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The FBI’s Plot to Shoot Trump?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
May 22, 2024 5:02 pm

The FBI’s Plot to Shoot Trump?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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May 22, 2024 5:02 pm

Explosive new details on the FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid have come out, revealing the reckless disregard for safety and human life that the FBI displayed in its frenzy to take down Donald Trump for good. Charlie reacts, joined by Julie Kelly to uncover the shocking news and more.

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The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk

Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show, where they try to create another Waco.

That's right. Maybe another Waco at Mar-a-Lago, where they had the authorization to shoot Secret Service agents and Trump. We dive into the details here. Email us, as always, freedom at Become a member, That is Get involved with Turning Point USA at That is

It's already a high school chapter or college chapter today at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to They are counting on your surrender. If you give up, they win.

But what if we look back and we realize we were just inches away from victory and that's when we decided to give up? Join us and thousands of American patriots for the summer convention that all are invited to. You're going to hear how we're going to win in 2024. With the biggest speakers in the movement, featuring President Donald J Trump. We're going to fight and we're going to win. Charlie Kirk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Governor Christy Nolan, Dr. Ben Carson, Steve Bannon, Candace Owens, Laura Trump, Senator Rick Scott, Congressman Matt Gaetz, Benny Johnson, Jack Posobach, and more.

June 14th through 16th. 2024 is our final battle in Detroit, Michigan. The great silent majority is rising like never before. Join us for the People's Convention. This is a new ball game, everybody.

You send a message. We play to win. Register now at slash peoples. February 28th, 1993. I was born that year.

I was born in October of that year. What happened on February 28th, 1993? It began a siege, a siege that many of you remember in vivid detail. And the siege was televised.

It was a great example, a masterclass in federal overreach in how an unnecessary sequence of events can lead to 82 people killed and 28 children. I'm of course talking about the Waco siege. At the centerpiece of that was David Koresh. It was in Waco, Texas. A 51-day siege ensued when David Koresh, obviously a lunatic, was accused of having a methamphetamine lab and trafficking drugs and having underage girls that he's impregnating.

No one's defending that. But what you don't know about the story is that David Koresh left his compound rather frequently. In fact, he would go for jogs almost every single day. Why didn't the FBI just go pick up David Koresh when he was going for a run? He was going to a Walmart.

He was filling up one of his cars at a tank of gas. No, the federal government made a decision. They made a decision to try to make an example out of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians.

It's a major compound in the rural part of Waco. David Koresh was a perfect enemy and a perfect villain. He was a Christian. He impregnated a bunch of women. He thought the world was ending.

He had a very, very strong opinion on eschatology. He had a bunch of guns and weapons. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, a lunatic, very similar to Merrick Garland, thought this would be a perfect time to show the full force of the federal government. Remember, this was after the terrible events in Ruby Ridge, when the federal agents killed, quote unquote, anti-government forces via a sniper rifle up in Idaho.

That's Janet Reno on screen right now. The federal government made a decision. They made a decision to escalate, not de-escalate. The government had an itchy trigger finger. By doing so, 82 people died. They kept on escalating and escalating, raiding nurseries, using tear gas, engaging in open firefights with the Branch Davidians, despite the fact that David Koresh said he was going to surrender, that they were negotiating with him.

This is one of the darkest moments in the history of the FBI and the ATF, the Alcohol Tobacco Firearms Division. It's kind of forgotten. Now, some people have done some shows on it.

There's been Netflix specials and books. But if you ask a random person on the street, how many people died at the Waco siege? They'd say maybe 10, 15, 82 people were killed by our federal government unnecessarily because the federal government made a decision. And the decision was, we're in charge. They mobilized tanks.

They burnt that compound to a crisp. And it was a soft declaration of force against innocent children and women. And of course, there were men opening fire on federal agents. No one is defending them. The federal government, they were responsible for the opening salvo.

Fast forward to what we learned yesterday. Yesterday, we learned that the Mar-a-Lago raid that happened in August of 2022, federal agents were given authorization by the Attorney General of the United States to potentially use deadly force and open fire on Secret Service agents. They did prep work with medics, and documents show that the United States Secret Service, they were preparing against the United States Secret Service potentially for an intergovernmental firefight. This was a reckless, drama-seeking, destructive, almost cataclysmic, dare I say, were they trying to create a Waco 2.0 at Mar-a-Lago? It was basically an attack by one branch of government to another. And you think about all these quote-unquote, macho sniper raids they did to arrest January 6ers for no reason. It seemed as if the federal government hoped for a violent shootout, like to act as over-the-top and authoritarian as possible. In Waco, it was exactly the same thing. Waco was a show of force. I'm Janet Reno, and I'm in charge. We have tanks.

