Teaching Biblical Doctrines to Children. That is a topic we'll discuss today right here on the Christian Worldview Radio Program where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, the host. We are able to reach believers and non-believers with that mission through the radio station, website, or podcast platform in which you are listening today because of the support of listeners like you.
So thank you. You can connect with us by visiting our website thechristianrealview.org, calling toll-free 1-888-646-2233, writing to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331, or following our social media pages on Facebook or X. We at the Christian Real View are currently on a road trip to northern Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, both of which are owned and operated by Answers in Genesis, the ministry founded and led by Ken Ham, which boldly proclaims the authority of God's Word and the Gospel. We have been conducting interviews with Ken and several others during the visit that we are going to air next week on the program.
In fact, later in today's program, we are going to air a portion of one interview we did with Brian Osborne, an author and popular speaker for Answers in Genesis, that we did on site at the Ark Encounter following his presentation on the global flood, which is detailed in Genesis 6 through 9. But before we get to that, we are going to air an interview that some of our longer-time listeners may remember from back in 2016 with Michael Jens, an animator and creator of Theo Presents, which is a 15-episode series dedicated to teaching children God's Word and the Gospel. Jens is a highly credentialed animator, having worked for studios such as Hanna-Barbera, Filmation, Warner Bros., and Marvel Productions. It was while he was at Marvel Productions that he began producing and directing television series and specials such as Blondie and Dagwood for CBS, the animated Fragal Rock series for NBC, and the My Little Pony feature film. In the late 1980s, Michael left Marvel to start his own animation company where he began doing commercial work as well as producing and directing segments for Adventures in Odyssey, a focus on the family. But all of that was preparation for Michael's long-time dream of producing the Theo Presents series.
And here's how we previewed the interview with him back in 2016. There's nothing more important than trying to pass on the faith and the teaching doctrines to children. That was something that's so emphasized in Scripture. In Deuteronomy 6, it says, these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart, and you shall teach them diligently to your sons, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. That's Deuteronomy 6. So what are, quote, these words that passage talks about that are to be on our hearts, and then also taught diligently to our children?
Well, they're biblical doctrines, truths about God and how we are to live and worship Him. Now, the truths of salvation and forgiveness and obedience and loving one's neighbor and many of the other doctrines in Scripture should be taught to children at the earliest ages. The ungodly world around us is relentlessly trying to capture hearts and minds, especially the young, with lies such as, hey, there are many paths to God, not just one.
Live for today and live for yourself, or you need to find your own truth in life. These are the kind of lies that are constantly coming at our children from the youngest of ages. The seduction is very strong, and yet in the face of it, Christian parents and grandparents are called to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
But how? How can we teach biblical truths or doctrines to children in a culture that pushes back so vehemently? Well, one excellent way we found is through an animated cartoon series called Theo Presents. And our guest this weekend on the Christian Real View is Michael Jens, it's spelled J-O-E-N-S, but it's pronounced Jens.
Michael Jens. He is the creator and director of Theo, a 15-episode animated cartoon series that we could not recommend more highly, and we're going to be offering to you as listeners today to the Christian Real View. The production value and the teaching of biblical doctrines in Theo is of the highest quality, and we encourage you to preview and order the series. We have it available on thechristianrealview.org. We're going to be having Michael Jens on the program, the creator and director of it, but I wanted to just give you a little taste of what it's like. It does obviously great animation value and production value, but the doctrinal teaching within these is not vague. It's not sort of like, yeah, we need to love each other, God is love, and let's go on and go outside and play.
The doctrinal teaching in these is suitable for any Christian adult. That's how good it is. I think you're going to see that as we play some sound bites from this particular cartoon series. Now, just to give you a little framework of how the episodes typically lay out, again, there's 15 episodes. They open with two mice, Luther and Belfry, having some squabble or having some problem.
The setting is in England, and they sort of act out of the flesh to regard to some issue. Then it transitions to Theo, who was a human, an older gentleman. He looks at them and then introduces the issue that's going to be discussed in the episode. Then he goes on to saying what the issue is not, but also what the issue is. He goes into what they call a shoebox theater, where it's a story from scripture that talks about one of the issues, whether it's saving faith or loving obedience or forgiveness or the armor of God or redemption or new birth.
