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Sunday Night

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
December 11, 2023 12:37 am

Sunday Night

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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December 11, 2023 12:37 am

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Live from Independence, Ohio. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian resistance. Good evening, and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this 10th day of December, 2023. Indeed, this is the voice of the Christian resistance. And tonight, the title of my message is Dull of Hearing, Void of Understanding, and in Need of Repentance. And tonight, there will be parts of this message that I will be speaking in generalities.

In other words, corporately. For example, when the Bible says, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Well, it doesn't mean that He loved every single person in the world. There's places in Scripture where it says God doesn't love these people. He made it very clear in Romans chapter 9 that He said, Jacob have I loved, but he so have I hated. And many places where He hates those that commit iniquity.

And so here, in fact, the Lord Jesus told some of the religious leaders that their father was Satan, that they were the children of Satan. Other places, you know, in Scripture, He makes it clear, like when you raise up your child in the ammunition of the Lord, and when he is old, he'll return to it. Well, that's a generality.

That's corporately, but it doesn't mean that that's going to happen in every single case. So, as I'm going through this tonight, it's going to be in generalities often. Here, I am always amazed at the nature of some of those who are professing to be blood washed, born-again, spirit-filled Christians, when it comes to discerning God's judgment.

They are so disinclined to acknowledge just how contrary the belief that they consider acceptable are to the disciplines of the Bible. In those immortal words of Forrest Gump, stupid is as stupid does. Now, I remember very, very vividly the clear picture remains in my mind today. I can close my eyes and I can still see Nikita Khrushchev taking off his shoe and beating the top of the podium with a loud and determined voice.

He shouted, we will defeat you from within, without firing a shot. We will indoctrinate your children. We will give you dose after dose after dose of socialism until you one day awaken to find that you have become communists. Now, those weren't the exact words, but that was pretty close to it.

Now, as Bill Gates has said, as long as it's planned and the people are persuaded, they are much more likely to accept it. Now, in those days, back in the days of Nikita Khrushchev, the mainstream media had not yet been co-opted completely. They actually reported what Khrushchev threatened to do to our youth. I mean, it was on all the stations. That was big news. In fact, it even went into some of the history books. Once again, those words of Forrest Gump rang loudly, stupid as the stupid does. So, as a lone voice on the radio cried for so many years, if you love your children, get them out of the public school indoctrination center.

And now people heard this. They watched the news, the parents, and what did they do? They still put their children in the public school systems, and we ended up with the Jane Fondas and the John Carries, the young communists of today. Well, they're not young communists anymore. Now, here, and I remember because when I went out, I'd go on the radio and I'd tell people, please, if you love your kids, get out of the public school.

In fact, we started a homeschool movement here in Ohio. There was none that we knew of, and we started it to get people to pull their kids out so they would not be indoctrinated. And today, you're wondering why you've got these gangs, roving gangs of young people, you know, anti-Semitism, say, kill all the Jews. They want to kill all the Jews, and now they're also, one of their slogans is all old white Christian men, white Christian men.

We're the next on their list. So, here, the majority continued to send their children like lambs to the slaughter, to be indoctrinated into cultural Marxism, and again, we were seeing the campus riots left and right. Now, I want to read to you some of what we've sent out, and I believe we've sent out over the years about one million copies of the 45 current communist goals, and I want to read some of those to see if these sound familiar here.

I want to start with verse, with goal 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission bills for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' association. Put the party line in textbook. Goal accomplished. They accomplished that completely. Verse 18, goal 18. Get control of all student newspapers.

Done. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs' organizations, which are under communist attack. Well, that's all conservatism. That's Donald Trump. That's Donald Trump. That's the Tea Party.

That's all conservative organizations. That's this radio program here. Goal 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book reviews, assignments, editorial writing policy, and making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. Well, we got radio back, okay? They still have the TV news for the most part and the motion pictures, but talk radio is our domain. We've got that and more and more talk radio. The liberal, the communist talk radio fails.

Nobody listens to it. Control art critics and directors of art museums. Our plan is to promote ugliness and repulsive, meaningless art. Well, everywhere you go across the country, that's what you see. Washington, D.C., here in Cleveland, all these major cities, they've got this meaningless, repulsive, ugly art.

