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Dr John Apsley What the Protocol To Overcome Covid is and Why It Works Allergic Waves 090921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 9, 2021 9:41 pm

Dr John Apsley What the Protocol To Overcome Covid is and Why It Works Allergic Waves 090921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Thank you for tuning in to Chosen Generation. Chosen Generation. If your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that same life-changing message and anointing to your event.

Again, that number is 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for tuning in. I do know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio.

We welcome all of our audience. And again, I just want to remind you at the close of the next hour, okay, we're going to have on the program with us Zach Voorhees, who is the Google whistleblower. He's going to be staying with me for a special roughly about a half hour to 45 minute segment. And you can catch that at We'll have a little bit more opportunity to dig a little bit deeper into the things that Zach will be sharing with us in the next half hour. I don't want to take up any more time talking about that because I really want to get to my next guest and I'm very, very excited that he was able to step in this morning and be with us. He will be, by the way, providing information at the That's the That's coming up in 22 days, 22 hours and 52 minutes.

No, I didn't just pull that out of my own brain. I'm actually looking at the website. You can find it at And it's going to be awesome. I'm looking forward to being there October 2nd and 3rd. So coming up shortly, get your flight plans made and get registered at the site And hopefully, Dr. Apsley, if they don't make us get vaccines, if they don't mandate that to fly, I'll be there. I want to welcome Dr. John Apsley. Dr. John Apsley, welcome to the program. Good to have you. Well, thank you, Pastor.

I'm so excited to be here. And you know, I've been working with the Trinity Symposium since 2009. So we go way back. And that was when I was really focusing in on what to do for cancer. And then the Fukushima event happened in March 11th of 2011.

And I had to switch gears because I was living on the West Coast. And knowing that we had a 25 year impact from the Fukushima event and working with some of the top experts in the world on the subject. Well, that's still a major event that is causing all kinds of different issues. But today, when we have all these different immune assaults on our system, and we have this new viral challenge, I'm really glad to be here with you today because I think we can give your audience some really constructive, long lasting information that they can make use of for themselves and their families.

Well, I'm excited about that. I had this virus back in December and I had a pretty severe case of it. The chills, the sweats, the fever, the shortness of breath. I ended up with double pneumonia and coughing up blood. And as I mentioned to you in our warm up, I've got some other morbidity issues, if you will. But I told my doctor right off the bat, my primary care physician, you're not putting me in the hospital. I won't go to the hospital because I know the hospital will kill me. And Dr. Judy and Dr. Brian and Dr. Eric and several others and Dr. Tenpenny had said take quercetin, vitamin D3, zinc, high dosage of vitamin C, there's some major minerals, enzymes and multivitamin and I've been taking stuff for my adrenals. That covered with the Z-Pak, dexamethasone, Simvacort and albuterol. That was my remedy.

And I take the natural stuff today. But you've got some really neat things that you share on your site that are next level. Talk to us about those, if you would. Well, our facility, we have a medical clinic here in Orlando. Our facility is an educational hub for many, many physicians. We have about 20% of our patients are physicians that are ill or they're family members.

And then the rest is the general public. And we've had some very, very difficult cases that have resolved because we have a targeted approach. And I'm going to, if your audience wouldn't mind, I'm going to bend their minds for just a very short moment so that they have the real information as to what's happening. Because the protocol that you received that you just listed out is spot on. But what I want to do is to explain why.

And then folks will understand with confidence what is happening to them and why the supplements and anything else that their doctor prescribes for them is either on target or maybe not so much on target. So let's get going with that, okay? Yes, sir.

Go for it. I'm taking notes. Okay.

Excellent. So what we have is a two-wave approach that is challenging the immune system. The two waves are comprised of the same challenge, micro clotting, micro clotting.

That is what's deadly about this whole event. And there's one that comes in right away and there's one that comes in about seven days later after symptoms first appear. Now this data comes from 4,000 case histories out of South Africa. And this MD PhD, Dr. Chatney, who has the experience that recorded it and it went around the world as to what he was doing, is the world record for success. There's nobody that has 4,000 cases of patients presenting with shortness of breath that have made full 100% recoveries without a fatality.

There's nobody on the planet. No hospital, no research center, no other clinician in the world has that track record. And what he found was, he's a microbiologist also, is that there is an acute allergic reaction that occurs about seven days after first symptoms appear. And this is unprecedented.

No one has ever seen this before. So getting back to the events, both events cause micro clotting. And here's why. In our bloodstream, we have an antioxidant called glutathione.

Bear with me. And if it's oxidized, if it runs out of its antioxidant protection, it induces a signal called sepsis. And sepsis causes the micro clotting. So that antioxidant has to be kept reduced with simple nutrients, which is what you covered.

Your list covers how to keep that reduced so it doesn't over oxidize. And that's the first tsunami that you can take care of. The second tsunami is an allergic reaction that has to do with histamine. And that doesn't kick in until about day seven or eight. And it's like having a bee sting or if you're allergic to peanut butter. Those events like a bee sting or peanut butter will happen right away to people. But in this case, it doesn't happen for seven or eight days. And this was the missing piece that this incredible doctor out of South Africa found that saved all of those other patients' lives.

Here's the thing. You start getting some symptoms and this regular stuff and you're taking over the counter medications for it. Everything's fine. And you begin to make a recovery and everybody in your family's happy.

Oh, they're getting better. And then suddenly on day eight, you wake up and you can't breathe. That's because the acute second tsunami has rolled in and over the counter remedies, if you know what you're doing, a specific antihistamines immediately stop it and turn it around. There are a few exceptions that need some steroid, either a steroid inhaler or dexamethasone for a very short time. Something that won't interfere with the immune system. And that is how we can save all these people's lives.

