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TUE HR 1 051424

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 15, 2024 12:04 am

TUE HR 1 051424

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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May 15, 2024 12:04 am

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Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio, where we change your life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media, telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.

I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 14th day of May 2024. And of course, we have a lot to cover tonight.

Way back there. This is Pledge Week, Pledge Week, Pledge. We do it. Go ahead, Aaron. Do it. 888-677-9673.

888-281-1110. You see how he does that? I have it memorized. All right. There you go. Now, back there in the phone booth, we have Pastors Mighty Men. We have Eric and Frank and Randy, and they're standing by ready to man those phones tonight. Because we have a job to do. We have a mission, folks. And the cause is a righteous cause. And we're here to let you know what the opposition is up to, what they don't want you to know. And so that's why we're here. And so we're going to do that to the best of our abilities, as we have for 50 years.

Not once, not ever, did we compromise in 50 years. Now, right there in the glass cage on the dials with a smile. There you have it. These are handsome young man style are born off. He's a handsome young man.

And when I was his age, I was a handsome young man, too. But now look at me in style. Take a good look, because this is what's coming your way. Thanks, I think. All right, there you go. You heard the cackle, right? And she cackles and she's flutters and stutters. She gets the coffee, she gets the water and she yells at the guys when they don't do what I tell them to do. And anyhow, that is little Lisa. Good evening, everyone.

All right. And then you have my trainee, my co-host here in the studio. I'm training him up in case they get me out there. He's he's left to to, you know, come and take my place. Even if it cost him his life, he's willing to do it, right? I'm ready to ready and willing. He's thinking on that one.

Okay. And then way out yonder. He's a legend. He's a legend in his own time. He's the Missouri. Master and that's none other than Pastor Joe Larson, the man with the face for radio already that makes two of us to go to work. Yep.

Thanks to both of us. Well, we got a job to do, don't we? We do. You know what?

We got to start out though. We have a prayer request and Joe, we have a young police officer locally. His name was a Jacob Durbin. He was murdered this week and he happened to be a friend of our board.

In fact, they graduated together. And so friends and family would ask us if we would pray for the family to comfort. So let's that let's do that folks all around the country out there.

You know what? It's like to lose a loved one. And this guy was just a young police officer, 23 years old Hall and he was doing his job. It's even worse because he's one with the courage to stand up and take action and help serve the people really keep them safe. Well for everything I've read and that's exactly what he wanted to do.

He really wanted to serve and help and protect the people. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord God, we just want to hold up the family and the friends of Officer Jacob Durbin. Lord God, we know that Lord that, you know, Jacob is with you.

So this is what we've been told by people out there that know him that he loved doing his job. And so Heavenly Father, Lord God, we ask that you would just be at this time, Lord of where it's people need the family needs to be comfortable. What a big loss and those of us that have lost sons.

We know what it's like to lose a member. So Lord, we would ask that you would be a comforter at this time to the family and to the friends, Lord of young Officer Jacob. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen to that.

Okay, Joe, you know yesterday we were going through, remember the title of the message? Three wives and mothers of six great husbands and sons. And so two of those, one of those was a woman named Bathsheba. And she had a pretty famous husband. Well, she had two famous husbands.

In fact, Uriah the Hittite, which was known to be the most loyal of all of David's mighty men and then King David himself. And then she had Solomon who was the wisest man ever as a son. And so she went from being a woman who was of infidelity, a cheater, to in repentance. Well, let me read a story. I'm going to be reading to you right from the book. All the women of the Bible and that's a book by Dr. Herbert Locker.

And here's I'm going to pick it up where we left off. Lazing around on the flat roof of his Palace. David saw a woman on the roof of a nearby house undressing and bathing herself.

And his passions were excited. Bathsheba the woman exposing herself neutally was very beautiful to look upon. And David ever attracted by lovely women coveted her and became guilty of an outrageous disgrace.

