Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show, one of my favorite conversations we had in quite some time.
Dr. Brett Weinstein, who calls himself a man of the left, and Angela McArdle, head of the Libertarian Party Committee, joins us to discuss what we need to do to save the Republic. Get involved with Turning Point USA at TPUSA.com. Become a member today. It's members.charleykirk.com. That is members.charleykirk.com. And get involved with Turning Point USA, TPUSA.com.
That is TPUSA.com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. It is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy.
His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Thank you so much for joining us. Dr. Weinstein, host of the Dark Horse podcast and a professor in exile, and Angela McArdle, chair of the Libertarian National Committee.
Dr. Weinstein, I want to start with you. I've been an admirer of yours for many years, and you might not know this, but your original commentary and courage on the COVID vaccine really piqued my curiosity and interest, and it inspired me to speak out at a similar period of time. So I want to thank you for that.
It was, I think, four years ago, three or three and a half years ago with Dr. Malone, and it was seen around the world and I think taken down at the time. So thank you and welcome to the program. Thanks, Charlie.
It's great to be here. Yeah, I'm glad that episode meant something to you. YouTube did take it down.
They demonetized our channel and we remain demonetized to this day. So that's that's part of what we're fighting about is the freedom to speak your mind and express your doubts, scientific and otherwise. Absolutely. So, Angela, welcome to the program. Angela, please introduce yourself to our audience. You are the chair of the Libertarian National Committee, and we have a really good, really important announcement here about joining the resistance. You did host Donald Trump. So introduce yourself, please, to the audience.
Sure. So I chair the National Libertarian Party. We are the third largest political party in the United States. We are all about freedom and individual rights.
We made some some headlines that upset some people in in May at our national convention by hosting former President Donald Trump and also presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. I'm working with Brett. I'm working with people on the right. You know, we are we are we have our heels dug in.
We're ready to save the republic. Well, that is that is more necessary than ever. And you'll definitely find some libertarian leanings on certain issues here in this program. So you are always welcome. So. So, Brett, five, 10 years, let's say a decade ago, you would have been a man of the left.
Is that fair to say? Well, I don't want to scare your audience, but I'm still very much a man of the left. I believe those principles are important. And I you know, frankly, I think we liberals need conservatives to keep our worst impulses in check and vice versa. I see our system is working best when we have people speaking against the impulse to be overly enthusiastic about problem solving and we need people to envision what we could do better.
So I see the American project as one of teamwork. But yes, I still hold to those values. I do not, however, find anything redeeming about the modern Democratic Party.
It seems to have abandoned every principle that it once stood for. And I'm embarrassed by that. This is a party I have belonged to. But I see a major priority for all patriotic Americans in defeating what I call the blue team in November.
I love that. And I want to make sure I'm clear with the distinction. I think you are a liberal. I don't think you are a totalitarian leftist.
That's what I mean. I think that by no means is that fair. I am fair to say.
Let's put it this way. I believe that liberty is the only value that is safe to maximize. There are many values that compete with each other. The only one that we are safe to pursue without concern is liberty because in order to have liberty, you have to solve other problems.
So liberty, if we focus on it together as conservatives, as liberals, and we think about what it means to be free and why it benefits humanity to liberate as many people as fully as possible, then we end up doing our job as conservatives, as liberals, as libertarians. It's really where we should be focused. So the website is terrific. It's JoinTheResistance.org. It has both an event announcement and also seven non-negotiables. Angela, first tell us what is the driving force behind this launch? Tell us more about it.
JoinTheResistance.org. I mean, I think that we're sort of at a turning point in the country and the broader Western world, culturally, politically and spiritually. And, you know, I watched the show that you had yesterday with James Lindsay on and he talks about values being subverted.
You know, maybe it's just a subversion of compassion and that those sort of values have been hijacked by Marxists, by global financial elites, by what we are sort of calling the broader industrial complex umbrella. But our civil liberties, our individual rights are being grossly eroded. And I think that we've got to reclaim them and we need to do it in a very public facing way.
