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The Rise of Evil In the World ft. Rob Schneider

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
August 27, 2024 7:00 pm

The Rise of Evil In the World ft. Rob Schneider

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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August 27, 2024 7:00 pm

Is the world getting more evil? Is the political wickedness we see on display every day undergirded by a malevolent spiritual force? Actor and comedian Rob Schneider is one of the few conservatives in Hollywood to be open and proud with his beliefs. Rob talks to Charlie about the fall of California, his embrace of Christianity, how Marxism feeds on resentment and grievance culture, why exorcisms are harder than they used to be, and a lot more.

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Hey everybody, it's the Charlie Kirk Show. The legendary Rob Schneider from You Can Do It joins the program.

Really great American. We talk about Trump, we talk about spirituality, we talk about RFK, we talk about this election and more. You are going to love this conversation. Make sure you listen to it and text it to your friends. And also, I'm going to make sure I draw your attention to our conversation with Cali Means yesterday over an hour-long conversation about health, how we're being poisoned. Make sure you guys check it out.

That is Cali Means. You'll really love it. Become a member today, That is And as always, you can email us freedom at

That is freedom at Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created. Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives. And we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to We have Rob Schneider with us. Rob, great to see you. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie. Good. Thanks.

I love your setup here, man. It's great. Thank you.

Do you have a book coming out? Yes. I don't know why.

I just get, you can do it, but I don't know where I got that from. Have you ever said that before? Yeah, yes. And it's finally the stuff that people yell at me on wherever I go. Do you get that often?

Yeah, for 30 years now. Just when people come up to you in restaurants and start just... It's Adam Sandler's 30-year practical joke on me. Is, I mean, of all your work, you feel as if, come on, I've had other one-liners too. Yeah, but that's OK. You know, I don't mind anymore. It's OK. It's nice. I'm going to yell something instead of, you're taking up two parking spaces or something like that. So, Rob, you're a great American. We had you at Amfest. You gave an amazing speech.

Thank you. And you recently have this incredible tweet where you were talking about RFK and Trump and the fight for free speech. Tell our audience about how you view all this.

Well, first of all, I wasn't 100% sure what he was going to say because he didn't communicate, but I kind of had an idea because there's really only one way to go. I mean, it really is. We're either going to fight this blue machine or we're going to continue to give into it. And the encroachment on our freedoms is going to continue. They have gamed the system and people with lifelong Democrats from the... There's no name in the Democratic machine that means more than Kennedy. So for a Kennedy to come out and support a Republican, that means that all of the underpinnings that have supported the proposition that the Democrats are for the people no longer can be sustained. They are no longer for the people.

They are the biggest threat to this country and our freedoms and encroachment. And all you have to do is just look back and what happened to Bernie Sanders. Instead of letting the people choose like which candidate they wanted, they gamed the system and they gave it to Hillary. The Democratic machine did.

And that was 2016 and they're doing it again. They're gaming the system. And then in 2020, all the Democratic candidates dropped out, which Macron in France copied because they were going to lose to Le Pen and the conservatives. So they all dropped out because they knew the system and they gamed the system. And that is a weakness in any Democratic system is it can be gamed. That's why our system of a republic has more safeguards. But they've managed to whether it's trying to get illegals to vote, whether it's trying to ballot harvesting, they're trying to game the system in every way, letting in millions of people to become Democratic voters.

They are gaming the system. But it is only only its only aim is to continue to to continue to hold their grip on power. And it is at the detriment of the American people. So when people like Robert Kennedy understand that and understand that what while Trump has been, Donald Trump has had a lawfare, an unbelievable amount, and what he's had to endure from something that is supposed to have a veil of at least to be justice and the scales of justice and our Justice Department to go after their the Democrats going after political enemies is astounding and unprecedented. And there were six six different lawsuits against Trump, nine against Robert Kennedy. So they absolutely changed the rules for him to debate. They changed the rules for him and they attacked him to keep him off the ballot. And it was simply an attack on democracy, an attack on allowing any chance for a third party. So Robert Kennedy, rightly so. And I was one of the guys pushing him to leave the Democratic Party to go independent.

