were True

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
November 26, 2024 8:00 pm

The NIH Admits the Truth: The Covid "Conspiracy Theories" Were True

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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November 26, 2024 8:00 pm

An official at the National Institute of Health says that Covid came from a Chinese lab, lockdown rules were made up, the vaccines cause heart damage, and more. James O'Keefe joins to talk about his latest scoop, and then Charlie talks to Trump lawyer Alina Habba about Jack Smith dropping his sham case against Trump and what must happen to destroy the left's lawfare apparatus forever.

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Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. James O'Keefe joins the program and Alina Haba. We talk lawfare, NIH, and the ascendant alternative media. Email me as always, freedom at and subscribe to our podcast.

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That's Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

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Go to Joining us now is great American patriot, James O'Keefe. James, welcome to the program. James, tell us about your latest story here. Hey, Charlie.

Thanks for having me. This is an official inside NIH, National Institute of Health, Roger Cholin, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the US National Library of Medicine. And he's confirming everything we knew about the vaccine, its effectiveness.

He says these vaccines don't stop you from getting COVID. He says there's some evidence that they may have been funded in Wuhan, a lab in China. He's saying all the things that people said were conspiracies. He's on tape. He released it yesterday.

A lot to go through here, but one of these undercover investigations exposing people inside the government saying what we all know to be true, not brave enough to say it publicly. So tell us some of the backstory here. And it's Roger Cholin, Chief of Health Data Standards. Is that correct? Yeah, Roger Cholin, Chief of Health Data Standards Branch at the US National Library of Medicine at the NIH. And as we all know, Bobby Kennedy is coming in to be the head of HHS. This is a division of HHS. And this guy is a supervisor.

He's a young guy, but he supervises 40 people. And he says that Pfizer and Moderna were just getting a bunch of money from this. They were expediting approvals. He also says in this videotape, Charlie, that there's going to be no accountability. He's almost bragging that nothing is going to happen to him or the people within this branch of the government because they, quote, fly under the radar, which I find interesting. That's really run the season of accountability.

And a lot of people want accountability. So he's saying all these things that were considered conspiracy theories and conspiracy theories a few years ago. He's confirming the vaccine isn't effective. He didn't get it. And he's taken down his LinkedIn page. They always take down their LinkedIn pages. I'm confused why he did that.

He should be proud and stand behind his words. Okay, let's go one by one here. This is Raja Cholin, Chief of Health Data Standards, saying that NAID might have funded the Wuhan lab to make COVID.

Play cut 30. What do you think about the NIH now that you are working there? Probably shouldn't be saying this out loud. They might have funded a lab in Wuhan, China, to make COVID. And Pfizer and Moderna are just getting a bunch of money from all these vaccine mandates. James, explain more on this clip. Well, he's saying that it increases your risk of heart conditions, including myocarditis in the tape. He says, I'm close enough to 30 where I don't want to have a heart attack.

And he says, I quote, I probably shouldn't be saying this out loud. And I interviewed Dr. Malone, Dr. Robert Malone about this. And a few years ago, you would be considered a conspiracy theorist for saying all these things. Now it's mainstream, including within people in National Institute of Health, including at the Chief of the Health Data Standards branch. So it's just bridging the divide between what people say privately and what they say publicly.

And these are people in the government that are in control of making medical decisions. And I'm sure you go on to the next clip, but let's take a look at the next one. Absolutely. Let's go to the next one here.

Very important. Let's go to I want to go one by one. Let's go cut 31. I think we're all going to find out when it's too late.

Play cut 31. For other vaccines, like measles or whatever, you have to go through several rounds of approval. But these were accelerated through the approval. Do you think that like the mRNA got the same? Because it really affected people? I think we're all going to learn when it's too late. What does he mean learn what when it's too late, James? We're all going to learn the learn about the doubts about the vaccine's effectiveness. We're going to learn about the supposed myocarditis effects, quote, when it's too late.

They had to rush all this stuff through. And again, you were considered a conspiracy theorist. You were banned from social media platforms, myself included, banned from Twitter at the time for saying what the guy inside the National Institute of Health is now saying. And none of this is surprising to any of your audience, but it is confirming, as you know, at O'Keefe Media, we confirm suspicions of Project Veritas. We confirm suspicions.

YouTube took down our big story on Pfizer almost two years ago for saying almost the same thing. Don't say this out loud. Don't get me on tape saying this. We're going to learn about this stuff when it's too late.

