Okay, everybody to end the Charlie Kirk show. We have the Hodge twins that join us. We talk about President Trump. We talk about the country.
We talk about all sorts of different stuff. Email us as always freedom at charliekirk.com and become a member today members.charlicirk.com. That is members.charlicirk.com. Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy, his spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of the Charlie Kirk show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold.
Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Joining us for the entire hour are two men I'm a big fan of. Don't ask me to tell you which one is which.
It is the Hodge Twins. They are the best. How are you doing, guys? Welcome to the program. My white friend. Hey, guys, I'm told all the time that I'm a terrible racist. So what are you doing on a show like this?
Because I like racist people. Not the answer you're supposed to give. All right, guys.
Well, welcome to the program. You're the host of the Twins Pod, comedians, content creators and patriots of the website is official Hodge Twins dot com. Guys, first, I want to get your reaction to the vice presidential debate. J.D. Vance did very well.
What is what is your reaction? Oh, man, I wish the presidential debate was that good. I mean, they both came off presidential.
Yeah. They look like they respected each other. And I thought Vance was great. He was able to articulate his points and the direction for the country that they want. I thought he was amazing. And I loved it when he answered he answered the questions. And then when he tried to fact check him, he fact checked the fact checkers.
Yeah, he is awesome. So so the the media has been telling us, especially in the last couple of years, that anyone on the right or Republican is racist, that Donald Trump is a racist for, you know, attacking Kamala Harris for certain reasons. Why is it that the media and the Democrat Party is so fixated on race? Because that's how they win elections. Republicans pretty much stick to their principles and policy. I mean, what policies are the Democrats running on? They're just running on that Trump's evil white supremacist.
He's a threat to democracy. They don't run on policy. They run on identity politics and painting the other side as racist. That's how they win elections. And they went by misinformation because Trump's denounced white supremacy countless times and is there on YouTube. But they continue to push the narrative that this guy doesn't like people of color. Yeah. I mean, they use this.
Please continue. They say diversity is a strength for our country. Diversity is great, but it's not a strength, especially when you when you got one party using it to divide the country. I mean, diversity can be a strength, but when you really look at it in in reality, diversity has been has led to the biggest atrocities this world has ever seen. Diversity, in my humble opinion, is not a strength unless we can unite under one common goal, the American flag and American values. And Democrats are totally against that.
And that's why this country is so divided. And I just think Vance was a breath of fresh air last night. And I loved it that his wife is brown. Yeah. And he's got brown kids. I mean, I think that's a good look.
Right. I think it'll go a long way to because even though I don't think diversity is a strength, we need a little bit more on the Republican side so we can turn down this idea that the right is white supremacy. I mean, diversity is starting to become a strength because of the Latino vote. Every election is like more and more Latinos are starting to switch to Republican. I wish I could say that was true for the black vote.
I mean, the black vote is I mean, it's improving, but Latinos is really is what's going to end up saving our country because they're starting to come more to the right. Yeah. So so why is it? Let me ask you guys a question. You guys have been in public commentary. You're super talented. I love your content. It's hilarious. It's awesome. It's awesome.
You guys do a great job. So which I'm sure the messages that you receive from white liberals or liberals in general are nastier than anything that you could even understand or comprehend from the right. Can you talk about that? How are you treated by Democrats as black conservatives? Well, we had countless shows because we used to be on comedy tour. They canceled a couple of our shows because they say we're homophobic.
But you know how that goes. But for the most part, we've had a lot of success with white liberals. We switched over a lot of white liberals. We had a lot of say. A majority of the hate comments we get is from, let me say it, black people. Yeah.
Yeah. Very nasty comments. Because when we started delving into politics, we already had a successful YouTube channel of over a million subscribers, a couple of million subscribers. So we had never delved into that.
And when we go to our comedy shows and meet our fans, a lot of times they come as a man. I've been liberal. I've been Democrat for years.
You guys really opened our eyes. A part of what you said, the nasty comments from the white liberals. I haven't really seen it.
I've seen it from here and there. But most of the hate I get is from black people. But why is that? Why do you receive hate in general from black people for having a different point of view? Well, culturally, that's how we are raised. Black families, it's in our church, it's in our music, it's in our TV shows.