And if you dare step out of line, I'm going to bulldoze your home. You see that footage you see on screen? That's them going into a nursery. Look how cool we are. Look at all the funding that we have. What we learned yesterday, thanks to Julie Kelly's excellent reporting, and we have Julie Kelly coming on the program later this hour, is that the federal government, the FBI, they were given a green light to use potentially lethal force. They were preparing with medics, where they were going to have Secret Service agents firing on FBI agents.

This was an ongoing negotiation over documents, over pieces of paper. And Merrick Garland went as far to say that we are going to use the full power of the FBI to potentially start a firefight with other federal agents. What if Donald Trump, during the raid, would have went down and said, stop it, stop it, and would have been somewhat, let's just say, oppositional to the FBI? Could they have shot Trump? Is that what Merrick Garland was hoping for? The same way that they killed David Koresh, were they hoping that they could get an opportunity where Trump might have gotten really angry that they were going through Melania's closet, where Donald Trump was defending his property as a former President of the United States? And all of a sudden, the FBI just opens up a pistol and boom, there it solves their Trump problem.

And they've been wishing for that for quite some time at a minimum, at a very baseline minimum. This was hugely reckless from people who wanted to feel tough. At the worst, they were looking at an excuse to use violence.

And that's not a surprise. These federal agents have a itchy trigger finger. And Waco is the perfect example.

Ruby Ridge is the perfect example. And not just against a former President, but against the United States Secret Service. They very well could have called the Secret Service and said, hey, we have a search warrant. Guys, just let us in. We don't want this to be any situation. Thank goodness the Secret Service complied.

There is no template for this. A former President has never had his home rated. Jimmy Carter didn't have his home rated when he's been in hospice.

Bill Clinton has had his home rated. The Secret Service doesn't have, oh, yes, according to training manual 71.4, when the FBI shows up with a warrant. Thankfully, the FBI laid down their arms. Donald Trump put on Truth Social, wow, I just came out of the Biden witch hunt trial in Manhattan, the icebox, and was shown reports that crooked Joe Biden's DOJ and their illegal unconstitutional rate of Mar-a-Lago authorized the FBI to use deadly lethal force. Now we know for sure that Biden is a serious threat to democracy. He's mentally unfit to hold office, 25th Amendment. This could have ignited a civil war.

Praise God, it didn't. Is that what Merrick Garland wanted? Did Merrick Garland want to see a civil war sparked? Is our federal government actively at war with its citizens? It certainly feels that way. It feels as if that the enemy is not the illegal invaders on the southern border, or the Mexican drug cartels, or the Chinese Communist Party.

But no, it feels as if the enemy is us, is that they believe the domestic enemy is us. What if they would have shot Trump right there in the Mar-a-Lago living room? They had the green light to do that. Maybe that's what they wanted.

Did they want to see an act of siege on Mar-a-Lago, burn it to a crisp, kill Secret Service agents and kill Trump? It certainly seems that way. Look, for over 10 years, Patriot Mobile has been America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. The only.

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Check it out right now, slash Charlie. None of us want to talk this way. We don't want to say that our government is at war with citizenry. Why would they say, hey, you know, look, you're a former president. You got a bunch of documents that we don't want. We have a search warrant.

Here is your six-hour notice. They say, oh, no, he would have destroyed the documents. You see, here's how it works. To get an authorization for a search warrant from a judge is a very high threshold. To raid a home is a high threshold. In order to get a judge to sign off on a warrant to raid a home, you need to show probable cause to the judge that if you do not have an imminent raid or an imminent intervention, that such evidence will be destroyed. That is the reason you have raids.

So let's just take an example. The west side of Phoenix where there's plenty of drug dealer and there's some guy running a cocaine operation. They could send him a letter saying, sir, by this date, by June 1st, can you please send us all your business records? The guy's not going to listen, right? He'll destroy everything. He's a hardened criminal. So we've developed in, and we should, it should exist, we've developed in our processes, the ability to raid private property, a protocol if, if, if you can prove to the judge that if you don't raid, all that evidence will be destroyed. There'll be flushing cocaine down the toilet. There'll be incinerating documents, so on and so forth.

It is supposed to be rarely and sparingly used. Merrick Garland personally requested this raid. I am not one to go out of my way to compliment the DC Uniparty Republicans.

