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FRI HR 1 042123

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
April 21, 2023 11:39 pm

FRI HR 1 042123

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content.

Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast What's Right, What's Left is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 21st day of April 2017.

And indeed this is the voice of the Christian resistance more than ever. And tonight we have a lot to cover. And so the boys are in the booth. That's the phone booth way in the back out there. You've got them all.

You've got tonight you got Eric and Randy and Aaron and Frank out there tonight. And well that's it I think. Well that's enough back there.

All right. And in between the two glass cages he's in there locked in. He's the Lord of the Board.

None other than courageous Craig. Good evening. I think it's 2023. 2023? Yeah. What did I say?

I think you said 2017. Yeah but see you don't understand things. I'm transing. I'm transing. See I can trans. I can be whatever I want. All I have to do is think that way. See all right. So boy these guys when will they ever get it huh? All right now you hear the cackling.

That's right. Always a lot of cackling. Never any eggs. Here she's in. She flutters and sputters and sometimes walks into furniture. She's 84 pounds and her name is Little Lisa. Good evening everyone.

All right. Oh there she goes. She's gonna flutter out.

She's gonna sputter right through the studios. Already here now we have well let me see tonight. Wow. We have that man of impeccable character. A man of immense stature.

A statesman in all in all regards. None other than the chaplain John McTernan. Well Pastor Ernie I can hardly speak at this such a pearl such a pearl it is but thank you very much and God bless you and all our listeners. All righty well thank you.

We're gonna get going on this so let me just start by saying last night after we went off the air Tyrone from California placed 100, Dale in Michigan 160, Rosa in California 100, Karen in Pennsylvania 50, and Anonymous in New York 50. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. All right and so tonight I'm going to uh tonight I'm going to the title of the message John this week was where is the rage where is the righteous indignation and uh tonight I just came from well let me go through a little commentary then I'll tell you where we came from tonight just when it seemed that America huh oh yeah that's right eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three we are we are doing this pledge week the last night wow we got less than two hours folks uh to raise enough money to stay on the air and try to gain back we so far we're doing all right this week this is good didn't look good we had a couple nights that did not look good and and to show you how that is I mean if we have if we have a couple bad nights not only will we not get back on those other stations those couple bad nights could keep could knock us off the station you're listening to us on and that's why we're fighting like Christian soldiers with our eyes upon the cross so the numbers are we got to get the phones are ringing and the numbers are and the numbers are eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero that's eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero you call now call now before we really get into it heavy that way you won't miss it right or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three call now and and get your pledges in so I won't be interrupted I can keep going with our scripture so john just what it seemed that America had been completely completely given over to ruin and defeat rumblings rumblings john of repentance are being heard all across the land the cry to take America back is getting louder those uh sleepy Americans are awakening to the the words of Nikita Khrushchev John remember what he says we will give you dose after dose of socialism until one day you awaken and find that you are a communist well not only did we hit that plateau Joe I mean the entire democratic John I should say the entire what was called democratic what used to be the democratic party is as communist as Nikita Khrushchev is it not oh yeah absolutely pastor Ernie and you brought back old memories when you mentioned that because I I was uh eight years old I think it was 1956 when he came to the United States and he went to the UN I'm sure you remember that oh I remember it very well I sat there yeah yeah well actually he took off his shoe and he beat the top of the desk yeah and he was we will bury you and he took his shoe and he was beating the top of the desk and then all the other communist countries followed him you know like Czechoslovakia and Germany and Poland and they were all there beating their shoe and hollering we will bury you and I remember collectively it it had a big impact on America pastor Ernie it was no no giving to the Russians back then what what Khrushchev did I mean we were appalled at uh and I was only a kid it was frightening to see him do that do you remember how they they saw the commercials of the um the nuclear blasts and then the storm cellars the storm shelters or the bomb shelters you might say how these people that were promoting the pushing bomb shelters everybody was buying the bomb shelter but you saw the the promotion the nuclear blasts and then all these buildings were there and then they were gone and little girl out playing and then boom she was gone and uh that was a scare back in those days and of course what happened uh when JFK and Nikita had a stare down Nikita blinked did he not oh you mean over the Cuban missile crisis yeah uh yeah yeah that was a scary time too pastor and I remember coming home on the bus I guess I was about 13 and everybody was talking about this might be the end of the world that uh you know we're going to be blown up by nuclear bombs and it might end the world that was pretty heavy stuff I mean that was that was everybody was feeling that back there in the Cuban missile crisis might be 1962. You just brought back a memory after when we were in high school uh when school would let out I would I would walk down just down a little ways from the school was a little corner store and I mean it was a little corner store but they had you know soda pop and they had those little those little pies you know those 25-cent pies and uh well actually they were 12 cents and it was it was a funny thing because in that store the pies were 12 cents or two for a quarter and uh you know it was but anyhow and so there one day right after when all of that was happening uh we were down there we were sitting there we were drinking our soda and eating our pies when one of the fellas a man named a boy named Wayne had a nervous breakdown he just had a he he just started screaming what's wrong with you we're about to be vaporized we're going to be vaporized and you people are you don't care you just going to sit here and eat your pies uh well I didn't know what he wanted us to do okay about it but you're right that many people really panicked didn't they absolutely fast learning yeah um those two events really stick out in my mind so many many years ago Nikita Kustra coming and then the Cuban missile crisis we were going we were going home on the bus it was the sports bus that uh you know came home late and then we were all I I actually was listening I wasn't saying much but the guys were talking back and forth oh John hang tight I got I got to jump in because Jerry in Ohio just placed one thousand dollars thank you Jerry all right thank you Jerry eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero that's eight eight eight two eight one one one one zero or eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three eight eight eight six seven seven nine six seven three all All right, thank you, Jerry. We can contrast that to today.