And I think that it's very important to do that right before the election. And I think that it's very important for this to be a unifying movement, that it's not just exclusively right wing, it's dissident left wing. So like people on the left who spoke out against Covid and lockdowns, people on the left who are wise to the financial schemes that are happening.
They're speaking out against the Federal Reserve, against central bank digital currency, right? Libertarians, conservatives who don't want to see wars for empire destroy what's so great about America and the West. We've got to come together. And that's what we're doing.
So, Brent, I want to throw it to you. You have seven non-negotiables here. And I told our team as I read them, I agree with every single one. And I think they're crisply written.
And I think 95 percent of the country, I'd say 90 percent would agree with them. How did you come about the non-negotiables? Because I'm sure that you started with 20 and you whittled it down to 15. I want to go through all of them, but we have all hour.
Tell us, how did you eventually come to this list? Well, actually, you know, the funny thing is, Angela and Matt, our other founder, and myself spent a lot of time in discussion about what the republic is founded upon. What are the principles that matter and that we have watched eroded and in many cases, inverted by those currently in power?
And, you know, it wasn't as difficult to process as you might imagine. The fact is, this is not, the fine details about how you govern a republic like the United States may be tough, but the values on which it is founded are not. This is really a country founded on the idea that we want a level playing field. We do not want to distribute the productivity evenly. That's actually a recipe for disaster, but we want opportunity distributed as evenly as possible so everybody has access to the market. And then we want people to figure out how it is that they can become enriched by generating wealth from which we all benefit.
And, you know, what allows you to do that, the ability to discuss freely, and the ability to engage in unfettered interaction with other people irrespective of their race or background. It's a relatively simple and straightforward proposal, and we have gotten farther and farther from it. In fact, we've watched the Democratic Party go from the leader in the battle for civil rights to the home of this new kind of revived racism. It's very upsetting to see the inversion of so many of these values in real time. Completely agree.
It is on September 29th in Washington, D.C. Rescue the Republic, Join the Resistance. Angela, I'm going to give you about a minute to respond to this and then we have a break.
But I wanted to start with the first one, which is worthy of some time. You being a libertarian, war is always the last resort. I completely agree. This program are sworn enemies of warmongers and neoconservatives. Talk about the the the the war is the always the last result resort and how Team Blue has become really the the war team, if you will.
Oh, absolutely. I mean, the war in Ukraine is a classic example. They kept they were literally talking about exporting democracy to another country while they are giving giving our money.
United States taxpayer dollars when we were in a horrible recession and all experiencing inflation to another country, which was basically forcing, you know, Ukraine's young men to be conscripted and put through the meat grinder of war in an unwinnable war. It was like war was their first option. They they actively tanked diplomatic relations and attempts to negotiate. And that's just that's just the complete inverse of what we need. War should always be the literal last resort. We should always try to try to de-escalate and save people's lives. Not only is war the first result of this current regime, war is the purpose. If they go around trying to start wars that are completely unnecessary, it is the life force of this illegitimate oligarchy that we're living under. Hey, this is Charlie Kirk, and I know a lot of you have been suffering under the Biden economy. Recently, school loan payments have been reinstated.
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Perhaps a reverse mortgage is a perfect solution. It's about expertise. You could trust in times like this. I can't tell you how helpful they've been for me personally. They've just been excellent. Andrew and Todd, I'm honored to call them friends.
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Andrew and Todd dot com. So, Brett, on the warmongering issue, the traditional breakdown of American political parties is that the antiwar fervor, at least in the country I grew up in late 1990s, early 2000s, was housed on the left. The ones that were against the Patriot Act, against the war in Iraq. And now it seems that is largely eliminated in the Democrat Party.
I mean, there are some voices, but it's almost completely gone. What are we to make of that? The credible antiwar voices are now in the Republican Party. Yeah, it's a shocking state of affairs and one I would never have predicted from the world I grew up in or was a young adult in. But I have to say the Democratic Party has become beyond enthusiastic for conflict.
