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Ask Charlie Anything 196: Trump's Pro-Life Credentials? Ending Birthright Citizenship? Troops on the Border?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
September 2, 2024 5:00 am

Ask Charlie Anything 196: Trump's Pro-Life Credentials? Ending Birthright Citizenship? Troops on the Border?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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September 2, 2024 5:00 am

Charlie fields questions from Charlie Kirk Exclusive subscribers, including:


-Was Donald Trump a pro-life president? How should conservatives respond to some of his recent statements on the issue?

-What's the deal with "birthright citizenship," and why do proposals to repeal it make the left go berserk?

-What's the MAGA agenda for Alaska?

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Hey everybody, it's the end of the Charlie Kirk Show Ask Me Anything episode. Where does President Trump stand on abortion? Should pro-lifers back him?

The answer is yes. But listen to my entire examination of the topic from a question we got from one of our members, That is Get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is Start a high school chapter today at As always, you can email me, freedom at Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie, he's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to I want to start here. Sherry in Florida says, Charlie, there are church family members of mine choosing not to vote because they do not like Trump's position on abortion.

Please explain why this is wrong thinking. OK, so first, thank you for being a member, Sherry, and we will get to the other questions here. But we have to we have to dive into this. So this has been a growing story over the last couple of weeks as President Trump gives more and more statements that people in the pro-life community are not through. Now, of course, let me just first establish I am 100 percent pro-life. I'm the most pro-life person you will find from contesting for life on college campuses to debating on the abortion topic, to speaking at pregnancy crisis centers, to partnering with preborn.

Life is a very, very important issue to us here on this program. Number one, we must remember, President Trump is the most pro-life president in history. President Trump gave us Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and the repeal of Roe versus Wade. So for somebody to say that his actions, not rhetoric, but his actions were insufficiently pro-life. I don't think there's a lot of wisdom to that argument that when he was president, he spoke at the March for Life.

He restricted the Mexico City policy, saying that we will not fund abortions internationally. He put pro-life individuals throughout his cabinet that were able to accomplish pro-life victories. The pro-life movement was the dog that caught the car, got the reversal of Roe versus Wade, and to be honest, was not equipped and was not ready for what came next. The abortion lobby is better funded.

They're more aggressive. And they went and they started winning ballot referendum after ballot referendum and has tried to bully and intimidate the pro-life movement to basically go into the corner. President Trump deserves credit and gratitude, first and foremost, that we were able even to have this conversation. Thanks to him, President Trump said on Truth Social last year, quote, After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to the shock of everyone. President Trump and his answer on abortion with Joe Biden in the Joe Biden debate that ended Joe Biden's career was a terrific answer.

He he brought the abortion issue to a draw. Now, we must also remember, for those of us that are pro-life, when I mean pro-life, I mean no exceptions. And many of you in the audience are not probably as pro-life as I am. And that's OK that the country is not as pro-life as we would like them to be, that the country is not on this issue. We'd like them to know that's a cultural issue and one that we have to work towards with all that being said, pro-life leaders who I really respect and really like, who I bet you could guess who they are.

We had a long conference call yesterday and they are growing. Very upset, some of them and annoyed with what President Trump is saying. This is not breaking news, by the way.

Just look on social media, look on the Politico story, so on and so forth. And so President Trump gave a kind of an interview with Dasha Burns, where he first remarked about the Florida Amendment. Now, be very clear, he has not said where he's going to vote on the Florida Amendment. It accelerated last week when President Trump wrote on Truth Social that he was going to be a great president for reproductive rights for women. Now, what President Trump meant when he said that was IVF.

I know that because I talked to him about it backstage at our event and I said, President Trump, what did you mean by this? He said, I'm an IVF without hesitation. I don't anticipate he'll ever use those phrase reproductive rights again, but that's what he meant by IVF. Now, reproductive rights largely has been a term that the left and the pro-aborts have been pushing for the last couple of decades.

