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Guests Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Judd Dunning

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 3, 2022 12:47 pm

Guests Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Judd Dunning

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 3, 2022 12:47 pm

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg Free Speech America MRC and Newsbusters Babylon Bee censored for calling Richard Levine a man. No Coverage of the Hunter Biden Laptop. Two men dressed as women represent the US at a high-level foreign event in France. No coverage.

Judd Dunning the Great American Reset, Americans are getting tired of the attempts of the progressives to hijack America. From injections to the evil of man all is being thrust upon us and at the end of the day only virtue wins.

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My passion is the fight for freedom, for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of secrets. But now they are getting pure fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in poor and needy communities, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. And we thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and all the supporters who put the borewell.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should chew forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for getting tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio, hour number three. And I'm telling you, if you've missed any of today's program, we had David Shostakis and we were talking about the Department of Justice and the FBI and is the FBI constitutional and then the lawlessness of all of that. And then A.I., did you know that artificial intelligence is trying to get a patent? I'm serious with a heart attack. There's a case right now, a lawsuit where A.I. is trying to get a patent. We talked with Dr. Robert Marks, an expert in that field, and some really cool insights.

No, the Terminator, War Games. We'll have him back to talk to you more about that, but that's not very realistic. And he shares why. Project 21 Black Leadership Network, J. Philip Clay, we talked about the economy.

What is a recession? They don't know, but they don't know what a woman is either. OK, so you come on, give them a break, get them some slack. And then Jonathan Emwort, author of a great book called The Authoritarians, was just with Rick Manning. Public health, there is absolutely 100 percent no constitutional basis for a public health system. And especially when those that are running the public health system, well, they're transgenders, but that's a whole other story. But when the public health system doesn't inform you on what they actually know, which is their responsibility to do.

Hmm. Yeah, sudden infant death syndrome. There are a group of doctors that have now come out and basically said sudden infant death syndrome is directly related to the inoculation, the injection that a baby gets when it's born. I wonder now, sudden adult death syndrome.

Do you think that might have something to do with injections? Yeah, the FDA knows that 1200 dead in the first three months. But let's not tell the public about that. 42,000 injured in the first three months in the trial period.

Trial periods are so you can figure out if what you've got is crap that shouldn't go out to the public. Okay, they figured it out and it shouldn't have and they did it anyway. That's called murder.

All right, well, they don't want free speech either. T Rose joins me. I wanted to make sure the water was nice and warm for you.

Welcome. Oh, you always make sure that happens. Oh, Lordy, I'm telling you. Well, and then we've got the Hunter Biden computer. We'll talk about that coming up here in a second. We've got Penny Cost. I was telling you about Penny Cost. Penny Cost is the first drag queen at the United Methodist Church is is is about to ordain a drag queen. Penny Cost. How could you? How could you even?

You couldn't hardly get more blasphemous and heretical than to call yourself Penny Cost and then have a major denomination ordain you as a drag queen. Okay. What do you got here?

What do you got? So let's talk about Hunter Biden and the laptop. Sure.

Yeah. So obviously we at the Media Research Center examine the news and watch it all the time. I think we should get workers comp for the trauma we have to watch. But that's on the side. One thing that we haven't been seeing is any coverage on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

So obviously this is something we need to talk about, right? I think personally that if the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was covered as much as it or even a little bit, I don't know that we would have President Biden as our president. We looked at, you know, examine the news. So we looked at ABC, CBS and NBC and we found that there were only 298 seconds. That's not very many. That's just a couple minutes. So that's four minutes, almost five minutes of coverage on Hunter Biden's laptop scandal. Five minutes of coverage in what was this two years now. Yeah, 599 days straight of not talking about it. And then they only talk about it for a couple minutes.

It's, it's crazy. Like, we also found that yesterday, a couple days ago, we found that none of the morning network shows ABC, CBS, NBC reported on any of these developments that are, you know, more developments are coming out. You know, more developments are coming with Hunter Biden's laptop story every week. I feel like there's something new that was covered and was uncovered.

You know, people are sort of looking at, well, people on the right at least. Basically, there was evidence that President Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter Biden's business associates when he was the vice president. So when Obama was sitting president, so Biden had met, you know, President Biden had met with 14 of Hunter Biden's business associates.

But Biden's still denying that he's met with any of them and none of the networks are even talking about it. I don't know if I was I was just doing an impersonation of Joe. I don't know.