I have a blog, and almost every day I'm posting real important stuff on it. And a week doesn't go by now that North Korea is threatening to attack us with nuclear weapons. The Chinese are talking about war, and they've also mentioned nuclear war against us. The Russians are regularly saying it, and they have their whole nuclear arsenal ready to go.

It's all ready. Their planes are armed, their long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are all fueled. Just yesterday, six of their attack submarines left the Pacific.

They're based in the Pacific to head towards the United States. And no one seems to, or very few seem to, even know it's happening this turn. You know what, John? We've got to get into the Scriptures, so here's what I want you to do. Okay, you get ready with Isaiah 66 and verses 1-4. I'm going to read here out of Psalm chapter 2, I'm going to read verses 1-4 here. Because we're going to take a look at what is taking place, because it has to deal with, well, it has to deal with illusion and delusion, which is what is happening. Because remember, we've gone past normal communism, of course communism we know is Satanism, it's got its roots in Satanism, communism.

But this is what we're having today. And so I just want to read these verses 1-4, why do the heathen rage? The people imagine a vain thing. The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying, let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. He that seteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision. Now last night we went over this, so I'm just going to comment on verse 4 tonight.

We are seeing insanity. Tonight John, I had just came from an evening with Dr. Georgia Purdom, now Dr. Purdom is the Vice President of Educational Content overseeing the programming at both the Creation Museum and the ARC in Conard. She's a PhD in molecular genetics and she spoke tonight on the critical role the book of Genesis plays as we walk on our faith to today's culture.

Now it was a fundraiser for the Agape Christian Academy and they asked me to open, there was about, to give the implication, there was about, I would say 400 plus people there tonight. But the reason I said that is because her topic was showing you how today we live in a society that's delusional. And she went into the science, all the science of, you know, what is biology, men and women, and she showed you how this transgender business is simply in this whole mindset of these drag skags, or drag queens as they call them, how this is totally delusional, how it is as anti-science as possible and she shows you genetically the differences between men and women. And the mindset, you see, if you have a man that thinks he's a woman, he's not a transgender, he's a delusional man, he's a male that's delusional.

