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20 Days to Save the Civilization

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
October 16, 2024 3:34 pm

20 Days to Save the Civilization

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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October 16, 2024 3:34 pm

Democrats are panicking. Kamala is flailing in Pennsylvania and doing interviews on Fox News. But it doesn't matter — if anything, these are good signs for the left. Charlie discusses how to respond to the left's new attitude of desperation, gives an update on Georgia's new voting rules, and then talks to pastor Lorenzo Sewall about whether Kamala's tactics will bring black men back into her coalition.

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Hey, everybody. It's The Charlie Kirk Show. We give an update from how we transformed Northern Arizona University into a liberal university to MAGA country.

Amazing story. As always, you can email us freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow. Get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is Become a member today,, And as always, you can email me, freedom at Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to I want to begin by recapping our amazing day yesterday at Northern Arizona University. Now, it's really interesting. A year ago, I visited NAU, Northern Arizona University.

I did identical events. I was in Flagstaff a year ago, and when I arrived, there was a huge crowd of mostly favorable people, but there were some protesters that were very, very loud, screaming in my face and trying to give me the bird, doing the worst things you could imagine, mocking me and my family. And it was an aggressive and confrontational and very tense campus moment. In fact, it went very viral. Some of our most viral content ever was that exchange I had at Northern Arizona University last year when I asked three young ladies, what is a woman?

And they said, that's a stupid question and been seen by over 100 million times on TikTok, Instagram, and social media. But it's very fair to say that a year ago, NAU was a liberal tilting campus, that there were some favorable and some people that love what we were doing, but it was far from a warm reception generally. And so we've been doing this campus tour and we've been doing the work over the last year.

I mean, unbothered and unburdened by what has been. We continue to strive forward for better days. We travel the country and we are doing the work, publishing videos of great dialogues and exchanges, starting chapters, registering voters. And this week is the Arizona week. Ballots are out right now, by the way.

So right now you need to go chase ballots and put your ballot in. And so yesterday was Flagstaff, today is Tucson, tomorrow is Tempe, the three universities, we're doing GCU in a couple of weeks, but the three state universities in Arizona that we are hitting. And so we returned to NAU yesterday and look at what happened. Instead of being met with protests and acrimony, there were a couple degenerate, very sad kids, probably 10 or 12. There were nearly 1500 kids begging for MAGA hats, show the pictures up on screen, that were screaming at the top of their lungs for Donald Trump. In one year, Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, went from one of the more acrimonious and difficult campuses that we have ever visited to one of the most pro Trump patriotic, dare I say that there is a patriotic transformation unfolding in real time. There is a surge that is occurring and look at that, that is on a college campus. And to give you some idea, Flagstaff is considered to be the most liberal school in Arizona, Northern Arizona University, NAU. That is not considered to be MAGA country.

And look at that, those are well over 1500 students begging for MAGA hats, all saying that they're voting and dropping off their ballots at ballot boxes and getting the vote early. This is not normal. The energy that we are experiencing on a daily basis, what we are seeing on the ground is not normal. And it is a byproduct of the hard work that Turning Point USA and Turning Point Action have been doing, that we have been working in those fields for over 12 years. Something magical is unfolding on these campuses. And I think it's a little window into the energy and the spirit that we can expect coming in a couple of weeks, and it's happening in real time.

But just seeing this transformation has been remarkable. It's hard to compare. Actually, here's a good example.

Here's a good analogy. NAU, Northern Arizona University, is the Berkeley of Arizona. It is the Berkeley of this state. And so when we attend and we get that kind of response, that kind of over the top reception, you know that something is happening. Something is happening. And now this is no longer speculative.

We have real data to support that this is happening across the country. Now mind you, this week is Arizona. Next week is all Georgia, Georgia, North Carolina.

So every week we kind of focus on a different part of the world. This week, Arizona. Next week, Georgia, North Carolina. Week after that, Michigan, Pennsylvania. And then we're out of weeks. Yesterday was the first day of voting in Georgia.

And I was very curious. I said, are people going to show up? Now again, this is just one day, so let's not rest on our laurels and celebrate and spike the football.

