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Israeli Perspectives on the Taliban's Takeover of Afghanistan

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 19, 2021 4:30 pm

Israeli Perspectives on the Taliban's Takeover of Afghanistan

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Welcome, welcome to the broadcast. It is thoroughly Jewish Thursday here on the Line of Fire. That means any Jewish related question of any kind is perfectly kosher.

So 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-8, 7884. It could be about modern Israel today. It could be about Messianic prophecy. It could be about Jewish background to the New Testament. It could be about objections to Jesus being the Messiah. It could be about the Hebrew language, Jewish tradition. If it's Jewish related, we'll gladly take your calls, and especially those who differ with me theologically, biblically. Love to hear from you as long as it's Jewish related.

866-34-TRUTH. So I want to talk about something very serious in a moment, but let me back my way into it with an illustrative story. The story is told that there were four scientists who all came to India to study the Indian elephant for one year. One of the scientists was from Germany, one was from France, one was from America, one was from Israel. So they spent one year studying the Indian elephant and then went back and spent another year putting their findings together, and then they each posted their findings at the end of one year. So the German scientist posted his, he wrote up a study called 100 Ways to Categorize and Analyze an Indian Elephant.

Now if you know anything about German mentality and German scholarship, very systematic, very analytical, very dictionary-like. The French scientist wrote a study, published his, called The Romantic Life of the Indian Elephant. Yeah, the French, right? The American scientist wrote his study, he published his under the title How to Build a Bigger and Better Indian Elephant.

It's the American way. The Israeli scientist published his study and it was titled The Indian Elephant and the Jewish Problem. In other words, it's always how does this affect the Jews? How does this affect us? How does this affect Israel? So it's a cute story and it is illustrative of different cultures and different ways of looking at the world and things like that. That being said, Israel is very much affected by what happens in Afghanistan and Israel can also look to America and say, hey, we told you so.

We've learned from experience. I'm going to go to an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post in a moment that weighs in on that. But here is how Israel is directly affected. Yeah, Israel is closer to Afghanistan physically, geographically, than we are, but that that's not the big thing. The big thing is that Israel is surrounded by terrorists. So immediately to the north you have Hezbollah funded by Iran and a constant threat. It's only estimated between Hezbollah, Hamas, and potentially other terrorist groups that there are several hundred thousand rockets pointed at Israel at any one moment.

If not for Israel's incredible security system, and you can be in Israel and feel perfectly safe as those that go on tour with us recognize, if not for their incredibly strong security system, the strength of their army, and their resolve to fight back against terror, Israel would have been overrun decades ago. So Hezbollah funded by Iran immediately to the north. So they've destroyed Lebanon.

They're entrenched in Syria. Then when you go to the to the southwest you have Hamas, and Hamas stands for the destruction of the Jewish state. From the river to the sea, right, Palestine will be free. That's, in other words, no state of Israel. So you have Hamas there also with help from Iranian funding. If you then go to the east and to the south you have Iran, which has pledged to wipe Israel off the map and wants to be a nuclear threat. You have that, then you have the larger hostility of other Muslim nations that are still not in peaceful relations with with Israel. And then you have Palestinian Authority, even though that's more friendly than Hamas, you still have all kinds of terror bases there under the under the PA, PLO, history, etc. So Israel is surrounded by this. When you have radical Islamic terrorists and movements, groups like Taliban, now take over Afghanistan, number one, it brings a tremendous emotional boost to other terrorists.

Yes, the cause of Allah. We will triumph. We will crush the West. We will crush Israel. Remember, America, to the to the radical Muslim world, is the great Satan and Israel is the little Satan. One reason America is so hated is because of America's stand with Israel. Another reason America is so hated is because of America's immorality, which gets exported around the world. When the Muslim world looks at America, they think America is a Christian nation and they think this is what Christianity is.

Pornography and compromise and rampant divorce and all kinds of immorality and on and on. When the Muslim world looks at America, they see the US Embassy in Kabul in June, just two months ago, flying the gay pride flag. Even if, even if it's important to the president and the administration to say we celebrate gay pride in America, you would at least think, and as offensive that is to so many others, you would at least think that it would have the sensibility. You don't do that in a conservative Muslim nation.