But I think that we should repeat ourselves and repeat ourselves. Thank you, Mitch McConnell, for not putting this craven, evil reptile on the United States Supreme Court. He could have.

I'm just, I call balls and strikes here. I'm not a fan of the turtle, Mitch McConnell. McConnell made a decision to not fill that Supreme Court seat. Remember, we were told Merrick Garland is a very moderate man.

He's a very moderate in his disposition. He ordered the raid. This is Merrick Garland's operation. And just so we're clear, from Janet Reno to Bob Mueller to Merrick Garland, all of these snakes have been around the FBI even before Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Waco. They were all involved in these domestic issues. So it's not unheard of that Merrick Garland would also want to try to create a Waco 2.0.

Let's just play this out before I play Cut 85. What if the Secret Service said, no, you're not allowed entry in here, actually? Our job is to protect the president. Would it have been a standoff, a shootout? What would the FBI have done? Well, they were ready. They had medics on scene in case there was a firefight.

What is that? Our own government going at war against one another? This is the stuff that happens in Nicaragua or in Senegal when a junta tries to take over.

Play Cut 85. There are, however, certain points I want you to know. First, I personally approve the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter.

Second, the department does not take such a decision lightly. This guy's a psychopath. Did he get some sort of thrill for mobilizing the Gestapo? You are living through a series of events and developments where the American government, the administrative state, is at war with the sovereign. And it hasn't started here.

It's been bubbling up and bubbling up and bubbling up. He orchestrated. Merrick Garland is the designer and the architect with Joe Biden's approval, obviously, potentially having FBI agents shooting at the United States Secret Service, a friendly fire shootout, and maybe Donald Trump or Melania or Barron or one of the campaign staff or one of his lawyers getting caught in the crossfire. I want you to imagine back in August of 2022, news reports that there's a firefight at Mar-a-Lago.

What country is this? You're the FBI. You call up the head of the Secret Service—and there is a head, by the way—and you say, we need to meet privately. You bring them into the FBI and say, look, we have this really tough—and by the way, they shouldn't have done the raid in the first place—but let's say you have to do this. We have this really tough situation. Can we navigate this? Can you just make sure the agents on scene know that this is going to happen? We want to make sure we get expedited entry.

No, no, no. What if Merrick Garland was saying, maybe we get entry or maybe we get Waco again? We get Waco again.

Maybe Mar-a-Lago doesn't exist anymore. to solve your IRS problems quickly and in your favor. Like a preferred direct line to the IRS, they know which agents to deal with and who to avoid. It's not all bad news for you because Tax Network USA learned of a special limited-time IRS offer, and they're willing to waive $1 billion in penalties if you qualify. Schedule your free, confidential consultation to see if you qualify for this limited-time IRS penalty canceling offer. Call 1-800-245-6000. Again, call 1-800-245-6000.

Schedule your free, confidential consultation. Visit slash Charlie, slash Charlie. Joining us now is Julie Kelly, who sent the internet ablaze yesterday with her reporting and her revelations. Julie, congratulations on the great reporting. Fill our audience in, who is not aware of everything you learned and shared yesterday.

So thanks, Charlie, for having me on. I did not think that that would happen, quite frankly, although it's understandable why. I was waiting yesterday, motions on field motions were scheduled to be filed yesterday, two key motions by Donald Trump, motion to suppress evidence collected during the armed Mar-a-Lago raid. So as soon as those had stuck it, I was looking through them, and I saw in the motion a reference to the use of deadly force policy that had been included in the operational order that the FBI and law enforcement put together. So that kind of shocked me. And then I went to the exact exhibit that was attached to this motion, and it's 20-some-odd pages operational order that included this use of deadly force policy that the FBI apparently... Now, Charlie, we'll get to this. I'm told this is standard operating procedure. This is nothing to see here.

This is a nothing burger. No scandal here whatsoever. But there were other interesting tidbits in that document. First of all, they referred to Donald Trump as F-POTUS.

So I guess right then and there, you can argue that this was not a customary standard operating procedure plan. They talked about what would happen if Donald Trump arrived at Mar-a-Lago during the raid. Of course, it was a nine-hour-plus raid. He was in New Jersey, New York area, could have easily flown down as soon as he found out. They talked about engaging Secret Service agents, whether that was communication or, as they said, if there was some resistance from Secret Service agents, how FBI agents, investigators would proceed. There also was a revelation that a medic was embedded in this FBI team of 30-plus agents from Washington and Miami.

And then a map indicating how, if anyone was injured, could get to the nearest trauma center about 18 miles away. So my eyes were, you know, bugging out what I had as I was reading this. I had to read it a few times.

