Hey, everybody. Happy Monday.
It's an Ask Me Anything episode. Should you vote early? We talk about that. Can America survive being a post-Christian nation? Should Islam be banned and made illegal?
That and more. Email us as always. Freedom at CharlieKirk.com.
Get involved with Turning Point USA. And if you want to be one of these people to ask the question, that's why you become a member. It's Members.CharlieKirk.com. Members.CharlieKirk.com.
It's your opportunity to ask me questions directly. Members.CharlieKirk.com. That is Members.CharlieKirk.com. Buckle up, everybody.
Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Okay, let's start with Ella. Ella, thank you for being a member. Ella cannot unmute herself because she is at work, and I appreciate that. Charlie, I can't unmute, so if you have time at the end for my question, I would appreciate it.
Well, Ella, we're actually doing it at the beginning. I've been in the workforce for about six years now, and I've always been in the marketing field. I've always been a conservative. But in the past year or so, I've really tried to do my homework and look at the issues our country faces and make sure I understand what's going on. I'm realizing that in my current role and roles in the past, I've almost had to fake being a liberal in order to do my job and get along with co-workers.
What advice do you have for those of us who are experiencing this? I just want to do my job and stay true to myself and my values, but I feel like the job pool gets smaller and smaller the more I stand for and stay true to my values and beliefs. Okay, so let's first say you're in a tough position, Ella. You believe certain things. You have a worldview. You have deeply held values.
You have strong values, and they're inconsistent with where you currently work. Here's my only piece of advice, which is if you have to fake being somebody that you are not, then you are lying, and it is not right to lie. There's only very few circumstances where I could say that it is okay to lie. For example, if the secret police knock on your door and they say, are you hiding Jews?
It's okay to say no, you're not hiding Jews, even though you are. Okay, but to fake being a liberal at a job, that does more damage to your soul and to your being than I think you even realize. So you have a couple options. Number one, you can say you're a conservative and stand up for yourself regardless of the peer pressure, and if they fire you, they fire you. Number two, go find a new job.
You could try to be silent. You could try to dodge and avoid, but based on your question, they basically make you believe what you do not believe. They force the question, which of course is the natural extension of liberalism. Liberalism will lead towards totalitarianism, always. Liberalism is about opening up society. It is about opening up previous norms and customs, which then leads to smaller and smaller groups of people in oligarchy, a combined dictatorship that then can rule the rest of the country.
And they do this on the micro and do this on the macro. So, Ella, you're in a tough spot. I don't know where you live, but I could tell you that there are millions of small business owners that are conservative, that are liberty minded, that would love to employ you. So what advice do you have for those of us that are experiencing this? I just want to do my job and stay true to myself and my values, but I feel like the job pool gets smaller and smaller. You're gonna have to probably find a job that is consistent with your values or stand up for yourself, and if they fire you, they fire you. There's worse things in the world than being fired.
And I believe worse than being fired is living a lie. I know that's tough, Ella, and here to support you. Thank you for being a member. Okay, let's go to Andrew. Andrew is a live caller. Andrew, thank you for being a member. Andrew, make sure you unmute yourself. Andrew, what's on your mind?
Hey, Charlie. For context, I'm an attorney here in Indiana, and I run a Facebook group called Integrity in Elections. Just from the last election, the great job that TP Action and people like Scott Pressler have done, we know Republicans are going to be winning most, if not all the swing states, both for president and the Senate races, by midnight on election night. But what's going on on the front to help prevent Democrats from shipping in whatever number of votes they feel like they need to count more than we have by our legitimate means? I really want to help make a difference. Well, first, Andrew, thank you for your being a member. Secondly, I love that you're involved and you want to be doing things on the ground. That's very important. It's important to be a participant, not a spectator.
Thirdly, thank you for your kind words. I hope that we'll be winning in these battleground states by midnight. We are working our tail off. We're seeing a lot of good stuff on the ground. It feels better on the ground than it did two weeks ago.
I can tell you right now, it feels much better on the ground than it did two weeks ago. I think the honeymoon period is largely ending for Kamala Harris. To be perfectly honest, the RNC is doing a good amount, the campaign is doing enough, but we as a general movement have not done enough to secure our elections. And I just want to put an asterisk on it, that we will not have 100% secure elections going into this cycle. We will not. We will have better elections because of certain things, but there still are so many problems with signature verification, so many problems with dirty voter rolls, so many problems with voting month.