For what purpose? Encouraging the Muslims to join in in the celebration? So America's hate it, Israel's hate it, they're hate it together.

Israel's hate it then for other reasons in the history of the Jewish people rejecting Muhammad when he proclaimed himself prophet and it goes back to that enmity. So there is this long history that can easily be drawn on, but suffice it to say that when you have, number one, the emotional victory, it does bring encouragement. That the cause of Allah is rising on the earth and the West is running in front of the ferocity of the Muslims. I mean this is the way it'll be portrayed propagandistically.

That's one thing. A second thing is it now allows for groups like al-Qaeda and others that have been decimated to to have a safe place. Remember we went in to attack the Taliban because they gave they gave safe harbor to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

So you have groups like that that can then be rejuvenated and then they in turn feed into other terror groups. So it becomes especially precarious for Israel at a time like like this. Now having said that I do not for a moment want to take away our focus on the people of Afghanistan in particular the Christians there.

I mean the horrible reports are devastating. I watched a video last night where there is a German Christian who was has been working in Afghanistan for years was just able to get out with a few others and he said what's coming there is is unbelievable. And this is a man who's there. Someone asked him on this call this private prayer call they asked him is it true this revival taking place in Afghanistan and the church is growing rapidly. He said no there's no revival. He said growing rapidly if you have a hundred believers you go to 200 the church has grown by a hundred percent. He said but he said we know of maybe it was like a hundred something groups that could have between three and seven people maybe a little higher in them. You know so small groups house house churches underground. He said some claim the numbers as high as 400 but either way you tell him a thousands of believers. If there are thousands more we don't know about so be it.

