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The Biblical Cure for Depression, Part 2

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Truth Network Radio
December 10, 2024 12:00 am

The Biblical Cure for Depression, Part 2

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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December 10, 2024 12:00 am

David was in despair as he watched is world crumbling around him. However, he encouraged himself in the Lord and was relieved of his depression. In The Biblical Cure for Depression, Michael Youssef provides encouragement that the God who has rescued us in times past can be depended upon for the future.

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The biblical cure for depression, next on Leading the Way. David gives us the cure for such times of discouragement, for such time of emotional and spiritual depression, and it's found in the very last verse, verse 5 of Psalm 40. In fact, it's one word, hope.

That's the answer. Thank you for joining Dr. Michael Youssef for Leading the Way. Psalm 43 offers a reminder that even in times of feeling lost and alone, there is a place for you in the fortress of God. And you'll hear more about that coming up. This quick reminder to participate in this month's Giving Challenge. Join many friends of Leading the Way in prayer and in generosity to continue to expand the ministry reach of Dr. Youssef and the teams.

Get more details at Right now though, listen with us as Dr. Michael Youssef begins today's message. Perhaps there is no greater pain than the pain of betrayal. I'm of course talking about betrayal by those who are near and dear to us, a betrayal of a spouse, a betrayal of a trusted friend, a betrayal of a business partner, a betrayal of a child or a parent. For when we suffer physical pain, there's always a painkiller.

But there is no pill or injection that you can take for the pain of betrayal. However, if that pain is not built with biblically, it's not dealt with spiritually, it's not built with the right way, it can lead to a greater depression. And that is where we find the psalmist, here in Psalm 42 and 43. As a matter of fact, some of the ancient scripts have both psalms as one psalm. Through the years somehow they got split into two psalms, Psalm 42 and Psalm 43. In the last message from Psalm 42, we saw how David, who was on the run from his palace, from his home, from the temple, from the praising of God to a hiding place because of the betrayal by his son Absalom, who was trying to conduct a coup d'etat against his father and was advised by a man called Ahithophel to kill his father, and yet that man was his father's friend.

When Absalom would not receive and accomplish the advice that this wicked man gave him, he went out and killed himself. So David, in this kind of a terrible predicament, in the terrible situation he was in, we saw in Psalm 42 that he began to lift up his spirits by challenging his soul. And that's exactly what you and I must do. We have to challenge our soul, literally.

We have to challenge your emotions here. You have to challenge your depression. And the way you do that is by reminding yourself of the promises of God and the word of God. And so we move from that part where David was lifting up his spirit by challenging his soul to Psalm 43, where he begins by crying to God for vindication.

I hope you already turned with me to Psalm 43 and follow with me as we go along. Because in these two Psalms alone, there are 10 times the psalmist asked the question, why? And listen to me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you asking God why. God is not going to fall off his throne because you asked why. In fact, all the great men and women of the Bible, of the word of God, they asked why. The Lord Jesus Christ, when he hung on that cross, he knew the very purpose of God since before eternity.

And yet when he hung on that cross, he said, why? And it's not difficult for so many of you to relate to what the psalmist is going through. I think most of us know what it is like to be attacked and criticized and maligned and slandered falsely. We know that.

In fact, I'll make you a promise. If you try to live a godly life, you will suffer. Paul said that if you live godly, you will be suffering. In fact, Jesus said that if they persecuted me, they will persecute you.

They hated me and they will hate you also. And it is a very extraordinary person, I think, in my experience at least, who does not occasionally get down by malicious and hurtful treatment. But thank God that when this happens, we are given the answer. We are not left in a hopeless despair. David gives us the cure for such times of discouragement, for such time of emotional and spiritual depression and is found in the very last verse, verse 5 of Psalm 42. In fact, it's one word, hope.

That's the answer. Now, I think most of you understand that the way we use the word hope today is not the same as it is used in the Bible, in the biblical texts. The way we talk about hope is that we will say, well, you know, I'm not really sure, but I hope so.

We say, well, I'm really putting hope against hope. I am desperately hoping. In other words, we use the word in terms of, you know, it's my wish. It's my ardent desire.

It is my deepest longing. But when the Bible uses the word hope, it is an absolute certainty. It means an absolute assurance. It means a definitive fact that has no shadow of doubt attached to it. And so when you put your hope in God, when you put your hope in the word of God, when you put your hope in the promises of God, it is not a wish, but it's an absolute certainty that He will, not may, but He will keep His promises.

Listen to me carefully, please. When you place your hope on people, I don't care who they are, when you place your hope on people, they will let you down. When you place your hope on earthly securities, they will disappoint you. When you place your hope on yourself, in your own ingenuity, that too might fail you. But when our hope is in Jehovah God, that is a certainty.

That is the certainty for the ultimate victory is yours. And that's why in verse 1, the psalmist confidently is calling upon the Lord. Vindicate me, O Lord, and plead my cause against ungodly nations.

