Hey everybody.
We are in the best position a Republican has been in 20 years. I approve it to you. It's time to get to work.
We talk about the Venezuelans taking over our country and what you can do about it. Get involved with Turning Point USA at TPUSA.com. That is TPUSA.com. As always, you can become a member today. Members.CharlieKirk.com. That is members.CharlieKirk.com. When you become a member, you guys can get a signed hat and so much more. Members.CharlieKirk.com. That is members.CharlieKirk.com.
Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.
He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. The final quarter. It is the fourth quarter. All talk, all of the rhetoric, all of the banter, it's kind of getting put aside.
Now is the time for us to put to the test the ground game that we've been talking about the last year. The ballot chasers, the voter registration. This is the question now of who wants it more. You are entering the final phase, the phase that will determine the future of the United States of America. Which side wants to save the country more? Which side wants to win? Which side wants to see their kids and grandkids live in a free society? This slavery versus freedom.
Citizen led government versus an oligarchy. Right here, right now. Here's the good news. We are in a better spot today, September 3rd, 2024, of any Republican candidate in 20 years. In 20 years. Going back to 2004, we have not seen a Republican candidate be in this favorable of a spot from polling to grassroots movement in over 20 years.
And I will prove it to you. Think about 2008. In 2008, it was Barack Obama versus John McCain. Now, interestingly, John McCain actually surged a little bit in August of 2008. That quickly fizzled out. And we know how that election ended with Barack Obama almost winning Missouri, Barack Obama winning Indiana, Barack Obama winning Iowa, Barack Obama winning Ohio, Barack Obama winning Florida, Barack Obama winning North Carolina.
It was a bloodbath. Barack Obama and the Democrats getting nearly 260 Senate seats in the election of 2008. Fast forward to the election of 2012. Incumbent, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Barack Obama enjoyed a healthy polling lead against Mitt Romney almost the entire race up until the end when Mitt Romney was defeated and Barack Obama got another term as President of the United States.
How about 2016? At this point in 2016, Donald Trump was down 8 to 10 points in the national polls in 2016. He was down 3 or 4 points in all the state polls. It looked as if Donald Trump had no chance, no path whatsoever. And Donald Trump had to climb and climb and climb out of the summer hole.
He had to overcome the Billy Bush tapes of 2016 to shock the world. There was no ground game. There was no clipboard army.
There were no ballot chasers. It was a movement. A movement that was underestimated by the Washington, New York, San Francisco, Silicon Valley ruling class. And Donald Trump, the insurgent, won the White House in 2016. And then probably the worst position that we have been in since 2008 was 2020.
2020 was tough. They had race rioting. Democrats were surging in voter registration. We as Republicans were on defense. They were blaming all of the lockdowns and the COVID suffering, both of those things simultaneously on us. Do you remember CNN used to have death tolls as they would read the nightly news? CNN would come and they'd say, tonight CNN, they would have the death tolls of how many people were down.
Now, how could you run up against death tolls? Basically, the death tolls embedded in the news networks was a built-in advertising apparatus against Donald Trump. That alone moved hundreds of thousands of votes in the key states.
That fear, crisis, Trump has got to go. Trump was down five points in Arizona at this time. Donald Trump was down six points Pennsylvania. Now, was he actually down that much? We don't really know. Were the polls accurate? Were they off?
Was there a certain group that was hard to find? The point being, no one could say in early September they felt great about Donald Trump's chances of winning another term. But Donald Trump got to work. And Donald Trump climbed himself out of that hole and he turned it into a race when he had no business making it competitive.
Donald Trump did 45 rallies in 30 days in the month of October. Do you know that Donald Trump's campaign went bankrupt in the fall of 2020? That the campaign was lacking of money? Couldn't even get on TV.
There was almost no TV ads. Joe Biden outspent Donald Trump nearly five to one if you count outside spending. It was ten to one. Joe Biden had a sophisticated ballot chasing army. They were out registering us in every state.
