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Would Bill Belichick Succeed In College? (Hour 2)

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2024 8:19 pm

Would Bill Belichick Succeed In College? (Hour 2)

JR Sports Brief / JR

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December 6, 2024 8:19 pm

JR kicked off hour two by discussing if Bill Belichick would actually take the North Carolina head coaching job before previewing conference championship weekend with former Colorado head coach Mike Sanford Jr. JR wraps up the hour by discussing with a caller the possibility of the Saints hiring Herm Edwards to be their next head coach.

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It is the JR Sportbreeze show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. I'm coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia. Wherever you might be, whatever corner of the country, whatever corner of North America, the hills, the oceans, the prairies, the cities, wherever, the farm, I don't know where you are. Thank you for listening.

Everybody from here to Canada and everything in between, whatever that is. Okay, anyway, I'll be hanging out with you for the next three hours. This is a four-hour show. I get started every weekday at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 Pacific. You can listen on the free Odyssey app, your local radio affiliate that broadcasts the Infinity Sports Network, Sirius XM. You got Sirius?

You got $5 or whatever it is a month, probably more. You can find me channel 158 on Sirius. And if you got a smart speaker, ask the speaker to play the Infinity Sports Network. So much to get into. We just talked about Boise State getting ready to take on UNLV in the Mountain West Championship game.

That'll get started in about an hour. We talked about Dan Campbell from last night. Ridiculously aggressive, and not just last night.

He's ridiculously aggressive all the time. We talked about the Packers. They'll be fine. They're not the Lions, but they'll be fine. In a few minutes, we'll talk about Bill Belichick really going to North Carolina.

Do you believe this? And then in 20 minutes, we'll have a conversation with Mike Sanford Jr., former coach in college football for the Buffaloes. Get into some NFL action as well. I got to be honest, this weekend slate on the NFL side, there's some implications for some teams, but I'm kind of like, these games are ugly. We don't have no game where you just, oh my God, I have to see this. We got some interesting storylines. There's no NFL game that makes me go, oh my goodness. Maybe Chargers and Chiefs, but the Chiefs always handle them. We got Kirk Cousins and a panic story as they go up to Minnesota.

So we got a lot to get into. Thank you to super producer and host Ryan Hickey holding it down for us in New York City. Hickey, did they catch that guy? You know what I'm talking about, right? The guy? The executioner.

Oh, wow. You gave him a nickname? That's not a nickname. That's what he is, right? That's what he is.

No, not that I've seen. The only update I've seen recently is that he's escaped New York City. He left New York. So I wouldn't say safe out there, but there is a murder on the loose. A guy on the loose.

A guy on the loose. No, we have a lot. Well, we got a lot of those all over the place, don't we? Should we just worry about him or just all of them?

That's true. There's a lot out there and a lot flying under the radar more than this guy. Yeah, that guy, that guy stood in Midtown Manhattan, took care of that guy, got on a bike and he left. They said he came from Atlanta.

Hickey, I should be worried, right? Oh, I didn't see that's where he came from. Interesting. Yeah.

He took a bus. I hope not. I haven't seen any of my neighbors recently. I don't keep track. I'm on my business. Smart man.

Keep you out of trouble. What are the odds that this man took a bus from Atlanta to New York and then turned around? He's probably going to Canada or something right now.

I don't know. That's true. I'm assuming, I mean, unfortunate with how it went down, it seemed like this was, he knew what he was doing, let's say.

Oh, absolutely. So yeah, I would say that, yeah, his escape plan is not, I'm going to go back home and hope no one notices. This guy's like Jason Bourne. How many passports you think he got?

20? At least you would think, right? Yeah, well, wow. He's got a plan hatched out. Maybe he's going to Nova Scotia to hang out with Mark. Oh, well, do some good old hiding up there. Hopefully he doesn't know Mark. I hope not.

That's true. I hope Mark doesn't know him. Shout outs to Mark. Shout outs to everybody who called last hour. 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4227. We have no idea, none, where the executioner is going. I don't know where he's going. I don't want to know. Hopefully he is not my neighbor.

And there's another guy, not an executioner. This guy is, uh, he's a football coach when he's not dating women who are, uh, I don't know, 50 plus years younger than him. I'm talking about Bill Belichick. Where's Bill Belichick going? Apparently, maybe, possibly not the NFL. I saw this story pop up yesterday.

