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Alex Newman #AmericaUnderSiege #OneNationUnderGod George Barna #SeekingABiblicalWorldview

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
January 21, 2022 4:02 pm

Alex Newman #AmericaUnderSiege #OneNationUnderGod George Barna #SeekingABiblicalWorldview

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi, this is Pastor Greg.

I want to thank you for tuning in to Children Generation Radio. When God called me to start this program eight years ago, He led me to address three main topics while discussing current events through a biblical lens. I knew this was not supposed to be a preaching program as there are a number of those on the radio. My calling was to address the LGBTQ agenda, Islam, and secular humanism. Just some non-controversial stuff. My entire conversation is really at the core of the shift in understanding America's founding, Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. By removing God and biblical values, it's easy to see how gender dysphoria, unnatural sexual desires, and embracing a confused 7th century belief that rejects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Namely, Islam, a militant, geopolitical, totalitarian, and brutal regime has taken root. believe God has chosen this generation to ignite the passion to advance the radical message of the gospel and to once again establish America as the salt and light through which the message is advanced.

Each segment applies that principle no matter the topic. But how do we become this secular, democratic, non-theistic, top-down country run by a combination of demagoguery and elitism? I would suggest we examine our history. At America's founding we had been oppressed by a tyrant king, claimed he actually spoke for God, and claimed a divine right monarchy.

In order to set people free from these kind of despot leaders, one must reconnect the people with the one who grants all freedom. And so preachers in the mid-1700s challenged the Christians in America to decide whom they should serve. Who was their king? Was it a man on a throne across the sea? Or was it the king of kings, Jesus Christ?

You cannot serve two masters. As the founders fermented in this, they began to see the need to create a new kind of country, a nation that valued life and recognized God as the author, who had been set free to liberty in Christ and to pursue abundant life. No, these weren't pieces on a board passed to one and not to another, as John Locke suggested, but rather they were a very part of who being American was, a concept only understood through biblical glasses as a blood-bought son of God and heir to the promise. So why are Christians so docile? You see, we live in a world filled with sin that has taken a stand to call God the enemy. We are children of God, heirs to the promise, yet we stand idly by as our brothers and sisters are slaughtered and our children's innocence is destroyed.

Where is the anger and the rage at such atrocities? Jesus said it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea that he should offend one of these little ones. Jesus warned them not to cause harm or offense to the little ones, to the least of these. It would be better than a millstone were cast around his neck and he be drowned in the sea.

That's not docile in the face of offense being done to children. This is Jesus speaking, the one that they say only speaks soft, lovely words. Or what about these verses? If God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God, nor have I come of myself but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech? Because you are not able to listen to my word. You are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you want to do.

Wow! To the leaders of the church he says you are sons of the devil. You are deaf and unable to hear or understand the words of God because you do not know him.

Yet day after day Christians sit back silently while little boys are chemically castrated, while children's minds are violated in a comprehensive sex education curriculum, while they are taught that America equals Christianity equals all white people are bad and they should be ashamed. Let's be clear if you believe in the truth of the Bible then you believe that all are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. That God in his grace and mercy while we were his enemies doing all forms of vile behavior sent his son his only begotten son to die for our sins to lay down his perfect and sinless life as a human being having set aside his divine nature to become a man so we could take our place and overcome sin and death on the cross. Jesus the Christ shed his blood died on the cross rose the third day set free the captives presented himself to the disciples and to several thousand and then ascended to heaven at which point the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to lead us into all truth. Ultimately then we understand that sin is the issue and the nature of man.

