Hey everybody.
Why are we firing American missiles into the interior of Russia? The most important story happening on the planet today as we break down how the left would rather see the world burn than see Donald Trump assume political power. Eli Crane joins us about the latest news regarding Democrat governors and mayors saying they will resist Trump's deportation efforts. Get involved Turning Point USA at tpusa.com. That is tpusa.com. Start a high school or college chapter today at tpusa.com. And join us at America Fest. America Fest will be the largest event on the planet December 19, 2021-22.
We have Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump Jr., Dr. Ben Carson, Brandon Tatum, Riley Gaines, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, and more. That's amfest.com. Amfest.com.
Amfest.com. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com, and subscribe to our podcast. Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com, that is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold.
Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Just a reminder, we won and they lost. You guys deserve all the credit. Those of you that chased the ballots of registered voters and talk to your friends and family. In fact, a fascinating new little piece of data—just want to spend a little bit of time on this—shows that the most important, most influential source of information in the 2024 election was not social media. It was not news media. It was not direct mail. It was not celebrity endorsements. It was conversations with friends and family.
One out of three voters decided who to vote for based on conversations they had with friends and family. So for those of you that did that extra work, that owned your circle, I think that the untold lesson of the 2024 election is how we had so many of you—millions of people in this audience—own your circle. So God bless you guys for that. And even though we're about to get into some very heavy topics, like nuclear war and the apocalypse of the species, it still is a glorious day. We are about to be in power.
The American people spoke loudly and clearly. And for that, you guys should be grateful, and of course, most importantly, grateful to God for His grace and His mercy shining upon us. It has been 1,000 days. It has been 1,000 days since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian War.
It's 1,000 unnecessary days. Remember, there was a peace deal on the table. There was a peace deal on the table that Tony Blinken and Boris Johnson went into Istanbul and blew up that peace deal. This was just five days into the conflict. We could have stopped this entire war. And in fact, Ukraine would control more land than they currently have ceded to the Russian Federation.
This is 1,000 days of hundreds of billions of dollars being spent. A generation of Ukrainians has been vaporized. And by the way, yes, tens of thousands of Russians have also died.
They are human beings too. And no matter how much the media tells me to believe that Russia is our enemy, I reject the premise. I don't think they're our friend. I don't think they're a nice country.
In fact, I think they're really corrupt and full of oligarchs. But I refuse to delight in the suffering of Russians. Tell me why I'm supposed to hate Russia exactly.
Don Bacon, who I'm glad he won his seat, to be honest, in Omaha, has this outrageous new clip, and we should find it, where he says, Donald Trump lacks moral clarity on the Russian-Ukrainian war. I'm going to ask Don Bacon, both privately and publicly, tell me how many people in Nebraska have died because of Russians? How many people in Nebraska have been killed because of Russians? I could find you thousands of people that have died because of the cartels. I could find you hundreds of people that have died in Nebraska because of drug overdoses.
I could find you dozens of people that have died in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, because of illegal crime. So the entire machinery of Washington, DC is heavily invested in continuing this Russian-Ukrainian war. For 1000 days, at the outset of the Ukrainian war, this show, even though I have to say the emails have changed on this conflict, when we first took a moral stance against American involvement in the Russian-Ukrainian war, I'd say that 90% of our audience was in favor of Zelensky.
Now that has changed, obviously. But at the outset, we on this program, recognized how deadly our involvement was. We said it was a mistake, and we keep on asking the question, and I would love an answer from somebody without insulting, smear or slander, why is Russia our enemy? Please speak slowly because I might not understand. Why should we be at war against Russia? What have they done to us? Okay, not a good country. They don't embrace free speech. Putin is an oligarch. They have corrupted elections.
I totally agree with all that. I'm not saying it sarcastically. Why are they an enemy worthy of getting closer and closer to nuclear war? So Russia literally has thousands of nuclear weapons, more than we do.