You're a Democrat. It's like part of black culture. And when you go against that, you're seen as somebody who hates himself or wants to be white, which is very illogical. But the reason why they come at us that way is because they're actually projected because it's a cultural issue of black people.
You have to vote Democrat. That's why when they say stupid, nasty things like you hate yourself, you want to be white, you tap dancing for Massa. That's the reason why they're saying those comments, because they're actually projecting their belief system onto us. So it seems there is a change, though. Black men under 50 seem to be coming around more in the conservative direction.
Why is that? Yes. I just had a friend. He was the biggest Trump hater. Yeah. He wore Kaepernick jerseys. He hated Trump. And he sent me a text a couple of days ago. And he said he's going to vote for Trump. And I asked him, what changed your mind? He said, because of my religious beliefs. Well, I took him long enough. Right.
So that was like a breath of fresh air. And he said, yeah, I said, man, when you sit down and you listen to both sides, one side sounds satanic. The other side sounds sane and logical. And it's more religious if you're voting for a Republican. You have to be evangelical. You can even be an atheist and vote Republican.
But some of the things, some of the policies that these people are pushing on the level for kids and for our schools, it just, it sounds demented. And you know, I don't think it's a coincidence. He turned after Trump was almost assassinated. Right. And you remember what Trump said, a lot of black, he said, pull into more black voters because the way he's treated. I know the left demonized him and vilified him for that.
But it's actually true. And I think a lot of like, was it 50 and over? Under 50.
Under 50. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. I guess because. Well, as you get older, you know, you become a lot more wiser because I remember when I was in my 20s, I vote Democrat every election. I voted for Gore, Kerry, Clinton. I hated George Bush.
But I still hate George Bush. That hasn't changed. Yeah, right. That hasn't changed.
Yeah. But I can't really put my finger on it. I think black men, I think it points to this. You know, we have a racist past in our country where women couldn't vote, blacks couldn't vote. But the one thing they changed first was men could vote before women. A black man could actually vote before a white woman could. I think black men, men in general, they're more logical.
They take the emotion out of things. And that same statistic, when you switch it over to the black woman, it's like the direct opposite, I'm sure. Right.
Yeah. I think, Charlie, a majority of the reason why a lot of blacks are switching over to the Republican side is because they have more sources, like you have TikTok, you have YouTube, you have other platforms like Instagram, you're able to get new information, more information than what the media is feeding. And you have a lot of black creators, like such as ourselves, Candace and Monks. I was on YouTube the other day and there's like, when we first started YouTube, you could count the black conservatives on YouTube on one hand. Now you can't even count them on both hands and both of your feet.
And I think that's one of the major reasons why black people are switching over to Republican Party. OK, everybody, I'll have something to offer you today, something absolutely free. Hillsdale College, the great American college, with a huge and effective educational effort on behalf of Liberty, is giving away free copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence before the November election. Hillsdale's immediate goal is to put a pocket constitution in the hands of one million Americans who don't yet have one.
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Hillsdale dot com. Just so you guys know, the second gentleman in the United States, he condemns toxic masculinity, Doug Emhoff. Let's play cut one thirty two about masculinity for a moment. As being second gentleman changed your own view of perceived gender roles of what it means to be a man.
That's this is something I've I've thought about a lot and something I've spoken about a lot. There's too much of toxicity. It's masculine toxicity out there. And we've kind of confused what it means to be a man, what it means to be masculine.
I think it's a problem. And I'm going to continue to use this platform every time I get to speak out against this toxic masculinity that's out there. Guys, why are you so toxic?
I don't know what that guy's talking about, but he's got white rage. I don't think there's a problem with toxic masculinity. You're just being a man. I think what we have a problem in this country is toxic femininity. And that's why we even have this discussion about toxic men is coming from the toxic females in this country. Because you're telling men they can't be men, but you can tell women they can be men. That's just backwards.
Yes. Without toxic. Well, I think when I hear that label of toxic man, I think of a blue collar worker who doesn't put so off anybody's nonsense. That's all they're talking about. They want men. They want to feminize men, emasculate men. And why?