I mean, these are the topics of these cartoons. Then there's always concluding comments at the end where Luther and Belfry, the two mice in there, have learned the lesson from the episode. So I'll just give you a short sound bite here, where this episode is where Luther and Belfry, the two mice, one of them, Belfry has taken and eaten the cheese of Luther, and Luther's really upset about it, and it's an issue of forgiveness.
So here's the first soundbite from Theo Presents. I wonder what it means to forgive one another. I wonder sometimes if we humans do. Did you know that the word forgive means to set something free? To forgive has a couple more meanings as well. It means to completely cancel a debt or sin. Forgiveness also means to remove the punishment that someone actually deserves. Oh, one more thing. Jesus said we are to forgive our brother 70 times seven.
That means without limits. Okay, so we'll get into the interview with Mike next, but you can see just from that, the explanations of what forgiveness is in this particular episode, and they're all like this, they're very specific and biblical, not just a kind of a surface level gloss over, but something that's very, very specific. And I love the way in the episodes, if you get them, you're going to see Theo is constantly saying, the Bible says, did you know the Bible says, he keeps on going back to the authority of scripture. And when children watch this, and our three year old son watches it now, he can't comprehend a lot of the doctrinal content yet, but he's just transfixed by the animation and the storylines and so forth. He loves it.
He loves it. Let's get to the interview with Michael Jens, the producer of Theo, and then we'll tell you how you can get these excellent episodes of Theo. Mike, it's great to have you on the Christian worldview for the first time. And I often ask first time guests to tell us about your background and how you became a follower of Christ and how you became an animator. Well, first of all, David, thank you very much for having me on your show.
I appreciate it very much. To answer your question, I was raised in a Catholic home. When I was 16, I left home. And with that I left whatever faith I had at that time, ended up joining the Marine Corps when I was 19 years old or something back in 1970. And, and it was in the Marine Corps that I came to know the Lord as my Savior.
And that was that took place on February 11, 1972, in Naples, Italy. A couple of the Marines in the barrack where I was serving were Christians and led me to Christ. Then how did you become involved in doing cartoons? That seems like almost an unusual life calling. I was given the talent of being able to draw cartoons from a very early age. And when I was growing up, I failed to mention earlier, my dad was in the Marine Corps. So we traveled quite a bit, quite extensively.
Every year was a new school. I was always on the outside looking in, as it were, and trying to figure out who in the world and where I was in the midst of all these new people. Cartooning became kind of my best friend.
I found a lot of solace in it. I learned to draw better and better as I got older, of course, and learned to tell stories through my cartooning. And because of my cartooning, I gained a lot of friends. I became the go-to guy when a cartoon was needed. So that is where my cartooning skills developed.
I never had any formal training, as far as that goes. I just was always a cartoonist. And in fact, my Marine Corps MOS, we called it the Military Occupational Specialty, was combat illustrator. That was my job in the Marine Corps, was to be an artist. And I didn't do that a whole lot in the Marines.
I ended up being a guard over in Naples, Italy, guarding the NATO base there. And again, that's where God wanted me, obviously, for me to come to know his son. Mike Jens joins us today on The Christian Real View, the creator and director of Theo, an excellent, biblically sound cartoon. Let's talk about the genesis of Theo, Mike.
Where did it start? And what do you see the purpose of it now? I, when I came to Christ in 1972, I was, the expression, I was called into the ministry. And by that, I mean, I was called into what I felt was a full-time lifestyle that God was using, going to use me in some way to share the gospel. And in my mind, at that time, it was, of course, a pulpit ministry. I thought maybe I should become a chaplain to go back into the military after I got out as a chaplain to minister to the men. But you know what, when I graduated from Bible college in 1977, I just felt like that's not what God wanted me to do. My wife and I, I got married while I was in Bible college to Kathleen. And we just felt like God had other, another plan. We didn't know what it was. We ended up coming down to Los Angeles where her parents lived, tried to get a job in all of the different Christian organizations, World Vision, David C. Cook, those kinds of places.
And the door is closed. The door that opened for me in a really spectacular way was cartoon animation in the secular industry. All of a sudden I found myself an assistant animator working for Filmation Studios in 1977. And it was really, it just, like a bolt from on high, I just sensed how God could use cartoons to teach the gospel. Kids around the world, not just in the US, but kids around the world love cartoons.
It truly is a universal language. And I thought, wow, what a great, what a great vehicle. That would be a great platform or pulpit from which I could speak, you know, the gospel and teach children around the world what the Bible had to say about their Lord and Savior. In 1978, I came up with the concept of Theo. It took 30 years for God to finally give us the financing for us to actually produce it.
