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THU HR 1 062322

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
June 24, 2022 12:14 am

THU HR 1 062322

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Dr. Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this, what day is it, 23rd? Yes.

23rd, 23rd day of June, right? Yes. Alrighty folks, we have, well he's on the board but he's not bored. He is courageous but he's not contagious, I don't think. That is courageous Craig. Let's hope not, but good evening everybody. Alrighty.

Right here, pretty much near live in the studio, we have Randy Yeh. Hey, be blessed, no stress everybody. And Lisa Hickman. Good evening everyone. And I think they're after my job.

That's what they're doing here. And you say who would want it, right? Okay. And we have a special guest, he's probably scared after hearing all this by now. But we have Pam, Pamela Acker with us. And Pamela is, well she's the author, she's a biologist with the Colby Center for Research.

And I've heard that she's a pretty smart lady. Are you there Pam? I am here sir, thank you. Well, we're going to get right into a Bible study and if you have a question or comment just jump in and ask it. Don't be afraid to sound off, alright?

Alright. Okay, well the title of the message was The Fatherhood of God and Man. And we started off in Malachi, we talked about the fatherhood, how God the father was the father of all humanity. And then we went to Jeremiah and showed how he was the father of Israel. And we went to Romans 13 and showed he was the fatherhood of the Gentiles. And John chapter 1 of Christians. And tonight we're looking at the duties of a father toward his children. And we started in Genesis 37 and we looked at love, the duty of a father is love. And tonight we're going to take a look in 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 with 11 and 12. And we're going to look at the guidance, how a father is to guide and to warn his children. And Randy, are you there?

Yeah, I'm here. Go ahead and read verses 10 through 12. 2, starting at 10 through 12, we got it, okay. 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, 10 through 12.

Alright. Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holy and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe, as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children, that you would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory. Okay, so he's doing two things here.

One, he's talking about the responsibilities of a father here. And as you see, as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you. Now, he's referring to, first of all, how they walked as an example, how holy and justly and unblameable we have behaved ourselves among you that believe. They said, look, we did our very best to set the best example, okay. And this example is like a father towards his children.

We treated you as you are children. And so, but the idea was that he was to do what? First of all, they were to guide them. They were to warn them. And but here, the point was that they were to live. Well, the idea was to live in such a manner as to, in everything they do, glorify God. That was their whole purpose. Okay, God made us, our father made us to what?

To serve him and to glorify him and to honor him and to please him, huh? That's right. Yes. With that, let's turn over to Hebrews chapter 12. Okay. And in Hebrews chapter 12, we look at, start with verse 4 and read all the way through 13.

Okay. In Hebrews chapter 12, we look at verse 12 and read all the way through 13. In Hebrews chapter 12, we read all the way through 13. In Hebrews chapter 12, we read all the way through 13. In Hebrews chapter 12, we read all the way through 13.

In Hebrews chapter 12, we read all the way through 13. Okay, so at this point here, when he says you have not yet resisted unto blood striving against sin, what was the situation with the Hebrews? The Hebrews, when at first when Christianity was spreading, it looked like it was a, you know, it was the cool thing to do. I don't know how to use those terms, but people were becoming Christians. Now, again, remember, he's speaking to the Jews here. And then, and why?

Well, one of the reasons the Romans at first considered Christianity to be a segment of the Jewish religion, just a part of the Jewish religion, which was a legal religion, according to Rome. But then that changed, and when that changed came the persecution. So they were being, persecution, and he's telling you, you have not yet strived, resisted unto blood, it means to be... To be killed. Killed, right, to be killed. And so he continues, he tells them to continue, though, continue doing what you're doing.

Continue striving, continue resisting the world and walking in the way you have. And then he says, for you have forgotten the exhortation which has speaketh unto you as unto children. My son despised not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou are rebuked of him. For in whom the Lord loveth, he chastens and discourages every son whom he receiveth. Now, here we know that earlier he had warned them about those that were saying, well, you know, it was a whole lot easier to just practice Judaism. The persecution wasn't there, and let's go back to that, let's go back to Judaism. And he was telling them, you know, you don't want to do that, you don't want to deny the Savior.