I have no idea. I mean, they build all the buildings. They do all the construction jobs, all the dirty jobs that effeminate men don't want and women don't want. They take care of that.
And without that, you have no infrastructure in this country. We need toxic men. Without toxic men, this society will fall. I mean, who will fight our wars? Who will who will protect their wives?
Everybody will be just so it was. It doesn't make any sense for a woman. I mean, excuse me, for a man to be feminine.
It's not even natural. So let me let me also prove this, that real men do not touch women. I do not, you know, meaning they do not hurt or harm women ever is what I mean, obviously. Doug Emhoff, accused of forcefully slapping New York City girlfriend for flirting with another man at the Ritzy Gala in 2012.
Now, guys, shouldn't Doug have punched the guy? I think he I mean, all of it's his fault. He's the one just dating a nasty woman. But you mean, oh, I mean, a man's going to be a man. But I lay all the blame on the female. You you with a man. You show your your spouse, your your boyfriend respect. I mean, that's the ultimate sign of disrespect for you to be with a woman. And that woman disrespect the man she's with. You shouldn't slap her. Yeah, I wouldn't slap her.
I'd be like, oh, OK, I see what you're doing here. You're on probation. You know what I mean? Right. It's like I mean, I've never I'm I just turned 50.
What, two weeks ago? We turned 50. And I've never put my hands on a woman.
I never had been in a circumstance where I had to do that. Oh, yes, you have your ex-wife. Well, now, hold on, guys. Guys, did you say you turned 50? Yeah. Yeah.
We turned 50 September 17th. Yeah. There's an expression of going to say it's racist, but you don't look 50.
I know I look 40. Do you know what expression I'm talking about? Yeah. Black don't crack.
That's right. Black cracks all the time. They all in jail. They fill up prisons.
I mean, come on. Black don't crack. Black black don't do nothing right. We make up half of the volley of crimes in this country. Black don't crack.
We crack all the time and lose it. I didn't say it. You guys said it. Yeah. But you know, though, though, the liver said, yeah, that's why Charlie likes them.
They hate their own kind. Right. We're just joking. Having just joking. Yeah. Just having fun.
But you guys look great for 50. I mean, that's that's an accomplishment. I got to tell you. I know me, Charlie. Huh? Are you hitting on me?
Not quite. I'm not Pete Buttigieg. You don't have to worry about that.
OK. Just checking. Shut up. I do want you guys to tell your story, because, I mean, we kind of glossed over that. It's a really remarkable one. And you guys have such a powerful voice.
And it's a really important thing that you're doing here really quick. Can you guys plug your YouTube channel? Yeah. You can find us on conservative twins on YouTube. YouTube dot com slash conservative twins.
Or you just type in hard twins. We come right up. Yeah. And live longer, including my dog, Mr. Briggs, who loves it. Naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black, who created Rough Greens, is also an airborne ranger and Green Beret, an amazing background. He loves dogs and is on a mission to help as many as he can. Dog food is dead.
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Greens dot com slash Kirk? So, guys, let's take a step back here. Why don't you tell us your story? How did you get into this?
How did you get into commentary? Were you always political? Were you always conservative? You guys said you voted before.
Take some time. Tell us your story. Well, we wasn't very political. Always vote Democrat because it is just I thought it was the right thing to do being a black man. But I didn't know anything about politics.
I just know the other side, I was told, wanted to lynch me. So, of course, I went to vote Democrat. So it all started in 2008 when we created our first YouTube channel. And it was just something that we was going to do just to mix to make ends meet, you know, so I don't get my car repossessed. But anyway, after doing it for a couple of years, it started to grow and we started earning an income and it became my full time job. But when we started, it was just commentary on like outrageous news events.
It wasn't about it wasn't political at all. We did fitness and we had a channel, a YouTube channel where we talked relationships. And then after a while, we built up like millions of subscribers and we started paying attention to what was going on in the world.