No, no, no, no. But I was very curious, what are we going to see from our people? From the patriotic core of this country, the muscular class, the people that shower before work and after work, the MAGA faithful, the veterans, the police officers, the firefighters, the retirees, the moms, the dads, the decent part of this country, not the indecent open border zealots that are part of the Democrat Party. We knew, we know that we are winning the debate. We've won on immigration. We've won on crime. We've won on the economy. We've won on foreign policy. The only issue that we do not win on is abortion. And that is a longer term cultural issue that we will not give up on. But it is not a winning issue this cycle.

But we went on every other issue except abortion. What we saw yesterday in Georgia is something. Georgia, this is the Washington Times, Georgia shatters voting record.

Officials say new election laws prove liberal critics wrong. Voters in southern battleground state Georgia cast 328,000 ballots on Tuesday. The previous record for the first day was 136,000 in 2020. Over 300,000 votes were cast today.

That's 123% higher than the old record for the first day. Now mind you, there was only 100,000 of those votes, though, in the very liberal areas of Cobb County and Fulton County. Over 66% of all these votes were in heavily Republican areas. Cherokee County, for example, long lines. Some of our listeners waited two or three hours in line to go vote in Georgia. And our hypothesis on this program is being proven right. If our movement is bigger than their movement, and we believe that, shouldn't we give our voters more days, not less days to go vote? If our movement is more enthusiastic than theirs, shouldn't we give our voters the earliest possible opportunity to go vote? Over 300,000 Georgians cast their vote yesterday, and only 100,000 came from core Atlanta counties, and a significant percentage of these voters will be for the Republican Party. I am very encouraged, Josh McCune says from the Georgia Republican Party. All the rest are smaller cities, but the overwhelming majority is from rural counties.

Rural counties. Now look, this is just one day. We have to do this now for the next 14 days. We have to sustain this surge.

We have to sustain what we are feeling. Right now the Democrat Party is in a place of panic. That doesn't mean they're going to lose, and that doesn't mean that we're going to win. All it means is that they're in a state of panic. That's it.

Don't read more into it. That they are seeing things they don't like, and they're panicking. That's all they do, okay? The Democrats panic when they get the flu. They think they're getting COVID and they're dying. They know nothing but panic. Panic is the life force to a liberal.

Write it down, memorize it. It is one of the truths of life. The life force of a liberal is panic. They don't understand peace, serenity, joy.

No, all they know is panic. The sky is falling. The world is ending. Climate change is happening. There's systemic racism.

Cops are killing us. Trump is not the Hitler. There is no nuance.

There is no medium. It's all apocalypse now. The sky is falling. The liberals' energy derives from over-the-top, exuberant panic. And they're doing it again.

They're not good at defense, though. And now is the time for us to play offense and to go vote early and get your friends to do the same. So let me remind you why you should go vote early. There might be a terrorist attack, a hurricane, a tsunami, a flood. You might get COVID, blow a tire on election day. Your kid might get sick. You might have a tough day. Your parents might get sick. There might be a tornado. Who knows? There might be an EMP attack.

There might be an earthquake. Those are all the simple reasons. But a much more technical reason is that then those of us that are trying to chase ballots and win this thing, where we have 500 people on the ground right now in Arizona that are chasing ballots, I can now cross you off the list and I don't have to worry about you. I can stop nagging you and I can now dedicate our precious resources on voters that haven't yet voted. And voters that haven't yet voted.

So go vote right now and get your friends to do the same and find one person that hasn't voted. It is a more efficient use of scarce resources. We are seeing promising initial signs.

That's all they are is initial. Are we going to be a team that has a great first quarter and then loses it when it goes in the fourth quarter? No, we must sustain the surge. We have a little bit of momentum and boy, we've been waiting for this momentum for a long time, haven't we? They changed out their candidate. They did their propaganda stuff.

They did the vibe stuff in Chicago. We now have a little bit of momentum. Seize it. Vote. Get friends to do the same. We are 20 days out from saving the civilization.

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Patriot Mobile dot com slash Charlie. OK, I just want to read some of these. I want to encourage you guys. Really great stuff here. One of our listeners from Prescott Valley, where Donald Trump visited this weekend. Charlie, my husband and I voted at the Prescott County election office.

There were cars lined up to the dropbox. I love hearing this and going in person inside. Looks like we are off to a great start. Thanks for all you do. I never thought I'd have to vote against Obama five times, Kathy says.

