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Chapel Bill (Hour 3)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
December 11, 2024 6:01 pm

Chapel Bill (Hour 3)

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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December 11, 2024 6:01 pm

Wide Receiver Xavier Guillory of Arizona State joins Zach to talk about his college journey. A NewsBrief. Bill Belichick finalizes a deal with North Carolina.

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And away we go, our number three of our radio program.

That's right, it is the Zach Gelb show on the Infinity Sports Network. How about the Sun Devils at Arizona State? They were picked dead last before the season started to win the Big 12. They end up winning the Big 12. Now they are off to the college football playoff and they have a bye.

So they don't have to play in the first round as the fourth seed on the bracket. And now joining us is one of their star wide receivers, Xavier Guillory, who in the Big 12 championship game had two catches. Both of those catches were touchdowns.

So how about those numbers for efficiency? And he's kind enough to join us right now. Xavier, first off, congratulations. I would say how you're doing, but things got to be going pretty well right now with what the Sun Devils have been throughout this season.

Yes, sir. It's an awesome experience that we're how far we've came, but where people had us preseason to where we're at now, we knew what we had beforehand. So it's like no surprise to what the success that we have and the foundation we built upon. But I'm just glad that we're getting the wins and the championships and I'm just going to continue to forward and we're not done yet.

Still got the CFP to go through and I'm excited to see what we can do. Why did you believe in this team? Because you said you guys knew you were always capable of being able to pull this off and have this in you when everyone's saying you can't do this.

You can't do that. This team is going to finish last in the Big 12. Why did this program? Why did you believe? Just starts with the head man Kenny coach because doing him he, you know, he reset the foundation with for what he wanted this team and his culture to be, you know, we got the people that wanted to be here, here and get the people that didn't want to, you know, fit the culture out. And so we got the right people that wanted to buy into what coach Stillingham and, you know, we saw his character, who he was as a person last year. We didn't have the best season but he still, you know, came in with the energy every single day and, you know, we got guys healthy. We got guys that came in through the portal that were big helps. And so when we from what we saw from January all the way till, you know, where we're at now, you know, it's just we started from the foundation reset and we built from there and from there, it was just a player-led team. You know, the coaches obviously came in and coached us up, but it really started with the leaders on our team and our best players stepped up and took that leadership role and everybody pretty much follow suit throughout the workouts in the winter, spring and summer time.

So the results that you're seeing now are just is just a product where we put the work that we put in during the off season. I know this isn't your first stop on your college football journey, but a few years ago when you first met Kenny Dillingham when he was taking over the program and you said, okay, I'm going to go to Arizona State. Like what were the first impressions that you had of him? It's just he was a genuine. He just was upfront. You know, I was out of high school, obviously, went through the recruiting process.

Then I went through it again out of the portal, leaving Idaho State. So I kind of knew what coaches were about. Some coaches tell you a dream and some other coaches just tell you what you want to hear.

But coach Kenny kept it real, Kenny kept it real like he was a coach. He just knew he was a definition of a players coach and he wanted people like me who may not have been the highest rated recruits, but he saw for what I was worth and what I could be. And now I'm sure that's a testament for like a lot of other people on this team that a lot of our guys, a lot of our best players, Xavier and offered Keyshaun Elliott, Miles Rouser, Jayla Robinson, Sam Levitt.

We have a lot of guys that were slipped on out of the portal or out of high school that may not have gotten love at their old school, but it came here. Coach Dillingham believed in them and got the best out of them. And that's the that's that's what a coach is supposed to be taking, getting the best out of your players. And that's exactly what Coach Dillingham did. Got the right coaches on the staff that, you know, from opposition coach Coach Ward. He got the right people on the staff that knew how to develop and, you know, kind of get the best out of each player. That's just the results we've seen this year.

Yeah. You say Coach Ward, he should be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. For people that don't know, Heinz Ward is on staff at Arizona State. What is it like with the guy who was so good, so great, I should say, for so many years to be able to use him as a resource and get to learn from him? It's just, you know, it's going beyond football now to where you kind of just looking up with them as like a mentor, you know, there's coaches, but then there's a there's a there's guys that come around like Coach Ward that like who's done it, you know, all of us wish to have the career that he had, you know, Super Bowls MVPs going to be in the Hall of Fame, Pro Bowls, like all of us want the crew that he has. So when he talks and gives you advice, you listen, and he's not just saying that just because that's what coaches are saying.