I think the change of point for us is when it was a kid in a Whataburger in Texas. He was wearing a MAGA hat and it was a Mexican gentleman that walked up to him and took his hat, assaulted him, took his hat and it went viral. So me and Keith did a video. I was like, you know, let's do a video about it. Let's talk about it. Yeah. I say, hey, we're not too political. Let's just come in in the middle. Common sense approach.
I said, no one should be abused for, you know, expressing their First Amendment right. And so as we posted that video up on Instagram, on Instagram, we lost like 20,000 followers within like four hours. Right. So I was like, what? Then we started to pay more attention to it. And I was like, and I started listening to more of my older brother.
I came across Ben Shapiro, Larry Elder, Candace Owens. And it was it amazed us because these people have been following us for years and they just threw us away like we were like a used condom or something. You shouldn't have said that. Oh, Jesus. That's a great metaphor.
Like an old newspaper. Right. So it kind of actually pissed us off. So I said, I'm going to keep doing the videos.
I want to see this go to zero over here. And we start doing the political videos. But we wasn't really conservative. We're just looking at it from common sense approach. I wasn't a Republican. I was a Democrat. Yeah, we were. I think we've always been liberal, though.
Right. Not progressive. We've always been liberal. Like we're always consider myself like an old school liberal, like RFK. Biden back in the day when he said when he had that crime bill, but when he said our marriage is between a man and a woman like Biden used to be an old school liberal, but he changed. He became progressive. I think that's what we've always been. And then the Democrat Party slowly became something that I was I was I didn't want to be a part of any longer. And so I start looking at the right and liberals and conservatives for years been pretty much like this.
It's just a couple of issues that broke them apart. And I was like, well, I guess I'm conservative now. And so we started doing the content and our fan base exploded from that.
I thought we was committing career suicide. Right. But I remember when we first started doing it, doing the political content, I mean, we had a comedy show and it wasn't sold out. It was just it was half empty. Right.
But it was full of Trump supporters. Yeah. It was in Canada. Right. Yeah. Right. But our fan base changed overnight. Yeah. It seems it seems to be. But now when we do comedy shows, everything sells out and it's the most amazing people and fans we've ever had.
Yeah. It's like time we come out on stage before we even speak a word to give us a standing ovation. Never got that before. And they won't sit down. I'm like, OK, it's like it's so uplifting and it's amazing.
You be dead tired. You've been doing shows all week and then you go out to an audience and it is right there clapping, screaming for you. So then after the show, we get a standing ovation.
I mean, the love we got from white conservatives and conservatives period is been astounding. I mean, we had a show in Nashville. Yeah. And the shows were selling out. I think we did four shows there. And the first show we go out there and I'm looking out the curtain. I look at the crowd before I go out and I looked out the house, like, who the hell are these people?
Who are these people? Right. Our fan base totally changed. Our crowd's always been a good mix.
Right. But now it looked like they was coming to a Bruce Springsteen concert. It was like no black people there. It was black people there. Yeah, but they they had a white wife. Weird.
Or be a black woman and she's with a white dude. Yeah. It's like, you know, I thought that was funny. But man, I cannot believe the support we've gotten from conservative fans. It's been amazing. Yeah.
Yeah. They did a concern that once we switched over to conservative conservatism. I mean, it changed my life. I was always wealthy. I had a house. I had cars.
Money wasn't an issue. But conservatives have given so much to us. We started, you know, giving back to them.
We started giving away trucks, cars, muscle cars and things like that just to the people because of the support they've given us. Yeah. Yeah. We used to give money to like Facebook and Instagram to market whatever was selling and to promote whatever we're doing. And they were censoring us.
Yeah. They were censoring us. Especially Facebook. They shut our Facebook down. So we decided instead of incentivizing people to support us through ads, let's just do giveaways and incentivize them that way and stop giving this money to big tech. And I think it's been a win win for everybody. Yeah. So far, we've given away over two million in cash prizes and trucks and cash to our people that support us. Yeah.
Wow. And so how did Donald Trump play into all of this in your political journey? He's the man that's been called a racist more than any other person. And then we've been talking about race the last eight years. BLM, George Floyd, Kamala.
