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From Believers to Bitcoin - What Trump's Wild Weekend Reveals

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
July 29, 2024 4:45 pm

From Believers to Bitcoin - What Trump's Wild Weekend Reveals

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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July 29, 2024 4:45 pm

Kamala's campaign is going "viral" — but is it the real energy of a winning campaign, or the flailing stunts of a campaign nobody actually voted for? Charlie compares "Kamala-mentum" to Donald Trump's triumphant three events over the weekend at the Believers Summit, at a Bitcoin conference, and in the blue-leaning swing state of Minnesota. Charlie discusses how much work the Trump team is putting in, where it will pay off in November, and why conservatives should remain calm.

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Hey everybody, Donald Trump's show of force this weekend is really something we need to study, and we contrast that with Kamala Harris's views on the issues. Email us as always, freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow and get involved with Turning Point USA at

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Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie, he's an incredible guy, his spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to We are here to stay steady in the midst of the fury of what they call common momentum. It's all synthetic, it's artificial. But let's recap a very powerful weekend for President Trump. President Trump had a choice this last weekend. He could have continued to just do rallies as he's always done, which is important, it's helpful. Or you can expand the base, you can expand the appeal of the campaign, and go after these micro communities that have a lot of voting bloc power.

What President Trump demonstrated this last weekend was remarkable versatility. Only President Trump would be able to go to a gathering that we hosted, full of beliefs, full of believers, pastors, Christian activists, and then just hours later, keynote, a Bitcoin conference. And hours after that, go to St. Cloud, Minnesota, and draw major crowds.

I'm talking about major crowds. So what does a believers summit, a Bitcoin conference, and a Minnesota rally all have in common? All three groups are desiring to be free. They do not want to live under tyranny any longer.

For Christians and for believers at our believers summit this last weekend, they do not want to be told by the government that their church is not essential. They do not want to be told by their government that they have to take a vaccine against their will. They do not want to be told by the government that their pregnancy crisis center has to be shut down as Kamala Harris would do. For the Bitcoiners on Saturday, Liberty-loving Bitcoin people who typically would be liberals, they want to be free from the government's monopoly on our currency. They want to be free from the federal government being able to deteriorate the dollar without any options. They want to be free. And for the activists up in Minnesota, what do they desire? They want to be free from the tyranny of St. Paul. They want to be free from the tyranny of St. Cloud where the rally happened.

They want to be free from the totalitarian government that has taken over Minnesota and Governor Walz. From believers to Bitcoin to Minnesota, President Trump demonstrated some of the most impressive political versatility that you will see in the modern era. Kamala Harris on the other side, I don't even know what you did this weekend, probably raising more money from abortion zealots. I want to play some tape here of President Trump's impressive show of force this weekend on message putting forward the case against Kamala the communist. Let's begin with his speech at our believers summit, a gathering of over 3,500 pastors, Christian activists, media members, the largest of such gathering in recent times. And by the way, this is in addition to all the other work we're doing at Turning Point USA, TPUSA faith, Turning Point Action. Very, very, very impressed what the team did this weekend. It was wonderful.

Let's begin by playing cut 17. With your vote, I will defend religious liberty in all of its forms. I will protect Christians in our schools and our military and our government, in our workplaces, in our hospitals and in our public square. And I will also protect other religions.

We want that, right? Other religions. And we will bring our country back together. One nation under God.

One nation under God. He continues by saying to them, we want to thank all of you as being believers in the room. Want to thank you. And tonight, by the power of prayer and the grace of Almighty God, appealing to the divine.

Let's play cut 15. I just want to say hello to everybody and to Turning Point for the fantastic job that Turning Point does. Thank you very much.

Turning Point is a great group. This is from corner to corner. This room is packed.

This is the back. And there are a lot of people outside. But I'm thrilled to be back with so many proud, hardworking American patriots who believe in faith and family, God and country. Thank you very much. And we want to thank each and every one of the believers in this room for your prayers and your incredible support. I really did appreciate it. Something was working that we know something was working. So I thank you very much. And I stand before you tonight.