Although David was to confess that his foul sin was his and his alone. One wonders how far Bathsheba was the accomplice is such a sin as well as its provocation. Had she been a careful modest woman. Surely she would have looked around and easily seen adjacent roofs. And if others had been looking her way, she would have been more appropriately modest and bathing herself. Further when sent for David was said for by David had she been a true wife and a woman of principle. She should have refused to obey the king's summons.

And as she saw David feasting his eyes upon her. Did she have a present resentment of what would happen if not? Then when before the king she should have bravely refused to yield adultery.

Later on, on the sacred record, a heathen woman, a queen, brave Vashti stoutly refused to expose herself before wine inflamed men and was expelled from court. Had Bathsheba shown the very same determination to preserve her dignity. David the anointed of Israel would never have sinned as he did after the adulterous act in the king's bedshamer.

Bathsheba manifested no sense of guilt. But after her husband's murder almost immediately went to the palace supplement David's many wives. Bathsheba was only added insult to the injury by indulging in her illicit affair with another man. And while her lawful husband was risking his life in the service of her seducer, learning of Bathsheba's pregnant condition, David hurried your eye to ally suspicion.

But returning the devoted soldier, a man of highest principle, refused any physical contact with his wife. David's clever plan failed and the plot thickens. Your eye must be gotten rid of. So he was sent back to the battlefield with a letter to Job to put your eye in the foremost place where he was bound to be killed. Godly gallant your eye had no idea that that sealed letter carried his death warrant. Thus for David's lust, adultery, deceit and treachery and murder followed in a quick succession. After the accustomed period of mourning, Bathsheba became the wife of David and their children.

Their child of an adulterous union was born without disgrace only to die within a week of his birth. The Lord struck the child that your eye's wife bared, David. The deep grief of David over the sickness and the death of the child while not relieving the king of his murderous crime gives us a glimpse of his better nature and of his faith in reunion beyond the grave. Perhaps no other passage of the Bible has been used to comfort sorrowing hearts in the hour of death as that which David assures us of immortality. Mourning over his dead child, he said, Can I bring him back again?

No, he could not. Then came words binding up the cruel wound death caused. I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. Both David and Bathsheba must have had much, much agony of soul as they became deeply conscious that the death of their son conceived without of wedlock was a divine judgment upon their dark sin. Divinely instructed Nathan, the prophet brought David to a realization of his terrible evil and sincere in his confession of his iniquity. He received from Nathan the assuring word, The Lord also hath put away thy sin. Much has been written about David's repentance reserved for us in Psalm 51. Psalm 51 is the psalm of David, who, well, I'm going to tell you, he lays it out there in repentance for his terrible sins.

Saturated with penitential tears. In Psalm 32, expressing David's gratitude to God for his pardoning and grace, and graciously forgiven, even God could not avert the natural consequences of David's transgression. He came to prove the intimate and inevitable subsequent sorrow.

Evil rose up against him in his own house. David found himself disgraced by one son, banished by another, revolted against by a third, and bearded by his servant, betrayed by his friends, deserted by his people, and bereaved of his children. What about Bathsheba? What with David was she made conscious of her share in the iniquitous transaction of the past? Co-responsible David's sin did her tears of repentance mingle with those of her husband? It would seem so, because God blessed them with another son whom they called Solomon, meaning Beloved of the Lord. Why was not such a son given to one of David's other wives, given to David and Bathsheba? Was not Solomon an evidence and expression of God's pardoning love for both?

Then it is not Bathsheba's inclusion in the genealogy of Jesus. Another token that God had put their sins behind his back, restored to divine favor, and now virtuous and wise as well as beautiful, Bathsheba brought up her son, Solomon, in all godly diligence and care. Solomon himself came to write, train up a child in the way they should go, Proverbs 22.6, which consul reflected his own godly upbringing. Tradition says that it was Bathsheba who composed Proverbs 31 as an admonition to Solomon on his marriage to Pharaoh's daughter.