Maybe you go to the next clip now. Yeah, I mean, is there any chance that he actually kind of agreed with us? Or was he kind of a duplicitous actor? Tell me before we proceed, James.

Yeah, I think that's a really interesting question. As I was producing this story, I could not tell whether he was evil or weak or good or just a buffoon. So let's say he's just a buffoon.

Well, then why does the federal government hire buffoons to be their chief of health data standards? It's like, whatever it is, it's bad. I think the question is whether he's a villain. I think the Pfizer official that we caught two years ago is extremely villainous. I don't see this guy that way. I think he's kind of a common sense dude who's a young guy in over his head in the government. He knows a lot about health, not a lot about the government and about management.

And he basically says what anyone on the street would say, which is that this is all about money, making money from Moderna. And it's being rushed through the approvals. It was wrong to do that.

And we're gonna learn about the effects when it's too late. Okay, let's let's proceed here. Let's go to cut 32. This is important. The six feet rule was just made up cut 32.

Like the six foot rule. Remember that? Like, that wasn't like based on any real evidence that that did it. It was completely made up.

Completely made up. Is that right? Well, that's what the quote the chief of the health data status branch inside the National Institute of Health now says. That's not a Charlie Kirk quote. That's not a Bobby Kennedy quote. That's not a Trump quote. That's a National Institute of Health quote that we made it all up. What a shocking admission. I think the question your audience is going to be saying here is what is going to happen to these people? Well, I don't know.

I don't know what to tell you about that. But I can tell you that this is the truth. This is the reality.

And it's not shocking, but it's confirming. Let's continue on the cut sheet here. Next is cut 33 saying it will be worse for NIH if Trump is elected. Better for them if a Democrat is in office.

Play cut 33. I think it would be worse for the NIH. I think it would be better for a Democrat to be in office. We sometimes fly under the radar of like the really street guys. What does he mean by that, James? Yeah, I think it means that they know they won't be held accountable, that they don't expect any. And this is really now we're really getting to the heart of the issue.

And this is more of Charlie what kind of I think you're more of a specialist in this sort of thing than even I am, because I just believe in bringing the information to the people, letting the government do what they will, letting the people take advocacy and measures to change things. But he's basically saying in so many words, nothing's going to happen to me. Nothing's going to happen to us. We're in this sort of more obscure division of HHS.

We don't expect any accountability. He's sort of gallivanting around here, even though unbeknownst to him, he's being recorded. But he's saying, he's bragging that we're not going to be scrutinized and nothing is going to happen to us. So I've reached out to a few officials for comment.

They have not responded to me. And I think now it's up to the American people and to Donald Trump and to the people that he delegates this to, to make sure that perhaps something does happen to these people for doing these heinous things. And now the kicker, the most important piece of tape, cut 34. He admits and he has not and will not get the latest COVID shots because it increases risk of heart conditions. Now, he might actually be sympathetic with our view on this, James. The question I really wonder though, how many people within our government believe this? We were censored and kicked off social media platforms. Is this the best kept secret within NIH right now?

Play cut 34. Well, I don't, so I'm not, probably shouldn't be like saying this out loud. I haven't gotten the latest COVID shots and I'm not going to. There's mixed evidence about if it really does anything.

For people that are like 30 or under, it really increases your risk for heart conditions. The data does show that. I don't even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don't. I don't think so. Like it's supposed to make you less sick if you get it.

I don't know if it really prevents the transmission of it. I mean, I don't think he's a buffoon. I think he actually is onto something. Well, I think he knows a lot about health. I think he's, um, I think the fact that you have leaders in the government that believe these things, and he says the data proves it, he makes sure to add that, but they're not willing to say it under oath. They're not willing to say it on CNN. It is kind of evil, isn't it? And he is onto something. So, I mean, I think the fact that he also says, I'm not supposed to be saying this out loud.

I would ask him, why not? Why, why don't you want to say this out loud? So he's certainly a weak, cowardly man if he's not evil, uh, to not stand for the truth.

But the truth always comes out, doesn't it, Charlie? Sunlight is the best disinfectant and he's scattered like cockroaches. He's taken down his LinkedIn page.

I should, I should, I'm going to try to track him down in person. But the question I have is what is going to happen to the people in the NIH here? What is Kennedy going to do? What is Trump going to do to reform the system? James, in closing here, more broadly, President Donald Trump's victory was a win for transparency, truth and freedom of speech.

