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Ask Charlie Anything 193: Conservative Social Workers? Apathetic Christians? Birthrate Blues?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
August 5, 2024 5:00 am

Ask Charlie Anything 193: Conservative Social Workers? Apathetic Christians? Birthrate Blues?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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August 5, 2024 5:00 am

Charlie fields questions from Charlie Kirk Exclusive subscribers, including:


-What should a conservative who wants to go into social work do?

-What arguments can convince apathetic Christians to turn out and vote?

-How can America boost its birthrate so the country doesn't voluntarily make itself die out?

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Hey, everybody. Today on the Charlie Kirk Show, I take your questions and ask me anything episode from only members.

That's right. If you're a member, you get to ask me questions. It's That is As always, you can email us freedom at and get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Brandon, let's go. Brandon will be the first question. We have a ton of questions to get to this hour. If you have questions, go in the Q&A box first. Our team will filter through that, and then we will call on you. We're going to try our best to get through everyone. Let's get started. Brandon, you are first. Thank you for being a member, What is on your mind?

Good morning, Charlie. I was curious if you had any advice for a conservative future social worker, considering that the social work field is primarily liberal. Wow. First of all, God bless you for wanting to get into social work. Yes, so my advice is that you need to challenge the orthodoxy of where social work has gone in the last couple of decades. Social work has largely gone towards making people comfortable in their poverty, rather than trying to break them out of the poverty that they are in. Those are two different things. So as a social worker, it's gonna be very tough. But people are going to be telling you, it's hard to go against everyone around you all the time.

Around you, they're going to say that the people are poor because of social conditions and systemic injustices, when in reality, people are poor because of the decisions that they make and because of the values that they either have, or they do not have. There's a wonderful book that I would recommend for you. And God bless you, Brandon, for wanting to be a social worker, by a somewhat of a social worker himself. And he became a very, very famous author. We had him on the show, we should resurrect that episode. It was terrific.

It was Theodore Dalrymple. The book is Life at the Bottom, or Life from the Bottom, something like that, Life at the Bottom. It's a terrific book, where he describes how people remain poor and why they are poor in the underclass, if you will. And so that's my recommendation, Brandon, is try to challenge the orthodoxy of not just trying to make people comfortable in their poverty, but trying to give them the training, the education necessary to break them out of poverty, and to try to get them into the middle class and try to teach values, not just stuff.

And the issue with how we talk about poverty in this country is that people think it is solely and only a lack of material goods, when in reality, it is a lack of worldview and a lack of principles and core values. Thank you, Brandon, for being a member. Hope that made sense. All right. Thank you very much.

You bet. Next, our two of my favorite people, Caleb and Michelle, great Americans. Thank you guys for being members. As always, what's on your mind today, guys?

You're welcome, Charlie. Hey, so, you know, being from Minnesota, we're talking about the time at the BP selection. Not sure how important it is, but I'm hearing two things. I'm hearing like the Biden camp wants Shapiro and Obama wants walls. And I'm wondering if you think that the Dems are I'm kind of thinking they're worried about looking at Minnesota and the Muslim vote in the Somalis, that maybe they're worried about that. Maybe they're worried a little bit about the state of Minnesota and that that's why they want to go with the governor for the BP pick. I wonder what your thoughts on that are. Yeah, it's a great question, guys.

Thanks for being a member. So you're right. There are different camps that are that are forming on the BP selection. The heavy favorite is Shapiro. However, Shapiro will ignite a Hamas and Gaza problem. And that is going to really start to cause some problems in Chicago, the DNC.

And based on all current activities that the Israeli government is executing right now in the Middle East, it does not seem that war is ending anytime soon in the Middle East. So in the long term, the left is importing the seeds of their own coalition's destruction. I think overall, Democrats have realized that Biden was alienating both sides. And now they've decided just to win back moderates and Jews and tell the radicals to basically buzz off. And they basically are saying, what are you gonna do, vote for Trump? Well, they might vote for Cornel West and his Muslim running mate in Michigan.

So there's some concern there. According to the betting markets, again, Shapiro is the heavy favorite. He probably makes the most sense. He's probably the most talented. I think he's kind of a dork.

