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How Can Jesus Be Truly God and Truly Man?

Core Christianity / Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
The Truth Network Radio
August 29, 2024 7:00 pm

How Can Jesus Be Truly God and Truly Man?

Core Christianity / Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier

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August 29, 2024 7:00 pm

Pastor Adriel explains the doctrine of the incarnation and answers the question of how Jesus Christ can be divine and human. ——— Download our free resource What Is the Trinity? ——— JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER - ——— FOLLOW US - Instagram - X/Twitter - Facebook ——— WHO WE ARE - Sola is home to White Horse Inn, Core Christianity, Modern Reformation, and Theo Global. Our mission is to serve today’s global church by producing resources for reformation grounded in the historic Christian faith. Our vision is to see reformation in hearts, homes, and churches around the world. - ——— ASK US A QUESTION - Have a question for Pastor Adriel? Reach out to us at

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Several years ago, after church one Sunday, I was teaching Sunday school, and we were talking about Christology, the doctrine of Christ. And I asked my congregation, the people that were there for Sunday school, is Jesus a divine person or a human person?

And when I did, I could see the wheels begin to turn in their minds. And I said, okay, if you think he's a divine person, raise your hand. If you think he's a human person, raise your hand. If you think maybe he's both, he's a divine person and a human person, raise your hand.

And it was quite the mix in terms of responses. And I was thinking to myself as a pastor, okay, we got some work to do as a church, because actually, there is one right answer to that question, and it gets us into the doctrine of the incarnation. I'm Pastor Adriel Sanchez, and today we're talking about how Jesus can be truly God and truly man. There are so many wonderful passages in the New Testament that talk about the incarnation of the Son of God.

I want to just read a couple from the book of Hebrews. This is in Hebrews, chapter two, verse 17. Therefore, Jesus had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people. Just a couple of chapters later in Hebrews, chapter four, and in verse 14, we read, since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God.

Let us hold fast our confession, for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. It was the conviction of the early church that the eternal Son of the Father, Jesus, the Word of God, had assumed humanity, everything it means to be human, taking humanity from the womb of the Virgin Mary, conceived of the Holy Spirit. When he did this, he assumed true humanity, except for taking on sin.

He was sinless, so that he might be the perfect savior. The way in which the church has always articulated this is by saying that in the incarnation, we have one divine person. We're talking about the second person of the Holy Trinity. The Trinity is the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The second person of the Holy Trinity, the Word. John says of him in John chapter one, verse one, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That second person took human flesh, took humanity, and came for us and for our salvation.

A little bit later in John chapter one, we read in verse 14, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. It really is such a beautiful mystery, one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith. We have one divine person, the second person of the Holy Trinity, assuming humanity from the womb of the Virgin Mary, so that now you have this one divine person with two distinct natures, divine and human. It's not that Jesus is a divine person and a human person, but that he's a divine person with these two natures. These two natures exist together without mixture, separation, confusion, or division. We don't confuse the two natures.

It's not like we're creating this new thing all of a sudden. Jesus is not this, or the eternal Word of the Father is not this amalgam between divine and human. No, again, he's one divine person with a human nature so that he might represent us perfectly, and that's precisely what the author to the Hebrews is getting at, so that he can be a merciful high priest to us. When we're thinking about the redemption of the Son of God, the atonement that he offered up for us, because we're talking about the one divine person, God, infinite in power and glory, that sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins is of infinite value, able to atone for the sin of all people to redeem his chosen ones. It really is a remarkable thing, but because he is truly human, having assumed humanity from the womb of the Virgin Mary, that means he can also represent us perfectly, that he can sympathize with us in our weakness, as the author to the Hebrews says. How do we properly talk about the doctrine of the incarnation? We believe that the second person of the Holy Trinity, the divine person, the Word, the eternal Son of the Father, took humanity, assumed humanity from the womb of the Virgin Mary, being conceived of her by the Holy Ghost, so that in one divine person, you have these two distinct natures, and Jesus can be the perfect high priest of his people, making atonement for your sins and for my sins, and leading us into the truth.
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