But he was saying that the way the house church network works you really don't know how many there are because okay you you get saved and now you start a little Bible study in your home now five other people get saved and now there's another outreach and you know a neighbor comes and that person gets saved and goes over to relatives house and they don't know the moment a new group is birthed it separates from the first. Why? Because they don't want anyone to know who's who. If you get found out they don't want you to be able to under torture reveal that I'm a believer. I mean that that's that's how difficult it is. Now reports that the the Taliban are going house to house I mean hearing this confirmed it from numerous sources and and if you've got a girl in the house over 12 you've got to mark that on your door because they may just take her as a sex slave. If you know 25 years old you're married they may just kill you the husband and take the wife. I mean utter utter horror. I saw a video from a believer in Pakistan his voice speaking either in in in the the Afghan language so it was a push to and and then the it could have been Arab because the whole thing was muffled you couldn't really hear so we're just reading the transliteration the the translation rather and he's breaking down crying it's not fear it's not fear he said but we have worked for so hard for 20 years and now it's all gone that they were seeing the nation go in a better direction he said everyone has abandoned us and he's crying everyone has abandoned us and he said look please if we die please don't abandon our wives and children please take care of them because I didn't plan to be so emotional you know he said we're gonna go on with the work we're gonna go on but I mean it's it's it's gut-wrenching it's gut-wrenching and and the blood of these people is on President Biden it's that simple this is a disastrous decision never should have been done this way and whatever was going on with President Trump and and Secretary of State Pompeo whenever they were working towards it was not this it was not this and let me just say this if this happened under Trump I'd be just as strong I'd be even stronger because of Christian standing with him if this happened under Trump I'd be speaking out against him and and his wrong decision even more strongly because of evangelicals voting for my didn't vote for Biden I voted for Trump so I would be calling him out even more strongly but for sure the plans that were being made were not for this type of haphazard withdrawal with all the warnings against it and all the cautions if you do this this is going to be the consequence that's going to be the consequence don't do it and still going ahead with it and and the idea that when President Biden is asked in an interview day before yesterday was it he's asked in an interview what about what about the people that are falling from planes I mean you have you seen the videos from within the planes of people hanging on the plane is it starting to take off have you read the reports but with one plane was with with the the the wheels the landing gear and stuff human remains found there so obviously somebody may be cut in half or trying to cling on and dropping to the I mean horror horror and when President Biden's asked about this in an interview from what would be a friendly interviewer George Stephanopoulos what does he say well it's four or five days ago what it's telling Nancy about this before radio she said wasn't even mean so atrocities like that horror is like that no big deal because it's four or five what this is the president that the man is representing the free world so it's an absolute disaster and first and foremost we want to think about the people in Afghanistan the Christians there those who are working with America the women the girls who suffer the most of anyone let's also remember that there are implications for the people of Israel as well right we'll be right back eight six six three four trees with your Jewish related calls it's the line of fire with your host dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution here again is dr. Michael Brown let God arise let God arise the voice of my dear friend Paul Wilbur that's the hope of the whole world that's the hope of Israel that's the hope of the nations let God arise here's the good news in the midst of pain shaking upheaval of certainty uncertainty this is often when God moves the most this is often when you see revival this is often when you see great harvest look a lot of people don't change their diet or start to work out until they have a health crisis a lot of people don't get serious marital counseling and make major changes until they're on the edge of divorce a lot of people don't learn good financial principles until they're about to go bankrupt a lot of people don't turn to the Lord and get saved until they hit rock bottom the the fact is that it's often through the most unpleasant difficult times that God's kingdom advances the most so as the world the whole world is in upheaval just kovat little and everything else the whole world is in upheaval this is a great time to pray and believe for God's kingdom to advance in power eight six six three four truth for you Jewish related questions I'm gonna go to the phones in a moment then go back to two more issues relating to Israel in Afghanistan and some interesting news from the Jewish world as well interestingly Israel which is so thoroughly vaccinated not everybody but a high percentage of the population is now going through a crisis a fresh new crisis with the Delta variant and they are giving third shots to different people especially trying to vaccinate people especially like 50 years or up give them another shot and they're saying that that out of all the ones that are getting additional shot that even though there are many that are sick that there are none that are in critical conditions so they're they're claiming that it's it's better to have the shot but still there's there's a new rise because as I understand it you know I'm not a medical doctor but part of dealing with a vaccine is let's say