And it often fails to articulate any reason that the American public should want to finance these things or put up with the massive danger that it creates for us. And, you know, I think we got a pretty good demonstration of what the result of this fervor does. The Taliban yesterday put on quite an impressive show with a lot of military machinery that we left behind in Afghanistan during our completely uncoordinated withdrawal. So, you know, it's not a big stretch to imagine that the Democratic Party has been captured by forces that do not have the interests of the citizens of the republic in mind and are willing to spend us into oblivion and put us in grave danger in order to make a profit. How how did that happen and why did that happen? How did the Democrat Party learn to love war and become an imperialist, almost colonialist party in the last 20 years?
Is it because they hated Trump so much that anything he said that we must oppose or is it just more of their at the core of their statists and the ultimate form of state power is war? I don't think it's anything that coherent. I think I think the party has been purchased by by weapons merchants. And the really shocking thing about it is that the rank and file in the party who are not making a profit from this, in fact, they're being taxed to the breaking point, have not stood up and rebelled.
And that is that is a more interesting thing worthy of exploring, which is that and Angela, I want your quick thought on this. You could criticize the Republican Party a lot, but we do support interparty rebellions and we've been successful. Whereas the Democrat Party largely is one where their disagreement will not be allowed or will allow you to kind of do some theatrical disagreement like AOC and pretend in reality you're voting for money for Ukraine. So you really don't oppose anything.
Angela, your thoughts on that? Well, it's like a it's it's a lockstep hive mind. And, you know, that presents them with certain advantages when it comes to election season. They will all get on board with whatever it is. Unfortunately, that means that they all get on board with wars for empire as well. I think that you're also seeing sort of this brutalist nanny state culture being exported overseas and that is now extended into foreign policy, that we are going to fight this war for your own good, whether you like it or not. Oh, you know, young men are trying to escape over the Ukrainian border so that they don't get drafted into fighting a war that they don't agree with and know that they won't survive. Well, that's too bad because here comes America to save you slash shove you onto the front lines. And there's no there's no room in progressive culture for dissent.
And so they just don't, you know, because you found out during covid that if you dissent and if you don't toe the line, you become unpersoned and other than a really savage way. So it's not your war. It's somewhere on the other side of the ocean.
You know, why would you bother? It is join the resistance dot org. It is a terrific event coming up Washington, D.C., nine twenty nine. So September twenty ninth rescue the republic. So so Brett, I want to let's go to the second one, sanctify and recodify informed consent. This feels as a covid inspired element and plank.
Tell us about this one. Well, I think what your audience needs to know is that the end at the end of World War Two, the allies literally hanged seven doctors for violating a right to informed consent that had not yet been inscribed into our our collective code. It is now inscribed. You have a right to know what it is that you will be taking and to decide whether or not you want it. And as we all saw during covid, we had remedies shoved down our throats. People were coerced and strong armed into taking what was described as vaccines, what were actually gene therapies, transfection agents, highly experimental with completely unknown safety profile. And we were told that this was simply the mechanism that was required in order to get us out of what was called the covid pandemic.
Doctors were forbidden to explore alternative remedies. The censorship that went into preventing people from discovering how much danger they were being put in with the mandated protocols and what alternatives might have existed was absolutely jaw dropping, especially in a nation where we have where our first enumerated right in the Constitution is the right to speak freely. Even scientists and doctors were were gagged so that we couldn't speak openly. You mentioned at the beginning my podcast with Robert Malone, which was a game changer and took down.
Yeah, it was a game changing podcast, but a lot of people who might have benefited from it didn't get to see it because YouTube decided that they were entitled to to silence the literal inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, who spoke up on my podcast and said, this stuff is not safe. It's not safe for human beings. So informed consent is your right to know what is in the remedies and to decide whether or not you want them. And it is it is beyond a legal right.
It is a a sacred component of the relationship between doctor and patient. And it has been absolutely obliterated. We need to restore it. Yeah, I want to just ask a quick follow up. I want to say on that podcast, not only was it correct, it was early and therefore a really big threat to the regime. It was very, very, very early. We're talking like April 2021 ish.
I'm just going from memory like March, April. Right. And I remember that in the podcast, it started with you either. I think it was you said, yeah, I was talking to a carpenter and he said that his sister dropped dead after the vaccine. It was anecdotal.