And rightfully so. He knows that the only chance that we really have to to stop this encroachment on our freedom, not like it's going to have tyranny overnight, but the the idea of what happens in California is that they have an entrenched supermajority and they will they're going to tell you how to live your life. They're going to tell you what stove you can use. They're going to tell you what exactly your kids your kids aren't your kids. They'll tell you that.

That's right. And they're going to tell you what they're going to teach them. They're going to tell you what car you drive. And they're going to they're going to keep telling you and what speech you're allowed to say.

So this encroachment on our freedoms is very unique and there's no precedent for it in our lifetime. So I'm very sorry. What I wanted to do is remind Americans and I know that tweet went viral. I have it right in front of me. It's amazing.

Well, please, you are a better speaker than me. No, I can read the entire thing. It's it's terrific. And you go through line by line of all the ways the left the Democrats are hoping you forget their covid policies, violating the First Amendment, firing federal workers, doctors and nurses refuse to get experimental vaccine, forcing two year old babies to wear masks, closing schools and small businesses, men in women's sports. I mean, you go through it. It's such a beautiful summary of this. Well, thank you.

I woke up that morning before Robert Kennedy dated speech and I said, well, I'm going to say something succinct to this to support him and his decision. So, Rob, you were just saying it really is a machine. It's tough to fight a machine.

How do you fight and defeat a machine? It's going to be it's going to have to be obviously they can now and they are. And it has been proven, as Mark Zuckerberg just came out and admitted it, that the government has backdoors and is communicating with tech companies to silence. And it isn't just a silence for covid policies. They're going after anyone who disagrees with their with what the government narrative is on any subject, including their own enemies.

And so they will silence them. So it's going to have to be like I mean, if you look at another totalitarian system and we're that's what's being encroached now and that is what's coming. The mistake that the Democrats are making, the Democratic elites, is that they they want a new world order for power. And they're making the mistake that they're going to be the ones in control of it.

What they don't realize and their fatal mistake. And I hope that they do not succeed and I will do everything in my power. Speak up. Whatever I have to do, I will do.

Will enlist you. Yeah. So is that they think they're going to be in control of the one world government and they won't. It'll be China.

It'll be a China system and will be a subsidiary to China's control. And that is the danger that they don't see. You say people are waking up. Yes, I agree.

Give us some examples and why you believe that. I see. Well, my there's an attorney who in Los Angeles said, I just thought you were nuts. I didn't see it coming. I didn't know why I would ever support the Republican Party. And then the crap that's being taught in my my first graders class in California. I said, I just never thought. And that's a private school.

So the encroachment is there. And so while you can, if you're lucky enough to have the money to take your kids to some really great schools in private schools, the majority of kids are going to being educated in public schools and they are not being educated. Just like in universities, I tell all my audiences now, take your kids out of university.

It is not the time to have kids take it. Take the money. Spend it on a watch. Spend it on a speedboat. And I go, what is that? That it's a speedboat.

Yeah. It's also your third year that you'd be wasting at Yale. You know, they're not being educated. What they're being is they're being indoctrinated. They're they're not teaching kids in universities to think anymore. What they're doing is they're just cranking out these advocates to a particular partisan ideology that is not letting them think critically. It's brainwashing them. We've got to get we have to get people educated about that.

And I do think people are waking up because it's so egregious. I mean, the push. I mean, it's so obvious that like I remember I was talking to because I really like Ron DeSantis and I think he'll be a great president one day. I hope he has a chance.

He doesn't seem to make enough eye contact. You know, he sees on the big stage. But I really think he's a critical thinker. I think he's a leader, very effective. I think he's brave and I think he's courageous. And I really liked his stance during covid. And I really like the chief medical officer in the state.

