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Song of Songs 1:16 - Pleasures Forevermore

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 9, 2022 8:39 am

Song of Songs 1:16 - Pleasures Forevermore

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 9, 2022 8:39 am

Song of Songs 1:16 Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.

Here the woman reflects back to why she is fair - Because she radiates His beauty and then she make reference to pleasant, that word in Hebrew is the same as the last verse in Psalms 16:11 "at His right hand are pleasures forevermore." No wonder their bed is green, abiding in Him they bear much fruit... How did I know this was the woman speaking - Ahh for that you will have to listen...

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Hidden Treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's.

Digging around today in verse 16 of the first chapter of the Song of Songs in our never-ending quest to understand statutes. And boy, I had a duh moment like, oh, oh, now I get it. This morning and we're going to get into that like, you know, you want to hit your head with your hand and go, how did I not see this before? Or maybe I saw it before and I just forgot it. I don't know, but it's pretty eye-opening.

And so we'll get into that in a minute. But before let's read the verse in English, it says, it says, behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant, and our bed is green. So as I go to study this verse, it just kind of like I was noticing that, you know, all the commentators will immediately say, well, this was the groom in the situation speaking back to his bride.

Because as we talked about yesterday, that this is Jesus telling us thou art fair, behold, thou art fair twice. And then it comes down here and I was like, well, how do they all know that this now is the bride speaking back to the groom? And so as I looked at this, I realized, oh my goodness, it's consistent that when you see that beloved, that is the Dalud Vov Dalud, that is her speaking of him. And so she calls him like David, like that beloved anytime that that's made reference to, that's how, you know, the person switched that now she calls him Dalud Vov Dalud, but he calls her that Rhian name that we talked about yesterday, which has to do with sort of a shepherdess, a shepherdess with a light in her eyes, which is significant when you think about, you know, how many times that we're asked to feed the sheep and that kind of stuff in the scriptures, that here Jesus is said in the previous verse that thou art like our shepherdess with a light in our eyes, where she is calling him, you know, David.

So yes, yes. And certainly it's consistent as I look through it, like I said, I want to hit my head with the hand and go, how could I not see this before that clearly when they're making that reference to beloved or, or my love, those are different ways that they're expressing their love. And again, it's one that I think is fascinating that she, you know, the bride refers to him as David based on the fact that he would be the son of David.

Anyway, just spectacular stuff. And the fact that he is a servant above he came to serve, right? And all that has to do with Dalud Vov Dalud is just beautiful. But to get back to this verse, she's saying, you know, now that you've told me twice, I'm beloved. Well, the reason I am is I'm a reflection of you. So he's saying thou art fair, or she is saying to him thou art fair based on the beauty that you've given me.

In other words, we're a reflection of Christ. And it says also pleasant. Well, that word pleasant there is spectacular. And the reason I say that is, if you look at the 16th Psalm, which I find it interesting that this is the 16th verse. At the very end of the 16th Psalm, the last verse of the 16th Psalm is a spectacular verse most of you may have heard. It's in his presence is fullness of joy. But the second part of that is, at his right hand are pleasures forever more.

Well, that word pleasures is that word right there, that same word that is translated pleasant in this verse is the same word that are pleasures forever more. And so here, obviously, Solomon is taking this same idea of pleasures forever more, and seeing how that leads to, you know, when we engage with Christ, you know, where it says apart from you, we can do nothing, but with you, we can do everything in there because of that our bed is green. And it's a beautiful idea in so many different ways of the word that he uses here for bed, which has to do with an archway, which gets back to the whole idea of we're trying to figure out what statutes are.

And statutes start with a hat. Well, the idea of an archway and a hoopah that you get married under is, is this whole idea of the hat. And so that is that the union itself is when you think about it, and you think about a hat, it's everything to do with this verse, because a hat is a male energy that is coming down that is the above, it's being reflected back by the Zion in.

And so that's the whole idea of what she just said, I'm beautiful, because I'm reflecting you. And then the over the top is called the heteroteric, which is that archway, which is the marriage between the male and the female there. And that obviously leads to the green bed.

In other words, the so many beautiful different things. And Rashi comments about this verse just beautifully, that the church itself, the tabernacle was an arch. And, and that in that, when actually in the, the temple was as well, that when apparently Joe ash was hidden, it said it was hidden in the bed chamber, but that bed chamber was in the temple. And so the idea of the temple being a bed chamber is is somewhat of a scriptural concept, that, of course, when we meet with Jesus, you know, that's when we, you know, we now can be fruitful, because apart from you can do nothing, but when we're together, right, then we bear much fruit. And there's the idea of this whole thing right here, as we reflect his beauty, as we enjoy those pleasures forever more, then we become fruitful.

And, you know, the the gorgeous thing about that is you have a family and you have a family at your church, I hope. And church meaning, you know, that community that where you meet together with Christ, and you love one another. And as good shepherds, right, you make your sheep lay down, well, they're laying down their life.

Right, they're laying down their life. That's what Jesus did was lay down his life for his sheep, as it says in John 10. Well, this is everything to do with with what's going on here as we are shepherding with Christ, we get to be fruitful. And we have, you know, like, I am so blessed to have so many communities that are what I would call the church, I have my special needs class, which, you know, they all love us, and we love them.

And then we have, you know, our Bible study that is in our neighborhood, which is a similar community where we share, then I have the masculine journey team, where's the group of guys, I also have my Bible study on Thursday morning, I have my group where I meet, you know, on Thursday afternoons, and now I've got a couple of churches I'm working with as well. So, you know, God just continues to make his bed, his bed, fruitful, right? And we get a chance to see him bear much fruit. As we spend more time with him, we can just delight with pleasures forevermore like that, that last verse in his presence of the 16th Psalm, in his presence is fullness of joy at his right hand, our pleasure forevermore. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-07 11:16:57 / 2023-04-07 11:20:23 / 3

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