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How "Kamala-ism" Can Bring Maoism To America

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
September 30, 2024 8:00 pm

How "Kamala-ism" Can Bring Maoism To America

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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September 30, 2024 8:00 pm

Xi Van Fleet is a survivor of Mao Zedong's China — and now, she fears she may live to see his evil ideology destroy America like it destroyed her homeland. Xi and Charlie talk about what the West doesn't understand about Communism, and how Kamala's focus on "equity" represents a revival of this deadly, failed system. They also late out the three-step process of a Communist takeover: No guns, no free speech, and lots of promises of free stuff.

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Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.

He's done an amazing job. Building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created. Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives. And we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. And that's why we are here.

And that's why we are here. Mao's America, a survivor's warning by Xi Van Fleet. She was born in China, lived through the Cultural Revolution, was sent to work in the countryside at the age of 16. And after Mao's death, she was able to go to college to study English and has lived in the United States since 1986, and offers a warning to Americans that now she is living through her second Cultural Revolution in her life. She's a patriot, a lover of liberty, and anyone who listens to her.

She's a patriot, a lover of liberty, and anyone who listens will be enlightened by her. Xi, welcome back to the program. Well, thank you so much, Charlie, for having me. So, Xi, let's first start about your book. There's so much to talk about here. Mao's America, a survivor's warning. I did my best to just, in a couple sentences, tell your biography, but introduce our audience to your story and your book.

Yeah. Just as you said, I was born into the slavery of communism. And when I was about seven, turning seven, the Cultural Revolution started. That was 1966. It lasted for 10 years until Mao's death. And that was pretty much my youth. And I missed schools because school was closed during the Cultural Revolution. I witnessed the death and destruction of what that Cultural Revolution brought to the Chinese people. When I graduated from high school at the age of 16, there's nothing, nothing for the young people because there's no economy.

Everything was in ruins. So what did Mao do? He sent all of us, all of the urban youth, to the countryside, the so-called countryside. It's gulags, really, to send us to work in the fields to get our re-education, a term that America is starting to learn about. And so I worked there for three years before I could go to college.

By then, Deng Xiaoping was in power. He opened universities. I was able to go to university through my own merit by taking the examination. And so in 1986, I was able to get a scholarship to come to a study in America. And that's the beginning of my journey to freedom.

That is an amazing story. So let's rewind the clock. When Mao executed the Cultural Revolution, what were his promises? What did he tell the people he was doing?

And what was the result of that? Yeah, later on, we need to talk about his first revolution. But the second revolution is the Cultural Revolution. And as a young kid, and people older than I was back then, the only thing they knew was the indoctrination they received from the government schools. So what Mao did say to the young people? That they're a group of capitalist rotors. What that means is those people who want to take us back to capitalism and to let us suffer one more time. And so we have to stop them. And those capitalist rotors were in possession of power.

So we have to take them out. So what is capitalism? I had no idea. All the young people had no idea because the history was rewritten. We just know capitalism means bad. We don't want to go back. We don't want to go back, like Kamala Harris said. So we joined his revolution.

Not me, I was too young. But the young people, what they did is they took those people in power down and then destroyed the whole Chinese civilization called Four Olds. Old ideas, old tradition, old habits, and old customs.

They all have to be wiped out, just like, imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been. Get rid of everything in the past, anything traditional, anything Chinese, actually. So because we're going to re-establish a new order that is Maoism, that's become our religion. And we have that little red book that's become our Bible. So the whole Cultural Revolution was destruction of Chinese culture and then death by 20 million people.

It's remarkable. In the West, it seems as if there is this failure to understand communism and the nature of communism. What does the West not understand about communism and Maoism in particular that you write about in your book and that you know? What is it about the nature of communism that you wish all Westerners knew?

Yeah, I think I want to go back a little further, go back to the 40s. And that was the time that the Communist Party was expanding and why they were able to be successful and had hundreds of millions of peasants follow them, join their revolution, put them in power. One word, equity. And this slogan, this one slogan put them in power, strike down the landowners and divide their land.