And so there's no guarantee. We will have poll watchers, the number one thing that can happen right now. And to the RNC's credit, they did this in Nevada, and Michael Watley is doing a good job on this, which is we need to sue regarding the voting rolls. We need to sue after the voter rolls and clean up dirty voter rolls. Here's the equation, is when you have dirty voter rolls, then they base the mail-in ballots off of the voter rolls. So if you have voter rolls that are corrupted and voter rolls that need to be cleaned, well then you have a list of ballots that get sent out. So then you have an oversupply of ballots, many of which are dirty ballots, but they seem as if they're legit. And then they get filled out erroneously, they get filled out illegitimately, and they get sent into the voting center. And then it is indistinguishable between a real ballot and a ballot that got filled out incorrectly. So then once the ballot leaves the envelope, there is no ability to be able to see the difference, to differentiate if you are the vote counter or the vote processor, because it goes back to the original sin, which is corrupted voter rolls. So that is where the RNC is spending a lot of their time. I think that is necessary.
We need to remove hundreds of thousands of dead and moved and transient voters at the very least. So, Andrew, thank you for being involved. Love it. I really appreciate it.
Thank you. Natalie is next. Natalie, make sure you unmute yourself. Natalie, thank you for being a member. What is on your mind?
Hey, Charlie, big fan. I know you and the Turning Point Action team and other podcasters like Dan Bongino keep saying to vote early in case they pull shenanigans on Election Day. But my question is, and a lot of people keep asking me this in my circle, how do we know that they're not just going to throw away the Trump ballots that come in early and cheat that way? Do you on the inside, do you have confidence that the early votes will definitely be counted?
Well, I don't necessarily. I do want to be clear, though, that if you vote early, the ballots are not counted until Election Day. So that's an important thing. They're not counted in advance, so they will not necessarily be able to tell which votes are which. Number two, you can vote in person, so then those votes get logged and they're not corrupted. But yes, theoretically, people could throw away ballots and people could throw things away. However, we do want to be very clear that in Florida, for example, we've embraced early voting and we've taken over the entire state of Florida. Now, there are some states where they do pre-canvassing. In Pennsylvania, they do not count ballots early and they do not do pre-canvassing. Is it a perfect solution to be able to vote early? Well, that's where poll watching works in and poll working goes in at the voting center itself, which is we need to make sure that ballots are not being destroyed and ballots are not being discarded just because they are Trump ballots. And so I can't give you 100 percent certainty, Natalie, because at some point you have to have some trust in the system that the system will actually work. But if the response and the argument is, hey, don't vote early because they might throw your vote away, I think that's a weak argument.
Now, I want to be clear. If you are OK standing in line for a couple of hours, if you're OK standing in line for a couple hours, go vote on Election Day. Be ready for it. You'll probably end up voting.
That's fine. But we should advertise a culture of early voting, especially if you are a lower likely voter. Otherwise known as a lower propensity voter, we need to make sure you vote early in the system because the chances you show up on Election Day are very low. OK. And by the way, the easiest way to throw away the election is to not vote at all. And I know you agree with that, Natalie.
I hope that helps. I want to be very clear. There is no reason or no excuse not to vote.
Some people say, oh, I'm not going to vote. It's a waste of time. It takes five minutes, guys.
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Hi, Charlie. So John Adams says our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It's wholly inadequate to go to the government of any other.
You've mentioned that several times. I believe our forefathers, when they added the freedom of religion to the First Amendment by religion, that they meant the various Judeo Christian denominations. In a recent post you shared, you cite the original state constitutions before we were the United States as requiring a statement of faith. Most were Protestant.
One was Catholic. Our Constitution draws from Deuteronomy more than any other singular book. I do not believe it was ever intended for one of these United States to do as Minnesota has done and authorized the Islamic call to prayer five times a day. My question is, do you think we need a constitutional amendment to clarify that? Well, that's a good question.
It's probably not a constitutional amendment. I think this is more of an immigration question. And this is a great first of all, thank you for being a member. Very smart. You know your stuff and you listen intently.
