Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. Donald Trump almost gets shot again.
It is the third, that's right, the third assassination attempt against Donald Trump in just the last couple of weeks. We walk through that as I was corrected nicely by one of our listeners. Become a member today, members.charliekirk.com, and make sure you get involved with TrainingPointUSA at tpusa.com. That is tpusa.com. Start your high school or college chapter today at tpusa.com. As always, you can become a member, members.charliekirk.com, members.charliekirk.com. And as always, you can email me freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Buckle up, everybody.
Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold.
Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. They tried to kill Donald Trump again this last weekend, and we knew what was coming and more will continue. It will continue. Donald Trump is not safe right now because Donald Trump represents the greatest threat to the oligarchy since JFK, since Ronald Reagan, who was also shot. You see, the way that Washington, D.C. works and the way that the ways of the powerful work is that you, the American people, are not allowed in the room.
You are not allowed into the room where the deals are cut, where the decisions are made. Donald Trump changed all that, and Donald Trump is a class traitor. When he came down the escalator, he was once part of the billionaire oligarchy himself. He betrayed that class.
He was a card-carrying member of every possible socialite crew you could imagine. Comes down the escalator to fight for you, challenging the neoliberal consensus of open borders, endless wars, bad trade deals, importing the third world, invade the world, invite the world, challenging the warfare welfare state of the Uniparty, of the Liz Cheney's, the Dick Cheney's, the Adam Kinzinger's, the John McCain's. Donald Trump has been warned by these people.
If you keep this up, we're going to have to stop you. He's facing 700 years in federal prison. Donald Trump has been indicted in four separate jurisdictions in Georgia, New York, and two in Washington, D.C. Donald Trump has had his entire business empire put in jeopardy.
Donald Trump has this Eugene Carroll nonsense that has been thrown at him. His fortitude is remarkable. And oh yes, Donald Trump was shot and nearly died just a couple months ago.
Shot in Butler, Pennsylvania. But he does not stop. He's been campaigning like a madman across the country.
One of the greatest patriots in the history of America is Donald J. Trump. He was campaigning all weekend. He was campaigning in Tucson. He was campaigning in L.A.
He was campaigning and raising money in Northern California, campaigning, raising money in Las Vegas. And he just wanted a day to do what Donald Trump likes to do. Everyone has their own relaxing thing they like to do. Some people like watching football.
Some people like going for a hike. Some people enjoy golfing. More power to him. I'm not a golfer, but more power to him. Donald Trump, having after traveled the entire country and taking a red-eye flight after the UFC fight in Vegas, lands in Palm Beach, wakes up the next morning and says, I want to go golfing at one of my clubs. And it is a beautiful club, might I add. Donald Trump starts going around the second hole, the third hole.
It seems like a normal day in Palm Beach, a little bit warm, humid, 84 degrees, partly sunny with a chance of precipitation, as it does in this time of the year in Florida. Fourth hole. And all of a sudden, his team starts freaking out Mr. President, we got to get you in a cart.
Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. They evacuate Donald Trump and bring him into the clubhouse. They literally tackled him, put him into a golf cart, got him out of the way.
A hardened golf cart, might I add, on the fifth green. What was happening three to 500 yards away was a Democrat donor, a committed Democrat who has wrote extensively about how Donald Trump needs to be taken out, who wrote in his book that he hopes that Iran assassinates Donald Trump, a Ukraine obsessive freak, a white dude for Harris, Ryan Ruth. Now, I am not overly politicizing this. Whereas in Butler, Pennsylvania, we weren't sure about the politics of that freak that killed Corey Capatone and almost killed Donald Trump. It was not clear. It seems like that guy wanted to be famous, had school shooter vibes.
This is completely different, everybody. We now know decisively of the politics of this guy. This guy has been interviewed by Semaphore, interviewed by the New York Times. He has wrote and published a book and as I am doing this show right now, Blake is in the next room reading his book. Pray for Blake, by the way, as Blake is going through line by line and paragraph by paragraph.
Just some of the highlights that we've already found from this book. And I'm going to read some of the excerpts of the person that tried to kill Donald Trump yesterday. Yes, Donald.