They were the only ones engaging in early voting. And despite all of that, we fell 42,000 ballots short across Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. 21,000 ballots in Wisconsin. 10,000-ish ballots in Arizona, but 11,000 ballots in Georgia. We fell this short with all the shenanigans, all the hocus pocus, all of the nonsense, all of the shady activity.
Just a couple inches short. Many of you were clinically depressed after that. You thought it was a gut punch to the Republic, but we on this program, we never lost our spirit. We knew that this was nothing but a small speed bump in the way to reclaim our country because the body politic remained the strongest on the planet. And we embarked on a four-year grind. I remember I told our team this is going to be the toughest work we've ever done.
And then, boom, we got smacked across the face with January 6th, and we thought our stock was the lowest imaginable. The FBI raiding 75-year-old women with diabetes and putting them into federal prison because they're domestic terrorists. Douglas Mackey getting indicted for making a meme. We were living in an open-air police state. Mass mandates are everywhere.
Vaccine mandates are everywhere. Military members are getting kicked out of the media. The Democrat machine was ascendant. The morale was the lowest we have seen in quite some time. But we took out our shovels, and we started to do the trench work. We started to do the picket work. We said we got to keep this movement together. We got to keep the center and the core strong. We knew we were living through brute force totalitarianism. So we started to build a movement of parents and pastors, members going to the school boards. We started going back on campuses and turning point, you say never slow down.
High school chapters, college chapters. That kind of fortitude was necessary. And then another gut punch. The 2022 midterms were not what we wanted it to be. Democrats out chased us. They out registered us. They ran on abortion. They outspent us.
And what was supposed to be a red wave was a little bit of a red ripple. And despite all that, we gathered and marshaled our forces together. And here we are now in September of 2024, after all that we as a movement have been through. And we are in the best position a Republican candidate has been in 20 years post Labor Day. We are used post Labor Day to be the underdog in every single betting market. We are used to post Labor Day to be the one where people think we have no chance, and we got to try to climb ourselves out of it. That's how it was in 28, 2012, 2016 and 2020. And yet here I am to tell you that the betting markets say, according to Poly Market, Donald Trump got a spike last night and he is the slight favorite in the betting markets.
Now, that's not reason for you to pop the champagne and not go to work. The opposite. It means that we are in a better position where we can deliver a final blow to the Democrat Party.
Where we can officially win by one point, two point, three points, because we're in a better spot. All of that work that we have done together, all that work that you have done together in the grassroots is culminating. We're like, wow, they shot at Trump. They pulled the candidate.
They've convicted him four times on hundreds of different accounts facing 700 years in prison. And we're in a better spot than we have been in 20 years. What a favorable starting point. But it means nothing. It means nothing. If we act as if we're automatically going to win, the coalition is ascendant.
RFK, Tulsi, Elon, the Unity Party versus the Uniparty. And all that work over the spring, all that work over the summer, we are in a better starting point. So let's seize it, accelerate it, grow it and win.
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Check it out right now. The state of the race, the people are with us in a better position than we have been in 20 years. Now, understand the Democrats are far outspending us. In fact, I got some of the advertising totals here. We are getting slaughtered on the airwaves right now, slaughtered. The only states where there's a little bit of ad parity is Georgia and Pennsylvania.
It is a machine versus a movement. And even some of the sympathetic billionaires on our side, God bless them, many of whom have been very supportive of our efforts. They are not writing checks nearly at the frequency of left wing billionaires.
I mean, we are just getting we're getting beat like we stole something. Now, in Pennsylvania, we're at some parity, about 70 million dollars in advertisement on air versus 70 million. About the same. Georgia, 39 million for Democrats, 38 million for Republicans. Michigan is when we start to fall off a cliff. In just the state of Michigan, Democrats have booked.
This is in reservations. Future television advertising, 55 million dollars in advertising versus Republicans, six million dollars in advertising. Arizona, thirty four point nine million dollars in advertising. Republicans, nine point nine million dollars in advertising.