I was gone yesterday. Bill Belichick is out here having meetings with North Carolina. Yeah. The same Tar Heels that just dumped Mac Brown. I guess Carolina, they got a thing for, uh, for old guys.

They're like, Hey, let's get rid of one 72 year old guy to bring in another one. When's the, Hickey, when's the last time Bill, I can't say, I guess I can't say I was going to say one thing. And I said, I can say that he has two questions. Are you ready for this one?

Oh, I'm ready. When is the last time Bill Belichick coached college? I believe never.

Correct. Never. When is the last time that he's been on a campus? So very recently, I would say very recently, he knows the college landscape very well.

He does. Did his girlfriend, she's a graduate, right? I, I'm assuming, and I think I believe she does have her bachelor's degree, maybe associates. I don't know. Yeah. Oh, highly educated.

Would she go to Dartmouth or something like that? I don't know that. I have no idea. Yeah. I don't know.

I think she's smart. Bill Belichick wouldn't be with no dumb one, right? No.

True. I would assume not. You never know his bill, but I assume not. Yeah, this is, well, he did walk out of that lady's house, a shirtless.

And how did that go? Like she had to send it. She had to be the one to send it, right? Yes.

Oh yeah. That was like on a Ring cam. What was, does Ring have access to your stuff? Is it encrypted? Is there like one security nerd sitting in a room somewhere in Alaska, just sending out Ring footage? Like, no, right? And that sounds illegal, right? What's illegal? If you're just in a Ring employee and you see something like, oh wow, that's Bill Belichick.

Oh wow, he's leaving a house shirtless. I got to share this. That seems like it's very illegal. At least I hope it would be. Bill Belichick, he can't trust this lady, man. She's like, she sent it to her friend. She's like, look at Bill.

Look at Bill. He left his, he ruined his shirt. He had to leave it here. So he snuck out the back door with no shirt on. Giggle, giggle. And she sent that to one of her friends and a friend sent it to TMZ.

And she's like, TMZ. Bill Belichick is going to, he's going to learn. Bill Belichick has had to do a lot of learning over the past few years. A, treat your aging quarterback nicely before they give you the boot. I love how everybody says, oh, the Patriots and Belichick, you know, mutually, no, he got fired.

They just fired him in a dignified way. We know this man is trying to catch Shula with the most coaching victories in the NFL all time. It'll probably take him three years, three more years in the NFL to do so, which makes this whole situation about Belichick going to college just very, very precarious.

Why? Why would he go ahead and do such a thing? We got guys like Nick Saban who are saying, I don't want to coach. I don't want to do this because now the job is more than coaching. Now I got to deal with NIL and we have college programs who are now hiring, you know, general managers and there's, there's even reports and rumors that Bill Belichick wants his son Steven to basically coach the team whenever he's done. And so North Carolina, are they really getting ready to sell their soul to Belichick or the Belichick family? And who's to say that after Belichick, they're going to be great. And who the hell knows how Belichick, does Belichick want to deal with college students? Is he going to be warm and kinder and fuzzier? Is he going to be a grump with the student reporters?

I just, I don't believe this. A matter of fact, Nick Saban, who just said, I ain't dealing with these college kids in their crap no more. He said, I'm out of here. Nick Saban was on Pat McAfee show and he says, you know what? My buddy Bill Belichick, he'd be great in college.

Okay. First of all, you know, Bill's an outstanding coach. He's very well organized. He's a good teacher. I think he relates well with the players.

So I think he would do a great job in college. The only thing that would be different is recruiting. But as you say, relationship building is not as important, not that Bill wouldn't be good at that, is not as important now that you pay players. I think it becomes a little bit more about, you know, the money and the deal that you make with them.

So it is a little bit more like pro football. So, and I think Bill knows how to manage that and would do a good job. So it doesn't surprise me when you have a coach of his caliber, quality, consistency and success for a lot of years that it wouldn't be somebody that people would consider.

Oh, okay. Oh, he has, he has experience. He's done this before. Bill Belichick never recruited anybody.

Yeah, the fire folks. He fired you before you were a bum. Bill Belichick on his way out the door with the New England Patriots. I mean, what was he doing? This drafts sucked. He's drafting the centers and punters.