That's right. Blake is going into a very, very dark place, very dark place. Attempt assassin Ryan Ruth wrote, he tells Iran to assassinate Trump while praising John Kerry for the Iran deal. He calls Trump an idiot and says he perpetrated January 6. He's a mainstream media addict. This person was wound up by Lester Holt and CNN and ABC and David Muir, wound up to believe that Donald Trump is an existential threat to our country and MSNBC and every possible news outlet you can imagine. Now, that's important because if somebody were to try to assassinate Kamala Harris, they would try to blame this program. They try to blame The Charlie Kirk Show.
They try to blame Fox News. Ryan Ruth set up himself with a, what they say is an AK-47 style rifle, a GoPro over the fifth green. A U.S. Secret Service agent saw him and acted, tried to neutralize it. He ran away.
A good citizen, a good Samaritan, saw this guy run into his car, which was a Nissan, got the license plate. They tracked him down and arrested him. And right now he faces federal charges on some gun crimes.
And I would imagine there are heavier charges coming sometime soon. This was not somebody with quote unquote mental health problems. This was someone that was considered credible enough that The New York Times profiled him. This is someone that was seemed credible enough that Newsweek did interviews with him. This is not somebody who you kind of meet. He's like, oh, this guy, I'm not sure about this guy. He was a few holes up from Donald Trump, three to five hundred yards ahead.
He was probably on the sixth or seventh hole waiting for Donald Trump in the woods, waiting for Donald Trump. When you call somebody Hitler repeatedly, don't be surprised when someone like Ryan Ruth, who is a Democrat donor, who is a Democrat Party loyalist, who has a Biden Harris bumper sticker on his car in Hawaii, takes a rifle and tries to kill him. This is the logical result of what the country that Kamala Harris has created alongside Joe Biden. When you call your opposition, Hitler, Nazis, if you call them a threat to democracy, if you call them dictators, well, what do you do to dictators? You shoot dictators. They've been saying for quite some time it's OK to punch Nazis. Well, it's OK to punch a Nazi, then it's OK to shoot a Nazi. And as someone who gets a lot of death threats, I get a lot of assassination threats, a lot. In fact, just this last week, there was one I'm going to assassinate Charlie Kirk, literally word for word.
I can tell you. That. The political temperature in this country is increasing, not decreasing, and Donald Trump refuses to back off. He refuses to back down. Donald Trump refuses to allow this to control his actions, but they're going to try a third time and they might try a fourth time because that is what Donald Trump represents. He's getting closer to victory. The movement is increasing. We are seeing the biggest crowds we've ever seen on college campuses, young people from all walks of life saying, I'm voting for Trump, I'm voting for Trump, I'm voting for Trump.
Donald Trump is more popular than he ever was in 2016 and 2020. And so they're trying to go to the same way they took out Julius Caesar and the same way you took out Abraham Lincoln. Just take him out.
Take him out. There are some very serious questions here. Number one. Based on everything we know, did Ryan Ruth, the Democrat donor and loyalist to Kamala Harris? Was he at least associated with Ukrainian intel agencies? We don't know. Was he associated with American intel agencies?
We don't know. And finally, how did Ryan Ruth know that Donald Trump was going to be golfing that day? It was not a publicly disclosed event. It was not on his schedule that people could see. So how did Ryan Ruth knew that? Did he guess? Did he see the motorcade? Did he just drive around Palm Beach?
He's from Hawaii. When did he purchase the weapon? Who gave him the intelligence? Did he get intelligence? Don't get optimistic we're going to find any answers because we haven't got any answers out of Butler. Why would we get answers out of Donald Trump surviving yet another attempt on his life? Hey, everybody.
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That's him. That's his car right there in Hawaii with a Biden-Harris sticker. Now, the media is not recovering on this. In fact, Time magazine said his politics are unclear. Now, he donated to the Democrat Party in 2019. He voted in the Democrat primary in this last March. In this last March, he donated. I mean, he voted in a Democrat primary. Voted in a Democrat primary. He donated to ActBlue in 2019 and 2020, a political action committee that supports Democrat candidates.
So he votes in Democrat primaries and he contributes to Democrat candidates. And they're the ones saying that Donald Trump is increasing the temperature too much in this country? No, now they're saying that Donald Trump basically deserves it. Listen carefully. This is Lester Holt, who they consider to be the top of the pyramid.