But he is talented, no doubt. And he is well liked in Pennsylvania. The markets are all over the place where 70% chance that Josh Shapiro, now Mark Kelly is in second place. Andy Bashir is in third place. Tim Walz is in fourth place. I think Tim Walz is unlikely. He's a party loyalist. He's kind of a buffoon in some ways. I think the most talented on the list is actually Andy Bashir. I think Andy Bashir is by far the most talented guy on that list.

He won in Kentucky multiple times, which is a deep, deep red state. I think Mark Kelly comes with the most amount of baggage, even though people think he comes with the most amount of benefits. Astronaut, his wife was shot. However, it's very, very well known that Mark Kelly has an open marriage with Gabby Giffords. Ask any senator, they'll say Mark Kelly has a girlfriend and multiple girlfriends. Not a great look, especially it's kind of this open marriage situation.

Not to mention the Chinese Communist Party spy balloon stuff. Very, very troubling for him. So the most likely pick is likely Josh Shapiro, which will solve two problems but create two problems. The two problems it solves, they will raise a lot of money and they'll do better in Pennsylvania. How much better?

We do not know. It creates two problems, though. It will alienate younger voters that care a lot about the Hamas situation and will further alienate their Muslim base in Dearborn, Michigan, and parts of Minnesota and a little bit of Wisconsin, but not so much. Thanks so much, Kayla and Michelle. Really appreciate it. Manny will be next. Manny, thank you for being a member. What's on your mind? Yeah, I was looking into all these intellectuals as yourself and, you know, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, now JD Vance, they're really referencing this, you know, dismal birth rate in the United States, right? And how that's affecting the culture within the US. So my question is, how can we bring more awareness to this view? I think, in my opinion, the Dems are just trying to shut it off and fix it with illegal immigration, right? Just open the borders, and then they can mask the problem. But I'm scared that the core, the American experiment will be deleted, right? And I'm a Cuban, right?

And I come from parents that had to leave everything to give us a better understanding of society and life and faith, right? So what to do with this crazy, dismal birth rate, which could definitely be the demise of the American culture? And how do we make people aware of it? I mean, this is, I see that you speak to it. So if you can enlighten me a bit, it would be fantastic.

Yes. So this is such an important topic. First of all, we need to be very clear that we are the pro family party, and that we are in the midst of a fertility crisis, that the population is collapsing, because we are not having our own children, that we are not having enough children at replacement levels. And so the current very sick and perverted and twisted view of the ruling orthodoxy and regime is that we're not going to have our own children. And instead, we are going to import the children of the third world, and we're going to prioritize foreigners over American born. And you know this as a Cuban American, that should concern you, is that you should want a native born population to be able to sustain itself.

And that if you bring newcomers to your country, they are additive and force multipliers to what you already have in your in your homeland population. When JD Vance says that we want to have more children, the media attacks them. And they say that that's an attack on childless Americans.

No, it's not. We want to reverse the fertility collapse. And we are seeing a collapse in fertility rates in the West. And instead of importing other nation's children, we should have our own. Manny, wonderful question.

Yes. Remember, who do we have next? Daisy, let's see.

Let's see what we have here. That is By the way, when JD Vance says parents should pay less in taxes, Democrats suddenly shriek that it's evil.

That is repugnant. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Thanks to the team at Hillsdale College. You can now watch an inspiring portrayal of Thomas Jefferson as he reflects on the meaning of the Declaration of Independence in a letter he wrote late in his life. Watch this special short video at Charlie for Hillsdale com. Since its founding in 1844, Hillsdale has remained true to its mission of offering the kind of education needed to preserve the blessings of liberty, the blessings that can be traced the principles of the Declaration signed on July 4.

At a time where the far left rejects the principles of liberty and equality, we must remind ourselves, our children and our fellow citizens that those principles are the source of America's greatness and a treasure to be preserved. I invite you today to visit Charlie for Hillsdale com to watch Hillsdale's educational and inspiring video. And you'll receive a free commemorative copy of the Declaration of Independence from my friends at Hillsdale.

But don't delay. This is a limited time offer. Go to Charlie for Hillsdale com as we forever and always celebrate Independence Day. Charlie for Hillsdale com. OK, I hope I pronounced this correctly. My Sean, thank you for being a member.