The key then is a confession of faith in God through Jesus Christ and asking for forgiveness of sin. I believe that we have been called and it is the purpose at Jordan Generation Radio to raise up a generation to take back this nation to re-establish a constitutional republic with Jesus Christ at its core providing life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans and once again advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. And now Chosen Generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses and now here's your host Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program great to have you with me thanks so much for being here I know you have a choice and where you can listen each and every day and I thank you so much for keeping it tuned here to chosen generation radio very very excited to be with you folks if you missed our first hour this is of course hour number two I really encourage you to get get that on the podcast today Don Jans was with us he's with me every Friday we expose Marxism communism we talk about it what it is we talked a bit today about the the slide that we're in when people start talking to you about America as a democracy folks you need to cringe you need to stop them you need to put a hold on it we are not a democracy we are a constitutional representative republic and there's a big difference a democracy is a slow road to socialism which is a fast slide into communism and that's where they're trying to take us Matthew Council was with us as well at the bottom of last hour for about a 15-minute segment that we had with Matthew talking about what really happened on January the 6th and the real purpose behind it and and I know you hear January 6th and you have been pre-conditioned to believe some things about it that are just absolutely not true my next guest exposes a lot of those kinds of things on his programs and in the articles that he does in the interviews that he does recently doing an interview the horrific CIA experiments and programs exposed by a victim of those he's written about the deep state and he's also written about the Christian awakening and I want to welcome to the program Alex Newman Alex welcome so good to have you sir it's wonderful to be with you thank you so much pastor absolutely absolutely and again I just want to publicly say that I am so sorry that we were not able to get the zoom call situation squared away in palm springs last week so that you could join me live to talk about the film finding courage but I'm glad to know that you watched it and and and it will be part of our of our conversation that we'll have today so I thank you so much for making yourself available for that well I thank you for the invitation I thank you for working on that event it was phenomenal what I got to see through zoom was just excellent the film was fantastic I've actually been sounding the alarm about this very issue for literally more than a decade I've been traveling all over the world talking to people involved in this so I'm just very grateful that this is being exposed I'm grateful that you are helping to get the word out and uh you know we need to recognize that the horrors that are taking place in China against the Falun Gong even against Christians uh they're not going to stay in China if we're not careful so they're not well and and as you and I were talking about and and my interview with uh with Matthew this morning we we visited on you know the reality is they're actually happening right here in America right now two American citizens there are horrific events there's a story if you follow revolver at all uh you will be able to read the story about what happened to Ryan Samsel uh who who had his his hands zip tied behind his back and then was beaten unconscious with steel flashlights by correctional officers they left him for dead he had uh a detached retina a broken jaw a fractured left orb a fractured orbital my left orbital was fractured in the car accident I was in so I know what that's about brain swelling and blood clots you've interviewed people that that have been held you just mentioned to me as we were coming in that you interviewed an individual who is still being held today was held for a year in the DC prisons and treated horrifically uh talk to me about your thoughts as you watched the film Finding Courage and then reflecting back on the interviews you've done and the people that you've spoken with Alex yeah well you know the the parallels are striking and one of the things that that I think is most concerning is that the rise of communist China as a superpower as a mass murdering superpower has been enabled and aided and abetted at every step of the way by criminals and subversives operating within our own government uh these are people who reject the values that our nation was founded upon the biblical values that our nation was founded upon the biblical values that our nation was founded upon the idea that god created us equally the idea that god is the one who has endowed us with our rights right the bible makes perfectly clear that god forbids murder and therefore you have a right to life god forbids theft and therefore you have a right to property I mean these are these are key concepts that underpin our system of government actually our civilization and yet we have at the highest levels of the power structure in the united states to reject those ideas individuals who are working all day every day to undermine those ideals and to build up the communist chinese system with a goal of ultimately imposing that sort of technocratic dictatorial system on the entire planet and I recognize that to people who've been just glued to the to the television and the fake media that probably sounds a little bit outrageous but it's all documented it's all uh it's very very easy to prove in fact these people about it openly if you read their books if you watch their speeches when they're talking to each other uh that is their objective and so we now see this kind of convergence where the united states is becoming more and more totalitarian and authoritarian I mean think about this pastor great uh two years ago if I had told people that rights that are so fundamental we wouldn't have even thought of them as rights rights like our ability to go to work our ability to support our families our ability to open our business and help customers uh if you had told or our ability to go to church I was just gonna say exactly right right to be able to gather and go into your own church building yeah go ahead please go ahead yeah imagine two years ago if I had told people in America that those rights were going to be in mortal danger you would have