Thanks to the power of prayer and the grace of Almighty God. President Trump then zeroed in on a very, very effective attack vector against Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris will now have to answer for the idea that teachers in California are not allowed to tell parents when their kids are medically transitioning. So let's pretend you are a sixth grade teacher. In Orange County, California, in Huntington Beach, California, you're a sixth grade teacher and a kid begins to identify as Steve instead of Susie as a sixth grade teacher in Huntington Beach, California. You are not allowed to call up the parent.

You are not allowed to notify the parent. This is pure unadulterated Marxism, the destruction of the nuclear family as we know it, where parents are no longer even allowed to know that their kids are being called by different names, receiving medical treatments. Kamala Harris is in favor of this. Kamala Harris and her gang of California radicals and mobsters have been pushing for the state to have more power than parents.

President Trump exploited this and attacked it. And every Christian in the country, you better understand that if Kamala Harris becomes president, she will nationalize this California law and make it so that the state can kidnap your child under trans-related issues. Kamala Harris seeks to kidnap your child via the trans agenda.

Play cut 14. Kamala Harris supports California's outrageous new law, trampling on parental rights and allowing minors to change their gender without parental notification or consent. Can you imagine? Harris wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses against their will to give chemical castration drugs to young children. You know that, right? She totally supports that. And she supports the Biden Harris Title nine policy of forcing every public school in America to let men into women's and girls' locker rooms. As president, I will protect the safety and well-being of America's children. I will defend the values of the American family. And above all, I will restore common sense to Washington. This is a very powerful message.

Very, very well received by the audience, by the way. I will protect your children from the trans mafia. I will protect your children in female spaces. And Kamala Harris, she's running these advertisements now. I defended women's rights.

We must play aggressive offense. What is a woman, Kamala Harris? Number one, what is a woman? Can a man become a woman?

And do you believe that biological men should be allowed in female locker rooms? She cannot answer those questions. She cannot answer those questions. In California, where she comes from, her entire gang, the mafia, are in favor of parental rights being obliterated and eviscerated. California communists are trying to envelop the entire country. And President Trump accurately put this on trial at our believers summit. The through line from believers to Bitcoin to Minnesota is remarkable. And we are going to find the pattern between the three, which is liberty from tyranny.

Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Thanks to the team at Hillsdale College, you can now watch an inspiring portrayal of Thomas Jefferson as he reflects on the meaning of the Declaration of Independence in a letter he wrote late in his life. Watch this special short video at Since its founding in 1844, Hillsdale has remained true to its mission of offering the kind of education needed to preserve the blessings of liberty, the blessings that can be traced to the principles of the Declaration signed on July 4th. At a time on July 4th, at a time where the far left rejects the principles of liberty and equality, we must remind ourselves, our children and our fellow citizens that those principles are the source of America's greatness and a treasure to be preserved. I invite you today to visit to watch Hillsdale's educational and inspiring video, and you'll receive a free commemorative copy of the Declaration of Independence from my friends at Hillsdale. But don't delay.

This is a limited time offer. Go to as we forever and always celebrate Independence Day, Kamala Harris, by the way, is bragging.

She says, a breaking. Registrations for white dudes for Kamala have now surpassed 75,000. The energy surrounding this campaign is unheard of. Are we allowed to now launch officially white men for Trump? How would the media cover that one? So Kamala Harris can have white dudes for Kamala. Can we now do white men for Trump? You want to play identity politics, Kamala?

I'm sure the media would love that one. White men for Trump. Everything that she does is about the melanin content in people's skin. It's not about character. It's not about agency.

It's not about skill set or profession or class. She is a race communist. Play cut 24.

Play cut 24. It has to be about a goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place. And since we didn't start in the same place, some folks might need more equitable distribution, giving resources based on equity, understanding that we we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place. We are proud of the fact that equity is one of our guiding principles.

