The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : God kingdom


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: God kingdom
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 20, 2023
So how would God's word in particular give us guidance on this giving portfolio approach Jesus gives His mission here on earth in Luke - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor This is a really is a model for a giving portfolio So how do you take that and apply it to giving [... more]
Pathway to Victory
Dr. Robert Jeffress
November 06, 2023
When you bow your head in prayer what's the first thing you say Maybe you thank God for the day's blessings or ask for His guidance Well Jesus laid down some basic principles on how to pray And today Dr Robert Jeffress explains why the way we begin our conversations bears particular significance [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 24, 2023
We want to give a shout out to Ken Boa and Russ Crosson for their book Leverage Using Temporal Wealth for Eternal Gain It's a blueprint for how we can take the Bible's financial principles and put them into practice for God's Kingdom In other words taking something that's temporary and making it eternal Again leveraging our finances to advance the Kingdom is extremely important but we must also acknowledge that God gives us many gifts including time talent and experience We need to look for ways to use them for the Kingdom as well if we're to be truly [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
October 21, 2023
The first coming of Christ inaugurated the kingdom of God a kingdom that will be fully manifest at the end of time Today R C Sproul explains the nature of God's kingdom and how it relates to the mission of the church Get the 'Foundations An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD Series for Your Gift of Any Amount https gift renewingyourmind org foundations Don't forget to make RenewingYourMind org your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries Explore all of our podcasts https www ligonier org podcasts [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
August 14, 2023
Click the icon below to listen [... more]
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
May 29, 2023
Peter - As Rich digs into this passage he challenges us to champion what is right true and good regardless of what it might cost Because of our reality in Christ our position before God and the promises that become ours in Christ we can face suffering and ridicule with a calm assurance and trust for the sake of the Gospel [... more]
Breaking Barriers
Andrew Hopper | Mercy Hill Church
May 27, 2023
If you were a hundred times worse than you are your sins would be no match for His mercy -Tim Keller Isn't that good news Pastor Jason Azzarello is bringing the Word this weekend all about our kingdom vs God's Kingdom [... more]
Breaking Barriers
Andrew Hopper | Mercy Hill Church
May 06, 2023
Thinking about the end of the world helps us live in the world Daniel didn't isolate from the culture around him nor did he assimilate to the culture around him He lived IN the culture FOR the transformation of the culture [... more]
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
March 24, 2023
thetruthpulpit comClick the icon below to listen Related StoriesThe Pure Life The Pure Life Are You a Copycat [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
February 09, 2023
Do you know how much you've given back to God's Kingdom over the years If not would you like to understand how to track your generosity in the future On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will welcome Art Rainer to talk about why it's important to track your generosity and he'll suggest ways you can get started Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
November 25, 2022
The gospel declares that Christ bore our sin in our place but it doesn't do the world any good if they never hear about it Pastor J D continues in this message to demonstrate how your generosity contributes to a ministry of reconciliation and why it is best invested in the work of your local church [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
November 23, 2022
What are the core components of the gospel centered life Find out as Pastor J D wraps up a study on King David with a look at his end-of-life legacy [... more]
Lighting Your Way
Lighthouse Baptist
October 24, 2022
October Message from Pastor Josh Bevan Main Scripture Passage Matthew - Topic Prayer Download SCRIPTURE REFERENCE [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 04, 2022
In this episode from our broadcast I tackle something that's been on my mind for many years - chronic pain and my view of God In America the coin of the realm is the dollar Metaphorically in Washington DC the currency - the coin of the realm - is power In LA it's fame - but what is the coin of the realm in God's economy What has value to God - and how does it relate to us as family caregivers www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
August 22, 2022
Most of us can recite the Lord's Prayer but do we really know what we're praying and how to use it as a guide for all of our prayers [... more]
Breaking Barriers
Andrew Hopper | Mercy Hill Church
July 02, 2022
There are more important things in life than money but that's not to say money isn't important The Bible talks about it all the time and the fruit of handling it wisely and foolishly is all around us Are we being wise with our money [... more]
The Verdict
John Munro
More Than Ink
Pastor Jim Catlin & Dorothy Catlin
February 19, 2022
Episode - Camels and Cattle and Cows Oh my Feb by A Production of Main Street Church of Brigham City [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
January 14, 2022
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode My brother and his wife are Jehovah's Witnesses Is it actually a cult In Matthew chapter Jesus seems to speak a lot about the Kingdom of Heaven how important is it for us Christians to know what the Kingdom of Heaven is and is it here now I am wondering how I should express myself when I am writing about the Bible Passages in Timothy and Corinthians warn against clever words and departing from the teaching of the Bible Does this mean it's [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 02, 2022
In this final episode with Commissioner Phil Needham he reminds us that we can live each day with purpose if we allow God's Kingdom to impact how we live that day Maybe just about every resolution could be realized if we could wrap our heads around how to live this way Series CHRISTMAS BREAKTHROUGH https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife Christmas Breakthrough on Amazon Christmas Breakthrough from Christian Books [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
December 20, 2021
Most people know they were put on earth for a reason but many of them have no idea how to find out what that is Well in this lesson Dr Tony Evans focuses on five biblical principles that can point you in the direction of your kingdom calling [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 18, 2021
People whose parents came from different places in the world sometimes say they're part this and part that But Dr Tony Evans says that no matter how many parts they list they only add up to Join him in this lesson as he explains why that limitation doesn't apply to Jesus [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Destined for Victory
Pastor Paul Sheppard
August 13, 2021
Understanding the power of volition the importance of making sound choices based on Gen - CLICK HEREto ORDER the -part series Embracing Newness on CD [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