And so here he's talking about those that have done such a thing or thought of doing that. God will, well, he'll chastise them, he'll scourge us. Now, when he talked about scourging every son, scourging was, was that a pretty severe, pretty severe punishment, wasn't it? So now he goes on to say, if you endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons. For what son is he whom the Father chastens not?

But if you be without chastisement, wherefore all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons. Well, remember what we talked about earlier over in Malachi here where those people were saying, God, you know, we understand it. God was a little upset with them because they were telling him, look, we understand what's going on, we're hip to this, we know that you're saying one thing, you're talking about the blessed are the meek and the poor, but we're seeing what you're doing. We're seeing that you're blessing the wicked. We're seeing that the wicked are wealthy, the wicked are powerful, and so we get it, God. You're saying one thing but you're doing another. Now, it wasn't a smart thing to say to God, was it?

No, no. Okay, so here now, God is talking about chastisement. When you have people today who are professing Christians, they go out and we gave some examples of some of those people that had done earlier.

I think Chris Farley was one who had professed to be a Christian, and then after he went on 700 shows and all these different programs, given his testimony, he turned and went back to homosexuality, turned back to his sin, and he was taken home, boom, right away. He was taken home. And so why does God chastise you? Why does he take you out instead of letting you continue in your sin?

Well, I think there's nothing else. You don't lose all your rewards. And obviously you can't lose your salvation, but you certainly can lose all your rewards, and so you're less of a detriment to yourself. Well, you're right about that. He does it for your good, but something even more so is the fact that what he does is he doesn't want to be dishonored himself.

God will not allow himself to be mocked, and he will not allow himself to be dishonored. And so when you have people also like remember John Lennon, for example, how he had come back and he turned into the communism and made the statements that, look, I'm more popular than Jesus. Yeah, that's right, he did. He made that statement, and that wasn't a smart thing to do, was it? No.

No, not at all. He compared himself with God, didn't he? Yes, he did. Yes. And so he goes on and he says here that they're, then they are bastards and not sons. And so here, that is another application, too. The apostle Paul, when it referred to, remember, he's speaking to the Hebrews here over in Romans 9 when he referred to those who were, they were the seed of Abraham but not the children of Abraham. Right.

In other words, they were in the flesh and the bloodline, they were Jews, but they were not spiritually the children of Abraham. And so here, what he's referring to, too, when you see people like, oh, George Soros, for example. George Soros is an extremely wicked man. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, these are extremely wicked men. Now, when asked, well, why does God allow, why does God allow such wicked people? Why does he allow them to have, you know, to be billionaires and have all of what he's having and do such evil things?

And the answer was what? That God allows them to have a little pleasure for a season because once they die, things go south and they go south big time, don't they? Yes. And so here, he's talking about that. So these people are considered to be bastards and those that have, you go out and have a profession of faith, remember Jesus said, many are called but few are chosen. Many will come but few will enter. They have a profession of faith but they don't have a possession of salvation, do they?

No. Okay, so then he goes on to say, furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh that have corrected us and we gave them reference. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the father of spirits and live, for verily for a few days they chastened us after their own pleasure.

Well, he's not talking about, you know, they did it because they liked it, they did it, okay, in the sense that they knew that they were doing the right thing by chastising their children for being disobedient to God and to the word of God. So he goes on to say here, now no chastising for their presence seemed to be joyous but grievous, nevertheless, afterward he yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Wherefore lift up thy hands which hang down and thy feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way but let it rather be healed. And so here what he's talking about is that when he says, again, wherefore lift up your hands which hang down, God is only, he's not only what you would refer to as a disciplining parent, if you will, and he's kind of like, in a sense, God is, when he exhorts us, like maybe a coach or like a sergeant in the army.

And so here he's doing that, he's encouraging, he's exhorting them, wherefore lift up thy hands which hang down and thy feeble knees, in other words, let's get it done here, let's get going back and make a straight path for your feet. So there you go, let's turn over to Ephesians 5, and in Ephesians 5, starting with verse 22, and read all the way through chapter 6 verse 4. Ephesians 5, chapter 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, chapter 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, chapter 5, verse 22.