So what I want your audience to know, there are two tsunamis that roll in. Number one, there are nutrients that immediately should be taken. One is cherry juice. Cherry juice.

That's an antioxidant from cherries, the fruit. Okay. Got it.

Got it. Sorry. Yeah. Okay.

Very important. Okay. Yes. Yes. That stops a huge portion of what will oxidize the glutathione in the bloodstream. Okay. And that's because the xanthine oxidase is related to gout and cherry juice is a home remedy for gout, has been for hundreds of years.

That's a great thing. Then there's the things you took. There's vitamin C, there's vitamin E, very important. Natural vitamin E, E as in epsilon, then vitamin D, D as in dog is what you mentioned, CoQ10. And we like zinc and also omega-3 oils and all of these are up on our website under our immune programs and you can study them. And that stops the first tsunami from rolling in and overwhelming that blood antioxidant.

Very effective. The second thing is to prepare and read up on the over the counter antihistamines. These are safe. These are things like Claritin. These are things like Pepcid. And those get both sides of the histamine reaction. There's two sides to histamine. One is H1 receptors, the other is H2 receptors. And Claritin gets H1 and so does Benadryl. If you need extra strength, it's Benadryl.

And then Pepcid, which is for digestion, it gets the H2, okay? And those you're only talking about taking on day seven for four days, okay, if it's four days. And usually that'll just prevent people from getting the shortness of breath.

People that are older and people that have comorbidities like you do with having past injuries, they may need a doctor to be there to help prescribe some steroids for only a short time. And this extinguishes the second tsunami. And then you're fine after four days after that. So on day 14, from start to finish, you're out of the woods. Now, doctor, let me ask you this. The Quercetin with bromelain, how does that work?

What's the benefit of that? Because I noticed I didn't get that. I finally figured out where to order it from. I had to order it from iHerb. And it came in about seven days into this, seven to 10 days into this. And I noticed that as soon as I started taking it, I started taking 1,600 milligrams. But as soon as I started taking that, there was a shift.

Yes. So you have the vitamins and minerals that I just mentioned. Let me go over that and I'll add in Quercetin so the audience can understand it. There is an antihistamine component to certain nutrients and Quercetin is one of the top ones. So you have CoQ10, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, zinc, omega 3 oils.

They all have a strong antihistamine effect as nutrients. But perhaps the strongest one is Quercetin. The problem with Quercetin, and you mentioned it, you'd have to take 1,600 milligrams. The problem with Quercetin is that it's not absorbable very much. You have to get the absorbable kind and or take a lot of it, which is exactly what you did. So we're prepared with the over-the-counter antihistamines because they are safe. They have a proven track record and you're only taking them for four days.

So you're spot on. Hold that. Don't go anywhere, Dr. Apsley. We'll be right back. Folks, we're going to be taking a break here in just a moment. You can find Dr. Apsley at his website,,

And we'll get a little insight into the regeneration effect when we come back. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. Get more at the website,

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There are two tsunamis that roll in. The first one is nicely handled with cherry juice, CoQ10, vitamin C, E, D, zinc and Omega oils. And then the second reaction occurs about a week later after symptoms of a common flu first arise. But not shortness of breath.

If shortness of breath arises then starting antihistamines immediately is very important. And those are the over-the-counter ones. The nice thing about the vitamins going into the first week, they are antihistamines.

They're just not super strong. But the over-the-counter ones like Pepcid and Claritin and if you need Benadryl, they only are taken for four days after that week the second tsunami occurs. So that will cover it. You guys can have confidence with 4000 case histories out of Africa having been saved with this mechanism. As long as you also recognize there are some people with other health concerns that might need a little bit of steroids for four or five days.

And that pretty much will help an enormous number of people make a full recovery. Outstanding. Outstanding. All right. Let's flip over and talk about the regeneration effect.

Share with me if you would a little bit about that and how folks can find out more about that process. Very good. So since 2009 at the Trinity Health Conference I've been talking about our self-healing mechanisms that we were God-endowed with. Our innate systems that God gave us. And I'm going to do a number here really quick. You probably will blur up in your head but it's a good number to sort of start with. So if we just look at one human cell at the age of 25 when we're healthy in the genetic core of that cell what happens on every single day. If you're healthy is that a hundred thousand mutations or injuries will naturally occur to you at that genetic core. And within 24 hours your body fixes that. And because we have 30 trillion human cells you multiply 30 trillion times one hundred thousand to get how many injuries or mutations happen just to our genes each day. Normally that our body fixes within 24 hours.

That is the regeneration effect. So how do we do that. How do we bring that out when we're 50 or 60 years of age. The long living people of which they still exist but they're getting smaller and smaller in number.

This is the difference between us and them. At the age of 25 we begin losing that ability here in the United States and in civilized countries. But the long living who live in pristine environments in remote areas do not lose that ability to repair. And they don't lose their ability. They don't even start their aging process until they're 80 or 90 years of age because of that system that self fixes up.

So that's what I've been lecturing on the Trinity Health conferences is how do we put together a lifestyle a daily lifestyle that causes this repair system to stay on until we're 80 or 90 years of age. That's the whole thing. Wow. Wow. All right.

That settles it. We're going to be bringing Dr. Apsley back. We'll work with you, sir, on your schedule and get you back on because I definitely folks want you to hear more about this. I know what God did for me.

He prepared me 13 years before the accident to get through that accident based on a lot of the protocols that Dr. Apsley is talking about. I'm hungry. What's this? Beans again. Did somebody say hungry? Pistol Peach Jerky at Pistol Peach Jerky dot com. A herd of delicious flavors.

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