A mistake at this conflict, an accidental escalation, could blow up the entire planet. And breaking today, on the 1000th day of the Russian-Ukrainian war, it's hard to even put into words how reckless, how irresponsible our ruling class is. American-made missiles are now being shot into the interior of Russia. Now I want you to imagine how America would respond if the cartels on the southern border were shooting in Russian missiles into America.
I'm going to put this as crisply as I can. The American left would rather see the world burn and blow up the world than give up power. They are handing Donald Trump, potentially, nuclear war. Obama's ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, a lunatic, has argued that we can win a nuclear war with Russia. That is so insane. It's not even worthy of our attention.
This is Don Bacon. Again, I'm glad he won his seat because now we have a House majority because of it. That's critically important. But it's just a perfect picture of the DC consensus, the war machine.
Play cut 24. Let's let Ukraine fight hard and go after military targets in Russia that are attacking or bombing Ukrainian cities. And I don't know why they waited till now to do it, but I'm glad they made that change now. I talked to President Zelensky personally on this, and this was his number one issue. Remove the rules of engagement that make it harder for them to fight the war.
And so I support that. I do have concerns by some of the things that I would say the lack of moral clarity from the former president, the future president. You had to sneak that in there, Don Bacon, former president and future president. What lack of moral clarity exactly does President Trump lack? He doesn't want nuclear war. There are military figures in Ukraine who are 100% committed to this war. They don't care if they start a nuclear war, as long as it brings America in and as long as it destroys Russia, even if hundreds of millions of people die. Donald Trump wants an end to the killing. He wants the war to end. So taking a step back here on the thousandth day of war, I want to just repeat the news that is now breaking today.
We have been worrying about this for quite some time. CNN breaking news. Ukraine fires U.S.-made longer-range missiles into Russia, Russian state media reports. Ukraine has fired U.S.-made ATA-CMS missiles into Russia's Bransk region, Russian state media reported Tuesday, citing the country's Defense Ministry, after the Biden administration gave Kiev the green light to use the longer-range weapons against targets inside Russia. So most of the missiles were shot down, but now American-made weaponry is being used as an offensive war into the interior of Russia. Do we want a hot war with Russia? Are we already in a hot war with Russia? Do we want to get closer to a nuclear war? Is there a plan to hand this unspeakable mess to Donald Trump?
And why now? The only explanation could be that this bipartisan group of war worshipers want to screw up the Donald Trump presidency so much, they would rather watch the world burn than give up power. They would rather watch the entire civilization be cratered because they think the civilization is already gone because they think Donald Trump is Hitler.
This is so irresponsible. And I bet Donald Trump is going to get on the phone right now with Zelensky and Putin saying, I'm the president in however many days. I'm the president in two months, in 62 days.
Knock this off. President Trump's moral clarity on this war is one of the reasons why he won the election. The American people did not vote for a warmonger. If they did, they would have voted for Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris.
And now Vladimir Putin is changing his nuclear doctrine in response to missiles being fired into the interior of Russia. Can a single representative who thinks this is a good idea come on the Charlie Kirk show? Can you guys defend your ideas? Of course not, because you're like college leftists. Run away and call each other names. Call people names when you disagree.
But hey, it's just nuclear war, right? Everybody, no institution works harder to give young people the best education in America than my favorite college, Hillsdale College. For 180 years now, Hillsdale's mission has been to develop the minds and improve the hearts of its students. And today in just 30 seconds, you can learn what that means by watching a short video at charlieforhillsdale.com. Since 1844, Hillsdale is focused on learning, character and faith, and providing just the kind of education needed to preserve liberty.
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Go to charlieforhillsdale.com. President Trump wants resolution and peace between Russia and Ukraine. And it reminds me of the people who are pushing for the Russian-Ukrainian war to escalate. It reminds me of all these people I debate on college campuses where there is no depth. And again, this is an open invite.