What happened? Pastor is having a stroke right here on air. I don't know God bless him. I don't know if if Hunter is Hunter, if Joe is even aware when of the questions that are necessarily being asked when they're asking him and we know that that that our vice president, the philosophy major today is yesterday's tomorrow.

The day after Friday's Monday's today's yesterday's tomorrow today. I mean, and then and then we've got a man dressed up in a woman's naval outfit and another man dressed up in a dress with shaved leg, shaved head, and they show up as as each other's dates in France for a formal state event. You know, I'm thinking about there was I'm trying to remember the name of the of the show, but there was there was a show about 30 some odd years ago about a White House with a with a president kind of like that. And he had just some really bizarre characters that were all a part of his administration. You know what I think it was called?

I think it was the show Baxter, I think was the guy's name. Oh, you know what I'm talking about? The butler? Oh, let me see.

White House. What was that called? No, not the case. You look it up as though the Black Butler. No, not not not that one. I think it was I really do think it might have been called Baxter.

Let's see TV show. Anyway, it was it was this completely dysfunctional presidential situation. And with a with a with a, you know, the the Black Butler who was, you know, just a really sharp guy, great actor. And and but but everybody else was just incompetent, to say the least. Yeah.

Well, that's like happy administration, though. You know, like you were just explaining, say, Kareem, you know, the press secretary the other day, she was trying to say, like, the words, the letter or the number seven, and she said, like, 7377736. I was like, did she have a stroke?

Is she okay, but I'm genuinely concerned with her. Like, it's one thing to like, stutter every once in a while, obviously, but like, when this is repeatedly happening with numerous people in our administration, you begin to wonder, like, what's in the water there as a White House? It was Benson. And it went in, and he was the head of the household for Governor Eugene Gatling, played by James Noble, Benson, and it was it wasn't the president. He was it was the it was a governor. But it was it was it was essentially the same kind of, you know, the governor was just kind of this really interesting person.

You know, just tongue tied, didn't didn't really know what to say. It was it was really quite interesting. But the parallelisms between the characters that are that are in Benson, and the characters that are currently in the White House, you know, you can hardly ignore it. You've got some other stories that you wanted us to cover this morning.

Go ahead and give us a couple of those. And in particular, the the assaults on free speech that that continued the Babylon bee just got hit again, right? Yeah, yeah, people are conservative, in particular are getting hit literally less than right. Like, you can barely say anything online now, as a conservative without getting fact checked, censored, and blocked, deleted, whatever. It's gotten to the point where today I'm doing my podcast episode is on the topic of grooming and grooming kids and how big tech repeatedly will cover up or will will censor people who call out grooming behavior. So take for example, you have somebody posting a video talking about how kids can be transgender and basically indoctrinating kids, when I would go on and say, this is grooming behavior, this is disgusting, you should not be allowed to do this, then big tech, the person they would target is me, because I said that that shouldn't happen. Absolutely. Yes. And I'm like, so the fact that that people are allowed to go on online and say all these disgusting things towards children, but then I'm not allowed to call them out and say I disagree.

How is how is that fair? Well, the Babylon bee was just banned as an example for calling Richard Levine, a man. The same thing that I suggested, right was that a man dressed up in a woman's navel outfit showed up at a state event with another man. And that other man was fully outfitted, like a woman with but with a shaved head and shaved legs and a short skirt. Wow.

And they showed up to represent our country at an event in France in France. All right, back with more children generation radio coming up T rose is with a staff writer researcher free speech America. I'm Kim chef certified natural health practitioner, I want to introduce you to product that I think will interest everyone a product called natural sleep available at CGR I've been seeing clients in alternative health industry for over 40 years one problem seems to stand out people just can't sleep. Maybe it's too much stress. Maybe they've gotten older, whatever the reason we have a solution you need to get a great night's sleep. You can find it at CGR natural sleep uses a combination of vitamin, minerals and some very healthy calming herbal support, relaxation and calmness before sleep. It's a fast acting liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effects in the morning and it's not a habit for me a product available in 16 ounce bottle for home use are very handy one ounce travel packet for life on the go get yours today at CGR coupon code chosen Gen radio at checkout and get $20 off your first order of $50 more that CGR coupon code chosen Gen radio that CGR coupon code chosen Gen radio get yours today.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass is my very special guest, Tiaran Rose Mandelberg, also known by her friends as T-Rose and she has graciously allowed me to call her T-Rose. So that's a pretty cool honor in my book. That's right.

