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Amada Grace ElctroMagnetic Blanket Natural Health Solutions Jeff Adam Micronic Silver 100421

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 8, 2021 5:35 pm

Amada Grace ElctroMagnetic Blanket Natural Health Solutions Jeff Adam Micronic Silver 100421

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Terms and conditions apply. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program.

Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for tuning in. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here. Be sure and check out the site

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And we need to get back to a constitutional biblical foundation if we're going to restore America to the nation that she was created to be. And part of that begins with taking care of this body right here taking care of this temple and I'm very excited to have with me today here at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo. Trinity Health Freedom Expo.

Be sure and check out that website and that'll take you over to the Trinity School of Natural Health as well where you can get educated and understand how the body works and how you can benefit both yourself and your family and your friends. And so I'm very pleased to welcome to the microphone today, Amanda Grace. Amanda, welcome. Good to have you.

Thank you, Pastor Greg. Well, let me let me begin by asking you this. I know you've been in naturopathy for about seven years now. What was it, first of all, that brought you to the place because most people start down this path because, well, there are things that are that are very important to them that draw them to this. What drew you to naturopathy?

That's a good question. We had 10 years of infertility. So we had wanted to have a baby for a long time and I was doing a theater out in California and someone said, go see this Chinese doctor.

She'll help you with that. So I guess my first exposure to natural health processes was through a Chinese medicine expert and she put me on a round of herbs. We'd already done in vitro once. And so we we got on the herbs and did another round of in vitro and got pregnant with triplets. Good for you. Congratulations.

Yeah, thank you. And that was a big eye opening. I had really been in conventional medicine, take this pill, take that pill, have this surgery for at least 10 years at that point. And then after I had the babies, I started really investigating, okay, there's got to be more to this.

And yeah, I guess I just started investigating and then I was having some thyroid issues. I said, I'm going to learn more about this and try to fix myself. So that's kind of how I got into it. Wow. And so then that led to you really diving in to it and getting the education and how can I help other people?

Because if this is helping me, why would I not want to spread the word, right? Yeah. When the kids were little, I homeschooled them and we had a farm. I had sheep and eventually horses and chickens and that. And I started learning about homeopathy first and I took a little course and I ended up having, there was some cancer in my flock and I was losing about 20% of my flock each year. So I learned how to make a nosode from the tumor of one of the sheep and I never had another case of that in the flock. So that was like the first little experiment. Then I got into essential oils and people started saying, hey, well, what do I use for this?

Can you help me with that? I said, okay, well, I guess I better go back to school. My first career was as an opera singer and musical theater performer. And then I went into sheep farming and fiber arts and homeschooling the kids. And then I said, well, all right.

I went to Trinity and got my certified natural health practitioner and I loved the training. I loved what I was learning because I had originally started out as a biology major before I went into music. So it was kind of a little bit returned to the roots. And I said, I'm going to finish this and get my ND. And then people started coming to me. Yeah.

Oh my goodness. And so now you did that and then you began to investigate the micro circulation system. So that was kind of the progression of looking into that and saying, there's a problem in this area. Now let's find a solution. Yes.

Yes. Well, the solution presented itself first, I would say, before I knew how important it was. So a friend had introduced me to the medical device and I had so much more energy and slept better. And I said, there's really something to this.

And then researching how it mimicked the fields, the electromagnetic field of the earth and the Schumann frequency. And so then I started preparing for different presentations and things and researching exactly what all is important about the micro circulation system. And I realized quite quickly that everything's interrelated. If you don't have blood getting to the cells and tissues of the body, they will eventually die because they're not getting oxygenated. They're not getting the nutrients and they're not getting the waste removed. And that is a significant issue. And I know a little bit earlier today when we were talking, we talked about how if you're talking to somebody and you're coaching someone, one of the coaching things that you'll tell them is, is we've got to get you taking care of the details, taking care of the smaller stuff, and then the big stuff will take care of itself. And the application of that, of course, is if you're taking care of the micro pathways in your circulatory system, that's going to make a significant difference. I've had people, because of the severe accident that I was in and all the injuries that I suffered, I've had weight gain and so forth. I mean, that's part of catastrophic accident events. But all throughout that, my blood pressure has been in the neighborhood of between 108 and 117, generally over 65 to 85.

