Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. John Solomon joins us for a great conversation about the state of the race, Nancy Pelosi and more.
Jeremy Carl joins us about the war on white people and so much more. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com. Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow. As always, you can become a member. It's members.charliekirk.com. That is members.charliekirk.com. Get involved with Turning Point USA at tpusa.com.
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Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Joining us now is John Solomon, great American and good friend. John, welcome to the program, justthenews.com. John, lots to discuss. First, your story with Nancy Pelosi and the National Guard.
We were texting about that last evening. Please educate our audience on that. Yeah, listen, when the Democrats created their January 6th narrative, there were three storylines. It's all Donald Trump's fault. We had nothing to do with it. Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with Capitol security.
That was another big part of it. And the Trump people never offered the National Guard in advance. And over the last four years, we have debunked all three of those false narratives.
Let's start with the most recent one. We were able to get documents very early on from the Capitol Police showing Trump did in fact offer National Guard to the Capitol Police and to the Capitol to the U.S. House on January 2nd, four days in advance. Nancy Pelosi pretended like that wasn't her call. But in the video footage we got last night when she's talking candidly to her daughter, who's taking video footage because they're going to make a movie of her escape from January 6th.
They're literally thinking about Hollywood as they're escaping what's supposed to be an unsafe Capitol. Nancy Pelosi says, I'm responsible for this. We should have had more security. We shouldn't be asking for the National Guard now. We should have taken them earlier.
We should have gotten them earlier. A devastating blow to their narrative. Nancy Pelosi, in her own words to her daughter, captured on film, admitting they could have had the National Guard. They didn't have it, that it was her responsibility to keep the Capitol safe. They didn't.
And then think about this. HBO aired an entire documentary on this and kept this footage out. They misled the American people about Nancy Pelosi's true sentiments of January 6th.
So a very important thing. All the other parts of the narrative also now clearly there. Nancy Pelosi and her team were editing the security plan for January 6th.
They were in charge. They were getting early heads up about potential violence that the Republicans didn't get a similar heads up on. Every part of the Democratic narrative on January 6th has been either debunked or certainly disputed through the evidence that we've been able to get over the last few years.
Well, yeah. And John, just from a journalist standpoint, I was shocked they did not play up January 6th as much of their convention. It's almost as if they are second guessing their own narrative. They played up the losers and suckers hoax, which is a hoax. The idea that Trump wanted to inject bleach into people's arms was a hoax almost more than January 6th, almost. In fact, Kamala Harris, I think, mentioned January 6th briefly in her convention address, briefly.
But it wasn't what you would have expected. John Solomon, that's very, very prescient. Charlie, you're 100 percent right. And listen, the polling shows that they've lost that argument now. We now know that Cassie Hutchinson's star television performance was not true. The Secret Service debunked that. We now know there were intelligence and security failures.
We know that Nancy Pelosi could have stopped at all by taking the National Guard. And she herself now says in the video footage, I'm responsible for this. We have responsibility. That's why they don't use it anymore.
And it shows the power of what you and I and others have created. The mainstream media never has reported those things. And yet the polling's changed because we got it out. Real America's Voice and your show, we got it out. We don't have to rely on the legacy media anymore. I have to say, John, that the changing of the January 6th narrative might be the greatest alternative media accomplishment other than COVID in the last decade. Would you agree? Yeah, I think so.
Russia collusion was a big one. No, that's true. But that one took longer, though. That one took longer.
It did. And also, oh, my God, you were in six years it took. But also, I was in the mainstream media still when I did most of that work with Sarah Carter. But you're right, it is. And the amazing thing is, Charlie, it's all based on fact. It's not a spin job. It's all facts. It's so important. And you know it's working because they have they're no longer leaning into it, no longer talking about it. They thought they could make 2024 election a January 6 election. It's not. People not only don't care about it, but there are so many other elements and factors to this.
So, so now I want to get your read, read, John. What is the state of this race? The mainstream media networks are making it seem that Kamala Harris is on track for a blowout. I don't see that at all. In fact, I see the near opposite of that. What are you looking at?
What are you analyzing? Well, I think the first thing is you have to look at the polls that show that Kamala Harris has momentum. She does not if you use the samples from the 2020 election. And by the way, a lot of the mainstream polls were using the 2020 base voter to project Joe Biden.