Rescue me from deceitful and wicked men. He moves from what He did in 42, and that is lifting His spirit by challenging His soul. And He moves to a direct petitioning of God. He is saying, Lord, do something. Lord, please move on my behalf. Lord, prove to the world that you are my God. Lord, let your roar be heard in Zion once again. Lord, tell the world that the gates of hell shall not overcome your faithful church.

Lord, reveal yourself for who you are. Lord, show that our faith in you is based on confidence of who you are. And I thought about this, and I was thinking about how so many Christians, particularly in our culture, they are too timid with God. They are too fakely polite with God.

You know what I mean? Do you understand what I'm saying? In petitioning God. The reason why the psalmist is so bold in his petitioning of God is simply because he knew God. A lot of people today know about God, read all kinds of books. They don't spend time to be in intimacy with God.

They don't know God like the psalmist did. And that is why in verse 2, he said, you are God, my stronghold, or you are God who is my fortress. And I can preach a couple of sermons just in one sentence alone because it's vitally important to understand the concept of a fortress in the mind of the psalmist. Back in the old days when warfare was fought, hand to hand combat, they built high rising walls or sometimes they take advantage of a natural rock formation. And they hide behind that. They put all of their defenses behind that great wall or that great rock or that great fortress. And they come out briefly and then they go back immediately to take cover in that fortress. As long as they were behind that fortress, they were safe.

They come out from behind the fortress for any length of time, they risk being exposed to the arrows of the enemy. And the psalmist is saying, the word of God, which is in so many homes and in so many translations but is hardly read, the word of God is that fortress behind which I take my stand. Others may waffle but I'll stand. Others may get overwhelmed by the circumstances but I'm steadfast. Others may rely on themselves and their own ingenuity but I'll stand behind this impregnable wall, this fortress.

Others may well out in self-pity but I will stand firm behind this immovable wall. You know what he's doing? He's reminding himself by what he already believes. He's reminding himself of what he already knows, what he already deeply believe in his heart.

You say, what is it? There is no reason for him to be downcast at all. That's really what he's doing. He's reminding himself there is no reason on God's earth that he'll be downcast even though the circumstances are tough. Even though the things look dark and bleak but there is no reason for him to be downcast. Now listen, this is vitally important. It really is because the difference between those who get victory over discouragement and over depression and those who don't is one thing.

Do you want to know what it is? Listen carefully. Those who allow their circumstances, especially in the tough times, to speak to them, they will stay down in their discouragement. But those who speak to their circumstances, they're going to get the upper hand.

Did you get that? Say amen. Those who allow their emotions to speak to their minds will stay in the muddle. But those who allow their biblically enlightened minds to speak to their emotions, they will have a victory. Every time.

If you have a pen, write it down. It works every time. The reason our western culture is in deep trouble is because our thinking gave way to our feelings. That is really the bottom line and it's a wholesale departure from thinking into feelings. We don't ask people anymore what you think.

You know the question is, the media of course builds this up. How do you feel? How do you feel?

Not what you think. But listen, listen. When your biblically enlightened mind becomes the thermostat, you will keep your emotions in check. But when your emotions become the thermostat, your mind and your life are in trouble, they're going to go high wire.

All over the place. That's why the psalmist hears, he said, send forth the light of your truth or the light, your light and your truth to guide me and let them bring me to your mountain where you are. He is saying the light of the word of God enlightens and guides my mind. When our minds are enlightened by the word of God, they will pull our emotions and our feelings out of the ditch in which our emotions tend to get into. The psalmist is telling us that the light and the truth of the word of God can pull me from the pit of despair to the mountain of joy.

It can pull me from the valley of hopelessness to the mountain of hope. From the quicksand of feelings into the mountain of trusting in the promises of God. Out of the mud of my circumstances into the mountain of remembering who I am in Jesus Christ. Out of the depth of fear into the height of faith.

Out of where I am to where God is. You will do it every time. You will do it every time. Listen to me, just because evil men or difficult circumstances or temporary losses that you go through and many of you are going through that right now, I know. Because these things come our way, it doesn't mean it's all over.

Not by any stretch of the imagination. Verse 4, then I will go to the altar of God, to God my joy and delight. I will praise you with a harp, oh God my God. Ah, the psalmist now is saying to himself, he says, I know that God, I'm getting ready to shout, that God has not changed. Just because my circumstances changed, just because I'm going through a tough time, God has not changed. And therefore, his purpose for me has not changed. Just because I get into a detour, it doesn't mean that I am permanently lost.

And I get into many of those detours. Just because I'm experiencing some delays in my life, does not mean that I am not on God's schedule. It might not be yours, but it's God's. The fact that there is a blip on the screen does not mean that I'm done for.