Adam Kinzinger, you're welcome on this program. I will give you uninterrupted time to tell me why Russia is an enemy, why we should be firing missiles into the interior of Russia, why we should be fighting Russia, why we should be funding it. Meanwhile, our southern border is wide open.
Explain to me in clear moral terms why this is a good idea. People say that Trump is an evil maniac, yet Trump is actually the true idealist. Trump believes that nations can make agreements to avoid conflict. These war worshipers in DC, they love this. The breaking news today is that we are firing American-made missiles into Russia. The idealists in Washington are the ones obsessed with killing their enemies. But we shouldn't be surprised because they're just as hysterical about their domestic enemies.
Now, this is a video that President Trump made during his campaign, but it does show the moral clarity of President Trump, of which he deserves infinite credit for. A further escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war is bad for everybody. It's bad for Ukraine. It's bad for Russia. And let's be perfectly honest, Ukraine is going to become a vassal state of Western private equity. They are going to pillage and plunder and rape the interior of Ukraine for its natural minerals, for its grain, or its abundant resources. They don't care about the Ukrainian people. They are wrecking a generation of Ukraine. And again, I just want to repeat, imagine if America was receiving missile fire from an adversary brought to you by the Russian Federation. Imagine if Cuba was firing missiles into Florida, made by Russia, and Russia was supplying them. How would we respond?
And before I play cut 26, and I've said this before, and now I can speak more freely because it's after the election, because everything was taken out of context and clipped and it was just so sensitive. So let me just say this as clearly as possible. The American foreign policy establishment is betting on the restraint of Vladimir Putin. The entire escalation is all hinging on the fact that Putin is the most sane actor in this equation. They actually think that Putin is really, really stable. It hinges on the fact they know he's not Hitler, and that Putin doesn't want nuclear war. Now, of course, the problem is unintended consequences. It's incredibly risky.
But let me just repeat. The people in DC, they'll whisper, oh, Putin won't respond. Putin won't respond. And deep down, there is a portion of the American foreign policy project and many of whom are Republicans and Republican senators that represent you in states like North Dakota, in states like South Dakota, in states like Kansas, in states like Arkansas, in states like Oklahoma, where they think nuclear war is no big deal.
This is President Trump's moral clarity, a video he shot during the campaign, play cut 26. We have never been closer to World War Three than we are today under Joe Biden. A global conflict between nuclear armed powers would mean death and destruction on a scale unmatched in human history. It would be nuclear Armageddon. Nothing is more important than avoiding that nightmare.
We will avoid it. We must be absolutely clear that our objective is to immediately have a total secession of hostilities. All shooting has to stop.
This is the central issue. We need peace without delay. It is very possible that by electing President Trump, we might have saved the world. Imagine if Russia knew things were getting even worse for the next four years. Imagine if Russia knew that Kamala Harris was coming in and there was no end in sight. At least for now, Russia knows someone they can work with is taking office.
And I want you to think about how insane this is. So we are firing missiles towards Russia. And then our calculus is that, well, Russia is actually really measured in their response. So we're going to keep on provoking them by sending American-made missiles at their homeland. And they won't respond because Putin is this really balanced figure, even though we say he's Hitler. And then Russia says, guys, hold back, hold back.
Don't respond with nuclear weapons, even though our homeland is under attack, because Donald Trump is coming. It is not an exaggeration to say the planet might have been saved by the fact that we won the election two weeks ago today. Are you worried about the future of the U.S. economy? With so much uncertainty in the air, it's natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings. But there's one asset that stands the test of time, and that is gold. For centuries, gold has been a hedge against market volatility and economic instability. With a gold IRA from Noble Gold Investments, you can harness the power of precious metals to help protect your financial future. By rolling over your existing IRA or 401K into a self-directed gold IRA, you can enjoy the potential for long-term growth and stability. Diversify your portfolio with a tangible asset that has real value. Setting up your gold IRA has never been easier with Noble Gold Investments.