Make sure you unmute yourself. What is on your mind? Hi, Charlie. It's Michelle.

You did a good job pronouncing it. My question has a little bit to do with the Project 25 leader stepping down and what you thought about that, because isn't the Heritage Foundation a good organization that went to Davos and spoke against liberal globalists and their agendas? I mean, this isn't this the kind of people should be? Heritage is great. Yeah, heritage is great.

Here's all I can say about this. The issue was more about personality conflict than policy conflict. That's the buried lead of this whole thing is that there was not enough communication and coordination between President Trump and the Heritage Foundation.

There was some great stuff in the Project 2025 document. There was some stuff that I don't know, I didn't read the whole thing. There was some stuff that shouldn't necessarily have been ascribed to Trump's name. Here was the biggest issue though, my Sean is that President Trump got very upset and I think rightfully so that he was going to have to answer questions about things he of positions he never took. And that's where the issue really came. And so my advice to the Heritage Foundation, both privately and publicly, and I think they do wonderful work, is that they should have done all this work of policy suggestions, executive orders, personnel, no need to publish it. And also, just try to work more in harmony with Trump's team. That's really where things started to fall apart. And President Trump was starting to get questions from journalists, where do you stand on these 10 different things?

And he'd say, I never took those positions. So it's a little I see it from both sides there. So thank you for being a member. But very good.

Very good question. And I love Heritage. They do great work.

Okay, Susan, Susan, what is your mind on your mind? Thank you for being a member. I saw your post about the summit security that you didn't think it was well done. Correct.

Yes. I was there and it felt as a participant, which it was an incredible summit. Thank you so much. It was life changing for me. But I felt like the security when Trump was there was very good. So tell me what I should be looking for in the future as far as any security issues that we should be aware of.

No, thank you. And I appreciate I'm glad that that it was from your perspective. I say this as someone who was running the event from backstage to flow of Trump from perimeter, and from an objective view.

I'm sure it looked fine. However, I could tell you that from 10 or 12 different instances of hosting Trump previously, and comparing it and contrasting to what we saw this last weekend, we saw a porous perimeter, we saw people not getting checked, people allowed to go backstage, and just the lower headcount and a man count. And so, again, that wasn't just my own opinion. It was from interns to events, staff that have gone through many Trump events. And we have just this summer, we hosted President Trump three times.

And so, we have a fair amount to be able to compare that to. But thank you. And you enjoyed the event, Susan, is that right? You enjoyed the Believer Summit? It was truly life changing for me. The speakers that you had, I filled out the survey, I could not think of a single negative critique.

Everything just from my perspective, I can't stop talking about it. Well, thank you. That's very touching. And I will send this over to our team. So thank you. Thank you. I'm very proud of what the team pulled off, both Turning Point Action and TPUSA Faith. Incredible Weekend Believers Summit.

Kimberly is next. Kimberly, make sure you unmute. What is on your mind? And how are you doing today?

Thank you for being a member. Hey, Charlie, I'm doing great. Yeah, I just started reading your book, The Right-Wing Revolution. It's so good, even the intro, especially that part about the shortcomings of conservative attitudes. But yeah, I was wondering, you're such a good speaker. What was like the hardest part about writing the book?

And then maybe like, what was the most fulfilling? Yeah, well, first of all, thank you. And we had a great research team that helped put it together.

Blake was instrumental in the composition of it. The hardest part was deciding what not to put it because we have so many thoughts. We have such a body of work. We have so many different opinions and perspectives. And then honestly, trying to make an argument that is cogent and applicable, that will live just beyond a political season.

I'd say that was one of the more challenging things is trying to make a series of hypotheses, but also contentions that will be timeless, that will not just live with an election cycle. But people seem to really like the book. I'm glad you're reading it. People can get it.

Right-Wing Revolution was a bestseller in many categories, and people can check it out. So thank you so much. Okay, who do we have? Who do we have next here? All right, I'm going to just read Lucas's deal here.

Charlie, I very likely won't be able to unmute at the webinar. There you go. I did want to ask about a reading list, audible list. I've gone through Unvanquished, Influence, Long Version, Blood Money, VDH. Oh, wow. Okay, he's doing the Hillsdale online courses.