He really did it. So when he tells us to block or tells us to give more effort, it's not that he's, you know, like he knows what it takes to be on a championship level team. So getting advice and getting coached every day by him is really just like a just a blessing.

I know you could ask Jordan Tyson, Elkhorn Stovall, everybody else that's benefited from him. We've all improved from when he got here to where we're at now is just up from top to bottom where everybody's improved by his his coaching and his care about developing us. And he also won Dancing with the Stars. And I remember he once told me that he never even went to his high school prom. So does coach still have the dance moves since he won Dancing with the Stars? Did you see him dance a little bit after winning the Big 12 championship? Yeah, he was, he was having this fun, especially after I scored, I saw a film of him jumping up and down. So he still got some athleticism in there. So I'm not sure about Dancing with the Stars athleticism.

I did. He did show that to us. But yeah, coach, coach, you got some moves, but I don't know how much moves he got left.

That's unbelievable. Xavier Gilbury with us. What was Idaho State like? Just wondering, like, what do you take from your time there on the FCS level before landing with a big program like Arizona State? Yeah, so I think that what the FCS like going there taught me just like work ethic.

And if you want to, you will, you'll find a way. So I feel like a lot of like players today may get catered to too much. But the FCS level, especially out of state, we didn't have like the lunch table, your own nutrition table, your own NIL car, your own, you had to like figure it out. There's times I had to walk to practice, there's times I had to, you know, find a way to get more food. And, but, you know, we had to share our weight room with every other sport. So it was it just taught you how to, you know, grind and like when nobody cares or watched because nobody really came to our games, no media was really there. So you had to like really fall in love with the game. So by the time I got to ASU, and they did have all that stuff that players get, you know, nutrition table, you know, the all the facilities, the 24 hour access, all that stuff, I was like a kid at a candy store. I was just so happy that I was able to have those resources. And I'm glad I it taught me just how to, you know, grind. And it taught me how to really, you know, appreciate what I had and not take anything for granted.

Now, it's unbelievable answers, Xavier Gilroy here with us. So I know it's now been obviously more than a few days, when you still hear it, Arizona State Big 12 champions, and you guys are going to the playoff and you have a bye. How do you process winning that championship? Just like any other win, this team is different than any other team I've been on. Because when we win, we care about it for a day, maybe the next day a little bit, then we're all hungry for the next one.

And so it's just like never really being satisfied or content. Being happy with what we've earned. Obviously, we're all very grateful for, you know, winning that.

That's not something we take lightly. But then again, we know there's still more ball to be played. And I feel that's what separated us from a lot of teams this year is just our, like, our hunger to get better. Like, we're all hungry.

Like I said, a lot of our guys on this team, you know, didn't get the, you know, the love that they might have thought they could have gotten out of the port or out of high school stuff. So that we had a lot of hungry dudes on this team that want to go out there and, you know, prove it to the world that what we can do, what they can do individually, but mostly, most importantly, as a unit. And so we're excited for this next, this next game. And that's really what we're focused on. We're gonna have this little break, obviously. Got three weeks at first round by, but we're taking our time to get our bodies right.

Everything getting prepared for January 1st. So you guys lost your best wide receiver, Jordan Tyson. We know the season he was having.

And then right at the end of the year, unfortunately, he gets hurt. What was the mentality really of the team to still get the production that we saw on offense, even though you didn't have Jordan this past week? Yeah, so we knew what we all could do individually. And obviously, beyond just, you know, teammates, Jordan Tyson's really close friend of ours, brother, like, basically just our brother. So obviously, when he went down, we went through so much together during the offseason and during the season, he was tough to see him go. But he was, he would be the first one to tell you that like the next man, next man up and like, nobody was nervous when, you know, when he went down, obviously, you have a receiver as high production like he did. But we all were confident in ourselves, and we knew we just got the opportunity, what we could do. And a lot of us got a lot of other guys this year got that opportunity. Malik McLean got his opportunity, made a big play. Mel Kwan Stovall had about 100 yards that game.

And then I got my opportunity. So it's just the next man up, just like this is the game we play. We know since we're kids that you can get injured at any moment. So it's just being ready for your opportunity, not having no drop off, especially with a receiver who's as productive as Jordan Tyson, arguably one of the best receivers is not the best receiver in the Big 12 or in the country.