It is. Staff Writer, Researcher, Free Speech America, Media Research Center and Be sure and get over to MRC and search out Free Speech America and also give us the censorship page. Yeah, the censorship page is and on that website we've got a catalog of all the different cases of censorship that's happened in our country just in a biased way.

You know, where big tech is targeting people and blocking their free speech when they really shouldn't be. And by the way, Children's Generation Radio and my page, Pastor Greg, I have what they call restrictions on Facebook and my restrictions are this. On the Children's Generation Radio page, there is a big block section put up by Facebook that says this page discusses COVID or something to the COVID-19. And so beware of them. Be mindful of them and use this link if you want the real truth because this is one of those pages. So they're not banning me.

Thank you, Facebook. They're not banning me, but they warn everybody that I might be spreading disinformation. The sad part about it is, is that the information that's shared is actually shared by experts with multiple degrees behind their name. People like Judy Mikovits, Brian Artis, Dr. Brian Hooker, let's see, Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. Syed Hader.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, these are the kinds of people who are sharing this information and giving you the truth. And Facebook is suggesting that these truth tellers are somehow giving disinformation. And the real disinformation, as you guys talk about and identify and prove up, is coming from the FDA, from Fauci. Fauci is found to be lying.

Deborah Birx was found, she admits in her book, I gave out false information. How is that not a headline, P. Rose? No, of course it's not going to be because that doesn't feed into the leftist radical agenda. And we're not going to see anything that does because they're going to block it and cover it. They're covering you, Pastor Gregg.

I think you're the least threatening person I've ever talked to in my life. And they're literally making it seem like you're a big threat by posting truths about COVID-19 and blocking you on social media. Like, what the heck?

This is crazy. And of course they're going to cover up these people that actually know what they're talking about because they want everybody to just listen to what they say and do this method and quarantine this many days and all this stuff, which they change repeatedly. They're always going back on their own words because they don't actually know anything. They're just saying what they're told, right? And that's what they're doing. And that's what the news is covering.

Not anything that has to do on the opposite side. It really is absolutely stunning. So you guys have this censorship page. One of the ones that we need to get in here is the Babylon Bee. The Babylon Bee, and I mentioned it kind of coming into the break a little bit. But the Babylon Bee, or maybe we talked about it in the break, I don't remember. But anyway, the Babylon Bee has been censored once again.

And this one is specifically for referring to Rachel Levine, who is Richard Levine, who showed up at this very highly distinguished gathering in France, celebrating a very important event in France, representing the United States of America, dressed in drag, wearing a woman's naval outfit, with a man as a date who also was dressed as a woman with shaved legs, high heels, and a shaved head, the whole bottle of wax. Yep, it's so funny. They always say, trust the science, trust the science besides denialism. So the second we say real science about Rachel Levine being a man, then all of a sudden we can't trust the science?

Is that how that works? Well, that's a very interesting point, right? Yeah, trust the science, except when it comes to the things that we tell you. Deny the science and therefore our truth. But see, this goes back to the whole idea that there's no such thing as absolute truth. Because there's not. There's no such thing anymore as absolute truth. This is why we have talked for years here about Marxism and about one of its base principles is to remove objective and to insert subjective. Did I get that right?

Yeah, I think that's right. Because, yeah, let me see. Subjective versus objective, and then in my last 30 seconds here, let's see how quickly that comes up. What's the difference? Okay, so has someone ever done it?

Let me see. So quick summary. Subjective means based on personal perspective. Objective is based on facts. So, yeah, just what I said.

So subjective is what now is taken as the truth, and it is the left's progressive subjective that is the truth, which consistently shifts. T-Rose, free speech, America at MRC and T-Rose, thanks for being here. God bless you.

You too. Thanks, Dr. Gregg. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years.

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Two dollars and fifty cents will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank, and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And it is my sincere pleasure. Let me see.

I've got to bring that up on there. Oh, there he is. There he is. The man, the myth, and the legend.

My very good friend. All the way from the communist state of California, I welcome Judd Dunning to the program. Judd, welcome.

Good to have you. Good to be here, Greg. You know, I'd be in my Texas home if you didn't want to keep it so hot down there.

I think the devil is in Texas now, sir. Well, you know what, Steve? The deal is, you're really going to hate me for this, but real men can, you know. You've been living in wimpy California too long. Believe me, I understand.

No, no, no. You know what? I have to confess.