you have flu strain so it goes through different variants and then when everything is kind of gone through its cycle then the vaccine is developed that deals with all of the above and then test it out over a period of years because right now it's in the midst of this trying to solve problem a while problem B and problem C haven't haven't been fully manifest yet and and then the lack of time to test and the other challenges so right now Israel is is in some level of upheaval things had started to go back to to a more normal life ultra-orthodox they were doing very well and they're very very low percentage of infection they reopen their schools so it's a ton of people in small areas together now their infection rate has just jumped up dramatically so the world is in upheaval Israel's in upheaval mate God's Kingdom advance in the midst of this okay with that we are going to go to the phones and we'll start with Michael in Columbus Ohio welcome to the line of fire ah yes I got a question for you yes sir all right Jews generally reject Christianity because they view us as polytheists essentially but there's a certain set of Jews that believe in Kabbalah and they believe in the ten sephirot and within the ten sephirot there's about a hundred deities in each separate why is there a rejection of Christianity but they're perfectly fine with Kabbalah right so yes so of a few a few misconceptions but it's an interesting question one reason that Jews reject Christianity is seeing us believing in three gods or simply saying that Jesus is God which should either be making a man into a God or God into a man so that alone would be considered idolatry and then more fundamentally even if you said well God is it's one God but he's threefold Jews would believe in an exclusive unity of God in that sense then the the other big big issue is that for Jews the whole calling of the Jewish people is to observe the Torah which Christianity relegates in a secondary way or says it's fulfilled in Jesus so that would be another very big thing that the whole purpose of Judaism is to honor God by observing the Torah and thereby be a light to the world so that becomes relegating Christianity then the view of the Messiah would be among other things that he would bring peace to the world as part of his mission and bring the whole world into the knowledge of God they'd say that obviously didn't happen with Jesus so there there are various reasons but whatever you heard about Kabbalah is is is misinformation number one the tense fear oats are not different deities they would just be considered different manifestations or aspects of God and the idea that there are a hundred deities within each sphere ah may I ask where you heard that professor in Israel and he put out a book the many forms of God and he mentioned that and yeah so this yeah what this is sir is is uh and it's no reflection on you for forgetting forgetting that information and correctly because you you got it from an Israeli professor there are some even within Israel and I've got some of their books who read things through an extremely hostile lens or read things that are meant to be metaphorical and and see them as more literal or something like that I have talked to many many many religious Jews who who reverence Kabbalah as sacred literature and I believe Jewish mysticism is beautiful of course I reject Kabbalah but they would absolutely categorically say one God one God only these are not separate deities they're not different levels of deity it's it's just the way God reveals himself to us and how he's manifest in the world etc so it would be so it would be like someone claiming Christians worship three gods in other words if someone said you will Michael do you worship three gods you say of course not would be the same with a Jewish person with Kabbalah they'd be utterly baffled to hear that or that there are a hundred deities at each at each level of sphere ah now having said that I have used the concept of the spirit to deal with Orthodox Jews and say you look at it this way we look at it this way but we're all talking about one God and one God only so you have to you have to sift that carefully there's much in Kabbalah that I that I wholeheartedly reject and of course I don't follow it spiritually in any way but that is a misrepresentation through someone that's hostile to the literature as opposed to a traditional Jew reading it who reads it in terms of one God and one God only so hopefully that's that's helpful to you okay Michael thank you yeah you are very welcome but by the way are you this thing online or on radio online online great okay just just check you when I saw Ohio thank you sir for the call eight six six three four truth I mentioned it just because the truth Network that that hosts us daily just picked up a couple of great stations in Ohio W's it's WT OD in Toledo and WT KD something like that in Dayton but you're if you're listening on 106.5 yeah give us a call I want to give you a free book free copy of my book the real kosher Jesus so if you happen to be listening in Ohio on 106.5 you don't have to come on the air you just call and say hey I'm listening there and you'll give us your name and address we'll send your free copy of real kosher Jesus just our way of honoring a couple of new stations that just joined the network eight six six three four truth okay do I do not have time to get into Jerusalem post reports so let me let me just do this this is kind of an interesting story alright here's the headline Unilever or Unilever protesting Sharat Hadin's this is a legal organization in Israel take over a Ben and Jerry's abandoned trademark so Ben and Jerry said they're not going to distribute their ice cream and the quote occupied territories so they're going to distribute in Israel proper but not in Judea Samaria the so-called West Bank so according to Israeli law if you have said you will not distribute in an area then you lose your rights even your trademark rights you lose there someone else can take them up so what they did Sharat Hadin is they are now putting out ice cream and it's it says Judea and Samaria's finest it's