The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Jesus Revolution film


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Jesus Revolution film
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
November 04, 2023
In this special episode Pastor Greg Laurie sits down to discuss the beginning of Harvest its evolution future plans and more --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at harvest org This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners Support the show https harvest org supportSee omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
June 23, 2023
We've all been wounded by something someone said to us And if we're candid we'd probably all admit we've said some things that may have hurt someone else Once those careless words leave our mouths there's just no getting them back How can we control our tongues how can we keep that tiger in the cage Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to some specific counsel in the book of James Today's message is a featured part of our brand new series Walk This Way Listen on harvest org --- Own Jesus Revolution on DVD Receive [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
June 21, 2023
The trees with the strongest root systems are not those where a breeze blows gently through the leaves No the strongest trees face challenging winds which cause their root systems to grow deeper Could it be that God is revealing a lesson about how winds of adversity affect our spiritual roots Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see what's happening when trials and tribulations are blowing against us We'll learn how to embrace the growth and find joy in the journey Listen on harvest org --- Own Jesus Revolution on DVD Receive your copy when you [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
June 13, 2023
Each of us is born with something commonly called the fight or flight response If our safety is threatened our skin gets flushed our pupils dilate and our heart rate speeds up It's your body's way of getting ready to respond But when someone persecutes us we often feel that same urge to respond Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie says the WAY we respond makes all the difference in the world And we'll see Jesus taught us a way to respond that furthers the Kingdom Listen on harvest org --- Own Jesus Revolution on DVD Receive your [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
June 10, 2023
Pastor Greg Laurie shares where to watch Jesus Revolution and says more about the film Support our mission in June and we'll send you the DVD as a gift harvest org donate --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at harvest org This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners Support the show https harvest org supportSee omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
March 05, 2023
In this Sunday message Pastor Greg Laurie continues our Signs of Jesus series with a particularly powerful story the cleansing of the temple Discover what makes God angry in this message from John Notes The Christian life is like a greased pole you are either climbing or slipping Unknown Goliath was not always a giant The little things that we nurture can become big things in other words little liberties can turn into big vices Sow a thought reap an act Sow an act reap a habit Sow a habit reap a destiny Ralph Waldo Emerson In the Lord's Prayer [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
February 18, 2023
Pastor Greg Laurie joins Tim DeMoss to discuss Jesus Revolution You'll hear everything from what inspired the film to Greg's favorite part of it Plus some behind the scenes information --- JESUS REVOLUTION is in theaters everywhere February Catch an early screening February Get tickets https jesusrevolution movie This interview originally aired on the Tim DeMoss Show WFIL Support the show https harvest org supportSee omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
March 26, 2022
As things seem to worsen in our world whether it's the pandemic or the fighting in Ukraine many Christians are asking what they should be doing In this brief word of encouragement Pastor Greg Laurie gives good news We can make a difference in three different ways --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at harvest org This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners Support the show https harvest org support See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
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