It's like, who the hell wants this guy? Bill Belichick was drafting guys. Hey, you know, when you play Madden, you start getting into that pool of anonymous guy. You ever play like season after season and guys start retiring and they come up with some of the most generic players that you've ever seen in your life? I'm just joking.

I'm doing that right now in college football game. Yes. It's like John Smith. It's like, holy smokes.

It's like John Smith, wide receiver. Sure. Okay. Whatever you tell me. Why not?

Why the hell not? These were the type of guys that Bill Belichick was drafting for the New England Patriots. I'm supposed to believe he's going to go and be great at North Carolina.

Hey, somebody else has a positive thought. Rick Neuheisel. He was on Sirius XM today, and he also thinks Bill Belichick would succeed in college. I think Bill Belichick would love coaching college football.

This sounds like a winner to me. He'll be able in his Rolodex to go get a bunch of coaches now. He's going to have to understand that some of these guys are going to have to be able to recruit as well. But I think he kind of likes it. And I think he's learned from his son. I think it's Steve at Washington that this is really fun. I think in talking to Jed Fish about Steve Belichick, he says, you know, having his kid come to practice and, you know, meeting the players and all that, it's been a breath of fresh air rather than the treadmill that is NFL football. No, man.

I don't like this. And if you're Bill Belichick, everybody's saying, oh, well, he's using North Carolina as leverage. Well, how the hell is he using them as leverage? The NFL hiring cycle is not going to start until about another month from now. And so what is North Carolina supposed to just sit and wait around? And if Bill Belichick wants a job for from a team that's potentially going to be participating in the postseason, then Bill Belichick is going to have to wait until February.

Is North Carolina waiting until February? Are they throwing him so much money that he just has to have this college experience? I don't know. Maybe Bill Belichick hanging out with his new girlfriend. Maybe he's rejuvenated. Maybe he has been revitalized.

Maybe he wants to be on a college campus with younger people. I have no idea. I hear they had two meetings. I heard they just had a meeting last night in New York City. Bill Belichick and the representatives of the University of North Carolina, the Tar Heels. I've heard about that. I just I'd be I'd be I'd be shocked.

I would. I don't take Bill Belichick and I get it. I'm not even going to say that the man has gone through rehab, you know, publicity and fixing up his image. I'm not even going to say that he's on every show. He's on every network. He's a guest here. He's a guest there. And and we see him because he wants the attention. He doesn't want to be the coach who is just forgotten about. He wants to be at the top of everybody's mind.

He had one interview with the Atlanta Falcons. Where did it go? Nowhere.

I'm pretty sure Arthur Blank said, no, sirree. I will be the boss, not you. And we've gone through some of the potential teams where Belichick can go. The Jacksonville Jaguars are likely to get rid of Doug Peterson. If Nick Sirianni craps the bed with the Eagles, that job will possibly be waiting there for Belichick. We have no idea what the hell is going on with Mike McCarthy and the Cowboys.

We have no idea. And so Belichick was maybe you don't want none of these jobs. Is he beefing with some of these owners? He would he knows the owners. They know him. I just I I'd be shocked if I saw it. You think Bill Belichick is really going to coach North Carolina? I do. Well, I take that back.

I think this is real. Also, I'm not considering guaranteed that he's the next UNC head coach, but he's not taking this interview to sharpen his skills or he thought he had an NFL job lined up at some point. I think he's realized I think this is what he's kind of showing. He wants to still have the same dynamic he had in New England, where he's a coach, the GM, judge, jury, executioner, and he has all the power. And I think the NFL is telling him, well, we want you maybe as the coach. We don't want Bill to GM. We just want you coaching the team. And it seems like Bill is not going to relent on that.

We heard reports right in the Falcons interview. Things went well until he kind of started talking about give me full control. Where he can go and get full control is out of school like North Carolina. Maybe it's not the Tar Heels.

You know, maybe this doesn't work out exactly right, but it does feel like college. If he wants to coach the way he wants to coach in full control, college is going to be the place where he's got to go. Hell of an ego on this guy, huh? He's saying forget being well, forget having more wins than any coach in NFL history. I need the power? OK, I don't know.

I just this is very, very odd that this is popped up. We'll find out soon enough because I don't think North Carolina is going to stick around waiting forever. You know, Bill Belichick doesn't want to accept the gig. We'll find out.