But that's when the seed of Theo was found in 1978. Well, there are 15 episodes of Theo, and we're speaking with the creator and director of it today, Mike Jens. And I just want to list off what the episodes are about. Saving faith, loving obedience, forgiveness, armor of God, redemption, new birth, justification, adoption, a day in prayer, abiding in Christ, light unto my path.
What is the church? Fruit of the Spirit, salvation, and love thy neighbor. This is not a normal cartoon series, and I've seen them all.
And they're all about 10 to 12 minutes long. And they just do an excellent job with not just the animation and the entertainment value of them, but they teach really sound biblical doctrines. And I'd like to play, Mike, just a two-minute soundbite with some excerpts of the episode on salvation, just to give listeners a chance to understand just what kinds of teaching, doctrinal teaching there is in Theo. So here's just two minutes from the episode on salvation. salvation is God's act of grace in saving people from bondage to sin in this life, as well as eternal condemnation when we die. Salvation is based on what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, not something that can be earned.
How can we be saved? Let's take a look at the Romans road in our shoebox Bible theater. Jesus taught that there are two ways or roads in life, only two.
One road is broad and easy to follow. It is the well-traveled road of the world. The other road is the one less traveled.
To enter it, one must go through a narrow gate. Jesus is that gate. Jesus said that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and that there is no other way to heaven, but through him alone.
It is a road that brings trials and testing, a road of self-denial. But it is also a road that brings true blessing, joy, and peace. Jesus calls this road the way of abundant life. Jesus, the son of God, came to earth to pay the price for every person's sins. Because of his sacrifice, we have a clear choice. We may turn away from our sins and turn to Jesus by faith in order to receive eternal life.
Or, because of unbelief, we may reject Christ and pay for our own sins in eternal hell. So, Mike, in hearing the amount of doctrinal content that you convey in this episode and all the episodes, why is it important to teach biblical doctrines to children? Why is it important to teach biblical doctrines to children?
And at what age should this start? Well, the reason we should do it is because God commands it. I mean, one of my favorite passages, and actually I wrote a blog about it on our website, is from Deuteronomy chapter 6, verses 4 to 7.
If I can read them real quick. Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one, the Shema, it is called. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart.
And here it is. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and your daughters, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. You know, this is the command of the Lord. We are to teach them diligently.
The word in the original language for diligent has to do with like a piercing, like an engraving. It's like we're engraving the word of God onto our children's hearts. And that's the command of the Lord. And we're to do it throughout the day when we get up and we'll go to bed as we're walking by the way. It's a constant lifestyle of teaching our children the doctrines of the Christian faith. And to not do that is basically to disobey the Lord.
Furthermore, let me just add this. Children are not stupid. We have dumbed down our children over the past, I don't know how many years, to where we don't believe that they can actually assimilate the kind of knowledge that they can assimilate.
If you were to look back to the New England Trimmer, for example, which was the textbook for children at the latter part of the 19th century, early 20th century. I mean, it's amazing what children were learning. I doubt that many college kids today would have that kind of understanding of things biblical and otherwise.
These episodes are fun. They're not all teaching for 10 or 12 minutes. But you can see how strong the teaching is in these episodes. And I was thinking, boy, I wish most evangelical churches would teach like that.
I mean, that is stronger teaching content than you'll get, I believe, in most evangelical churches today. Which that's why I say these are not only great for your kids, these are just great for adults to watch as well. And he goes into that, we're going to talk about that later, how older cartoons were, yeah, they're for children, but they're also made for adults as well. And that he definitely accomplished that in these episodes of Thel. And I didn't get to fully describe at the end how you can get these episodes of Thel.
We have two options, basically. One is you can get one DVD with the first three episodes of Thel. And that also includes, they include the good news episodes, just to show you where their heart is. They include a good news episode in every DVD, which is the gospel. So the first option is you can order one DVD with three Thel episodes and the good news episode for a donation of any amount. And it's basically no risk. Just that's how much we strongly feel that you get this, take it and see what you think of it. And you can get all five if you want later.
We have that too. So that one DVD typically retails for $12.99 plus shipping. Or we also have the whole five DVD set, which has all 15 episodes, plus the good news episodes.
This retails for $54, $55, basically. We're offering it for a donation of $50 or more to the Christian Real View. And you can just order the regular way is at thechristianrealview.org. You can call us toll free anytime, 1-888-646-2233.