Ephesians 5, chapter 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22. Ephesians 5, verse 22.

Ephesians 5, verse 22. Oh, yeah, I mean I would say that feminism actually does violence to the interior of a woman, because God made us with a particular intention in mind, and even the way that we're built physically reflects that. And what you said earlier is very beautiful about motherhood being such a high calling, because if I'm an engineer and I build a bridge, and I do it wrong, somebody might lose their life in a temporal sense. But if I'm a mother and I don't raise my children correctly, they could lose their lives in a spiritual sense. And the salvation of a single soul is far more important than the greatest work that engineers or scientists or doctors could do.

And we have it kind of backwards. We look at all these people who make money or succeed in temporal sense and think that they've got something going for them, but the reality is that the mothers who sweat and sacrifice and make a house a home do so much more good to their spouse and their children than we could ever count up or tally. All right, but this talks about the man loving his wife like Christ loved the church, and he gave himself for it. And my point is that this is a man that's putting his wife and his family in front of himself. That's what I'm saying. I know that I wanted to make that clear, that this is a man that he's given himself, that they're first, and then he comes.

And that's not the prototype we see in the world. Today, you've got the feminization of too many men. And here, I mean, you have these things today called hot wives, they call cougars. There's other things out there. In fact, just recently, they had those three women that referred to as about open marriages.

All right. And they were supposed to be they asked them, what is what is the term? hot wife?

You're a hot wife. So what is what does that mean to you? One says that I'm sexually liberated. Okay. The other one talked about, well, but then you have the new term Polly.

The what? Polly. That's different. Polly is different.

I think that's where but that means many. No, no. Another thing. You don't have to be married to be Polly. No, no, that means many. The word Polly means Polly means many. Yeah, yeah.

But that's what they there's a general term now called Polly. Okay, so, but I had to laugh because when they asked the three of them, one said, I'm sexually liberated. The other one said, I can't remember. But the third one said, we're whores.

And this is hot wife, I had to laugh again. But here now, let me jump over very quickly to First Timothy chapter two. And Paul the Apostle Paul is talking. He said, and like manner also the woman are doing themselves with modest apparel shave face this sobriety, not with braided hair, gold or pearls or costly array, which become with women professing godliness with good works.

But the woman learned in silence would also objection. But I suffer not a woman to teach Norda usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence for Adam was first formed beneath and Adam was not to see what the woman being being deceived was in the transgression now he gets to the whole meat of this thing. Not withstanding, she be shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness and sobriety. In other words, he was making a point it's not that she doesn't get salvation through childborn, but what he's referring to, there is the greatest ministry that a woman can have is to be is to raise her children in the ammunition of the Lord to be a submissive wife. Okay, and so we go back to where we left off in Ephesians. And I'm just going to jump down here to children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise. Do you know what the promise was? The promise was if they honored their mother and father, they wouldn't get killed because he gets exactly right. Yeah, yeah.

And then you go that it may be well with the image live long on earth. You fathers provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and ammunition of the Lord. You know, you can you can just cut a child's heart out with words.

Absolutely. And I remember a young girl who, whose father she was 15 or father told her that there's nothing, nothing about you this good, nothing about you. There's everything about you is dirty.

And I mean, it just tore her apart, right? Another time a father told his son, you you'll never amount to anything. Okay, you just don't have it in you.

Okay. Those are words that can just tear a child apart and a good father will never do that. And he won't, he won't provoke his children by saying such things are doing such things. And, and I knew a father one time that thought by telling his sons, you'll never do it. You can't.

You're not up to it. You just don't. His idea was by doing that. It would, it would encourage or would exhort his song, his son to prove him wrong. But that's not the way you do it.

That's not the way you exhort somebody, right? We'll be back right after this. Don't go away. Listen to that heartbeat. Here it comes again. Can we feel those little feet?

Yes, they're kicking now and then. Tell me why, oh why, oh why should this baby die? Precious baby, tell me why, oh why, oh why should this baby die? Little darling, you were made of secrets.