And if he is, man, between him and Dion, like they are, they going to be the guys, the coaches. And will guys want to play for Bill Belichick? If you're a high school kid, maybe you don't know as much, you know, his history or what have you, or you know it, but you haven't seen all of it. You didn't live through it.

You were a kid, but I don't know. Hickey, would you go play for Belichick in college? I'll say this. If I was as a kid where like North Carolina is recruiting me or not an elite player like where I'm going to Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Penn State, I would. Yeah, because he bring his presence, right, his presence, right, brings attention more than it ever would.

Kind of like with Deanna, Colorado. Touche. You know, you're going to, you're going to have more eyeballs on you than you otherwise would because Bill is there and people are intrigued. That until he yells at you and tells you that you suck. Which I'm sure he'll do on the recruiting visit. Yeah, maybe.

I watched your film, you suck. Or he won't even, he won't probably won't even talk to his students. Won't know their names. I don't know. Yeah, I'm joking. 44, get over here.

Yeah, yeah, numbers. It would be real interesting how he would transition. He's not a dummy. He would, he would transition. Just let's see if he does it. I'd be surprised if he does.

Hickey is not. It's the JR Sportbreeze Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. We're going to take a break. When we come back on the other side, we're going to talk to someone who played in college football. We're going to talk to someone who coached for the Colorado Buffaloes. He played for Boise State. Man, he started his coaching career at UNLV. We're going to have a chat with Mike Sanford Jr. We're going to ask him about the Conference Championship Games.

We'll ask him about Belichick. We're going to get into it all on the JR Sportbreeze Show coast to coast. You're listening to the JR Sportbreeze. It is the JR Sportbreeze Show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Man, we're all ready and set for some college football action, championship action. On Sunday, we have rankings and forget rankings.

We have spots that get filled, all 12 of them. Man, we got a lot to get into, to talk about it, to get into every nook and cranny. Joining us right now is someone who played college football, played quarterback in Boise State, someone who was at UNLV.

His dad coached at UNLV. Joining us right now is Mike Sanford, who you can also see and listen to right now on Visa Live. Hey, Mike, how are you? I'm doing great. How are you doing tonight? I'm excellent. Thank you for the time.

Always a pleasure to chat with you. Before we get into the conference game that is going to get started in about 30, 40 minutes, we've done a lot of talking about Bill Belichick and the potential that he might go to North Carolina. What are your thoughts? Do you think Bill Belichick would be a fit in college? What's this deal?

What are they doing? Well, you know, the thing that would be interesting, and I live here in Boulder, Colorado. I live right outside of Boulder. My last coaching job was at CU right before Coach Prime got here, and I think that just like Coach Prime, you would have immediate transfer portal interest to go play for one of the best that's ever done at the level that you're trying to get to, and so I do think there is some benefit and some thought there, but I just don't know if Bill Belichick is going to want to deal with all of the uncertainties of college football contracts that are really not binding on any front as it relates to your personnel, and so I just don't think it's going to be a likelihood, but if indeed a brand like North Carolina that's not been a blue blood of college football but certainly has a powerful brand in general because Michael Jordan, the basketball program, you know, if there is any interest on Bill Belichick's part, I do think it would work. At least I think there'd be some instant gratification, if you will, from a personnel and roster standpoint, because think about it, which five-star portal transfer quarterback wouldn't want to play for the head coach that created arguably the greatest quarterback in the history of the game in Tom Brady, and I think that that would pay instant dividends.

That's houche. Let's see if he does it, and given timeline, how fast would North Carolina want to plug this hole that they now have since they got rid of Mack? Well, the timeline shifted so much, and frankly, if you look across even Power 2 conferences, that's what I call them now, between the SEC and the Big Ten, there's not a lot of coaching transition this year because everybody's trying to just figure out this new landscape, not just of NIL and Portal, but now this new revenue sharing model that's going to be going into effect in August.

So what does that look like? Do you fire coaches and you're paying the previous head coach like the consistent model over the last 10, 15, 25 years in college football when you just keep firing coaches? If I'm not mistaken, between the Big Ten and the SEC, the only current vacancy in those two massive conferences is Purdue, which is, can you, when's the last time you could say that was the case? And so, yeah, I do think that the timelines have shifted quite a bit. A lot of people are starting to lean towards, you know, really it's more about January in terms of closing the Portal window than it is about the early signing period, because frankly, high school athletes, unfortunately, just aren't moving the needle as it relates to instant success in college football.