Thank you. So you're exactly right. And this is the this is the death of this is the death of America via pluralism, which is we are a very tolerant, open minded people. So we import people from all over the world and sometimes they have hideous worldviews and they have insidious ideologies. I mean, you look at Elon Omar, her worldview is awful.
Elon Omar is filled with ingratitude. She's a Somali Muslim who just won reelection in her primary and the Muslim call to prayer is there. And is that what the founding fathers intended when they thought of religious liberty, religious freedom? And this is a very important point because it actually is more about what we are bringing to the homeland more so than the First Amendment. And I'm not one that wants to try to grow the government to police, you know, other people's personal religious practices. But we must look at the fruit of what our actual immigration policies are generating.
And that's number one. Number two, I think that it's very clear that if if we are fostering a secular society, which we are, and there is this nonstop war on Christianity and war on religion. And meanwhile, Islam gets a complete pass for a lot of the brutalism, the cruelty for the extremism and for the radicalism that occurs here in this country. And especially when it comes to Islamic views on Western values, on women voting, even women driving, you have to wonder, is it really compatible with Western civilization? And you see that bubbling up even more, more immediately in the United Kingdom right now.
In the United Kingdom right now, you have the Mohammedans that have come into the United Kingdom because they were invited by the Wokeys or by the liberals, the conservatives, not the Conservative Party, but the actual conservatives did nothing, did nothing. And so then you have whoever has the biggest sword will end up taking over the country ever end up taking over the civilization. And Islam is literally all about the sword. It's about conquering. It's about conquest. It's about absorbing. It's about taking over. And they're very, very good at it. And it's about mass repopulation and having more babies and replacing the indigenous population with a Mohammedan one, which is exactly what is occurring across Europe right now.
And it's chilling and scary. And it could happen here. Thankfully, we don't have the same sort of numbers or the proximity to the Middle East, where it's not occurring here.
But you bring up a very important point here in closing as we close out the segment, which is the tension. And this is the most provocative question that can be asked in regards to the Constitution, which is if John Adams was right, and he says the Constitution was written only and solely for a moral and religious people, what happens when the people are no longer moral and religious? Is the Constitution still feasible? Is the Constitution still law of the land?
And that's why I think that John Adams quote is so important. Because people say, Charlie, why are we living in a post-constitutional order? We don't have a president. We have an administrative state. We have bureaucrats that run the entire nation.
How did this happen? It goes back to that John Adams quote, because he understood that obviously better than anybody else. He was one of the founding fathers. He didn't write the Constitution, but he was part of that kind of founding generation, studied it closely, understood it. So when the people fail to be moral and religious, when people fail to have a belief in the divine or the internal or a transcendent authority or a transcendent standard, when that no longer exists, then can you live in a constitutional republic? And that is why we've always said that we must win the election to buy us time, because long term, the Constitution will no longer be our system, our form or our structure of government, if there is not a religious and a moral revival. You cannot have liberty if people do not cherish liberty as a value.
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Wonderful organization, MyPillow.com. Let's go to Nathaniel. Nathaniel, thank you for being a member. Nathaniel, what is on your mind?
Hey, so just a question for you regarding this. Upcoming elections, being how volatile everything is right now, you know, if Harris wins, do you really think that there's going to be a peaceful transition from Biden to Harris? And same thing with Trump if it goes from Biden to Trump. I mean, it seems like all parties are pretty much very hostile and divided at the moment. And it also kind of seems like we have a lot of outside influence that's kind of pushing the agenda of even our own elections. And I know you're just recently talking about that, but I just don't feel like we're going to have that safety and security.
And they're finding ways to constantly push these illegals coming in here, giving them IDs, giving them voter registration cards. So do you really think if the Democrats win this upcoming election that there will be still that continuous peace for four years and we won't see any type of internal wars between ourselves? Great question.
Thank you, Nathaniel, for being a member. Let's start first with if Trump wins. Just listen to Biden himself. There is no guarantee that there will be a peaceful transition to Trump. And if Trump were to win, they'll do everything they can.
Jamie Raskin has said this. They might interrupt Congress. They might not certify the election. They might not allow the electoral votes to be counted.