So we didn't want any drop off, especially before the Big 12 championship game. But this past game just gave us reassurance that, okay, we got multiple guys that can play and be productive for this team. And then so it was just a testament to coach royal, his play calling and Sam Levitt's ability to adapt and stuff. So it was an awesome game experience for our whole receiving group as a core.

Wrap it up with Xavier Gilroy. You had those two touchdowns. The first one was pretty damn cool. The second one, man, that was some catch. Take me through the second touchdown because, you know, I was watching that. I'm like, wait, he just did that. It was very impressive.

Yes. That stuff's like, like I said, like plays I made in games before out of state. And obviously, I wish I could have had more errors on the state. But, you know, just like I said, just getting your weight in your opportunity, those plays I make all the time and practice and stuff. So when I made it, it just it was like I didn't realize what I did until I saw the, you know, the replay. But it was, you know, something I practice.

You can ask my teammates, they'll catch me in the facility, catching 500, a thousand balls in a day. Just, you know, I take my craft series. So when I do make plays like that, it feels good.

Just all the work that you put in getting paid, paying off and such a setting like that stuff. So I was glad I was able to finally put it on film, on safe and show people that I can do, I can make plays like that. And consistent rate. Yeah.

And it's also neat, right? When you ball out in a performance and a stage like that, you have that performance. You talked about getting no coverage at Idaho State, you know, even throughout this year, right?

There's attention and other guys just with some of the players you have on this team. And, you know, I've seen the story. You're a Native American athlete.

You did the celebration in the end zone twice. Just kind of tell me about your upbringing and a little bit more about your story. Yeah. So I come from the Nez Perce Reservation. That's where my people from. Both my parents grew up on the reservation. I'm Native and African American, but, you know, I love putting on for my Nez Perce people and not just my tribe, but indigenous people all over the country. And just let them know there's not a whole lot of Native American athletes playing at my level or at the pro level. So I wanted to, you know, give a nod to them every time I do my celebration. Just let them know that Natives can ball.

And, you know, we're out here doing can do it. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything, even play at like a high level. And it's just, you know, that belief that I want other kids, people that I grew up watching. I want kids to, you know, grow up watching me play and, you know, I want them to have somebody to look up to and I want to do it right. And I wanted to be a good role model. And I just want to feel off the field to stuff. So it means a lot to me to put on for my people when I'm out there.

That's a great answer. Xavier Gilroy here with us. Just want to ask you about two of your teammates before we let you run. Cam Scatterboo. I watch him, tremendous leader, tremendous toughness, right?

The heart and soul of the football team. Just give me your perspective of playing with Cam, who man, he's been fun to watch this year and really going back to last year, too. Yeah, it's just who came in at the core, like me and him were both in the Big Sky Conference and the FCS level.

He went to Sac State on the Idaho State. So I saw him since my freshman year, 2020, 2021. He's always been like that. He's always made plays, just like I said, but getting that opportunity to finally put on a national stage. Cam is just, you know, he's a different, he's my favorite teammate that I've got to play with. It's honestly like I get the best seats in the house, just watching him make the plays.

I get to block down the field for him. And he's just an amazing player. I think he's going to have a long NFL career. He's just, and just who he is as a person, too, like you said, you know, what he brings to the team, the energy, the, you know, that kind of swag that we want ASU to have. He brings that every single day.

And that's just something that, you know, we all can get behind. And we all want every player to have that type of, that hunger and that confidence and that perseverance that he has. He's just a tough dude, battles through injuries and, you know, runs through people's faces and stuff. So he's a dog and he's my, my favorite player to, you know, one of my favorite teammates ever stuff.

So it's been really awesome. So I love your coach. His personality is infectious, but you've said it and it's really stuck with me through this interview. You have a lot of guys on this team that were overlooked, that were doubted, you know, have a chip on their shoulder and you guys all come together and it's just a fun team to watch.

You know, I got a chance to talk to your quarterback about a month ago. I would say Sam Levitt. He's another one of those guys, man. The confidence is all the way up here and you could tell there's just a chip on his shoulder and he's looking to prove everybody wrong. Yeah.

