Hey everybody, it's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. We talk about Georgia, and we talk about the DNC with the two Josh's, Josh McCune and Josh Hammer, and then Brian Glenn joins us live from the RFK event. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com.
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Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. Okay, everybody, welcome back. Email us as always, freedom at charliekirk.com, and subscribe to our podcast. We have Josh McCune, who is the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, the must-win state of Georgia. We only fell 11,000 ballots short back in 2020.
It is going to be a trench fight, and we should win if we do our job. Josh McCune is with us. Josh, thank you for joining the program. Josh, tell us about the exciting and the good news of President Trump and Brian Kemp burying the hatchet, forming an alliance, which I'm thrilled to see.
I'm not the world's biggest Brian Kemp fan, but I want everyone on the team together rowing in the same direction. Josh, tell us about it. Well, thank you for having me, Charlie. Very exciting yesterday. To me, the most important development in American politics yesterday. Governor Kemp going on with Sean Hannity, giving a full-throated endorsement of President Trump, making the case powerfully, why we must have President Trump elected on November 5th here in Georgia and throughout the country. And then, of course, President Trump responding in kind, almost in real time, thanking Governor Kemp for his strong stand last night. So, this narrative that's been peddled for a while, that we're not all on the same team, we're not on the same page, on the same page.
It's obvious. Everyone understands how critically important it is that we win the state of Georgia. And it is very exciting indeed, to see Governor Kemp full bore supporting President Trump. What does this mean for President Trump's chances now?
If you were to say, if this didn't happen versus happening, if you put a number on it, that would be really helpful. But what does this mean as far as the statistic probability and odds of President Trump now carrying Georgia? Well, I think one useful metric to look at is the 2022 election differential between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock and Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams.
It's about a four, four and a half point differential there. There were clearly people that split their tickets in that election. And so, for those voters, having Governor Kemp visibly supporting President Trump is really important.
The other thing here in Georgia, we have a state law that allows the governor to maintain an independent expenditure operation that's very well financed. They're doing a lot of paid door knocking and swing legislative districts around the state. And so, having that operation work with us at the Georgia Republican Party, a lot of the other groups here that are on the ground turning point, obviously, greater Georgia, that's a huge value add. So, in a state where the margins could be closed, that is a really, really big feather in our cap to have going forward in these final 74 days.
Without a doubt. So, remind our audience how mail-in voting has proliferated in Georgia. What percentage of all ballots are cast by mail? And are we as Republicans better equipped and better prepared to engage in a robust get out the vote early voting strategy?
So, yes, we absolutely are. Here in Georgia in 2020, over 1.3 million ballots were returned by absentee paper ballot. In 2022, we saw that decline pretty significantly. The legislature made some changes to the law around absentee ballots.
It was closer to a quarter of a million, 300,000. We're certainly expecting that number to be high, higher than 2022, but probably lower than 2020. But we're very well prepared. We've been talking for a year now about making a plan to vote, either voting by absentee by mail or voting early. We're encouraging people to take advantage of that. Obviously, if people want to vote on election day, that's fine. But we do not want to have no strategy or no game when it comes to that absentee and early voting process.
I've compared it to coaching a football team and saying you're not going to play offense in the first three quarters of the game and trying to win the game in the final 15 minutes. We're not going to do that this time. We're working very, very hard with a lot of different partners to make sure that we have a strong absentee ballot chase program, and that we have a lot of folks going early in person during that three-week period that starts October 15. So, Josh, I love that, by the way. Thank you.
And just a little bit of that kind of juice. In 2020, did any of that infrastructure, any of that muscle exist? Or is this a newfound development in the last couple of years since you've become party chair and you're doing a terrific job? The efforts we're undertaking in this cycle are unprecedented.
There's really nothing to compare them with in prior cycles. To be fair, in 2020, a lot of changes were made without the legislature's approval. The drop boxes, a lot of other things that were not anticipated due to COVID and emergency actions being taken by the then state elections board that kind of put us on the back foot.