laughed you would have said that's the dumbest thing in the universe and yet here we are right we've had two years of this madness where and you guys in California know it better than anybody I'm very blessed to be here in Florida but even here I mean I'm in Texas yeah I mean I know I got out of there 11 years ago I'm living in Texas now but but that was one of the reasons why I left California was was because of what was taking place the oppressiveness that was taking place out there and and you know and and and so yeah I freed myself and my family and we sought freedom here in Texas but we're fighting that fight in Texas I have to let you know Alex it's it's not you know Governor Abbott was second only to Gavin Newsom when it came to shutting down businesses and closing churches at one point during during the uh what Dr Judy Mikovits my friend calls the plandemic uh for which I was banned for life from YouTube for for bringing up by the way uh but yeah I know it's uh uh you know it's it's it's really I I think one of the other things as you were as you were sharing that narrative that comes to mind if you told people two years ago that you would have had you know priests and pastors standing at the door of their churches telling their people don't come in go home don't come in think about that because that is a reality I I have I have a friend who uh who who had a priest down in in Southern California where she she was standing outside because uh the the priest wouldn't let the congregants go into the church and was actually standing out there threatening and saying I'm going to call the police and have you arrested for trying to come in to my church that's crazy it is and uh you know I think God is doing something pretty incredible right now because he is truly sorting the wheat from the chap we're seeing who are the hirelings and who are the actual shepherds that God has called to shepherd his flock uh because the hirelings are the ones who are just going to flagrantly disobey God's command in Hebrews 10 that we forsake not to gather together uh the shepherds are the ones who are going to stand up regardless of the consequences to continue preaching the word of God to continue doing the things that God has called his people to do and the hirelings are going to be the ones who run and hide and submit to lawless and evil decrees so I think we're seeing a great sorting here I read that something like one fifth of the churches that shut down during COVID were never going to reopen again and I think a lot of Christians saw that and thought oh what a tragedy and in one sense yes it is but in another hey you know were those even real churches to begin with if you're going to shut down because you know you're scared of a virus or the government has told you that uh you're not allowed to meet regardless of what God says in his word um you know that's pretty pathetic and maybe you don't have any business being a church and the real Christians the people who are truly adopted into God's family they can go find a legitimate church with a legitimate pastor and legitimate leadership that uh that will not bend the knee to uh to the emperor when the emperor says you need to bow down to my golden idol well I you know I've I've said this for for years on my program when I started this show almost 11 years ago there were three things the Lord told me that I needed to be talking about uh the homosexual agenda Islam and secular humanism and and those three things are I believe you know the the the central issues that have attacked and assaulted the American church quite frankly uh and all three of those things have in some form or another been accepted by these liberal congregations and and sadly have have created this watered down idea I was talking in the last segment about you know the difference between objective subjective and absolute truth and sadly although the good news is a new PRRI poll as well as a pew research poll says that 70 percent of Americans still claim Christianity they if they're asked what religion are you what do you believe they they claim Christian which is which is good news it's a lot easier to take a ship that's moving on the ocean and and adjust its course than it is to have to put oars in the oars in the water and get it moving but the sad part is as you said there are a lot of those churches that are out there that we're embracing I've said for years you know they don't perform abortions at the front of the church abortion is a horrible thing but what they do perform at the front of the church is sodomite I don't know unions uh yeah so-called marriage all right so sodomite unions are performed at the front of the church I mean to me and I've talked to a few scholars about this maybe you have some thoughts on it but you know the the abomination of desolation uh that that sounds kind of really a lot like what that is when you perform uh you know sodomite ceremonies right there at the at the at the front of the church on the altar it's pretty bad it is it's it's horrific and again I think you know Christ warned us that there were going to be uh false preachers false teachers people who were going to come in his name wolves in sheep's clothing and now it's just becoming much more obvious to see them you know now it's not just a matter of uh some some minor false doctrine now they're just openly celebrating something that God calls an abomination and you know that really tells us all that we need to know it truly is an abomination and I think these people are going to have a lot to answer for um on judgment day I mean there's no excuse for that there's no possible interpretation of scripture where that can be understood as uh as being remotely within the bounds of what's acceptable and unfortunately you know there are a lot of churches that are moving in that direction but I think the the separation that we're seeing here is ultimately going to be a good thing God's going to use it for his glory it's going to be clear who the real Christians are what the real church is and then the false imposter version that's telling us we shouldn't go to church because of a virus that we should celebrate homosexuality that uh there's 87,000 different genders I mean it's just you just compare everything to the word of God and we know right away who stands with God and who doesn't well and the good news and uh Alex will be back right after this break but the you know we'll talk more about what what the good news is because the good news is is that there is an awakening that is taking place people are hungry for truth people are are are hungry and they want to see the truth and God's got a plan and a purpose for America and for