He's the most trusted, he's the most liked, blah, blah, blah, all that stuff. Lester Holt effectively says that Donald Trump deserved to die. He doesn't say that bluntly, doesn't say that plainly, of course not. But he says that in a coded way. Instead of covering the facts that Donald Trump almost died again, instead of saying that a Democrat donor wanted Donald Trump to die, Lester Holt will say this is all in the context of Donald Trump and J.D.
Vance noticing that Haitians are practicing witchcraft in Springfield, Ohio. What does that have to do with that? Oh, has everything to do with it.
Everything, everything to do with it. Because as soon as you're able to recognize that Donald Trump noticing mass migration hurts the country, death penalty. Listen carefully to Lester Holt.
Play cut 17. Today's apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail itself. Mr. Trump is running made J.D. Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in Ohio.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You hear that? That's what we call the old bait and switch. The assassination attempt comes amidst baseless claims. First of all, not baseless that Trump and Vance are making fiery rhetoric. What he's saying is that Trump was asking for it. Trump was asking for it. Now, Trump talking about Haitian immigrants, you better FFO is what Lester Holt is saying. If you dare speak against mass migration, don't be surprised if someone tries to shoot you. And by the way, that has been Democrat after Democrat on Twitter saying this. And so many words. Now, here's the media going, the media is so unhinged.
Let me tell you, you do not hate the media enough. They are an enemy of the American people. This is University of New Haven Professor Rob Sanders saying that violence has increased in part due to Donald Trump's own actions. Oh, so Donald Trump is just reaping what he sowed. That's what they're saying. That Donald Trump is now receiving what he put out in the world.
He was asking for it. This is not going to stop everybody. They're going to keep on trying to kill me. They're going to keep on trying to kill Donald Trump. That's what we're looking at right here. They want us dead.
Play cut 33. According to Rob Sanders, a distinguished lecturer of national security at the University of New Haven, the two assassination attempts on presidential candidate Donald Trump are a reflection of the actions of political leaders and the overall political climate in our country. Violence has increased in part due to Donald Trump's own actions. Increased because of Donald Trump's own actions.
So he's just receiving what he put out in the world. By the way, I love our audience. Jane, super smart, emailed me freedom at CharlieKirk.com said, Charlie, this is actually the third assassination attempt.
She's right. Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when Trump was at the border? There was someone that wanted to kill Donald Trump. And that story just got totally buried. And there was a manhunt for that guy. Now, he was not set up the same way that this guy was on the golf course. But that is correct.
This is now the third failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump in just the last couple of months. That is absolutely true. Thank you, Jane, for that correction. You're 100 percent right. Absolutely. This is now becoming a nearly weekly thing where we are normalizing violence against Donald Trump. So here is the equation.
Here is the recipe. Call Donald Trump a racist. Call him a dictator. Open up the floodgates so you're unhinged.
Lunatic followers can try and kill him and then say it's Donald Trump's fault. Call him a dictator. Call him a racist. Call him a Nazi. Open up the floodgates.
They try to kill him three times. Say it's Donald Trump's fault. If you're getting angry, good. Do something about it, like chase ballots or register voters. Stay peaceful.
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They're terrific. Go to CharlieKirk.com. Click on the preborn banner. So Blake is in a very dark place.
Say a prayer for Blake, by the way. Here are some highlights out of the Democrat donor assassination attempt. Ryan Ruth, who is a major Democrat, he calls Greta Thunberg the only true world leader. He says he has a plan to assassinate Putin as well as Trump, was to blow him up with drones at some guy's rich boat. The chapter titles of Ryan Ruth's book is all about Ukraine cannot win, so the world must win the war. What is wrong with the Russian civilian population? He can't even spell words anymore.
Where are the world leaders? I mean, this guy is very, very passionate about this. Cincinnati.com, which is a, I think it's a Gannett company, they just said the quiet part out loud. Now, this is technically a letter to the editor, but an editor can choose whether or not to run a letter to the editor, OK? So the editor is legitimizing this. Quote, Trump brings these assassination attempts on himself. This is the media. When Donald Trump continues to lie about losing the 2020 election and legal immigrants in Springfield, he brings the crazies out, and one of those crazies tried to shoot him.