Do you hear what she said? That we have to make sure everybody ends up in the same place. That the same outcome occurs, regardless if you commit crimes, do drugs, show up late to work, that we need to punish the productive and subsidize the lazy. If we all want to end up in the same place, we will end up at the bottom and there will be a permanent oligarchy like Cuba and Venezuela that will rule the country. It will be the end of meritocracy as we know it, because as a communist, she does not believe in earned success. She does not believe in what has made this country the greatest nation ever to exist in the history of the world. The two quickest ways that you can bring in communist ideas, a country buster is mass migration and mass inflation, mass migration and mass inflation.

And we are living through both of those. An intentional strategy, the Cloward-Piven strategy, which should be called the Harris-Biden strategy to strangle and suffocate the United States of America. Donald Trump was on a show of force this weekend to resist the woke race communism that is accelerating in this country. Do you know why they say Kamala Harris has all this momentum?

75,000 white dudes or whatever is there. It has been for quite a while a yearning for a communist type revolution. The Bernie Sanders primary campaign success back in 2016 and 2020 showed us that there is a fair amount of Americans that want Maduro, Castro, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot style communism to come to our shores. And it is here.

It is the current vice president of the United States. President Trump continued at our believers summit this last weekend talking about the tragedy of open borders. They will hunt down your daughters. They will find your children.

Play cut 21. Meanwhile, a crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are plunging. You know, they like to say, oh, our rates are down. They're not down.

They're way up. And we have a new form of crime. It's called migrant crime. We've become a dumping ground for the entire world in Venezuela. Crime is down 72 percent. I'm going to tell Charlie Kirk, I'm going to say, Charlie, next year, I want to have your wonderful summit in Venezuela.

And he'll say, why? I said, because there's no crime in Venezuela. They put all their criminals into the United States. So I want to go to Venezuela where it's safe.

Can you believe it? Just for the record, we have Lauren checking out event space and hotels in Caracas. She's already getting quotes to see what we would take. TP USA Faith Summit in Caracas. By the way, there's a lot of Venezuela news going on right now, a lot, which is worthy of covering later this hour. There's a lot. By the way, what's happening in Venezuela today very well might be happening in America tomorrow.

Very big election mobilizing the military, super corrupt, preventing the will of the people in the streets of Venezuela. But they've opened up their prisons. They say, go north. You're a rapist. Go to America.

You're an arsonist. Go to America. And just, you know, the Venezuela news, which again is very worthy of covering later this hour. He has a serious challenger from a female who's terrific. Late ballots suddenly hand Maduro a narrow 51 percent victory. Convenient how that works.

The challenger might actually have won, but Maduro, they found all these ballots at the last moment. We would never know what that's like here in this country. OK, so our events team tells me there is a J.W. Marriott in Venezuela, but the largest capacity is 600 people. So probably not big enough. I really want I mean, they would they'd try to kill me. But if I went to that, I wonder what kind of crowd we would draw.

I think it would be pretty good. There's a lot of freedom lovers there that wish they could escape. A lot of freedom lovers.

Lauren says it's a little dated, but not bad overall. And the crime is low. Venezuela is a safer country than 90 percent of America.

Why? Because we have inherited all the Venezuelan criminals who are robbing our cars, breaking into our homes, hunting down our women. And Venezuela is laughing about it.

It's just very simple. They've created a criminal pipeline. They collect their criminals, send them to America, collect their criminals, send them to America. Let's just play a little bit of a tape here of Miss Harris saying that we must have the courage to no longer use the terms radical Islamic terrorist. We must have the courage to not use the term illegal alien. And remember, she wants amnesty for illegals, taxpayer funded benefits. She wants native born Americans to pay for the benefits of Venezuelan rapists. That's Kamala Harris's agenda that when a Venezuelan rapist comes to America, she wants to make sure they have taxpayer funded housing, taxpayer funded benefits. Kamala Harris cares much more about the Nicaraguan El Salvadorian gang member that welts us up to our country, slits the throats of our women to make sure that they get lots of benefits than native born Americans.