My office is about 63 degrees, so, you know. Real men sweat, women perspire. Moving on. There we go. There we go. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right.

So lots for us to talk about. Did you get, so I sent an email early with the link and a link to my article about January 6th. Stopping the disinformation. Yes. Yes. And I essentially gave a new declaration of independence. Did you see that?

Yeah, I scanned it. I didn't go through all your links. Well, and so essentially it was the new, you know, it begins with why were they there?

Unlawful government mandated shutdowns of our places of worship and business, forced injections on citizens to travel and work, treatments that killed our loved ones and friends, clearly stolen election, an invasion at the southern border and a humanitarian crisis, perverting an entire generation of children. You can watch mine polluters. And I actually talked last night here on TECN, in case you missed it. But in 17 years ago, I was on the school site council at a school in Modesto, California, and we discovered in my daughter's first grade reading list a book called Antango Makes Three.

It was the story of two male penguins that were given an egg so they could raise to become a family 17 years ago. And that is mild compared to the pornographic material that's there. You can find that at the mine polluters, gender mutilation. Walt Heyer talks about that, lawlessness, murder in our cities, but 39 percent of Gen Zers, Judd, consider themselves to be lesbian, sodomites, bisexual, transgender or queer. That's one estimate, anywhere from 20 to 39 percent, 18 to 25 year olds. And they want to tell us that, oh, we're not indoctrinating your kids at all. It's interesting, the gap, you know, I always say this in America, it does not need to be de-risked. And nor does adolescence, nor does puberty, nor does all these natural transitions in sexuality. You know, there's some guidance in the Bible about sexuality, right?

Quite a bit. And what we have is this relationship to ourselves and the divine and the great mystery of humanity and our subconscious is our sexuality. And now government is in gender. Now government is in our sexuality. You remember years ago, they said, just stay out of my bedroom, right?

That was one of the chants of the 70s and 80s. And now our whole definition is being, since it's been opened, it's being manipulated by government because government abhors a vacuum. And so does Satan, to be honest, right? We need good people to come around, like parents and pastors. And I had Dr. Syed Haidar on the other day and he said, you know, I used to be of the camp that believed that we were essentially, you know, stay, again, like you said, stay out of somebody's bedroom, you know, the libertarian mindset and so on. And he said, you know, I've changed my position on that. And here's why.

Because evil never stays, I don't care what kind of locks and keys you put on it, it will find its way out. And so when you are percolating evil in your home, cooking drugs, doing drugs, what have you, okay? Or the perversion that's associated with, you know, the sodomite relationship because, and George Carneal talked about this earlier in the week. He said, and I'm not proud of this, but he said in 25 years that I had hundreds of male relationships, hundreds of men that I slept with.

And that's the lifestyle. And I said at the beginning of this year before the pride parades, you're going to see naked men on floats, sticking their throbbing members into the rear ends of other naked men in public with little boys dressed up to look like girls leading the parade. And there's a video of a homosexual guy saying, I'm sick to my stomach because of what's happening.

And he describes it in DC, in LA, in New York, across the country, about four or five different pride parades where that exact scene, exact scene happens. And he says, I'm sick to my stomach. He doesn't say because it's wrong, because it's bad, because we don't do that. He says, because it really makes us look bad.

What? It makes you look bad? The definition of looking bad has changed. It doesn't make me look bad. Brother, it doesn't make you look bad.

It's disgusting is what it is. Anyway, you write in your paper here, let me see, let me pull up the other one. In the words of James Bryce, patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong. You're talking about the real great American reset.

We're talking about that right now. Are we not talking about the necessity for righteousness to rule in our country? Yeah, we're talking about the opposing forces that are causing the need for a greater American reset. And I think we saw that in Trump as possible.

Listen, I don't idolize Trump in any form or fashion. He's a very flawed human being. Everybody who gets the office is flawed. And I am flawed, saved by grace. But there's an element in America that we saw that we could reset. And it's just like, since this is the chosen generation, at any moment you can turn to God. At any moment you can turn to principles.

And I really believe for those that, I'm sure people, believers are listening here, but for those who don't believe as much, I always say, hey, the Ten Commandments were an ideological structure of philosophy for global living as well as a holy document, that if you apply and lean toward nobility, good things tend to happen. If you lean toward negative, destructive, deconstructive thoughts, negative things seem to happen. There is a rationality to the science of God's law, how it exists in our world.