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That is noblegoldinvestments.com. There is this looming rhetorical issue, and I say rhetorical intentionally because I'm not sure this is going to continue once Trump is president, of governors and mayors saying that they will defy federal government supremacy when it comes to deporting illegals. The latest of which is the individual that we at Turning Point Action are now focused on removing in 2026, getting Katie Hobbs and Chris Mays fired.
That is step two of our project, by the way, at Turning Point Action. She's got to go. She is saying that she will not allow the federal government to deport foreigners and illegals who have committed crimes in Arizona. In theory, they could just say the federal government is not welcome. Now, isn't it interesting how Greg Abbott was not allowed to secure the southern border, but all these states are allowed to now defy it? We're not going to put up with it.
This is the first clip. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu says she will not cooperate with deportations and protect the illegals in her city. Now, let's just be clear. This is why we need Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. If this ends up happening and they are defying immigration, customs, and enforcement, you should arrest Michelle Wu. Arrest her. Sorry, six count indictment for violation of rights or whatever part of the criminal code. Put Michelle Wu in prison. You have to use this very sparingly and with precision. But if you dare not allow us to deport foreigners and secure our borders, well then you're going to have to go to federal prison.
Play cut 27. What will Boston's response be if these mass deportations take place? Yeah, look, elections have consequences and the federal government is responsible for a certain set of actions and cities, no individual city can reverse or override some parts of that. But what we can do is make sure that we are doing our part to protect our residents in every possible way, that we are not cooperating with those efforts that actually threaten the safety of everyone by causing widespread fear and having large scale economic impact. Now to be clear, if you want to protest the federal government, Michelle Wu, you have every right to do that. You can march in the streets. You can do all sorts of different free speech allowed activities.
That is perfectly permissible. However, if you sabotage the execution of our laws, that's a crime. The mayor of Oakland in Trump's first term helped illegals evade ICE. And Katie Hobbs is saying the same thing in Arizona. Joining us now is Eli Crane, who is a great congressman in Arizona. Eli, congratulations on re-election. It was as easy as I would hope, and we chased a lot of ballots for you up in Yavapai and parts of Maricopa. So Eli, congrats. What is your reaction to this new narrative that mayors and governors are going to resist the federal government from executing federal law?
Well, hey Charlie, thanks for having me on. Honestly, I'm not surprised to see governors in these blue states, you know, talking about, you know, resisting or not collaborating with the president on his deportation agenda. But you said it yourself, you know, they can, they don't have to collaborate, but they cannot obstruct. And that's why I'm so glad that President Trump, you know, appointed a border security hammer like Tom Homan. You know, he's been speaking very open, honestly, about this.
And he's been, you know, he's been very strong in saying, hey, you don't have to cooperate with us, but do not get in the way because with or without you, we are coming in. If I have to double the amount of agents that I bring in, we will get these people out of your towns, out of your cities, and we will make sure that we are protecting the American people if you will not. Yeah, so just from a legal standpoint, now let's play Katie Hobbs. Katie Hobbs is saying that she will not allow federal enforcement of the laws. It's outrageous.
Play cut 30. As you know, Trump has promised that he would carry out mass deportations on day one of his presidency. Your state is estimated to have a quarter of a million undocumented immigrants. Some Democrats in your state like Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallegos say that she wouldn't allow police to be used to carry out this plan.
Would you as governor allow state police and National Guard to carry out mass deportations? We will not be participating in misguided efforts that harm our communities. And I've been incredibly clear about that. Look, she had just a little bit here and also Katie Hobbs is a moron. She's not a smart person.
And also fill in our audience, Eli. She was MIA this entire election cycle. She knows she's unpopular. She knows that she doesn't have a constituency.