OK, so Dasha Burns asked President Trump a couple of questions about this. Now, the amendment four has that essentially if it passes, I think it's a positive amendment, no bans on abortion before viability. Quote, No law shall prohibit penalized delay or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's health care provider. This amendment does not change the legislature's constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. That's Amendment four. So we do not yet know how President Trump is going to vote on this. He did mention six weeks. So I think he's connecting two separate things together here with Ron DeSantis' law and then also Amendment four, Play Cut 185.

You over everyone does. I mean, I think it grows and you want abortion to be a states rights issue in Florida, the state that you are a resident of. There's an abortion related amendment on the ballot to overturn the six week ban in Florida. How are you going to vote on that? Well, I think the six week is too short.

It has to be more time. And so that's and I've told them that I want more weeks. So you'll vote in favor of the amendment. I'm voting that I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks. Look, just so you understand, everybody wanted Roe v. Wade terminated for years, 52 years. I got it done.

They wanted to go back to the states. Exceptions are very important for me, for Ronald Reagan, for others. So let's go through that. He does not say how he's going to vote on the amendment. His answer is not as pro-life as I am. OK, now, mind you notice the Reagan reference where Reagan was a pro-life president, very important, and how I am going to address this both publicly and privately. President Trump is the pro-life movement is the backbone of the conservative movement. The pro-life movement is necessary towards victory in November. And yes, the country is not as pro-life as we'd like to be, but the pro-life movement shall not and should not be forgotten. Now, understand that on this program, we do not like all the exceptions that are say there.

We dislike that. But politically, those exceptions are practically necessary if we want to restrict the other ninety nine point nine percent of abortions. Now, President Trump is at his best on this issue when he talks and he plays offense on the issue of abortion on late term abortion. He has it in him. He can do this. And when he trusts his instincts on this, he is the best on this issue that we've seen in the modern era.

Play cut 187. If you go with what Hillary is saying in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. Now, you can say that that's OK and Hillary can say that that's OK, but it's not OK with me because based on what she's saying and based on where she's going and where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month on the final day. And that's not acceptable.

And that is true. The Harris Wall's position on abortion is to make that the law of the land in every single state in the country. President Trump does not believe in that. President Trump does not believe in late term abortion and ripping babies out of the womb. He thinks that's reprehensible and it's wrong and it's terrible. So let's just complete this topic for a second. He is the most pro-life president in history.

Nobody comes even close. He's trying to navigate a very, very difficult current political terrain. And for anyone out there that is saying, I will not vote for Trump because he's not as pro-life as I am, I think is shortsighted and foolish. You can be upset and have disagreements. Perfectly fine.

I get it. But but trying to create a defection against the most pro-life president ever to then hand the presidency potentially to the most pro-abortion candidate ever, where they have abortions and vasectomies outside of the DNC. They chemically castrate children under gender affirming care, tampons in boys bathrooms and to nationalize an abortion agenda the likes of which we've never seen before.

It's self-defeating. President Trump also can and will put pro-life warriors in his cabinet because he did it last time. President Trump has a great alliance with the pro-life movement, and I believe that alliance will continue. And he deserves credit for being resolutely pro-life. Now, is he as pro-life as all of us that are in the trenches fighting for this issue every single day? No, but understand President Trump can and will stop the harassment and the criminalization of pregnancy crisis centers. He can improve the paths to adoption. He can and will be a voice and a fighter for this issue that would literally die if Kamala Harris is president.

So I encourage anyone out there that might not be total agreement President Trump, take a deep breath and still vote for Trump because it's a vote for life. OK, these questions go to our members, Justin, thank you for being a member. Justin, what is on your mind?

Make sure you unmute. All right. Can you hear me?

Yes, I can. Justin, how you doing? Thank you for being a member. What's on your mind? Good.