Then you ran the equation. There's no way that this is happening, not happening at scale. You had two people in your circle that had an adverse event. Am I remembering that correctly? Well, you're misremembering who said it.
That was Steve Kirsch, who said that. But it was clear, even then, that the rate of anomalies that an average person would know about from their own circle, even before, you know, the population was so highly inoculated, was alarming. That evidence that there was this incredible pattern of serious adverse events showed up immediately in the one system we have, which is set up to track that pattern.
And yet it triggered no alarm in official channels. And it triggered censorship from those of us who were privately alarmed at these patterns. So this must not be allowed to happen again. And we are going to have to figure out how, since this administration will not do it, the next administration can look at what took place during COVID from the lab leak, through the mandated so-called vaccines, and the the slandering of off patent drugs that turned out to be highly useful for treating this.
We need to get to the bottom of what happened because a lot of people were needlessly harmed. Really quick, Angela, you know, right now they make a big deal running television commercials that people should be able to have autonomy with their own bodies when it comes to the issue of abortion. But it seems when it came to mandatory vaccines, you don't have bodily autonomy, nor do you have informed consent. No, it's not about bodily autonomy. It's just an it's about an agenda. It's about erasing your ability to make decisions for yourself, destroying any sovereignty I think that you have over your body and pushing a particular agenda. It's OK to snuff out life, but heaven forbid you try to protect your own. I think that's really what it's about. Yeah, of course. And especially again, we are able to see who the real frauds were, where when you had organizations that will run hundreds of millions of dollars of ads like Planned Parenthood on about bodily autonomy, regardless how you feel on the issue of abortion. And then they said, oh, you better take the vaccine.
If not, we're going to fire you and kick you out of the military. So, yeah, maybe it's not actually about bodily autonomy. It's about something completely fundamentally different. Check it out.
It is join the resistance dot org. So, Angela, let me ask you as a follow up on the third plank, banish state information control, surveillance and propaganda. A lot of these are just constitutional, right? I mean, we're just kind of going through the Fourth Amendment. We're going through First Amendment. First Amendment is one of the later ones. So banish state information control, surveillance and propaganda.
I know exactly what that means. Can you give us some examples of exactly some of the more egregious offenders of this non-negotiable? OK, a very recent one that I think all of your listeners are going to be able to relate to was the Twitter files. Government agencies weaponizing social media, basically turning them into propaganda arms of the regime and deciding who gets to say what in the public square, suppressing other information and building a narrative. It was, you know, corporatism, which is basically fascism. It was terrifying.
And, you know, they took over a huge industry in a way that people communicate during a time of crisis. And that is something that can never happen again. You kind of can see a theme here. You're non-negotiable is against war being the immediate the immediate reaction.
You want informed consent. You also do not want the state to be able to control, surveil and propagandize the public. Brett, you kind of see this. I mean, it's a cliche, but it's Orwellian. It is.
Oh, it is the smaller citizen, the smaller the person type of theme and pattern we see here. And what the non-negotiable saying here, which is not a political statement, is that we believe that the citizen is sovereign and that you as the Leviathan do not have a right to be able to tell me what to do with my body without telling me what it is. And I agree to it.
You're not able to spy on my text messages. And you're certainly not allowed to call the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation and interfere with our elections. Well, I think you you hinted the real issue here. This is not a political rally that we are obviously going to talk about politics because that is the route to governance, be it good or bad. But all you have to be to support these planks is a patriot who is interested in the long term well-being of the Republic and its citizens. So I think if your listeners will take a look at what we've put together, they will understand there's a reason that they are seeing people coming together, people who might have ideological differences.
Angela and I have ideological differences, but they literally do not matter. The Republic is actually in serious jeopardy. And the ideological differences that we may have don't make any difference if the Republic fails.
So we are going to have to rescue it. And then once it is stable, we can talk about how best to govern ourselves so that we can achieve the values that we agree on. That's really that's what politics is for, where we have disagreements.
They should be about how to achieve the values that we share. But it isn't that moment. There is really no reason that a patriot from the left and a patriot from the right should be in conflict at all, because the ship is sinking. It needs to be addressed first. And just so I'm clear, team blue is the iceberg sinking the ship.