And all the way back to 1973, here the Academy of Psychiatry had said that people who were homosexual or transgender, it was a form of mental illness. Well, of course, the Bible calls it to be in a state of a reprobate mind, a delusional mind, a reprobate mind. So here he says, the heat that seteth in the heaven shall laugh, and the Lord shall have them in strong derision. Would you read Isaiah chapter 66, one through four?

Yeah, I sure will, sister. Thus saith the Lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house that ye built unto me, and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath my hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord.

But to this man will I look even to him that is poor, and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. He that killeth an ox as if he slew a man, he that sacrificed a lamb as if he cut off a dog's neck, he that offerth an oblation as if he offered swine's blood, he that burneth incense as if he had blessed an idol, yea, they all have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighted in their abominations, I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them, because when I called, none did answer, when I spake, they did not hear, but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. So if we go back to verses what he's talking about, John, you notice he's talking about the earth, and so the Lord's primary mention here in interest is men on earth, he's referring to men on earth, and then in verse 2, again, here the very creator, the very God that created a cosmos out there, you've got this vast universe with millions and millions of planets, but John, his heart is occupied with those that trembleth at his word, in other words, God is much, much more concerned, it means a lot more to him, men who reverence God, who believe in God, who trusted him, than he is in all the cosmos out there, isn't he?

Well, yea, Pastor Ernie, because the proof is Jesus dying on the cross, to pay the price for our sins, so we can be free of the penalty and have eternal life, so that's who God focuses on in his creation, is us. So he says here, he that killeth an ox, is as if he slew a man, so he's talking about a sacrifice, but it's a sacrifice that their heart is not towards God, they simply are going through the motion, they might as well be murdering a man when they're killing the ox because their heart is far from God. Or as if he cut off a dog's neck, and he that offereth an oblation, in other words, again, he's talking again, you know, a dog's neck, a dog was considered the most least desired animal in those days there, the least revered animal. And so he's referring to that when he says, he that sacrificed a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck, in other words, we're seeing a perversion of an offering to God, aren't we? Absolutely, Pastor Ernie, they're going through the motion, that's all it is, going through the motion. And the same thing as if he offered swine's blood, again, that is a total perversion, and what it is is the adoption of abominations, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, well, they're no longer attached to God, they're detached, Pastor Ernie, these people. Okay, so here, if we go to verse 4, I also will choose their delusions, has God chosen the delusions today of the left out there?

Oh, my Pastor Ernie, I mean, all of this homosexual and homosexual agenda and all of this, this is, they're being like, stampeded into it, all of the mocking they've done of God through the years and all the lies and all, you know, the killing of the babies and all, well, it's coming home now, and God has opened up, according to Romans chapter 1, the homosexuality, and they're all being herded into it, whether they practice it or just agree with it, promote it. John, I have a little grandson who's six years old, and a lot of times he's playing, and sometimes he's playing, he's a car, and he's making noises like we did when we were little. Other times, he's got dinosaurs out there, and he makes noises, you know, like he's a dinosaur or other things, like kids do.

But now, here, that doesn't make him a trans-species. Here in some of these kindergartens in these public schools, run by the left, they would put litter boxes in closets for children who felt that maybe they were cats or maybe they were dogs, okay? And this is insanity, is it not? If it wasn't so serious, it is, like, laughable, I mean, really laughable.

But this is real serious because they're real serious, and they want the children best earning. In some of the schools in Minnesota and in Oregon and Washington, they put Tampax machines in the boys' bathrooms, they put Tampax machines. Is that a sign of insanity? Yeah, Pastor Ernie, it's... What if a full man went to an obstetrician or gynecologist, Pastor Ernie, would that be insanity? Well, you see, so these men who think they transgendered into women, okay, they're still men that are delusional, aren't they? I mean, there really is not a transgender, they're delusional, are they not?