got a picture of of Theodore Herzl and then a cow Ben and Jerry's that's what actually says on it frozen chosen people so Unilever saying you have no right to do this this is our property this is our name is our image you have no right to do that and they're saying no no you have abandoned your trademark rights you have no idea what you're talking about you have abandoned your trademark rights once you said you will not distribute in our area and those that are watching we just put it on the screen if you're watching on YouTube or Facebook so there it is Judea and Samaria's finest Ben and Jerry's frozen chosen people the only thing I can say because I don't know the law I think I think it's a great way to push back and say oh yeah oh yeah as long as it's legal I love it go ahead push back and expose the discrimination and expose the double standard look if if you want to make a statement why are you selling it in Israel to the evil oppressors but not not in Judea Samaria where the the Palestinians can enjoy it they help their business even more but that that being said if it is legal and I'm not a used to be an ice cream guy and Ben and Jerry's you know New York super fudge chunk you know that would yeah eat the whole pint for for dessert you know a big dessert because hard to spread out over two days because I you know devour the thing and my in my chocoholic days many years ago but all that to say that only advice I'd give if you're gonna do it make sure it's high quality ice cream you want people because initially people buy it for the novelty you know this isn't that cute isn't that funny but then at a certain point if you're not delivering the goods they won't so better to charge a little more and make it really really high quality which means super decadent unfortunately and unhealthy if you're gonna do it and compete with Ben and Jerry's all right we'll come back I want to talk more about Afghanistan and Israel look at this op-ed in the Jerusalem Post fascinating news about the last Jew of Afghanistan and why he's not leaving yeah more to that story and then your calls eight six six three four truth it's the line of fire with your host dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling eight six six three four truth here again is dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us on thoroughly Jewish Thursday thanks Marta gets for that beautiful voice of praise to God eight six six three four truth eight six three four eight seven eight eight for any Jewish related question of any kind phone lines are wide open so interesting story from Afghanistan in the midst of the pain in the midst of the horror in the midst of the trauma in the midst of God knows how many people fearing for their lives God knows how many people already killed reports of Christians fleeing into the mountains it's the only possible place where they can stay safe they can't communicate with others it's it's a dreadful time and and I did hear from a Christian that was able to flee a Christian worker was able to flee Afghanistan right at the time of the takeover one of the few that people that was able to get out that quickly and he said that within the Taliban you have two factions one more radical than the other and they're even praying about that now that the less radical will win the day it would be really bad under them but even worse under the more radical so in the midst of of all the pain and and all of the the upheaval and the human suffering and the humiliation of America before the world if you can imagine for a moment if this had been Trump at the helm this would be the new story on CNN and other networks for the next year or two endlessly endlessly hammering and showing images and that would be it the fact is there's even some level of attack from the liberal media against President Biden indicates how terribly this has been mishandled all that being said there are some very interesting stories emerging so there's one Jew left in Afghanistan one Jew and an interview that Taliban representative was doing ended up on Israeli television apparently he didn't know initially it was Israeli television they just gave him the the identity or name of the TV network and that didn't mean anything to him and they said what about Jews in Afghanistan there's one Jew and they said oh we are minorities protected here Hindus and Sikhs yeah minorities are safe here yeah well there's one Jew left and he's not leaving he said someone's got to take care of the synagogue and and so on there had been a Torah scroll there that had been confiscated but someone's got to take care of the synagogue and what remains so he's not leaving believe he's in his 60s his wife and children have lived in Israel for several decades he said why would I go to Israel I don't know Hebrew why would I go to Israel here I can take care of the synagogue now another side to it is that reportedly he won't divorce his wife which would have been a legitimate reason in Judaism to divorce her and she could get on with a new life but what makes the story more interesting in the midst of all the pain is that there was another Jew who lived there that died few years back and they like hated each other didn't get along at all so you think that's you know the joke two Jews in a room three opinion just think that you're the last two Jews in Afghanistan and you hate each other what a world what a world okay let me go let me go over to this article in Jerusalem Post and share some of it with you it is by Lahav Harkov August 18th how the Taliban takeover changes the dynamics in a Biden-Bennett meeting here's an analysis and the subtitle says the events that unfold in Afghanistan were hardly surprising to Israelis they were history repeating itself so the timing of Prime Minister enough to leave Bennett's trip to Washington to meet with US President Joe Biden next week is notable just last week some analysts were saying that after passing a massive bipartisan infrastructure bill Biden is a stronger president than ever and that Bennett should keep that in mind but now after the fiasco of the u.s. pullout from Afghanistan by and will be coming