But we are wide open, working hard, and I think we're prepared to do what we need to do to win. So let's also remind the audience of the voter registration numbers. The raw data. Are there more registered Republicans than Democrats in the state of Georgia? And if so, what are the numbers show? So we don't have party registration in our state, so it's a little bit hard to calculate. I will say that in the new mover data we get from the RNC, we just got the last batch we're going to get for the final quarter. We were very pleased to see those numbers. If you look at the primary election, we outvoted Democrats by a significant number. And importantly, we outvoted Democrats during the early voting period, which is something that has not happened in the past.
So we feel like that was a good trial run for our strategy and that we're well prepared to run up the score in November. So let's talk about the different parts of Georgia. What are the hot spots, if you will, Fulton, Gwinnett, what counties, what areas, Augusta, kind of give our audience an education of the geography of Georgia, where we really need to kind of be emphasizing and focusing our attention.
So it's obviously a couple of different things. Number one, counties that you may think of as Democratic strongholds in Georgia, these core urban counties like Fulton and DeKalb, Muskogee in the western part of the state, Chatham, Savannah, these are all places where it's very important for us to turn out because there are huge numbers of Republicans in those counties. We're also doing a lot with election integrity in those areas. The second sort of band of counties that are really important are these Republican strongholds, places that we did not perform as well as we needed to in the best Senate runoff in 2021. That's Northwestern Georgia, the 9th congressional district, the 14th congressional district, Rome and Dalton, Rome and Dalton, some other ex-urban Atlanta counties like Bartow County, Cherokee County, those are really critical. And then the third sort of bucket of counties where we want to over perform are the over 100 rural counties in Georgia. If we just get an extra one and a half turnout in those counties alone and did nothing else, we would win and win with the margin. So those are our three areas of focus, making sure we turn out strong in the urban, make sure we bring those hesitant voters back in the ex-urban Republican strongholds, and then making sure we improve on our performance in those rural counties. What positive news can you share with the audience as far as progress in the right direction of election integrity? Have things improved since 2020?
Absolutely. Just this year, we had three great election integrity bills passed by our legislature signed into law by Governor Kemp. And then in May, we switched finally to an election integrity-minded majority on our state elections board. And they've been doing a lot since May to adopt rules that are going to make this election a fair election, one we can have confidence in.
And of course, that's all we want, because I believe if we have a level playing field, we're going to win this thing. So important, the state of Georgia. If you win, again, I'm very into the state of Arizona, so I don't want to undersell our efforts here. But if you just win Pennsylvania and Georgia and North Carolina, and we're going to win North Carolina, but if you win Pennsylvania and Georgia, Donald J. Trump is the 47th President of the United States. So what Josh McCune is doing, he could deliver the republic.
And so all of you guys should be applauding him at home. He's doing a great job. We're trying to help with what we can on the ground. Georgia is not a primary emphasis or focus of ours, but we're trying our best.
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Check it out, myphdweightloss.com. Josh McCune continues with us, is the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party. So Josh, talk about how everybody could play a role. Let's pretend we have a huge audience, for example, right now in South Carolina, right on the border of Georgia. And I get emails from people from Anderson, from Greenville, from Aiken, from right on the border. And they say, ah, South Carolina's red.
What can I do? What can they do? For example, if they are in Clearwater, South Carolina, which is just right across the border from South Carolina to Georgia, if they came to Georgia, how could you put them to work? And talk about the Augusta region, that Augusta region, Joe Biden overperformed in 2020. If we win that county, if I'm not mistaken, that could offset almost the entire state. Continue to educate us on Georgia, please.
Absolutely. So the Augusta area, you have Richmond County, which is more akin to, if you think about Fulton, a county that tends to perform for the Democrats. And then you have Columbia County, which is one of our strongest performing Republican counties in the state. So a strong turnout in Columbia and narrowing that margin in Richmond, you're correct.
It definitely would be worth 11, 12,000 votes. In terms of South Carolina, I'm pleased to tell you that I've been in touch with their leadership there. South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick, we're working on some plans for joint deployments.
But you can make phone calls, obviously. That's something that we'd love to have help with. Also, in Georgia, there is no residency requirement to be a poll watcher.