you in this time this is Pastor Greg host of the Children Generation Radio Show if you follow my program you know I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life spent six weeks on life support died four times and broke bones in my head neck back ribs arms pelvis and both legs that was in 2017 in 2004 I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down in both instances God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life recently I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level if you want to know more go to and sign up for an account it's free to sign up that's and sign up for your free account and when you get done email me at pg at that's pg at and I'll tell you how to get well do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there's something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 Patriot Mobile Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider they offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers Patriot Mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts they are 100 US based providing exceptional customer service most importantly Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 patriot 972 patriot call today use the code chosen forward slash chosen greetings student generation army I'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged responsive loving and caring people I know I need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in India while there has become a focus on the Uyghurs in China our ministries in Jammu Kashmir and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uyghurs the Taliban and the mounting CCP army at the border of India between these threats and the lockdowns we find ourselves in need of additional financial support I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families our orphans our widows our bible students and our community outreaches $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month $20 funds our sewing school instructor and $150 a week funds our base operations the orphans the bible school students even the sewing school and our senior indigenous pastor Samuel so please go to forward slash pastor Greg that's forward slash pastor Greg or you can call me at 209 380 8654 209 380 8654 to make your donation over the phone please call us contact me today and make your best donation thank you and god bless you hi this is pastor Greg host of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two-hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation radio dot com chosen generation radio dot com and sign up for our emails today you can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor Greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio I'm your host pastor Greg my special guest is Alex Newman Alex what's the best way for people to get in contact with you and stay connected uh well thank you pastor and I've got a personal website where I kind of put up a sample of all the different stuff I do people can contact me through there it's liberty sentinel dot o-r-g and I also you know people can find me on most of the social media platforms I'm a senior editor at the new American magazine I'm a contributor to the epic times um I'm the executive director of public school exit our goal is to liberate as many children as possible from the public school system and get them into good Christian education programs whether that be home schools or Christian schools so that's some of the stuff that I'm doing and people can contact me any of those ways okay liberty sentinel s-e-n-t-i-n-e-l dot org that's it yep I'm putting that up on the screen right now for our TECN TV audience our social media streamers and uh and those that are watching at our website chosen generation radio dot com so there it is folks Alex Newman liberty sentinel dot org we were talking about uh you know the percentage of of those that that profess to be Christian uh we understand that you know a lot of that and George Barna will be on here in just a few moments uh so we understand that a lot of those individuals are not perhaps understanding clearly biblical Christianity as you and I might understand it Alex um two things I want to ask I want to ask you how do we help move people in that direction and then I also want to go a little bit back to what we're talking about in the first segment relative to waking people up to what's really going on the satanic influences that are that are at at work as it relates to our to our government today uh just the open way in which they're prancing about and Paul of course warned about this in Acts chapter 20 you talked about it uh wolves in sheep's clothing uh so two questions I want to put to you one how do we help people to understand that uh that whereas before they might have said oh that sounds really conspiratorial it's really happening how do we gently move them in the direction of catching a hold of that and then how do we give them the hope on the other side about you know the truth of real biblical Christianity which by faith is Jesus Christ saying on the cross it is finished and that you can walk in fullness of salvation and freedom from sin and death here and now in this place well thank you pastor excellent questions and I think at this point if you're a Christian and you don't see the satanic influence around us uh first of all you're not reading your bible and second of all you're not paying attention I've preached on this subject so many times everything that's happening in the world right now confirms scripture perfectly you know and a lot of Christians aren't even aware of what the bible teaches on so many of these issues but the bible calls satan the god of this world uh the prince of the power of the air and so you know that shouldn't be misunderstood satan is not a god he's not you know an equal opponent to god but the majority of the people on this planet are under uh a satanic delusion and that manifests itself in different ways it doesn't necessarily mean that you're openly worshiping satan right you may be worshiping some sort of idol in our american context our idols might look a little bit different than they would you know the aztecs or the mayas or the pagan viking scandinavians but we still have plenty of idols here and all of that ultimately you know that paul tells us and the scriptures teach clearly uh that is all satanic that is all worshiping of demons and so there's really only two uh kingdom right now jesus said it clearly in nathhew and then again in luke uh it's recorded in the gospels that whoever's not with me is against me and so christians i think unfortunately we've had it so good in america that we have stopped understanding