Guys, I have to press pause here. This is this is record irresponsibility from the mainstream media. So just so we're clear, Donald Trump gets shot at in the ear. Donald Trump almost gets shot again. And the media says, ha ha, you deserve it because you notice that mass migration is hurting Springfield.
Ha ha. That is the position of the Democrat corporate media. Trump brings these assassination attempts on himself.
You deserve it. So if he would have died, what the Cincinnati editor is saying at the Cincinnati Enquirer is death penalty, totally appropriate for speech crimes, totally appropriate for political differences, totally appropriate. We have been saying this for quite some time. They hate Donald Trump so much.
There is no limit to where they will go. And now the media publishes the most reprehensible and repulsive letter. Again, you can get a lot of letters because that will be there. Oh, it's just a letter to the editor. You decided to run this letter and legitimize it. Letter to the editor. Let me just repeat this again. Trump brings these assassination attempts on himself.
He invited it upon himself. He wanted, he deserves to die, is what the mainstream media is saying. What country are we living in right now? And this is the country that was preaching to us about joy and unity and bringing down the temperature. There is no bringing down the temperature, everybody. There's only winning.
There is no middle ground for a media that acts this way. This is just a few hours before the assassination attempt. Democrat representative Crockett saying that MAGA is a domestic threat to the homeland.
Play cut 35. You know, my heart breaks that this election is close because this comes down to some basic norms and principles of what we should see in leadership. When I talk about MAGA, I talk about the fact that when we swore in finally in January, that we swore to defend against those that are coming against us, whether they are domestic or international. And right now I feel like MAGA in general, they are threats to us domestically.
And we see it time and time again. And this is a former FBI counterterrorism expert on CNN who details. This is a political hit against Donald Trump, a political hit. That when you increase the rhetoric and equate Donald Trump to Hitler. This is not the last of the crazies that will do this lastly, I know Matt Walsh has to have full time security.
I have to have full time security. It is open season for anybody associated with MAGA. Donald Trump has had Donald Trump Jr. so many assassination attempts. They can't beat us, so they are trying to deploy the shock troops at the base of the Democrat Party to murder all of us. Not an exaggeration. They couldn't care less.
They would delight and laugh if any one of us were to be murdered. The censorship attempts are not enough. The voter fraud is not going to be enough. It's not enough what they're doing in these key states.
Mail and ballot requests are down in record levels in Pennsylvania. Voter registration in Arizona is going well. Polling is tightening. They got to do something dramatic. They're running out of options. So what they're trying to do is increase the political rhetoric temperature, deploy their shock troops and then say, oh, you deserve to die. Death penalty works. That's not my exaggeration. Read their own reporting.
Play cut 31. What does the fact that he wanted to survive say to you? It says that he's not first. He's not suicidal. Apparently, he wasn't going to take his own life if he was almost being captured.
Clearly, we saw that he was captured without that. And it tells me that he's probably much more politically motivated. The last shooter in Pennsylvania.
I don't want to say his name because I don't want to promote him in any way. But he was clearly a guy that was looking for the notoriety of taking that shot. I would think we're going to find that this guy is extremely politically motivated and that he probably was spurred on by much of the political diatribes that are going on these days, talking about Trump, equating him to Hitler and things like that.
So I don't think this is the last we'll see of crazies out there trying to do this. You got to wonder how someone who is from North Carolina and lives in Hawaii. Knows exactly where to be when Donald Trump is golfing in an off the record moment. I don't even know where Donald Trump was at gunpoint. You could have said, hey, where's Charlie?
Where's Donald Trump, Charlie? I don't know. How does he know that?
Exactly. I'm sure we'll find out just like we found all the information in Butler, Pennsylvania. It was not on any public schedule.
It was on no public report. It's awfully flummoxing, isn't it? This is MSNBC again continuing that it's us. We need to tone down the rhetoric. We need to calm down the rhetoric.
We need to calm down. So it's not them calling us Hitler and end of democracy, Time magazine showing Donald Trump face planning, the New Republic showing Donald Trump with the Hitler mustache. And it was so interesting when I was at the Republican convention in Milwaukee, just days after Donald Trump got shot, the media would flood up to me. Well, Charlie, are you going to bring down your rhetoric? Charlie, are you going to bring down your rhetoric?