This is something where they've tried to destroy your life. I know you're not a political guy. Obviously, you have, you know, private views, everybody does. But can you speak to the triumph of our alternative media, James, and what Donald Trump's victory means for those of us that are not necessarily platformed on CBS, ABC or NBC? Well, I mean, it was a very emotional week for me, not in the way that it was for others in the sense that Trump and I are part of a unique club where we've both been raided by the FBI. We've both been sued dozens of times.

Um, and, and we've both been arrested. And you have this lawfare and this use of law as a means to control your politics, which is completely unjust. It invokes trauma in its victims. It certainly has done that for me. And it probably has done that for Trump, I believe.

Um, although he has probably thicker skin than I do, I think. But for me, it was a, a, the, the result was a, uh, pushback against the need to use the tyranny of the law and false prosecution to hurt people who are trying to hold institutions accountable. So for me, that was, that was a different type of, of win.

It was a win based upon that core value. That's, that's what, what affected, what affected me was that the people, the majority of the American people, even though they, they had all the King's horses and all the King's men and all the disinformation that they could buster could not change the spirit, the ethos of the American people to take a stand. What happens when the power's out? Your phone says no service and the grid is down. Do you have a backup plan? If you don't have a satellite phone from, you're risking more than just missed calls. A satellite phone from keeps you connected no matter what. You can be miles from civilization or in the middle of a natural disaster. This phone works when everything else fails. It's your lifeline.

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Use promo code Charlie for $25 off. Protect yourself, protect your family and stay connected with James, please continue on that very important topic. Well, I'm saying that, you know, the election result, you know, was a, was a testament to pushing back. Like Trump was like Horatius at the bridge.

It was a pushback against this lawfare, using the laws of political weapon to achieve political ends. And I, and I saw him at Mar-a-Lago back in the spring and he gave me a hug. He's like, James, I love you.

Give me a hug. And it was, and I think it was just the fact that we were both part of this club of men who had been raided by the feds, arrested and sued. I've been sued and he's been sued dozens of times, targeted, falsely accused. And it became quite, it becomes quite emotional because there's something deep that there's a pushback against amongst the Vulgate. My company was called Project Veritas, bring Veritas to the Vulgate, truth to the people. And people rejected all this propaganda and tyranny.

Perhaps Americans are built differently than other civilizations throughout history. So that, that's what it meant to me. And another thing I'll say is in the beginning of a, of a, of a charge that the Patriot is a, is a brave but scarce man, but when his cause succeeds, the timid then join him.

And now Charlie, and you were at the front lines and you've been doing this for over a decade. There's, there's just an awakening and people are now willing and there's a floodgate opening and people are going to be willing to say and do things that very few were willing to do before. James, what does this mean for, and I love that, the alternative media ecosystem? Do you believe that the mainstream media networks are decreasing and dying in front of us?

I think they're dead. I think Hollywood's done because people are not willing to buy what they're selling and they know that. There's still a lot of no men in Hollywood, but Bezos not endorsing Kamala was a big tell.

It showed the market correction that's taking place in, in the, in the media economy and the culture. I mean, I'm a filmmaker and I made a film called Line in the Sand. I'm gonna be making more films. I think they're going to look to people like me, people like you. I think you're, you're, you're holding the event of the, of the year as far as I'm concerned in a month. And I think that there's going to be a place for people who are considered conservative in culture now. That's what I think is the biggest thing to happen. I think politics downstream from culture.

So there's a market correction and that's, that's going to become a phenomenon in the next two years. And I want to just say one last thing, James. Your courage has been amazing. I think you and Donald Trump are two of the most courageous people out there right now. Two of the most courageous people. And you've been through so much.

You have amazing fortitude. And the bad guys didn't win. The censors, the smear artists.

Please, James. The enemy is, I said this to you, the enemy is often within. The enemy can sometimes be, that's, that's our struggle now.

And that's, that's your struggle. The, the, the, the enemies out there, the government, et cetera. But sometimes it can be within. It's often within us. The evil is all around us, especially when you are a targeted man. You have to be careful who you surround yourself with. You have to surround yourself with people whose price is, is very great and maybe prices your life and they can't be bought. They can't be corrupted and influenced.