So I'm trying to start my own TPUSA club at my school. And I was introducing this to the people at my school and I was just going over and they viewed it and they viewed it as ultra conservative. And I was kind of thrown back at that comment, you know, and they were trying to tell me that, how would you feel about if there was protests at the schools?

You know, how can we fight that? And, you know, I just didn't really know what to say about that kind of comment, because, you know, it's it's not really about that. So I just wanted to hear what you would say about that, because is that a high school or a college college? What college can you say?

Post university? Yeah, I don't care. OK. Well, first of all, look, Turning Point USA is not ultra conservative. I mean, I guess you would call me ultra conservative.

Yeah, that's why I was didn't know how to go about that. Yeah. I mean, I guess you should just say, look, the core value system of Turning Point USA is about the Constitution. It's about American exceptionalism. It's about American history, free markets, free speech. It's about the Declaration of Independence and it's about a free flow of ideas. And so I would just push back against it. And also, I would imagine they have some left wing groups on campus.

Maybe I'm wrong. But look, you as a student have a right to be able to charter a chapter and to be able to affiliate how you see fit. And I would I would push back against it and just show them the core essence and the baseline of of what Turning Point USA stands for.

Let me ask you, is your school pretty liberal? Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I do appreciate them bringing it up to the higher authorities, which, you know, I'm not going to disrespect them for doing that. But, you know, just that comment, like I said, threw me off because that's not what this means. You know what?

What you're trying to do and TPSA is trying to do. So, you know, I just thought I would hear what you would say about it because it's important. Well, I just want to say it's all about pro-America and it's all about the country.

And if they have an issue with the country, then that's something deeper. But keep fighting at post-university Waterbury, Connecticut. Right. I'm not mistaken. Yeah.

No, it's OK. Yeah. Well, thank you so much, Justin. And thank you for being a member.

Hope to meet you soon. Thank you. Thank you. OK, Brandon. Let's go, Brandon. Make sure you unmute. What is on your mind, Brandon?

Good morning, Charlie. So I recently watched another video of yours and it was about birthright citizenship. And I just didn't really know that this was a topic of debate. So I was just wondering how would people go about getting citizenship if it wasn't birthright? And then was this issue that you had this stance on for from the beginning or because of the illegal immigration issue?

Yeah. So this is an important question. So the idea of birthright citizenship is two different things. So originally, originally, as the Constitution is written, it's that a son or a daughter of an American citizen gets to be a citizen. We have this goofy idea in America that your location needs to all of a sudden dictate whether or not you're a U.S. citizen. So, for example, a Chinese woman eight months pregnant can take a flight from Shanghai to San Francisco, get off the plane, have a baby a month later, even though she has no ties to America and her baby becomes a U.S. citizen.

That's called, there's a word for it, it's pregnancy tourism or something. So this is all it's the 14th Amendment, basically. It says everyone born in America and subject to its laws is a citizen.

It's called birth tourism. So the idea of ending birthright citizenship is based on this, that it's a terrible interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which was passed to ensure freed slaves were made full citizens of the United States. It was never, ever, ever intended, ever intended to incentivize illegal aliens, especially to cross the border and have anchor babies.

You might remember that phrase when President Trump talked about it. So no country in Western Europe offers birthright citizenship without exceptions like the U.S. France did away with birthright citizenship all the way back in 1993. Ireland was the last of the EU countries to abolish birthright citizenship in 2005.

New Zealand and Australia both banned birthright citizenship in recent decades. Again, the 14th Amendment is what it's based on. It was not written to reward illegals or birth tourism. So why is the left therefore so crazy and so fanatical about this?

Well, it's because, as a magazine The Atlantic wrote a few years back, birthright citizenship is mostly found in America because European powers established, quote, lenient laws to attract immigrants and displace native populations in the world. When they were drafted this amendment, the drafters said this was not meant to do this. It was meant to make it so America could not have residents of this country who are under our laws who are not citizens. It was clearly not meant to make let people break into America, loot the country, get lifetime citizenship. It's ridiculous and it's an insane thing. I've always had this belief, but now I'm more outspoken about it. We should end birthright citizenship in this country.