And that is it. And the peasants followed him, joined his revolution and put them in power. And so to them, of course, it's the whole thing's deception is communism is about equity, is about everyone had the same share of the wealth. And so I also want to talk about my parents. My parents were not the authoritarian. They were from a well-to-do family. And why did they join the revolution? Both of them joined the revolution when they were very young.

And my father and from a well-to-do family, abandoned the family, went to Beijing to study Russian because he wanted to be a revolutionary. What made them join the communism? They want to save the country.

They want to help the poor. And they were the equivalent of today's liberals. And they believed that they know what's the best way for the rest of the population. So not just my parents, my uncles, so many of them joined the revolution by the time they found out. It's not what they signed up for.

It was too late because of them, because of their choices. I was born into the slavery of communism. Never knew what freedom meant.

And the only thing I remember is being told what to do. Never had a choice. Just as a side note, can free speech coexist with a communist regime? Absolutely not.

Absolutely not. And the whole idea of communism is that you don't have your own thought. It's all about collectivism. And when you join the revolution, you have to lose yourself. You become part of the collective. And everything we have to do is get rid of the bourgeois influence in us.

What is that really? It's independent thinking. It's critical thinking.

We have to wipe out everything. But by the time I came along, there was no need because I had no access of any other information. And I was told this is the truth and I believe it because I had no idea to know that it is not the truth. So free speech, free thinking, that is the number one enemy of communism. Communism is all about mind control. It's not just free speech. It's free thinking has to be eliminated.

I hope everyone is listening right now. For her, this is not a game. She's trying to warn those of us that love America of exactly how a country and a civilization can be destroyed. We are living through a resurgence of Maoism that could be called the Kamala-ism. And we're going to connect it with Kamala Harris later in the hour. It's communism, Kamala-ism because we're doing ourselves a disservice if we just talk about the ideas, because this is now trying to be implemented right now in front of us. By the way, just so we're clear, Tim Walz has also visited China many, many times.

We will discuss that with Xi Van Fleet, author of Mao's America. Hey everybody, Charlie Kirk here. If you're looking for a reliable and clear way to have voice and text communication to any number from anywhere in the world, you need a satellite phone and no one does it better than the satellite phone store. Just go to

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Just go to for affordable individual family plans or call 855-980-5830. She has lived through a cultural revolution and now actually living through two of them because we're all living through one. Zhi, what inspired this dialogue here this hour was a conversation I had with a young man on the campus of Arizona State University that has been seen millions of times. I know you're nodding your head in agreement.

I want to play this for the audience, and then I want you to dive into detail here. This young man is named Jeff, and he can't vote, but he wishes he could vote. And his message is a warning, just like you. And it's as if you guys are saying the exact same thing, trying to warn Westerners, warn Americans, hey, if you vote for Kamala, you're inviting the demon of communism into your country. This is Jeff at Arizona State University, one of thousands of young people that attended our Turning Point Action successful voter registration drive. Also, take a look at all those MAGA hats in this video.

Play cut three. Why are you voting for Trump? I can't vote. I'm not from here, but I'm from China initially. We fled China. I'm an asylum, actually. But would you vote for Trump if you could?

Yes, of course. What's your message for Americans that don't understand... Don't vote for socialism! It's amazing how many Americans want socialism, isn't it? I mean, that's what Chinese people want, and look what happened. And now, you know, it's about to happen to us, so we fled here, and we wanted this place to not be like China. Don't vote like what China happened. Don't let that happen. Exactly. And that's why we had to vote for Trump.

Exactly, yeah. What's your name? I'm Jeff. Nice to meet you, man. God bless you. Xi, you're here. I've watched it many, many times.

I love that young man. Is he correct? Is he correct that socialism is coming here and that we must stand up against it in this upcoming election? Socialism has been here.

It's just getting worse and worse. Right now, it is a communist takeover, and I just can't believe. I thought some 36 or 37 years ago when I left China, I thought I left communism behind me. I thought I embraced the freedom, that freedom will always be here.