Play cut to. We must have the courage to object when they use that term radical Islamic terrorism. Then the greatest victims of terror. Also have the courage to reject that term illegal alien. San Francisco Chronicle front page back in June 23rd, 2009, the media was not able to whitewash or memory hold that. And as a side note, the media's whitewashing of Kamala Harris's record right now is criminal. What they are doing.

D.A. lets illegals clear their records. Undocumented drug offenders in work program weren't deported. San Francisco disher attorney Kamala Harris, who is running for state attorney general, faces scrutiny over a jobs program. Kamala Harris office on Monday defended, allowing about a half a dozen first time drug offenders to clear their records by going through a job training program.

Harris's aides said they have a job training since May change the program that would prevent a recurrence of instances. Basically, she was giving them a shield from deportation. She was giving jobs to foreigners as a local D.A.

And this weekend, Donald Trump put this all on trial. By the way, these were drug criminals. These are people bringing opioids and fentanyl to go kill your kids.

And she wants them to have work and jobs and being shielded from deportation. President Donald Trump put this and many other issues on display from the believers summit that we hosted on Friday, the third time we hosted President Trump this summer. Amazing to the Bitcoin conference.

These are people that want to live in a state of liberty, not a state of totalitarian dictatorship. Let's play cut five, please. This afternoon, I'm laying out my plan to ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world. And we'll get it done. If crypto is going to define the future, I want to be mined, minted and made in the USA.

It's going to be it's not going to be made anywhere else. So those who don't quite understand cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency and Christians, which he spoke to the night before, are two threats to the New World Order. The idea that you can have a currency not controlled by the federal government is a direct competition to the U.S. Treasury, and it should be. That's why I am a crypto enthusiast to Ryan's great dismay. Now, there's a lot of ways to lose money on crypto. I'm not telling you to buy coins. I'm not doing any of that.

I'm saying that the idea that there is a competitive market for currency is an indictment of the dollar and it should be an indictment of the dollar. We are at 35 trillion dollars in debt. Whether we like it or not, whether you like it or not, crypto is happening.

Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. What an unbelievable start to 2024. We had last month saving babies with preborn by providing ultrasounds, and we're doing again this year what we did last year. We're going to stand for life because remaining silent in the face of the most radically pro-death administration is not an option.

As Sir Edmund Burke said, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. And we're not going to do nothing. Your gift to preborn will give a girl the truth about what's happening in her body so that she can make the right choice. Two hundred eighty dollars can save 10 babies. Twenty eight dollars a month can save a baby a month all year long. And a fifteen thousand dollar gift will provide a complete ultrasound machine that will save thousands of babies for years and years to come. And will also save moms from a lifetime of pain and regret. Call 833-850-2229.

That's 833-850-2229. Or click on the preborn banner at That is and click on the preborn banner. Also save moms from a lifetime of pain and regret. I'm a donor to this organization. They're terrific. Go to

Click on the preborn banner. Donald Trump is on the right side of crypto. And at the baseline of crypto, one of the reasons why Kamala Harris does not embrace crypto is because she's controlled by Elizabeth Warren who is controlled by the big banks.

That's right. Elizabeth Warren is actually controlled by the big banks because Elizabeth Warren does not want small banks. She wants three or four national fascistic run banks. Kamala Harris does not embrace Bitcoin because it is too liberating. Bitcoin is empowering. Bitcoin is a decentralized way that everyday patriots can build wealth, store wealth, transfer wealth without big daddy government monitoring, infiltrating, observing, or preventing your God-given right to own private property. The New York Times had it best from believers to Bitcoin, 24 hours in Trump's code switching campaign. When Donald J. Trump tries to win over a crowd that is not inherently his own, it goes on from there. Let's continue from his Bitcoin conference.