That's 1-888-646-2233. Just be aware that sometimes on Saturday mornings when we offer these kinds of things that can be busy, just leave a message. We will get back to you.
Or you can always write to us by mail at Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. And I'll give that information out over the rest of the program. All right, you're listening to an interview we did with Michael Jens, creator and animator of Feel Presents back in 2016. We have much more coming up with him. And then later, an interview with Brian Osborn of Answers in Genesis. We spoke to Brian following his presentation at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, where we are currently visiting.
So stay tuned. I'm David Wheaton, and you're listening to the Christian Real View Radio Program. The Men's Daily Bible was just released, and beyond the most important part, God's Word, it contains many other helpful aids, such as 50 Insight for Life articles from pastors and Christian leaders, including Kevin DeYoung, Stephen Lawson, Albert Mohler, and the late R.C.
Sproul. I contributed one of them on embracing a Christian real view based on Genesis 1-1. There are also 260 Insight for the Day devotionals and 234 Insight for the Day devotionals and 234 Insight for the Moment call-outs providing concise and practical wisdom. The Men's Daily Bible in the Christian Standard Bible version is available in hardcover for a donation of any amount. Regular retail is $40, or Black Leather Touch for $45.
Regular retail is $60. To order, go to thechristianrealview.org, call toll-free 1-888-646-2233, or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. The Overcomer Foundation Cup is the new name of our annual golf event, and this year's event will be held at Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska, Minnesota, Monday, September 16th. Hazeltine hosts many of golf's major championships, such as the Ryder Cup, U.S. Open, and U.S.
Amateur. Your registration includes 18 holes with cart, full use of Hazeltine's facilities, three meals and beverages, golfer gift, and more. There are lots of sponsor options, and non-golfers are welcome to attend the post-golf meal and message. From wherever you are in the country, you are invited to bring colleagues or clients to experience a unique day at Hazeltine and discover how the Overcomer Foundation, the non-profit organization that directs the Christian Real View Radio Program, is impacting lives.
Again, the date is Monday, September 16th at Hazeltine in Chaska, Minnesota. To find out more and to register, go to thechristianrealview.org or call 1-888-646-2233. Welcome back to the Christian Real View. I'm David Wheaton.
Be sure to visit our website, thechristianrealview.org, where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter, order resources for adults and children, and support the ministry. Michael Jens is our guest today. He is the creator and animator of the 15-episode series entitled Theo Presents. Let's get back to the topic here with teaching biblical doctrines of children. I want to play the trailer for Theo because I think this describes very well what these episodes are all about.
News for you. Theo lives in a cozy corner of a quaint English village, along with his two mouse friends, Belfry and Luther. Hello, hello. What's this then?
A perky bluebird and a cast of colorful characters. In each episode, Theo carefully explores a doctrinal theme such as salvation, obedience, sin. Did you know that because of our sin, we owe a debt to God that we can never repay? But God is gracious. God's love and forgiveness. So you forgive me, Luther? Well, all right, sure.
What are mates for? The beautifully animated episodes are filled with illustrations and Bible stories that are fun for viewers of all ages, while encouraging children to learn more about the Christian faith. Theo is a tool to help moms and dads, Sunday school teachers, homeschoolers and missionaries teach God's word. Why not make an impact for eternity? Begin the journey with Theo today and help present the gospel to audiences of all ages around the world. When you ask Jesus to be Lord and savior of your life, he will not only give you eternal life, but an abundant life of joy and goodness here on earth.
Won't you receive him today? As I tell you, when we see a resource like this, we buy it ourselves for you, the listeners, and that's why we promote it and then make it available to you. Just watching that almost brings tears to your eyes how good this is for children, the most impressionable among us. What can they do to help their children understand what's being taught and then importantly help them apply it to their lives? Anticipating that question, we have included in each of our volumes a parent guide, because I realize some of these topics, a lot of parents watching this will not quite understand what justification is or how do I teach this to my kid now. So we have provided parent guides in each of our volumes that will help the parents to go through the various lessons with their children and at the back of each one of those parent guides are now what kind of a thing? How can we apply what is justification?