If this be so, we can understand all the warnings against the flatteries of a strange woman with which Proverbs abounds. After her lapsed recovery and the birth of Solomon and the rest of Bathsheba's life is veiled in silence, we can imagine how noble calmness, gentle dignity, and quinly courage became hers, that she retained her influence over David until his death. It was proven by the way that she reminded the king of his promise to make Solomon his successor. The veil of silence is lifted again when Solomon became king and Bathsheba, whom Solomon revered, came into his presence and asked that Abisheba who cared for David in his last days be given a marriage to Adoniah, the son of Hagith, one of David's other wives. A lesson we can learn from Bathsheba is that being assured of God's forgiveness, she did not let her sin ruin her entire life. Repentant, she used her mistake as a guide to future better conduct. And when we brewed our sins over our sins, God has said he will remember no more against us. We actually doubt his mercy and rob ourselves of spiritual power and progress. Read again Psalm 51 and Psalm 32.

So Bathsheba is saying there that when we pray and we ask forgiveness, and if we continue thinking that we're not going to be forgiven, then that's not saying that we trust in God, is it? Correct. Correct. Are you still there, Joe?

Did we lose Joe? Just listening intently. Okay, very good. Now, Joe, we're going to take a look at, we're going to contrast Bathsheba, and we're going to be talking about two very, very righteous and chaste ladies, and that's Elizabeth and Mary. But before we get to that, let's take a look at some, and contrast that with what we can compare to our feminists for today.

We're some of the Hillary type people in the Bible. But before we do that. 888-677-9673, 888-281-1110. All right, very good. Let me see. Where do we leave off?

I've got to read those on the screen. All right, let's go to Marie in San Diego, 100. John in Texas, 100. Marilyn in California, 200. Joe in Ohio, 50. Peter in Massachusetts, 300. Is that Denisio in New York, $10.

And Tony in Toronto, 125. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right. Yeah, they know about religious persecution in Canada, and things I hear are getting worse.

Yeah, they are. And let's go to Proverbs 6, and read me verse 20-28. My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother.

Find them continually upon thy heart, and tie them about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee. When thou sleepest, it shall keep thee. When thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light. Reproofs of instruction are the way of life. To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.

Lest not after her beauty in thine heart, neither let her take thee with her eyelids. How far do you want me to go? By 28.

28. Or by means of a whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread, and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?

Go one more verse. For he that goeth unto his neighbor's wife, whosoever touches her, shall not be innocent. So what if you, here's what is being said today, they call it open marriages. And so, they're saying it's really not cheating if your spouse agrees to it. In other words, it gives you permission.

Right, no. So is it still cheating or not? God calls it that way because marriage is to be between one man and one woman. God didn't say, and you can behave any way you want. It was you were to be faithful to that person for life. So when, I've done a lot of weddings in my time, quite a few in fact, and they always exchange vows to be faithful, you know, in good times and bad, okay?

And yet they say, well that's okay, we don't really have to hold to those vows because we decided to break them. So the marriage is between who? A male, a female, and God. A male, a female, and God, isn't it?

Yeah, it is. Okay. God gave us the institution, the divine institution of marriage, okay? Not the government, right?

Right. Or if not, there wouldn't be a marriage ceremony with a pastor. It wouldn't be done at a church or officiated by, you know, by the church. It would be just like going to the state and getting a license. You know, all that does is give you benefits and different breaks and your taxes and whatnot. But it's a totally different thing.

What are some of the things they use to justify what they call open marriage? Before you answer that, Erin, do it. 888-281-1110, 888-677-9673. Alrighty, there you go. Dean in California pledges 50.

Thank you, Dean. So what are some of the things, Joe, that they use to justify, they say, the open marriage is now? Pastor, have you heard of something called a thruple?

Yeah, I have, but I can't remember what it was. Some of these courts are recognizing something called a thruple, where it's multiple, either males or multiple females, where there's three or more considered as one marriage. Right. So talk about depraved, reprobate minds.

It's an amazing thing. Men deciding what he wants, not what God has ordained. This is the woke. Right.

Oh, this is just sin. It's just like you said, what reasons do they give? Well, one of the first I've heard was, well, nobody was meant to be faithful. That's not natural for a person to be with one person all their life.