That's number one. Number two, if Trump were to lose, that's a tougher question. I'm afraid and I do not want this to happen and I will do everything I can to prevent this from happening. I'm afraid that if Kamala Harris were to win, this country will detonate. I'm very afraid.
That's kind of how I feel like, too. I feel like if if we have a Democrat vote that goes into the office, I don't think the Republicans honestly, I feel like Republicans aren't doing anything right now. You know, we have people that are giving strong voices, but no ramifications or anything ever actually comes of it. Nobody gets fired.
Nobody gets jailed. But the second we have stuff that goes on for the Republican side, it's people are getting jailed for treason and stuff like that. So there's no other foot that's kind of dropping and there's no push by the Republicans, I feel like, to even make that change in showing a vast effort that they even are holding people accountable. Yeah, look, so I don't know what it will look like based on what I've, here's the problem, is that you have a portion of the population, let's say a couple million people for sure that are hyper engaged politically, that will not accept the election results if Donald Trump were to fall short.
And I would find it hard to believe, too, in many different ways. And the temperature is going to keep on rising. Trump got shot. You have the indictments, you have the convictions. The indictment part really is going to be hard to calm people down. I got to be honest, I'm going to try my best.
That's going to be hard because it's so off. If they, for example, if they sentence Donald Trump to prison in September, and Kamala Harris wins because Donald Trump is in prison, and they just can't help themselves, that's, that's really tough. But let's be very clear. Do not let them trick you into doing something that will lead to justify another crackdown. They want more January 6, they love the idea of Trump supporters doing something like completely doomed stunts that get them arrested, that will justify gun grabs, surveillance and indictments. And even if Trump were to lose, which I hope he does not, I will not give up on America.
America might be gone, by the way, the Rubicon might be crossed, but I will not act and I will not fight as if America is done or gone. So I am afraid that if Trump were to lose there, there could be some unrest. I'm not confident on that.
I'm not clear on that. But I think it's a very important question. Thank you, Nathaniel. Tim, up next, what's on your mind?
Hey, Charlie. I know you had, this week you had, hold on one second, you had Megan Bostemann with Shepherds for Sale, and she was talking about how Soros is getting curriculum, even at the evangelical churches. So I have a suggestion I want to run by you, and that's if Turning Point could offer a counterpunch to help equip those of us that are in the audience to lead the fight at the church level. So what do you think about Turning Point creating a weekly, like a 25 minute video podcast we could download? We could either show it in Sunday school or small group, use it kind of as a discussion point, bring things to the attention of our friends, have that discussion inside the church, have something we need to pray about each week. And, you know, in the scriptural, a lot of times there's a scriptural connection.
So that's my suggestion that I wanted to kind of bounce off of you. Yeah, so Tim, I think that's really smart. And we are doing something similar to that for pastors in particular, not for the rank and file. You can find some of that curriculum at tpfaith.com. That's tpfaith.com.
But look, this is, yes, Soros is pumping in curriculum for small group leaders, for pastors, for people on the ground, that can then propagandize the entire church around far left wing values that is masquerading, camouflaging, and disguising as Christianity. Tim, I want to thank you for being a member and thank you for being a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. That is the most important thing. Thank you, my friend. Thank you, Charlie. Ricky is next. Ricky, thank you for being a member.
Make sure you unmute. What's on your mind? Hey, Mr. Kirk, how are you?
Very good. What is on your mind? A couple questions in regards to law fair.
Your best approach suggestion as how we should punish to stop it, legislate to prevent it, or long term bring awareness to kill the desire or maybe all three. And then just on a personal note of the people that you've met, such as President Trump or Elon Musk, I'm not sure who you've met. Maybe a story about that, that maybe we wouldn't know about that person would be kind of interesting to see if it's different from the media. So yeah, let me start with the law. You said law fair was the first question, right? So law fair.
So the key first for law fair is that we must make mutually assured destruction. It is time for us to start indicting and investigating them. Still, we do not have a single indictment or serious investigation into BLM or Black Lives Matter what they did during Floyd Palooza.
We still do not have a serious investigation into the Southern Poverty Law Center. ActBlue is begging us for a serious investigation to look into them. At a minimum, the GOP should be demanding all the documents that you can. The left is great about this. Gather documents, gather documents, gather documents, gather documents. They harass every right wing organization.