How does it impact my life or how does forgiveness, the lesson on forgiveness, how does that impact my life and how can I employ it in my daily walk? So these things are we have given some you know parent helps that I believe you know truly will help parents to do just what you're asking. Let's expand out now beyond Theo to just regular cartoons in our culture today. How has animation and cartoons, how have they changed over the last 30 to 50 years? Cartoons have always since the beginning of cartoons reflected the culture in which they were created. The Warner Brother cartoons of the 30s and 40s you know they reflected the era in which they were you know created.
I think that's also true of the subsequent generation or you know decades. Cartoons are a reflection of the culture. Unfortunately, sadly, some of the cartoons being produced today, I won't name names, but they do reflect our culture and you know they're not I would not want my children to watch them because they're not wholesome number one and they don't of course teach any kind of a Christian worldview. Cartoons don't have to do that by the way. I think that there are there you know the old Warner Brother cartoons Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, those kinds of things.
They're just funny and they're entertaining and they're just fun to watch. So they don't teach a Christian worldview either, but I don't believe that they demean a Christian or moral worldview and that's I guess what I'm trying to say. Modern cartoons, at least one of them are not profitable to watch for children. Kids are going to pick up non-Christian stuff no matter what they do, what they see. It's all a right bombarding and that's why it's so important for parents to have a good understanding of what the Bible teaches about who God is and who we are relative to him and how we are to train our children in the light of that knowledge.
So it's important that kids coming home from school and have parents that you know know how to field certain questions that they'll bring up about this that and the other from our culture. Walk us through, Mike, how an episode of feel is created. There's three different types of animation in any given episode, so tell us how these things are created.
They're only 10 to 12 minutes long but there's a lot in them. It happens a couple of ways. One way, Mike, it happens a couple of ways. One way might be I have a Bible story I want to teach, say for example Jonah. I want to teach the story of Jonah.
So what do I do? I'll come up with a story of Jonah. I need to lead into that story.
Theo has to lead into it. So what I usually do is come up with a story for the mice. The mice are really the springboard that leads Theo into the Bible time as it were, our shoebox Bible theaters. So I've chosen three different styles of animation that I love. The first is the traditional or Disney style of animation which is how I present the mice as well as Theo and any other you know characters that they might interact with. And you'll see that very fluid, very traditional style of animation. Then Theo does what I call, he does, he'll take the topic and say for example we're talking about salvation.
Well what does salvation mean? Well here's what it doesn't mean and I tend to use what's called the UPA style of cartooning which is from the studio United Productions of America. They were very popular back in the late 40s and 50s, early 60s, a very graphic style, very cartoony style of animation.
I love it. They used it in all kinds of advertising and such, paper as well as on television. So I will use, well here's what it doesn't mean and I do like three comedic what salvation is not. And then Theo will come back and say well let's talk about what salvation is and he'll introduce us to the shoebox Bible theater in that segment.
They're usually around five minutes long. We'll teach that particular Bible story through what's called a puppet style or computer type style of animation. Again it's a very graphic style but I think it conveys the biblical truth in a way that kids are entertained by and will want to watch again and again. I think listeners will really enjoy seeing it and they'll notice those styles and but even more than that they're going to notice the message of these episodes is so clear and strong and so helpful for teaching our children biblical doctrines. And Mike we just so appreciate your coming on the Christian Real View today. We hope there are more Theo episodes planned in the future. Are there plans for that? That's in God's hands.
I hope that doesn't sound facetious. They are in God's hands. I mean we would love to do more.
There's so many more I would like to write because we've only just basically scratched the surface of biblical doctrine. So as God would provide for us to do that then we would do more of course until he does and we're writing books right now and we of course have other things if people wanted to go to our website and check them out. Well we want to see more of Luther and Belfry and Theo and Scratch and the rest of the characters so we appreciate your using the gift God's given you to do this. And we wish all of God's best and grace to you and your family.