Is that correct? I can't believe that I find myself saying this as somebody who has been a member of that party for my entire adult life, but it has become a threat to the Republic. And that's not the voters. The voters, I think, are confused. It's the leadership. It's the DNC. And the analogy that I would use, I hope people will take it seriously, is that the Democratic Party is a bit like the family dog who has contracted rabies. It doesn't matter that you have a history, you have nostalgia over the dog.
At the point your dog has caught rabies, there is nothing to be done for it. It's in everybody's interest to put the dog down. And we are definitely going to need a second political party in the U.S. We can't be a one party nation. But the Democratic Party has demonstrated that it is willing to betray every important ideal that the country is founded on. And that is simply unacceptable. I think it's beautiful that at this rally you could have somebody who is a Trump supporter or is a libertarian and somebody that is maybe even has tendencies towards Bernie Sanders policies, but they don't they find no agreement in the current composition of the Democrat Party.
I think it's beautiful that the Democratic Party has demonstrated that it is willing to betray every important ideal that the country is founded on. And the $15,000 gift will provide a complete ultrasound machine that will save thousands of babies for years and years to come and will also save moms from a lifetime of pain and regret. Call 833-850-2229. That's 833-850-2229 or click on the preborn banner at CharlieKirk.com. That is CharlieKirk.com and click on the preborn banner.
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It is jointheresistance.org. Seven non-negotiables. Secure monetary freedom. Restore family sovereignty.
Boy, do I love that one. And the attack on the family is real. Enact a rational border policy.
I want to spend some time on that. Liberate truth seeking and open dialogue. Either one of you guys can take this, though. I'm going to kind of ask the little bit of the elephant in the room. If it's about defeating Team Blue, is it then comma, therefore we should support the man in the red hat? Or is that not what this is? It's about building a coalition against. You get what I'm saying? Because I do.
Who wants to take that? So let me tell you, I walk a very fine line on this one since I am the chair of literally a different political party. The man in the red hat has been invited, by the way, and I think I have a good relationship with him and I definitely want to keep that. But there are going to be people there who support Bobby Kennedy. There are going to be people there who maybe are non-voters, although I am encouraging people to vote in this election. But this is really about opposing the thing that I think is an existential threat to the country right now. That is first and foremost. Hello to Moore Harris, as I'm calling her right now, the woman who wants to set up price caps and avoid price gouging on food. We've got a very serious enemy right now and she's just the mouthpiece for it. You know, there's a whole apparatus behind it, which is what we're really trying to address with this event is identifying what are the pillars?
What are these like umbrella industrial complexes? How do we take it apart? How do we teach people to identify it properly? Call it out. And then how can we work together so that this kind of crap never takes over our country again?
Brett, do you want to take that? And I guess the obvious question is, OK, well, if it's not Team Blue, there is again, I like Bobby Kennedy. I'm not supporting him, obviously. But there is one credible alternative right now to Team Blue, and that is Donald Trump.
How do you reconcile that? Yeah, well, let me just say I talked to Bobby this morning. He wants to come to our event. He's trying to make it happen.
And he's he's if he can make it happen, he will be there. So this is not a red event. Red is obviously more than welcome, as are blue voters. In fact, we would encourage them to come. We want them to wake up and to recognize that their well-being as much as ours depends on on rescuing the republic.
So we want them to join the resistance. But the fact that this goes beyond politics really suggests something for each of us. We have a limited amount of time before the election.
In fact, early voting starts pretty soon. You should play whatever cards you have to their best effect to to achieve the top priority, which is making sure that the thing that has captured our republic is ushered out the door once and for all. I love the rabies analogy. And when you say that metaphor, which is completely true because people say, but I love this dog and this dog was with Obama. And I have good memory.
It doesn't matter. There's something outside that has consumed your dog. And by the way, I love it even greater because rabies makes any being that is consumed by it become completely unhinged, crazy and out of control.