Oh, yeah. Laudato Laudato. He's a great Joseph. I've got to meet him. He's a great guy.

Brave man. It's just hard to get over that that hump and to get people. But he one of his people told me, they said, well, I said, when did when was it over? When did you know you weren't going to have a chance this last and this last primary?

And he said, when the Democrats filed charges against Trump against Trump, it was over for him. And they knew. And the people realized and they see what's happening.

If you have eyes to see, unless you're brainwashed, like a lot of people who are actors in Hollywood, they just I mean, I don't think they're they're malintent, but they really can't imagine that their party is is is the party of tyranny. But it is if you just look at the definition of it, if you look at who the party of censorship is, totalitarian. Absolutely. You can't you can't.

Censorship is the first step to a totalitarian government because it's them saying here's what you can think. Yes. Well, when all hope is lost, when when you are confronted, when you are confronted with tyranny, when you're confronted, when the Democrats in the Senate and in Congress, because the Senate obviously is not going to any hearings, but in Congress, which is thankfully has a little bit of control with the Republicans, when they were confronted with the Twitter files, which, you know, thank God for Elon Musk. Thank God. Pray for him. I pray for him every day. Make him in your prayers with your families. Protect him. He is the last he is the last bastion of of of a tech company that's worldwide that has free speech.

That's it. And when there's an encroachment of free speech and I wrote it in my book, you can do it. The free speech.

You speak your mind, America. That is the when they were confronted during the hearings, the Democrats, instead of admitting their error and going, this is a mistake. We've gone too far and maybe saying and giving them an out. Well, we were trying to protect during covid. Instead of that, they attacked the journalists, Michael Schellenberg and Matt Taibbi, who are really great.

Yes, yes. And I was in the Twitter files, too. So what happened was when the Democrats were confronted with fact, factual evidence that they had that this administration had violated first that the first amendment, the very first amendment that are for that our founding fathers had put up in our in our Bill of Rights, that that was violated by this government, instead of correcting it and admitting it.

They just attacked the people who brought the message. And that is, I think that for some people, if you can let that go, like the Democrats said, I would say that you are going to you are now a co-conspiracist. You're a co-con.

You're a he. You are now part of the problem. Either you oppose these lies or you're part of the lies. So that's where that's where we're at now. And I think more people are waking up to it. And I do think it's critical now because thankfully we're a republic. So the states, if you know, I think I can't go and trust any of the polls that's happening. It's only like a thousand people or three, you know. So but hopefully enough will have to win by enough because they have gained the system so well. We're going to have to win. And I think we will. I mean, if you talk to people on the street everywhere I go and traveling around doing my stand up comedy, everywhere I go, there seems to be a definitely this should shouldn't even be close.

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That is or call 1-800-4-relief, So you're Gen X, right? Well, I'm born in 63. I was at the last of the baby boomers.

I was like the last 12 months. So I only say that because there's a polling divide and I'd love your thoughts. Gen X is very, very pro-Trump. Boomers, not as much. Yeah. Kind of why would you say that Gen X? Is it because they have kids maybe in school right now? They're seeing this kind of nonsense?

I think so. Well, you know, the thing about this whole cat lady thing or about single women, about women that don't have children and I don't think any attack any people. However, if you have young kids in public school right now or in school, you have, I mean, it radicalizes you. Well, you are seeing the impact and there is a, you know, you're seeing like you're going to be gone one day just like your parents if they're gone or they're at the end of their life or, you know, they're the last quarter of their life.

You have kids now and you're seeing this impact and you're seeing the lack of education and more of an indoctrination. And the fact that, you know, Moms for Liberty, I'll be speaking for them in D.C., I'll be speaking with them Thursday night. I think Trump is going. Trump's going to be there Friday night. They moved me because Trump is going Friday. I think you understand.