Some of these courts recognize marriages with inanimate objects as well. It's absolutely insane. Well, they had one woman marry herself. I don't know how that worked, but she said she was marrying herself because she couldn't find anybody she wanted to live with or something. I mean, it just got insane.

It's just basically people, it's like this dreaming up there are how many definitions of sexuality, you know, they've got what is now 56 or more things you can be instead of male or female, so. We need to restore biblical marriage. Right.

And have laws that outlaw this stuff. I understand. All righty. So style, when you can put up that marriage parody that, you know, what we're just talking about is in a song. OK. And so it's very interesting that song. We'll play that marriage parody and it would be a good thing to do it right now if when you get it up there.

It would just cause the marriage parody. You might have to give me a minute. It's not coming up here. OK. You know, computers. Yeah.

I gotcha. OK. Get ready. Tom's. Next. Good morning.

We'd like to apply for a marriage license. Names. Tim and Jim Jones. Jones, are you related? I see a resemblance. Yeah, we're brothers. Brothers? You can't get married.

Why not? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to same gender couples? Yes.

Thousands. But we haven't had any siblings. That's incest. Incest? No, we're not gay. Not gay? Then why do you want to get married?

Well, for the financial benefits, of course. And we do love each other. And besides, we don't have any other prospects. But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who've been denied equal protection under the law. If you are not gay, you can get married to a woman.

Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to marry a woman as I have. But just because I'm straight doesn't mean I want to marry a woman. I want to marry Jim. And Jim wants to marry me.

Are you going to discriminate against us just because we're not gay? All right, all right. I'll give you your license.

Next. Hi, we're here to get married. Names?

Frank Smith, Jane James, Robert Greene, and June Johnson. And who wants to marry whom? We all want to marry each other. But there are four of you.

That's right. You see, we're all bisexual. I love Jane and Robert. Jane loves me and Frank. Frank loves Robert and me.

And Robert loves Frank and Jane. All of us getting married together is the only way that we can express our sexual preferences in a marital relationship. But we've only been granting license to gay and lesbian couples. So, you're discriminating against bisexuals? No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of marriage is that it's just for couples. Since when did you stand on tradition? Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere. Who says? There's no logical reason to limit marriage to couples.

The more the better. Besides, we demand our rights. The mayor says the Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Give us a marriage license. All right, all right. Next. Howdy. I'd like a marriage license. In what names?

David Dietz. And the other person? Oh, that's all. I want to just marry myself. Marry yourself? What do you mean? Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual personality, so I want to marry the two together.

Maybe I can file a joint income tax return. That does it. I quit.

People are making a mockery of marriage. All right, there you go. You see, Mr. Johnson, you just were not very tolerant. Not tolerant enough, right? Right, yeah. I mean, you know what? He needs to go to take a DEI class, and he needs some remedial training. But see, to us, now we just look at this as being ludicrous, but not to a Democrat. To a Democrat, especially these college kids today, that seems reasonable.

It really does. Well, I mean, I've read several places where somebody married themselves. I think I've seen two, three stories of somebody married them.

Do you know what states these were at? Let me ask you this. Those that have married themselves, when they get a divorce, how do they split the property? The property. Well, that's the nice part. They don't have to. So what, some of these courts or these people that marry themselves are recognizing the tax-exempt status for being married to yourself? Is that what it's all about? I didn't read any further.

I just laughed and went on and thought, OK, this is just too crazy. Don't tell him, Joe, because he may be thinking about doing that. That will never happen. What we need to do is restore biblical marriage. So can our state legislature literally implement a law to get rid of all this garbage?

In all seriousness. What they could do is we have people who will live a certain way no matter what, is reserve marriage the way God had it, and then give what the word was, civil unions, for these other people who want to do something weird. They're going to live that way anyway.

That would solve a political problem and that would keep the actual marriage godly where it belongs. All right. You know what?

We've got to do it. Now listen here. I'm going to slow down.

