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WED HR 1 121323

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 13, 2023 11:33 pm

WED HR 1 121323

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 13, 2023 11:33 pm

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Grainger. For the ones who get it done. Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Casper Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Unabassively cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening, and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 13th day of Wednesday of December.

Wow, is this year going by so fast. And indeed, this is the voice of the Christian resistance. Tonight this is Wendy Wednesday, and so I'm going to go with our producer first, the mighty Kyle. Hey Kyle. Hey Pastor, good to be with you as always. Good to have you here, and Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas to you too, Pastor. And then we're going to go to, like Wendy, she's like a rose amongst the thorns here tonight. Hey Wendy.

Good evening, Pastor. Wendy, you better speak up. Where's Wendy? Oh, I'm not speaking. Can you hear me?

Wendy? Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you now. Oh, well good evening. Well good evening. Alrighty, alrighty.

And now we're going to go out there to the Missouri legend. Okay, hello Pastor Joe. Merry Christmas, one and all, and good evening, Wendy.

Alrighty. Good evening, Pastor Joe. Well, we have a lot to talk about tonight, so we really got to jump into it, because we, I mean, we have a lot more material than we have time tonight, so let's get right to it. Joe, do you remember the title of the message?

Dull of Hearing, Void of Understanding, and in Need of Repentance. And so we're going to pick it up on the last part of that tonight. Uh, so let's go to, we're going to start in Isaiah chapter 3 and verse 1. Well, Joe, we'll take it a verse or two at a time, because there's a lot here, okay? So, Wendy, you jump in, and Kyle, if you want to jump in and comment too, because you guys might be smarter than Joe and I.

We know Wendy's prettier than us, but is she smarter than us? We'll find out. Okay, so let's go in verse 1. For behold, the LORD, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem, and from Judah, the stay and the staff, and the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water. So what do you think he's saying here? He's saying, what is the LORD going to do?

Sounds like he's going to... Go ahead, Wendy. No, I was just saying, it sounds like they're going to not have any water, and their crops are going to dry up. Well, it's punishment for disobedience to their... So he's going to take away their food, he's going to take away their water, and he's going to, along with that, he's going to take away all their necessities. You know, there are things, you know, that are necessities besides food and water. I mean, you don't do good without any clothes, especially in cold weather, huh?

Right. Clothes, what about shoes? Are they a necessity? Yeah, yeah. So all of that stuff, but what about stuff that you store up for bad weather, or you store up for, you know, hard times? Those are all necessities, and he's going to take away, do you know why? For their disobedience. So he's sending a message here, isn't he?

Joe Reed, 2 and 3. The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient, the captain of fifty, and the honorable man, and the counselor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. Yeah, that eloquent orator.

That's interesting because, you know, he's talking there, when he's referring to that as someone who's very, well, cruddy and crafty, there, that eloquent orator. So now, here, he's saying he's going to dismantle all of their government structure, and then, now read the next verse, read the next, just verse 4. And I will give children to be their princess, and babes shall rule over them. Now, here the word children is used, it means adolescence, it means an actual child. Now, I mean, you see, like, if you're, are you your parents' children, even if you're 20 years old?

Yeah. You're still your children, but here it's not actually talking about older, it's talking about actual adolescence. And this happened right away, this was fulfilled very quickly after saying this prophecy here, there was a guy named Manasseh. Now, Manasseh was more wicked than anybody before him, and he was made to be a king when he was only at the age of 12 years old.

12 years old, yeah. And he was a wicked king, he was like these kids you see out there on the street carjacking, or robbing and beating old people, he was a wicked king, a very wicked king. And so he's the one that had Isaiah, the prophet saw it in half. And so, and the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor, the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable. Now, do we see that today in America, do we see our young people being disrespectful? What's taking place right now on college campuses all over the country? Rioting, hate, calling for, you know, they're crying out that from the river to the sea, you know, which means, you know, Israelis need to be wiped off the map there and driven away, totally, and you just see all kinds of violence, hate, anger, it's incredible. All right, now these same college kids and university kids that are wanting to kill off the Jews, there's another group of people that they're saying they want to get rid of too, and that is who? Christians. All the white Christian men, white Christian men.

You hear this over and over. In fact, we just had a situation where I confronted one of my old friends, I confronted, because I went by his house and he had in his yard a sign that said, vote yes on issue one, which is a horrible, horrible bill, which, I mean, just anti-God, anti-parent, anti-life, you name it, a pro-pedophile, pro-sodomite, okay, and so I confronted him, I said, what in the world, have you lost your mind? And he said, no, it was his, his daughter says that she doesn't want old white Christian men telling her what she can do with her reproductive rights, and she was the one that put the sign out in the yard, and that is becoming more and more prevalent out there today. And then so he goes on, go ahead, yeah. Did you notice that it was his house, which means he's no longer in control of his house, his children, that sign would not go up in your house, your yard, or my yard, I don't care who put it there. No, it would not, not at all. No, it would not happen, right?