Exactly. And they want us to accept and to embrace their delusion. And so, what about this, have you ever been alone a night on a highway and you're driving in where you suddenly realize you're on a racist highway, now, Buddha Jay said you could be in a racist highway, or what about there are overpasses going over some of these highways that are definitely racist overpasses, or what if you were to stop at a rest area and you just wanted to get some sleep but you really couldn't rest knowing that you might be in a racist rest area, is that reality or is that lunacy? Well, it's lunacy, Pastor Ernie, and the reason they're doing that is that sometimes interstates were put through like black neighborhoods, and they were saying that they did that and rather than going through white neighborhoods, but Pastor Ernie, when you look at the big picture all over the world, all over the country, there are lots of roads that have gone through white areas and white suburbs and all that, they pick out, you know, what happened to a black area and they say that it was racist, that roads are racist, that's a racist road because it went through a black area. All right, so then you would say this is totally delusional, right? Everything they're saying now is racist, racist, and therefore if they say it's racist, they can do anything they want.

Anything they want. If we go over to 1 Kings, I want to go to 1 Kings very quickly and to chapter 22, and we'll be back right after this. We'll be back after this. He's taking calls, he doesn't hear us. We're supposed to be going through this break, but that's all right. Let's go to 1 Kings chapter 22, and in 1 Kings chapter 22, John, would you read me verses 20 through 24?

I sure will. Now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.

The new world order does not mean surrendering our national sovereignty or forfeiting our interests. Let's go back to 1 Kings chapter 22, and then we'll be back in 1 Kings chapter 22. How can I convince you when your ears refuse to hear You turn your heart away from me each time when I draw near Your eyes refuse to meet with mine, they glance away in fear As if you should not look at your rejection in the mirror How can I explain to you when you won't understand You scoff me and you mock me and reject the truth at hand You've spread your vicious rumors all across this troubled land You're willfully and knowingly transgressed from his command Your might has been made up for you by people you don't know Whose thought machines control the scene so well it doesn't show How can I contain this anguish and this pain Knowing that your eyes are blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Every time I think about the damage that's been done The anger wails inside me till I'm almost overcome I want to tear the moon out of the sky and drop the sun Why do I feel so all alone like I'm the only one Even though your eyes are open they may never ever see Your mind may never comprehend this sinful subtlety Your heart may never hunger for the truth that sets you free Your soul may know the darkness of divine eternity Like petty thieves who plunder in the shadows of the night They break inside and enter through the windows of your mind How can I control this poisoning of the soul These lies that blind your eyes Blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Blinded by the lies Your mind has been made up for you by people you don't know Whose thought machine controls the scene so well it doesn't show How can I contain this anguish and this pain Knowing that your eyes are blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Have your eyes been blinded by the lies Yes your eyes are blinded by the lies Alrighty we are back and folks let me tell you some of those eyes have been blinded by the lies And here now I wanted to say that Jerry in Ohio pledged $1,000 and we are looking for some matches Right now we have approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes and we need to raise $5,300 We are $5,300 short so folks we need about 5 people to match Jerry from Ohio with $1,000 But we want to say thank you to Jerry, thank you to Arlene who pledges $50 Susan in Michigan who pledges $100 Don in New Hampshire who pledges $50 Anonymous in Cleveland who pledges $50 Thank you, thank you, thank you Again we have about an hour and 15 minutes to stay on the stations you are listening to us on now 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673 Let's make sure the boys in the booth back there have phones to answer you know Because you know idle hands are the devils work right We don't want them to be idle we want them to be on those telephones so we need it really bad right now Alright we got again an hour and 15 minutes John we were talking about blinded by the lies would you go to 1 Kings 22 and start with verse 20 and read all the way through 24 Sure and the Lord said who shall persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead And one said on this manner and the other said on that manner And there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him And the Lord said unto him wherewith and he said I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets And he said thou shalt be swayed him and prevail so go forth and do so Now therefore behold the Lord had put a lying spirit in the mouth of all of those prophets and the Lord had spoken evil concerning thee But Zedekiah the son of Chenanath went near and smote Micah on the cheek and said Which way went the spirit of the Lord from me to thee speak unto thee Well let me ask you this John would evil spirits would they actually seek to destroy even evil people In other words here God the evil spirits are they limited by God to what they can and cannot do I would say they are pissed Ok so in this case when these evil spirits that these lying spirits would they like to say today to even democrats They would even like to they just want to destroy and kill and maim and whatever So would they actually even go after democrats because now this lying spirit went after Ahab Ahab was a wicked wicked man but this lying spirit said well that is that what exactly right down their alley Oh yeah Bill they can't do anything but lie best burning sure their goal is really to destroy mankind So yeah they will lie and destroy their own but on their side yes Ok so let me ask you this do we see number one with Joe Biden with Joe Biden do we see a situation where here is a man Who is delusional he is delusional in a lot of different ways we see a man who has become totally reprobate And do you think that Joe Biden is a candidate just like God has sent this lying spirit to Ahab Do you think that Joe Biden would be a candidate also to have a lying spirit come to him I don't see why not Pastor Ernie God is the same today tomorrow forever isn't he he is immutable isn't he Yes yes So he does things the same way doesn't he Well Pastor Ernie if Joe Biden will not receive the truth if he rejects the truth and in fact he rejects the truth and every angle you can look at he rejects it Well if you reject the truth what's left lies Absolutely that's it So that's why he could be subject to lying spirits Absolutely but now we're seeing some things happening here some good things that I think we're seeing happening today is parents are now starting to realize what we've been warning John you know for years and years and years and years we've been warning against the public school system the indoctrination the corruption the government all of these things we've been telling people if you love your kids get them out if you love your children get them out of the public school do it now And I can't tell you how many parents I've had well actually they've all been women who have called me to tell me they wish they had listened they wish they had listened they used to attack I would be attacked by the fake news media the secular news media for telling people to pull their children out of the public school system But we didn't back down we never did we stood our ground and well now the parents starting to believe us, aren't they? How could they not, Pastor Ernie, how could they not? And so now what's happening you know you've got 20 states and I understand soon it's going to be 22 states that have passed laws, John, that have passed laws now, making it illegal for them to, to try to turn young children into gender queers, and to mutilate them with what they call gender surgery. So, and so in other words, the way it should have been for years and years, people that mutilated and children went to prison, they went to prison, but today, I mean, and they're bragging these, these wicked evil ungodly reprobate people are bragging about how much money.