Talk about how that has been been ingredients in your in your journey. Yeah. We've been talking about race ever since Obama got in office. He started all of this.
Right. But when I when I first came across Trump, I liked it that he wasn't a politician. And I liked his policies, the direction he wanted the country. And he's not afraid to say what he really thinks.
Yeah. But it just seems like because I've been following politics here and there. It just seems like they put on a mask for you so you can go vote for him. You see a lot of that with Democrats, especially Kamala when she's in front of a black audience.
She talks a certain way. They just come off really fake. But when Trump was up there, it's something that's really genuine and sincere about him. Right. And that's what resonated with me.
Yeah, sure. He said some things that, you know, that somebody who sees sees life through a racist lens, it will come off as racist to them. But all he's doing is being brutally honest with whatever he's saying. He's not a racist. I don't think he's racist.
I grew up in the South. I know a racist when I see and when I see and hear him. I can feel it. Yeah. It's like a second sense a black guy has.
Yeah. You get the look in the eyes. You can tell when somebody despises you because you're an ethnicity or you're racist. I've met Trump. I've seen Trump talk.
He hasn't. I don't think he has a racist bone in his body. He might be racial insensitive, but he's definitely not a racist. He's just a brutally honest man.
Yeah. I think we all have our biases. And a lot of times when you mention something about a particular demographic of people such as black people, it hurts their feelings, even though it may be true. And they're quick to label everything racist instead of like acknowledging what he's saying. A lot of times, especially with the black community, in my humble opinion, they don't want to, they hate looking in the mirror. Yeah. They're very bad at that.
And it's always somebody else's fault and galleries victimizing themselves. And that race card is a powerful card for Democrats. Like we said earlier in the broadcast, diversity is not a strength of the Republican party. It's becoming, it's getting better over time with the Latinos and some blacks are coming over, but that's the main reason why they push race so much because black people actually go to the polls and vote because Kamala is, they think Kamala is black and they think Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Yeah. Very powerful. So, so you guys tell me, the media says that this line from Trump is racist.
This is from the Alabama Georgia game, Playcut 138. That is insane. I think Trump's gotta, after he get this, winning this election, he's got a rap career in front of him.
I know I'd buy it in a heartbeat. And that's the racist about that. It's funny.
No, go ahead. That's nothing racist. I mean, when a black person says certain things, it's okay. But when a white man says it, then they have an issue. It's just a double standard for white people.
And it's a racist standard they've set for white people because they don't even hold black people to that same standard. So the Trump has really become a cultural phenomenon in so many ways. And the media continues to attack and continues to smear and slander him. So the question I think a lot of us have in front of us is this current election and what Trump needs to do to try to win over more voters and especially black voters. What what can be done, if anything, to try and expand the Trump base as we go into this election? I think he's already doing everything he possibly can.
Yeah. You don't want to change them too much because what resonates with the majority of his base is just him being himself. I think his vice president pick, him having a multiracial family and his wife being a person of color and his kids, people of color, that's a great look for the Republican Party.
I think that that team of fans and Trump is perfect. And if black and a lot of black people starting to wake up to the Republican Party, they're not so sensitive to these, some of these issues. And I wouldn't change anything at this point. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't change.
I don't think there's really much you can do. It's just this, like what we're seeing from the Latino voters, how they're switching to Republican Party, that's starting to happen with the black vote. But it's going to be a much slower process because Democrats have indoctrinated that demographic for decades. And it's nothing really you can do to fix that overnight or in two weeks and a month, in six months, years.
It's going to take decades. I think Vance can make a lot of leeway, but like I said, because his family's multiracial, but we really need, and I don't like DEI, I want people that's qualified to be, you know, to run for office with the Republican Party, but we just need more black politicians on the Republican side. Just like people of color. Yeah. Yeah.
People of color, women, blacks. Yeah. It would help a lot. Yeah. Do you guys like a vape? It does matter to a lot of black people.
I love a vape. I love Tulsi Gabbard. I think they would have been great options as vice president, but Vance is amazing. Right. Just a little too white. It's always against us white people. You guys are... What does a white person have to do to get ahead in this country, guys? I mean, seriously, come on.