August 02, 2021
The world is changing rapidly Biblical values are increasingly being set aside and replaced by counter-scriptural beliefs How can Christians live in a society that rejects God and His Word Find out when you join us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg Listen [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
July 07, 2021
When Israel rejected Jesus did God un-choose his chosen people In this lesson Dr Tony Evans talks about the relationship between Israel and the church as he explains why God's prophetic plans can't be derailed that easily [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
June 27, 2021
No matter what's on your list of goals Dr Tony Evans says that the item at the top is what determines your chance of success Join him as he talks about what seeking God's kingdom first really means and how it shapes every other activity of life [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
June 22, 2021
No matter what's on your list of goals Dr Tony Evans says that the item at the top is what determines your chance of success Join him as he talks about what seeking God's kingdom first really means and how it shapes every other activity of life [... more]
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
June 04, 2021
The prophetic passages of the Bible weren't written so we'd waste time predicting important dates Find out the real reason the book of Daniel gives us insight into God's kingdom Study along with us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg Listen [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
June 01, 2021
Nobody wants to submit to a leader who's lost That's why Dr Tony Evans is here to tell us how to become the kind of husband a wife will be eager to follow In this lesson learn how you and your spouse can stop finding fault and start finding answers [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 07, 2021
Liz cried for joy when she and her husband received the birth certificate and passport for their child making the adoption legally binding Now Milena would always be their daughter forever part of their family As she pondered the legal process she also thought of the ldquo true exchange rdquo that happens when we become part of Jesus rsquo s family ldquo No longer are we held down by our birthright of sin and brokenness rdquo Rather she continued we enter into the fullness of God rsquo s kingdom legally when we are adopted as His children In the apostle [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 18, 2021
In an outbreak of the coronavirus left the world in fear People were quarantined countries were put under lockdown flights and large events were canceled Those living in areas with no known cases still feared they might get the virus Graham Davey an expert on anxiety believes that negative news broadcasts are ldquo likely to make you sadder and more anxious rdquo A meme that rsquo s been circulating on social media shows a man watching the news on TV and asking how to stop worrying In response another person in the room reached over and flipped off the TV [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
April 01, 2021
The very idea of masculinity these days is thought of as at best outdated and at worst downright evil But in this lesson Dr Tony Evans begins a new series of messages that redefine the term from a biblical perspective and explain why it's a vital ingredient in God's recipe for humanity [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
February 16, 2021
Author Gary Thomas discusses several issues within the modern dating scene character vs romantic attraction the neurological impact of infatuation the idea of soulmates while encouraging singles to be intentional in their pursuit of a godly spouse Part of Original air date Aug Get Gary's book The Sacred Search for your donation of any amount https donate focusonthefamily com don-daily-broadcast-product- - - Get more episode resources https www focusonthefamily com episodes broadcast a-fresh-look-at-dating-part- -of- - featured-resource-cta If you've listened to any of our podcasts please give us your feedback https focusonthefamily com podcastsurvey [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
January 08, 2021
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Why does Paul say that those who have faith are children of Abraham when Hebrews says Jesus mediates a better covenant than the old one These seem to me like two opposing attitudes toward the Old Testament How can I make sense of this I am a believer and I'm wondering whether I should have a traditional burial or if I can get cremated when I die Cremation is much cheaper than a traditional burial but I know someday I will be resurrected Will God be angry [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 29, 2020
We often picture prayer as something we do with our head bowed our eyes closed and our hands neatly folded But Dr Tony Evans wants to tell us about the Lords Prayer where Jesus paints a very different picture Discover how prayer can become an experience that bubbles up inside you when you join him in this lesson [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 23, 2020
The Bible tells us to bring our requests to the Lord But in this lesson Dr Tony Evans will explain why those requests ought to have more to do with Gods agenda than our own Find out why you might be missing the whole point of prayer and what you can do about it [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 22, 2020
The Bible tells us to bring our requests to the Lord But in this lesson Dr Tony Evans will explain why those requests ought to have more to do with Gods agenda than our own Find out why you might be missing the whole point of prayer and what you can do about it [... more]
The Urban Alternative
Tony Evans, PhD
November 20, 2020
The Bible tells us to bring our requests to the Lord But in this lesson Dr Tony Evans will explain why those requests ought to have more to do with Gods agenda than our own Find out why you might be missing the whole point of prayer and what you can do about it [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
November 19, 2020
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Can you please give me some scripture references on if someone can or cannot lose their salvation In Corinthians it talks about the strong and the weak as groups within the church in Corinth These groups had differences of opinion over various issues but Paul specifically encouraged the strong group to put the needs of the weak above their own My question is then why is it so difficult for us to do this Why can we in the church be so preoccupied with our group's views [... more]
Encouraging Word
Don Wilton
November 04, 2020
The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr Don Wilton [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
September 22, 2020
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Why does Paul say that those who have faith are children of Abraham when Hebrews says Jesus mediates a better covenant than the old one These seem to me like two opposing attitudes toward the Old Testament How can I make sense of this I am a believer and I'm wondering whether I should have a traditional burial or if I can get cremated when I die Cremation is much cheaper than a traditional burial but I know someday I will be resurrected Will God be angry [... more]
Alex McFarland Show
Alex McFarland
December 18, 2018
TNG - - Facts About the Coming of Christ by Truth for a New Generation [... more]
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