It's the right constitutional interpretation. Thank you, Brandon, for being a member. Let's go to the next question here. Member care. Thank you for being a member. Make sure you unmute what is on your mind.

Thank you for being a member. My question is in Alaska. What is Turning Point USA going? What are your plans to work to get the youth in the bush and rural communities active and aware of the communities? When communications and road systems, we only have 10 percent of the state with roads.

Not everybody has access to Internet. Do you have plans? So I'm sorry, what state do you live in? Alaska. OK, Alaska.

Yes. So we're not actually doing anything in Alaska right now. We have some stuff on the campuses. But in the future, actually, we do have a project in Alaska in the next couple of years to make sure you guys get better Republicans and a better senator up there. So we're going to work on some stuff in the future there.

But nothing in the immediate term. Alaska is not on our radar. But I will say Alaska is one of my favorite states. What part of Alaska do you live in?

I live in Metal Lakes area, Tanana. Do you like living at the base of the Talkeetna Mountains? It's gorgeous. Do you like living there? Oh, yeah. It's a slice of heaven.

You couldn't get me out of here. It's sad. It's hard when you're encountering because I've worked with youth and I've worked as an occupational therapist and trying to engage especially Bush kids and helping them to understand what's really going on in the lower 48.

Because at times they feel that that's not a part of them. That's that's tough. Well, I'll tell you this. Alaska is very much part of our beautiful country. And I I can't wait to visit sometime soon. We'll have a big event there.

I'm going to come to Anchorage in an off election year. I promise. So, OK. All right. God bless.

Thank you so much. I mean it. When I went to Alaska and every state and that is a wild statement. You go a hundred yards.

A hundred yards off of just the beaten path. You were just met with wilderness. You can taste it. You can feel it.

You just it's confronts you. It is a it is a wild state and pretty awesome. Be honest with you. It's really great. All right, Elizabeth, thank you for being a member.

Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. Elizabeth, what's on your mind? Hi, Charlie. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. How you doing? All right.

Thank you. My question is about deportation and deporting all illegals. There's like several immigrants, illegal immigrants that are here and they have been here for decades. They have given the right to work path and pay in taxes.

And some have even paid lawyers to become citizens and in the end were scammed. How would you address the illegal immigrants like these? Sure, it's a great question. Now, mind you, my position is not that of Trump's. Trump has to answer this for himself.

But I'm pretty clear. Deport them all. They broke the law and they've been illegally here for a couple of decades. So, yeah, they they weren't welcomed here. And as far as like paying lawyers and not being like becoming a citizen, even after paying a lawyer, would it be addressing a lot like, you know, lawyer lobbyists and everything like that? Well, no, I mean, think of it this way. So if you own a home and somebody like you go on vacation and you come back and somebody squats in your home, you kick them out, right?

It doesn't matter if they've been there for a month or three months. These individuals have been squatting in America for the last couple of decades. And yeah, I mean, they've been scammed and it's kind of like they scammed us. They came into our country and it's still our home. And I don't mean to come across as heartless, but the law must be administered without favor to the rich or the poor. That is a biblical principle.

Yeah. And we have a process if they want to come into this country. We're very, very generous in legal immigration, incredibly so. And so they are they're welcome to apply. They're welcome to get into line like the rest. And it doesn't matter if you're if the person, like, for example, who squats in your home is rich or poor. It's still your home. So I know that is a lot for some people to stomach.

But if we even waver an inch on the administration of the law, then the law the law just should not exist. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Thank you. OK. Thank you. Lisa is next. Thank you for being a member.

Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. Lisa, what is on your mind? Make sure you unmute.

I'm unmuted. Can you hear me? Yes. How are you? Great. How are you? Excellent.