Eli Crane, your reaction? Well, you're right. Katie Hobbs is an imbecile. I mean, she says that she won't participate in any misguided efforts that harm her community. It just goes to show how tone deaf she is with the mandate that President Trump just got and with the reality of the actual harm that's being done to our communities in Arizona because of this wide open southern border. And Charlie, you know the list as well as anybody from MS-13 gang members, other Venezuelan gangs coming over that southern border, individuals on the terror watch list, fentanyl. I mean, the list is almost too long to continue to list, but it just goes to show that she doesn't know what she's talking about. And she said later in that clip that she's not going to allow it to happen on her watch, which also shows Charlie she doesn't understand the law.
And she doesn't have to cooperate. They don't have to allow police, local police, or the National Guard to participate in any of these deportations, but she cannot get in the way of federal law enforcement officers like ICE that are going to go in there and remove illegals from our communities. And that's where it comes into us in Congress and making sure that ICE has the budget needed, if needed, to double the amount of agents that are going to go in there. And then, you know, we might even be having votes up here in Washington, DC to defund some of these sanctuary cities, something that I'd be happy to do because, you know, I know why the people of Arizona sent me here, Charlie. They sent me here to protect them.
They sent me here because they do not believe that a lot of the bureaucrats and elected officials in Washington put them in their safety first. And that's why I'm so glad that Trump has brought in individuals like Stephen Miller, Tom Homan, and others who are laser focused and have been for a very long time on protecting American citizens. Let's dive deeper into this in Arizona. By the way, President Trump performed the best in Arizona of any swing state. So it was the best performing, most pro-Trump swing state.
And I believe Eli, you have a lot to do with that. Our ballot chasing operation really ran up the score for President Trump here. And so Katie Hobbs is an unpopular minority of Arizona, and we're coming for her politically, of course.
And in 2026, we're going to remove her and her group of bandits that are currently controlling our state. So we need Congress to have the backbone here to also give President Trump the resources that he needs. Tell us about the legislative priorities that you would like to see President Trump embrace and that the House can move quickly with urgency to give Tom Homan and Kristi Noem the capacity to be able to find foreigners and deport them.
Yeah, no, thanks, Charlie. And thank you for all of your efforts in Arizona. I think so much of what happened in Arizona was based on the work of yourself, Tyler Boyer, and others at Turning Point and Turning Point Action. That was amazing to watch what you guys just did with activism and just activating the people of Arizona. When it comes to the legislative efforts up here, like I said, there are a couple right there, whether you're talking about defunding sanctuary cities or passing H.R. 2, which was the most comprehensive border bill that we've ever passed out of Congress this last cycle, but the Senate wouldn't take it up and Joe Biden definitely wouldn't have signed it because it was actually his plan and their orchestration to actually open up this southern border wide open.
And so those are a couple of the things that we're going to be looking at. But President Trump has assembled an amazing team. Like I said, with some of the folks like Stephen Miller, Tom Homan, and others, they haven't given us their plans yet on exactly what moves they're going to make. But I know that a lot of our conference stands ready and willing to get behind their agenda to do whatever we can to shore up that southern border and start deporting criminals and people that shouldn't be here in the first place. In closing here, Eli, what do you make of President Trump's cabinet selections?
And I know the House does not have advice and consent. But what is the message you have for senators, Republicans that are in deep red Trump states that have not yet voiced support for President Trump's cabinet nominees? I love his cabinet nominations. I love that he's picking people who have been the victims of a weaponized, out of control federal government that has gone after him, like Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Gaetz.
I think those are amazing choices. My message to you senators out there that think you're going to get in the way of President Trump, the game has changed, the landscape has changed, the American people gave the president a massive mandate. And now we have folks like Elon Musk, who have massive platforms and very deep pocketbooks, who have said if you get in the way of President Trump's agenda, he will be coming and playing in primaries. So game on. Eli Crane, you're a great American. Let me just repeat that. If you happen to be an old bull senator in Idaho, South Dakota, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, which only Mark Wayne has been great, but Langford, we're talking to you, or Mississippi, yes, a primary challenge might be coming to your doorstep. So vote accordingly. Thank you, Eli Crane. Hey, everybody.