Sam Levitt. Yeah. He's like, when he first got in, like you said, that confidence, we were like, who is this kid that came in to transfer through the portal? Just like, you know, talking crazy to everybody.

I'm better than you at this, man. He told me he's going to be the number one pick of the draft. That's his goal. Yeah. I mean, that's that. I mean, you want, you'd rather have a player like that and trying to pick something, like push somebody to get confident.

So it's easier to like hold somebody back than to push them forward and stuff. So that's what makes him so good is that his confidence in himself and you see it on game day, it comes to fruition. Like a lot of the stuff that he says about himself comes out on game day and he prepares like, it's not like he's not preparing. The dude works hard.

It's not a surprise. Sometimes you go at the facility at night and he's in there by himself, you know, doing mobility or like doing extra work that no, when nobody else is watching, no cameras are on and he doesn't really care about the limelight. Like he was a grinder before anybody else, like, you know, really care about who he was and stuff. So, but now, now that he does get and you know, all that love, he's still working the same stuff. So I love who he is as an athlete, man. He puts in the right work and he does the right. He does it right. Yeah. So I think he's, he's another one that's gonna have a great collegiate rear and great cop NFL career. In my opinion, there's a lot of people when the bracket came out, Xavier Guillory that said, Hey, Texas, Penn state, they got easy roads.

They'll win the first round. And then they have Boise state and Arizona state standing in the way for people that still doubt your Arizona state football team. What do you say to them? Please keep doing that. Cause that's what we feed off of now. I like, I don't, we don't want your love. We didn't need it before.

Just keep down this. That's what we feed off of. And I love, I love when we have that chip on our shoulder and I don't think we'll ever lose that with, with coach Dillingham.

It starts with Dillingham. I love what he does and the, you know, the, the hunger that he brings is just like, just like breast of us. He's just like a competitive, probably even more competitive than some of the guys on the team, like to do competes. And so we want, we, we, we will be fine and we, we, all we need is each other and stuff. So I'm, I'm excited what we can do just on our own. No one thought you could win the big 12. Now everyone's going to say you can't win the national championship. Why can't this team win it all this year? Just what we bring, man. We like, you got the X's and O's you can scheme up, but you can't teach people like coming down, hitting you can't tease receivers, give an extra effort on blocks.

You can't tease the old line to run seven yards down the field to run, run, run block for the running back. It's just something that we got, man. And we just, it's, it's special and it's a special group and we got the talent too. It's not just, we're all out here. Just a bunch of Rudy's. We got a lot of talent out here.

You got that can play on Sunday and just give an effort stuff. So it's a bet and it's great team to be a part of. And I'm, I'm just glad I'm on this side. Happy for your success. Happy for your team success. Good luck the rest of the way.

Really appreciate the time. Wonderful conversation. Thank you, sir. Thank you for having me.

You got it. There he is. Xavier Gilry on the Zach Gelb show on the infinity sports network, man. Holy smokes. That was impressive. That was a really good conversation. And let me tell you that Arizona state team with that coach, Kenny Dillingham, they got a mentality.

They got a killer's mentality too. And that's a lot of guys that were overlooked at Arizona state and they're balling out in a big way. This is Zach Gelb show on the infinity sports network. We'll take a break. When we come on back, we'll teach some of the biggest stories in the world of sports with some audio.

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We get you caught up on the rumors reports and reconnaissance from the day in sports. Alrighty Zach Gelb show infinity sports network up in Adams with Kay Adams had Devante Adams on. Here is Devante Adams on going from the Raiders one bleep show to the next in the New York jets.