the truth of scripture that there are two kingdoms there is god's kingdom and then there's the kingdom of man the kingdom of satan the kingdom of darkness and you can only be in one of those right and so everybody is in one of those uh either you're in god's kingdom you're you're one of god's adopted children or you're not and once you understand that once you understand the influence of satan and the demonic over the minds and the hearts of so many people then suddenly all of the scriptures make sense and so when you look at current events i think it confirms perfectly what the bible teaches and the way to start showing people that is first of all show them what the scriptures say and show them what's going on in the world the evidence is all around us if you choose to look um the black lives matter movement i i use this in a number of messages that i delivered uh you know in the fake news they won't tell you what's really going on but you don't have to dig very far beneath the surface to realize these the leaders of this movement the founders of this movement are marxist they're self-proclaimed marxist and they're also praying to demonic pagan deities and you can find their youtube videos where they're openly praying to these uh you know ancient uh spirit say all this kind of stuff so all of that is very clear and then the second part of your question uh you know how do we uh resist this how do we you know expose this how do we bring people uh into uh the the family of god how do we preach the gospel i think one of the most important things that the church in america has neglected to do is the discipling of our own children and i know a lot of people get touchy when i talk about this but if there are two systems if it is true what our lord says that you're either with me or against me i ask people make me an argument that the public schools that the government school system is with christ and you know prior to early 1960s when we still had the bible and we still had prayer in school you might have possibly been able to make a very lame argument but today it's very clear in california they're they're worshiping pagan aztec deities we've got to properly disciple our children like the scriptures command and children by the way folks are are not missionaries to the public school system dispel yourself of that belief your children are not prepared to go into the enemy's camp at that age and and be proselytizers it doesn't work thank you alex for that back with more after this up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired stop it doesn't have to be that way that's why mike lindell started my pillow and after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow mike decided to go all in he found giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper and since stores won't carry his product he's passing that savings on to you use the code pastor greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children call today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code pastor greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 for the best night's sleep in the whole wide world visit my pillow dot com this is adam mundall with state air and we are sponsors of chosen generation and pastor greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and i want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring chosen generation and pastor greg call him today at 830-446-3624 once again that's 830-446-3624 i know your business will be blessed as ours is and i challenge you to this blessing thank you hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two-hour program monday through friday with great interviews on topics that impact you our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation radio dot com chosen generation radio dot com and sign up for our emails today hey this is master greg you're listening to chosen generation radio that's chosen generation radio dot com chosen generation radio dot com be sure and get the podcast over there and sign up for our emails today greetings children generation army i'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged responsive loving and caring people i know i need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in india while there has become a focus on the wiggers in china our ministries in jammu kashmir and punjab are being terrorized by those same wiggers the taliban and the mounting ccp army at the border of india between these threats and the lockdowns we find ourselves in need of additional financial support i'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families our orphans our widows our bible students and our community outreaches 15 will feed a pastor's family for a month 20 funds our sewing school instructor and 150 a week funds our base operations the orphans the bible school students even the sewing school and our senior indigenous pastor samuel so please go to forward slash pastor greg that's forward slash pastor greg or you can call me at 209 380 8654 209 380 8654 to make your donation over the phone please call us contact me today and make your best donation thank you and god bless you hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two-hour program monday through friday with great interviews on topics that impact you our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today now back to chosen generation with your host pastor greg pastor greg and don't forget you can get more chosen generation at www.chosen generation and welcome back to chosen generation radio i'm your host pastor greg thanks so much for being here i do know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day and i'm so grateful to have you tuning into the program today well folks i want to let you know too by the way still need some support for our ministry in india if you'd like to help us you can just simply go to forward slash pastor greg that's forward slash pastor greg and our pastors over there our ministers over there we're working on we were going to have a meeting tomorrow tomorrow actually there but we just have not been able to raise the funds necessary because to bring them to our ministry center there in punjab we we really need to be able to help them in the area being able to feed their families as well and so without the ability to be able to do that we need about 750 in american dollars so that we can take care of the 50 pastors that that normally will come that's 15 per pastor and that basically feeds their family for an entire month so if you'd like to help with that in any way as we're raising funds you can do that at forward slash pastor greg or you can make a check out to faith harvest church faith harvest