And we are still booking poll watcher shifts. So if there are people in South Carolina that would like to come to Columbia, Richmond, some of the other counties, the 12 congressional districts right along the border, we'd love to have them. So there are plenty of opportunities, whether you come in physically or things you can do remotely to help us. And we're working on those things very closely with the South Carolina GOP, but would love to hear from anybody if they want to reach out to us directly as well. Yeah, and if you live in Alabama, if you live in Chattanooga, come right across the border and come get engaged.
Come get involved. So I'm doing a couple visits to Georgia, Josh. I'm going to be visiting the college campuses. I'm going to be going to Athens.
I'm going to be going to Georgia State University. Did the murder of Lake and Riley, do you think that will improve our chances in the Athens area in particular, which is typically a Democrat stronghold in a college town? So there are a couple of things happening in Athens-Clarke County. You definitely have the Lake and Riley case, which obviously has seized national attention, not just here in Georgia.
But we also have one of the worst district attorneys in the entire state of Georgia, Soros-funded DA named Deborah Gonzalez, who's facing an independent candidate there. So there are a couple of things there that I think could really help us improve our performance that we've had in previous cycles in Athens-Clarke County. And frankly, again, in a lot of these places, it's about making sure those low propensity voters, I know you've talked about this over and over again, we've got a lot of Republicans that we just need to make sure turn out and show up. So that's what we're really focused on. Now you have to request an AB ballot in Georgia, is that right?
That's correct. You have to send in an application, then your local elections office will send you the ballot, you fill it out, and then you can either mail it in, or as we're encouraging a lot of people to do, to just physically hand carry it into your elections office. Because I don't know about Arizona, we've had a few issues with the mail out here in Georgia and the Atlanta area.
We've had a couple issues. I will say it's a little bit harder because in Arizona, we basically have universal mail-in balloting, like 72% of all people get ballots. Georgia, that is certainly not the case. So can you repeat the website, about 30 seconds remaining, Josh, of how people can get involved if they live in Chattanooga, if they live in Birmingham, if they're in Tuscaloosa, and they're like, look, I live in a red state, or even if, hey, if you're in Jacksonville.
Here's the thing. Georgia is surrounded by red states, everybody. We've got a red state surrounding. Every single state that borders Georgia is now a red state.
So we now need every red state to deploy thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Josh, how can people do it? Please repeat the website. Gagop.org. Gagop.org. And if you want to reach out to me personally, Josh. J-O-S-H at G-A-G-O-P.org.
It's great. We turned Georgia. We saved the world.
It's that simple. We win Pennsylvania. We win Georgia. Josh, great work. Thanks so much. Thank you for having me, Charlie. You bet. I am going to both Georgia State University and University of Georgia. We're going to announce that at some point.
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Wonderful organization, MyPillow.com. Joining us now is Josh Hammer, very smart man with an article at Newsweek.com. He is a Newsweek contributor, does a great job. Also the Josh Hammer show as well. Josh, welcome to the program. Tell us about your piece.
No one is buying it. Yeah, Charlie, great to join you as always. So look, I mean, watching the Democratic National Convention this week, which, you know, first of all, let me just say, I mean, it's kind of old hat.
It's trite to call the current manifestation of the Democratic Party socialist or woke, whatever. I mean, Charlie, I think you'd probably agree that what we saw this week in Chicago is outright demonic and satanic. I mean, the planned parenthood van, the on-demand abortions, you know, come for an ice cream sundae, stay for an abortion. You know, come for a slice of pizza, stay for your vasectomy. We'll snip your vast deference while you're at it.
I mean, this is satanic stuff. But if there was one leitmotif, if there was one theme over the course of this convention, and it definitely was not substantive, you know, they didn't touch on any of the actual issues. Some people were saying that Kamala Harris touched on substance last night because she vaguely alluded to getting you affordable housing. That's not a policy. That's just a vague reference hiding as a policy.