Charlie, I really enjoy watching your show while work from home. I got my ballot in the mail yesterday. I filled it out with the Republican across the board and took it to the post office immediately. My husband, who's a registered independent but has voted Republican last three major elections, has also voted Republican across the board and his ballot was mailed yesterday as well. Thank you so much from Mesa, Arizona. This is what we need, everybody.

When you guys do that, we cross you off the list and it allows us to use our limited resources more efficiently. I want to play some pieces of tape here because I'm starting to feel momentum, but that means nothing if we don't have ballots in the boxes. I don't care about vibes. I don't care about betting markets. If I have another person, and again, I say this lovingly, but if I have another person text me the poly market odds, I'm going to throw my phone through a window. It means nothing. I don't care that Donald Trump is up in the betting markets, whatever.

Yes, some of my friends are texting me now. Again, you guys mean well. It's not a criticizing, but it's like the betting markets are pure vibes and psychological, irrelevant. What I care about is how many pieces of paper are getting in boxes. That's all I care about. I care about how many people are voting early. I care about are we able to maximize voting month for the first time ever? And let me rationally go through this one more time. There are more of us than them, so therefore, we should give our team more days, not less days to go vote.

Our team is so excited. Shouldn't we give our team the earliest possible opportunity to vote for Donald Trump? Not the latest possible opportunity. Why would we give Democrats 30 days to beat us and we have 12 hours to beat them?

None of this is logical. I wish we didn't have to do elections this way, but we do and voting early is the rational, patriotic and efficient and effective way to go about this. And that's exactly what Turning Point Action is doing every day. Let's play cut nine here.

Former RNC chair Ryan Sprieves, who I get along with great actually, really good man. Very insightful comment here. The country is tilting center right. Seize it. Lean into the surge. Find that extra voter. Don't just watch from home. Don't just be a spectator. Involve yourself in republic restoration.

Play cut nine. I mean, the reality is, is that for the first time in 32 years in this poll, it shows that Republicans are beating Democrats straight up. When you ask people a generic ballot in 32 years, it shows that Donald Trump's doing better with black voters, Hispanic voters off the charts. But what the most important thing is, what happened last week is that what was working with female voters with Kamala Harris was that there was some feeling of joy in the air. Well, that joy is gone. She had a terrible week. She picked a pointless fight with Ron DeSantis. She, you know, she was losing in the Sun Belt and she tried to recover by going on The View, which a lot of women watch. She went on The View. You talked about it earlier and she wanted to clarify the two most important issues that are facing these two candidates, the economy and immigration. And she bombed like Rory at the U.S. Open. And she went out there and said there was nothing she would do that would be different than Joe Biden. Nothing would be different than Joe Biden. The country is becoming further and further Republican and it is time to seize it.

David Urban on CNN summarizes this in a very succinct way. Play cut five. She had a terrible week. It was a terrible week for the Harris campaign.

You had Gretchen Whitmer having to apologize to Catholics across America for mocking them with some Dorito, Bizarro, Dorito thing on on there. You had Governor Elmer Fudd out hunting and not knowing how to load a shotgun, using the wrong gun. At the same time, Governor Elmer Fudd, Governor Walz was out there, Governor Walz was out there. He looked like Elmer Fudd.

Be very, very quiet while hunting for what happens. So he can't load his shotgun. He's trying to appeal to hunters. He can't load the gun.

He's using the wrong gun. At the same time, you have Barack Obama in Pennsylvania deriding, where he derided people who owned guns. Remember, people in Pennsylvania were bitter and they cling to guns and religion. Remember that in 2008? So they're trying to appeal to those folks at the same time while he alienates black male voters by chastising them.

They had a really tough week this week. So then what do we do about it? That's where we get into action, action, action.

So here's an action item for all of you. Take out your phone and text five friends right now. Five friends that you're not sure whether or not they're going to vote. Five friends that you're not sure if they're going to vote for Trump or not.

Be a force multiplier. Angela from Alpharetta emails us. Charlie, I voted in Pickens County, Georgia yesterday, first day of voting. I waited in line for 15 minutes.

They had 45 minute lines earlier in the day at four thirty p.m. I was voter one thousand one hundred four. We have only one early voting location. That means all our voters go there. I felt like it's a good number for our small county.