Yes. Your dog will attack you after it has rabies because it's not really your dog anymore. And that is what has happened to this party. And for anybody who thinks that this is an exaggeration, I just want you to stop and consider the fact that we apparently had a sitting vice president threaten the president with the 25th Amendment. If he did not step out of the political race and then not invoke the 25th Amendment because he's actually mentally incapable of doing the very important job of answering the phone, for example, if there is what seems like a nuclear attack, this is not a joke. Whatever the Democratic Party has become is willing to allow months to pass in which nobody can credibly tell you who's in charge. Whatever it is that's in charge can't be called in front of Congress and asked questions. It can't be held responsible for errors that it makes. This is completely outside the style of government that was envisioned by the American founders.
We have we've like run off the end of the constitutional tape and that is an emergency no matter what else is going on. Well, it's more than just not what the founders intended. It's not what voters think they're voting for. They're the voters are voting for a form and structure where they think there's three branches and that the people are able to send representatives because they have day jobs. They're not voting for a ruling class of experts where we have no idea who these people are. They're unelected.
They're unknown. And that is the kicker, by the way. This whole Biden chapter should open enough eyes that, hey, the presidency is basically just kind of a theatrical. Yeah.
Angela, can you can you take that, please? I think it's important. It's performative at this. Yes, I think that that's exactly. Yeah.
The rest of this presidential term is purely performative. They know it. We know it. I'm very concerned for the people who haven't realized it yet. One thing that we need to keep in mind, though, when, you know, as we're going to the polls, as we're putting on this event and so on and so forth, is that there are a handful of people out there, probably in the millions, who don't follow politics very closely. They are doing their own thing. They've got busy lives with their children, sports, hobbies. And we need to wake those people up because there are probably people who are just going to check off a box with a with a D next to the name.
And that is that is really frightening. And and those are the people that, you know, like, they're not a part of this. They're not a part of this.
This map, the machinations of the Democratic Party on the left. You know, they just pay attention a couple of times a year and they just check a box that they're familiar with. And so, you know, we don't want to alienate those people. Those are the people that we want to wake up. No, in fact, there are enough of those people to to accomplish the goal. So there are there are a good number of American voters who aren't paying enough attention to rejoin the electorate. But then there are a lot of people who rightly feel that that they have been ushered out of having a meaningful opportunity to direct the country. It is time for those people to return and to vote because this is now an emergency, as you can see. And I would just add, in addition to all of those disaffected voters who have stopped voting and need to come back, Democratic Party voters should be angrier than anyone. They are now living in a party in which they don't get to choose their nominee.
It is chosen for them. And then they are going to be asked to support that nominee, even though that nominee did not go through any sort of a normal vetting process. And this has been obvious that the Democratic elite were not really interested in including the voters in any way since Bernie Sanders was shoved out by Hillary Clinton. And in fact, when Bernie Sanders challenged what happened to him in the primary, the argument that the DNC made was that actually they were fully entitled to rig their own primary. Right.
They said it out loud. So Democratic voters need to revolt against a party that is taking advantage of them and frankly doesn't care about their well-being. I totally agree. And let me ask you, Brett, though, do they have the temperament and the attitude to revolt? I know that we do on the right. We kind of are free thinkers. We don't put up with B.S. We never used to be that way. By the way, 20 years ago, we did whatever Bush told us. Do you think on the left there's enough free thinking that gusto that you have that you've lived beautifully the last decade? You you want to know what I really think?
I'm about to get us all in trouble, I think. But the Democratic Party used to have an absolutely winning strategy and it involved representing the interests of workers. Workers inherently are a majority.
And during the Clinton administration, they abandoned their historical connection to workers. And those people have increasingly found themselves adrift. Now, there are many of them who are still left in the Democratic Party and have not woken up to what their party has become. But many others have found themselves over on the red team because the red team increasingly has been taking care of workers' interests. So I don't see this map the same way other people do.
I meet a lot of people. And if I look at what the blue team says about MAGA voters, I get one picture. And when I talk to people who actually are part of that group, they look to me like workers who were abandoned by the Democratic Party in large measure. Yeah, I agree. I'm just I'm trying to get at, though, the type of person that is in the Democrat base. They seem to be an automaton more than not.