It's all about getting the best and most experienced proven commodities, which comes via the Portal, and you do that through the NIL market. And so I think the timeline would be more like, you know, January, mid-January that you see maybe some serious movement happen in college football, and that's different than any other year. I think it has a lot to do with figuring out this model of revenue sharing. And former Buffaloes coach Mike Sanford Jr. is joining us here on the JR Sport Brief Show. Before we get into the conference championship games, let's talk briefly about those Buffaloes. We know that they're waiting for their bowl game and what might be. We know that Deion says that everybody is going to be out there. When it comes down to Travis Hunter, do you think he's going to walk away with that Heisman, or is the guy we'll see tonight, Jentsy, going to take it? Well, if Jentsy goes and has a Barry Sanders kind of catching performance tonight, I think that's the only path forward for the guy that I probably, frankly, would vote for as an alum, and certainly as somebody who appreciates what he does. But Travis Hunter just is the one-on-one athlete. I've had a chance to watch him in person play. I think it's been about four times in his last two seasons, and it's the ball skills for me, both as a corner and as a receiver. Last year I was convinced that he was an NFL corner, and then after the North Dakota State game, the opener, where you saw the receiver ball skills, I was like, this guy is Justin Jefferson number two, 2.0, because of the ball skills. And now I'm just convinced that he will play both ways in the National Football League. It'll be different. I think he'll be intelligently used as it relates to a 17-game season, which is a shift in terms of just attacks on the body.

But you got to think about it. You're playing against maybe, let's just say you're playing against a prime CD Lamb. Travis Hunter maybe played predominantly receiver the previous week. He might be used as the lockdown on a CD Lamb to stay with a number one wide receiver and serve as an eliminator, just like here in Denver, Pat Sertan II does.

So I could see that being a path forward where week to week, game plan to game plan, maybe the pendulum swings a little bit more in terms of him playing one side or the other with more frequency in that particular game. Well, Mike, you talked about the guy that we'll see tonight, Ashton Jensen. We know that you used to throw that rock around for Boise State. They're getting ready to take on UNLV in about 30, 40 minutes from now.

You favoring your crew to walk away and get into this playoff? Well, I'm nervous. Oh, wow. Come on. Go ahead, Mike.

Tell us. Now, part of it for me is Boise State has had really one other opportunity in its program's history to be knocking on the door of competing for a national championship. And that was the Kellen Moore era Boise State Broncos that if you remember is a while ago, they lost on a missed field goal against a team from the state of Nevada. And it was Nevada Reno. And I believe it was Colin Kaepernick in that crew at that time. And so this UNLV team, my dad still lives in Las Vegas. He was the head coach there. I was a graduate assistant for him from 2005 to 2006. And my dad was the head coach till 2009. Actually, Barry Odom, the head coach, who's actually right now being rumored to be the next head coach at University of Central Florida. Barry Odom's son played for my dad.

My dad's a high school head coach in the area. I followed their program really closely. And if you just look at current form, it's almost like you could see the Boise State certainly against Oregon was just incredible. Played Oregon as well as anybody, including Ohio State this season. But the last five weeks, you look at close wins over Nevada, much closer than the score said win over San Jose State. And I would argue the same thing with Oregon State. UNLV, on the other hand, has been playing really good football. And with the quarterback transition that they had, because Matthew Saluka, who played two Big 12 teams on the road, entered the portal. Now they have Hajj Malik Williams, who's not, you know, the first matchup, Boise State versus UNLV, he was playing in his first three games as a starter.

And now he's got some more starts under his belt. He's more familiar, you know, with that go-go offensive system that Brennan Marion runs. And it is a good system. And they play the margins really well as a program.

And that's a signature of Barry Odom. Special teams touchdowns. I have my concerns. Of course, I'm rooting hard for my alma mater. But I don't know that this is going to be the runaway game that many people are predicting for the Boise State Broncos.

Mike Sanford Jr. is here with us, the JR Sport Reshow Coast to Coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Well, both Hickey and I believe that Boise State will walk away with the victory and then they will likely end up with a bye, which will be very, very interesting given a group of five school. What are your thoughts on how the alignment is currently set up for byes? Do you think the committee needs to change what the playoff looks like in the future?