Yeah, and I understand the schedule's less flexible than mine. And but they realize that what's happening, the federal government, as as they're telling me, Moms for Liberty saying that 13 percent of the government funds for schools, public schools, if they add that up, if they double it to 26, like they want to in this next administration, then forget about your local school boards. They're going to the policy from the federal and the and the and the Department of Education, which needs to be abolished.

Yes. There's no reason for the should never have existed. Leave it to the states. And so what they want to do is completely they want to enlarge government. They want to keep bankrupting us. They want to have they would love to just keep everybody on public assistance. They'd like to keep you reliant on this government and so that you have no so to give up your liberties. They want to confuse you.

And that's part of the whole woke the whole woke plan. Confuse us, frustrate us, make us argue with each other, argue which bathrooms to go to, all this non all this unimportant crap so that you will give up your liberties in the hopes of attaining some peace. How then do we defeat the idea we're going to take care of you, we're going to do free stuff? Because our message is one of it's more difficult sell.

It is a more difficult sell. But if you look at like why capitalism works, capitalism works and it has its it has its drawbacks and its limitations to for people who don't want to be part of the system. And there are people that can get lost in it and trust in it. However, if you work your ass off and if you decide to do something and if you are talented in a particular area, or at least you want to work hard and be passionate about something, you can succeed. What happens is there is the communist group, this Karl Marx thing, which he what he really did was it's an attack on Christianity.

That's right. That's at its core. However, what it does is it takes malcontents and it takes people who not only were failed in the capitalist system and then got looked over rightfully or wrongfully. And then you have the malcontents who just want to destroy Western civilization who have a grievance.

And so it's this combined group that are the underpinnings of this woke movement that fit in very nicely with this, with really what Kamala Harris's dad is a communist and wanting to destroy the system out of some sort of grievance. But there's the idea of this utopia never comes and it never has in communism because it's asking for everybody to do less, to want less, to be less, to not be an individual. And that's why we in the United States as a country under God, individual, you know, that that is a real it is for the individual. And it's up to you to work hard.

But it's a system. How do we defeat it? We got to know you got to work local. Forget about don't forget about vote for Trump. Vote for vote these blue machine out. But you also have to get involved locally.

You have to show up at your school board meeting. Like when I saw the the opening of the Olympics, which is another attack on Christianity, disgusting attack, I said I wasn't sure. Is this the Olympics or is this a school board meeting?

You know, there's drag queens with their testicles out. What is it? So it's really an assault. It is an assault on on traditional Western civilization.

They want to destroy it all. So get involved in your school board, vote local and make a difference. Run for mayor. You know, I mean, it's going to take people stepping up and being part of the system. Vote for Carrie Lake. Yes.

First U.S. Senate. The is this a spiritual war? Absolutely. Well, you know, you're seeing a rise in evil by no accident. This is a rise in evil. I spent time with Father Chad Ripperger, who was introduced by my priest, Father Passo. And he is the chief exorcist in the Catholic Church.

And he was telling me that I've met this guy. He's an incredible man. We had we had a whole show on exorcisms.

It was amazing. It really is amazing because, you know, the saying that that the devil's greatest trick and deception is to prove he didn't exist. Yeah. To make people think he doesn't exist. He's not real. So basically, we say there is a rise in evil and like the exorcisms that would take, which is somebody soul fighting back that would take, you know, a few weeks to whatever to ease this horrible spirit out of them.

And now it would take months and months, if ever, eight months. So he feels that there is definitely in the world a rise in evil. And I think he's right. I think this woke is just is communism. And communism is a direct assault on Christianity. It's no I mean, you will never see in the Olympics them going after Islam and Islam also. If you want to see something that is anti women, there's nothing more anti women than Islam, covering them from head to toe.

So but they will never go after that. As a matter of fact, that would work with Islam against Christianity, because Christianity is about love, forgiveness, grace and grace and thank you, thankfulness and gratitude, gratitude. So that's where we are up against. And we'll see it in your daily life and talk. Now is the time to speak up. Now is the time for courage. Now is the time to just what you stand for.