You were woven in the wool. Though your savior loves you, the world wants to kill you too. Tell me why, oh why, oh why should this baby die? Precious baby, tell me why, oh why, oh why should this baby die? Little darling, I have my own life to live. Besides it's my right. I don't have time for that kid.

And I don't want those church marks. It's my life. It's my body. It's my choice. Listen to that heartbeat.

It's coming from within. My baby is alive and well. Cause I've been born again. Now I, now I, now I can't let my baby die. Precious baby, now I, now I, now I can't let my baby die. Little darling, you were made of secrets. You were woven in the wool.

She's as good as the rest of the world. You will be born soon. Tell me why, oh why, oh why should this baby die? Precious baby, tell me why, oh why, oh why should this baby die? Little darling, why? All right, there you go.

That's called a heartbeat. And we're back with Pamela Acker and she is a biologist and an author. And Pam, you're here tonight to talk about abortion and the kill shots. All right, what they call vaccines. And Randy's got an article there. Just read her the headlines, Randy.

Sure. It says while the COVID virus mostly spared children, Dr. Fauci did not. Tony Fauci killed from 300,000 to 900,000 children with his lockdowns, mostly in Africa. It says the COVID virus has next to zero chance of affecting children. However, it says as of February 2022, 882 children had died from COVID virus in the US. A vast majority of these deaths were children who died with the virus, not from the virus. During the same period in 2021, only three children had died from the seasonal flu, a disease that typically takes the lives of hundreds of children.

But while the COVID virus spared children, Dr. Fauci did not. The evil Naiad tyrant killed from 280,000 to 911,000 children with his economic policies in Africa. A new study shows that 280,000 to 911,000 were killed by Dr. Fauci's estranged lockdowns. And this is in low and middle income countries. A 5% reduction in GDP per capita in 2020 was estimated to have a cause of an additional 282,996 deaths in Africa with children under 5. At 10%, obviously that would have doubled at 15%, that would triple, and that would go anywhere from the 282,000 plus all the way up to the 900,000.

Nearly half of all the potential under 5 lives lost in the low and middle income countries were estimated to have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. All right, let her go ahead and comment on that. Go ahead, Pam. So, you know, it's interesting that you should bring this up. I thought I was on here to talk about the connection between abortion and vaccines. Yeah, well that is true.

We just... My expertise. I don't follow Fauci's policy in Africa, so I can't really comment on it. Okay, but go ahead and talk about the abortion. I just read an article yesterday from Natural News that said 90% of those women that were pregnant and gotten the jab had miscarriages. Yeah, Natural News is not always 100% a reliable source, so there's definitely, you know, anecdotal evidence that there's a higher risk of miscarriage with use of COVID vaccines in particular. But the actual statistics on that are super hard to nail down. As you know, throughout this entire, you know, debacle that we've called, you know, all of the lockdowns and everything, the statistics on, you know, who's had COVID, who's died from COVID, who's, you know, had an adverse reaction to the shot, who's died from the shot, who's had a miscarriage from the shot, all of these things were not tabulated accurately. So when you start throwing around statistics, there's like not necessarily a lot of meaning to any of that. And it's unfortunate, but, you know, both sides, I think, kind of struggle to make their case just looking at the numbers because there's just not, there's not enough documentation, because the data is not being recorded in a way that allows us to sort out and tease out causality, if that makes any sense.

It makes a lot of sense. But I think the bottom line is, these vaccines are, these are not vaccines at all, they're experimental, and literally what they really are, they're bioweapons. And we had, we've had four of the top virologists in the world on this radio program.

And they've all said the very same thing. And they're bioweapons, they're, they're not vaccines. So, you know, back in the 80s, all the way back in the 80s, we were doing programs on the global depopulation program. And this is, this is what's happening. But people, the mindset, this is something to so many people, the very thought that people want to depopulate the planet, and I've said in their meetings, I've said in the meetings with the World Health Organization, Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, where they openly discussed ways of depopulating the planet, and of course, abortion, euthanasia. But one of the major ways was these so called vaccines to depopulate the planet. So why, why, you know, and we've been talking about this for years.