Play cut seven. Those who say that Bitcoin is a threat to the dollar have the story exactly backwards. I believe it is exactly backwards. Bitcoin is not threatening the dollar. The behavior of the current US government is really threatening the dollar.

The danger to our financial future does not come from crypto. It comes from Washington DC. It comes from trillions of dollars in waste, rampant inflation, and open borders while giving welfare and free healthcare to all of the illegal aliens that are pouring into our country by the millions and millions and millions.

It comes from printing hundreds of billions of dollars to fund endless wars overseas while our cities are like combat zones here at home. He continued by saying, I will immediately order the Treasury Department and other federal agencies to cease and desist all steps towards the creation of a central bank digital currency. I sure hope President Trump's security is better than it has been.

And I'll be honest, we hosted him on Friday at the Believer's Summit. I would have expected a lot more Secret Service agents. Do you know what our team said? They said, Charlie, there's been no improvement.

And I'll be honest, I saw zero improvement. I did not see a single difference between hosting President Trump the last two times. In fact, the other two times we hosted President Trump this summer, far more protection, far more agents. They were not doing their job. I caught agents on the phone, you know, texting, whatever. Again, a lot of these are nice people.

They ask for pictures, all that stuff. But it was not the lockdown type environment that you would have expected. I do not have faith in the Secret Service to keep President Trump safe.

I say this as somebody who has hosted President Trump three times this summer. I would have expected a bunch of clean cut, very big guys coming out, like 50 of them. It was not that was not the case. Again, very nice and sweet people. But maybe they just took the event for granted.

But that's how you get Butler, Pennsylvania. But I hope his security is good when he's talking about getting rid of a central bank digital currency. You are picking some very, very big fights.

You are you are picking the top of the top. In fact, the Secret Service told our team that we do not have the resources for that repeatedly. We're like, well, aren't you guys going to have more agents here? We don't have the resources for that.

Aren't you going to have the agents with this? We don't have the resources for that. And just so we are clear, remember in Butler, Pennsylvania, the Secret Service agents that were unable and not strong enough to be able to lift Trump? Let's just say that has not improved either.

It hasn't. These are people that are five to five, three nice people, but they don't really have the let's just say the capacity to lift Trump. And by the way, if you do not have an improvement in security two weeks after Donald Trump was nearly murdered on live television, when will you have better Secret Service detail? And I'm not just saying this. This was because I checked my premise.

I went up to Lauren and Tyler. I said, is it just me or is this is like the lightest Secret Service that we've ever seen? And we've done now 12 Trump events.

Is that right? We've done at least 12 Trump events. And this was the lightest detail we've ever seen. And it was just kind of lackadaisical. I would have what I expected going in was that they were going to have that place on lockdown days in advance. That it was going to be such an overabundance of Secret Service agents that you were just going that you were just going to get blown away. I mean, praise God, he was safe. It was fine.

It just largely I felt that there was there was no noticeable improvement. And even worse than that, there was like people coming backstage. I was like, why is this person here?

Who is monitoring this? Yeah, that's right. Lauren says we have done nine Trump events for vice presidential events. Yeah, that's right. And Andrew agreed, by the way. Andrew was there. Tyler was there. Lauren. So I huddled the I've alert.

By the way, I've alerted the campaign and they know my opinion. But I got our team together. I got Lauren, Andrew and Tyler said, am I am I seeing something?

Am I like seeing two of something? And they said, no, this is exactly right. They said this is that they couldn't believe how light it was. They couldn't believe how lackadaisical, how indifferent it was.

And I think it comes from the top. Again, I'm not I'm not blaming the rank and file. The rank and file were very sweet people.

They're patriots. They're just doing their job, except the ones that were checking their phone throughout Trump's speech. Some of you are saying, Charlie, why are you talking about the lack of protection publicly? Because my private overtures have been largely unsuccessful.

So maybe us talking about this program can get President Trump the protection he needs. I was floored. You know, we were joking around with the team coming into the event. I said, oh, boy, the security is going to be the worst we ever saw it.