I mean, you know, I don't. Personally, I think that the only thing that I believe if there's if there's chaos this weekend with the conference championship games, which if there's anything that's consistent about college football this season is every weekend is chaotic as it relates to the CFP and the rankings. I could see Clemson beating SMU. I could see Iowa State knocking off Arizona State. You know, I mean, I can see Penn State beating Oregon.

I'm just being very candid. Just think about college football. And even if you're a better, it's a unique year, right?

And just think about the games that you just think were gimmies and they just aren't. I think this, I think Notre Dame is a team that I believe if if there is some chaos this weekend, I do believe Notre Dame in the last eight, nine weeks of their season since that Northern Illinois just debacle, they're they're deserving of a first round by as much as anybody is probably outside of Oregon. So I think Notre Dame, if they end up in the like, say, the CFP final two, they should get a buy. And I think that's something that I could see, you know, any, you know, non affiliated, non-conference team ends up getting a buy if they finish up in the final two.

But other than that, I think it's I think it's a good system. Let's just call a spade a spade. The ACC and the Big 12, they aren't really power conferences in the in the likes of the SEC and the Big 10. And you can't make that strong argument like you could have when the Big 12 had Texas and OU in it, when both those teams were playing good football. You know, the ACC just it's just it's falling on hard times. It's almost like the SEC has gone out into Florida and even into the Carolinas and bigger, bigger bags for the NIL.

And they've started to take they've taken away a lot of the talent, the top end talent. So I just don't see the argument that they say that we are a Power Four team when indeed you look at the at the records, you look at the teams in the standings, you look at everything else from a standpoint of who's the most competitive team in the country, that's what we're trying to decide here is who's the most competitive team in the country. And if that team happens to come from Mountain West in the form of Boise State, then they deserve it over, in my opinion, over a Big 12 team, you know, that that lost two games, including one to Cincinnati and one to five and seven Kansas University of Kansas. And that's just the reality of the Big 12 this year.

It's kind of crazy. You talk about the Big 12. We'll see Arizona State and Iowa State go go at it. The winner gets into the playoff. Arizona State first year in the Big 12.

They're not even supposed to be here. But you made a point about the the ACC. We know we got Clemson, SMU, SMU resurrected back from the dead. Now Clemson wins, they're in. If SMU loses, there's a possibility that we get two ACC teams still in the playoff.

Do you think that will be the case? Well, you got to look at Clemson if they indeed lose to excuse me, if we talk about SMU, if they indeed lose to Clemson. And think about where this game is located. This Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina, not exactly a home game for SMU. It's going to be very largely a Carolina Clemson type of a fan base, I think, in that building. And, you know, certainly Clemson, if you look at their record, they're 0-2 against the SEC. Dominant loss to Georgia and then lost the in-state rivalry to South Carolina. And then on the flip side, if SMU indeed loses and has two losses, their first loss of the season would be to Big 12 and probably left most likely probably about 99% left out of the college football playoff. And that's BYU. And that game was at SMU.

It was in their own building. So does their resume really, really hold up to what I think the CFP wants, which is as many SEC, Big 10, and Notre Dame's in the playoffs as you can find? I think that that in both cases in the Big 12 and the ACC, we're going to end up seeing one team. Okay. Hey, Mike, final question for you. With all these teams seemingly on a little bit more even footing, it doesn't appear that there's a major favor maybe outside of Oregon.

Who do you think is going to walk away with the title come January? It's as good a question as you can find. And I studied this for a living. I coached it for a living.

And I just, I can't tell you one right now. I'd say the most talented team is probably Georgia. And so you could almost see the winner of the Georgia-Texas game that does indeed get the first round by. I think that that team would have a leg up in terms of just having the roster to be able to deal with, you know, a tournament setting to go deep, obviously, and then see and win it. SEC and certainly some Big 10 rosters are built better for this tournament because of the depth of what they have and the NIL investment that their programs have made.

But it is so wide open. I mean, I can't even with a clear conscience say this team is absolutely going to win. And that's what I felt all along since about week five. This NIL and Portal world I thought was going to create a more vast difference between the top teams and haves versus the have nots. And in fact, it's kind of been the opposite. I mean, heck, Indiana is going to be a playoff team, most likely.

How in the world does that happen? I think it's created more parity because there's not the stockpiling of four and five star athletes that there used to be because players can just jump in the portal and go be a starter elsewhere immediately. And so, yeah, I just think there's the absence of a great team in college football, a dominant team that you can just look at and say, that's the team that's going to win it. And this I love because it's great to tune into any game and go through this playoff and just say, hey, I don't know. We can have our favorites or who's going to end up on top.