And we're not the only ones. So why? Why are people still today so ignorant? They don't get it. They don't want to wrap their they don't want to acknowledge the fact that yes, there are people that are so evil.

They want to eliminate the vast majority of people in this world. What do you think? Well, I think that it's hard to chuck the things that you've grown up with. And so I talk a lot. I talk a lot about creation to people who've grown up being taught that it doesn't really matter whether you believe you came from a monkey or you came from Adam. And I believe it matters a lot.

I believe we came from Adam and that's something that that shapes our faith right down to the core. You know, but talking to people about it, you know, they'll they'll throw up these things that they you know, they've seen the pictures of dinosaurs in the books since they were little kids. You know, and so what about this?

What about that? You know, people have also been told from the time you know that they're old enough to hear it, that vaccines are safe. Vaccines are effective. Vaccines are how we prevent communicable disease vaccines are what got rid of smallpox vaccines are what got rid of polio.

Do you want to go back to an iron lung? You know, people have a hard time getting out of that paradigm. You know, I actually used to work in vaccine development at a university and we were trying to develop an HIV vaccine. And at that time, I was super supportive of vaccine development because I had bought into the whole idea that this is how we prevent infectious diseases and we save lives.

But it's not the only way to save lives. And it's almost getting people to sort of shift out of that mentality of this is the only protection that we have against X, Y or Z disease is a really hard paradigm shift for a lot of people. And if you're stuck on the mantra that the vaccines are safe, the vaccines are effective, the vaccines are how we keep kids from dying, it's really hard to see them as what they are. And I try not to describe too nefarious motives to people that I don't know and I've never met, but certainly they're a pharmaceutical cash cow. If you can guarantee that you're going to have a number of patients at a certain age receive this many doses of a medication, you've got pretty steady income.

And so that's not a thing that's easy to shift when you've built this entire sort of mindset around this is a necessary medical intervention, we don't know how to survive without it. So I think that people look at that and then they're not even remotely open to hearing things about birth control vaccines that the WHO has been working on since the 1970s and recently tried to deploy in Kenya on the second population of childbearing women. They're not even open to hearing that because they're like, no, but you don't understand, vaccines are safe and effective. All right, I remember sitting in one of the meetings with the WHO and all of these and they were talking about the papillomavirus in Africa and they were talking about how they had used this, this papillomavirus, and eight times the vaccine. And I remember them saying that eight times as many young girls died from the vax that actually died from the papillomavirus. And this was something that they were pleased.

They were they were happy about this. Okay. And so and then again, you have to, you know, I'm not big on on these vaccines at all. But but we're not talking about vaccines when you're talking about this COVID. I had Robert Malone on the program. He talked about he invented it, the MRNA, and he didn't call it a vaccine.

He is the bio weapon. Now, here's the guy that invented it said, don't take it. It'll kill you. I wouldn't I wouldn't take it, you know, for for for a number of reasons. I mean, regardless of what what you call it, and I think I think people kind of get a little too, maybe a little too eager to try to relabel it. I mean, I've been working in in vaccine development and interested in vaccine development for, you know, a couple of decades, not not as long as you've been following the steps of the WHO. But they've been working on genetic vaccines for a long time, and nobody was trying to redefine them as not vaccines at that point.

So, you know, it is it is what it is. It's a it's a string of MRNA that causes your body to produce the spike protein. And there's a couple of reasons why that's a really bad idea. You know, one one is that there's actually evidence now that's been published in the scientific literature that in in the lab, at least in test tube, this this piece of MRNA can integrate into the human genome. So it can actually end up stuck in some of the cells that pick it up. That was a side effect that people were predicting at the beginning. I wasn't sure how feasible that was based on what I explained about cell biology, but they've shown it happens in cell lines in the lab.

So that's it. That's a huge concern, you know, because if you're taking this in your body, we don't we don't know what's happening in terms of whether it's genetically modifying you or not. You know, so that's something that needs to be assessed. But something that that really stood out to me from the beginning, because I was interested actually in developing edible vaccines. And so to do that, you actually have to get a plant to produce an appropriate amount of vaccine antigen of the active ingredient of the vaccine.