And then, as I said, these are court filings, so I just started posting the screenshots of those yesterday. So Julie, I mean, yeah, the naysayers say this is standard operating procedure. Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and American patriot and friend, says the following, this is absolutely a big deal.

Don't buy the BS otherwise. It was not a standard op. The Mar-a-Lago raid was an unprecedented action with a significant potential for confusion and blue on blue issues and conflict. It also involved competing equities between federal agencies with equal statutory claims to interrupt the other activities.

Anyone telling you otherwise is either dumb or playing dumb. I've done more deconfliction with Russians in a foreign op than the FBI did in their search warrant for Mar-a-Lago. Only an idiot would pitch the standard paperwork line. Go serve a search warrant at the White House in the cocaine case while filling out your standard paperwork and see how that works out for you.

Wake up. Julie Kelly, your reaction? I was shocked, as shocked as I was to read this motion and the exhibits behind it, to see former federal prosecutors and former FBI agents, whistleblowers who, you know, we've all interviewed and aligned with and supported, immediately come out and disregard this, downplay it, saying, well, of course, this is exactly what happens in every FBI raid. Agents have to be armed. They have to be advised how to use deadly force in this scenario.

And they always have a medic embedded and they always tell you how to get to the nearest trauma center. But this has never happened before in history. So the idea that, again, as I said, they refer to him at least twice as a former president, as CODIS. That's how they described him in this order, as the suspect. So right then and there, there should have been nothing standard SOP about this raid or the documents behind it. So it's shocking to see these former law enforcement officials, former prosecutors, and now, of course, the media is going crazy saying the same thing, that we are just supposed to accept that an unprecedented raid, authorized, by the way, by Attorney General Merrick Garland, I guess that's standard operating procedure too, Charlie.

As you know, the Attorney General signed off on every single FBI raid across the country. No, that doesn't happen. So none of this is customary. None of it is ordinary.

And it was very shocking. And so Dan's point is well taken and accurate that no one should be defending this and just saying, oh, well, this is usually how it happens, use of deadly force. I mean, Charlie, what if there had been a confrontation between armed FBI agents and Secret Service? Who wins?

Who has superiority? Secret Service is tasked with protecting the president and his family. And then you have these rogue FBI agents. We know out of the hopelessly corrupt Washington Field Office, there were four of them there. There was an individual, by the way, speaking of not being ordinary. There was a top official from the Counterintelligence Unit, perhaps Jay Bradt, who was also involved in the raid.

An individual and official from FBI headquarters there, and the assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida was there. That's not normal. None of this is normal. So to see that kind of support for this from even people on our side, very disappointing. So I have so many questions here. I guess one off the top of my head that we don't have to dive into here, Julie, is why are Republicans still funding this? Like, why are we giving the FBI a new building?

Speaker Mike Johnson has just approved a sterling, beautiful new FBI headquarters so that the FBI can keep on running traps against the American citizenry. So that's just kind of one thought here. But let me ask this question, though, Julie, which is, is there any repercussion here? And is there any remorse from federal agents regarding what's happened here? Because, I mean, is there any blowback? Is there any contrition, I suppose? Oh, absolutely not.

No, of course not. They consider themselves heroes for rummaging through Melania's bedroom suite, as also was disclosed in some filings yesterday, and rummaging through Barron's room, which was also confirmed yesterday by some of these documents. So no, I mean, these people have no humility. They have no conscience.

So how would they possibly feel remorse about what happened? So again, though, and I'm outside the courthouse right now in southern Florida in Fort Pierce, it was covered a hearing this morning, in the Classified Documents case. We really have to commend, once again, Judge Aileen Cannon, because without her courage in allowing these documents to be filed publicly, we would not have this information, because the government doesn't want us to know about this. And for the FBI last night to come out with a statement, again reiterating that this is normal, there's nothing untoward about this.

It was handled in their normal protocol fashion. Yes, why are we still funding Jack Smith? Why are we still going to move forward with an FBI headquarters? Where is the agenda, Charlie, to drastically, if not completely dismantle and defund the FBI, because at this point it's not salvageable?

But also holding these people accountable. It's frustrating to read these documents and see the agents' names redacted. They shouldn't be redacted. If you're a police officer accused of some sort of malfeasance, your name isn't redacted from official filings. So why don't we know who these Washington Field agents are who participated in this, or the Miami agents for that matter? So we need a lot more accountability and transparency.