Charlie, are you going to bring down your rhetoric? See, that's how this game works. We get shot at. We get death threats. And it's our fault because we are kind of we magnetized it.
We invited it. We're a magnet to the rhetoric and to the lies. We're a magnet to the death threats.
We manifested it because we noticed things. We manifest it because of our fiery rhetoric. This is MSNBC blaming the assassination attempt on Trump. You'll notice that in the clip, you'll notice that in the clip, this was before a lot of details were made possible that this guy's a Democrat donor. This guy is a MSNBC loyalist.
This guy is a Democrat primary voter with a Harris bumper sticker. None of that is going to be, by the way, covered on this media. None of it. No, instead, they're going to say increasing rhetoric to blame for Donald Trump's third assassination attempt.
Play cut 19. Yeah. Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to do that? Because he's going to reach out to his supporters and say, let's take this down. We do not know, again, the source of any gunshot or gunshots.
We don't know who's responsible for this. The whole thing has yet to be 100 percent confirmed from start to finish how this all played out. But do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric, toning down the violence, or would that be atypical of the former president? Well, Alex, remember back to the assassination attempt on President Trump's life and how, you know, there was talk of a new tone. And then the Republican convention was, by Trumpian standards, muted. And it did seem like he was, you know, just trying to take it down a few notches.
But then by the end of his convention speech, you know, we were kind of back to where we started. Saying that Donald Trump deserves to die because he says things you don't like is like saying a girl with a short skirt is to blame if she gets raped. It's exactly the same line of thinking. That dangerous wrong line of thinking, oh, you were asking for it, is what they're saying. All of you MAGA people talking about how much you love the country and how you want to stop mass migration and you don't want to see Springfield, Ohio, continually abused, jobs sent overseas, sons and daughters sent to war, community filled with opioids, and then a bunch of Haitians going to replace you.
Oh, you don't want to see Aurora, Colorado overrun with Venezuelan gangs like Brenda Agua. You deserve to die. I hear this all the time, by the way, from Democrats on social media where they say, Charlie, be careful with this kind of language. Be awful if something happened to you. This is the type of mentality built into your average Democrat, the average Democrat in this country, I truly believe, does not care if Donald Trump dies.
And I know this. I saw a Democrat neighbor the other day and I passed him. I said, hey, you know, someone tried to kill Donald Trump again. And they said, oh, OK.
They kept on walking. Most Democrats are unfazed by this. Jack Posobick walked the halls of the Democrat Convention in Chicago for 15 minutes, try to find a single Democrat that would denounce that Donald Trump got shot. Not a single one would. Of course not, because they know that all of their problems would be solved.
Donald Trump got shot. Many of their problems actually would not be solved. But they are so insecure. Democrats are. They know they can't win elections the right way. They know that voter registration is not going their way. They know that these trends are going against them, that they're hoping and praying that a bullet will enter Donald Trump's brain. They're just upset it hasn't happened yet.
We are in late stage republic stuff. The third world of vacation of America is here. And thank the Lord, let's just say thank you, God, for protecting Donald Trump yet again, the third time in just the last couple of weeks where they are legitimizing and normalizing assassination attempts against conservatives. And they're not going to stop, everybody. And if this is too much for you, go get drunk and watch football. We have a country to save and we will defeat these savages, these savages that want us all dead.
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That is done with that dot com. We have Tyler Boyer because I want to I know all of you guys are fuming. You're emailing me like wild. We'll do something about it. Get off the couch and go register voters.
I'm so sick of this spectator mentality. So this is the final push for voter registration, right, Tyler? Once that window passes, then too bad, so sad.
We're locked in. And in many states you have voter registration up until the day of. So same day voter registration. But in states like Arizona, you have a cutoff and the cutoff in Arizona is October 7th. So we have just a couple of weeks left, three weeks left here to get in everybody's voter registration.
You have to do it. If you have a family member, an 18 year old, someone 17 turning 18 before the election, anyone that's new, someone that's new to the state that just recently moved in. We have tons of new Californians.