church and send it to p.o box 3393 bandera texas 78003 that's faith harvest church p.o box 3393 bandera texas 78003 and i'll appreciate it my next guest is one of the inspirations for chosen generation radio because well uh in in reading and understanding the importance of a biblical world view god put it on my heart to begin this program over 10 years ago and it's my pleasure to welcome to the program mr george barnett george welcome good to have you and happy new year well absolutely absolutely ah no worries i'm i'm just so glad to have you with me my friend so glad to have you with me uh if you can speak up just a little bit more because you sound a little bit a little distant from the microphone yeah actually i'm swallowing the microphone but oh my god yeah i've got a cold in my throat it's interesting during covid times because everybody freaks out you know they think it's like there is no other illness in america right everything you know you have a sniffle oh my gosh you've got covid you know they're gonna hang out oh my gosh it was caused by covid yeah yeah yeah absolutely no i understand i completely understand well you know i think i think that's a good place for us to begin because what does that tell us but that that you know people are operating out of a spirit of fear and you know when i i've been i've been sharing with my audience uh about you know the the the prr i poll and the pew research center poll that still say that seventy percent of americans claim christianity and i and i know what your polling has shown about the breakdown of that but i look at it and i say okay but if seventy percent of americans claim christianity that's good news because you can take a ship that's that's on the sea and moving in a direction and help alter its course far easier than you can uh you know start the ship off at shore and have to get that thing moving does that make sense it does make sense and you know all the data also shows that excuse me about 69 percent claim to be christian when we dig deeper into that we find that you've got about 28 percent who we would classify as born again christian not meaning they call themselves that but these are people who say that when they die they are positive that they're going to spend eternity in god's presence but only because they've confessed their sins and accepted christ as their savior and then you take a little deeper and you find only six percent have a biblical world view so i think what we're talking about here is kind of like an inverted pyramid where we start out with a huge number of people say yeah i'm christian what does that mean in america today it basically means i'm a good person and so we have to disabuse people of that notion that yeah you're a good person you determine your own destiny you can figure out how to be happy based on your own skills and abilities and talents and get them to understand there's actually a different reason that you're on earth it's not simply to be happy it's not to be comfortable it's to know love and consider of god within our mind strength and soul and to do that requires a commitment that most of the people who consider themselves to be christian have not yet made and so those of us who kind of get that understand that and have made that commitment that's part of our job is to help other people understand like you know really it's not about going to church it's not about calling yourself to christian it's not about praying when you're in crisis it's about a long-term deep ever-growing relationship with the living god who made you for his purposes it's not about you it's about him and and you know a part of that you know because you you should also i think you know ask yourself you know how does uh how does a coptic christian as as he's about to you know be beheaded hand his bible to the man that's going to behead him and say you know i'm praying for you i'm praying for you and then we know that that man has come you know how do we know that that happened well because the man that received that bible and received that prayer has now given his life to christ and and is going and sharing that testimony but how does one get to that kind of level of relation because it's because it's not it's not i can tell you from the suffering that i have been through it's not it's not about self-gratification self-gratification does not get you through you know all all of the adversity that that i physically have felt and the pain that i'm in every day and the challenge that i have just getting up and getting out of bed and getting over here and doing this program for you each day that's sorry it that because there just isn't enough of it okay it it's it's a knowing george it is it is i know god i know him i know christ i know i know they are they are the real thing well absolutely i i think you know this comes back to something that most americans do not want to wrestle with which is what's your philosophy of life how do you think all of this works why are you here how did you get here where are you going from here and and so we're talking about questions like what is the purpose of life what is success in life most americans right now we're talking about most americans right now say well you know it's all about being able to accomplish accomplish different things or you know the disney approach oh if you can dream it you can do it you know i mean success in life is about consistent obedience to god but why would you do that well first of all you've got to have that relationship with him and a lot of people have that relationship with god i've never seen him i don't know where he is i don't know how to do that try read the guidebook that he gave to us the bible and he talks about wanting relationship with us and how we can develop that if we're willing to take a step toward him he's going to wrap us in his arms and move us forward and he wants that and so you know purpose success is the question of truth does truth exist what is it how do you know it these are key things and when we are willing to sit down and grapple with those tough questions you come to these types of conclusions about maybe it's not about me because i'm not capable no matter how smart i am how many degrees i have how much money i've made who i know i cannot determine the course of my life or the life of others that's only done by god and and and so there's a dichotomy in that because when we talk about you know freedom and and liberty and and we talk about personal responsibility there is very much a personal responsibility aspect to the christian life you are personally responsible for how you respond to what the message of the gospel is and how you live that out and how