Well thank you very much David and likewise to you and your family. That was Michael Jens everyone the creator and director of Theo. It's actually officially called Theo Presents a 15 episode cartoon series that we highly recommend for you and your family. And you can we have we are offering in two different options. One DVD contains the first three episodes and plus the good news episode it's the gospel in all of them and that's for a donation of any amount to the Christian real view. So we just encourage you if you're on the fence get it try it and see if you like it and then if you really want to get the whole thing which which we highly recommend as well all 15 episodes is five DVDs. That's a donation of $50 or more that that whole pack retails for $55 so even that's a good deal to get it. And by the way our monthly partners automatically receive six or eight of our resources that we offer throughout the year and this will be one of them. We'll be sending our monthly partners automatically the one DVD but if monthly partners you're listening if you want the other ones just call us and we can do the the five DVD set as well. You can order online at thechristianrealview.org. You can call us at 1-888-646-2233 or you can write to us at box 401 excelsiorminnesota55331. Now we have a little more audio with Mike Jens and this interview was recorded just a couple days ago and oftentimes some of the things said when the recording isn't the interview isn't officially going on is very interesting but I never play that usually the conversation before or after of course it's a private conversation but as we talked after the interview he had some very interesting things to say about why he made the characters in Theo the way he did and I asked him if I could I could play it because it was still recording and he said sure you can go ahead and play that on the on the live program if you'd like to so after this break I'm going to come back you're going to hear more from Mike Jens as to why he made Luther and Belfry the way they did why who is Theo where did he get that personality type so more with Mike Jens coming up the creator and producer of Theo will also tell you how you can order it if you missed any of the earlier contact information on that stay tuned you're listening to the Christian Real View I'm David Wheaton. David Wheaton here host of the Christian Real View radio program listeners are often surprised to learn that we as a ministry pay to broadcast on the radio station website or app on what you are listening today that expense is recouped through listeners like you making a donation or becoming a Christian Real View partner our aim is to have each broadcast outlet fully supported by the listeners of that outlet if you'd like to help us in our mission to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ go to thechristianrealview.org and click on donate you can also call toll-free 1-888-646-2233 or write to box 401 Excelsior Minnesota 55331 specify how you listen as that helps us decide whether to continue on a given outlet and be sure to select one of our resources as a thank you for your support the men's daily bible was just released and beyond the most important part God's word it contains many other helpful aids such as 50 insight for life articles from pastors and Christian leaders including Kevin DeYoung Stephen Lawson Albert Mohler and the late RC Sproul I contributed one of them on embracing a Christian Real View based on Genesis 1-1 there are also 260 insight for the day devotionals and 234 insight for the moment call outs providing concise and practical wisdom the men's daily bible in the Christian standard bible version is available in hardcover for a donation of any amount regular retail is 40 dollars or black leather touch for 45 dollars regular retail is 60 dollars to order go to thechristianrealview.org call toll-free 1-888-646-2233 or write to box 401 Excelsior Minnesota 55331 welcome back to the Christian Real View I'm David Wheaton be sure to visit our website thechristianrealview.org where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter order resources for adults and children and support the ministry our topic today is teaching biblical doctrines to children and Michael Jens the creator and animator of Theo Presents is our guest we had just a few more minutes with Mike Jens and he talks about the characters I think this is very interesting how he relates to each one of them Theo for what if between you and me in the fence post is I my alter ego I wish I was Theo he's the guy he's the man I wish I was you know they always got to have the right answer the kind loving heart and all of that I try to be that man but he's my alter ego and I suppose a little nicer too you know Luther represents the man of the world he's the everyman the man of the flesh little belfry to me is the target character he is the one like the child watching the episode he is the one that's going to have the questions and so really I think the young ones would probably identify mostly with with belfry and scratch of course was the his is everyone's art the nemesis to our faith is the devil even the same scratch and the old scratch English name for the devil is old scratch and what drove me people say wait a minute kids aren't gonna understand that yeah they will they may not understand their first pass but maybe you know the tenth pass they'll understand what we're talking about same as the Warner Brothers cartoons you know cartoons done back in the 30s and the 40s those were not written for children no those are written for adults but kids love them and they'll watch them over and over and over again because they love cartoons yeah and that was the philosophy behind giving them theology rich and as long as you have good production values and they're going to want to yes I agree and Theo has that okay that was the conversation after the interview with Mike Jens and that was very interesting indeed there was much more actually the interview was supposed to be about 20-25 minutes we were on the phone I believe for 45 minutes and even close to an hour doing the interview and then just talking afterwards he's a very interesting person and it's it was no surprise to me after talking to him why this particular cartoon series is the way it is and it's like I was saying almost brought tears in my eyes just just watching the specific and accurate depiction of what the gospel is and thinking how this can impact children how it's impacted already my child