But the fact that there's not a distinguishable favorite is going to make this new format a whole lot of fun to watch starting tomorrow and Sunday when they let us know who goes in the top 12 and through the next month. Hey, Mike, thank you so much for the time. Where can people follow you?

Your analysis with visa and elsewhere. Tell us. Well, yes, I'm based out here in the Denver market. You can follow me on X on Twitter at Coach Sanford underscore two.

I'm on socials just every every which way you could find me. And I really appreciate you having me on. Love your program. Always appreciate having you on.

We'll talk to you down the line real soon, Mike. Enjoy the weekend. Enjoy the football.

And don't sweat too much in about an hour. OK, I'll try my best. All right.

There you go. Mike Sanford joining us, man. He's the total rock for Boise State.

Start off a little bit of coach and help with his dad at UNLV and coach the buffs. It's always great pleasure to talk with Mike. It's the J.R. sport show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. If you want to talk to us, if you want to talk to the country, North America, sorry, Canada, you can do so as well. Eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven.

That's eight five five two one two forty two twenty seven. I want to get to some of your calls. Call me.

I get you on the line. And then let's talk about a guy who was in college last year. He played in the national championship and he's played sparingly here in the NFL.

Well, there's people, a lot of folks who want to see him play a whole a whole hell of a lot more. Let's put it that way. I'll tell you who on the other side of the break. I'll get to your calls. You are listening to the J.R. sport brief.

It is the J.R. sport show here with you coast to coast on the Infinity Sports Network. Yeah, that's that's another conference championship we got coming up. The A.A.C., we got Tulane. We got Army.

They get going as well in, well, about 15 minutes. It's not just all about you and LV in Boise State. Obviously, when these games get underway, we will keep you up to date. Really looking forward to a lot of the other matchups we have. Georgia, Texas tomorrow. We got Penn State and Oregon late at night. We have Clemson, SMU, a late as well. Hickey, I wish I wish some of these games and all come on at the same damn time.

But hey, that's television, right? You got to put these teams on in prime time for the conference championship games. I mean, I will say outside of just the A.C.C. and the Big Ten being, you know, together, it is spread out pretty well. You know, Big 12 starts the day.

S.E.C. right in the middle of the day there at four o'clock Eastern. Penn State, Oregon, the marquee matchup at night. I would say for the most part, it's spread out pretty well tonight.

You and LV, Boise State. I have no complaints. Tomorrow, but I don't want to go back and forth. I just I don't know. And is it illegal for you to have two screens? What do you mean two screens? Like two screens, like what? Like, oh, you got a TV and maybe a laptop where you go to an establishment that has two TVs. Oh, good point. One is A.C.C.

One is the Big Ten. I don't want to spend no money at no establishment. Right. Can I just sit at the bar and watch the game? Just give him a tip. Here's five dollars. I'm going to sit here for the next three hours. Here's five dollars. I don't want to sit here.

Give me some water maybe once in a while. Don't ask any other questions. Is that there are people who do that, right? Oh, yeah. People camp out there.

They can get it. I guess you can sip on a beer and really, you know, milk it and drink a beer an hour. I was at an Irish bar one time and I saw a guy, one of the bartenders. He told somebody, he's like, listen, man, don't sit at my bar. You're messing up my money.

He said, if you ain't drinking, don't sit at my bar. I was like, whoa, damn. All right. I get it.

I get it. Damn. Yeah.

It's like, wow. Don't take up room for a paying customer. That's a touche. You're going to sit at the bar and drink water? What?

It's a wild move, but hey, they each their own, right? Order a lot of food. Okay, let's do that. 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4227. I want to talk about Michael Pennix Jr., the man who we will not see play in Minnesota as the Falcons take on the Vikings, the former quarterback for Washington. We'll get into that. Maybe we will see Michael Pennix Jr. play on Sunday. We'll get into that.

855-212-4227. Let's go to Arkansas and talk to Santos. Santos, Santos, you're on the JR Sport Reshow. What's up? What's going on there, man? How are you doing? I'm excellent.

What's on your mind? I am curious to hear your thoughts about Herm Edwards achieving the opportunity in New Orleans. Opportunity to do what? Eat on Bourbon Street?