And, you know, when they tried to to do that, they had to insert, you know, genetic information into these organisms. And what they found was that they didn't make the same amount of protein even when they injected them with the same amount of RNA or DNA. And so you can you can give people the same dose of mRNA vaccine, but you can't control how much spike protein that individual is going to make, you know. So you can't actually control the dosage of of vaccine antigen that you're giving to this person. So you've got the problem that you might mess up the genome. You've got the problem that you can't control dosage. And then you have the problem that the spike protein and that there's paper after paper after paper after paper that demonstrates this.

The spike protein is actually the part of the virus that causes the physiological damage that causes damage to your circulatory system. And, you know, this is where the myocarditis and the pericarditis and those side effects come from with the vaccine. And so we're taking something that that might potentially genetically modify people.

And it's we can't determine the dosage. And we know we now know that the protein that we're actually causing people to produce in their body is harmful. So regardless of what what label we slap on it, whether you call it a bioweapon or you want to call it, you know, a medical intervention, it's dangerous.

It's absolutely 100 percent dangerous. And so I think it's it's like super important to, you know, make sure that people know this from an objective perspective. You know, this isn't just kind of like, you know, people are out here trying to twist words or redefine things like it. When you look at what it actually does in the body, it's news.

Well, you know, we've had Sherry Tenpenny with us here and several others that have taken and shown us the results of some of this. And I've watched some of the people that have taken these these I call them kill shots where they shake. They can't stop shaking. They're they're they're playing their hands around. Yeah.

And it can cause neurological damage as well. OK, but both. Yeah.

Go ahead. Well, no, I noticed too one thing to not one size fits all there. There's different from what I understand. You have several different strengths of these vaccines. They're not all the same. And some are some are much, much more worse than others.

According to what I've seen, there's anywhere between four and six made by Pfizer. In other words, the strengths of these these vaccines, they're not all alike. So you can't expect to get the same results when you when you poke people with these things, can you?

Well, you can't even if they were all the same strength, you can't expect to get the same results when you poke them with people. For the reason I just was trying to explain, which is that, you know, you you can't when you insert genetic information into an organism, you can't control exactly how much genetic information is picked up by the cell. And then you can't control exactly how much protein is made from that genetic information. So you could you could give, you know, you and me and six million people the exact same amount of MRNA and which is hard to determine anyway. So like it just, you know, you're dealing with a molecule that that's you're you're looking at such a small molecule and such small doses and RNA degrades really rapidly.

And if you have, you know, the slightest bit of temperature fluctuation or, you know, improper storage or your buffers a little bit off, you've got degradation of the material or, you know, too much material or whatever. But even if you could standardize it perfectly, you're not going to make the same amount of spike protein as I'm going to make because your physiology is different. And because of just, you know, the the even just things like the way that the vaccine is delivered, because improper vaccine administration can cause, you know, changes to the way that that you end up producing the spike protein and where you end up producing spike protein. So there's so many different variable factors that could affect it what what becomes your effective dosage, that this is just even if it was perfect, and everything's totally and completely above board.

You know, you're not you're not, you're still not going to see the same results in the same people. And with the shaking and the neurological kinds of things, you know, there's the the mRNA itself, and the lipid nanoparticles will both cross the blood brain barrier. This has been demonstrated in animal models. And so there's some thought that the improper vaccine administration can actually get this stuff delivered directly into your veins. And if that happens, it can it can circulate systemically, it can cross the blood brain barrier, it can cause neurological damage. And we don't know how permanent that is, you know, we don't, there's just no long term safety analysis of any of this at all. And whether whether people are going to recover from serious side effects, like the shaking, or like the myocarditis and pericarditis, we, we have no idea.

I mean, I would presume they're probably not going to recover. But there's just there's no evidence, you know, to show that there's, there's, there's any reason to think that, that these things are reasonable to be injecting in, you know, widespread in the population right now. Okay, look, when you I have a sit on sitting at home in our medicine cabinet, we have, well, they're they're natural. I mean, I have just vitamins, things that I take.