Wisconsin, the must state must win state of Wisconsin thirty three point one million dollars in Wisconsin. Three point five million dollars for Republicans. So thirty three point one million dollars for Democrats. Three point five million dollars for Republicans. North Carolina.
Twenty six million dollars for Democrats. Two point eight million dollars for North Carolina. So, let me just pause on North Carolina. There is no path about North Carolina for Republicans, basically. And Democrats are spending 10 times more than Republicans on air in North Carolina, 10 times more than Republicans in Wisconsin, Nevada, Nevada is a kicker. Nevada is a very winnable state, very, very winnable. Nevada, $19.5 million by the Democrats spent, $1.4 million by Republicans. And of course, there is the single Nebraska district. We'll talk about Nebraska in some time.
That's all I'm going to say about that. And so, despite us being in a better position, the donors on the Democrat side are far more animated, far more generous. They are flooding the zone with money. And so, we are going to be so overwhelmed, by the way, all of that advertising is just television advertising, which does make a difference. You need to be at parity with the Democrats on TV.
You don't have to outspend them. And it flows down ballot. We're going to get crushed on the House seats, crushed on the state Senate seats, crushed on the governor's seats, crushed on the Senate seats if this continues. But on this program, our primary and sole focus is President Donald Trump, is getting Donald Trump across the finish line, because it is a legitimate, people-centered movement. We get Donald Trump across the finish line. We can build up a much better funded party, sophisticated machinery. It's going to be a battle. But despite how much money they have and how much money they've spent, we're still in a terrific position.
I would much rather be us than them. Yes, they are going to have more paid door knockers. They're going to have more paid canvassers. They're going to have more automatic text messages. They're going to have more social media ads. They're going to have more paid influencers.
They're going to have all of these different elements. But we are better on the issues. We've a better candidate. They're also going to have more advanced micro-targeting.
And I also just want to caution you something. There is this belief that we are going to overperform every poll. Be careful, modern Democrats actually overperform polling better than Republicans. Now that has not yet been the case when Donald Trump is on the ballot in the two last states. However, do not automatically think that we're going to overperform the polls. The Democrats have gotten really good at this.
The Democrats have become very, very targeted and precise in their outreach. Now what do we have? We have a movement. We have the people. We can run on immigration, inflation, the DEI insanity. We have acts. We have alternative media. We have turning point action and our ballot chasing army, which just so everyone understands, the amount of money that we have spent on ballot chasing is a fraction, is like a small little corner of just what Democrats are spending on TV in Michigan alone.
Just a small little corner, not even just just a fraction of it. And we have something of a ground game and it's going to be tight. That's why I tell every single one of you, if we lose, it is on us because every single one of us needs to go find new voters, register new voters. And if we aren't doing that, you might as well be handing the country over to the Democrats.
It will be on us whether we win or lose. Are you worried about the future of the U.S. economy? With so much uncertainty in the air, it's natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings. But there's one asset that stands the test of time and that is gold. For centuries, gold has been a hedge against market volatility and economic instability. With a gold IRA from Noble Gold Investments, you can harness the power of precious metals to help protect your financial future. By rolling over your existing IRA or 401K into a self-directed gold IRA, you can enjoy the potential for long-term growth and stability. Diversify your portfolio with a tangible asset that has real value. Setting up your gold IRA has never been easier with Noble Gold Investments.
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I want to be very clear. There have been so many people that have stepped up generously to help support what we're doing at Turning Point Action and a lot of generosity in our side. The reason why the other side is outspending us is they are the party of the elite. They are the elite of the few, the well-connected. The wealthiest counties in America are almost all Democrat counties, almost all of them. The wealthiest counties are around Washington, D.C. The wealthiest counties tend to be cloistered at higher income levels. The more college degrees you have, the more likely you are to vote Democrat.