and my child's not even old enough to understand what what the real message of it is yet and then just realizing that the the message of scripture God's love and when we're saved it not only brings us eternal life but abundant life here I mean like I said if if there were more churches that even had this depth of teaching that would be just a big improvement in our world so anyway you again I'll just say one more time how you can get it we ordered a lot of copies of this because we like it so much and we have two options you can get one DVD contains three episodes of Theo the first three episodes of Theo it has also the good news episodes which is the gospel that that comes with every DVD but the one DVD option is a donation of any amount typically retails for $12.99 plus shipping and then we also have the option of ordering all five the five DVD set contains all 15 episodes plus the good news episode that's a for a donation of $50 or more and that typically retails for $55 plus shipping and there's also a parent guide that comes with this as well for leading family devotions and they've really thought of everything here so highly recommend a resource from us to you you can order it on our website thechristianworldview.org that's the easiest way you can also call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233 if you get a voicemail just leave them your name and number and what time is best to call you back we'll get back to you you've been listening to an interview with Michael Jen's animator and creator of Theo Presents series in addition to ordering on our website or by phone you can also write to us at the Christian worldview box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 now it may seem like a big transition to go from Theo Presents to the creation museum in our encounter in northern Kentucky where we are currently on a road trip but it's really not the biblical soundness and the clear gospel that Michael Jen's brings to Theo is the same that Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis bring to their entire ministry including at the creation museum and the ark encounter and while both are for adults for sure they are especially impactful for children on next week's program you'll hear the interviews we have been doing on site at the creation museum and ark encounter including the founder and ceo Ken Ham it's just been a wonderful and faith building trip for my family and me could not recommend it more highly for you to visit as well so in the remaining minutes today i just wanted to air a short portion of an interview we did with Brian Osborn he's a former public school teacher turned international speaker for answers in genesis he's also the author of quick answers to tough questions and quick answers to social issues both of which we carry in the Christian worldview store Brian gave a very compelling presentation on the global flood of genesis six through nine the day we visited the ark encounter and we had the opportunity to speak with him afterwards one thing you said is the evolutionary scientists look at the same information that young earth creation scientists do they're all looking at the same information but they they have different starting assumptions tell us more about why that's so critical people miss this so much they tend to think this whole battle is over a pile of evidence who can get the bigger pile if i get a bigger pile than my side wins but it's actually over the same evidence biblical scientists as you already said and creation scientists they got all the same stuff the same rock layers and the same fossils the same dna the same radio isotopes the same distant starlight the same bones all observed in the present but as i said in the presentation they interpret those things differently in the present and make different guesses about where those things came from rooted in their different starting assumptions about the unseen past which are rooted in their different world views and the key really is this if you do start with those wrong assumptions you'll likely get the same conclusions and that's so important because when you realize that yes somebody can be brilliant they can be really really smart but still be really really wrong especially about history when they're making guesses rooted in the wrong assumptions and something i mentioned in there as well and it's so important is that there is no neutral either god's word is your authority or man's word is and so as christians we stand on god's word have a biblical worldview give biblical answers from that perspective the secularist no wonder their answers are so different they've rejected the bible they've rejected biblical history they have a totally different interpretation based on a different world view so the clash really is that foundational level of whose word do you trust god's word or man's speaking of the the flood and the ark of course that's the essential focal point here at the ark encounter and truly amazing just to see a life-size replica of noah's ark and to go inside it and one thing that's really struck me is how complex and how sophisticated it would have to be to live on the ark with all these animals for a year and dealing with feeding them and the waste and oxygen and light and just everything about it it's no wonder it took noah what is it a hundred years of planning and designing and actually construction of the ark at the end of your presentation you you got into the door of the ark and how there was just one door and god closed the door and the ark was a symbol it's a symbol of safety being saved from this catastrophic flood that killed everyone on the earth that god judged the earth with and only eight were living at the end of it and you paralleled that with the gospel where jesus said i am the door and the door anyone who enters through me will be saved and how that door on the ark represents we represent salvation that there's a door that we can be saved from god's coming judgment tell us some of the parallels like that to the gospel and why these things in the old testament like the flooding god's judgment and and the door of the ark and salvation and christ being the only way why are these so important for christians to understand first of all you summarized it really well so well done that was nice a couple things i'd point out number one the flood shows us that god is holy he judges sin his nature does not change he's the same god old testament and new testament and so his holiness is clear on display and