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That is Patriot Mobile dot com slash Charlie Patriot Mobile dot com slash Charlie. And I guess like let me go to the Evergreen State chapter and we don't have to go through all that because you've told that story at least 200 times. I think it's super important. And both of us have in common. We've both seen the campus radical face and we've stared it and you a lot more intimately than I have.
I'm a visitor. You were a you were a mainstay of a major university and they came after you. But very few people stood up for you. Is that fair to say when you had that entire ridiculous thing happen to you?
Well, let's put it this way. The people that I would have expected to stand up for me in large measure didn't. But a tremendous number of people, many of whom I didn't even know beforehand, did stand up for me.
So this really is a model for where we are as a nation. Don't imagine that you can identify your allies by the color of the jersey that they're wearing. Many will disappoint you on that basis. Look for the people who, when they speak, are speaking to the values that you hold dear. And if those people are from some party that you have thought was the root of all evil, then maybe it's time to rethink your map of the landscape. Maybe you've been misled.
Maybe you treat The New York Times as if it's still a newspaper and it's confusing you. So I don't think I'm not expecting to see all of the Democratic voters wake up. Many of them are probably not capable of it, but there are a good many people who are who remain in that party because they simply have not gone through the exercise of looking through someone's eyes outside and discovering what the party has become. I think you're totally right. And Angela, do you want to chime in on that? I have hope that 10 percent, 15 percent of Team Blue can realize that they're living in the cave. Angela. Yeah.
Yeah, I think so. Well, the Democratic Party caters to the activist class now. They don't cater to the average person like Brett's talking about. You know, the working class, the working class is is not a priority for Democrats. It's all about activist class. A lot of it's a performative stuff that you see on social media. They have a whole system of how they get that information out. And the working class is essentially spoon fed what they're supposed to believe. And I think that's why you're seeing a lot of them break ranks because they're saying, oh, wait, but that that actually my life kind of sucks right now.
That doesn't help me. You know, like, what do all these weird gender things have to do with getting food on the table? I'm a single mom. You know, I'm I'm a working class person. I'm working two jobs. Why should I care about all this like weird transgender stuff?
Why should I be, you know, like forcing myself to take a bunch of weird shots when I just need to go to work? And so I do think that there is an opportunity. And what's been frustrating for all of us here on this call is that it's taken so much longer than we thought it would take. We have to keep in mind, like the average person, their B.S.
detector maybe doesn't go off as early and they've got to feel a little bit more pain than the rest of us. Yeah. And that's what I want to talk about. Brett, you specifically is that it took you three years of hard labor to get people to wake up to the covid vaccine.
Not three years. We have to do that now in 81 days. We have to get people to wake up in a similar type of propaganda. So I want to just kind of get your thoughts.
How do we take the lessons of the kind of covid propaganda wars and compress that into an 81 day period? Well, there are two answers to that question. The more important one, I think, involves President Trump. And I know that this is not a comfortable topic for any of us. President Trump was taken in by some very crafty folks who sold a story that many of us initially bought.
And that's not his fault. But the the best route for us to learn the lessons of covid is to explore it openly and discover how each of us understood the world in some way that didn't turn out to be accurate and what it is that allowed some of us to wake up. And what happened to us publicly when we did wake up is crucial. Those same forces are attempting to keep you from seeing reality in front of your eyes. So if Americans looked at the situation in the upcoming election, when they understood that there are there is a party that makes no pretense about representing the will of the voters or the thinnest pretense. And when it is in power, it does all sorts of things that are in conflict with the values of the party that it has taken over. And therefore, it is not a proper manifestation of those values.
If people just simply recognize that they will understand whatever that thing is, however it became that way, it needs to go and they can see it. If they look at what what the Biden administration did with covid, they will recognize they were told, take the shot, you won't get covid. You know, people, you know, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
The shots are safe and effective. Well, how true did that turn out to be? And did you ever get an apology from the people who told you those things? My claim is they knew they were lying and they have a known up to it. What they've done is they've caused people to want to move on.