What are you talking about? What a coaching job for the New Orleans Saints. I'm sorry, sir. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You think, you think, you think Herm Edwards, who has this, and we spoke to Herm what I think last week, two weeks ago, you think he's going to leave his plum television job at ESPN to go back into coaching? And why, not no disrespect to Herm, why would, why would the Saints specifically want to bring him in? Fill me in, please. I was just hoping for a great opportunity. Okay. Well, for him, are you related to Herm?

Yes. For a great opportunity for Herm Edwards to bring a great organization through another winning way. What, what, what organization did he do that? It didn't work out all that well at Arizona State. It didn't work a lot great for the New York Jets or the Chiefs. Herm Edwards, I'm looking at it now, career coaching record at the NFL level was 54 and 74.

College was 18 and 20 with the Sun Devils. What are we looking for here? Well, I was just hoping. Okay. Well, you know, Santos, I appreciate the fact that you're about hope. We need a whole lot of hope in the world and more action, positive action. Hey, Santos, thank you so much.

Yes, go ahead. As I say, keep hope alive, but I love the music that you guys are playing. MC Wan is great. And tell Hickey, he did a great job all that we can. Oh, he does a great job all the time. Well, thank you. He can hear you.

Hickey say something. He's right here. Thank you, Santos. Very kind of you. You did a great job.

I heard you and you did a fantastic job all the week. Right now. Send Hickey money. Okay.

Send the money. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, what are you?

Sammy Sosa. He spoke, he forgot to speak English. You forgot Spanish. Okay.

Santos. Hey, you have a good weekend. Okay. Thank you. You as well. Hickey, that guy is a funny guy, huh?

I like Santos. That was good. What do you think he's doing? A stand-up comedy in a few hours? Maybe he should.

I would go listen. Speaking of buying drinks, Hickey, you know, well, let me, let me not be, because then I'm going to have comedians making fun of me. I do not need that.

I do not need that. Isn't it crazy? And it's not crazy. Now it's not like a comedian myself.

Isn't it crazy? You go to these, you go to these comedy shows. I haven't been in a few years, but they require you to buy drinks to loosen you up to just so you laugh at a terrible comedian's jokes.

It's a smart business model. What do they say? You got to buy, you go to the comedy show, you got to buy two drinks, right? To drink minimum? To drink minimum.

And what if I don't drink? What am I buying? Gatorade, Pepsi?

Like what am I buying? It's a good question. I wonder at that point, I don't know, if you're, if you're sober, you don't drink, are you not allowed in? Well, you can't do that.

Discrimination, right? Well, how do you, you know, what's the, are you going to just then force them to buy water? Hey, you're going to buy this whole case of water.

And if you don't drink it here, you got to put it in your trunk. Okay. You're going to buy two alcoholic drinks worth of stuff.

Okay. Water, chicken wings, whatever the hell they sell at a comedy. I haven't been, when was the last time you've been to a comedy show? Oh, a few months ago.

There's one right by, next time we should go, there's one right by like literally two blocks away from here. Get out of here. Oh yeah. The whole comedy sale is right here. Oh wow. It was like two or three different stages.

How do I know? Did you have a good time? Were they funny? I did. Um, the most recent one was okay.

Yeah, it was okay. Hey, we need a comedian. Hey, if you are, if you are a comedian and you have a great joke, call up it's Friday. Yeah.

Why not? 855-212-4227. It's 855-212-4227. If you got a great joke, call us up. Hey, right now, let's talk to Willie from South Carolina.

Willie on the Gerald sport B show. Got to go fast. Hey man. I just want to say that my quarterback from South Carolina Gamecock broke 18 tackles.

You're talking about, you're talking about sellers. Yeah. He's amazing. He is.

He threw 16 touchdowns last week. He is. Let's see if he wins the Heisman next year.

Yeah. Next year. Next year, Willie.

Next year. Hey, thank you for calling from South Carolina. Appreciate you, man.

No doubt about it. Shout out Willie. Willie. He's not a comedian, but he called us. Thank you, Willie. 855-212-4227.

That's 855-212-4227. Let's talk some NFL football. Let's talk about Pentax Junior. Hey, let's get some comedians on. Don't be afraid. College Pro. We got you covered. It's the JR sport reshow coast to coast. The infinity sports network.
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