The more college degrees that you have, the more likely you are to earn more capital, more money and have more earning potential. And you give that money not to the church, not to local charities, not to the synagogue, not to the food shelter, but to the Democrat Party. They look at their charitable giving and their purpose by giving to the Democrat Party. I want to show you what we did over the weekend. Over the weekend, we had some of our voter registration team, which is on campus, working every single fraternity across the country.
Show that on screen. That right there is just one fraternity, all wearing MAGA hats, well over 100 new voters and committed, registered and committed right there at Arizona State University in the key battleground state. We are working every single fraternity.
This Thursday, I will be going to the University of Wisconsin, Madison this Thursday. And we're going to be doing very similar work. Men for Trump, young men for Trump.
These are frat boys that otherwise would not be voting, getting them registered, getting them into the system, getting to make sure that we chase their ballots when ballots are sent out. It's going to be a battle and it's going to have its ups and it's going to have its downs. But the ground game will decide and determine the rest of the selection. Now, of course, we have a debate a week from today. You know, we have a debate a week from today.
We have a debate a week from today. Let's play some tape here. Kamala Harris did some events this last weekend.
Let's play this one. This is her talking about how her parents were active in the civil rights movement. This is when she goes off script. She's acting as if her her uncle was Martin Luther King. Play cut to many of you know, my parents met while they were active in the civil rights movement. So when I was young, my parents, I see some young leaders here today. When I was young, my parents would take me to the meetings. I see our young leaders and take me to the march as I was in a stroller. And from a very young age, I learned that when people stand together, when we join voices, we can drive extraordinary change. The Kamala Harris campaign is emphasizing and focusing the civil rights movement.
OK, it's one of her biggest talking points when she goes to Michigan. But why is it that she then code switches her accent? Play cut seven.
Let's get to the next 64 days. All of us. Why are you talking jive all of a sudden? What's the code switching all about? What a bizarre person. She is a nervous wreck. She has all things to all people completely synthetic. Could you imagine if Donald Trump went to the National Association of Black Journalists and started code switching, started talking in slang? Kamala Harris defaults to her favorite cringe, Marxist, communistic line. Play cut 10. We have dreams.
We can see what is possible, unburdened by what has been. You know, the more I see her, the more I have to explain why people love Donald Trump. Trump doesn't do this nonsense where he dresses up like a farmer or something. He just always wears a suit and tie. He goes up to a tractor suit and tie with a red tie, goes to a football game suit and tie with a red tie. Always doing his persona for everyone.
He is not trying to accommodate or pander to whatever audience he is speaking to at that period of time. Immigration is going to determine this election and Democrats are want to do everything they possibly can. Oh, actually, you know what? This is some breaking news. This is Kamala Harris speaking in front of black people.
Play cut 21. Back before the war broke out, I was a saucier in San Antonio. I bet I could call up some of them greens. Yeah.
Maybe some crawfish at the patio, maybe some crabapples, put dessert now, yeah, hey, yeah. That's going to be Kamala Harris at the NAACP meeting. You know, Hillary did this with the hot sauce in her bag. AOC does this where they code switch. Just just the record, that's Robert Downey Jr. just for a record in blackface for Tropic Thunder.
I think they tried to cancel him for it. It's hilarious. Even though Kamala Harris is doing that every single day. One of the issues that we have to put pressure on is the issue that we are being invaded. It's remarkable to me about how we can be invaded on a daily basis. And the American body politic just kind of shrugs its shoulders. The American ruling classes, you're not being invaded. You should worry about Ukraine. Right now, Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment by apartment, block by block in Aurora, Colorado. Why are we putting up with this?
This could be solved in half an hour. Call the National Guard, deport them all. Not only are they committing crimes by being here, not only are they walking around with sophisticated weaponry illegally, might I add, which I thought the Democrats were really big into that, but they're also not supposed to be here. They were released from Venezuelan jails, released from Venezuelan prisons. For example, here is one example of migrant crime brought to you by Kamala Harris. Local news station reports of an illegal alien arrested for stabbing 14 year old girl watching her brother's baseball game happening every day.