It's just like you go into war and somebody's saying you got you got a knife and everybody else got rifles and then somebody finds a rifle and they hand you a rifle and you say all right great so you start going and you go to shoot the rifle and then it jams up that's like saying oh damn I should have just kept my knife like no that's the you did the right thing but grabbing the rifle which is I think just didn't work the way you intended it to and sometimes that happens and you gotta you know you gotta live with that um and go from there and that's kind of where I am still he just doesn't get it here's why he doesn't get it sure you wanted to leave the Raiders you can't fault him for wanting to read the leave the Raiders right you're a Raiders fan you can't fault him for that correct no and going to the jets when he did I didn't agree with it I said hey you should pick another quarterback that's going to be around longer than that but you wanted to be pals with your best friend but even if you you wanted to say oh you wanted to reunite with Aaron and that's why you did it okay fine I can at least respect it his mistake was he was in a palace he was in Green Bay and because his feelings got hurt because they spent all the time dealing with Rogers bitching and complaining and they eventually made him an offer he left more money on the table to leave you should have never left the first place that's the root of the problem so you could talk about this war with the knife and the gun and then it misfiring and how it wasn't the wrong decision well you were in a palace you were protected from ever exposing yourself to be getting hit with the knife or hit with the bolt with the gun and you said to the security when the security said do not leave mr adams in the palace of Green Bay we can't protect you if you leave you said I'm out that's the problem it's not once you did when you left it's the fact that you left and you should have never ever ever ever ever left the Green Bay Packers uh Steelers Eagles this weekend at Lincoln Financial Field I'll be in attendance for this one here is Mike Tomlin with high praise of Saquon Barkley the acquisition of Saquon Barkley has got to be the most significant acquisition in the NFL in 2024 that's what the tape looks like he's been dominant eye-opening at times obviously highlight real caliber plays long runs touchdowns etc it starts there for us if you don't minimize him in some way you're not even going to position yourself to have a chance to be successful so yeah everyone's praising Saquon Barkley right now that's just going to be the case that's going that's just going to be the case that's going to be a fun one coming up this weekend I real quick let's go around the room botcher Steelers Eagles who do you think wins this game Steelers okay Stu Steelers Eagles I think the Eagles win I think the Eagles are gonna win I gotta be careful because I got a lot of friends in Philadelphia I wouldn't mind if the Steelers won this game though because I saw some of the videos of AJ Brown today in the locker room and we'll play that audio in the last segment but AJ Brown he had about 500 media members around I'm being a little hyperbolic but there was a lot of media members there and if they lose this game after this week of problems with Brandon Graham and Jalen Hurts and also AJ Brown it's just an interesting response then we for the Philadelphia Eagles let's go to Amen Ross St. Brown on the St. Brown podcast talking about who he'd rather play in the playoffs who would you rather play in playoffs Packers or Vikings well we haven't played the Vikings the second time yet but I would probably say probably the Vikings I mean they're both well playing a division team in the playoffs is gets it gets nutty you don't know you don't know what's gonna happen I'm surprised you would admit that now I respect someone that does a podcast and they understand their role there is to be a podcast host and operate a show that I would do and like a podcast I would host with giving an honest answer but the fact that you are an NFL player and you said it that's where it gets a little dicey and I'm surprised you'd rather have play the the Packers than the Vikings wait no he said he'd rather play the Packers that's what he said right or was it he'd rather play the Vikings botcher he said he doesn't hasn't played the Vikings twice but either way divisional game is crazy play that one more time I gotta rehear that real quickly play it sorry who would you rather play in playoffs Packers or Vikings well we haven't played the Vikings the second time yet but I would probably say probably the Vikings I mean they're both well playing a division team in the playoffs is I'm good isn't that he so yeah he did say he'd rather play the Vikings Packers or Vikings right now no offense I know Jordan loves really damn good the Vikings look like a better team I'd rather play the Packers let's go to Chase Daniels he was on the facility on FS1 and he was making the case for the Minnesota Vikings who I'm gonna say Brown would rather play over the Green Bay Packers in the playoffs for signing Sam Darnold to a long-term deal commit to him long term two to three years is long term for me right in this league the most important thing for a core rec is can you win okay after that they're winning and no one thought they would do that especially after they got rid of Kirk Cousins I love the way Sam Darnold's playing in Kevin O'Connell's offense so if you sign him back I think it's the right move he's making a case not only for the Minnesota Vikings to resign him but for other teams these quarterback needed teams Giants Jets Browns Raiders to go out there and get him you got to look at the draft situation next year with these quarterbacks Cam