Man's Search for Meaning, Gap in the Gain, C.S. Lewis Collection, The Warrior Poet Way, a lot of Mark Levin books, Breaking Biden, Gift of Failure, The Great Awakening. Wow, you've really well read. And as they keep on coming out and reading the Bible with my wife and her kids, I'm keeping time open for your book when it shows.

Looking forward to your suggestions. God bless. Yes, so actually, let me take a look at some books I have here.

That's right. Darkness at Noon by Arthur Kessler is a great book. Vishal Mangawaldi right here, the book that made your world. By the way, these books are not just for show. These are legit books that I read and I study. Let's see here. What else we have? Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker is a phenomenal book.

Let's see, I have some of the ones I just completed. Oh yeah, Churchill's Trial by Dr. Larry Arnn. Soul in the Gain was a really, really good book by Vitelli Castellessin. I enjoyed reading Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia, which is a non-political book, but all about the science of longevity. Lucas Miles, who's now the new director at TPUSA Faith is a great book.

The Christian Left have that one right there. Very biased, but I think The College Scam is a great book. Bill Federer's Rise of the Tyrant, always a really good one.

That is the best biography of Mao Zedong, by the way. If you're able to get your hands on it, it's been largely memory hold. I don't know if you guys can see it.

Actually, you can see it in the shop there. It is very good. Who's the author of that again? Actually, that's the second copy I still have in the original plastic, believe it or not.

Very hard to get. And great book here on the early church fathers, A Year with the Church Fathers. I'm only trying to recommend the good ones. Oh yeah, Unoffendable is very good by Brant Hansen. I'm reading another book called Willpower, all about the science of self-control. Fascinating book.

Yeah, that's actually a really interesting one. It's Genius Foods by Max Lugavere. It's a very easy read. It's all about what he thinks are genius foods that if you eat these foods on a regular basis, less likelihood of dementia, more mental acuity, more energy, less depression, less anxiety. And it's good. You could literally, if you buy the book and you just read the cover, it's a picture of all the books, which I think is salmon, like fresh salmon, ground beef, but grass-fed beef, blueberries, avocados, olive oil, almonds, dark leafy greens.

Trying to think which other ones he has off the top of my head. It's called Genius Foods. Live longer, including my dog, Mr. Briggs, who loves it. Naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black, who created Rough Greens, is also an airborne ranger and green beret, an amazing background. He loves dogs and is on a mission to help as many as he can. Dog food is dead, and Rough Greens supplements your dog's food with existing vitamins and minerals, omega oils, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and antioxidants. Dr. Black is offering you a free jumpstart trial bag. So if that's your free jumpstart trial bag, just cover shipping. Don't change your dog's food.

Just go to slash Kirk, R-U-F-F slash Kirk. Okay, we will go to Michael. Michael, what is on your mind? Thank you for your question. Thank you for being a member. What is on your mind? All right, I'll read this out myself since I screwed up last time.

It's a two-part question. I'll make it as fast as I can. I noticed your ground game in Ohio was started up.

Is there a contact for that, or do we just show up? They're not posting events very far off also, and this is piggybacking off what somebody else asked. I already went through all the Project 2025 stuff, and it's very disappointing to see what President Trump did, although I understand why it happened. Do you know, because he's proven with J.D. Vance, he's willing to look outside the beltway for personnel.

Do you know how he goes about finding those people? Because I feel like we really need that. Yes, on the Project 2025 thing, I just want to say again, it was a personality thing more than it was a policy thing.

But anyway, we already covered that. So secondly, on finding people outside of the beltway, yes, if we are to win, the transition team will be looking to source real talent from the American heartland, not just from the DC beltway. And that is going to be a legitimate project, and it's going to take a lot of work and it's going to take a lot of effort. It's going to take a lot of focus to be able to do that.

As far as the ground game, here's my recommendation. Get involved with Turning Point Action. We'd love to connect you to

That is But thank you for that question. And look, as far as this time, I'm going to be more involved in the transition, if they want me, right? If they'll have me. I don't want to make any broad claims or anything, but if they'll have me, I'll make some recommendations if we win. But I'm not even focused on a transition at all. I'm only focused on one thing, which is winning. And then we can figure out how to properly transition. But the Project 2025 thing was not even on the merits.