He was losing. So, but when Kamala Harris came in, all of a sudden they manipulated the samples. In some of these polls, Republican turnout, which was 37% for registered Republican as a total, they're brought down to 20%, 27%, excuse me, a 10 point under-representation of Republicans. In some of these polls, the Democrats tip up above 38 to 39 or 40 over-representing Democrats, something they didn't do in the Biden poll.
So what does that tell you? They knew that Kamala Harris wasn't in the lead. So you move the numbers and you move the advocates around and you create the illusion she's doing better and she has momentum. She doesn't. The real poll shows she got no bunt from the Democratic National Convention.
Not only that, she's starting to get scorn from some of the traditional media. The Washington Post clearly called her economic plan communist. You saw that op-ed.
It's clear as day. The New York Times earlier this week didn't get enough attention. I think it's one of the most important things the New York Times op-ed page has written saying, Joy is not a substitute for substance. You didn't deliver any plan at the Democratic National Convention. Those are two warning signs. Then you take a look at Kamala Harris and her scared posture in the debate. She wanted to rewrite the debate real so she could sit, have notes, interrupt Donald Trump, three things that weren't on the table in the debate.
That tells you someone who's not confident in her debating skills. And then you take a look at the third thing, which is the three I's, which Donald Trump has religiously been focused on in the last couple of weeks. Inflation, insecurity, the border and the world, and crime in our communities, and insanity, the insane things that Democrats are trying to advocate for. Donald Trump is hitting those day in and day out. J.D.
Vance is hitting it day in and day out. The day one argument is really working with voters. Hey, this isn't day one, January 20th, 2024. Day one for Kamala Harris was January 20th, 2021.
And oh, by the way, it's been crappy since then. Those arguments are working. And then the last element that actually shows that this race is in good shape for Donald Trump is what you're doing on the ground and what others are doing on the ground. Lee Zeldin and A.F.W., early ground game Republicans are light years, light years ahead of 2020 and 2022.
And that's something that Democrats are not prepared to wake up on election day morning to encounter. The race is where it was before June 27th. Donald Trump is slightly ahead in the real polls, one or two points.
It's very close. It's the day before the June 27th debate. And I predict that September 10th will be as consequential to the presidential election race as June 27th. Kamala Harris is not a strong debater. People are going to see a candidate who is very uncertain of herself. Those three eyes, I want you to repeat. It reminds me of the 1972 election of amnesty, abortion and acid when Richard Nixon ran up against.
Richard Nixon, wow. I haven't heard those in a while. Yeah, but those are the three A's.
What are the three I's again? Yeah, it's inflation, the economy, insecurity, which is immigration, crime, and an unstable world. And then insanity, all the things that Democrats are proposing that no American wants. We don't want tampons in boys bathrooms.
We don't want men in women's sports. We don't want no bail so that criminals keep coming out and committing more crimes every day after we arrest them. The insanity aspect of that.
Those are the three things. Donald Trump has been religiously focused on that and in the last couple of weeks. And you can see the effect in the polls without a doubt. I'll play this piece of tape here. This is Mark Halperin, who gets some stuff right. He's been on our program. I think he's smart. He is kind of warning, hey, guys, because he does this program called two way where he talks a bunch to a bunch of Dems and Republicans very, very in politicos. He's like, hey, guys, just so you know, there is a chance not he's not predicting it that Kamala Harris is at the same, if not worst place of Joe Biden right before the debate. Very, very soon. All that this pizzazz and this voodoo kind of just goes away.
Play cut one of six. There's some public polling already. There's more coming and there's some private polling that suggests that nationally in the battleground states, she's not ahead. She might be ahead on paper, but well within the margin of error. And there's some battleground states now where I think Donald Trump's on this trajectory is going to be ahead.
And it may be regardless of what happens in the interview and regardless what happens in the debate. It may be that by the middle of September, when things have calmed down, when the Trump campaign have had time to prey on some of the weaknesses that I suggested, that he's ahead and all the sunbelt states. And ahead in Pennsylvania and competitive in Michigan and Wisconsin, which would be roughly where Joe Biden was before the debate. With a single path to 270 electoral votes, the three Great Lakes states in Nebraska, too.
And that would be a scary position for the Democratic Party to be in from mid-September through Election Day. John, do you agree with that? Yeah, it's very good analysis. Listen, I grew up with Ron Forney, John King and Mark Halpern as three really great political reporters. He's doing old fashioned reporting, not buying the spin.