Ward, Shanore Sanders, Quinn Ewers, Carson Beck maybe it's not a great class top to bottom so all these teams are going to need quarterbacks when you put it on tape even if it's for a small portion of the time teams are excited about that that's going to be a fascinating one because I think the Vikings have set up their team where they don't want to play pay big money to the quarterback and you just drafted JJ McCarthy with the 10th overall pick you have Sam Darnold there Sam's deserving of a bigger contract and he's going to get paid a lot of money and I could see why the Minnesota Vikings say hey if it's not broke don't fix it but I think they're going to try to fix it this off season I think Sam's going to go somewhere else whether that's right or wrong you could be the judge of that one. Ashton Genti was on the edge with Micah Parsons. Ashton Genti started out his year going on our show now he's on Micah Parsons podcast it's kind of funny. Ashton Genti makes the case for winning the Heisman over Travis Hunter. You go week by week you watch the film by week four I wasn't seeing anything less than eight man box so that means the whole defense every single week is geared towards stopping me and they still couldn't some they might have you know slowed me down but I won't even say that because some games I just didn't play my best which is human nature but I just feel like there's that and then people want to talk about the conferences okay whatever but you know when I played in ranked games you know against ranked teams I put up big numbers against them and prove that it doesn't matter who that I'm playing against you know I'm a great player on the field. And let's go finally Rich Clark the college football playoff executive director the possibility of a 14 team playoff this was him speaking at a sports business journals intercollegiate athletics forum. Commissioners are gonna look at it right they're gonna step back we're gonna give them some options and some other things that they could do but in the end they're they're gonna look at whether 14 is a is a better number I'm sure they'll look at it that doesn't mean that that's the foregone conclusion but after they see the results of this season and this playoff they're gonna say how can we make it even better not just better for the playoff like I said as a standalone event but for all of college football and uh and the regular season and and we'll make some good decisions on that I'm sure but um we have to see how this playoff goes and then do a really analytical look at it and go how can we get better and and I know 14 will be one of the options staying at 12 will be one of the options and then there's probably some other options in between or maybe on the periphery of that but we're going to look at everything and see what can we do to make it better yeah I'll tell you what their analytics are money money money money money money that's what it is right there they're going to keep on expanding this sucker because there's more money to be made all right let's uh fade that out because Ryan Botcher I need my breaking news sounder we have breaking news on the show we have breaking news on the Zach Gelb show perfectly worded by Adam Schefter Shefty Chapel Bill I like that six times Super Bowl winning head coach Bill Belichick is finalizing a deal to become the new head coach at North Carolina sources tell Pete Thamel and Chris Lowe Belichick is going back to school back to school back to school to where his father served as an assistant coach in the 1950s we could fade down the breaking news uh music and the sounder here's my first reaction Marco and we talked about this now all throughout the week I kind of find the wording still funny he's finalizing a deal it feels like he's been finalizing a deal uh all throughout the day is like you're finalizing a deal so this is gonna happen but the deal still isn't finalized so I you know I know that Schefter just put this out there but how is it any different from than where we were like five hours ago this is the weirdest courting I've ever seen for a high profile coach in my life I've never seen coming out from strange areas where the reports are the way that they report it the way that they're talking this thing started where the resolution would be expected at some point this week but they still are just in the talking face we were all over the map on this thing yeah and it's Bill Belichick you would think it would be quiet and then all of a sudden it would explode or we knew exactly what was going on every step of the way this is not just some guy getting hired at North Carolina this is a six-time Super Bowl winner I've never seen a stranger courting whatever you want to marriage that these two are wind up that now it's going to be finalized it's been the weirdest road I've ever seen it's bizarre um I just like we will at some point tonight get a photo of Belichick right photoshopped in a tar heel hoodie or a polo or a visor there will be some announcement tonight from UNC that this is a done deal but still Schefter just putting it there finalizing a deal this is gonna happen again yeah I would think so but it was also when you say like Schefter was a little it seemed like all the big-time reporters were slow on this whole thing to begin with because they kept saying like as much as we were hearing the stuff trickling out of Carolina it was yeah but there's so much more to do so it was almost like the Carolina reports maybe they were a little closer to the situation or they were jumping the gun a bit and the Schefters of the world the Rappaports of the world were like guys this is there's a lot more to do so that's why they were waiting to report either way it's just it's odd I know it is an NFL story but it's also not an NFL