But if there was one theme throughout the week, it's this idea that they're unified, that it's like a grand kumbaya up there, that we're all just one happy family. And the point of my column, no one is buying this, is just that, that no one who has more than two brain cells operating between the ears is actually buying this. You know, Joe Biden gets up there Monday evening, says he's not angry at the coup plotters. He's not angry at Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries. Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me? I mean, for basically that entire month from the CNN debate until the July 21st coup, Joe Biden and his team were defiant that he was not going anywhere. He skipped town. He jetted to California right after his speech so that he wouldn't be there for Barack and Michelle on Tuesday. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, they were in Milwaukee when Barack and Michelle spoke. Apparently, so says Jackie Heinrich of Fox News, apparently they were there, and this is what common sense would indicate as well, they were there because she didn't want to offend her putative boss, Joe Biden, by being in the same room as Barack and Michelle Obama. So this notion that they're unified, I mean, as recently as two and a half months ago, before the June 27 debate, early in June, early this year, they were all saying on the left, they were trying to encourage Joe Biden to ditch Kamala Harris because she was viewed as a weight, as an albatross around the neck here because she's catastrophically unpopular. The woman is about as likable, as I say, as venereal disease. And now they're saying that she's the grand savior, that this party is unified around here.
Barack Obama does the whole, yes, she can shtick, trying to get back that 2008 magic. I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone's buying it, Charlie. They're trying to give off this image of a unified party. I don't buy it for a second. So I think you're exactly right. And they unify based on just hatred of Trump and pure party loyalty. So Josh, help me understand.
And I did a whole first hour on this. They were lying about their radicalism. They were lying about how left-wing they actually are. But from the stage, they had to masquerade as if they were more conservative than they, not just a little bit conservative, but like more mainstream than they really are because they know at the base of the Democrat Party, their ideas do not resonate with most Americans.
Can you talk about the masquerading, the deception that was on full display? Yeah, totally. I mean, let's just take one issue. So I mean, if there's one substantive issue right now that I think divides the current Democratic Party, probably like none other, it's probably the war in the Middle East and the Gaza, Hamas stuff, Israel, all that.
So let's take a look at that. So on Monday night, Joe Biden does the whole both sides thing, right? He says the protesters outside have a point, too many innocents have been killed on both sides.
Okay, too many innocents have been killed actually on both sides, but that's not really talking about who's responsible for the killing when Hamas is firing the rockets from within mosques, within schools. Charlotte, you know all this obviously. But then later on in the week after that less than stellar start, shall we say, you had the parents of Hersh Goldberg Poland, the American hostage, the parents were on stage. And everyone on social media, on TV was making a huge deal out of the fact that the parents got a big standing ovation. They had a rounding applause, you know, bring them home.
Well, first of all, I mean, I watched it. That was not really the same round of applause that the hostage family who spoke at the RNC got. But even holding that aside here, the more important point is, what is the purpose of this bring them home rhetoric unless you have the policies to match it at the same time that the DNC delegates were clapping like a bunch of idiot seals chanting, bring them home, which obviously is a message I support.
I don't want the listeners here to get the wrong impression. But at the same time that they were chanting that, Joe Biden and his Adelbrain Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, were making the rounds from Cairo, Egypt to Doha, Qatar, trying to do the exact opposite. They were trying to put pressure on Israel. Whereas if you actually want to bring the hostages home, the only way we actually had a massive hostage swap over the entire course of this terrible war, it was last November, December was a massive swap. That came by putting pressure on Hamas. So if you actually wanted to bring them home, if you actually want to do that, you had to put pressure on the people holding the innocence captive. You put pressure on Sinwar and Hamas. You put pressure on the Ayatollah in Iran.
I mean, this is just common sense, obviously. But these platitudes, this rhetoric, none of it means anything when their policies indicate the exact opposite. And there's so many issues on that front. They're talking about securing the border. Obviously, we've had the border completely overrun, the worst illegal alien invasion in the nation's history.
It's not even close. I mean, Kamala says that she's going to secure that border. You know, let's ask the families whose children have been killed by teenage illegal aliens whether or not Kamala Harris is going to secure that border. She's talking about affordable housing.
Let's talk about the fact that inflation reached 9.1% on a CPI annualized basis during this presidency back in 2022, a 40-year high. I mean, they're saying some of the right things, not all, but some of the right things there. But it's totally meaningless when what they're actually doing belies their leftist radicalism.