That's been my struggle. And, and we're still standing. Trump's still standing. I'm, I'm proud of him for having the thick skin that he has. And I, and I wish him well. And I, and I, and I hope he surrounds himself with some really good people because that's now the thing.

You've got to surround yourself with the best people. Hopefully he does that. James, God bless you. And I just texted you a reminder to speak at AmFest, James, so please join us.

I'll be there on Friday. We're speaking on the main stage. Thank you. Oh, great. Okay. I don't even know. Are you on this graphic? I don't know. Anyway, sorry about that. Please put me on the graphic.

I would love that. No, I know that's, it's right hand, left hand. We've, we're still recovering from the triumphant election. Thank you, James. Appreciate it. Thank you, Charlie.

As a reminder, put this up on screen. We have Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump Jr., Ben Carson, Tim Poole, Josh Hawley, Matt Walsh, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Michael Knowles, Nicole Shanahan, Ana Paulina Luna, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Danica Patrick, Brett Cooper, Jack Pasobik, Benny Johnson, Riley Gaines, Brandon Tatum, Alex Clark, Tom Homan, my wife, Erica Kirk, George Janko, Roger Stone, Allie B. Stuckey, and more. By the way, huge names still yet to be announced, like really, really big names. So go to That is

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Go to and click on the preborn banner. Let's throw to Alina here. Alina, welcome to the program. Great to see you, Trump Senior Advisor. Alina, your reaction to the breaking news yesterday of Jack Smith basically motion dismiss on all charges. I want to know who is paying back all the taxpayers for the waste of money. I want to know how we have allowed this on two cases that he had to dismiss yesterday and all of a sudden he wants to say he values the constitution. Well, that constitution was the same constitution, Charlie, that was in place two years ago when he started the switch on against President Trump. So I want to know how we're going to rectify the damage that has been done by the money, the damage that has been done to President Trump, the legal team, the legal fees, for what? An election interference case. And I hate to say it, but told you so. We told you so.

These were witch hunts after witch hunts, and they're finally being dropped as they should, but it shouldn't have had to come to this. But Jack Smith said at the end of his charging documents that immunity from prosecution for a sitting president would not preclude such prosecutions once the president's term is over. Is he threatening that he's going to be back after President Trump's term? I can assure you he could threaten all he wants.

He will not be back. He was inappropriately appointed to start with. We know that.

There's a Supreme Court decision on immunity that came out in favor of all presidents, not just President Trump. We know that. These are people that are, look, DA Bragg did the same thing. DA Bragg did the same thing.

He said, oh, I want to push things off for four years. These people are relentless and desperate, Charlie. They're relentless and desperate. And if you see the picture circulating of Letitia James right now, it was pretty funny. She's not looking so happy. But at the end of the day, America is going to correct. It's correcting as we speak. You know that.

You feel it. And he'll make sure, Pam Bondi will make sure that these DAs and AGs are shut down if they have any political ammunition, political ambition, and that's getting in the way of what their job is supposed to be. Are there any other pending legal cases now? Alina, it seems as if New York is basically being sunsetted.

The Georgia one, I haven't heard much of. But also for the associated parties, yes, they are dropping the cases against Trump. But are we seeing similar type of dropping of cases against Trump allies as well?

There should be. And we're going to make sure of it because a lot of times, like Judge Marshawn, who went after Allen Weisselberg, the CFO, not once but twice, this is all something that we have to cure. We have to cure this in the administration. Pam and I have spoken about this.

It's so important. We have to cure this lawfare so that it has to all be cured. You cannot go after associates just because they're associates of Donald Trump. You cannot go after CFOs who didn't put a Mercedes or an apartment on a tax return that could have been rectified with money and put them in jail twice.

You can't do things like that. And we've seen it time and time again. And I'm telling you, there's one problem, and that is the lawfare in this country that was created just a few years ago.

This is a new phenomenon. And we're going to put in methods and figure out a way to shut it down so that it stops against every American, not just Donald Trump. So the regime of lawfare has made people not trust our justice system.

What more in particular can Attorney General Pam Bondi do, once she is confirmed, to restore integrity and trust in our legal system? Well, there has to be an examination and we have to look at, basically, we have to look under the covers. We have to see what was happening.

What was the motivation? We have to look at logs. A lot of information that I have and that we've heard over the past few years that I've been yelling about on the courtroom stairs, we have to now hold people accountable. If there is fear of accountability, people will stop.