24. Eliminate all governing, all laws governing obscenity by calling them censorship and the violation of free speech and free press. Well, that's what's happening today in your public school system. This is why the parents who were spied upon by the FBI, which is communist party, because they finally figured things out.

Well, we've been trying to tell them. They finally realized that was the only good thing to come out of this COVID thing is the parents started finally realizing what the children were being taught in the communist control school system. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. Present sodomy, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy. That's what virtually all the so-called mainstream media does.

That's what Hollywood does today. That's the entire platform of the Democratic Communist Party. Not only do they promote sodomy as a lifestyle, but they promote sodomy as a preferable lifestyle out there today, which God's word in the Bible calls an abominable thing. So the mainstream media in itself is an abominable thing in the eyes of God. And filtrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion.

Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a religious crutch. Well, this is what you have in all of your apostate churches, the world, the National Council of Churches. And now in the Catholic Church, you see the Vatican has gone totally corrupt where they have literally are having séances, speaking, trying to raise the dead. It's really gotten just totally corrupted. Now, God has kept a remnant.

He's kept a remnant of independent, fundamentalist, Bible-believing churches out there that have not apostatized. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of separation and state. Well, that's been their goal. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step for the modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations and the world bases. And of course, that's what you're hearing from the United Nations. This is what you're hearing from the entire Democratic Communist Party. He goes on, belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the big picture. Give more emphasis on Russian history since the Communists took over.

Well, it's not so much Russian history anymore. It's communism, pure communism, period. Eliminate all laws and procedures which interfere with the operation of communist apparatus. That's exactly what Joe Obama, Biden, and corrupt Merrick Garland and Chris Wray have been trying to do.

And so, I wanted to just jump real fast ahead here and go to 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks, and retarding of children to the influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition that students and special interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political, and social problems. There you have a little bit of what we're seeing in our society today. So, with that, I want to start in James chapter 4. Now, in James chapter 4, and we actually went over these verses last week, but we'll go over them again, verses 1 through 4.

What's come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts, you warn your members, you lust and you have not, you kill and desire to have and cannot obtain, you fight and you war, yet you have not because you ask not. So, he's talking to the church here. This is directed at the church. And you say, well, whoa, you know, when have Christians killed each other?

Well, many, many times. Remember, you had the war for independence in this country, where you had Christians against Christians. The Civil War. You had Christian families against Christian families. You even had pastors, you know, professing Christian pastors at odds with each other. And that bloody, bloody Civil War, it was a horrible thing.

You had fathers fighting their sons and brothers fighting each other. He says, you ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lusts. And here, you know, the problem of unanswered prayer in spite of Jesus' apparently unlimited promises of answered prayer is involved in the implications of prayers made in his name. Jesus was reaffirmed in my name when you pray in my name. One of the implied conditions as indicated is that the prayer be unselfish, otherwise it would not really be in his name, for he would never pray such a prayer. And there are other conditions, a number of which, and one's motive in praying must be to the glory of God.

And this is for God to get the glory from the answered prayer. And then he says this, you adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Boy, this is very serious.

This is very serious here. When he's talking about that, you know, if you're the enemy of God, you're in big trouble. God's enemies don't really fare very well, folks. And here, he's referring to people that are compromising with his present world system. Say, in philosophies, they have vain philosophies often. You know, you hear such things as, well, like Obama said, he believed that Jesus was a savior, but he was only one of many saviors.

No. You have philosophies such as Oprah, who said that she is the source of her own salvation. Well, that's a very vain, vain philosophy.

He's talking about ways, too, if you're in the world, if you're a friend of the world, the way you dress, okay? Nowadays, some of these women, I mean, you can't go to the beach. We used to have picnics there every year at Mentor Headlands. I mean, we'd have the Right to Life ministry here and the radio ministry. We had a lot of people come out.

We'd spend all day there at the beach. But the last time they had some woman judge out of Michigan decided that women can go topless. I don't know what gave her the jurisdiction here in Ohio, but we'd go to the beach for a picnic, and here you've got all these young topless women walking around, and that was the last time we had a ministry picnic there at that beach.

And then you're talking about, in fact, now it's even gotten worse. These aren't really bathing suits at all. They're like strings.

They're strings that they're wearing, and they're virtually naked out there today. You've got behavior. Well, that's part of pretty bad behavior, but language is another one today. You know, I remember the days when if you took God's name in vain, you could go to jail for that. Nowadays, it's commonplace.