Yeah. Right, and you know, I led his wife to the Lord on her deathbed, on her deathbed, she asked if I would come and see her, and I went over and I visited her, and she said the sinner's prayer and accepted the Lord before she died, and you know, she grew up within that, that society of public educators, those very same people, like those, like those three pompous presidents of those universities, Harvard and Penn, you know, these women are wicked women, they're just very pompous, wicked, and that's the type of environment you have out there, all, you know, these Democrats out there today, the upper class, it goes ahead and said, and the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor, the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable. Now when a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, thou has clothing, be thou a ruler, and let thy ruin be under thy hand, what do you think that's all about? Well, he's saying, look, that the poverty is going to be so great, that we need leaders, we need someone to lead us, someone to organize, and you, you have clothes, you have clothes to wear, at least you look better, you're better off than the rest of us out here, even though, you know, you might not have much, but you have more than us, so therefore you should, you should be a ruler, somehow you've managed to, to keep more than we have, and, but his responses in verse seven, go ahead, Joe. And that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be a healer, for in my house is neither bread nor clothing, make me not a ruler of the people. And so what is he, he's telling them, look, I'm not the cure for all your ills, I'm not, I, believe me, I can barely, barely take care of, manage my own self here, uh, yeah, and so, so he goes on to say in verse eight, uh, go ahead and read verse eight, for Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen, because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory. Okay, well, that means they've done what, they've rebelled, and they've done what, what America is doing, mocking, you know, the word of God, and, and, you know, I've never seen, you know, I never would believe in my lifetime when I was young, that I would see the way they take, and take the Bible, and totally misrepresent the word of God, how they try to justify what God's word of Bible clearly calls sin, they try to justify, and then what God's word of Bible clearly calls honor, they, they dishonor it, okay, dishonor it, okay, and so here now, uh, read verse nine, the show of their countenance doth witness against them, and they declare their sin as Sodom, and they hide it not, well unto their soul, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Okay, so, what is, what he's, he's not saying that their sin is sodomy, he, what he is saying is that, uh, in Sodom and Gomorrah, was there any repentance for their sin?

None. No, I mean, they were... It was obvious what the sin was, and he had me saying the same thing, they're not hiding their sins, they're a multitude of sins, and they're not hiding them. Just like they were in Sodom and Gomorrah, they were blatant about it, the people here were blatant about their sins too, okay, hey listen, God's not mocked, see, people get the wrong idea, somehow they look around and they say, well, I can't see God, therefore God must not see me. Don't work that way. No, it doesn't, okay. He goes on to say, go ahead and read verse 10 and 11. Say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with him, for they shall eat the fruit of their doing. Woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hand shall be given him. Okay, so now verse 10 is a reminder to us to stay the course. He's telling us to stay the course, stay the course. Okay, now, verse 11, woe unto the wicked that shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hand shall be given him. Okay, and so what it means, shall be given him, means done to him, that means the wickedness and evil that he has done is going to be done to him, that's what he's telling them here. Can I ask a question, back in number seven, where they're asking that guy to be the, you know, leader, and he says I will not, wouldn't it be like some people today that they look around, they're in a city like one of the cities with the rioting and everything else, and nobody wants to stand up and try and take over the police department because the city council's against them, the liberals are against them, nobody in their right mind wants to take certain jobs, they don't want to be a policeman, no, I'm not going to be a cop in Detroit or Philly or San Francisco, no, I don't want to be an assistant DA because I can't prosecute people, I can't do my job, isn't that kind of the same thing there?

Well, that all applies, absolutely, but basically what he's saying is, I'm not going to rule the people, I know these people, and I'm not going to try to rule the people that refuse to be ruled, okay, so they're asking, right, they're asking me, okay, now look, being a pastor for 50 years, you know, you come across a lot of people in that time, and they'll come to you, and you know, they've, there's problems here with these people, there's problems here in this church, and there's problems here and there where they work, and they find problems with everybody but themselves, okay, so there comes a time that, look, you have to realize, look, maybe, maybe I'm a part of this problem here, okay, and look, maybe I'll be willing, okay, to get in line and listen to try to solve this problem, but people that refuse to do it say, I'm right, you're wrong, that's the end of it, and this is what so many of these people are like out there, and so he is telling them, look, I know you folks, right, you got no intention, you got no intention on listening to me if I'm telling you you need to do something you don't want to do, and so, but here, we're going to stop at the next verse because the next verse is the key verse in this whole chapter here, so now he uses the word children again, but in this verse, these aren't adolescents, these are incompetent people, like, and give me some examples of how we have some very incompetent people, the guy that's in charge of disposing of our nuclear waste. Yeah, I can't remember the name, but I never will forget his face with the bald head and the lipstick and the dress, yes, going to work. Here's a guy that wears a dress, he's got a bald head, wears lipstick, and he runs through airports stealing women's luggage, and Biden put him in charge, okay, of disposing of our nuclear waste, I wish he'd just take it all to the White House and dump it there, okay, and so, I mean, but do we have a, what about the guy that's supposed to be the attorney general, or no, surgeon general, the one that, the transvestite, no, they said. Oh, yeah, the general, oh, I can't think of the name, yeah, he, it is such a joke. It is pathetic. He's calling himself general, and he's not a general.