There is in the business of mutilating children. All right, let me see, you know, Pastor Ernie, it's like taking another step beyond Planned Parenthood. You know, Planned Parenthood is killing them in the womb. And now they want a period of time like after the baby's born, where you can wait for like a month and decide if you don't mother those wait for a month, so she doesn't want it. It can be, they say, aborted, but it's infanticide.

The baby's already born. So what does God call it? God calls it murder, right? Oh, yeah, that's murder. Okay, so.

In and out of the womb, but that's, you know, murder. It is. So is God going to be persuaded to lower his standards and to comply to the woke mindset, politically correct? No, he won't, Pastor Ernie.

So these people out there like AOC and Joe Biden and these liberals, these so-called progressives, these Democrats, are they in for an extremely rude awakening that, and that is going to happen and there's no chance that it won't? Unless there is like national repentance and a turning from this, God is holy and he has to deal with it. It's always the last resort, Pastor Ernie, always sends warnings, always before he judges, but America will be warned and it will be judged without like sort of national repentance. Well, haven't we been warning people now for 50 years? I mean, there's preachers all over have been warning people for 50 years. And God always warns, like not the day before, Pastor Ernie, he always, he always warns. I mean, Isaiah was warning and he was 100 years before the judgment came, before the Babylonians came.

And Jeremiah, yeah. And so Noah was warning for what, 120 years? 120 years he preached repentance, right?

Yeah. Well, you know, in Jeremiah, when Jeremiah told them what was going to happen and they said, that will not happen, that's not what we want to hear preached. And so today, our people say, look, we don't want to hear this repentance stuff preached. All we want to hear is what God's going to do for us, right? Yeah, well, the fear of the Lord is kind of out the window now.