People almost consider a privilege to take God's name in vain. And, boy, I'm going to tell you, the F-bomb is dropped all of the time. These women in Congress from that squat, those are some nasty women on that squat. They used that.

They dropped the F-bomb continuously. And the young kids now, these college kids. So, here today, we're looking at people that are professing Christians, and they're out there sitting in the bars at night. And I know a number of them.

They love hanging around bars. And not only that, but today, more and more of the young people are really going after this marijuana, which is far, far worse than it actually used to be. I mean, it is just burning their brains right up.

It is. It's burning their brains. It's killing brain cells off in large numbers, turning these young kids into zombies. And so, here, the other thing is how stupid, with these kill shots, I'll never get over how, just about a year ago, Cleveland Clinic, they came out and they were saying, if you take the kill shot, you're four times more likely to get COVID.

And if you're four times more likely to get COVID, you're four times more likely to die of COVID. And then they turned right around and said, we have the shots available. Have you got your shot? And keep pushing that. In other words, it's like Cleveland Clinic is saying, boy, do we believe you people are really stupid.

We really do believe you're stupid. Now, I had some surgery last spring, and I made it very clear that I, in no way or shape or form, wanted to take one of those kill shots in any way if I was unconscious or whatever. And the woman I talked to was kind of offended by the notion that she was offended that I would suggest that they would do that. Well, they have done that. I don't know about their Cleveland Clinic, but I know that's happened to people at the VA.

I was there one day when it happened. And so, here, as we see that, I want to go now to, oh, and the other things, too, what they have is this whole open marriage, which is now, now it seems like it's, they call it, it's the trend now, open marriage. And, again, going back to Forrest Grump, folks, stupid is as stupid as it does, brother. Here, it's, you know, common palaver now upon the Internet, and these women are saying, you can have it all now, a woman can have it all. She can have the security of marriage and a family and a job and, at the same time, have a variety of bed partners. But, see, the part that they leave out is that over 90 percent of those open marriages, over 90 percent, end in divorce.

Folks, that's an important detail that maybe they shouldn't leave out. And so, I want to go now over to 2 Corinthians, chapter 6. And in 2 Corinthians, chapter 6, start in verse 14, But ye be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness? Well, that came from the Old Testament, where they were talking about, in Leviticus 19, in fact, in Deuteronomy 20-22, it was a metaphor used there, and they're telling you not to hook to an ass and an ox together, to plow. You couldn't plow because they pull it different ways and they pull it in different directions. And that's what they talked about being unequally yoked.

So you couldn't yoke them together. Now, how does that apply to us? Well, the number one, it applies in marriage. You don't marry a believer with a non-believer.

And I've had situations where I've had people come to me. I had one case where a woman came and she was a professing Christian, I knew her, for a while, and she wanted to marry a Muslim. And she said, Pastor, we really love each other and we want to get married. And I said, I can't marry you, I cannot marry a professing Christian with a Muslim. And that's being unequally yoked. And she got upset with me.

And I don't know where else she went, but apparently she found someone to marry them, they got married, and that marriage did not last very long at all. And so that's one, but a number of things were unequally yoked. You don't want to ever enter into, say, a partnership in a business, a believer and a non-believer. It's not going to work out very well. It won't. It won't work out very well. There's a number of things that believers and non-believers don't want to try to do together. And so here he goes on.

Oh, yeah. Another thing, too, is living in the same house. Believers and non-believers, that never works out either. And what concord hath Christ with Belial, and what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Well, folks, again, Christ has no concord with Belial.

Zip, none. Light can have no fellowship, none with darkness at all. And I hear, often you'll hear about these ecumenical boards and so on and so forth, and I've been asked to come and take part in a lot of these different ecumenical.

And so I went to a couple to see what they were like. And no, I can't have anything to do. I can't sit there on boards with these people from apostate churches like United Church of Christ or the Episcopal Church. Well, here, first of all, they have women pastors and folks. God never told a woman to pastor a church.

Okay? That's where the Bible makes it very clear. And women are not to be pastors and have authority in the church over men. And yet, you go there. In fact, in the apostate church, the United Church of Christ, the majority of the new pastors are women.

And just about all of them are lesbians. I could not go in and I could not be in fellowship with these people that are pro-abortion, pro-sodomy. God's word, the Bible said they're abominable.