you allow god to live that out through you and in you so yes you are responsible you're responsible for your personal sin there's no question about that you're responsible for your confession and coming to christ and and you're responsible for understanding it and and what is you know work out your own salvation with fear and trembling knowing that it is christ working in you and and i think that's the wall that people a lot of times don't get through they they they're there's a there's a i'm i'm stuck trying to figure this out i've i i tried the christianity thing but it left me feeling like i couldn't obtain well paul says that he says that which i wish to do i don't do and that which i wish not to do that i do but he finishes that in roman seven by saying but through jesus christ and we don't get that preaching of the completed work of the cross and how that is reflected into our lives i think one of the greatest examples is galatia 220 we'll talk about that when we get back and and the significance of that and i also want to talk about the philosophy that is that is expressed in in four verses or four lines in proverbs it's now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom there's no better way to do so than by joining the association of mature american citizens amac amac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in america well over two million people have joined and now carry the amac membership card amac was built by regular folks who feel the same way you do you're not alone amac believes in and stands up for the values that made america so great we're fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government we believe in the sanctity of our constitution so if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional american values you no longer have to feel alone call the association for mature american citizens amac and get great discounts and support your values call today eight five five six nine six seven nine three oh eight five five six nine six seven nine three oh use the code pastor greg get your first year absolutely free do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders 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chosen generation is about equipping encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill god's plan and purpose for our city county state and nation to be the christian influence and life that we have been called to be pastor greg is committed to seeing god's life-changing power work in you if you need prayer today or have a question you can reach us at 830-446-3624 830-446-3624 if your church or group would like to have pastor greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event again that number is 830-446-3624 830-446-3624 give us a call and keep on listening because you are god's chosen generation hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen generation radio show if you follow my program you know i'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where i saved my daughter's life spent six weeks on life support died four times and broke bones in my head neck back ribs arms pelvis and both legs that was in 2017 in 2004 i was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down in both instances god and his natural cures saved and preserved my life recently i was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level if you want to know more go to and sign up for an account it's free to sign up that's and sign up for your free account and when you get done email me at pg at pastor greg that's pg at pastor greg and i'll tell you how to get well hey there's pastor greg you're listening to chosen generation radio that's chosen generation chosen generation be sure and get the podcast over there and sign up for our emails today did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio i'm your host pastor greg and my special guest is george barna and he is at arizona christian university at the cultural research center cultural research center just before we get into some more of what i talked about as we were leaning into the break um when are you coming out with uh your your next what what's the next project and when will and when will that be uh when will that be happening well that's great we have three things in the field right now one is we are evaluating the world view parents of children under the age of 13 we know their person's worldview developed by the age of 13 parents play a role in that a significant role but we also know you can't get what you don't have so we want to take a look at what is it that parents have that they could give to their kids if they don't have it what are some of their strategies second thing we're doing right now we've got interviews going on with the senior pastors of churches across the country evaluating their world view and again it's the same issue if people who attend church get four out of five of them our research shows more than four out of five uh do not have a biblical worldview what are they getting from church what's going on there so we're evaluating pastors we'll have that coming up a third thing that's in the field right now also is a study where we're looking at adoption for women of childbearing age why is it that they believe they only have two options they can either have the child or they can have an abortion and frankly most women we're finding are comfortable with both options that's problem number one but problem number two is it appears that adoption is not even considered as an option and so we're trying to find out what happened in the calculus there why is it that adoption is not taken seriously by women who could or are having children so those are the next projects we've got coming up wow wow well you know when you consider especially i'm thinking about the you know the the parental issue you know when when you look at uh you know the we and we talked about you know uh messaging uh you know a few minutes ago in in in the green room right and and how messaging is done and how uh you know your your marxist communist concept uh is is you know all the messaging needs to be the same uh you know parents are being uh labeled if they show up at a school board meeting right if they if they if they are uh if they are actually actively involved in their child's educational process and they have concerns about what's happening to their child what they're being taught whether it's this uh grotesque comprehensive sex education program where they're polluting the minds of children with pornographic material and and and basically trying to groom little girls and little boys to have uh you know sexual relationships by the time they're nine years of age so they