That's exactly right. And so on the Israel-Gaza thing, moving forward, do you think that she just managed to tick off both sides by what she said? As someone who is resolutely pro-Israel, can you kind of go through, if someone is, let's just say Jewish voters in Pennsylvania, do you think they're more or less likely to support Kamala Harris after that speech? You know, unfortunately, Charlie, they probably are more likely because, look, I mean, there was a lot of tension, I think, from a, I'm obviously not a Democrat, but I think a lot of Jewish Democrats were tense all week watching this convention, especially after Joe Biden did the whole both sides thing. You have these thousands of pro-Hamas protesters outside with the kafias. There was actually even a Taliban flag in there.
I mean, these are truly radical scumbags that the Democrats have attracted in the street thug wing of their party. So Kamala Harris gets up there, and she also does the both sides thing. I mean, she says the most platitudinous thing imaginable. You know, she says that Israel has a right to defend itself.
You know, Charlie, I'm working on a book manuscript right now. It'll be out, God willing, March 2025, called Israel and Civilization, the Fate of the Jewish Nation, the Destiny of the West. And I actually talk about this exact talking point. I hate it when politicians of both parties, frankly, but Democrats do it more often, get up there and just say that Israel has a right to exist and defend itself. How utterly demeaning and belittling. I mean, would we ever say that about like Mexico or Peru or Germany or Japan? Would anyone ever say Japan has a right to defend itself or Poland has a right to exist? I mean, what does that even mean?
I mean, it means absolutely nothing. So, you know, a bunch of potty-trained, house-trained Jewish Democrats are probably clapping along like the same seals I just alluded to when they hear this. And then 10 seconds later, Kamala says, on the other hand, on the other hand, what's happened and blah, blah, blah is inexcusable, which obviously way too many people have died, but you're totally ignoring the question as to who was at fault here. So to answer your question directly, yes, I actually do fear there probably are a lot of center-left Jewish Democrats, center-left, maybe Christians who care about this issue, who probably were falsely and incorrectly assuaged by Kamala Harris's speech last night, but they shouldn't be.
They definitely should not be. And the fact that the Democrats have attracted this street thug movement outside of the arena, the fact that people were waiting with bated breath all week to see whether these so-called uncommitted delegates, the Hamasniks from Dearborn, Michigan, and little Mogadishu in Minneapolis, that we were all waiting with bated breath to see whether these miscreants would try to shout them down with genocide, Joe. I mean, the fact that we were waiting to see whether that would manifest itself, I think says all you need to know. So Josh, in closing here, based on what you learned from the DNC, what would you say is, what should President Trump's takeaway be and advice you would give President Trump and his campaign coming out of the DNC? So this week, Charlie, I think what Democrats tried to do is they tried to paint Kamala Harris as a blank slate.
As a blank slate onto which you can just project all of your innermost hopes and your desires and what you wish when it comes to the economy and Kumbaya and John Lennon's Imagine song and all this stuff here. The problem with depicting Kamala Harris as a blank slate is that she's not a blank slate. She was the single most left-wing member of the United States Senate based on the voting track record for at least one or two years of her fairly terse Senate tenure. I mean, this is a body that includes people like Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders. I mean, this is someone who was compared ICE agents to the Ku Klux Klan, who supported a full ban on fracking, who supports Medicare for all.
I could go on and on here, but her track record is obscene. This is someone who during the Christine Blasey forward Brett Kavanaugh showdown back in September 2018, she was probably the single leading civilizational jihadist throwing out 5,000 years of innocent or proven guilty due process norms trying to impugn and derail the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. This is a radical, radical left-winger. And my unsolicited advice to the Trump campaign would be that you have to make sure that the voters understand that, that she is not a blank slate. She is not just about joy and vibes and all of this other platitudinous garbage that they were throwing out at the convention this week. This is a radical woman whose father, if I recall, was an actual Marxist economics professor. It's a little bit of an oxymoron, but he identified as a Marxist on the Stanford economics faculty. This is a woman who was trained in Bay Area California radicalism and to this day is a far left radical who would fundamentally transform America. The light switch Barack Obama could never even have imagined.