It was just the way that they went about things that really annoyed Trump that caused this whole thing to fall apart. All right, thanks so much. Okay, let's go to Tom. Tom, thank you for being a member. What's on your mind? Hey, Charlie. It's Tom from Pennsylvania. Thanks for all you're doing here.

PA Chase is awesome. I'm involved, very optimistic, but not talking any landslide talks here. So I'd like to ask you, how are you having any success in the area of Christians who are still either apathetic or simply don't think their vote matters? I know you talk about that quite often, but recently, have you had any success in that area and what arguments are turning their hearts? What a beautiful question.

So first, Tom, I want to ask you a question, then I'm going to answer that directly. What part of Pennsylvania are you from? And secondly, does it feel better on the ground than it did in 2020 as far as the vibe and the perspective of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania?

Oh, that's a great question. I'm in Northeastern Pennsylvania, so the Pocono Mountains. It's really a lot of people from New York have migrated to this part of Pennsylvania. So that being said, it's a little bit of an uphill battle. It's a blue county, but we are having success even with our local committee. I'm the vice chair now, and we took over that committee. So we are making traction because the MAGA spirit, I guess you could say it, is alive and well. So I'm optimistic, like I said earlier, but I know there's a lot of work.

The doors I've knocked on, the number one, two, and three seems to be people's economic situation. So they're bringing that up and, you know, they're low propensity voters because I can't waste my time on arguing with people to change their minds, right? Bingo. You're a smart man. That's right.

That's right. No, I started to interrupt you. The chase operation is that your time is better spent, Tom, finding people that are lazy or disengaged than just trying to persuade a suburban soccer mom who might have a hundred different questions and is a maybe after that conversation. That is not the best use of your time.

And so that is not the best use of your time. But yes, to answer your question, as far as the Christians go, you must challenge them biblically and say, first and foremost, God cares about everything you do. And secondly, do you think it's important that we have a government which impacts whether or not we can have church that allows us to say that the church is still not essential like they did during COVID? Secondly, you need to scare them that Kamala Harris will deploy the Department of Justice and the IRS like she did in California as the California Attorney General after Christians, after people of faith, she will use them as the secret police and as the Gestapo and as the red guard to go after pro-lifers, to go after clinics that are pro-life pregnancy crisis center clinics. And yes, I think it is disappointing that people of faith who will profess to be people of faith will not vote, will not be engaged. But that's where, Tom, your energy is best spent. It's best spent on Christians who are disengaged to bring them back into the fold or into the fold for the first time than just pure persuasion. I hope that's helpful, Tom. But the most important thing is that you're charming, that you are sincere and that you say you challenge people personally. It takes 10 minutes to vote.

If that you fill out the piece of paper that arrives to your house, just do the thing. Thank you, Tom. Really appreciate it. Thank you, Charlie.

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Thank you so much. So we were at the People's Convention and we had an absolutely amazing time. We are the couple that drove up from Florida. So it was quite a trip for us. And we had a great time. It's the first time we've seen Trump in person.

It was beyond my expectations. But my question is regarding Secret Service and security. So the day that Trump was there, we waited two and a half hours in line. I know there was an issue with, you know, there was a small breach. They had to re sweep the area.

It seemed like kind of similar to what someone else said about the Believer's Summit. It seemed like security was on top of issues. And when we were in the members room being escorted to the main hall, there was another person that had kind of come up and Secret Service was right on top of it. Why are you here?

How did you get through? This shouldn't have happened. My question is, was there an event between the People's Convention and the attempted assassination? Was there a difference in the security or do you feel like the People's Convention was also pretty lax security?

So that's such a great question. The People's Convention was far better staffed and far better than the Believer's Summit. But the fact that you think that it was well protected means the Secret Service did their job. Because the more and more we are learning about the Secret Service through all of these congressional hearings is the Secret Service basically acts as a pretend security operation to trick would-be assailants into thinking the protectee is actually safe. And People's was actually an example of them sort of doing their job, but they didn't communicate with local police.

The local police didn't guard a door for people with backpacks came in. But understand, this is largely a deterrent. The Secret Service is actually not keeping people safe the way you think they are. Sometimes, of course, they are. But it is mainly a deterrent. They look like they know what they're doing.

