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It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started MyPillow, and after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow, Mike decided to go all in. He found Giza Cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper, and since stores won't carry his product, he's passing that savings on to you. Use the code PastorGreg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children. Call today. 800-662-9236. 800-662-9236.
Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids. Use the code PastorGreg, call MyPillow today. 800-662-9236.
800-662-9236. For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit MyPillow.com. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And I am working on my own technical, there we go. Okay, I got that fixed now.
And now all I got to do is move you over to there. And for those that are listening, this doesn't really impact you, but for those that are watching, there he is. The man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Zach Voorhees, the Google whistleblower. Zach, welcome. Good to have you, man.
Thank you, Greg. Good to be on the show. It's awesome. Awesome. Awesome. All right. So how's give me give me another sound check real quick.
One, two, three, one, two, three. All right. I think we're okay. Are we are are are we are we good, Christy? Just give me a I think we are.
If we weren't, she'd be telling me. Yes, we're good. Okay, excellent. All right. Well, I want to first of all, I want to welcome you back.
And thank you for thank you for taking the time to be to be with me today. So much going on, right? I mean, yeah. And and it seems like every day they are narrowing the scope of what you see. Is is that in my imagination or or or is that a reality of the world we're facing? I mean, at this point, they're just banning people like Ron Paul because he's saying resist the vaccine, you know, totalitarianism that's coming in. And so they're just like, oh, that goes against our community standards and that goes off. And now we're starting to get financial services taken away. Last week, I got banned from PayPal and Venmo and my girlfriend did, too. And in fact, Chase Bank dropped her.
So essentially what's happening to Laura Loomer is basically happening to a wider cross-section of America right now. It I I'm it just blows my mind. So so Venmo took you off because you're exposing what Google is doing. Is that I mean, that has to be the only only there. There isn't any other justification for it, right? They won't tell me.
That's the thing. They won't tell me why they banned me. They just said that something that you did goes against our, you know, corporate policy or corporate principles. And, you know, that said and that there's no chance to appeal. The decision is secret. The evidence is secret. There's no trial. There's no chance to appeal. And if you have a complaint about it, you got to send them a letter to their legal department and they don't take phone calls. Well, I have to tell you, folks, because I'm I'm I'm on I'm actually on Venmo.
What was the other one that knocked you out? PayPal. Really?
OK, so I'm on Venmo and I'm on PayPal. And now a lot of people, I'm told, are going to something called Locals and Locals has a different financial somebody. And I'm I'm actually was getting ready to get signed up over there on that. I got to look into that.
I'll try and give you that information. But, Zach, you know, the crazy thing is, you know, I had Dr. Judy Mikovits on and we talked a lot about the vaccine issues. And YouTube banned me for life because of it.
You know, I mean, it was crazy. What was she talking about that you guys banned? She was talking about the dangers of the of the of the vaccine. She was talking about what her research and study had shown was that incubating the vaccines in monkey brains and and mice and so on, that it was contaminating that that element. And so when they were extracting it, she discovered that animal genome and DNA, she found samples of it in in the vaccine. And then they were creating the vaccine. So now when we would get those injections, it would breach our cells that it wasn't supposed to breach.
Because it had this animal DNA and our DNA would would look at that and would say, oh, you're friendly and let it in. And and that was her breakthrough discovery about AIDS, the autoimmune deficiency and and what a major cause of that was. And then she linked that into things like Alzheimer's and dementia and Parkinson's disease and fibromyalgia and all of these associated autoimmune deficiency issues, because that's really what the basis of what these things are, were impacted by 50 years of vaccines. Well, then the pharmaceutical companies said, oh, their lawyers were like, wait a minute, if you guys agree to this and you let her keep saying this and you go on with this, you're going to have multibillion dollar class action lawsuits from all these people that have been badly impacted by the vaccines you've been putting out.
And they know about it, too. This is the thing that was a meeting on Simpson Island with these vaccine manufacturers at the CEOs, and they came together and they looked at the data and they said, this is this is a crisis. Do we come clean and tell the American public that were that they're getting contaminated vaccines and that they're getting viral infections that are causing cancer? Like there's this one cancer causing virus called SV40, simian virus 40, and it got into the polio vaccine supply. And I think about like one third of all Americans were exposed to it. And there was this essentially an explosion of cancer that happened in the 80s. And it seems that it was all driven by these vaccines. The vaccine companies knew about it. And rather than face the music, what they did is they decided to get themselves immunity.