his righteous judgment is on display in the flood of noah's day and we deserve judgment because we are sinners we are broken by sin we are born sinners by nature and consequently by choice so all of us deserve the right judgment of death that's what we deserve because of our sin those are the wages we've earned and so the flood of noah's day shows that god's holy he's just and he judges sin but in the midst of that judgment he may have he made a way of salvation the people could be saved if they believed what he said he told them through noah that they would repent and actually get on board the ark go through the door the ark people could have been saved so there was an opportunity but there was only one way to be saved they could not create their own way of salvation they had to bow the knee to god's way he's god we're not we're not and of course you think about parallels in just eternal salvation we're all broken by sin we deserve eternal separation from god in a real place called hell that is what we deserve because of our sin and the right judgment god gives us is just we deserve that payment we really do but he's made a way of salvation a way that we can provide for ourselves and there's only one way and that is through christ and he has paid the debt that we could not pay you know i think a lot of people especially in our culture today uh they think they're not that bad we're not that bad we're pretty nice people we're not hitler so we're decent right i don't know why hitler's the standard but anyway and so we think we're pretty decent but we felt to recognize god requires perfection he's perfect he's perfect in holiness and we cannot do that you get back to the old testament you have all the sacrifices the sacrificial system those things pointing to the ultimate sacrifice to come but the blood of bulls and goats could not cover our sin we needed a better sacrifice a perfect sacrifice with all those things pointed to christ and so the sacrifices point to christ god's judgment points to god's judgment coming to future our need for salvation all testaments point to the messiah to come he provides that salvation that we cannot provide for ourselves and so we have now post-flood there's another judgment coming the next time it is by fire and it is for eternity and there is one way to be saved and that's through jesus christ you said the door of course john 14 6 jesus declared i am the way the truth of life no one gets to the father but by me it's only through christ i want to make it really clear it's got to be christ because he's got to became flesh he lived the perfect life we couldn't live he was sinless and then he died on the cross and he died in our place he took my sin debt he took the wrath of god on my behalf i can't take those scenes i couldn't pay that debt but he did because he's the god man the perfect sacrifice and then he rose from the grave defeating death i could never do that he can't he's the god man and so when you repent turn away from your sin and put your faith in christ there's a double imputation he took my sin i get his righteousness so now not only am i set free from sin i don't have that weighing against me but now i get my bank account so to speak it's credited with the righteousness of christ when god sees me he sees christ you could not ask for any more what a glorious thing and the flood all points to that there's that one way god has done it god's provided it but you must submit tell me your supplement for the lord submit and follow after him and what he's declared and all those truths are being gloriously pointed to throughout the old testament pointing to christ well that is the glorious gospel the good news in the midst of judgment back in noah's day and in the upcoming judgment in our day in the future that we've sinned against god but god's provided the good god's provided a way one way for us to be saved through the door of jesus christ that's why we so much appreciate answers in genesis and what's being presented at the creation museum and here at the ark encounter and in your presentation today and and we're so grateful that there are fellow believers out there defending the faith and also proclaiming the gospel that really changes hearts so thank you for coming on the christian real view today and it's all of god's best and grace to you thank you so much it's been a privilege it's been great to hang out for a little bit look forward to talking later on okay we will have a whole program next week on our visit to the creation museum and ark encounter with several interviews including with founder and ceo ken ham so be sure to join us for that and follow the christian real view on facebook and x for updates and pictures from our trip and one final reminder to take advantage of the offer to get the first dvd of feel presents for a donation of any amount to the christian real view you can also order the entire five dvd set as well just get in contact with us the usual ways our information is given immediately following today's program let's be reminded what jesus said truly truly i say to you i am the door of the sheep all who came before me are thieves and robbers but the sheep did not hear them i am the door if anyone enters through me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture the thief or satan comes only to steal and kill and destroy i jesus says came that they may have life and have it abundantly if you are not born again and have eternal life we urge you to obey jesus command to repent and believe in the gospel you can find out more by going to our website and clicking on the page what must i do to be saved until next time think biblically live accordingly and stand firm the mission of the christian worldview is to sharpen the biblical worldview of christians and to proclaim the good news of jesus christ we hope today's broadcast encouraged you toward that end to hear a replay of today's program order a transcript or find out what must i do to be saved go to thechristianworldview.org or call toll-free 1-888-646-2233 the christian worldview is a listener-supported non-profit radio ministry furnished by the overcomer foundation to make a donation become a christian worldview partner order resources subscribe to our free newsletter or contact us visit thechristianworldview.org call 1-888-646-2233 or write to box 40 401 excelsior minnesota 5 5 3 3 1 that's box 401 excelsior minnesota 5 5 3 3 1 thanks for listening to the christian worldview
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