story so like it doesn't surprise me that that UNC inside Carolina had it first today because as being someone that has been on breaking news beats for college football when I was at Temple there's a when you even though it's Bill and and you run a program as I control every message there's a lot of people that have their hands in the cookie jar in the college world more than people could imagine that get information and love to talk to people 100 but it's usually by 10-15 minutes not by 14 hours there that was the weird part it's not look a story coming out from inside the school and at 10 minutes later Schefter has her that make the total sense we're talking like 14 hours 12 hours 8 hours nothing was changing and that didn't make any sense that was the part that did the inside Carolina story that came out today was what five hours ago yeah a while ago what took so long you telling me Schefter didn't see it and text somebody you're telling me that some of the so I get the idea that they had other tweets throughout the day but he was on and I saw him and it was still like guys there's a lot more to do nothing against nothing against whatsoever the the website that put this out there but for most of like for inside Carolina because they were right and right they have 139,000 followers like they are like I'm not saying they're not credible but for us like in the national landscape when you see football news it's just the way that it's not that other people can't get it right I've had stories and I've beat these guys Rapaport and Schefter who I like and you know I know them but there's sometimes that you get information before them but in terms of how we consume information we are really in the line of unless if we see it from Schefter, Rapaport, Pelosero and Glazer we usually don't believe it until one of those four get it and it did take a while for for these guys to to confirm it again it's confirmation but usually when something like that happens we're talking within minutes or within a half hour for it to go as long as it did that's why everybody started to get skeptical of whether or not this was legit because those guys are so tapped in all the ones that you named and there's a lot more too again that aside just the way this whole thing is still gone and the fact that it's still ongoing yeah still is a little bit odd when you're considering that it's Belichick and it's not like well he's also got to get out of his contract he's a free hey you can do whatever the hell he wants so that's productions yeah it's odd I don't think he had to call Pat McAfee and say can I take this job Omaha Omaha I gotta go it's a little odd the way this whole thing has kind of played out and to be fair it's a little odd Belichick over North Carolina that in and of itself is weird you could have gave me a thousand guesses this time last year and I don't know if I would have got UNC Zach I gotta be fair when these reports first came out I admit the first thing I thought of was it's North Carolina trying to show look there are people that are interested in this job oh yeah bill Belichick putting up a flag saying guys I still exist so someone come get me I never ever in a million years thought that this thing would come to fruition from one Thursday of last week when we first got into this never ever did I think that this was coming to fruition so Jordan Schultz was one of the first bigger national names to kind of talk about this and report on this he now has Belichick has agreed to become the next head coach at the University of North Carolina multiple sources tell NFL on Fox a new era in college football so I'm not saying that that means it's done so but it's gonna happen again all signs pointed to it all day long that's the most distinct one yes there's a lot less of the finalized almost done getting closer that sounds more of the typical reports of Belichick is reportedly going to be the new head coach like it's simple wording which is what you're usually get from reporters as opposed to a lot of the mumbo jumbo well he was the first remember that earlier in the week it was Belichick has agreed now it's up to see if unc yeah which is going to agree which is it's like hey Marco I agree you to pay me a million dollars yeah like great which is part of the reason that's why like some of the reporting like who agreed to what now and then you got to go back but there's still 400 pages worth of things they got to figure like what can you call me when something's close like what are we doing here like who what do you mean they agreed well he's still gotta agree it's a lot of it didn't make sense okay so this is from Matt Hayes who is uh senior national college football writer for USA Today I'm not gonna tell you I'm really familiar with this work so unc's NIL package for football I guess the last year was four million what do you think they agreed to increase it to from four million to what in order to get Bill Belichick I mean maybe I'm crazy I would say 20 Marco Balletti from downtown yes sources tell unc according to uh Matt Hayes that they'll increase their NIL package for football from four million to 20 million in effort to land Bill Belichick the chapel bill you're not getting him cheap no I am he's not going there to go three and nine you know Jeff Fisher like I'm we're not going seven and nine like I don't think he's going yeah well I don't think he wants to do that so I think he's going to try to set himself up he wants to coach this is obvious that Belichick just wants to be on the sideline wants to do the x's and o's wants to be there to be able to put the game plan the scheme he lives for it but he lives for winning that he doesn't live for just doing it and then to get his ass kicked so I would imagine here's all kinds of stipulations