How wrong was I? Now we have two communists, communist presidential nominee for the communist Democratic Party. That's how far we have been. It's absolutely not overnight. It has been going on for decades, but now we see the fruits. And now we have to make a decision. And that is why I talk about my parents. They made a decision, and that's because of their decision.

Millions, hundreds of millions of Chinese were enslaved. And at that point, we are making a decision, not just for ourselves, but for our children and our children's children, and not just for America, for the entire world. If America is down, there is no hope for the world.

We're going to enter into a dark age. I completely agree. Xi, when you listen to Kamala Harris, what does she say that all of a sudden your memory gets triggered? You say, I know that. I know that. That is communist. Give some examples to our audience that might not be trained in this. First of all, DEI.

How many times have we listened to her talking about DEI? And it's like we started the same place and we may not start the same place. So the government, the government had to make to do something to show that we all end up in the same place. And that is the communist promise. That is the promise that Mao made for the hundreds of millions of peasants. That you follow me, you're going to get free land. And that's why people bought into their lives. And then Xi doesn't want free speech.

We talk about it. Why does he want free speech? How can you control people who can think freely and talk freely? You know, they have to get rid of free speech and they have to get rid of guns. They have to get rid of guns. That's what every communist regime did the first thing once they got into power so that you can never shoot your way out. People say, oh, we can just vote our way in and shoot your way out.

You can't because you will be disarmed. So very quickly, Xi, when you hear that Kamala Harris wants to take our guns away, why do you think that is? Well, it's because if we have guns, then that's how we defend our First Amendment. That is why. It's not for hunting and it is absolutely for self-defense against a tyrannic government.

Xi Van Fleet is spot on. This is why Kamala Harris wants gun control. She wants gun control so that she can get rid of the First Amendment, the Fourth Amendment. The Second Amendment is the amendment that protects all the other amendments, period. Every totalitarian tyrant that is unpopular with the people must disarm the citizenry first. Mussolini, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao.

The greatest graveyards of the 20th century started with gun confiscation. Are you ready to lose weight but not sure where to start? I understand.

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Check it out, I want you to check out her book. It is incredibly important. Mao's America, A Survivor's Warning. So, Xi, I want to ask you about this, which is the indoctrinated revolutionaries. Mao's cultural revolution depended on indoctrinated young people known as the Red Guard. Tell us about it and how does that apply to America today? Yes, this is exactly what happened in America. We have our version of the Red Guard.

I call them Blue Guards. So, when Mao had the first revolution, he used armed forces to overthrow a government, which is the nationalist government. They drove them out of China to Taiwan. And the second revolution he launched was the cultural revolution. This revolution, he also wanted to overthrow a government, only that this is his own government. He wanted to overthrow his own party, his own government, his own institution to replace with people he trusted because he thought he was losing influence. But this time, he had a better army.

It's not the military. It is the young people, the young people that he was able to indoctrinate in the past 17 years. They had no way of thinking critically and the only thing they learned is to follow the order of their great leader. When Mao claimed to them that you are my Red Guards, I'm your commander, Red Commander-in-Chief, they just cheered.

They cheered. Mao gave them all the power, whatever they could do. They could do whatever because Mao de-funded, not de-funded, destroyed the criminal justice system and really dissolved police. So, the Red Guards were out there.

They could do anything. And they started with destruction, started with destroying the statues, changing names of the streets, institutions and whatever, and they eventually went on and killed people they considered. Well, Mao told them the enemy of the people. So, during the Cultural Revolution, Cultural Revolution started in May 1966.

Only three months into it, the first came into place. By who? By a bunch of young girls. By a bunch of middle school young girls from 12 to 16. They beat, tortured and killed the principals. And since that incident, violence became commonplace.

And that is what I see here. I see they're always studying on campuses. They always started with the young people and the educated young people, universities. And because they were the ones that so thoroughly indoctrinated. And so, they did everything Mao asked them to do. And so, eventually, in a period of two to three years, they destroyed the Chinese civilization. They absolutely took down the bureaucracy of CCP and anyone in power was taken down. And they finished the job for Mao.