People said you're doing it too fast now. Eight, eight, eight, six. Two, eight, one, one, one, zero. Can you do it like that? Eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three. Beautifully done there, Eric. He did it. Yeah, that was good. I think that's too slow. We should give him one number.

The two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero is the credit card line. And you can just not only make a pledge, but you can take care of the pledge right now. All right.

Josephine in New York pledges 20 and in and Joyce in New Jersey pledges 35. Thank you. Thank you. OK. There you go. We'll give that one more time that we're going to play a clip. Do it again. You get really good. Eight, eight, eight, six, seven, seven, nine, six, seven, three, eight, eight, eight, two, eight, one, one, one, one, zero.

He was heard doing that in his sleep. OK, there you go. All right. We got a clip to play. It's kind of about being accountable for dead people.

Go ahead. Sex deaths. We wrote method methodology papers and how we calculate them. We three different methods.

We prefer the second method. These can be compared to the actuarial tables from the insurance industry, which saw similar excess death in their group life policy. So these excess deaths are undeniable. What is going on currently is certain governments are now changing how they calculate these numbers. The ONS just announced a change to the calculation methodology for their excess death number, which reduces obviously the excess deaths because they like that result better.

We suspected that might happen. So that's why we wrote our methodology papers and published them in September of 2022. And the actuarial tables that the insurance companies use haven't changed. So excess deaths are continuing. The insurance companies are seeing the same excess mortality, especially in the working age population. So these deaths are undeniable.

This is that you can't you can't hide the dead bodies, unfortunately. So, again, you publish all your information on your your Web site. Was it one America's at the insurance company? That's kind of the first revelation of this insurance company out of Indiana. Well, one America CEO, Scott Davis, in a Chamber of Commerce meeting, revealed that he had seen 40 percent excess mortality in the millennial age group, 25 through 44. And even as high actually for 25 through 64. And he said that's 10 percent increase to be once in a 200 year flood or three standard deviation event.

40 percent was off the charts, just off the charts. And we haven't really heard anything since that point in time, other than from people like you. What what because we tried helping you get insurance data and we were just pretty well blocked. The insurance companies, they did not want to cooperate with us and provide us their information. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Yeah. So what they're doing is, unfortunately, there's still a lot of controversy in the insurance industry where a lot of people don't even want to look at the vaccine issue. The CEO's mandated, got the job themselves who are in a state of denial, they have raised prices and group life policy. So the losses are less now. Losses will be coming in whole life policies due to Byzantine accounting dynamics. So we expect to see reserves taken once they lower their long term mortality assumptions and or raise their long term mortality assumptions, I should say, and we'll see losses start running through their P&Ls this year next. With it, I have whistleblowers, and there's been discussions at board-level meetings about the continued excess mortality, and they dance around every issue except the vaccine.

Not mentioned. So again, you talked about an awful lot of numbers, but my big takeaway is that what you found out is, in working age population, there was just an extraordinary increase in excess deaths and disabilities starting in 2021. Not 2020 during the pandemic before we had a vaccine, but after the vaccine rollout.

I mean, is that pretty much your... That's correct, and that's my thesis as to why the vaccine causes. There was a huge makeshift from old to young, starting in 21. Disabilities weren't apparent in 2020. And if you look at the disability numbers, and you can drill down into them, the rate of change for the employed in our country in disabilities between 2021 and 2023 was 38%. So that was a rate of change increase of 38% versus the general US population, which has been nine.

And not in labor force, only 4%. So I encourage everybody to go look at his data, and it's indisputable, basically. So thank you, Mr. Dowd. Thank you.

All righty. It's an amazing thing. You know, when it comes to COVID, now you see those insurance guys, they did, they followed what they were told to do by the deep state, and they insisted on many of their employees getting the kill shots. Those seven employees now realize that how many people are dying. So those CEOs, they have to face up to their mistakes. Now they're caught between a hard spot, you know, what are they going to do? If they admit to that, then they're liable for all kinds of lawsuits and things. So they're between a rock and a hard spot there. Well, they'll continue like the rest of the Biden administration to lie.