He's looking at the numbers. He's right. So, John, let me ask you, I totally agree with what you're saying as far as we're better on all the policies. However, there's when you're in the debate prep and Donald Trump coming into debate with Kamala Harris, it's a little bit it's hard to just talk about the policies if you don't always only talk about the person as well, in the sense not making it personal, like, OK, I don't like, you know, silly characteristics, but she doesn't believe the policy she's now espousing, which then it has to come down to some sort of a inauthentic attack. How should President Trump navigate that? I think you should show her the respect of the office instead of recalling a cackling Kamala or whatever he's going to call her.
He should say, Madam Vice President, I want to ask you something because I'm confused. I'm one of your constituents right now. You for years said my border was a vanity project and stupid and had no good. And now you're using it in your ads.
Which one is it? And do that. But show him the respect in title, which because the one place that Donald Trump underperforms is with women, particularly show her the same respect that any other person who's been vice president and then use the power of the contrast and hypocrisy to blow her up. That is what Tulsi Gabbard did so effectively. If you go back to 2016, there's a guy, Tom Bacarum, who ran against Kamala Harris and creamed her in the first Senate debate. He wasn't going to win the race. Right.
It's California. But he did such a good job of showing what a lightweight was. He didn't use pejorative terms. He used her own flip-flopping and insecurity against her. If Donald Trump does that, he wins respect from women and he destroys Kamala Harris. And what should Donald Trump be most prepared for from Kamala Harris? She's probably going to try to agitate him. And do you think it makes a difference if mics are on or mics are off? Well, we now know they're going to be off.
So that makes a difference. I think how he performed with Joe Biden is the way he should perform with Kamala Harris. Lead with what everyone credits him with better policies and a better commitment to telling the American people what we're going to do. And keep going back to, listen, you know what I can do. You live through it. You know what she can do.
You just live through it. Which one do you want? Use that Reagan better than you are four years ago on security, inflation, and the insane issues that Americans don't want tampons in boys' bathrooms.
You can use all that. He doesn't need to make it nasty and personal. He's got so, so much material on her record and also her insecurity. She is a remarkably insecure thing. One of the things she's going to be, she's going to be totally scripted. If Donald Trump can find a great moment to rattle her, she will not recover during the campaign.
That's what Tom Picaro told us. That's what Tulsi Gabbard's telling him. Throw her off her game. She's off for the whole hour and a half.
Yeah. And it just, she comes across as a very insecure, ill-prepared person. She has to sit down with CNN with a chaperone. Have you ever seen anything like this where she can't do an interview without an emotional support animal?
Well, on the peanuts I did, because Linus would bring his blanket, right? But that's the only place I've ever seen. I mean, Tim Walz is like a security blanket for her.
I've never seen anything like it. She suffers, I think, from a grave political insecurity. And I think that Americans are going to see that. And listen, I don't blame her.
A lot of people sometimes have social phobias, insecurities, but you can't be the president of the world going up against Vladimir Putin and others with that level of insecurity. I think that's going to come out on the 10th. That's why I think that that is such a consequential moment.
Donald Trump could do really well that day. Yeah. And it's probably better for him to show, not tell the insecurity in the sense, don't say, hey, you're insecure, but show the world that she's insecure. That's right. You know, a line you can use, I've heard some people say this.
I have no idea what she just said. Honestly, I don't know if you do, but I'm going to tell you clearly where I stand for doing that is like a really great way. Right. Acknowledge that that was kind of awful and then do it. And he was prepared to do that with Joe Biden and his rambling thing. He did it well. Kamala is going to have those word salads. He should just quickly go. I have no idea what she said, but I'm going to be clear where I am on this.
Those are going to be really distinctive moments. Don't be mean to her. Show some respect that she is the vice president and that she's a woman.
He'll pick up some women votes when he's done. John Solomon, just the news dot com. Thank you so much. Excellent work. Thank you. Good to be with you, Charlie.
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Hillsdale.com. Jeremy Karl is with us. Great American and true patriot. Jeremy, welcome back to the program. Thanks so much, Charlie.
It's a pleasure to be on. So Jeremy is the author of Unprotected Class, senior fellow at the Claremont Institute. Lost the discuss here.
So, Jeremy, I want to start here with the Tim Walz story, who, of course, is Kamala's emotional support animal. Minnesota's Health Department rationed life saving care based on race. And so who is who is essentially the author of this idea that life saving care should be implemented based on race? And they did implement.
Help us understand. Yeah. So they did implement it. But I think after a month, there was enough pushback, even in fairly liberal Minnesota, that they walked it back for a time.