But this is one of the most important information that I want to get out. What happened to them? They thought they would share, they would have a seat at the table. And then, because of that, they start to fight each other and kill thousands, tens of thousands of Red Guards. They thought they were fighting for power. What did Mao do to them? They exiled all of them, sent them all to gulags. Because they said, now you need to re-education from the peasants to be better communists. So, with this word, millions, millions of young people were sent to the gulags.

And that is the end of the revolutionaries and those activists today on campus. Of course, they don't know. How would they know? They don't know any history. Why don't they know any history is not taught? Why it's not taught? Because they don't want these people to know the real history. This is something I really, really want to make a point. No one wants communism if they know what it is. The problem is, so many people have no idea. And it started with history.

When you know the history of the horrors of communism, it is very easy for you to see through the lies. But the problem is, there are so many young people who knew nothing about real history. Xi, those of us that are Christians, we believe in the Ten Commandments, the fifth of which, which is the Bridge Commandment, is honor your mother and father so that you may live long in the land of which I, God, have given you. When you look back at the Red Guard, would you say that treating parents with honor was a value in Mao's China? How were kids taught to treat their parents?

Well, that is part of the indoctrination, starting from day one. The kids were told they belong to the Party. I believed that I belonged to the Party. I belonged to Chairman Mao. I was the child of Chairman Mao. And even though we have parents, they're just biological, nothing important. The real parents were the Party and Chairman Mao. We have songs that we sang, and today they're still singing the same song, that Party is the parent of millions and millions of Chinese people and Chinese children. So if you have to choose between the Party, Chairman Mao, and your own parents, you choose the former.

No question asked. That's why during the Cultural Revolution, there are so many children reported on their parents. And many of the parents ended up being executed. And people ask me, what your parents told you during the Cultural Revolution? I said, nothing.

Nothing. Now I know why. Because they don't, they're afraid of the kids. They're afraid if they see something that we hear that is somehow not politically correct, we'll go in and report. And they will end up either jailed or executed. Breaking down the family is absolutely part of communism.

And that's what we see today. As this is, what is communism? And what's going on today in America is communist takeover. And religion, and abolition of religion, abolition of family. Those words clearly stayed out in the Communist Manifesto.

They tell you. Can you tell us, were there times when kids turned in their parents? Here in America? No, in Mao's China. Were they incentivized to turn in their parents?

Yes. And so there was one very well-known story of this young boy. He was 16. And his name is Zhang Hongbin. Hongbin means Red Guard. He changed his name into Red Guards because he wanted to be a revolutionary. So he heard his mother complaining about the Cultural Revolution at home. So he reported to the party. And two months later, his mother was executed.

And also, this is not an isolated incident. There's a lot of party members who will be purged. And their children join in the Red Guard to denounce their parents. And that happened to the highest ranking of the CCP members. The breakdown of the nuclear family is one of the most destructive, disastrous developments in the West.

Because when the family is destroyed, then government grows. Secondly to that, it is the breakdown of religion. Now, in Mao's China, it was not a Christian society, but there was Confucianism.

And there still is. In the Mao's Cultural Revolution, was there a push to try and de-religilize, if that's a term, or secularize China, take people away from a belief in God? Said differently, was Mao's China an atheistic experiment?

Absolutely. And it started not in the Cultural Revolution. It started from day one, especially after they took power. And monasteries were destroyed, churches were torn down. And whatever church left, that is communist church, because everything was under control of the communists. If there are any Buddhist monasteries left, it is communist Buddhist monastery, because everything was controlled by the party. Even today, there are some churches still there. You can go in, and you will often find that next to the cross is the portrait of Chairman Mao and the Chairman Xi Jinping. And because they still want to keep the facade that there is a religion.

No, there's no. It's all controlled by the government. And also, I want people to really understand, communism is not just an economic system. They still teach that in school, in universities. No, it is a religion.