We see all the people from the administration continue to lie either by commission or just by what? Well, Pfizer. Right. They don't talk about it. Pfizer is going to have to admit something about these babies and infants dying in the trials.

That should be coming out relatively soon. So there is hope as far as there's laws where if they're sued and it's legitimate, I forget the name of the law or the statute, but this specific issue with Pfizer and the infants dying in the trials all the way back in the 90s, the big drug companies, Pfizer and the others went to Congress and they told Congress we cannot come up with testing new drugs if we can be sued all the time. So they were given an immunity against lawsuits now, but there are still ways if you can prove that it was something that was done purposely, I think you can still, I know that some of these companies have had a lot of lawsuits, you know, because they knew that what they were doing was going to injure and hurt people and that could be proved.

Right. If it was just accidental, they didn't know it's one thing. They were protected from an experimental, but once they knew the truth that the protection ceases there. So when it comes to COVID and the bio kill shot, the mainstream media, if you will, the collective media, well, they'll cover for them, you know, they'll keep it quiet.

They won't talk about it. But on the other hand, now, this horrible, horrible war in Gaza, where the Palestinians have claimed that the Israelis had killed 35,000 and as bad as it is, the actual numbers are like 16,000. And so the media goes the other way.

They go the other way because that's what they're told to do by the deep stink. I mean, it's bad. If it was 16, if it was one, you know, it's a bad, it's a horrible war and we're to pray for the peace of Israel.

All right. Actually, Pastor, if you don't mind, Israel just released new Gaza civilian death tolls. And they say Hamas's numbers are fake. What they came up with is that the estimated civilian death toll in Gaza, that 16,000 had been killed in the war. And we believe we have killed in excess of 14,000 terrorists and sadly, about 16,000 civilians inside the Gaza Strip. And they, you know, keeping records that those are more realistic figures. In fact, for hand to hand combat, street to street, you know, city type combat, that is extraordinary considering Hamas, you know, puts its people out there in harm's way, uses them as human shields, puts their missiles in front of daycare centers, schools, you have people's homes.

If you take out a missile launch, you're going to get collateral damage considering all of that strikingly few figures. All right. Maryland apartment pledges 100 and Garrett in California pledges 50. Do it. Aaron, do it.

888-677-9673 888-281-1110. There you go. Very good.

It's very hard. All right. Yeah. You want some humor to start things? Yeah.

Humor is always good. The New York mirror, Eric Adams, called today for migrants to be allowed to work as lifeguards as the city faces the shortage of lifeguards, arguing that many of them are excellent swimmers. Whoa. I mean, I have this picture I've seen how many tens of thousands we've watched on TV waiting across the river, and I got to thinking, I saw one person swimming the entire time, and that was a coyote that had brought some people over, and people were rushing down to where the landing was, and he turned around and started swimming across the river to escape. That was the only person I ever saw swimming was a coyote. I don't think of all those people I've seen crossing the river over all these years.

I saw one person floating because they couldn't swim, but this man, boy, they must be hard up for a solution. What he really wants is to get the federal government to give the permission to give them work visas, and this is what they're trying to do. They need to give them the right to work. It's interesting. He says bureaucracy's in the way of getting them, but one of the key things he's talking about, work permits moves for the federal government, and the federal government should, quote, and I'll listen to this carefully, for a meaningful financial support to create a national resettlement strategy for the migrants. As you look through these things, the devil is always in the details, folks. Several-page article, and way toward the end, what he's really trying to say, they want the federal government to create a national resettlement strategy for all these now, what, 30, 40, who knows, plus million people in the country.

That's what the game is. Not only that, but Joe Obama wants to give the illegals social security, and so there you go. Well, we talked about how when they go in to get a Medicaid card, they try and tell them to register to vote. Remember, they're in Arizona, and they can apply to register to vote.