to the meeting from a much weaker position in the region than if the meeting had taken place last week or before then of the events that unfolded in Afghanistan were hardly surprising to Israelis they were history repeating itself Israel already knows what happens when it withdraws from territory it may have worked out mostly well with the Sinai Peninsula but the two other times out of three Islamic terrorists took over first when the IDF left southern Lebanon in 2000 and then after the disengagement from the Gaza Strip in 2005 in both of these cases a local population had been trained to keep the extremists at bay by the way President Biden's claim that there were 300,000 Afghan military there there are 170,000 by the way and as opposed to 2,400 plus American soldiers that lost their lives in Afghanistan a tragic number although none since February of last year so far more dangerous to be in inner cities of America obviously but that tragedy of 2,400 lives lost remains the same during that same time there over 66,000 Afghan military killed so the idea well they didn't fight it then have the courage of the will to fight president buying is rightly taking a lot of criticism for saying that anyway back to this article in both of those cases so southern Lebanon and Gaza a local population had been trained to keep the extremists at bay first the South Lebanon army which worked with the IDF then Fatah affiliated Palestinian Authority security forces trained by the u.s. and they were quickly overrun and massacred by Hezbollah and Hamas respectively but the Biden administration acted like it had no idea what had happened in our part of the world or to make comparison Biden Secretary of State Anthony Blinken do not like in Vietnam by the way let me just interrupt this for a moment Fay on Facebook you know what's going on in Israel about the entire population being the world's laboratory came straight out of Netanyahu's mouth bear in mind that the government there is doing its best to protect its citizens and keep them healthy just understand that and put all statements in context just wanted to address that okay sorry for the introduction my my apologies so yes this is our Saigon this is our Vietnam our generations back to this article the u.s. intelligent estimate that was made public was that it would take 90 days for the Taliban to take Kabul it took them less than a week u.s. trained the Afghan army to defend its country from terrorists the soldiers surrendered to the Taliban plus u.s. said it would give special immigration visas to Afghans who work with Americans only a fraction of them have managed to get out so far and many thousands of Afghans mob the airport in Kabul to try to escape all of this adds up to a u.s. that is far less credibility to make demands of and promises to Israel Hezbollah is even telling Israel you can't trust America the Biden administration is not currently pressuring Israel to make territorial concessions though it vocally opposes building homes for Jews in Judea and Samaria and seeks a two state solution in the long term the u.s. with the exception of the Trump administration has long sought to offer security guarantees in exchange for Israel withdrawing from the West Bank with Israel's recent history it's a hard sell well now a majority of Israeli supported two-state solution according to many polls fewer tend to support the territorial concessions that would allow that to happen and a military withdrawal from the Jordan Valley is something that the political center and center left in addition to the right oppose Israel has never really entertained offers of international forces u.s. surveillance technology as former Secretary of State John Kerry suggested to take the place of IDF boots on the ground in the Jordan Valley but the current state of affairs in Afghanistan makes American security assurances weaker and less reliable who's to say that the u.s. won't get sick of guaranteeing Israel's security and stop doing it consequences be damned the same is true of u.s. security assurances when it comes to Iran the bite administration is still pushing for a return to a nuclear deal with Tehran that would allow it to have a nuclear weapon when the deal expires in less than a decade Washington has asked Jerusalem to work with it instead of making a loud public campaign against the nuclear negotiations as former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did saying we'll make sure Iran can never threaten Israel with nuclear weapons and Bennett agreed to greater cooperation on the issue you've been saying on Wednesday that he is talking an approach taking an approach of partnership but the situation Afghanistan must give him pause when taking a long-term view on the Iranian nuclear threat okay we'll we'll stop there so all that to say that there are many many other dynamics involved here all that to say that America's ability to say to Israel hey this is what it's going to be you get our aid you get our support you get our back in but this is what it's going to be and and put pressure on Israel to do things that normally it might not have done the foremost example would be pressure on on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon who's like the bulldozer pressure on him to withdraw from Gaza many believe if not for pressure from President Bush that that Israel would not have withdrawn from Gaza the way they did of course it's been a disaster it's been a disaster for the people of Gaza and it's been a disaster for the people of Israel but obviously America has a lot less ability to do that America has has a lot less ability to to put demands on when when America has been humiliated in front of the whole world I mean NATO saying that this is this is the worst the worst fiasco we've seen in different NATO leaders and things like that because they were involved in Afghanistan as well so you know Israel could well say hey with all respect mr. president with all respect you really can't tell us what to do right now or or you need us just like we need you and of course America does need Israel in terms of its strategic place in the Middle East