That's fantastic. And even at 460 pounds. And people were like, how is that even possible? Why don't you have high blood pressure? And I know, you and I both know, it's because I use the system that you use and it keeps the blood flowing. Now, I'm not suggesting that you should weigh 460 pounds, but if you're an offensive lineman, if you're a big guy, if you're a football player, and you're a big guy, you seriously need to think about getting involved with this because it will keep you healthy.

Yeah. Well, even people that don't weigh much or that are too thin can benefit. They might think, well, I'm thin, I'm healthy, but that doesn't answer all the questions, obviously. You were talking earlier about a gentleman who was 30 years old, under a great deal of stress. Tell us about that story. Well, sure. Even if you're young and if you have a lot of stress, that can slow down that microcirculation.

The vasomotion will slow or stop and that blood flow won't be getting to the cells like it needs to. And stress in the body, I know a lot of people say, oh, well, I love my job and I'm not stressed. I have a good marriage or whatever. But there's so many types of stress and things that we can put on ourselves that don't necessarily have to be emotional. There's physical stress that we're experiencing due to toxins in our environment and poor eating habits, maybe staying up too late, too much blue light.

There's a variety of things. When I was 40 years old, my business that I had, a very successful business, was devastated by 9-11. And I ended up having to close the doors.

But in my mind, mentally, I was like, okay, God's moving us on, new chapter. There were things that were happening and I was in the best shape of my life. I was 217 pounds. I had 13% body fat. I worked out six days a week. I was benching 355 pounds.

I mean, I was a beast. And all of a sudden, I got pericarditis. And then after I got pericarditis, then my gallbladder quit and I had to have gallbladder surgery. And then I had a liver infection. And then I had umbilical hernia surgery. And then I got shingles. And then I got pleurisy. And then I got pneumonia. And then my endocrine system collapsed and my pituitary gland and my adrenal gland stopped working. Well, six months before this, folks, I was in the best shape of my life. And on the forward, where in my conscious state, I was ministry. Everything was great.

Everything was incredible. But I had no idea that subliminally and in the background, in the areas that I couldn't see, my system was imploding. And that's what we're talking about here.

So, to believe that all systems are go sometimes can be a misnomer at best because they gave me three to six months to live at that point. Well, there's a certain amount of self-deception out there too. You can think, hey, I'm fit. I look healthy.

I'm eating pretty well. And you go along with that and you're suppressing emotions and maybe not doing the things that you really know you should be, but just keeping things under control. That can be part of it too. So, it's both. It can be either or, but what you're talking about is going to benefit literally everyone. There isn't anyone that's not going to receive a benefit by getting on a program that involves causing the micro cellular system to be replenished. Well, sure. Yeah. 74% of our circulatory system is micro vessels and there's 74,000 miles of micro vessels as well.

That's why she's the dog. You know, people say, oh, it's my heart or it's, you know, I've got blockages in my arteries or whatever, but, you know, look downstream. Look at the cellular level.

Where is the single cell going through? And as we mentioned, you know, God created all of this and he's given us incredible tools, natural tools to use to make us healthy. I've got your name here, Amanda Grace, but how can folks reach you?

Can we say that? Can we tell folks how to make contact with you? I have a website. It's And folks, I'm sold on this because I use this every single day. I've used this every day and I can tell you if I skip a day, I'm traveling right now and I packed it in my suitcase. My son's sitting here.

He can tell you. We put it on this morning. I'm a big guy, so I hit myself twice in the morning. I do 16 minutes.

The normal charge is eight, but I do 16 because I'm a big guy. But I'm telling you right now, it absolutely. I'm sitting there in the morning sometimes and I've got a lot of pain issues that I deal with, but I'm sitting there in the morning and I'm thinking, man, my feet are going to hit the floor. I'm going to have this explosion go out of my head. But I put that unit on and I give it a couple of shots. And I'm telling you, when I hit that floor, it's nothing compared to what it would be without it. And I'm so grateful to have it. So

Got about a minute left. Final thoughts, doc? Well, you know, as we talked about with naturopathy, we use natural methods to get to the root cause of disease. Not naming diseases, but just looking at how you're feeling and optimizing your health. That way you can live a more productive, more full and pain free life.