There's a line there on the voting they've applied, and that's all they have to do because somebody else will come in and use a dead person's name, fake name, and vote in that space. This is one of the things the Dems have been doing for years, and I can't believe they just haven't been called on it, caught on it yet, and more people in jail. It's an amazing thing. I just read an article, and I can't remember the exact numbers, but it was several billion dollars, billion dollars, you know, billion with a B, that were given to housing illegal aliens, those that have come in here, invaded our country, and it contrasted that with 300 million, 300 million with an M, given to our homeless vets. Yeah. There you go. Most of them are homeless because of post-traumatic stress or just the horrors they saw they couldn't handle.

A lot of good Christian boys went over and had to do some killing and never could make peace over taking human life, and that's caused so much grief to a lot of people. Elaine in Minnesota pledges 200. Okay, I'm gonna do it now. 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. You have an article there, Aaron.

I do. This is back to what I was referencing about Pfizer, so Karen Kingston on her substack. Teenage boy and a toddler die in ongoing Pfizer gene therapy. Pfizer issued an official statement yesterday extending their condolences for the sudden cardiac death of toddler who was enrolled in their adenovirus gene editing trial, updating May 8th, 2024. Yesterday, I republished a video and article entitled, what happened to their babies, describing the lack of ethics and grossly inhumane experimentation that Pfizer conducted on babies and toddlers with their COVID-19 mRNA gene editing injections. Just a few hours ago, multiple industry outlets began breaking this official statement from Pfizer that a toddler died of a cardiac arrest in an investigational trial of boys age two to four years old to treat a rare form of muscular dystrophy with a recumbient adenovirus gene editing technology.

And she lists the Pfizer document. Pfizer stated that they will be pausing the dosing of the gene editing technology in the crossover group of toddlers. And then the next article talks about there was no placebo in this study either, just like in Pfizer's COVID-19 gene editing trial in babies and toddlers. There was no placebo. There was no placebo in this trial.

The strain you hear in my video testimony is heightened because although Pfizer observed seizures, disabilities and death in babies between the ages of six months and two years of ages in the treatment group, it was the 377 babies in the crossover group that less than one percent made it to the end of the trial after Pfizer already knew the shots could cause, could only cause injury, disabilities and death. There you go. But remember what Bill Gates says. It's all right if all those people die as long as it's planned. OK, that's treacherous. That's deep state reasoning.

Joe, you have an article there. Yeah, I have one on a totally different level. Excuse me, I had to hit the cough button. Teacher actually teaches kids, children to think, wait a minute, hold it, hold it. A teacher is teaching the children to think, you know, God bless them.

All of the money that we're spent to in the public school system to teach them not to think. I mean, how can they become? Well, it didn't last long. They fired him right away.

Oh, OK. He gained, they call it superstar status with a stunning exchange that taught these kids to think, not how to think, not what to think. And they fired him. Warren Smith, a high school teacher, was described as a having a masterclass in the Socratic method. And his interview with his students was viewed 45 million times. I went and looked at it. It is a masterpiece.

It is fantastic. If you want, it's high school teacher Warren Smith. And you can look it up and the videos online for Warren Smith. And so what he did was just teaching this young boy how to not make assumptions, just look at the fact, come up with something for himself.

And the media just jumped in there. Another example of why our education system is in such a state, you know, getting rid of, they finally get a really good teacher. This man was calm. He was pleasant. He was thoughtful. Yeah, but here is his big error. He should have taught the school board how to think first. Well, he didn't have access to them.

It's really bad. People were calling him brilliant. And, you know, this, to me, is so terribly sad. I'm hoping that some private school finds him, some online school or something, because there is a person out there that... Oh, believe me, with what...

I see he has a job tomorrow morning. With this kind of publicity that he's gotten, he'll be picked up by Christian schools and our universities all around the country. But how in the world could you teach children to think and at the same time promote common core? Because they're totally in opposition to each other, right?

They're totally in opposition. Now, one of the bad things is he revealed that the school took his computer. Now, he's been working on different projects, and a book that he's been working on for several years with some other works in progress. They took his computer and have not given anything back. Here's what he needs to do. He needs to get the phone number of the person responsible for that and give it to people like you and I. And we will give it to the good American people out there.