Play cut. A news network covers Lake County, where the sheriff says a man is under arrest for stabbing a teenager. Investigators say this picture is from when 26 year old Deimos Gabriel Yanez was taken into custody. Police tell us he was in the process of cutting his hair to change his appearance when he was arrested. They say Yanez stabbed a 14 year old girl who was watching her brother's baseball game in Lowell over the weekend.
She has been treated and was released from the hospital. The sheriff says Yanez was deported to Honduras in 2018. Investigators believe he's been involved in criminal activity since illegally returning to the U.S. Oh, illegally returning thanks to Kamala Harris. Now the Venezuelan gangs are not just taking over Colorado. This is a Chicago resident posting a warning that Venezuelans are taking over Chicago. In the city of Chicago, again, Venezuela opens up their prisons. They send their criminals here. The crime rate in Venezuela goes down. And now they're starting to take over Chicago apartments, Colorado apartments.
Daily Cut 15. To all Venezuelans in Chicago, this is this is the warning. If you ain't on no bullshit, stay neutral.
Somebody please translate. Stay neutral. If you know somebody that's in your building on bullshit, don't let them run in that building and don't let nobody see them running that building because once word get out that that's the building that they in. They gonna chop that down. The gang wars are about to get very bad and hundreds of innocent civilians are going to get caught in the crossfire. But that is the Democrat plan. Every city that Democrats govern and they oversee is the home of murder, arson, rape, kidnapping, gang violence. And they don't care.
They just shrug their shoulders because diversity is our strength. Continue cut to Chicago resident says this ain't Colorado. This is just where you're from. The only difference is we got switches, meaning a gun is fully automatic.
If you're not familiar with the switches, we will show you. So this is a black resident, basically, and this is what's going to happen. So this is a Chicago resident effectively saying, oh, our government will not prevent the Venezuelans from taking over apartments. Then we, the black gang members of Chicago, are going to have to do it ourselves. They're calling for vigilante justice because Kamala Harris and JB Pritzker and Jared Polis, they refuse to bring in the National Guard. They refuse to bring in. And do they want to see a gang war on the streets of Chicago? They're used to it.
Play cut 17. This ain't Colorado. This ain't this ain't Utah.
This ain't none of them places. This is just like where you're from. The only difference is y'all use a lot of handgun, old revolvers and machetes. We got switches. We got switches.
If you're not familiar with what a switch is. We will show you. This is exactly what's going to happen. We are losing our sovereignty neighborhood by neighborhood because the government doesn't do it. I mean, you just let all these criminals in. So what's going to happen? Black gang members are going to rise up and going to have automatic machine guns.
And a lot of people are going to die in the crossfire. This is by design. This is the Democrats design for our country. Another Colorado resident says illegal migrants are now extorting American citizens for rent, saying, quote, I've lived in Colorado for four months now. They're taking over.
They're extorting residents for rent. The police won't do anything. The feds won't do anything.
And the marshals won't do anything. Why would we do it? We haven't done anything the last four years. They've taken over our cities. They've taken over our schools. They've taken over our hospitals. They've taken over our neighborhoods. Just here in Arizona, they're breaking into homes every single day. They're occupying the streets. You go into West Phoenix. Good luck.
They'll extort you. We are a country open for looting and occupation. It is an orchestrated by design. But just remember, as Kamala Harris would say, diversity is our strength, right? We're made stronger by the Venezuelan rapists and criminals. You have a gang civil war just right waiting to happen.
And maybe that's what the Democrats want. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. What an unbelievable start to 2024. We had last month saving babies with preborn by providing ultrasounds. And we're doing again this year what we did last year. We're going to stand for life because remaining silent in the face of the most radically pro-death administration is not an option. As Sir Edmund Burke said, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
And we're not going to do nothing. Your gift to preborn will give a girl the truth about what's happening in her body so that she can make the right choice. Two hundred eighty dollars can save 10 babies. Twenty eight dollars a month can save a baby a month.