These are abominable. And so, here, he goes on to say, in what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people. Well, I'm amazed at sometimes what I see people doing with the temple of God. It's just amazing to see people that are covered. I mean covered from head to toe with tattoos. And some of them are gross tattoos. I'm amazed to see people that have what they call nose jewels, these big things stuck in their nose. There was one young woman that worked for a while at the radio station and she had this stud in her tongue.

You know, it was a big one, right in the middle of her tongue. And so, what do these people, your body is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. And so, and here you have professing Christians somewhere that they don't get it.

It's like, somehow, they're reading the Bible, they're reading something much different than what the rest of us are reading here. He goes on to say, Wherefore, come out from amongst them, be you separate, saith the Lord God, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and I will be a father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Well, how many times have you heard friends or relatives saying, I hope that you love me enough to respect my choices and accept my lifestyles. No.

Because I do love you, I'll tell you the truth. I'm not going to accept your lifestyle. We have these homosexuals, sodomites. No, I will not accept your lifestyle.

It's not a lifestyle at all. It's an abominable thing. You have these people that are, no, I am not going to be in any kind of a relationship with anyone who is pro-abortion. If you're pro-abortion, you are unclean. You're an abominable thing. Transgender?

No. That is an abominable thing. We just recently had a young woman, well, there was a fellow who I know for a long, long time, for a very long time, and he went by his house, and he had a vote yes on issue one, sign in his yard. And when I saw that, it really angered me. Why would, how in the world could he do this? And so, I confronted him, because I hadn't seen him, I confronted him, what is wrong with you?

Do you understand what issue one was about? And, you know, he put up his hand like, no. I did not put that sign out there. My daughter wants, does not want her reproductive rights held up by old white men. Okay, in other words, you know, she had the Communist Party, the woke line there.

In other words, he was saying, look, I didn't put that sign out there. I don't really agree with it, but here's the reason it was there. Today, you have people, feminism, you have people involved in witchcraft, which is a growing, growing religion out there, and it's more and more by the Democratic Party, it's being accepted. In fact, the Democrats are joining in larger numbers to the Church of Satan, the Church of Satan. Now, what else are they doing? Well, they want to legalize pedophilia. You know, the ACLU, that's their major push and goal now, is to legalize pedophilia here, and the Democratic Party wants to legalize prostitution.

They want it nationwide. And so, and of course, whoredom and communism. And so, here, when someone says to you, I hope that you love me enough to respect my choices, you know, you respond by, I hope that you would respect me enough not to ask me to respect what God calls sin, an abominable, abominable sin, okay? And sometimes you hear these people and say, well, you know, I really don't, I'm sorry, but I don't believe in God. And I always tell them, it's okay, you will, there's absolutely no chance at all that you won't believe. Listen, here's some facts, you can believe whatever you want, but you are going to die, and when that happens, come the judgment, God has said that, and it doesn't matter what you believe, that will happen, there's absolutely no chance at all that it won't.

And boy, I'm going to tell you, a lot of these people don't like even the idea of absolutes. And so, there's no unbelievers, folks, we always say, either in heaven or hell, there's no unbelievers. And so now, I want to go over to Isaiah chapter 3, and I think I'm going to have to wet my whistle here.

My days on Sundays actually start at 2 in the morning, and so by the time I'm here at night, I've been up all day. And we're going to go to Isaiah chapter 3, and in Isaiah chapter 3, verse 1, For behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread and the whole stay of water. Because of their rebellion and because of their disobedience, punishment for their disobedience was God was going to take away their food and water, along with all their necessities such as clothes and shoes and all that that they had stored up for the future. And so he goes on to say, The mighty men and the man of war and the judge and the prophet and the prudent and the ancient, the captain of fifty and the honorable men, the consular and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. Now God here is dismantling their structure, their entire government structure, and he goes on to say, And I will give children to be their princes and babes shall rule over them.

Well, that happened immediately there in that time. In the very near future that happened when a 12-year-old, a very 12-year-old, very mean young boy named Manasseh was made king at the age of 12 years old. And he was the one that wicked, he was more wicked than all that had gone before him, and he was the one that had had Isaiah sought in half. And the people should be oppressed, everyone by another and everyone by his neighbor, and the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient and the base against the honorable.