But moving on it is a terrible mistake because they're not done with you. That was only their first mRNA shot. Yes. Well, I mean, it's going to come back. Well, and let's just be clear that the covid propaganda was the prequel to the Kamala propaganda is that yes, they were trying to figure out how do we manipulate the masses to wear masks when they shower? And so now how do we manipulate people to vote for someone who obviously we did not like two weeks ago? And now we're told that she's funnier than Jimmy Fallon and more charismatic than Barack Obama. It's like, no, that's just we know that's not true. You're gaslighting me. And it's the same way that you told me that my kid needs to stay at home because covid is going to kill him.
Angela, did you want to comment on that? I think that the Kamala Harris stuff, it's it's like the covid the covid situation was really just like the first round of inoculation against truth seeking. And that's really what is going to distinguish us from other people. I think in the future, it's not even so much like left right.
It's are you someone who can find the truth palatable or do you reject the truth? And that's a really scary thing to have to face. You know, that's what we want to do with this event. And that's why I think it's really important for Democrats to break ranks and vote against terrorists. You know, if you don't want to vote for President Trump, you could vote libertarian, you could vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But you need to find your allies and your allies are going to be the people who reject all of this totalitarian control and people who are going to embrace the truth and always seek that out.
Well, I just want to say both you guys are heroes for doing this. Obviously, as a Trump guy, you know, I want them to vote for Trump. But to have people's this is much deeper than the politics. Politics is just a very short term. Yeah. We have a much longer term issue here.
Brett, I want to throw it back to you. I have a short list of lessons that I learned from covid, which is we must show, not tell. We must show, not just tell. We also must make fun of them.
I think we started the win in covid when we started to use humor and humiliate the opposition. And finally, and this is the hardest one, is we have to be relentless. They're going to come after all of us.
They're going to call us names and smear us. This is the question. Can we open people's eyes in 80 days the way that it took us nearly a couple of years with covid? Are you optimistic and hopeful, Brett? Enough people can, because it's not like with covid where it went from like 90 percent people were on board to then 20 percent. We just need 50000 people in Arizona and like one hundred thousand people in Pennsylvania.
Well, let's put it this way. I am hopeful that we can get enough of the electorate awake and motivated to achieve job one in this election. What I'm concerned about is that the nature of our elections is now such that that may not be sufficient. And, you know, I know I will take a lot of flak for expressing concern about the the security of our elections, not on the show, even though both sides complain about the security of the elections when they lose. So I think I think all Americans have concerns and I'm going to stop being shy about it.
I believe that the number of people who are currently awake and the number of people who are wakeable in that period is plenty. However, we have to beat the the cheap margin. And that's a taller that's a taller order. So I don't know how to say this more strongly. You want to motivate people to come to this event. If they can't come to the event, they should watch the event.
We're going to stream it. They should try to bring as many people to the event as they can. The more we can make our voices obvious that we can make it clear that this is a majority of Americans who are not putting up with this anymore, that we are actually going to take back our country and we are going to put it back on the course towards the values that we do agree on.
If we can make that show up as a couple hundred thousand people showing up on the mall or more, then it becomes much harder to pretend that something won, which didn't. Yes, I think that's right. Angela, closing thoughts, please.
Angela. Yeah. The more of us show up together, the harder it is to try to pull the wool over people's eyes. Politics are changing right now, too. I think that political parties are transforming rapidly.
You see Donald Trump trying to push sort of this unity, you know, with with libertarians and include people who are outside of MAGA in his cabinet and in his in his administration. I think that there is right now a real opportunity for us to join together, those of us who are oriented towards the truth and resist tyranny and resist totalitarianism. So please, please join us at Rescue the Republic. You can find out more on join the resistance dot org. You can donate to support our event.
But mostly we really want to see you there. You guys are both terrific. Join the resistance dot org. I love the Dark Horse podcast, by the way. And I listen to it, especially the stuff on vaccines, not just the covid vaccine, the Dark Horse podcast you did on all vaccines.
That is thought crime stuff. And it's really, really good. Thank you guys so much. Join the resistance dot org. Talk to you soon. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us is always freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. And God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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