It is absolutely a religion that cannot, cannot tolerate any other religion, has to destroy everything. And everything that, when I grew up, and I never heard about Christianity, I knew Buddhism, because you can still see some temples which turned into parks. And we were told this is superstition. It's backward, it's superstition.

They're just stupid. I want to just reiterate your book. Repeat the title of the book for our audience, and why you think every person should purchase it and study it this election cycle.

Yes, and the title is Mao's America, a survivor's warning. And my story is that I went to school board in 2021 to just make a comment on the CRA they were pushing in school. After that, my video went viral, and you played that. I heard myself on your podcast. I was, oh, my God. I said, why? What I said is just cultural revolution. Everyone knew. Nope, nope, nope. I found out very fast.

People knew nothing about it. So in 2022, I quit my job. I said, I got to write a book and tell the stories, and this book is all about the parallels, about the true cultural revolution that I lived through, and I'm living through with the rest of the American people. And so when you see this, you say, oh, work is nothing new. Oh, it happened before.

Yes, it happened before. It is history repeating. Hey, everybody.

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That is slash Charlie, slash Charlie. Zhi, I want you to listen to cut five and tell me if this is communism. Play cut five. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know? What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been.

What can be unburdened by what has been. Zhi, is this communism? That's cultural abortion, absolutely.

That is a mouth verging of what destroyed the four O's. Anything old, anything traditional, anything valuable, anything that people hold dear to their heart has to be destroyed. And that is the Cultural Revolution.

It took me forever to figure out what she was saying, but now it's so clear it's destroyed the past, including the history. So Zhi, put bluntly, Tim Walz has visited China multiple times. Kamala Harris has communist leadings. Is it fair to say that they represent the American equivalent of a Mao communist party?

I think you put it right. I think it's not quite just communist. It's Maoists. They are Maoists. What's happening in America, the work is Maoism with American characteristics. Because everything, you read my book, you can understand. Everything that Mao, all the tricks Mao used is playing out right here. It is absolutely history repeating. Charlie, can I just say something? I think it's very, very important and I want to put it out there for people to understand.

Please. There is no winners under communism. Not even the communists. Do you know who was the biggest victim in the Cultural Revolution?

It is the number two CCP figure, the president of China, Liu Xiaochi. He was purged and persecuted to death. And Mao seemed to be the only winner.

But as soon as he died, his widow was sentenced to death and had a show trial and sentenced to death and she committed suicide in prison. There is no winner. Not just the people who follow them, but the ranking members of the party.

So just take that to your heart. There is no winner. Everyone is a loser, including the people down the left.

They think they are in the winning team. No one, no one is going to be a winner. Everyone is going to be a loser.

Everybody will be a loser. And this is why we must fight for a free society. We must fight against communism.

We have two minutes remaining. Xi, how do we defeat the communists? How do we defeat Kamala Harris? I think the number one, number one issue is that we have to make people to understand. That's what you have been doing.

That's what, what I have been doing. Wake people up. This is something that is going to destroy all of us, all of us and the future of our children. So you have to understand it before you can really fight against it.

And I'm frustrated just like you. There are so many people, so many people in the Republican Party and so many conservatives still don't understand. They still think they're fighting with the left, who just gone a little crazy. They have become communists. The Democratic Party has been taken away by the communists. It is a communist party. So we have to understand and then we have to, we have to get involved.

We have to take action. And one of the things the communists do best, and of course the left as well, is organize. They organize, they organize, they organize. How did Obama made his way to White House?

He started as a community organizer. And, you know, after I came out of China, I just hate to be organized because I have been organized there all my life. I want to be free.

But now, now we can't do that. We have to organize because we're fighting against an organized criminal party and we have to get organized ourselves. So, and I just really, really thank you for what Turning Point USA has been doing to organize and mobilize the young people and get involved.

And that's what we have to do to win this election. Xi, God bless you. I hope everybody buys your book and listens to you carefully and subscribes to our podcast and texts this conversation to swing voters and Kamala voters.

This is very important. Thank you so much, Xi. Thank you, Charlie. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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