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Roughgreens.com, promo code KIRK. Yeah, by the way, we have a trans congressman now, apparently. So let me just be clear. Is it a man masquerading as a woman? Is that what this is? I just want to make sure I have my language correctly. It's a man who's pretending to be a female.
Yes. So this fake female is saying that he wants to use the bathroom with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Again, I want to be very clear. My temperament is that if you want to wear a dress in your home, knock yourself out. That doesn't really bother me, people's personal life.
It just doesn't. However, if you're going to go into female restrooms, now we have a problem. Now we have a problem. Nancy Mace introduces Capitol Bathroom Bill. Oh, this is gonna get really good. By the way, Nancy Mace, she's a tough cookie. She has some of the weirdest votes, by the way. She voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress.
I mean, she is all over the place. So let's put cut 32 of this man who is wearing woman face. The name is McBride, and he becomes the first openly transgender member of Congress in January.
Are we supposed to celebrate this? Has anyone asked the question if this individual is qualified, or smart, or capable? Again, the media is like, wow, this is progress.
I mean, is it really progress at this point? What talent does it take to pretend to be something that you are not? What talent does it take to pretend to be a female when you're a male? And again, to even kind of be even more bizarre about it, McBride is married to a man. Now, is McBride married to a trans man? I guess it's very, very confusing at this point. So he is married to a man, but is he actually married to a man?
So this is the article from The Guardian. Republican bathroom bill targets Congress's first transgender member. Okay, so let me be clear. Why can't you use the male restroom then? You don't feel safe? Oh, really? You don't feel safe around like Jerry Nadler?
Yeah, that's so intimidating. One of the goals of the transgender movement is to deteriorate the distinctions between male and female. So this man says this, everyday Americans go to work with people who have life journeys different than their own and engage with them respectfully. I hope members of Congress can muster that same kind of kindness.
Can you muster that kindness for us, McBride? You see, you can never apply their demand for respect towards them. And of course, the ultimate goal of this is to undermine the nuclear family. This is a blatant attempt from far right wing extremists to distract from the fact that they have no real solution to what Americans are facing. We should be focused on bringing down the cost of housing, healthcare, childcare, not manufacturing culture wars. Yeah, we're the ones manufacturing the culture wars. Meanwhile, you're taking your ninth victory lap, being the first ever trans member of Congress.
Delawareans sent me here to make the American dream more affordable and accessible, and that's what I'm focused on. If that's what you're focused on, then just use the bathroom that fits your chromosomes. Why are you making such a big deal out of this then, McBride? Just say, you know what, I don't want this to be a big deal. I'm going to go, I'm a man, I'm going to go, oh, because you can't admit that you're a man, because you're living a lie. And this is a publicity stunt. And honestly, I totally support MTG and Nancy Mace drawing the line here. We are not going to allow this fake woman to go into the bathrooms of Congress as if it's some sort of normal procedure. And just so we are clear politically, the American people are on our side on the trans issue. It wasn't that way 10 years ago, but the more and more that people have seen the ugliness and the predatory components of the trans movement to groom our children, to go after eight, nine and ten year olds.
Again, I don't want to say everyone is part of that category. However, it is now forced on the rest of us. You must use the pronouns. You must bend the knee.
You must say exactly what they want to say. Tampon Tim policies were rejected. And remember, the most successful advertisement of this last presidential campaign was about the trans issue. It wasn't about taxes. It wasn't about the stock market.
It wasn't even about the border. The most successful advertisement for President Trump was around this very issue. They ran it 30,000 times.
Did they really run it 30,000 times? That's amazing. And here we are. So, Mr. McBride, I wouldn't mess with MTG, by the way. She is a, she's a fire pistol or Nancy Mays. Good luck.
But you're a man, so can you defend yourself? Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to charliekirk.com.
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