And now we see the Frankenstein of that. You know, now it's even worse because they've taken all these legacy immunity clauses and they've been able to finagle it in order to get it into this. I think it's a fourth generation vaccine, this mRNA vaccine, and it's completely experimental. They skipped all the safety testing.
I mean, I was following it and reporting about it last year. And, you know, the corporations, they skipped the testing because they said, well, it's got to be Operation Warp Speed and we got to get these vaccines out because it's an emergency and we can't open up the country until we get these vaccines. And then there was a video with the CDC director, the woman, I can't remember her name right now, but she comes out and she says that, like, there's just absolutely no data that people that are vaccinated can get any of the variants.
Right. Just flat out said there's just no data in the real world or experimental. And then as soon as they started giving out those vaccines, it was like, oh, it's really rare that there's a breakthrough. And now it's just like it's moved so much that now the vaccines hardly do anything other than lessen the severity of covid supposedly when you get it. And there's some studies out there, Zach, that indicate that there's a shedding that happens. And so individuals that get the vaccine who are around anyone because they're now more susceptible, actually. But if they're around anyone, they are shedding off the illness and individuals around them are getting sick.
Yeah, well, that particular talking point, I actually disagree with as an engineer. I think that, yes, that you can shed and it's going to be bad and things like breast milk, which it's going to be concentrated. I mean, you're getting a large amount of it. The thing about shedding on your skin is that, yes, you know, you do sweat as one of the ways you get rid of toxins, but there's just so few toxins that will go from like from your body to your skin and then inhaled and then into the other person's blood. That to me, it seems almost like one of those stories that are put out just to scare people, it's like, oh, no, they're shedding.
Let's not touch them. It's almost like taking the vaccine and turning them into a leper colony in the minds of the people. I think it's a scare tactic. But I do know that shedding through breast milk is a very serious thing and that some babies have died after drinking the breast milk of a vaccinated mother.
Well, and I don't want to scare anyone or make anyone feel as though they shouldn't be around someone. I just had a doctor on and we went through all the regimen because this SARS virus is an allergic reaction and he just went through and it's a two-phase or a two-wave allergic reaction. And so he talked about what you take for the first wave and then what you take for the second wave and he was very detailed in walking through that process.
And it's interesting because he validated that the protocol that I took back in December that got me through it and I had the double pneumonia, I had the shortness of breath, I was coughing up blood, I went through the shivers and the fever. And I mean, I had a really bad, bad case of it, but I took quercetin, vitamin C, vitamin D3, zinc. Then I also am on essential minerals. I always take those. I'm on recovery enzymes. I'm on a vitamin E. I take the omega fish oil three times a day and then in addition to that, my doctor put me on azithromycin, dexamethasone.
He actually used the highest dosage he's ever used on a human, he said, of dexamethasone. But at the time, I weighed 460 pounds and I have AFib and all of this is a result of that catastrophic car accident that I was in. That's the reason that I've been in the condition that I've been in.
So nonetheless, I got through it. I went through that whole situation and I tell people all the time, get on this because I still take this stuff, Zach. I take my natural protocol every single day.
And I'm out and I've been out and I've been around a lot of different people and I'm 10 months and counting. Do you have any of the ivermectin or the hydroxychloroquine on reserve? I can't do hydroxychloroquine because of the heart condition. I talked to the doctors. I tried to go that route and they said, no, I'm sorry, I can't prescribe you hydrochloroquine because of your AFib. It could create a heart problem for you.
So we can't do that. I've not pursued the ivermectin only because I'm taking all these other natural things. And when I've talked to doctors like Dr. Apsley, they've confirmed for me that what I'm doing is building my system up and keeping me healthy. Right.
Yeah. And it's good to get exposure to take your immune system and get exposed to different things. Because if you don't, here's one of the interesting things, too, is that vitamin C and vitamin D are one of these key nutrients that your body needs.
And we're pretty much all vitamin D deficient right now because of how much time that we spend inside. And I'll see if I can play this video here and broadcast it for you. But one of the things that I thought was really just completely evil was how YouTube banned the talking about vitamin C and vitamin D in order to treat covid-19.
And what I really see here is this pattern where it seems that they're trying to make the disease as bad as possible. Well, hang on a minute. Don't go to that video quite yet because we're going to be getting ready to go into a break. And how long is the video? It's just a few minutes.
It's like not even a minute. Okay. Well, let's get loaded up and we'll play it when we get back from the break. Okay. Let's do it. That way we're sure of that.