and if he gets what he wants which is obviously what's going to happen he's going to get players you give him players he will figure out ways to scheme up wins and also uh give credit to Ali Connolly because he he was like one of the first guys to be on this story as well he needed a lot of good context from the jump uh Ian Rappaport's now saying former Patriot coach will see his wording Bill Belichick the greatest coach of all time will become the next coach at the University of North Carolina source to say the deal is done so you got more distinct wording from Super Bowls to college football just like Bill Walsh uh just like Deion Sanders now Belichick so there you go on that oh yeah and by the way Juan Soto has officially according to John Heyman passed his physical so now the Mets deal is done I heard press conference Thursday so if you want to get started on that I heard it at Thursday what 3 p.m eastern I did but I also think that that may or may not be true because the winter meetings kind of wrap up tomorrow so I feel like they probably want to get everybody back let's do it next week do they want to wait on a Friday dump I don't know well let's do next week I got a flight a train to catch tomorrow after the show to go to Army Navy radio row uh and let's if we can I know the last time I went to a a met press conference introduced someone it did not go all that well because I asked uh Carlos Beltran or I asked Brody Van Wagen and why didn't Joe Girardi get the job when they hired Carlos Beltran which was the Beltran tenure didn't really last all that long but can we get you know Tuesday and Monday 11 a.m press conference as that gal could go I don't know uh and it wasn't official this is obviously they needed to fast pass the physical first which is everybody had said that it was pretty much done Heyman's got it so it's obviously completely finished I don't know if they get everything wrapped up in time for tomorrow okay especially with the winter meetings still going on I mean they're still there through tonight tomorrow morning is basically when they fly out um but do the Mets want to fly out early for this do they do this over zoom uh they could I would think for 765 million get your ass to the stadium I want to show up in person to hold up the jersey just for me I would think unlike the Yankees we'll have a luxury box waiting for your family to enjoy a nice snack after and no security guard you know stopping your family from coming in I would think with this type of signing you could do zoom I would think that's low class get the guy there if it means next week then it's next week you need him and you know Scott Boris is walking in uh you know whatever throwing around his you-know-what whatever the Mets need to show this is not just getting a free agent this is not just you know a big free agent this is not just because you reset the the market with the value of the dollar you basically had a coup in New York yeah you need to have this front and center don't do a zoom all righty here's the latest update I think we pretty much just covered it all anyway but hope so because that's what I hope so because I didn't have any of these written so we're gonna go on top of our head let's gonna see what we got it's El Capitan Marco Valetti always telling you how it's done right you're listening to the Zach Gelb show it's time to answer ask the pros question of the day it's brought to you by O'Reilly Auto Parts you have Sully in Vegas I wonder who that is Sully says Zach over under six wins for Bill Belichick already and his first year at UNC you could submit a question by tweeting out INF Sports Center at Zach Gelb using the hashtag ask the pros think O'Reilly Auto Parts for all your car care needs get guaranteed low prices and excellent customer service from the professional parts people at O'Reilly Auto Parts oh O'Reilly Auto Parts well it's a tough question to answer because we don't know who's going to be on the coaching staff who's going to be on the roster but I could just look at the opponents TCU Charlotte Richmond UCF California NC State Clemson Duke Stanford Virginia Syracuse Wake Forest I've seen enough it's Bill freaking Belichick yeah I'll take the over if you're telling me it's at six I'll take the over that obviously bowl eligibility is six that he'll be able to get to seven I saw Ralph Russo who's covered college football for a long time Associated Press says this is a three-year contract it is a three-year contract Ralph Russo and Brendan Marks it's a three-year contract with UNC for 30 million dollars so this is the last stop right in the Bill Belichick coaching career he turned 73 soon he's 72 right now so at the end of this deal what he's 76 you know could he go coach somewhere in the NFL at 76 77 could he leave after a year sure um and maybe that's like hey you do this for a year that NFL team says oh yeah Bill will you know even though you won six Super Bowls now for some reason because you won a few games at UNC will hire you that I guess it's still on the table who knows but uh this is a fascinating one and it's still kind of stunning that but next time we see Bill Belichick it's going to be on a college football sideline it's going to be at UNC so shame on the Falcons for not hiring last year Jaguars you know back channel to go bring them in you know what are you doing but Bill Belichick is off to chapel bill I love that from Schefter alrighty fun show today big thanks to Hickey big thanks to Xavier Gilry for joining us as well Jeff Monk and botch are good jobs do good job Devin McCourty is going to join us tomorrow so have good perspective on Bill Belichick we'll talk to you then at 3 p.m eastern noon pacific time bye-bye we out peace
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