Either you stand for something, you stand for nothing. Do it smartly. I mean, I had an Academy Award winning actor, his son, who asked me said, I wish I could speak up like you. And I said, be careful. Because you will it will cost you money.

I said, don't speak. Don't do it on Facebook. But talk to the makeup lady. Talk to the guy who the teamster is driving you to work in the morning. Talk to the boom man. Talk to people in your life. Talk to your family.

Talk to them. It's a do you really want do you really want to have another 10 11 million people to come in here and that they are just nakedly saying we're going to change. We want what happened in California to happen everywhere. That's right. So you don't have I mean, I mean, you have to understand how unfair it is to have this election the way it is, where you automatically lose every electoral vote in California.

It's not even a choice. And Oregon and Oregon and Washington and Colorado and New York. That's where we start.

So how much of a battle is it? I mean, the fact that there is no chance in California that that is a captured and that is is gone. That might as well already break off from the rest of the United States because it is not part of mass immigration caused it. So you have, you know, in a relatively short amount of decades in my lifetime to see like, you know, the state of Washington would was was conservative.

That's right. When I was when I was a young man and now is radically gone. Whereas, you know, now your parents, interestingly, they brought up where your parent parental rights are no longer as important as what the state thinks for your child. They had an interesting thing that really kind of exposes what's going on with this woke thing, especially with women. The attack on women now by narcissistic failed male athletes. They said, we're going to have three categories because they see now how unfair it is to have women fighting against men in the boxing ring and women competing against men and swimming.

So they said, OK, so here's what we're going to do. We're going to have men. We're going to have women and we're going to have the trans category. Nobody showed up for the trans category because they don't want to really win.

They want to beat women. And so that's really that really that really exposes that. So all these things, I think, have woken the people who want to be awake.

And there are people that don't. I mean, if you think back to the American Revolution is basically a third was for the revolution, a third of the colonists, a third. We're going to stay with the Brits and a third didn't want it. But a third was enough to win. So we had a third of Americans saying no to this experimental covid. And it's not a vaccine.

It's an experimental gene therapy. So I mean, we have a third already. So that's enough to win. But we need to be we need to not be we need to be active. We need to be brave.

We need to speak up and speak your mind and really stand up. So you said it cost you. What did it cost you when you started speaking up work money, opportunities, money.

So you were with doing moves, Adam Sandler having your own movies. Not anymore. Once you spoke out.

Yeah, not anymore. No, but I mean, it's a small price to pay. I mean, I have little kids. I mean, I'm in the system. I'm like what you're you're talking about.

I have kids who were in grammar school. And this I mean, I mean, it's just it's not a sacrifice at all. If I can if I didn't step up right now and speak my mind and have other people hopefully awakened by, you know, by working with Bobby Kennedy. And thankfully, he's come over now to which I always secretly wanted was him to use a natural union.

Yes, it was. And how brave is he? What a great man. So what can we do? I mean, it did cost.

But the price to not say something is way more so. And it's about the future of our children, because I do believe this encroachment. Now, if we let this blue machine, the blue monster win again, they're going to further encroach it to the point that every state will be like California. And if the and these these are crap, these cities are unsafe.

If you want to have to go to the store and have them unlock the banana to buy something, that's your democratically run city. If that's what you want, the idea that you have to hate Trump more than you love your country, you have to love your country more than you hate Trump. And people are waking up to that. And Democrats and especially independents, who you got to get rid of the idea in your mind about this personality and realize what you're really fighting against is a group of people that are trying to maintain our foundational freedoms that are definitely under threat by this regime that cares about nothing. They have no policies at their DNC. All they could say is that they hate Trump.