But, you know, that's really just because they got caught. It's just indicative of his approach. I mean, there was no pandering on race that was ever too low for Governor Walz. I mean, he passed a bill that banned discrimination against people based on their hairstyles, particularly African-American traditional hairstyles.
Now, again, you might think, well, that's harmless. Again, it's just one of these things that actors can use to say, well, you know, you're discriminating against me for this or that kind of a typical way for people to cause problems in a sort of harmless sounding bill. So there was no kind of racial pandering that was ever too small for this administration.
So your entire book, Unprotected Class, highlights the war on white people, how anti-white racism is tearing America apart. Have we seen any improvement on the war on whites in the sense where there's some people backing off post 2020 or is it just as bad as it was four years ago? I think, Charlie, some of the ridiculousness has receded a little bit. I mean, I think some of the stuff that was said was so ridiculous that, you know, even the left kind of backed off it for a little while. But I expect, and I saw Aaron Sabarian, who's done a lot of great reporting on this, said the same thing today.
You know, I expect this is going to get worse before it gets better. And of course, Tim Walz's Minnesota was ground zero for this. And in fact, I opened the book by talking about George Floyd in Minneapolis, because that was really the test case that kicked it off. And it was Governor Walz's failed leadership and his failure. Even the liberal Minneapolis said, please bring in the National Guard troops. And it took three days before Governor Walz was willing to act to put down racial unrest.
And again, I just think it really shows his bad judgment and where his political priorities lie. So just more broadly, are we starting to see public sentiment shifting against this unrepentant and disgusting war on white people? Well, I hope so. A little bit. I mean, I'd like to think that my book has contributed to that to some degree, because it's done pretty well.
And Charlie, I thank you a lot for having me on to talk about it, because that was certainly one of the things that was great in helping to kick it off. So I think the good news is that our side, which I mean just sort of the right generally, is I think getting more comfortable in pushing back against some of the more outrageous things that the left is doing on race. I think that's the good news. And that's really important good news, because I think if we push back and we're consistent about pushing back, we'll ultimately win, because I think more Americans want us not to discriminate on race than who want us to discriminate on race. The problem, and I'd say the two downsides are, one of the reasons that we're pushing back is that the problem has just gotten a lot worse, to the point that people kind of felt like, hey, we need to push back now, because we can't pretend that this isn't a problem. Second piece of bad news we have in that regard is the left, I don't think, has reduced its commitment at all to this type of anti-white discrimination to just continuing to say more and more ridiculous things. And I think a Harris-Waltz administration, if we're unfortunate enough to get one, will just turbocharge all of those negative trends on the left. So, look, the Democrat Party is obviously a party that is embracing of DEI, embracing of racial quotas. We see this kind of idea of conservatism in drag, where we see in the Democrat Party where, oh, I'm a football coach. We have camo. I'm able to shoot. It doesn't matter that I medically mutilate your kids.
You should vote for me. We're talking about walls specifically. Can you talk about this conservatism in drag? Because the DNC was the longest, most witnessed drag show in American history. Yeah, Charlie, I'm so glad you mentioned this. I think this is a really important point.
And it's almost I've said said no. And Governor Walz is is kind of playing. This kind of goes well back before both of our times. He's sort of the step and fetch it. He's that was a kind of caricature of an African American who was popular in the early to mid 20th century in films. He's kind of performing that minstrel role as a white guy, or you could call it a drag show.
That would also be fine. He's the football coach. He's from this rural area. He hunts. He's a gun owner. And everybody's hoping that on the left that you're not going to look at his radical left policies that he actually supports, whether it be on gender mutilation, whether it be on race. And so he's really been a promoter of not just kind of typical bad Democratic policies, but he's been among sort of the worst actors on the left of the Democratic Party and kind of don't let his his drag show appearance or his minstrel white guy act fool you or fool anybody. He's a terrible actor. They chose him.
Now I'm going to ask you a question. Is Tim Walz the first ever white DEI selection? Oh, absolutely. Every single person on Harris's VP short list was a white guy. And that's not because, you know, every single important other person in the Democratic Party was a white guy, but because it was a DEI selection. You know, they felt like they had to put this kind of, you know, happy, fatherly look, at least they could paint him as that this kind of unthreatening white guy there. So he was absolutely a DEI pick, in my view.
And, you know, he's the first maybe, but he won't be the last. Yeah. And it's also just it's so repulsive and insulting of all Americans, especially white Americans, that somehow white conservatives in the Midwest are going to go vote for a white male just because he's a white male or they don't care about what his belief system is or what he's done. Yeah. I mean, a great example of this is would you much rather have Byron Donald's or would you have Tim Walz?