Yeah, we're going to try and get a hold of... check it out, see where we can find. But this is a travesty. It really is. 45 million people saw this, and the response to the people is overwhelming. They are behind him a hundred percent. They almost didn't mention any negative, except maybe from the teachers union. But God bless him.

Maybe we should just, everybody, keep him in prayer. Warren Smith and I don't know what school system it really didn't say on the article. Well, we're going to give out the number real quick. 888-677-9673.

888-281-1110. All right, very, very good. Renowned attorney John Eastman delivers blistering speech on illegitimate 2020 presidential election. John describes complete prejudice and un President Trump attorney John Eastman traveled to Michigan last Friday. Attorney Eastman delivered a powerful speech on lawfare and how it's being used against President Trump and his supporters. Mr. Eastman addressed a large crowd in Lansing, Michigan at an event that was hosted by Michigan's top election integrity group, MI Fair Elections, which was created by the incredible author and patriot extraordinaire, Patrick Patrice Johnson. John Eastman described the election fraud in 2020 as a great detail during the speech. The Biden regime and deep state players do not want you to know this, but that's why you're listening to us right now. Anyhow, and what's happening, I'm trying to get my pages apart.

That alone made the election invalid. Wait a minute. I think I might've missed a page.

I did miss a page. All right. Okay. I got it now. All right. Uh, Harry, here's what he's been said.

Thank you so much. I start the story when I get a call from the white house switchboard. I thought that they were joking. I thought it was a buddy of mine saying the white house of the president is on the line.

Can you take a call? I said, and Steve, what are you doing? I did a hop up on the phone and the president said, I'd like you to represent me. We're trying to get an action before the Supreme court of the United States.

That normally is something that would be considered the catch stone of one's career. My daughter's thoughts. She took the brief.

We filed the Supreme court, my motion to intervene on behalf of the president and the Texas first Pennsylvania case, she had it framed and gave it to me for Christmas that year is still adorns my office at home. But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum as the old guy says, because apparently a 21st century America, you're not supposed to challenge the status quo. You're not supposed to challenge what government tells you, no matter how blatantly false it manifests it is. And when they said masks should be worn or mass shouldn't be worn, we were supposed to act like they didn't change their mind. And when it was equally the same, when they said it's okay to have 50 year old men showing up naked in your daughter's showers, we're supposed to just say, well, this is the government.

They said it's okay. Or competing against our daughters in the swim meet. What's she going to do when she grows up and wants to get a scholarship swimming or running track. And she's petite.

She's competing against the man. It's not fair. It's not American. And we need to stand up against it. At the same time, this is true with elections. Bill Barr said that there was no evidence of fraud up boy.

Yeah. He looked, except when we filed a public records act requesting, asking that he looked at and getting access to the best court, investigatory materials that he based that statement on. Now the investigation materials are exempt from the freedom of information act. And what you get back normally it says, yes, we have such materials, but it's exempt under whatever subsection the statute is exempt under that was not the message that came back.

There was a fellow that filed freedom of information request in every swing state, U S attorney's office asking for an investigation materials that supported bill bar statements. And the answer didn't come back. We have these materials and we're coming up to a break when we come back, Oh, finish this. Maybe later on, it's a very good article B back after this don't go away.

More to come 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0. Thank you for listening to what's right. What's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry, head to w r w l dot org.

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Our second hour is coming up next. The explosive new documentary, Flynn, deliver the truth, whatever the cost and covers the facts behind this scandal. Flynn told the truth. He was the most dangerous person for Donald Trump to hire. I find out the worst enemy that I'm going to face in my life is right here in America. They took my assessment and they wanted me to change it. I was like, not changing it. They had to get rid of Flint with in depth interviews, archival footage and never before seen personal record to the man behind the headlines.

I just felt like I was drowning. Flynn deliver the truth, whatever the cost available now. Watch it today. Go to Salem now dot com, Salem now dot com.
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