And that's incredibly important. We can't just talk. We can't just have congressional testimony and subpoenas. We'll start there. But there has to be accountability.

And I think America needs it. They need to see that, you know, we always thought something was wrong. Let's find out what actually happened. And then let's hold people that need to be held accountable accountable.

It is a remarkable thing. And I think we have to start to hold accountable these people that have done this. What is the update also of the seizure of Donald Trump's business empire from Letitia James? We should be receiving a decision from the appellate division. We argued it fully, briefed it fully. And we're waiting on the First Department of New York to give us a decision. As you know, we already completely slammed that ridiculous amount of money.

It got slashed into almost a third, just right off the bat. And now we've argued about everything from the judge, from the evidence that went in, from the $18 million Mar-a-Lago evaluation. The list goes on and on. We're waiting on the appellate division. We should have a decision on that any day. And hopefully that will be the final straw on that one as well. And we can put this all to rest.

But I can't say this enough. That doesn't mean that the American people didn't suffer, that their support and value system in the justice system didn't suffer. And there's healing that needs to happen because the reason we are America is because we believe that there is a justice system that does not attack you because of your political affiliations, or because of your religious affiliations, or because of anything like that. And we not only can restore that financially, we have to restore American faith. And I know Pam's going to do a great job of it, President Trump's going to do a great job of it.

And I'll definitely help in any way I can. This has been one of the great tragedies. And they're responsible for so many desecrations of our republic, from going after pro-lifers, the January 6ers, the entire legal assault on Trump's family, church-going Catholics. And isn't it just it should anger people that you win an election and all the charges go away? Does that mean they never actually believed them in the first place? That means they operate in a system of fear, right?

So you're in a system of fear, not real life, not law. So now President Trump's been elected, we can now ask for subpoenas, we can ask for the basis of these things, and all of a sudden they're running away. They're not just dropping the cases, Charlie. They're running away. He is resigning.

And let me talk to you about January 6 for a moment, because this one cold-steer to my heart. There are individuals who have lost years of their life sitting in solitary confinement for having done nothing, having done nothing. Now, I'm not talking about the violent crimes.

I'm not talking about anybody who did damage. I'm talking about people that were just political targets who had to not see their families grow up, who were away from their parents, who were stressed out that they were going to be put in jail because they did something for Donald Trump. We need to figure out a way to rectify those people's lives. That is also an issue. And those are civilians. Those are not people that ran for president and chose to dive into politics. And there's just so much wrong. The list is long, but I think that the reason we won on November 5 is because people are intelligent, Americans are tired, they want peace, they want to have a loving country, and they want structure and rule of law. So it's going to be critical.

And I know for me, God knows, it's a focus that has to be top of mind for this administration. So let me just ask you, Alina, do you believe that if Trump would not have been successful and Kamala would have won, what would his legal future have looked like? I think they would have put him in jail.

If they could have, they would have, not because he deserved to go, but because we've seen it happen time and time again. That's what I think. I think they're desperate. I agree with you. And I hope everybody in the audience internalizes that.

Donald Trump would have ended up, I think, in some jail cell for the rest of his life. That was the stakes of this last election. Also on the E. Jean Carroll thing, please go ahead.

Go ahead. No, I think that's why people came out and understood when we were saying too big to rig, we knew that they were going to mess around. Look at Pennsylvania, look what's happening in California right now. At the end of the day, America came out and was too big to rig. They had no option but to say he won. Not only did he win, you can't challenge it because he won in such a major way that it was clear that America was done with it. But yeah, E. Jean's another one.

It's on appeal to go to your next question. That's a financial one. Unfortunately, in the list of issues that President Trump's had to deal with, being attempted to be assassinated twice, them trying to put him in jail, them trying to bankrupt his company, that one's probably the least concerning, although it's a tremendous tragedy. That's a lot of money. And thank God, he has the means to handle it. But I will tell you, that one was another one.

What was that? Governor Hochul created a law. She created a law for one year solely to prosecute President Trump. A law that had no statute of limitations was created to prosecute Trump. There's another example of corruption. Governor Hochul's law that she did in tandem with the prosecutor of that case, Robbie Kaplan, who then made money off of the case.

That is the definition of corruption. It's got to stop. Alina Haba, thank you so much. We will see you around and God bless you for your service to President Trump in this country. Thank you. God bless you as well, Charlie.

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Order today. We have breaking news, everybody. Guess who finally finished counting their votes? Not a recount.

