The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Jesus Lord


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Jesus Lord
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 24, 2024
Is Jesus Lord of all your affairs or is there still one part of your life where you insist on being in charge That one area all too often is money We all have to make a decision Will we live in God s economy or man s Sharon Epps is here today to help us understand the difference Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi s parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise Being In the World but Not Of the World [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
November 15, 2023
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode How was the unregenerate thief on the cross able to confess Jesus as Lord Does the Bible condone slavery Why should we care about porn of it wasn't an issue during biblical times Should we view COVID- as one of the three plagues in Revelation Today's Offer Inner Core Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity Consider becoming a member of the Inner Core View our latest special offers here or call - -THE-CORE - - to request [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
October 03, 2023
The Lord never advises us to approach His throne gingerly with reluctance anduncertainty Even though He's God most high Hebrews invites us to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need And today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie points to the example of Moses who showed us how to approach the Lord with uncommon courage and confidence We'll get some practical insight on taking our prayer lives to the next level Listen on harvest org --- Learn more and subscribe to Harvest updates at harvest [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
August 07, 2023
Movie set artists create impressive scenes but they're often only facades It's similarly possible to profess faith that appears admirable but is actually foundationless Hear more as we continue our 'Encore ' series on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series 'Encore ' Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount Helpful Resources - Learn about God's salvation plan - Read our most recent articles - Subscribe to our daily devotional [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
July 06, 2023
Have you ever wondered why even though you made Jesus Lord of your life sin still seems so powerful It's a question every believer asks at some point and it's a struggle the Apostle Paul understood firsthand [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
April 15, 2023
The Bible often attaches great significance to names and titles Today R C Sproul takes us through several of the most common names that Scripture gives to Jesus explaining what these names reveal about Him Get the 'Foundations An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Series for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org foundations Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Growing in Grace
Eugene Oldham
April 10, 2023
Join us as we worship our Triune God- For more information about Grace Church please visit www graceharrisburg org [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
April 04, 2023
Christian parents invest a lot of themselves in training up their children in the ways of the faith It's their most important job and they take it very seriously But when a child exercises his own free will and declares his independence it can leave mom and dad heartsick Today on A NEW BEGINNING Pastor Greg Laurie offers reassurance from his family series Am I Doing This Right From Ephesians Pastor Greg brings his message called God's Plan for the Family Listen on harvest org --- JESUS REVOLUTION is now in theaters Get tickets https jesusrevolution movie A New Beginning [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
March 14, 2023
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Topics include- -- Caller seeking affirmation Matt issues the Gospel- Is Jesus in a Human Body Hypostatic Union - - Jesus Revolution Jonathan Roumie grave sucking - - Did Catholics give us the Bible - [... more]
Lighting Your Way
Lighthouse Baptist
February 25, 2023
February Message from Pastor Josh Bevan Main Scripture Passage Matthew - Topic Believing Download SCRIPTURE REFERENCE [... more]
Growing in Grace
Eugene Oldham
January 08, 2023
Join us as we worship our Triune God- For more information about Grace Church please visit www graceharrisburg org [... more]
Growing in Grace
Eugene Oldham
July 17, 2022
Join us as we worship our Triune God- For more information about Grace Church please visit www graceharrisburg org [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
April 02, 2022
Movie set artists fabricate impressive scenes but one look behind the facade reveals a totally different story It's similarly possible to profess faith that appears admirable but is actually foundationless Hear more on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg Listen [... more]
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
January 24, 2022
The day someone is born again looks different for everyone but your natural spiritual condition is hopeless without God Whatever stage you're in spiritually the midnight of confusion the twilight of conviction or the sunshine of confession it's God who grants new life In this message you'll conclude an exploration of the characteristics of regeneration Your testimony of being born again will bring glory to God nbsp Click here to listen Duration [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
January 04, 2022
Pastor J D shows us how we can make sure the foundation of our life is secure as we continue our new series in the book of Luke called In Step [... more]
God 1st
Brian C Thomas
July 14, 2021
We can glimpse back at history to learn and grow but we cannot stay there Denita discusses how you can become a slave to the past and this world if you don't keep your eyes focused on Jesus and who you are in Him --- Support this podcast https anchor fm god st support [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
December 16, 2020
The Bible often attaches great significance to names and titles Today R C Sproul takes us through several of the most common names that Scripture gives to Jesus explaining what these names reveal about Him Get the 'Foundations An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Series for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org foundations Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
November 01, 2020
As we begin our In Step series through the book of Luke Pastor J D dives into one of Jesus' most recognized parables It's a story about two men who built identical houses with tragically different results The only difference Their foundation In these times of uncertainty as our very lives seem shaken it's a perfect time to make sure our lives are built on a foundation that will endure [... more]
The Old Trailblazer
Pastor Albert Pendarvis
September 08, 2020
Today's broadcast is a continuation of the series Demon Possession [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
May 21, 2020
Have you ever wondered why even though you made Jesus Lord of your life you keep on sinning It's a question every believer asks at some point and it's a struggle the Apostle Paul understood firsthand Pastor J D continues to show us in this message from Romans how we get the power to live up to our new identity in Christ and how when we give ourselves to Jesus we experience eternal life now [... more]
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