I guess get cornrows, wear a bandana or something. I don't know. No, Vance blew me away. He came off presidential. He's well-spoken. He was a breath of fresh air, and he fact-checked them when they tried to fact-check him.
That guy's sharp. I mean, I have nothing against him. Yeah, he's an amazing man.
Great father. I'm just, you know, hopefully Trump wins this election, and he should win this election. I see Vance being a two-term president because some of the things they say about Donald Trump, you cannot say that about Vance.
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That is noblegoldinvestments.com, noblegoldinvestments.com. Okay, you guys got to make sense of this. The Hodgetwins are with us. Help me. You guys got to be my translators for me, okay? What does Kamala Harris mean by this?
Play cut five. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know? What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What does that mean? I don't know. You know what she sounds like? She sounds like, you know, somebody go to prison they start reading and they think when they get out they think they can smart they added some words to the vocabulary and then they talk and but they they just sound even stupider yeah um i i came to make out what she's using words that's typically not used in the the way she's using them and she's trying to give off the impression that she's very and then she's very smart or intelligent which i don't deny she's got a certain level of intelligence because she's a lawyer she passed the ball exam but i i don't know what the hell she's talking about you know what she's doing this what she's doing um like martin luther king i'm gonna bring him up he was he was good with words right um like his i have a dream speech it was like the way he spoke it was like i can't even put in words it just it just sounded amazing right that's what she's trying to do she's trying to sound amazing yeah but she sounds just dumb whatever she's trying to do because whenever you sit down and talk to her she doesn't have much to say and she tries to fill it in with laughter she she's just she's not just she cannot articulate her message like vans last night he can articulate uh vivique he can articulate she just can't articulate and it's crazy how far she's been able to go in her career yeah and to see where this woman is at and she can't articulate anything i think kamala's biggest problem when she speaks is that she's not genuine if you're not genuine anything that comes out of your mouth is not going to sound right right yeah people that are genuine and they speak from the heart and something they really have a lot of strong conviction for when they talk you know it yeah when vans talks you know it when trump talks you know it when someone's genuine you don't have to put on a fake show and try to sound like you're brilliant or smart anything right i think that's her biggest obstacle she's trying to overcome because she's not a very genuine likable person she's not she's i don't even she doesn't come off very likable and she's trying to overcome that but she can't yeah let's i want to play um a tape here from some undecided black voters in georgia play cut 140. what's your biggest hesitation about voting for kamala harris just is she going to be able to do the things that she says she's going to be able to do okay what about you everything that glitters ain't gold very you know and she's going to be able to take a point and give one or two less your thoughts guys uh from the look from those black people they are very scared to say anything against the democratic party you see how short and concise it was they didn't want to say anything negative because they are in fear of being uh demonized yeah by their own uh race yeah they didn't even want to look at the camera when they was talking they were so it's like they're afraid to say what they were saying but it does give me hope that black people starting to open their eyes i mean for them to say what they said is a lot right you know and i think the pendulum is going in the right direction with the black vote yeah a lot of circumstances still needs a lot of work but that that little clip you showed me gives me hope but those people were afraid to say what they were saying so that that clip you just showed us that clip you just showed us epitomized the problem with the black community when it comes to voting they are scared to jump outside of that box and speak for themselves that's the major problem right there in the middle illustrates that what guidance do you have for people that are afraid to speak out because they say the cost is too high well in a lot of circumstances the cost is too high you have to be smart you don't want to put your family at risk you're uh putting food on tape you just gotta be smart go to the polls and and vote that's the most powerful thing a black person can do is go to the poll and vote how you feel what is right vote on your beliefs not what people are telling you how to vote go and vote and what appeals to you and your family and your standards and your and and how you feel about it your decision should not be based on your skin color it's bad for white people to do it and it's bad for black people to do it as well i think it's twice as bad when a black person does yeah because they should know better right hodge twins you guys are the best thank you so much hope to see you soon guys thank you thank you thank you for having us thanks so much for listening everybody email us as always freedom at charliekirk.com thanks so much for listening and god bless for more on many of these stories and news you can trust go to charliekirk.com
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