Josh Hammer, check out the Josh Hammer show and newsweek.com. Thanks so much. You bet.
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Don't get fooled by other providers pretending to share your values or the same coverage. Go to patriotmobile.com slash Charlie or call 972-Patriot for your free month of service today. That is patriotmobile.com slash Charlie, patriotmobile.com slash Charlie. Joining us now is Brian Glenn. Brian does an amazing job, campaign correspondent for Real America's Voice, host Saving America with Brian Glenn. Brian, you are at the RFK event. What are you hearing?
What are you seeing? Is RFK going to endorse Donald Trump today? Well, that seems to be the buzz in the room, Charlie, as we've got a lot of media, as you would expect attending this event. And we've got some invite only some volunteers that will be sitting down behind me, but that is the buzz that he will be withdrawing himself from the 2024 presidential race.
And in fact, endorsing president Trump. Now we'll say this, Charlie, I talked to one campaign volunteer about an hour ago and he, he said he doesn't even know what is expected to happen today. Now, whether or not that is unanimous around the campaign or not, but a lot of speculation. And I kind of, I'm going with what President Trump pushed out on social media earlier today about this, you know, upcoming special guest at the event in Glendale and having this silhouette of what would look like an RFK Jr.
But hey, we're going to find out here in a few minutes as he is set to take the stage and address this crowd. So the, from supporters you've talked to in the room or friendly media, are they excited about this prospect? Are they disappointed? Are they kind of neutral? Tell us more about it. I would say, Charlie, they're kind of neutral.
And I'll be honest with you. When I walked in into this area, I had a couple of people say, wow, it's kind of weird to see you here at this event, very synonymous with covering Trump events. And I will say this is the first non political event outside of president Trump I have ever covered.
So I think it's, it's somewhat neutral. They don't really know what to expect. And, and will this endorsement on President Trump really pull that percentage across the finish line that President Trump would need at the end of the day? So does those voters, will that be the difference in this election, Charlie, as we know, it will come down as, as it always does to a very small amount of voters. So could that small amount of voters be, in fact, the people that were going to vote for Robert Kennedy Jr.?
Will they now be Trump supporters and make that difference? We'll find out. So yeah, any thoughts on timing here, Brian, he should be coming on any minute here, seeing him and then of course, we have our event all happening in Arizona seems a little bit too, too much serendipity, potentially.
Yeah, it does. Actually, I know the timing here is set for not about 30 minutes from now. Now I know they're going to have a few speakers before he comes out.
It should not take that long from when also I've been told it will be kind of a brief messaging event. And then we are going to transition over to Glendale, to your event, into the big event tonight. I know we have on the ground coverage there with all the Trump supporters outside the arena and all the interviews inside of the great speakers, all the great production that you expect from your organization.
It was just the best. And but hey, I'm really looking forward to see what this event looks like. It is different, though, Charlie, to come to this type of event and kind of see the other side of the curtain, if you will, from the political aisle. But it should be very interesting and historic here in just a few.
You know, Brian, a minute remaining. You spend a lot of time at the rank and file of the MAGA movement. Would you say the rank and file of the MAGA movement have a generally favorable view of RFK? That's a great question. My initial thoughts yesterday is that they did not care.
That's my initial response. But I think at the end of the day, we know how every vote is important. And if they feel like this will pull those voters into his camp and give him the lead and give him the edge in the election, then I think they're very much concerned. If they feel if they feel like like I'm with you, I think that this thing is neck and neck and we need every vote that counts. And if it needs to come from this camp, then let's welcome these people under the MAGA umbrella and let's get this America first agenda done. But I think I think it's probably 50-50 for the most part.
I don't think they view him as an enemy of any sorts, but I think they're so into the Trump camp that they don't look anywhere else. I think tonight, if it ends up happening, RFK will get a hero's welcome. We'll see what happens. Brian, thank you so much. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. See you shortly. Okay, we have to head over to Glendale.
Hour three coming up here. Recap from Kamala's speech last evening. President Trump and RFK, will they be together? We don't know.
That is the question. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to CharlieKirk.com.
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