aside from the divine perspective I believe of of God calling America to stand with Israel and with that stand with Israel is a true friend that loves justice and if Israel does not treat Palestinians rightly and and walk in ethical ways and Israel is called on the carpet for it that's what friends do it's six six three four truth and all right let's let's go over to tell you what let's go over to Teresa and okay Teresa may not be there but that was just a call from our station and date and so I want to welcome you aboard we're here five days a week this time 3 to 4 p.m. Eastern Standard so many of you I know listen by podcast watch us on Facebook or YouTube or download later on an internet in various forms so so thrilled to be speaking to every one of you it means the world to me that we can reach so many people through this platform we take it with the utmost seriousness it's been five days a week for 13 years and rather than getting old we are really praying really seeking the Lord about ways that we can reach even more people and reach them even more effectively but we are here wanna fire your voice of moral cultural spiritual revolution Monday Tuesday Wednesday and every know which way we're gonna go Thursday thoroughly Jewish Thursday Friday you've got questions we've got answers with calls on all manner of subjects so welcome welcome we're glad to have you as our listeners new stations in Toledo and Dayton on 106.5 and check out everything else on this new station as well okay we'll be right back with your calls eight six six three four truth it's the line of fire with your host activist author international speaker and theologian dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling eight six six three four truth here again is dr. Michael Brown thanks so much for joining us on the line of fire and thoroughly Jewish Thursday hey Faye I do know what's going on in Israel many of my dearest friends in the world live in Israel I am in constant contact with Israel I'm reading insider reports from Israel so the best thing to do is not you can share an opinion anybody just a word of recommendation all right word of recommendation if you're posting on Facebook YouTube you can differ with me every day of the week every post I put up you can differ with me every broadcast we post you can differ with me every live video where I'm giving commentary you can get differ with me feel free to do it just stay within our guidelines don't use profanity don't don't attack others right but yeah you can differ with me however you do well not to make ignorant statements because it just makes you look bad it makes you look like an extremist or someone speaking out of complete ignorance you know it's like when someone's gonna correct me on well the Hebrew doesn't say this or you know the Bible doesn't say this I'm making it up or something like that no I actually you can differ with me but I've got a whole lot of data and and I've been circulating the video from the Orthodox Jewish doctor warning the Israeli rabbinic court about the vaccinations when friends have asked you know what are different uses it here different views look at this I've just sent that link to someone else medical doctor who's just sending me that that same link and here he's saying if you give it to your children it's a vote as are it's it's it's idol worship you're sacrificing your children to idols that's how strong he is honest and say no one should get it and here we have good treatments that will save lives so I'm quite aware what's happening but when you make false statements remember what Scripture says don't bear false witness against your neighbor when you make false witness false statements against me or others then you disqualify yourself from being taken seriously plus you sin so differ all you want different day and night but don't make false accusations in the process because I don't want people different with me and that's why we have what do you we do live broadcast with calls what do you think we pay to be on the air to do a live broadcast with calls and then we set up other forums where people can just ask live questions why do we do that if we don't welcome discussion why do you think it's been hundreds I imagine thousands of times that I've invited critics and skeptics and people who differ to call in or to tell us why or to post or offer to do public debates why do we do this if we don't invite differences but when you post falsehoods and I just single this out just because it came to my attention when I was looking at our screen when you when you post falsehoods then you disqualify yourself for example if if I'm debating someone let's say I'm debating I'm an old earth creationist and I'm debating a young earth creationist let's just say that's the case okay which is not let's just say it's the case and the young earth creationist is Jonathan Sarfati and I say to him you don't know Hebrew if you knew Hebrew you would say well no that's idiotic he knows Hebrew that's it now I might say I differ I differ with your interpretation of the Hebrew but if I said you don't know Hebrew I just made an ignorant false statement so that's what I'm encouraging you not to do is to make ignorant false statements towards one another also these things get so polarized why do that why attack the person in the process why not simply say well here's where I differ with you all right just just trying to be productive trying to be helpful try it try to move forward good discussion especially if you have something important to say don't disqualify yourself by making ignorant false statements fair enough all right let's go back to the phones we go to Greg and Carrie North Carolina welcome to the line of fire thanks for calling thanks for having me called I have a question but I want to tread lightly because I don't want to after what you just were talking about I don't want to falsely accuse someone or anything like that but I was just listening on your Facebook you put I have the videos and you put on a rabbi and it was talking it was about when he was talking about Isaiah he was he was interpreting Isaiah and you were