Thank you. So is it true that the law has been changed since January 6, 2021, when Mike Pence, as the outgoing administration's VP, was designated to break the tiebreaker or to certify the election? That's a great question. So 2020. So what do we do now? Did they change the law? Somebody said that the Democrats changed the law so that it wouldn't be that sort of situation this time around. Yeah.

So what they did is they changed. That's a great question. So the vice president is still overseeing the electoral count results, but it basically makes it a ceremonial role where before it was a little bit unclear.

Now, understand how goofy this is. If Kamala Harris ends up winning, she will be overseeing her own electoral count in January of 2025. If Donald Trump ends up winning, Kamala Harris will be overseeing the electoral count of Donald Trump. Now, what the Electoral Count Act did is it does not give any flexibility whatsoever, basically, for what Donald Trump wanted Mike Pence to do. Send it back to the states, send it back to state legislatures. It really handcuffs the sitting vice president and basically makes it just a letter opening ceremonial role.

Whether or not that's good or not, it depends. I think it was actually probably a good thing to have the vice president be a final check and balance if there were irregularities to send it back to the states. But that is that is what has changed. And so the fight will be less in Congress and it will be more in the certification process in the states leading up to the electoral count and the Electoral College, which meets in mid-December.

Very important question. Thank you. OK, who do we have next? We have Laura. Laura, thank you for being a member. What's on your mind? Hey, Charlie, you are doing an awesome job. I love listening to you today when you were talking to SAD, Dr.

SAD. Oh, my gosh. The clarity, the message that comes across with you is amazing. So I just wanted to call you to encourage you, as I do with my grandsons, you know, scripture, because you are in a battle. OK. And the true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. G.K. Chesterton said that. OK, it's beautiful.

I love G.K. Chesterton. I love it. And I have one more scripture verse for you, because I'm telling you, we are in a fight. OK, so this is your verse for the day, Charlie. Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by his vast strength. There you go. You're doing amazing.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. What scripture is that? That is Ephesians 6 10. It was I get this one app that Charles Spurgeon for the day. And I love Spurgeon is the best, isn't he? Oh, yes, he is.

And this is one of his commentaries. And it was really cool because today it was whether you are called upon to work or to wait or to watch or to suffer, you need to be strong. If you're not yourself strong, the very armor that you wear will be a burden to you. It is of the utmost importance that Christians should be strong and grace as they could possibly be. And the power that is to be in them is to be the power of God.

The power is might. That amazing. I love that. Well, thank you for your encouragement. It means so much.

And we are in a spiritual war. Amen. And so thank you. Thank you for letting me get through because I am techno challenged, you know. Well, you did it and you unmuted and you deserve a lot of credit for that.

You're better than some of the teenagers that call in. So God bless you. Thank you for being a member. It means a lot. Thank you.

OK. Very sweet. That's the ultimate thing we're doing here is it's a spiritual battle. We must honor the divine and honor the internal, the eternal.

It's the most important thing. Larry. Larry, thank you for being a member.

Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. Larry, what's on your mind? I got a question. When are you going to be up in UWM, Madison? I'm a veteran and I actually served up there in the National Guard in Madison. I just wonder what time you're going to be up there and anything that's, you know, where it's going to be and all that other stuff. It's going to be at the campus, correct?

Yes. So actually, we're doing two visits to Madison two weeks in a row. That's how important Wisconsin is. So let me tell you the dates. So this Thursday coming up this Thursday at twelve thirty p.m., I will be on the campus right near the library mall. So if you want to come by twelve thirty at University of Wisconsin Madison, we'll be promoting it all week. I'm just going to have a table there answering questions, taking photos, meeting folks. I'd love to see you if you want to come on by.

You can just email us. We'll make sure we take care of you. And then a week from Saturday. So on September 14th, we actually haven't announced this yet, but September 14th, we are going to when Alabama visits University of Wisconsin Madison for a football game and we're going there. We're going to go game day grab some big guests.

And that is the morning of September 14th. So I would love to have you either one of those. Larry, if you want to.