All year long. And a fifteen thousand dollar gift will provide a complete ultrasound machine that will save thousands of babies for years and years to come and will also save moms from a lifetime of pain and regret. Call eight three three eight five zero two two two nine. That's eight three three eight five zero triple two nine or click on the preborn banner at Charlie Kirk dot com. That is Charlie Kirk dot com and click on the preborn banner. Also save moms from a lifetime of pain and regret. I'm a donor of this organization. They're terrific. Go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
Click on the preborn banner. Why are we putting up with this? Why are we allowing our own apartments, our own turf to be taken over by Venezuelans? The Democrats hope you don't find out about this. The Democrats hope that this does not become a primary election issue. If Donald Trump was president and I still believe this, I told the Trump team over the weekend and we said this on the show, he should go do an event in Aurora, Colorado, immediately and just lay out one, two, three, four, five of what he would do. I will bring in the National Guard.
I will empower ICE. We'll deport all of them. And by the way, you know who also needs to be sanctioned? The local city needs to be sanctioned. Why is Aurora, Colorado putting up with this? Because they probably elected a bunch of libs.
That's why Aurora, Colorado is this blue high income net worth center suburb of Denver. Do you know the residents of Aurora, Colorado are barricading their doors every single night? Meanwhile, we have anti-Jewish protests all across the streets at Columbia University School is back in session, everybody. The Jew hatred is back.
And don't worry, you know, it's just amazing to see the Democrat Party is going to try to navigate that. So you have the anti-Jew protests. You have a bunch of illegals taken over apartment buildings. Maybe we should have a change in leadership in this country. This is a veteran in Colorado asking the very pointed question, why are we putting up with this? At some point, the people are going to have to rise up and prevent our neighborhoods and our sovereignty and our turf. The first step, though, is hopefully we can rise up at the ballot box, because I prefer this to be solved with ballots and not bullets. I've lived in Colorado now for like four months, and you know, you started hearing about like the migrants and stuff in Aurora and then it like escalated and, you know, they're taking over like multiple more than one apartment complexes and like extorting residents for rent. And I'm thinking to myself, what are we doing? They're saying that the police won't do anything, the feds won't do anything, marshals won't do anything. OK, well, where are the vets at?
Like I'm dead. Hit me up, like if we can get a couple of squads plus, this is an invasion. This is an enemy domestic.
Let's do it. Let me just connect the two dots here. So in Chicago, you have a seemingly gang banger talking about his automatic machine guns because we have switches. Don't support that. In Colorado, you have a veteran that's talking about rising up.
You can't blame these guys, though. This is the natural male instinct. When your communities are overrun, we must be careful of a false flag because the real way to resist is to go chase ballots because we want this to be solved at the ballot box because you have a candidate that will solve this.
Let me be very clear. If a Venezuelan mob gang were to take over an apartment complex, Donald Trump would have it solved by lunch. He would not put up with this.
He would impulsively scream at his team, say, you get the National Guard in there, you get ICE in there and you deport them. I don't care what Governor Polis says. Get them out of this country. But this is kind of what they want. They want to create such a vacuum in leadership, such a open chasm that people say, where's our leaders? And when they are policing the micro silly stuff, oh, grandma goes in praise in a Capitol building on January six. Meanwhile, you have gangs taking over these apartment complexes. Apparently, the mayor of Aurora, Colorado, is Mike Kaufman, former U.S. representative.
What a worthless guy that guy is. Why are they not mobilizing police, National Guard? Why are they not? Because they don't care. That's why they never have cared about their citizens. They've never cared about their voters. They care about abstractions and bumper sticker statements.
And they hate us. Kamala Harris is in charge right now. If Kamala Harris wants to go up in the polls, she could solve this. She could fly to Colorado, act like the strong person she is and watch them roll in through the streets. But they're not going to do that because those are future voters.
And Kamala Harris cares much more about the Venezuelan criminal than the American citizen. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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