Yeah. And so all of this sin is taking place and there are multitudes that never, ever think that God would judge us for it. But listen to Jude, verse 7. It says, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

So they are set forth as an example. All right, here. Rick in Wadsworth's Place is 100. Thank you, Rick. All right, folks, on the phone lines. Now we have John. Now we have one hour and five minutes.

Boy, and we're still about we're still about 5200 away from our goal. Oh, this is not good, folks. This is not good at all.

888-281-1110 and 888-677-9673. By the way, John, we have those books by Dr. Cass Ingram out there. One foods that cure foods that cure. He tells you in the book, you know, he names all of these different ailments and then he tells you the foods that you can eat, you know, because it's about diet. It's always about diet to cure, not treat, but cure the ailment. And then how to survive forced vaccinations.

He has another book, How to Survive Forced Vaccinations. John, you can get all three. These two books, plus one of our CDs with those 19 songs that you love so much. We can get all three of those for 60. Let me see.

What is it? I got it written down here. All three of those for 65 bucks for a donation of 65. No, if you want to say just how to survive forced vaccinations, that's only a donation of $20. If you want just a CD, that's only a donation of 25. Or foods that cure, that's 40. Or you can get them all for 65 bucks.

And if you are destitute, if you would really like one, say you would like that little book, How to Survive Forced Vaccinations, but you're destitute, you're broke, you don't have any money. Well, give us a call and we can fix it. There you go. Rick and Wad- no. Phyllis in Michigan pledges 100. Thank you, Phyllis. 888-677-9673.

888-281-1110. And so today, here, John, today we have people, more and more people in larger numbers now are believing our warnings about the kill shots. Did you notice that? What's happening, you're not hearing- by the way, you were with us last night when we did that segment on Fox News, weren't you? Yeah, yes. Okay, do you notice Fox News isn't saying anything about that? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's bizarre. There's something more past Ernie to that with Fox News. I think there's some sort of inside deal on this. Oh, there's a deal going on, you're not kidding about that.

Yeah. So now, here, people in much larger numbers now are believing- remember we warned and warned and warned and warned about the kill shots. Even before the first person had taken a shot, we said don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. Now, John, did we know something here that NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR, did we have information that they didn't have? Or did they purposely hold back that information from the people?

Did they purposely allow? Now, the VAERS, which is the ones that they examined the CDC and the stats of what happens, now they only give you between 1 and 10%. When they give you a stat on something, it's only between 1 and 10%. They've said that 300,000 people, 300,000, have died in this country from the VAX, from the shot.

Now, if they only give you between from 1 to 10, then that could mean what? 3 million. 3 million. 3 million have died, at least.

Okay. And so here, we're seeing this. Do people trust- you know, we were talking about delusions before. Have people lost a lot of trust in the AMA? Has their stock plummeted, the AMA? Well, it's sealed to a lot of people how corrupt the medical system is, and it opened the eyes of many others, Pastor Ernie.

John, they came out with a statement that said they were no longer going to put male or female on birth certificates because they weren't really sure that there were only two genders. Is that delusional or not, John? All of it's delusional. All of it.

The whole thing. I mean, the whole thing about marriage, that homosexuals can marry, that's delusional. There's how many genders. How about the delusion that it's not a baby in the womb, Pastor Ernie? How about that one? Yeah, it's not a baby until it takes its first breath. Okay, right? Well, let me ask you this, John. In all of recorded history, in all of recorded history, is there one example, just one, in all of recorded history of a woman giving birth to anything other than a baby? I don't think so, Pastor Ernie.

I've never heard of it. You've never seen a woman give birth to a trans species? Tonight we were talking, and the professor made a statement about there being 125 different genders by, this is what the opposition, the crazies that come up with, 125 different genders, Joe. Have you ever seen anything other than two genders? Well, not in the mammals, Pastor Ernie, for sure. Alright, so there's a lot of delusion there.