I think the thing is we always have to live with the mystery when we're talking about sexuality this morning. I always think of this, this is the Judd Dunning theory. There's a blue torrent of unpredictability. And that's where a bunch of people get wiped out by a tsunami or a bunch of people are in the shooting in Las Vegas. There are occasionally tragic, horrible things that happen in God's world.

I'm not really a predestinationist. And I think there's a mystery in America that doesn't need to be filled with anything but goodness and holiness. What we do is we have this force, this cultural Marxist force, who wants to deconstruct the nuclear family, which is where God lives. He lives at the table where we pray. He lives in the moments when you pull your kid aside and say, what happened today? What choices did you make? Who are you?

How did you feel? That's our role to be the father and mother. God is the mother and father to our country and to this nation. Our nation still is inherently good, Greg. It blows me away that only three billion of our seven billion citizens live as sovereign free citizens out of seven billion people. Most people live under some form of despotism and evil. And so we fantasize that there's some utopian future that we can force through, through government, into our world, or homogenizing all this PC thing, when the answer of what we have is right there. And I think that any moment, God and our virtue is always the dominant force in America.

Most Americans are good people. Well, you're talking about, we'll talk about that in a second. No, I love when you argue with me, Greg. Because we're talking about societal structure, and we're talking about why did God give those commandments to begin with, right? Because of the necessity for societal structure, okay? And when you think about then what happened with the 12 tribes and so on, but that all came out after Egypt. Remember that Israel, Jacob, was Israel. And his sons actually sold Joseph into slavery. Think about that for a minute, okay? That's not looking out for your brother.

That's not loving your neighbor, okay? That's not following societal laws, because at the time of Israel, at the time of Jacob, you didn't have those societal laws. Abraham didn't get given by God a set of rules to govern how you would live. Abraham, by faith, trusted God and stepped out in faith, and we're under that covenant of faith. But God did something unique when he gave us Jesus Christ. When Christ died and rose again, when we accept Christ, he does something unique. He writes the law on our heart. We'll talk about that some more when we get back.

Because it's huge, and you're not a sinner saved by grace, brother. You are a saint of God. Back after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this bowl that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, and by the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, we could put the bowl in this village for the community. Before, this community was drinking dirty water, and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water, and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. God bless you and keep us in your prayer.

And this pastor is, Pastor Jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village, and really this village is really in the beginning of a church building. Keep us in prayer. God bless you. And this is this borewell we have put, and pure and fresh water is coming, and we are so thankful for all of you. Firstly, we thank Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry that help us and support us to put the bowl down. Thank you.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible, and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer, but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives, and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the One who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ.

Spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall, but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness, that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore, if you are my friend, while we may not fully agree, know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs, they are not debatable for me and you can, if you choose, unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God, not man, gets to decide what is truth, life and the way. God bless you.

That's off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. My very good friend, Judd Dunning, is with us. Check him out there. Thirteen and a Half Reasons Why Not to Be a Liberal is a great book and you are working on your new book.

Yeah, the proposal is going to go any day. The publisher loves it. It's Thirteen and a Half Reasons Why to Love America and How to Stop the Angry Woke Left and Preserve the America We Love. What a great book.

Oh, yeah. Leave with Gratitude, biblical principle number one. It's just treat your neighbor like yourself, golden rule, right? I think, and Greg will always correct me, but to do anything of the commandments with joy. I think for me, it all resonates with gratitude. We have so much to be grateful for that leftists want us to forget. You made a mention earlier about, you know, the majority of Americans are good. Here becomes kind of the challenge. Yeah. The majority of Americans don't anymore believe in what's called absolute truth.

They believe that everything is subjective, which is why they can be manipulated into shut down your business, shut down your church, you know, lock yourself in your house, you know, wear a mask when you're out jogging or hiking. OK. And oh, and by the way, you know, take an injection when our three month study, our three month study shows that twelve hundred people were killed by it. Forty two thousand people were injured by it. We know this, but take the injection anyway. And oh, by the way, we're going to give immunity to the companies that are giving you the injection, because, well, let me see. There isn't anything wrong with it.

It's perfectly healthy and you should take it. And that's why we're going to give them immunity. Not to mention, I posted the other day, Greg, I said, if you if you got a jab and you got COVID, then you got the booster and you got COVID, then you got a booster and then you got the next booster, you got COVID, you got the next booster and you got COVID. Don't worry, there's a pill for that.