Very good. OK, everybody, I'll have something to offer you today, something absolutely free. Hillsdale College, the great American college, with a huge and effective educational effort on behalf of Liberty, is giving away free copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence before the November election. Hillsdale's immediate goal is to put a pocket constitution in the hands of one million Americans who don't yet have one. And if you have one already, you can order one for a young person you know who doesn't. But this offer is for a limited time only. So claim your free pocket sized constitution today at Charlie for

Every American should be familiar with our nation's founding principles of liberty. And how better than reading America's founding documents to have a free copy mailed to you? Go to Charlie for right now and complete a simple form. They'll put it in the mail for you with free shipping.

Again, this offer expires soon. Claim your free pocket constitution today at Charlie for That is Charlie F.O.R. Joining us now is Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, who hosted President Trump at his Detroit church. He's the senior pastor at 180 Church in Detroit. Pastor, welcome back to the program. What's up, my brother? So good seeing you today.

Good seeing you. I have to say you have such good joy about you. I think Kamala has a lot to learn from you, Pastor. You always have the joy of the Lord and the Holy Spirit.

That's what joy looks like, not whatever Kamala is doing. So, Pastor, you're a great person and a great American. And just remind our audience, you hosted President Trump.

You are in downtown Detroit. Reintroduce yourself, please, to our audience. Yeah, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, I had the honor and the privilege of having President Trump come during his birthday weekend. I had the honor of preaching at the RNC and also I had the honor of being at the Believer's Summit. I am Holy Ghost happy to be a part of this movement to make America great again, a part of a movement to see so many people come back to Christ, which is the very foundation of our country. Amen. So, Pastor, lots to discuss here.

Let's begin with this idea. Kamala Harris is in a panic mode saying that she is losing with Black men. Do you see that on the ground in Detroit? Fill us in. What are you hearing and seeing?

Is that correct? Charlie, I'm seeing Black men tell me they want to fill up my church bus and they'd rather travel three days to go outside of the country to Mexico to come back into the country because they believe that illegal immigrants actually have it better in our city, the city of Detroit, better than those who have been here their whole lives. We are seeing human trafficking. We are seeing specifically 28 Venezuelans right here on our own community that our own church is serving and now those resources that typically would be given to Black Americans who are poor in poverty, they're being given to Venezuelans because Jesus said that we ought to love the least of these.

Charlie, we are in a complex situation. Voter integrity is the biggest thing that we're hearing our community talk about. The number one reason why people say they're going with President Trump because he's the only president that had the spiritual and the natural insight to know that elections were going to be rigged, but we believe that in three weeks this is going to be too big to rig. We are raising up spiritual revivalists who are also political scientists.

I love that. So Pastor, what issues, so Black men in particular are free thinkers and they do not believe the Democrat party represents their values any longer. Can you speak to that about how we're seeing the Black community no longer be as loyal of a voting bloc? Again, in addition, we've seen, actually, let me play this tape for you, Pastor, if I can, and then I want to have you respond. Let's play Cut 42, please, CNN.

Play Cut 42. And sometimes there's a trend line that I never noticed before and make me go, whoa, this is one of them, right? This is the Democratic margin among Black men under the age of 45 in presidential elections. You go back to November of 2012, what do you see? You see Obama by 81. Clinton only won them by 63. Then we're all the way down to Biden last time around by 53.

A tremendous drop already. And then you take a look at the average of the most recent polls and Kamala Harris is up by only 41 points. That is about half the margin that Obama won them by back in November of 2012. And this, I think, is, you know, when Barack Obama goes in last week when he was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, essentially talking to young Black men, he made it seem like it was a Kamala Harris specific problem. Uh-uh, this is part of a long-standing trend of young Black men moving away from the Democratic party. And Kamala Harris is just the latest to face that magnitude of Black, younger Black men going towards the Republicans. Younger Black men, Pastor, a 40-point collapse since Obama.