Anyhow... It has no end to it, and at the root of it is they have denied God, and they have denied that the Bible is the Word of God, and now when they deny God, again, we've been discussing this, it says God will send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie. So we're seeing it now. There used to be, there was always people that lived in delusions, Pastor Ernie, but the vast majority didn't. But now we're seeing the entire Democrat party has gone into delusions of the teachers, the schools, the colleges, they've gone into delusions. Big corporations, they're coming under delusions. This is massive, Pastor Ernie.

This is unprecedented. So it went from individuals here and there living in delusions, now it's a big chunk of society has gone under delusions. Okay, so when we take a look at our government, I mean, it is gone. We have every department, let's hit some real fast, for example, oh I want to say, good, Phyllis in Michigan pledges $100, Anonymous in Dallas pledges $200, thank you, thank you. Alrighty, 888-281-1110, folks, listen, we have got one hour left, one hour left, let me see, let Delisa's fluttering, let me get it. Okay, now let me see, so we have now, let me see, okay, so now we need 4,550, we need 4,550 to make our goal, we've got one hour, one hour to do it, 4,550 for tonight.

So all we need is say 5 people to match that $1,000 pledge and we'll do it. And so, here you go, former Director of National Intelligence finally admits that Fauci lied about gain-of-function research. While testifying before Congress this week, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told legislators that the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Tony Fauci lied under oath.

John, did we not know that? Pastor Ernie, it's amazing, yes, yes, the cabal, it was so obvious what's going on in Washington, they're all tied together, it's scary Pastor Ernie, it's like Al Capone and the Chicago monsters have taken over the federal government, that's what we're living in right now. I think these people are more corrupt than Al Capone, you know, I don't think Al Capone even would have gone along with say abortion, you know, I think these people have gotten actually much more corrupt. Well, talking about the way Capone and his, the mob, they're controlled, they own the mayor, they own the judges, they own the police.

So, is that not exactly what the death of Grady, is that not what George Charles is doing? Yes, exactly, that's what I'm saying, it's like Al Capone and the mob have taken over Washington. Already.

We need an Elliott Ness. But people are starting to awaken to this, okay, it's starting to register with them, what do you think it's going to take before they're going to say, you know what, we've got to do something about this, I mean we've been trying to get things moving in every direction. One of the things, one of the very, very good things that's happening is we're seeing more and more people are going to the county sheriffs and they're having meetings with their county sheriffs, getting them to be able to be hardened, defenses hardened against the feds. The federal government has become the enemy, and so people are going to the county sheriffs asking them to protect them from the FBI. Yeah, and that's a real powerful tool, but you know, another powerful tool is if the state attorney general, you take like Florida and Texas now, I don't know what state laws Hunter Biden broke, they have all in that laptop. I don't know, and I don't know like what states they were broken in, but if you could get it in a, you know, because even the states, some of them are just as corrupt as Washington, but if the state attorney general could get this indictable information here on state charges, that would be the way, Pastor, to take it out of the hands of the federal government and get it into the hands of the state. Well, there are several states now that are suing the Biden regime, but that may be what was going to happen.

That may be what's going to happen. We're going to go to a break here in a minute. When we come in, you're leading the charge in that. Pardon? Missouri seems to be leading the charge.

Missouri and I believe it's Louisiana too, I think. Anyhow, Ron Paul and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., they're going to be calling out the CIA coup, and when we come back from break here, we're coming up to a break, we're going to take a clip and look at that because, again, it's what we're talking about. People are starting to stand up against—remember what Chuck Schumer said, oh, if you go against the intelligence agencies, they got six ways Sunday to get you. They're going to get Donald Trump. We're going to get Donald Trump. Well, they haven't gotten him yet, and boy, I'm going to tell you, he's becoming more and more popular every day, isn't he? Certainly. He'll be like a modern-day folk hero, Pastor.

Yeah. You know, again, every time they go after him, they fail, and so we're coming up to that break. When we come back from the break, we'll take a look at the CIA and us. We'll be right back after this with more Don't— Thank you for listening to What's Right, What's Left, the voice of the Christian resistance. To support this ministry, head to That's Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Spearee Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at, Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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