Which is flax-to-bib, right? It's the insanity. I have a ninety nine point nine percent recovery potential, and the government wants me to allow someone to experiment on my body. You know, I think they really at this point, no one is talking about rolling back the insurance waivers and opening up free market competition. We're talking about the next wave of insurance liability free experimentation on the United States populace with complete oblivion.

It's crazy. I mean, with the Jews, after going to Germany and being exterminated, all taken an experimental vaccine with the Tuskegee black Americans taking it. But now compliance is broad because you said, back to your point, moral relativism is the greatest disease and Christ is the vaccine. Well, and the idea of this, they've created their own version of a Jesus. Jesus is good. Jesus is loving Jesus. Jesus doesn't judge anybody. That's not the biblical Jesus. The biblical Jesus, in fact, does judge. The biblical Jesus also says that I don't really have to judge because the entire world is condemned. Light came into the world in the form of the law, but in the form of also Christ himself. And the world rejected him because they didn't want to hear the truth and they didn't want to conform to the truth. They preferred their wickedness.

They preferred their darkness to his light. And when we talk about loving your neighbor, now that becomes a warped situation because when we were talking about this earlier, loving your neighbor is, you know, listen, you do what you want to do in your house and I'll do what I want to do in my house. Except here's the problem. The drug house on your block is an issue because they're not going to just make those drugs and enjoy them for themselves. They're going to sell to their friends and those friends are going to come around your neighborhood. And pretty soon they're going to be breaking into your house to steal those guns back behind you so they can use those guns to steal from somebody else's house so they can go to the neighbor and buy the drugs. And not only that, our society's overall degrading of justice. It's hard to get people even convicted anymore. If you're a moral absolutist and you call to report crime, it's now not even considered crime. So we've gone into the systemic degradation of justice. Like I have some things that I've turned in some people because I'm a society, I like a civil society. I'm the first guy that will call and turn you in because a healthy rebuke is the preservation of a civil society. And we've, a lot of people, laissez faire, as you say, moral relativism is a serious disease.

That's why I wrote my book, Greg. It's the creeping sharia of our morals and our values and our family is moral relativism saying something is not bad or something is not good. And Trump's great threat to the world, and you brought this up about what Jesus did and how the Ten Commandments threatened the world. Trump said, hey, this is fake news.

This doesn't work. It was such a buck to the system. And we saw so many people on the right, rhinos, who called themselves republicans with our small limited government values and our Judeo-Christian background. We said, oh, that's too much.

That's uncomfortable. Let's not call out the truth about how bad this deconstruction of our society is on the hard progressive liberal left. And people think it's, you're accommodating a friend. These are no longer yesterday's democrats. These are deconstructionist people, I think, backed by, I think, intentionally and unconsciously evil. So I would say, and this would be an interesting point for you, for the chosen generation audience, is, is that purely evil? Is this lack of moral absolutism of a higher standard, is that evil being perpetuated unconsciously?

I think some of it is evil being perpetuated unconsciously. But again, I think what I said going into the break, the church is not truly anymore being preached the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said that I came and I have defeated sin and death. Death we buy because, well, nobody's there. You died.

So who knows? You're on the other side. OK, if you receive a reward, you get a reward.

If you don't receive a reward, who knows? You can't argue about that either. Nobody knows unless maybe you've died and been somewhere and experienced something. Otherwise you haven't.

But but we can't conceive of the idea that Christ overcame sin. And therefore that should change our world right here, right now, right here, right now. And we got to jump.

We're out of time at the end of the day, folks. Hey, it's always fun. We'll get Jud back. We have great conversations. I hope you enjoy them as much as Jud and I do. Be sure and get over there. I'm out of time. I'll be back with you on Jud Generation Radio tomorrow.

Hang on, Jud. Did you call evil good and good evil? Did you forsake my love for that of another, lying with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life? Have you defiled yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination? Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men, seeking their own comfort and reviling me?

No. At the end of the day, I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love His creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good, and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world, I will never give up, and in spite of the hate, I will love in truth. God bless you all, and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into His rest. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, and by the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking dirty water, and that was really causing a lot of sickness, but now they are getting pure and fresh water, and all the community is so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters, on the fish. And this borewell we have put, and pure and fresh water is coming, and we are so thankful for all of you. And especially we thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry that help us and supporters to put the borewell.

Thank you and God bless you. My passion is the fight for freedom, for a World War II defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country. By contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights, I am Patriot Mobile.
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