Not by a long shot. That's not biblical. But rather, let your biblically enlightened mind begin to heal your hurt emotions. Let your biblically instructed mind guide you in your muddled emotions. Let your biblically believing mind challenge your sagging emotions.

Look at verse 5. Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why are you so distraught within me?

Put your hope in God. For I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. Do you know what I'm going to say?

Some of you know what I'm going to say. Those of you who read my book, Empowered by Praise, you know what I'm going to say. You see, praising God, which is the one thing that's going to lift you out of wherever you are into the very place of the presence of God. Praising God is a decision of your mind. It's a decision of your will. It's not how you feel. I was talking to a dear, precious brother who was going through a tough time, and I began to share with him my own experience, which led me to write that book, by the way.

If you haven't read it, Empowered by Praise will bless you. And I was sharing with him how praising God lifts me up from wherever I am, takes me into the very presence of God, and I'll just try and explain how he needs to start by praising God. He said, well, I don't feel like it. Well, I knew him well enough to tell him, the heck with your feelings. I don't mean I'm careless, I'm not. It doesn't mean I'm thoughtless, I'm not. And I wanted to make a point that he understand that praise is not a decision up to your feelings and your emotions.

It's a decision of your mind. Please listen carefully, because I can tell you experientially that praise will place you behind God's fortress. Praise will place you behind His impregnable wall. Praise will place you in the very hollows of His hand. Praise will place you at the very inexhaustible provision. And it's a decision of your mind and your will. You say, I'm going to praise God whether I feel like it or not, whether my mouth can move or not.

I'm going to praise God no matter what. I'm going to tell you this as I conclude, because it really illustrates what I'm trying to tell you. Between the two world wars, the French built a 78-mile defensive wall and it was called, and I will mispronounce this and my wife who speaks French is going to correct me when I go home, but Maginot, did I get right? No, okay, I knew I'm going to get corrected.

It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, Maginot line. And they built it to defend their borders with Germany. And there were three lines of defense that were incorporated in that wall. The first was small fortified barracks designed really to sound the alarm as soon as the enemy is seen. And the second line was a deep reinforced barrack and is designed to delay the enemy from coming in. And the third line of defense was something called overage, which was deeply buried multi-story forts every four to six miles. Below the barracks at the deepest level, they stored their ammunitions, they stored food, and above all, they had endless supply of water from wells that were dug deep. And when the Germans did move against the French, they did not even try to attack this final fort.

Why? In fact, not one single one of them, this overage, were attacked by the Germans. And the reason is the Germans knew that the soldiers in these barracks could survive and resist almost indefinitely because of the deep, endless supply of water. And beloved, listen to me. Whenever the Lord is your fortress, regardless of the attack that you may be receiving or the attack that you're under, regardless of the difficulties you are facing right now, regardless of the discouragement that has come your way, his endless provision that he had promised you become your endless supply of his provision. And it is going to help you to withstand the siege no matter how long it may be. His provision will not only empower you, but abundantly give you the complete victory through the power of the promise of God. But the question is, where are you?

Where are you? Are you standing behind the fortress, or are you standing on your own somewhere, relying on your own hard work and ingenuity? Nothing wrong with that, by the way. I work hard, try to use all the creativities God has given me. But ultimately, it is where you stand deep down in your heart is what determines the level of victory.

Are you standing exposed to the enemy, opening the doors for him to come in and harass you? Today you can say to the Lord, Lord, I will only stand behind the fortress of your promise in the word of God. Lord, empower me. Never try to take things into my own hands, but to stand behind the wall of your provision. In this part of this episode of Leading the Way, want to check out more content? Subscribe to the podcast, download the Leading the Way app, or listen and watch online for free.

Additional information at Quickly, I want to share a note we received from someone living in a volatile region of the Middle East. They write, I found Jesus through the kingdom set.

That's Leading the Way satellite channel with Arabic content that's seen around the world. Immediately, I started sharing my faith openly, even started a Bible study in my home. However, the police arrested me, confiscated all of my Bibles and books.

They're keeping me from returning home, so I'm living on the streets. Friends, this is just one of many notes that our field team receives on a regular basis. People who find Christ through Leading the Way and they need follow-up discipleship. Please know that when you support Leading the Way, you're making it possible for our field teams to minister to those making these life-changing decisions for Christ.

Please help today. Visit to learn more about what God is doing through Leading the Way. That's Or call a ministry representative at 866-626-4356. And now is the perfect time to stand with Dr. Yusef during this month's giving challenge. Through your partnership with Leading the Way, God is changing lives for eternity. Souls are being awakened. Lives are being radically renewed and transformed.

But there is much more to be done. Generous friends of Leading the Way have committed to give this month, and they want to challenge you to join in their joy. Stand with Dr. Yusef and Leading the Way through your generosity to be part in reaching many more with the transforming power of Jesus. Opportunities abound, and you can be part of seizing these opportunities for the Gospel.

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