This is the biggest thing. We have tons of people who left and abandoned California to come somewhere better and then they didn't register to vote. So you have to do it. You can go to TP action dot com slash vote today. Our website takes you right over to where you need to go. You fill out the form and it takes you to the right drop down.
You select your state and then it takes you right over to do it online right now. The actual voter registration is going well in Arizona for Republicans. Yeah, a lot of people expected after the Kamala announcement that spike. Yeah, there would be all this money flooding in.
And I think there was. However, they're not successful because Republicans are still out registering Democrats significantly. And so that's good.
That's a good trend. But it should be more. Right now, Republicans are basically a quarter of a million votes over votes over Democrats in Arizona. But that we know that that's not enough. We need to get to 300. We need to get to 300. Three hundred would be a really nice round number for us. And then we need to chase an extra three hundred thousand people. And so if you do both those things, you win Arizona by a healthy margin. And it's possible, but it's all numbers game and everybody has to do their part.
It's a volume game, too. And so the best line of work, everybody listening is if you live in Arizona, Nevada, if you live in Georgia, if you live in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, I want you to think of a couple people in your life that have recently moved into your neighborhood or your state from another state. That's the low hanging fruit. Right. Is out of state transfers, especially in Arizona, Nevada. Those states, because it's a lot of California outward migration. California is losing thousands of people a day and hundreds of them come to Arizona. Yeah.
I mean, think about it. Every month you have tens of thousands of people leave the state of California. A lot of those people will move in the week before the election, the week before the election, the voter registration deadline. So, you know, the people who move in October, they're going to lose their opportunity to vote effectively. And so if they know they're moving, they should register ahead of time.
So, I mean, again, I'm doing this every day. There's a neighbor of mine who's from Indiana, great people. And they're like, hey, Charlie, we just moved to Arizona and we still have our property in Indiana. Where should I vote? I said, well, you should definitely, you can only vote in one place, register here, unregister in Indiana and register here. They said, well, why isn't Indiana important?
I said, no, it's not actually. And they were super sweet about it. And let's vote here. And they did it. And so now that's two new voters for Trump in Arizona.
And it was just a matter of having the conversation. You move from out of state. Let's re-register you here. Well, and that's the thing about Arizona, because Arizona is a move in state. We have so many people who are snowbirds who live in a snowy place in the summertime and they move here for the wintertime. But they're registered in that snowy place that their vote doesn't really matter.
And so when they come here, a lot of people, we have the conversation, just like you did. That's why polling is also goofy in Arizona. Well, that's why polling is awesome.
In the summer. Yeah, is because you have to keep reminding perpetually snowbirds, hey, your vote is more important here now. Right. It didn't used to be. So a lot of people would keep their vote in Iowa because it mattered more.
It used to be much more. Now Arizona is more important. Now they should shift their voter registration over here. Cancel it there.
They don't you don't need to do anything to cancel it. You just re-register here. It's only you only have to make sure that you only vote in one state. And so the it's very simple. All of you guys can become a one stop shop registering voters. Yes.
Right. You can do it at churches, at gun stores, at Walmarts. Eleni's of Texas, she said, I was at church registering people all day to vote yesterday.
Three services. I told them now they have to make sure people actually vote. And in Arizona, it actually we get it's mass mail and voting, which is bad, but in some ways it's good.
So we don't have to do as much work. It's going to increase turnout. So it's like registration is a direct tie to likelihood of winning in Arizona.
One hundred percent. More so than almost any other state. One hundred percent because of early voting, which we don't love, but we don't love it.
But it exists. It's been one of the most the longest tenured early voting states by mail. And there's so many people, again, the snowbirds, those people that come in that are really good with voting by mail.
So get them on, get them registered, vote however you want. Really quick. Typically, do we see a bum rush before the voter registration deadline for Democrats? That's right. So typically they get like a little bit of a spike. They get a little bit of a spike. Bring bodies in.
They go to college campuses. If we're able to quell that, if not win, that's a bad sign for them. Right.
Hugely bad sign. So be part of the solution. Yeah, be part of the quelling of their little sugar high bump. Right. tpaction.com slash vote or download our application. Click the top left hand corner register to vote. OK. tpaction.com slash vote. That is tpaction.com slash vote. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to CharlieKirk.com.
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