They slow things down. The Secret Service is becoming kind of like the TSA. The TSA doesn't catch nearly a majority of the contraband that people try to bring through airports. And the Secret Service is very similar. And it's being exposed as largely a theatrical organization that has a lot of good people in it and a lot of heroic people, but they're actually not keeping the protectee or the subject safe. But yes, at the People's Convention, the People's Convention is a perfect example of them not coordinating with local police because local police was supposed to guard a door and someone came in, didn't happen. But even at the People's Convention, we said afterwards, that was not as well staffed as it should have been backstage. We were very worried. In fact, I did an interview at the People's Convention, fearing that Donald Trump would be shot and assassinated sometime soon. And unfortunately, we were right about him getting shot.

And thankfully, we were wrong about him being successfully assassinated. Thank you for being a member. Really appreciate it. Jeff, what is on your mind? Thank you so much for all you do. I'm a new member, actually. And I just am so grateful for all the work that Turning Point does. You really make a huge difference. Get to my question.

Thank you. I have seen on X and some other places that I don't know if it's just a rumor that Kevin McCarthy is being considered as if Trump wins, which I assume he will. I hope he will.

He would choose Kevin McCarthy as his chief of staff. And that's very disturbing to me, if that's true. I just wonder, do you know anything? Is that true? Have you heard that rumor? And if it's true, would you try to talk Trump out of that selection? Yeah, look, so I don't think that would be the best selection.

I've always gotten along with Kevin. So I'm not going to be totally negative. I don't think that would be the right choice.

I've not heard that, though, at all from anybody. I have heard people like Lee Zeldin, who I think would be great, who I think really understands Washington. And I think he would just be terrific. I think Vivek Ramaswamy would be terrific if it wasn't for him to be the head of Department of Homeland Security.

Vivek, I think, in a leadership role in the White House, would just be excellent. So look, you do need insider knowledge, but you need to have the work ethic and the capacity to be able to do the job. You need to be goal-oriented, driven people. And the most important thing for a chief of staff is you must not desire to be on television.

It's so tempting. You're the chief of staff. You can get any interview you want. You have to want to be a backroom operator and be really good at it. And so somebody that shares Trump's vision, someone who trusts him, and is able to get stuff done. He needs someone below him who doesn't crave the spotlight, just wants to get wins, will work late, will be there early, will be a humble servant, will be able to just ignore the media, and you have a press shop for a press shop.

And also know who to trust and who to distrust. All right, I appreciate that question very much, and good job unmuting. Okay, who do we have next? It's the last question probably.

Laura, Laura, you'll be the last question., what's on your mind? Well, so I'm sitting here and I sent you that note about Acts 17.

I want you to really look into it. You remind me of a Paul and how he had to go in and change people's minds and hearts. And so I just feel that you and your staff and all of these kids, you guys are doing a fantastic job. You're doing the Lord's work. And then I wanted to ask you about, I have lots of grandsons and granddaughters and I want to know how I can get them involved in watching you or what I can do to help them become more active in what you are doing.

Because I have two 17-year-old grandsons that have been going to college in two years. Well, first of all, thank you for being a member and thank you for those kind words. And comparing our movement to Paul is very touching. Just hope it ends better than a decapitation, but thank you. I do appreciate that. No, I'm saying that. No, no, no, of course not.

You're being so sweet and so nice. So yes, we have the best way to get them involved with Turning Point USA. And then tell them to check us out on TikTok, on Instagram. We are very, very viral on these platforms.

Say, hey, ever heard of this Charlie Kirk guy? You should follow him on social media. Follow us on YouTube, follow us on Rumble, all these different platforms. And we are very unique. The team has done such a great job, Daisy and Emma and Ryan and Riley and Blake. I'm forgetting some people, but the whole tech team, we are dominant on all the social media platforms. Andrew does a great job. Yes, Andrew, you do a great job.

Okay, but to be able to have full spectrum dominance on social media in particular, very, very important to be able to be aware that we reach people of all ages and all backgrounds. So Laura, thank you for closing us out so strong and thank you. God bless you.

People like you make the world a better place. I love our members. You guys are the best. I wish I could get to all the questions.

We'll do that next week. And also, of course, join a Turning Point USA chapter. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
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