That's I think what we're all looking for, to be able to serve God into our older years and have that energy to work for him. Absolutely. Thank you for that, Amanda Grace. I greatly appreciate it. Again, her website is Thanks for being with us.

Don't go anywhere. We've got a lot more to bring to you here at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo. Hi.

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Terms and conditions apply. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio. I'm your host, Pastor Greg at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo. Trinity Health Freedom Expo. You can check out the website. They have this annually if you didn't make it this year.

Plan to come next year. Trinity Health Freedom Expo and the Trinity School of Natural Medicine. Trinity School of Natural Medicine. Folks, somebody in your family needs to go to this school so that they can understand how to make your whole family healthy. I kid you not, natural health will change the very course of your family. You want to change the spiritual course of your family? Know Jesus. You want to change the physical course of your family? Know what God created to make your physical temple healthy so that you can have the longevity and the health to be able to go and do the things that he's called you to do. My next guest has done that and he's with us here. Jeffrey Adam, Nature's Miracle Silver Lining.

My chronic silver, all natural dietary supplements. So here we got it. You spend three years, you study blood types, you study patents, you study chemistry. You're a construction guy. Give me a break. Come on. You hammer nails.

You put wood on top of wood and you pound the nail or you screw something in or maybe you use a little metal or something like that. What are you doing learning all that? I'm sorry. I thought Jesus was a carpenter. Well, and apparently a very good one. God blessed me with an amazing memory. But you know what?

The carpenters don't have any respect for general contractors. I just have to tell you. I know that. Oh really? You know that. That's true.

It's a truism. The general contractors are the bank and the carpenters are the workers. That's it. Right. And they're the ones that are telling the general contractor you're full of it, buddy. I'm telling you the building's going to fall over in 20 years down the road.

But you know what? That's that part before this business that taught me that there's a plan from a foundation building forward. There's a process. Absolutely. And it's what I needed to go through to understand the process.

In order to know this. Well, and to feel uncomfortable. Because when you're comfortable with which you are, you don't expand your horizon or go into things that maybe God has in store for you. Amen. So I had to get out of that comfortability of always going back to doing what I did and put my faith in God that we had a great product.

Let's get it out there. So we started doing all this research and finding out. And it started our road to stabilizing silver. And we came back with a theory that we thought would work for stabilizing silver. The equipment didn't exist to do what we needed it to do. So we actually built and developed the system and the process and the equipment to do what we thought it would do.

And by the grace of God, it worked. And so, folks, this is what we want you to think about today. Seriously consider. If you're someone who routinely takes colloidal silver, I want to tell you, you're on the right track. You really are on the right track.

I wouldn't say, well, take colloidal silver and then don't do anything else. No, this is another one of those serious building blocks. And you'll get more information about that from Jeffrey and from their company. But go to, what's the website they need to go to? It's Okay.

And unfortunately, our marketing company wasn't able to get it finished for the show, but it's supposed to be up Monday. All right, If they would like to call me, I'll give out my personal number. It's jury code 630-618-0019. 630-618-0019. 630-618-0019. 630-618-0019. Give Jeffrey a call.

Not right now, though. No, don't call him now. Call him tomorrow. Tomorrow, yeah.

And my phone's on 24-7. He'll have a hamburger for you on Tuesday. There we go. Does that make me wimpy? I don't know.

Maybe. All right. Hey, folks, thank you so much for tuning into the program today, and I'll have more on the other side.

We're not going anywhere. Lots more to come here from the Trinity Health Freedom Expo and encourage you. Jeffrey's launching his program today, launching his company here at the conference, Nature's Miracle Silver Lining,, or call him 630-618-0019. I'm your host, Pastor Greg.

I'll be back with more Chosen Generation Radio coming up right after this. I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 830-446-3624. Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is, and I challenge you to this blessing.

Thank you. Ask yourself, what do you pay for health care? Are you single? Do you pay more than $199 a month? Are you a couple? Do you pay more than $299 a month?

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