And he's one hundred forty three times, whereas Biden was mentioned twice. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here, you've asked and MyPillow listened. They're finally bringing you the most requested offer ever. Right now, you can get the queen size premium MyPillow for only nineteen ninety eight. MyPillow is made with patented adjustable fill. It adjusts to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position. It helps keep your neck aligned and holds its shape all night long.

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Wonderful organization, my pillow dot com. OK, Rob, so you have your book, you have a comedy tour. Talk about your stuff. Well, this book, You Can Do It, has been my I never I mean, I quit. I quit college for you.

I quit college for a reason because I both didn't graduate college yet. But I feel good about that because I never got really indoctrinated into a particular form of thought. But and I mean, my favorite, you know, course was philosophy.

And I figure after I did that for a while, I feel pretty good. So I wanted to just if a comedian, if any writer who's, you know, there. Yeah, he's a liberal. He is an absolute diehard. But I'm sure he's waking up to he would agree with most of the stuff we're saying. But privately, a lot of these guys got to get him, get him one on one.

You have a chance. And so I wanted to write a book. What writers have is they spend a little bit more time thinking about what's happening and and seeing what's happening to the culture before we just people are so busy going to, you know, taking their kids to school, going to work, trying to get food for themselves and getting gas and driving and community that they don't have enough and they watch it enough for what they watch and they get lost in their own political echo chamber. So what good comedians can do and and writers and artists is just, hey, let's discuss what's happening in our culture in real time and let's really think about it before we put this and make it part of the culture.

A lot of things are happening really fast and we need to really question them. And unfortunately, we have a real captured media that's captured by the liberal intelligentsia. And we really have to fight.

I mean, literally, I tell people, look, we got Charlie Kirk, we got we got Fox News, not all of it. And we got a guy, we got the guy who sells pillows. I mean, that's what that's what we got. And he got Rob Schneider too. And now we got Robert Kennedy and we got Robert Kennedy. We got some other names, too. But you're right.

The book is You Can Do It. Boy, what some great photos. Looking at the photos here. It's amazing. Chris, you with Chris Farley, Chris Rock. I mean, you were you were in the center of high Hollywood comedy. That was. Yeah, we had we had a good run. Some good people. These are some good.

Let me just say in the best way, irreverent comedians who didn't care about who they offended. Yeah. Well, that was a different time. And thankfully, better time. It was a better time. It was. I mean, we always lean left because we were in our 20s, but we would make fun of whoever it was. Well, not left.

You guys weren't. Yeah. Yeah. A liberal, a traditional liberal.

Think about who you want to go give a vaccine to. Yeah. Right.

Like who you're going to try to force our way of thinking. No, it was just kind of like typical Hollywood. It was. It was.

Yeah. Just but we still made fun of Bill Clinton. I remember getting yelled at because we did something with Chelsea.

Chelsea made fun of Chelsea or not make fun of her, but just showed Julie Sweeney was dressed up like Chelsea Clinton. And I remember like there. How dare you go after, you know, it's gone so far since then, this political echo chamber.

People are lost in it. The book is You Can Do It. And I just want to compliment you for your bravery and your courage, because it would have been easy. I mean, looking at these pictures, I mean, you're hanging out with all of the guys that are afraid to speak out.

Chris Rock to Tarantino. I mean, it's one by one. And you know, the country matters more than that. Well, I think that, again, you really brought on a good point, Charlie, that one on one people listen and you can you can find common ground. And I think it's important when you see people, it's really embarrassing, like this one guy who's going after Cheryl Hines. It's really embarrassing to attack a woman, to attack, you know, the wife of somebody who's sacrificed so much to because he really wants to talk about what's important to Americans. We really have to get a handle on this.

And this is something that is not talked about. And the Democrats will never talk about it because they're all captured by big pharma. We have to get Americans healthy or we will not be able to afford to fix our roads or do anything if we don't get Americans healthy. Eighty percent of Americans are overweight and all the cigarette companies that when they knew that cigarettes are going to we're going out, there's nothing they can do, and they try to lie and fight and whatever.