Help me explain why that is the case. When President Trump came here, Charlie, this is when we found out that there is a movement of young Black men that have been asking the question, why is it that our communities have remained the same? Why is it that we've had Democratic leadership in our communities and our communities remain the same? And those young Black men are beginning to do their research, finding out that they've been lied to, finding out that they've been exploited, finding out that the Democratic party is really demonic in terms of ripping away our families, in terms of painting these false narratives, in terms of racism, that the Democratic party really is the party of slavery, really the party of Jim Crow, really the party that has ripped away the Black family. So we see young Black men saying that Republicans are the party of freedom, that Republicans are the party of emancipation, that Republicans are the party that was willing to come to the west side of Detroit, the real part of Detroit, the part of Detroit that's not gentrified by Black Democratic leaders that are kicking our Black people out by redistributing their wealth to people that don't even live in the city. Charlie, Black men are saying enough is enough. They're going with President Donald J. Trump because they know that the First Step Act worked for them. They understood that Opportunity Zones worked for them.

And they know that the SBA, the Small Business Administration, they understood that that portal was open for them during the time of the Trump-Pence era in a way that it's never been open historically. Young Black men understand that this is their time. This is our season. We're about to see a red wave all throughout Detroit. Boy, I hope you're right. I want you to respond to Joy Reid, who is just doing what Joy Reid does.

Play cut 61, please. Have you noticed how sharply the polls have shifted in Trump's favor over the last couple of weeks with these claims that Trump is surging with Black and Latino voters and leading in every single swing state, according to secret internal polls, despite all the Hitler talk? Yes, this race will be far too close because unfortunately, we do have a fascist groundswell in parts of this country, mainly among white men, let's be clear, but in small pockets among Black and brown men, too. This happens to be a global phenomenon as women become more economically independent and seek positions of power. Pastor, your response to Ms. Joy Reid there? Well, we know that Joy Reid, she's very concerned. She's concerned because Black men are beginning to rise up and that Black men specifically understand that it's Donald J. Trump who they can trust to bring our country back to a place of stability. It's Black men that understand that there was no inflation, there was no immigration problems, that there was safety all throughout the land and specifically with the family. The Democratic Party, they've played their hand in terms of transgenderism.

There aren't any Black men that want their little girls playing with boys in sports and we are a people that understand we will not be exploited. We will not allow the propaganda of people like Joy Reid and Roland Martin and others to inflate our understanding of what it means in terms of our political vote. We know that our voice matters, we know that our vote matters, we know that President Barack Obama didn't do anything for Black people, we know that Vice President Harris actually did something for Black people. She can just point to her record, she can't point to her record because she doesn't have a record. Only thing she can do is deflect, only thing she can do is virtue signal, only thing she can do is play identity politics and Black people are saying it is not working.

We're saying like Sam Cooke, it's been a long time coming but we know that a change is about to come. Amen. Speak to the Christian audience here, Pastor, about why you believe that Christians should support Donald Trump and his agenda and reject Kamala Harris. We know that President Donald Trump does not have a perfect character but if we look at the Bible, God uses men like Moses who was a murderer, God uses men like David who was a murderer, God uses men like the Apostle Paul who was a murderer. If you're a Christian out there, I want to encourage you to tell your pastor publicly from the pulpit that they can speak and endorse Donald J. Trump because our country was founded on religious liberty. Remember, if you are indifferent toward Trump, you are endorsing Kamala Harris. God forbid, we are God's people, we are called by his name, we are humbling ourselves, we're praying, we're seeking his face, we're turning from our wicked ways, we know he's about to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. If you're a Christian out there, we are just one boat away from revival.

Amen. And so what is your reaction now to Kamala Harris's agenda where she is saying for black men, she wants basically reparations, fully forgivable loans to black entrepreneurs, supporting a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. I mean, just what is your reaction to her agenda, quote unquote, for black men? Charlie, it's a racist idea. It's literally it's the demonic Democratic Party going back to their roots, their root of racism. The racist idea that black men need a handout, the racist idea that black men all smoke weed and they need to legalize marijuana. They think that we're political infants.

They look at black men and don't think that we have the political progress to understand that all of their policies think that we need a hand out and not a hand up. Where President Donald Trump, he walks hand in hand with black America. That's why he came to my church. He didn't need the black vote to win. He understands in 2016 he only received seven percent. So why would he come to Detroit?

Because he wants to walk hand in hand with black America because he believes that all Americans are equal and he believes that this is the land of opportunity for every American, regardless of your religion, creed or race. Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, how do people support you and follow what you're doing? You can go to my Instagram. You can go to Lorenzo Sewell, to my Instagram. You can go to my TikTok, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell.