I can say this from personal experience, by the way, for all of its communications, all of its papers. They did this to the NRA, to the Trumps, and then you have 50 million pieces of paper and you find two or three that can then lead you to a criminal conviction. More laws, the less justice. You get all these papers, all these documents, all these emails, all this sworn testimony, and eventually you can lead it towards criminal conviction.
Lawfare will not stop unless we reciprocate. And again, Donald Trump, he might be sentenced to prison in September. What is sentencing day? Is that September 18th or September 11th? What is sentencing day?
They keep on moving it. Whatever, it's not that important. Mid-September, Donald Trump will be sentenced to something. My guess is that they're going to sentence him to a short prison sentence in 2025. They're not going to do it during the election. They're going to do it in 2025, which will then make it September 18th. Thank you.
It'll make it a political campaign issue. As far as a story, yes, I know President Trump. We are close. He's a good man. I'll tell you one of my favorite stories. This is the most Trumpian story ever. I was at Mar-a-Lago for Easter, actually, with Erica early on when we were dating, and I was meeting a donor there and I knew Trump was going to be there. Trump calls me over to his table. We talk for about 20 minutes. Trump's like, what are you doing the rest of the day? I'm like, oh, you know, just hanging out. He's like, why don't you just fly with me to D.C.? He's like, we got more to talk about. I'm like, what? And his staff was like, no, sir, you can't. He's like, no, no, no, no.
He just like overrides all of them. He's like, I want Charlie on the plane. So Erica and I got to fly on Easter Sunday in 2019. That's right.
It was, let me think about that. Yeah, it was Easter 2019 on Air Force One. And so that was like one of the coolest things ever. And we hung out and he had meatloaf on Easter Sunday on Air Force One.
Never forget it and hung out there. And as a kid from Chicago who did not go to college to just be spontaneously invited on Air Force One. And President Trump, he shows around Air Force One like it's his own plane because it is his own plane. And he's like, let's go up to the top. Let's go up to the top. And so we go up to the top of Air Force One and it's all these military guys staring at screens, flying the plane.
There must be 10 of them. And President Trump's going around, you know, and all of them. They had such great respect for him. Like, sorry, Mr. President, I have to focus on this. Like, oh, you know, you guys know how to fly the plane. So that was that was a great memory.
And that's I cannot think of any other politician that would act that way. That would be that magnanimous, that generous and that just kind of open to have. How old was I at the time? I was 25 years old, 25 years old, being able to just spontaneously be invited on Air Force One. The staff was like, I don't know about this. Ah, whatever. I want to talk to him.
So we kept Trump company on Easter in 2019 on Air Force One. Pretty great. OK, let's go to the next question here. Steve, thank you for being a member. What's on your mind?
Steve, what is on your mind? You know, I've been going around and around, you know, and everybody's talking about voter elite, banker votes and all that. And I understand that if you're if you if there's any chance you're not going to vote in person.
I completely understand it. But I really encourage people to vote in person if if they're at all possible. Because, again, how do we trust the back? Because in Pennsylvania, they they shifted all the mail in ballots to go directly to the county. They no longer go to the local polling places. So you can't have local people, you know, judge of elections, verify that it's a legitimate ballot. And if if somebody shows up to vote in person and they claim they requested a ballot, they're told they cannot vote because they requested a ballot. So the whole system is is very insecure on the voting side where in-person voting is much more secure. And that's the only problem when I keep hearing people, you know, really encouraging everybody to vote by mail. When I say mail in ballots should be the last to be the last our last in our last resort.
Not not our first. What do you think? So, yes, I agree. So, Steve, let me just let me just reiterate. If you are a high likely voter like you are, Steve, you should go vote in person. I'm going to go vote early in person. Let me tell you why. Because I'm going to be working on Election Day, hosting the show, doing stuff I'm sure you can understand.
But that's just me. Right. So I don't want to have to wait two hours in line in Arizona if something fails. But if you are a high likely voter and you are retired and there's no chance that you're not going to vote, go vote in person. No problem with that. So I think we're in total agreement, Steve. And but understand that you can vote early in person as well. That's that's an important thing.