And unfortunately, the only place we're getting it right now is in Judge Cannon's courtroom. There's no push on behalf of DC Republicans to fix this. Again, Speaker Johnson has just given the FBI everything they want.

Not a dollar cut, new headquarters. That is the DC Republican way. And we endlessly fund this. We enable it. We subsidize it.

The Republican Party needs an Intel agency reform agenda badly. But that's a separate issue. Julie, great work. Thank you so much. And come on again soon. Thank you. We'll do.

Thanks, Charlie. You might have heard Mike Lindell and MyPillow no longer have the support of their box stores or shopping channels the way they used to. They've been part of this cancel culture, so they want to pass the savings directly on to you by having a $25 extravaganza. When Mike started MyPillow, it was just a one product company. With the help of his dedicated employees, they now have hundreds of products and some of you may not even know about it. To get the word out, I want to invite my listeners to check out their $25 extravaganza, two pack multi-use MyPillows, just $25. MyPillow sandals, $25. Their six pack towel set, $25.

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That is promo code Kirk at, promo code Kirk. I just want to thank you guys in the audience. You are extraordinary patriots all across the country that want to know what's going on, that want to fight, that are in the grassroots. Some of you have emailed us, Charlie, how do I get involved? Your place to get involved for this election season is

That is And it's a perfect segue. Right now we are hiring the largest ever ballot chasing army, the largest grassroots army ever in the history of the conservative movement. Tyler Boyer is running that movement. In fact, we have a great little video I want to play to you just showing the energy and the size and the intensity of Turning Point. I think we have that clip here we can play.

Kind of really a powerful, powerful piece. Yesterday, in the state of Arizona, there was an arraignment, an arraignment for the alternate electors issue. Tyler Boyer, who is running our ballot chasing operation, was arraigned yesterday by his own government. He's a seventh generation Arizonan. And what is his crime? Did he do a drive-by shooting? By the way, there are 45 shootings in Chicago this last weekend. Did Tyler Boyer throw a grenade into a crowded theater?

No, no, no. His crime is allegedly, they say, well, he signed a document and he defrauded the people of Arizona. These are bad, bad people.

One of the news articles has this. Stuart Green, who is retired and lives north of Sedona, said he drove two and a half hours to witness the proceedings. Quote, I wanted to see the facings of people who tried to end our democracy. Okay, Stuart Green, you should stay in Coconino County. They deserve you up there.

Very, very weird person. Yeah, sorry gas was so expensive, driving all the way down on I-10. You don't get that reimbursed by Chris Mays. And we're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic. They're trying to take Tyler Boyer out during ballot chasing season. They're trying to schedule the trial in the middle of early voting.

Let me say that again. They're trying to schedule the trial for the alternate electors and take Tyler Boyer out of the game as a PR stunt and use the court system as a way to—okay, they're going after Trump from the top and they're going after Tyler Boyer from the bottom. But our movement will not waver. Our movement will not waver. Our movement is growing.

This is direct election interference. And we are only using this as an accelerant, Chris Mays, as reason to keep fighting. We do not give up.

We double them. We are emboldened. We're raising more money because of this. We're hiring more people because of this. We're anti-fragile. We're chasing more ballots. Why you guys are trying to use the instruments to indict our people? We use this as super fuel to keep us going.

Play cut 88. Credit for that. It's big and it is very organized. They've unleashed parents to object to material in the school library. Completely innocuous material out of the classroom.

If you don't want to hear it in a school board meeting, why should children be able to check it out at the school system? They started teaching kids, you know what, we're going to teach kids how to run for school board office. Conservatives are seizing control of the American classroom. 38% of Americans say they're conservative now on social issues. This is the highest percentage ever.

Nobody works harder, nobody pushes harder than Turning Point and nobody produces results like Turning Point USA. You can't indict that. You can try Chris Mays. You can try to arraign Tyler Boyer. You can try to interfere with the election. You can try your best. You can try to keep on raiding our homes and asking for documents. It'll be like whack-a-mole.

We only multiply in number. You are not ascendant and you know it. This ruling class is not acting like a confidant. They're acting like a paranoid, very low self-esteem group of people. And yes, okay, so they might have a trial with Tyler Boyer who runs our ballot chasing operation, the largest get out the vote operation in the conservative movement in the midst of early voting. We're only going to make it more of a reason to chase ballots, more of a reason to get low propensity voters. Game on. We're not giving up. We're doubling down. We are multiplying and you are not.

And I think deep down they know it. We're going to work harder than ever before. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-05-22 18:49:09 / 2024-05-22 19:01:59 / 13

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