I want to shift for a minute and talk about because here's the other piece that I think is so critically important for folks to understand. And that is that Google and Facebook puts warnings up on your screen. Twitter will ban you.
YouTube will ban you. You know, a lot of these. Now, I'm also getting active on CloutHub, which we're on today as well. I encourage you to check out CloutHub and look at that.
Gab is another one that I know a lot of people are going to as well. Parler. But my point here, Zach, is that people are not able to find information when they use these other mechanisms to do a search. Am I correct? Yes. And it's getting worse. So how do we mitigate that?
What do folks do? I mean, DuckDuckGo, I know a lot of people tell DuckDuckGo, is that is that still working or are they also having issues? They're having issues as well. Part of the problem is the fact that the MSM is flooding the data on the Internet with their talking points. So the search engines, even if they're trying to be neutral, they're just going to pick up more data from the deep state because the deep state's got, you know, automatic writing tools like TPT-3 that they're using now to write articles. You may have seen this thing where you type in any three numbers and Google search will report that there's some county with that number of coronavirus cases in the United States. And people say, well, how does this happen?
How can you type in any single number? Well, a lot of these stories are being auto-generated so that they are flooding the news system with events that then get pushed to the top of the search index. And so obviously you don't want to use Google. But even DuckDuckGo, a more neutral platform, also suffers from some of these same problems. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired? Stop.
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One month, one dollar. TrustedNewspaper.com. Help the Epoch Times keep truth alive. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit www.chosengenerationradio.com to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg. My special guest is Zach Voorhees, the Google whistleblower.
Now I want to let you know that Zach and I are going to be continuing our conversation. So if you're listening to us on radio right now and you would like to be able to hear the rest of our conversation that we're going to have, you can do so. Just go to www.TECNTV.com. That's T for the, E for exceptional, C for conservative, N for network.
www.TECNTV.com and you'll be able to watch it. We're going to go probably another half hour, 45 minutes when we make the jump. So I know there's going to be a lot of information. One of the things real quick that we're talking about in the break has to do with text messaging. With email messaging, you were talking about AI getting to the place where they're going to have the technology to be able to prevent you from sending the message that you might want to be sending.
Can you talk a little bit about that and how they are able to intrude into our lives like that? Yeah, well, you know, there's AI that pretty much, and AI can either mean like a complicated algorithm or a full neural net. And essentially what they're doing right now is that they're looking at the things that you're typing because, you know, Apple has access to everything that you're doing because they are the thing that you're doing it on. And so what they're doing is that they're looking at the text and they're trying to like auto correct it, which I sometimes call auto caret, you know, how bad their text correction engine is. And what I've started to notice is that this text correction engine is so wrong that it might even be better that I just completely turn it off because it switches words in ways that don't make any sense. It actually impedes my communication with other people.
And what Biden has announced is that they're going to start fact checking text messages for vaccine misinformation. And so right, you know, very soon, I think what's going to happen is you're going to start seeing that your phone in your pocket is going to start working against you. It's going to start getting away when you try to have incorrect thoughts and you try to express them. And essentially what we're going to see is we're going to see the weaponization of the Internet of Things as this cartel seizes more power, more power, and they try to coerce everyone by additional means because, you know, it's getting harder and harder to convince people of things. And the people are sort of waking up. And now that we've seen the magic trick that everything's sort of an act by these oligarchs that you really can't put that back in. Like once you realize that, hey, there's like a building seven that fell down on 9-11 and you go down that rabbit hole, you're like, well, the world's never going to be the same for me after this, because it looks like there's a bunch of psychopaths writing globalism that are trying to coup the entire world under their one world dictatorial system, which will be based, I don't know, maybe in Belgium, but it could be Shanghai as well. Well, and one of the things to understand as Christians, please understand this isn't crazy conspiracy theory, folks. Read your Bibles. Look at the Book of Revelation. Look at what the Bible has to say about the beast, about the Antichrist, about what that's going to look like. And if you can't see the overlay of what's happening right now and that I'm not saying we're there. I'm just simply saying that that what scripture has told us is coming to pass.
And, you know, we really shouldn't be surprised. All right. I will be taking a quick break here. I'll be back on the other side on TECN TV dot com. Stay tuned, folks.
Don't go anywhere. Back to more right after this. Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort and reviling me?
No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good. And Jesus came to save the world that no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up. And in spite of the hate, I will love in truth.
God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night, still tired? Stop.
It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started MyPillow. And after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow, Mike decided to go all in.
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