Well, no, he wears a uniform now, with the stars in it, what about within the Democratic party themselves, there's kind of a panic, because they see that old Joe is probably not gonna, might not even make it to the end of this term, and if something happens, he gets in peace, gets removed, dies, whatever, we got, who do we have for the president? Kamala, or Camelia, or whatever they want to call it. Camel hair, okay.

Camel hair, yeah. And so, how confident, Wendy, are you of that woman? How am I, am I confident in her, no, I'm not. I mean, I'm just amazed, you know, have you ever seen her rendition of the school bus, the yellow school bus?

No. It goes kind of like this, I'm watching it, I'm just amazed, I was thoroughly entertained, she goes, a school bus, a yellow school bus, a yellow school bus, who does not love a yellow school bus, I love a yellow school bus, don't you love a yellow school bus? I'm thinking, that's deep, that is really deep, this woman's got something, boy, okay.

Well, what it means is, the wheels of the bus are not going round and round, they're doing it in her head. Yeah, I thought, man, I never, that was amazing, so now, verse 12, okay, here we go, now, do you know, I've had pastors tell me, you know, Brother Sanders, I agree with everything you just said, but I'm going to tell you, sir, it takes more guts, what you just said takes more guts than I have to say it, I would never preach that to my congregation because I would offend too many people, and he was specifically talking about the sin of abortion, he was saying that, this was a guy who had a large presbyterian church, he said, I would offend so many women if I preached about the sin of abortion, and I looked him in the eye, and I said these immortal words, I said, dummy, do you think maybe if you've been preaching against that horrible sin, it wouldn't be so prevalent in your congregation, and he said to me, I never thought of that, well, I thought of that, now here, all he thought of, if I may intercede, because I've seen this many, many times before, they're afraid that they would lose their job, be fired, be kicked out, because their board, their church board, whatever, I've been to, I was raising funds for a pregnancy, maternity home and pregnancy, crisis pregnancy center, and I was amazed to find out how many churches had on their mission list, they were giving money to planned predators, and the pastors were okay with that, if they weren't, they were afraid to say, because they would lose their jobs, so it was fear, keeping them from preaching the gospel, they didn't start out doing it, they got a nice cushy job and then decided, oops, I can't tell the truth here, and they just became a hireling, that's what it was, they're no longer pastors, they were just hirelings. So he goes in verse 12, Jill, as for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them, O my people, they which lead thee, cause thee to err and destroy the way that pass.

So, did he give, did he give them women and incompetent people as rulers for doing good or for being disobedient? I know a church not too far from where I am, where the person that runs the church is a certain woman and her daughter, and the two of them, whatever they say, they run the church and everybody's terrified of them, and they don't even want me to come anywhere near their church, because I speak up, so I'm a person of non-grata there. But I've seen that other places where it's the women that run the church decide who they're going to have for a pastor, what's going to be sung, what's going to be done, how things are going to be preached, and I see a lot of that today. So has God ever, so has God ever called a woman to be the pastor of a church and teach men?

No. Now, let me ask you this, when it comes to attacks by the enemy, the enemy attacks men in the area of pride, and I'm talking about corporately, I'm not talking about every single individual because we're different, but corporately, he attacks men in the area of pride, and women in the area of what? Discernment. And so here now, let me ask you a question, and Wendy's here and she's a real smart lady so she should know the answer to this, here, who are more generally, who are more likely to vote for a democrat, men or women? Women. Okay. Who are more likely to attend college today and become lawyers and judges today? Women.

Okay. Who are more likely to succumb to the indoctrination of LGBTQ? Women. Who are more likely to accept transgender surgery? Women, I guess, yeah. By far, who is more likely to accept abortion? Women are. Okay, those three pompous university presidents who just unbelievably tried to justify the killing of the Jews, the murder of the Jews, were all women, now do you think that God has given us here in America these women for being obedient, or has he given us women rulers for being, and look at what's happening now in all of the media, tonight on Jesse Watters program, you had that young woman, Joe, who did she want to be president?

Hmm, I didn't get to see Jesse tonight. Okay, Taylor Swift. Oh, that's right, you talked about it, Taylor Swift, the entertainer, the singer-entertainer. Who was it that there was that former actor that was there, and I can't remember his name, but he was out there and he was saying that we should, women rule the world, okay, now this is coming out of Hollywood, is there anything good coming out of Hollywood?

Somebody feral. Right, feral, yeah, and so here, let's go back, remember those immortal words of Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does, and boy do we see that through our society today, and we'll be right back after this. We'll take away your sin, take away your sin, open up your heart, open up your heart, leave your fears behind, leave them all behind, you'll be living there, you'll be living there, and I guarantee you that you will see what happens, there will be no no, not this, his door will open, seek, and you will find, ask and you'll be given, you will make a right eternal life, sublime, he'll be waiting there, his arms open wide, waiting there for you. You are why he died, he'll be waiting there, his arms open wide, waiting there for you. It was for you and I that he was crucified. It was for you and I that he was crucified. It was for you and I that he was crucified. It was for you and I that he was crucified.

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