They bought up the big processed food companies and the same the same scientists that were working on cigarettes to make it more addictive are making those processed foods. So we got to get people healthy. That's how you can really help your country, too.

You got to vote out these blue machine. But you also have to, like, encourage people. Ten thousand steps a day. Get off precious foods. Stay out of the middle of the grocery aisle. Get off pharmaceutical drugs. Get off nonprocessed foods. Cook your own foods. Grow your own foods. That's I really know is like when they're trying to scam of global boiling because a global warming didn't didn't work.

They're saying growing your own food can also cause global boiling. So they're so desperate. What happened with big pharma and the left?

They're pushing so hard that they've exposed themselves for what they are. Totalitarians trying to enslave us again on a global scale. Do you know America is the final thing?

This is it. I mean, interrupt with no Marines are going to save us. Nobody's going to come and rescue us. There's going to stand. There's going to be no food drop.

This is it. There'll be there's no Marshall plan. There is no Marshall plan for the United States. If we go down, the world goes down. Thankfully, we have enough patriots like yourself and there's a lot of us. Four hundred and forty million guns to back us up to. And that's the only reason we got out of Covid tyranny. I totally agree. I don't I think that if we did not have firearms in every home, they would have done what they did in New Zealand. Absolutely. There would have been camps. There would have been more contact tracing. The Second Amendment is the amendment that makes politicians a little bit hesitant to go that.

Absolutely. You see how they dance around at the Democrats. But I would say be very careful and, you know, go out and make sure and get they're trying to go after ammunition to to make it so expensive or it's illegal to use your gun. So they criminalize the use of the gun, not the ownership of it. That's why it's important to get involved in the state level, because even Arizona is tipping.

I'm aware and it's tipping and Maricopa County, if it's controlled, you know, when they started to block up the windows, you can't see what's going on inside. There's a reason for that. Any time they use censorship, it's never the good guys. They're always trying to hide something. They're not afraid of what they're not afraid of lies. They're afraid of the truth.

Otherwise, you don't censor. So your message to someone who says, I don't like Kamala, but Trump is a liar. I think he's indecent. What is your reaction?

You hear it all the time. They don't like Trump. What is your message to them? You have to love your country more than you hate Donald Trump. You have to know that he's going to be surrounded by good people. Tulsi Gabbard is a very good person. And Robert, I've spent a lot of time with Robert Kennedy Jr.. He is a phenomenal, phenomenal person who is evidence based and they're going to disagree on stuff.

And here's what you have. Instead of having some, you know, this this liar always speaking every day for the White House. And it's just it's just a series of lies that you would see something out of the Soviet Union.

You're going to have this administration that is going to be called on it from within the administration by people. Robert Kennedy is a man of integrity and he is not going to stand for what we have now, which is an administration of lies and tyranny. And it's about putting any sort of personal opinion you might have of Trump aside. What is the worldview that he represents? The worldview is that he is going to.

Stop wars and stop the wasting of our money and what most people want, they want our country run like a business. And if anything, he is a businessman. Is he flawed? Absolutely. We're all flawed.

We're all flawed people. But we have to know that what is happening now, there is a real not just an encroachment, but there is leaps and bounds of tyranny that has being installed. And if the Democrats are allowed, the Democrat, the blue machine, the blue monster is allowed to another two years before, you know, the turnover in Congress, whatever, they're going to do as much damage as they can. And it's a gradual encroachment. It is a gradual encroachment.

And just like it is a everything that they warned us about with like that, they lied about with the domino theory. It is true. It is living it. We are living.

Rob Schneider, you're a great American. You can do it. Everybody, you've got to get out and vote for Trump, work for Trump and speak your mind. Speak your mind, America.

Yeah. Rob, you can do it. Let's win in twenty twenty four. Let's go vote for America. Vote Trump.

Kennedy Vance. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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