And we need every Wisconsin patriot to be alert, to be active, to be engaged. Hope to see you there. Thank you, Larry. OK, thanks for taking my question. You bet.

Thank you for being a member. Let's oh, this is Wendy. Wendy's Wendy's great. Wendy with RFK Junior excluded now from certain state ballots. Where do we stand on his and ultimately Trump's electoral college count regarding blue versus red states? Last Friday, RFK had strategy of removing itself from 10 states. Great question, Wendy.

The great Wendy Rogers from Arizona. So, yes, RFK will not be on the ballot in Arizona. He's going to have to sue to get off the ballot in Michigan, Wisconsin. North Carolina is going to be very hard because ballots are going out next week. So basically the only state where he has confirmation where he will not be on the ballot is the state of Arizona, which, Wendy, as you well know, is a major, major win to have that.

RFK was pulling a lot from Trump. The Maha movement is alive and well in Arizona. I think Donald Trump's chances of winning Arizona have gone up significantly since Maha and the RFK event that we did here in Arizona. It was truly the shot heard around the 48th state. And Nevada is big, too, but he's not yet off the ballot in Nevada.

Not yet off the ballot in Nevada. OK, Nate, thank you for being a member. Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. Nate, what is on your mind? Charlie, just a quick question for you. So with all of the illegal immigration that's happening today and obviously safety being a huge concern for day to day Americans, what without having to try to be like a military or police state, what do you think the levels or indication of like a military presence at times should be for like events and everything that are starting to occur?

Yeah, so it's a good question. I mean, you got to be careful because I think that the left wants a woke national police force. But look, we should also use the National Guard. For example, right now, we should deploy the National Guard against the Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado. My advice to President Trump publicly and privately, fly to Aurora, Colorado, do an event and say, this is ridiculous.

This is our country. We'll deport every single one of you. That is an appropriate use of the National Guard. I mean, they're taking over apartment complexes.

These are foreigners illegally in our country and they're taking over our own apartment complexes. So look, the military exists to secure America's frontiers. The military does not exist to spread homosexuality in Ukraine. OK, securing the border should be a military act. Right now, they look at the they look at the military as a missionary force of the LGBTQ agenda.

We should not have a single troop abroad when our own borders are not secure, not hard, not complicated. All right. Thank you for being a member. Todd, I think you are the last question of today, so make it a good one. Todd, what's on your mind? Yes.

Hi, Charlie. My question is, can the Supreme Court overturn both Trump's false indictments or impeachments based off of fabricated evidence? Yeah, they can.

I don't I don't necessarily think that that is a great use of their time. I don't think you can overturn impeachments. You could overturn convictions and impeachments.

So I think those are two different things. So he was he was impeached, but he wasn't convicted. So, for example, if Donald Trump was convicted of whatever crime, a phone call with Zelensky, I think the Supreme Court can review that. But you cannot overturn the impeachments, which is the act of the House.

So no. But Blake is disagreeing. Blake says that they cannot overturn convictions. It's a legislative act.

But then I'm going to ask Blake on air. But legislative acts can be overturned all the time by the Supreme Court. So that doesn't make any sense to me. So not this one. OK, well, maybe I'm going to trust Blake here. So, yeah, that's OK.

I mean, I would find it hard to believe the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction if the legislative branch completely screws up. But in these things, I will trust Blake's judgment. So. All right. Thank you so much for your question and for being a member.

Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. Everybody unmuted today. We got to get our unmute yourself. T-shirts got to get the unmute yourself. I want to remind you guys are brainwashed.

You are being brainwashed. Tour is coming up. So on September 5th, University of Wisconsin Madison, September 10th, CU Boulder, September 11th, University of North Texas, September 13th, Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. And do you know that there's 18 more campus stops in addition to that? Eighteen more campus stops.

We have UW Madison, University of Colorado, University of North Texas and Kansas State. That's just a beginning of the beginning. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us is always freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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