And maybe so there might be some weight loss, weight loss. I mean, over the counter, these are all over the counter things. And on each one of them, it'll tell you, do not take this if you're pregnant. Okay, do not take this if you're pregnant. So here on all of these over the counter things they tell you, don't take if you're pregnant.

And so, so here, these are just common everyday things. And yet, where's the common sense that that would take when people are dying left and right from these, what I call the poisonous folks? Where's the common sense with these women that have gone out being pregnant and taking taking this thing that's not really by definition, as far as I know, a vaccine that's a bioweapon. So what is wrong with them? I mean, I don't know.

There's something that's missing there. I guess I guess the same thing if you're going to go out and abort your baby and kill your baby. I don't know. How do you explain that? Well, again, I mean, we're kind of like in the weeds here, so I'm not I'm not really sure. Yeah, I'm just not really sure what what I'm on here to talk about. But the I mean, you can you can argue all day long about what people's intentions are. And I always tell people, I can't answer why questions, you know, I can't answer why someone would choose to do something unsafe.

I think I can come up with six, you know, six ways to Sunday is, you know, having some sort of words to put on it to maybe try to explain it. But like, you know, fear would seem to be probably a motivating factor. It seems like a lot of people end up doing a lot of really dumb things out of fear in this whole COVID situation. But, you know, I can't I can't explain to you why you would suspend judgment and say, you know, well, I'm pregnant. I'm not willing to take ibuprofen, but I'm going to go take I'm going to go take a vaccine that has no long term safety data on it at all. Can't possibly have any long term safety data on it. I don't I don't know what would make somebody make a decision like that.

Let me ask you this. In your opinion, do you think the Medical Association, AMA and others have taken a huge credibility shot? I mean, they've lost a lot of credibility.

I know. I know a lot of a lot of people that I've talked to said, you know, I don't trust. I just don't trust my doctor anymore. These these doctors that encourage people to get this shot. And yet people are getting sick.

People are dying. You're seeing them happening, even though they're trying to keep it quiet. So in your opinion, do you think the Medical Association has taken a huge shot where it comes to credibility? I mean, in my opinion, I think a lot of the people that have been involved in in this whole situation have lost a lot of credibility. And the people that I talk to, you know, as I travel around and even just people that I know locally are are less and less and less willing to to trust their health to their doctor.

And more and more and more interested in investigating alternative forms of health, health care, which can be those can be kind of dicey as well, you know, and not necessarily just from a natural perspective. But so I would say that, you know, certainly. You know, I would almost hope that they've taken a hit to their credibility because anybody that will push something like this doesn't deserve really to have credibility.

But at the same time. You know, I think that people's memories are relatively short. They kind of want things to go back to normal. And I don't know, I don't know how much, you know, sort of lasting incredulity there's going to be next time there's a big scare. You know, so I tend to be a confident skeptic and just say, you know, yeah, for now, it seems that there's some loss and credibility.

But, you know, I don't I don't know how long that will last. People have short memories. Well, just just recently, the Supreme Court candidate, if you will, that I'm having a little memory loss or what her name was, I know. But anyhow, she she said she didn't know what a woman was. She didn't know when it asked, you know what a woman is.

She she didn't know what a woman was. And then recently the so-called the so-called AMA said they they didn't know how to define gender, what gender is. Is this I mean, does that seem to you to be kind of I don't know what to think about that for a minute. We're coming up to a break.

There seems to be. Can I can I jump in? Yeah, go ahead. Pam, I want to ask you a question. Would you do when we come back?

Would you explain to the audience why they have to use aborted baby parts when they form a form of vaccine vaccines? All right. We will be able to do that, please.

Right after this. Absolutely. Thank you. With a whole lot more. Don't go away. More to come.

And a lot more to come. So don't go away. We'll be right back after this. What's right. What's left. Ministries 14 781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 4 4 0 6 5. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at the word Cleveland dot com.

The word Cleveland dot com. Once again, thank you for listening and supporting what's right. What's left. Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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