And I waiting for the Calvary to come in. It just wasn't there. I mean, obviously, there was some protection and obviously they did their relative job. But I would think that in protection overreaction is actually OK because you don't want the asset to get shot. And what I also noticed was that when I was talking to some of these agents, they just had no. Understanding that one of their protectees got shot for the first time in 40 years. It's like, whatever. No urgency, no responsibility.

Email us freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. One of Kamala Harris's sisters in the revolution, the sisterhood of the growing communist revolution is Elizabeth Warren. She is a wicked person.

I'll tell you what. Elizabeth Warren will be the shadow emperor of a Kamala Harris regime. Elizabeth Warren, who remembers, remember, she wants to shut down all the pregnancy crisis centers. Let me just talk about this really quickly on the Christian front. If you are a Christian and you have any sort of skepticism for voting for Trump on the abortion thing, I hear your concerns. But you understand that Kamala Harris will work with Elizabeth Warren to deploy the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice to shut down every single pro-life nonprofit and every single pregnancy crisis center in the country.

Over 3000 of them. Elizabeth Warren has called for this before. Elizabeth Warren is a dear friend of Kamala Harris.

They are like this. What Elizabeth Warren believes, Kamala Harris believes. Elizabeth Warren confirms that Kamala Harris will grant citizenship to the 10 million criminals, the 10 million lawbreakers that are currently in America. Elizabeth Warren says they will get citizenship.

Play cut 28. One of the issues President Biden said he would focus on in the remainder of his term is reform of the U.S. Supreme Court. Among the changes he's reportedly considering are term limits and an enforceable ethics code for justices. Now, you've been working on this issue in the Senate. What realistically do you think you could get through Congress? Yeah, well, I think we've got all the Democrats who are ready for meaningful ethics reform to bind the Supreme Court, and we're working on changes to the Supreme Court. It can be term limits. It could be adding the number of justices. Things we can do without having to have a constitutional amendment.

It's actually, that's very radical, but it's not what I wanted to play. 23 is what I wanted to play, which is about immigration, but that's important. They want to change the Supreme Court, which is equally as scary.

Let's play cut 23, please. The border to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is a part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done. They're going to make Kamala sound moderate and then unleash a revolution. A revolution, by the way, that even Joe Biden might have resisted at times.

Comprehensive immigration reform means amnesty, benefits and free stuff for foreigners. President Trump then finished his weekend show of force in Minnesota. And here's some phenomenal news. It was a rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota. There were so many people that attended that the overflow could have twice filled the 7,000 person arena. The 7,000 person arena. Donald Trump goes to the blue.

That's just outdoors, everybody. Same as the people in the Bitcoin gathering and the Believer Summit. These are patriots that want freedom. Look at those amazing America first loving patriots. We the people run this country. We the people want the freedom to worship Believer Summit. We the people want the freedom to be able to have a currency that's not manipulated by the U.S. Treasury Bitcoin Conference. We the people want our country back, even in deep blue Minnesota, Minnesota rally.

While Kamala Harris gets the honeymoon treatment, I have to say President Trump, in my opinion, from a messaging standpoint, blunted and slowed down any Kamala Harris momentum this weekend from those three specific events, which were all about being set free from tyranny and control. Now, the ultimate freedom is found in the belief in the Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ, which we talked about in our event on Friday, because a belief in God is the threat to the regime. A belief in the Almighty makes government less important. We want a big God and a small government. Better said, we believe in a big God and a small government.

We believe in a big family and a small government. Donald Trump was shot nearly two weeks ago, a little over two weeks ago, and here he is campaigning like a madman. Believer Summit, Bitcoin, Minnesota, raising money in between. This month is going to be the best month the Democrats have had in quite some time. We are ready for that. Brace for impact. Buckle up. Emphasize. Get ready for what's coming. But then understand, below the surface, we are building a movement to win. Thanks so much for listening. Everybody email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-07-29 18:25:31 / 2024-07-29 18:38:14 / 13

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