and you were playing and you were putting your interpretation of it but I was just curious if I heard this right I don't know if I heard maybe it was miss my miss her in there but I didn't know whether he had said question Paul's theological yeah it was it was rabbi it was rabbi tovia singer and he was calling Paul a liar and saying that Paul did not study at the feet of Gamliel as he claimed that that Paul and he was even claiming that Paul probably wasn't even a Jew etc you know or giving place to that idea right so that Paul is lying yes yeah go ahead I have nothing against her I have nothing against a rabbi but I was just curious if that's what I heard if I heard it correctly and I yeah that answers my question yeah you heard it but you have to understand tovia singer is a counter missionary rabbi who for decades now his number one focus in life work is pulling Jews away from Jesus now he wants to pull Jews away from Islam and Buddhism and Hinduism but his main focus is pulling Jews away from Jesus we did a private debate in the early 90s than one on Sid Roth's broadcast that blanketed New York in those days and then not long after that as I kept reaching out to him he cut me off and has refused to deal with me in any setting for all these all these decades and there been times sir when when he has been contact for example he contacted a university a couple hours from me a Christian University and said he'd like to come in and do a debate on Jesus being the Messiah would they host it and they said yes and they reached out to me I said yeah of course I'll do the debate but he won't the moment he hears it's me he won't do it and of course they suggest you can debate dr. Brown he cancel out so that that's happened before so he's refused to deal with me and then put up bogus reasons which we corrected but he he is a counter missionary rabbi and many of the statements that he makes are extreme and what are you what are you he's a counter what now or counter missionary rabbi all the words yes so any Jew who's who's a believer in Jesus we're called missionaries right and because that's a that's a dirty word in the Jewish community it means either you're coercing people or you're bribing people or you're threatening people or whatever it ties in with Crusades and inquisitions it's just a bad word generally speaking so we're called missionaries so it's true we have a mission to reach our people with the good news right and the whole world but we're called missionaries and they're called they base counter mission they basically they basically look at Jewish Masonic Jews as as cold bolts right that's no worse than at all worse than that we we are apostates we are Mishu madim and if we lived in the time of the Second Temple some would say we'd be worthy of the death penalty that that we are not just deceived but we are deceiving others and whereas they would say some would say it's okay for you as a Gentile to worship God is Trinity that for a Jew to do with his idolatry now Tovia would say it's idolatry for you to do it as as well he takes a more extreme position there but you know he stayed with the message over the years we demolished his material in different forms in the 22-hour video series his materially and others and then my five volumes of answering Jewish objections to Jesus but because he's just stayed with this message steadily and now got in the platform through the intranet that's grown we just felt it was important to devote time and resources to demolishing his videos one at a time so we've put out nine so far and God willing we'll be recording a bunch more soon and on each one what we do is we take one of his videos and dealing with a specific subject so if if anyone is on s dr. Brown either s dr. Brown org my website or s dr. Brown ask a deer Brown our YouTube channel if you just search for for singer or counter missionary you'll find all of the videos and what we do is we take one of his we we let him state his basic argument attacking the New Testament attacking Jesus the case you're talking about attacking Paul and then we pull out some of the most ridiculous outlander statements because he very frequently makes one that just causes your eyes to cross like what in the world it's utterly crazy and then systematically factually we rebut it what's really interesting though and and and folks if you followed toby singer and think well he's credible what you don't know is that many times what he's telling you and he knows it contradicts Jewish tradition that he will give you the impression that no rabbi believes XYZ and and plenty do but if you told you that your truck document you showed documentation of that in that video but dr. Brown I have a I believe that I pray for I pray for Toby's in the Toby singer or told you about it so via yeah I pray for him that Jesus saved him because sometimes you know look at Paul look at what look at how Paul was before he was saved he would persecute he had people killed for yes becoming Christian so I think that I believe that God could save I believe if we pray for him God could save him and he could be a mighty weapon as Paul was yeah yeah I absolutely Christ yeah Greg I'm just jumping in cuz we're out of time by all means pray for him what I encourage people not to do is to try to engage with a professional working in a certain field that's not your field in other words there people say oh I'm gonna reach out to Toby singer I've got a great argument and he's gonna get saved better to pray for him better to pray for now Paul says in first Timothy one that God had mercy on him he was a blasphemer is a violent man because he acted ignorantly and in unbelief right so that's the difference is tovia acting ignorantly may God work in his heart make may God save him I want to see the best for him I have no animosity towards him agrees me that he's destroyed people's lives but I want to see him saved if you feel burdened to pray for him by all means do so god bless friends we've got a great show lots of great questions coming your way tomorrow another program powered by the truth Network
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