Arizona. 21 days later, Arizona has published its final canvas. They have finally finished counting. Now, to be fair, California is still counting votes. I am not kidding.

Can you guys send me the composition of the House as it stands right now, please? Remember, we have a lot of special elections with the House, so we could potentially lose the House if we're not careful. However, Arizona has finally finished counting votes. India, who has 630 million voters, does it in one day.

France does it in an evening. We are three weeks in and we are still counting votes in California. Still counting votes. So Arizona has published its final tallies.

And I got to be honest, I'm very thrilled with it. The Kerry Lake thing was very unfortunate. We love Kerry.

It's too bad that didn't work out. On the President Trump side of things, though, we are thrilled. Arizona has finally finished counting votes, and Trump won by 5.5 points, making it the reddest of the seven swing states. President Trump won Maricopa County by three points.

This puts Arizona in the same category of Minnesota, who Kamala only won by four, Virginia, Kamala won by five, New Mexico, Kamala won by six, and New Jersey, Kamala won by six. Now, the current composition of the House of Representatives shows that we have a 219 to 213 seat majority, which I think, if my math is correctly, that's a three seat majority. Is that right? 219 to 213. So Duarte is up, that would be to 220. Michelle Steele is down, which would get us to get to 214. So we'll probably end up around 220 to 214.

Which, by the way, if it wasn't for Turning Point Action's ballot chasing, Juan Siskamani, David Schweikert, so it'd be a three seat majority. And if it wasn't for what we were able to do on the ground, it is fair to say that there would not be a Republican House majority. And that's just in the state of Arizona. That doesn't count the work we did in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Georgia, North Carolina.

We are talking about the thinnest of the thin margins. Now, going back to Arizona for a second. We were doubted and people like Eric Erickson and many other people would publicly attack us repeatedly. Mock us, make fun of us, Jonah Goldberg, Van Jones, CNN, New York Times. Why are you trusting the ground game to Turning Point? They have been very silent lately. Have you noticed that? Have you noticed how silent that all of the critics of Turning Point have been? It's really interesting.

Why is that? And the media, by the way, were very quick to receive the same—who is that JB Pritzker type, Tyler Montauk or whatever, in Arizona? They're very quick to receive the quotes from these people, where they would bash us and attack us. And we'd spend all day on the phone with reporters. Well, you know, Tyler Montauk and Eric Erickson think you guys are the worst people ever.

And we try to walk them through the data. And now where are all these people? Where are they?

Do they go back to these people that were then quoted in the Associated Press, the Washington Post, and New York Times? Tyler Montauk, an alleged expert in the state of Arizona, said Turning Point is not winners. They're just not winners.

Oh, really? Thanks to our ballot chasing effort, we expanded the Arizona House majority. We expanded the Arizona Senate majority. We helped win three competitive House seats for the House of Representatives. Eli Crane, David Schweikert wants the Skamani, helped get Justin Heap elected and flipped the Maricopa Recorder's office and have Donald Trump's best ever performance in the state of Arizona.

Let me say that again. Best ever performance in the state of Arizona. You know, I say, oh, that's just a Sunbelt thing. No, no, no, Georgia was very, very tight. North Carolina was very, very tight.

It wasn't just a Sunbelt thing. It was a Turning Point thing. And look, we just did work and we ignored the critics. However, it's important to know they were trying to destroy us with donors, try to destroy us with volunteers. It was a daily blitzkrieg, an assault against the integrity of the work at Turning Point. Every day, Andrew, poor Andrew, was on the phone with reporters. Who's this guy?

Who's that guy? They were planting stories. I hope you understand how disgusting these people are that I mentioned. They don't do anything for the movement except try to destroy and try to undermine.

I'm talking about like the Ronna McRomneys. Ronna this entire cycle was trying to undermine Turning Point, leak stories against us, tried to attack us, trying to go against us. They weren't doing anything. While we were out actually chasing ballots and registering voters, they were doing everything they could to obliterate our work. So they would rather see us lose and blame Turning Point than have us win and have Turning Point say they actually did something good.

That is who the Republican establishment is. And I hope everyone in this audience knows that. But we look at these final numbers. Finally, they're done counting ballots in Arizona.

There's an expression I can't say on radio but you know something walks and something talks and Trump won Arizona by five and a half points. Thanks so much for listening everybody. Email us as always freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
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