But if you are someone that is just busy and you're a single mom or you're a police officer working a double and you're like, man, I don't know if I have time to do all this and to vote, please go vote early. And you just said that, Steve, beautifully. That is a complete no brainer. So we're in harmony there, Steve. And thank you for being a member.
Really appreciate it. Virginia is next. Thank you for being a member. Virginia, what's on your mind?
Hi, Charlie. Thank you so much for your dedication to the conservative cause. We are strong supporters of both USANTP action working in the state of Michigan, which, as you know, is a tyrannical state with other volunteers to motivate low propensity disengaged voters. Many of those are in rural areas difficult to reach by door knocking. As a volunteer group, we don't have funds to reach the five hundred thousand to one point three million disengaged voters by mail costing about a dollar each. Yet we need to get absentee ballot applications in the hands of these voters, preferably before September 26th, when the actual absentee absentee ballots are mailed to voters. Calling voters will only reach about 25 to 30 percent due to a lack of available accurate phone numbers.
Do you have any suggestions for us? Yeah, this is a big problem. Thankfully, we don't have this problem in Arizona as much because almost everyone is on the early voting list in Arizona. So it's going to require first the county organizations.
That's number one. It's going to require a county by county operation. So we're happy to help you in Michigan. What part of Michigan are you in, by the way, Virginia?
What part? We live in West Bloomfield and we currently have a Team Michigan app, which is a sister app to TP Action. We've got 12 counties downloaded already.
That is terrific. So, as you know, we are working Michigan and we're doing it mostly in CD7 with the congressional district seven, which is Slotkin's vacated seat. So we look at first and foremost at CD7 as a three for we can pick up the House seat.
We can win the Senate seat, hopefully with Rogers and also then with the presidency. So here's my advice. It's not easy.
The issue is that you have to, there's a couple ways you can, without money, I was going to say you could send out, you know, you could send out mailers to people having them fill it out, but that's not going to work if you don't have money. It's just going to require a lot of volunteer labor, and we're happy to help any way we can with the people we have on the ground. But it's a big challenge, Virginia, it is. But will your focus and your emphasis on getting people onto the AB list is so incredibly important. But, you know, do not, do not fret all the work that you're doing as if you think it's a waste or no, it's not. It is incredibly important.
It is necessary. And we're happy to help any way we can. Okay, Teresa, you are the final question. What's on your mind? Thank you for being a member. Hello, Charlie. Hi, how are you? Thank you for being a member.
Yes, I'm great, Charlie. I'm a big supporter of you with Alex and all, but I just wanted to ask you about that segment you just did with the new head of the TP faith. If that would be available so that we can share it with our woke pastor. Oh, you better believe it. Yes, it will be available on the Charlie Kirk show.
Yes, it'll be available on the. Thank you on the Charlie Kirk show podcast page. So tell me more Teresa, where are you from, and tell me about your pastor. My name is, you know me as Terry McDonnell I'm from the Richmond, Virginia area.
Oh yeah, of course. How are you, I'm good I'm good and we had a big group meeting with the GOP of Goochland County last night trying to get more people out to vote and people helping with the election, which is a whole nother set of problems but on the faith issue we have a pastor who is neutral. For example, he prayed for after the assassination but wouldn't say the name of President Trump, or the guy who was killed because that would be political. He told us to roll with it, and that disgraceful Lord supper at the Olympics, and then I was volunteering there and we were talking politics amongst ourselves and we're told we were not allowed to do that in the church so I've since left the church but I didn't want to give up on the pastor. Yeah, what denomination. It's Presbyterian based. Yeah, that sounds that sounds about right.
Yeah, I was raised Presbyterian so that sounds about right. I'm happy to talk to you offline about some ideas about that but I want to just encourage you and thank you. Being involved in the grassroots is the hardest but most important thing that we can do, and Richmond, Virginia, I'm telling you, Virginia can be a red state long term.
It can be a red state presidentially, it is trending that way. I have not done a campus event in Virginia, except Liberty University ever, and we're going to fix that problem I want to go to Charlottesville in the spring it's on my list. VA Charlottesville. Thank you so much for your support. God bless. Thank you. Members dot Charlie Kirk calm. Thanks so much for listening everybody email us as always freedom at Charlie Kirk calm. Thanks so much for listening, and God bless.
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