You can go to We are doing something called Souls to the Polls where we are raising up an army right here in Detroit to turn every blue city in America red. I love it. Pastor, you're a great American.

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Check it out, Finally, ballots are arriving in Arizona. I mean, they've been arriving.

It's just kind of delayed. Typical Maricopa County. Email us, as always, freedom at Amazing success stories here.

Charlie, I worked at NAU. Amazing to see the changes happening. I'm now in Chino Valley, dropped off my ballot Sunday, encouraging all these people to vote for Trump. Someone says here, Charlie, my wife works a lot and will not have time to vote in person. I still plan to vote early in person. Is there a difference between dropping off at City Hall versus a local library?

Any other location? Yes. The best way is to drop off your ballot at a voting center. That is what I will be doing once my ballot arrives, which should be some time soon. Someone says here, Charlie, happy to tell you I was registered to vote. My husband, who has never voted before in his life, just voted in Georgia. That's a new voter, everybody. That is a plus one new voter that was not even a 2020 voter. I want you to think about that. A plus new voter that was not even a 2020 voter.

Email us, as always, freedom at We do not focus enough on the bloodshed, the horror of the Russian-Ukrainian War. One of the arguments that I frequently make on college campuses is that Donald Trump is the peace president. For 32 years, almost my entire life, for the presidencies of Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, we have new wars, adventurous wars in Serbia, in the Balkan Peninsula, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, adventurous wars, Ukraine, so on and so forth. And we have said before that Donald Trump is the peace president, and that when Trump was president, Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine.

As Bobby Kennedy has said, if there is only one issue to vote for Donald Trump for, this is the issue, to prevent the bloodshed of what we are seeing happening on the ground in Ukraine. Kamala Harris is a warmonger whose senior advisors are Leon Panetta, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, and John Bolton. The warmongers that gave us the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War of no-win wars are now running the Democrat Party. And I can tell you, if Donald Trump is to win this election, one of the reasons he were to win is because young liberals are quietly not voting for Kamala. They do not have a grasp.

This is what's so instructive about doing these campus events. I will say that there is absolutely a five to 10% taper, a five to 10% taper with Kamala Harris and young liberals. It is not being reflected in the polls. I know this because I say, who are you voting for? And a lot of these young libs are like, I'm not voting. She's a warmonger.

I'm not voting for her. It's not a majority, but it's enough to make a difference. And the Democrats are not noticing because they don't even talk to their own voters. And I talk to these young voters all the time saying, Kamala Harris will draft you into World War Three in a war against Iran or Russia.

Pick your theater of war. Now, Boris Johnson is coming out and admitting the truth. He believes that when Donald Trump says that if he was president, there would not have been a Russian invasion. He says that is a credible assertion.

Play cut 22. I mean, look, I happen to believe that when Donald Trump says that had he been president in 2022, there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine. My view is that that is a credible assertion. I really do think that's credible.

Nevermind. He's auditioning for the UK ambassador to the United States role. He's trying to get on Trump's good side. And this is he's so cynical. I'm not a Boris Johnson fan. The guy was like, Mr. COVID. He's like, feminine guy, the whole thing. He literally has a table.

He says, we need to embrace the feminine spirit. But he's exactly right. If Donald Trump was president, this war would not have happened. Donald Trump had an effective strategy against Vladimir Putin.

We do not have to wonder about the president Donald Trump will be. We have the results and the receipts. We had peace, prosperity, the American dream.

What else could you ask for? We had a secure border. We were not being invaded. We had no new wars. Wages were going up. He was thawing relations with North Korea. Trump got respect across the planet.

We were further away from nuclear war, not closer to nuclear war. And Kamala Harris, again, has the designers and the architects of the failed Iraq war and Afghanistan war as senior advisors of hers. The warmongers and the neo-cons that have been responsible for so much harm in this country. That's who's advising Kamala Harris. When you are voting for president, you are voting for which team of 5,000 people will better represent your values?

The team of John Bolton and Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney and Anthony Fauci and Tony Blinken and Alejandro Mayorkas or the team of Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and Bobby Kennedy. Our movement is ascendant. We will only win if we vote.

We'll only win if we chase. You could do that by getting one extra friend and voting early yourself. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
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