can begin the abortion process monica leo klein was on my program she worked with parent planned parenthood uh on an advisory role and and and worked with them not for them but with them for 10 years and and she is is a part of the mind polluters alex newman who was just on with me is in that movie as well and craig soyer who will be on with me on monday uh where we'll talk a lot about that film but they're grooming children and if you're a parent and you're concerned about that if you're concerned about crt where they teach your kids to hate based on the color of their skin you're a domestic terrorist george you're you're you're a yeah you know there's there's there's something wrong with you that that's that's a scary message for the parent yeah and this is one of those ages where parents are going to have to recognize that parenting doesn't just mean taking your kids to baseball practice go into their music lesson making sure they have three meals a day parenting now also means you've got to be a cultural warrior cultural warrior and a lot of parents hate to hear that it's a i can't do that that's not me it better become you because you're immersed in that war with your child whether you like it or not and if you choose not to participate well you're going to lose that war it's that simple and so we've got to be aware but we've also got to be active and we've got to be not just active and aware but knowledgeable about the things that we're getting active about you know and we were talking before about personal responsibility yeah that's really what all this is about and one of the things that that you probably did i mean we did with our children and they got sick and tired of hearing it and they never failed to let me know that of me telling them your choices have consequences think carefully before you make your choice yeah because it's going to come back to haunt you for the rest of your life it may seem small now it's going to wind up being a big deal at some point in your life no matter what choice you make so think carefully about your choices make the right one now and it's going to take care of this for a long time well and you don't live in isolation i always tell my kids to that point where choices have consequences you don't live in isolation get into your mind you know there there's a pond out there and you're the stone and you're being tossed into that pond believe you me those those ripples are going to impact not just you you're not the only one impacted by the choices that you make and the decisions that you make and you need to think about that because those same ripples will bounce back on you and that's part of the beauty when it worked of being part of a christian community yes of people who are like-minded who believe similar things and are have the same goal which is to be christ like and so as we read about the life of grace in the new testament i mean it's startling the things that he did but it's only startling because that's not how we live today and so as we look you know you mentioned earlier uh this idea that people have said well you know i tried christianity didn't work for me well then they didn't try biblical christianity right what i find from our research is that most people try cultural christianity and that's where we come together we sing a few nice songs or maybe we listen to other people sing songs we don't understand and we've never heard we hear some person standing in front of us lecture us for a half hour we walk out and we say well that didn't make a difference well no because that's a man-made model the real church isn't about going to that event it's not about that institution it's about a group of people who come together with the common love of christ and his truth and we're trying to help each other become more like and when you have that kind of church experience yeah that's truly life-changing and so let me give you two keys two verses to go to galatians 220. i am crucified with christ what does that mean that means that your old man all of the things that you struggle with have died with christ you have to understand that that is a fact that is a truth you are a new creation in christ when you become a christian you really are you have to believe it and that's where faith comes in i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live that means you're going to continue living not i but christ lives in me the life i now live in this flesh i live by something so powerful the faith of the son of god that's that's principle number one is that is understanding galatians 220 because that really writes your ship relative to the relationship you have between you and god and jesus christ secondly proverbs chapter 3 trust in the lord with all your heart all your heart trust him you can trust him he's trustworthy lean not on your own understanding don't try to figure this out on your own the answers for you is as as george said are in the book get in the book and understand the answers in all your ways acknowledge him you want somebody involved in your life then pay attention to them when they're talking to you in all your ways acknowledge him and then finally this golden nugget and he shall shall it's a promise he shall direct your path you want to know what direction to go at the end of the day when i stand before my god i do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that i sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight to share the good news and keep evil in check how did you shine your light and be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demanded you change my message did you call evil good and good evil did you forsake my love for that of another lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which i call an abomination have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort and reviling me no at the end of the day i want him to simply say the evidence is in well done thou good and faithful servant i love my god and i love his creation and i will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only god is good and jesus came to save the world that no matter the evil in the world i will never give up and in spite of the hate i will love in truth god bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest are you confused and stressed by the news and our culture i'm maria bear with the colson center for christian world view i want to invite you to join me and john stone street every week right here on this station for breakpoint this week we provide a christian perspective on the news that gives clarity confidence and courage for your daily life don't miss it you
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