Obvious. I mean, I don't care about skin color at all. I care about values. I care about character. I care about what you do. I don't care about what you look like. But isn't it the typical Democrat Party that they think they can manipulate white voters the same they have with other voters by saying, here's someone that looks like you.
Now go give us power. Yeah, absolutely. I think that's exactly what's going on. And it's obviously patronizing to white voters. It's patronizing to really every American who wants people to be judged by the content of their character. And unfortunately, look, this is just the modern Democratic Party. That's what you sign up for if you support them.
It's one of many, many reasons why I support the GOP and you support the GOP. And I hope that white people kind of reject the minstrel act drag show of Governor Walz and and kind of vote for a party that's going to embrace all Americans, which is Donald Trump's Republican Party vote. Vote based on worldview, not skin color. It's that simple. Don't vote based on tribe.
Vote based on worldview. Done. End of story.
Thank you so much. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com and subscribe to the Charlie Kirk show podcast, which is doing very very well right now. That pesky little piece of paper. You know, you got to give the Democrats credit. They really produced something during the DNC in Chicago that was so fraudulent from their core beliefs. We did not hear about D.C. being added as a state, Puerto Rico being added as a state, Electoral College being abolished, guns being being confiscated, guest jobs being confiscated, trannies teaching our kids. We did not hear any of this at the DNC.
But there was a there was a couple little moments where they slipped and they told us their true agenda. You see, the Democrat Party, they had to larp live action role play as conservatives, a bunch of flags all over the place. We love America. We love America. They love the pride flag more than American flag. And we know it. We didn't see a lot of pride flags over the DNC.
They had to pretend they were something they were not because the smart members of the Democrat ruling class, who is David Plouffe and others, they know that Kamala Harris has a very difficult electoral path. It's just I'm not saying that she is that we are the favorite. I'm not saying we're the underdog. I'm saying that it's about a 50-50 race. And even the pod save America guys say it's a 50-50 race. And they're pretty smart. I listen to their podcast last night, Favreau and the gang a little smug, but they know what they're doing, talking about.
And they think it's a 50-50 race. But at one point at the DNC, Kelly Robinson, she's she just let it out. She's a human rights campaign president.
Play cut forty seven. We can't just worry about protecting democracy in this moment. We've got to reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center. And I think for us right now, it's about reimagining freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that is by and for all of the people of this country. That's the opportunity that we have more revolutionary than what our founders put down on that little piece of paper. You know, I'll tell you the what was on display in Chicago was a different form of government than what the founders intended, different than what Madison, Hamilton and Jay and the founding fathers articulated. There is a fundamental difference between a republic and an oligarchy. An oligarchy is where you vote for a group of people. A republic is where you have separation of powers, consent of the governed, checks and balances. An oligarchy is where you have interchangeable parts.
It is the ruling of the experts, the people that know better than you, the people that went to Harvard and Princeton and Yale, the Cass Sunstein types, where the knowledge base is secret. The founding fathers believed that the wisdom is with the people, not with the small unelected few. This changed with John Dewey. It changed in the late 1800s, where the rise of technocracy and the rise of the expert class came forward. Woodrow Wilson, being one of America's worst presidents and a former college president of Princeton University, then governor of New Jersey and became president in the 1912 election by winning only a plurality of votes, running against William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt, winning about 42 percent of the vote, was a radical technocrat.
He was the first American president to challenge the promise and the premise of the United States Constitution, that it's not about we the people. It's not about a Republican, small r, Republican form of government. No, it is about something different, that we have to find all the people that are experts in their field. So experts in the environment, experts in the foreign policy, experts in commerce. Give them a ton of power in committees. And how could the committees ever go wrong? How could you possibly go wrong with a bunch of Anthony Fauci's and Deborah Birx's coming together because they're lacking of wisdom?
They might have other undisclosed motivations. The Constitution rejects this belief. And that is what we mean by the form and the structure. The type of government that we will live under is on the ballot in November. And it's not democracy. It is citizen versus oligarchs. And the current oligarchy thinks very, very little of you. They do not want your voice.
They do not want you in the room. And look at the combination of forces that Donald Trump is attracting. Tulsi Gabbard, Bobby Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, the Avengers squad, the Justice League is assembling. And it is the Borg machine versus we the people.
The Democrat Party, they want the complete and utter obliteration of the United States Constitution. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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