And in other words, they're talking, I hear that when they're talking about child, they're actually talking about here, adolescents, okay, adolescents. And so we have the very same thing today in America, the young people, very disrespectful, those that go to Harvard, those that go to Pennsylvania Tech, Pennsylvania State, those that go to these very old so-called elite colleges. For the most part, these kids that are out there rioting and burning down cities, the ones that you see marching, the ones who kill all the Jews, they want to kill all the Jewish people. And folks, not only do they want to kill the Jewish people, those same people want to kill the Christians too.

Why? Because they've been indoctrinated. They've been totally indoctrinated in the culture of Marxism. And it says, and when a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, thou has clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand. Well, in other words, they're saying, look, God has taken away everything, we don't even have clothes, at least you have clothes to wear, you have more than we have, so you have to be our ruler, you have to be our leader. And they respond by saying, in that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be a healer, for in my house is neither bread nor clothing, make me not a ruler of thy people.

In other words, he says, I don't have enough to be able to rule the people here, for Jerusalem is ruined and Judah is fallen because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord to provoke their eyes to glory. Well, here, he goes on to say, the show of their continents doth witness against them, and they declare their sin as Sodom, and they hide it not, woe unto their souls, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Well, in Isaiah's day, the sin of Sodom and God's judgment was remembered often and talked about and spoken of in the life of Father Abraham. And so the sin of Sodom, by the way, that very sin of Sodomy is the sin that all of the mainstream media and all that not only try to justify, but push on the American people, that's what they call LGBTQ.

God's word the Bible calls it an abominable thing, an abomination in the sight. Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, now this is a reminder to us to stay the course, that we are to stay the course. Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

Woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hand shall be given him. As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. Now, this children here is not the same as the other. This children here is talking about incompetent people, incompetent people, and God has given women and incompetent people as rulers as a punishment. See, men are supposed to be the leaders, men are supposed to lead, and in the Bible, throughout the Bible, when the men fail God, then he'll raise up and he'll put women over them, and that's not a punishment. Today, in this country, people don't know it.

They're being punished, but they're too stupid to realize this, okay? Well, wait a minute, what are you talking about? Well, here's what I'm talking about. Today, you have more women going to college than you do men. You have more women going to law school, becoming judges and lawyers than men. Well, let's just look at some of the things here. Where does the enemy attack women?

Now, again, remember I told you at the beginning, I was speaking in generalities. Not all women are that way. If you heard Friday night's radio program, I had Jen Folger on there, a Christian lady, and her heart is to save babies, and she's, I mean, she's a real warrior in the church that I pastor.

One of the ladies in there, a wonderful lady, Carrie, who took what used to be my old place as the president of the Tea Party. She's been doing a fine job there, but sometimes it doesn't seem, the men don't seem to stand up, you know, step up to the plates. They refuse their responsibilities, and when that happens, God gives them women and incompetent people some punishment.

So, why would that be a punishment? Well, women are much more liberal than men. Again, today, they're much more tolerant when it comes to, say, the LGBTQ. They'll accept it. They accept that quicker than men do. Obviously, they accept abortion in much larger numbers than men do. They'll accept, they're much quicker women to accept transgenders.

Now, remember, you know, it's not all that way. There's a lot of good women out there that don't accept all of that, but they're much more, women are much more easily convinced than men. They're much, much quicker today to accept open marriage. Again, we spoke about open marriage there, how over 90% of it ends in divorce. And today, more women are filing for divorce than men.

Women also are much more open to legalizing prostitution than men are. Now, what does that say? So, everything I just told you, told you that it's poor discernment.

That's an area of very, very poor discernment. And today, you have three very, very pompous, well, unclean university presidents who used very, very, very poor discernment and went with Hamas. They want to support Hamas. Now, they've been caught and they've been brought before Congress and questioned. And, boy, I'm going to tell you, now they're trying to walk everything they said back, but they had very snarky, very snarky little smirks on their faces. Well, they're not snark now and they're not smirking now because those folks in Congress did a very good job. And that one Congresswoman, I'm trying to remember her name, she did a tremendous job, a Republican lady, she really went after them.

And she just turned them every which way but loose. And so here, again, today, Israel-Jihad rage, the same rage, okay, is going to quickly, and it has been turning against white Christian men. And so, I want to go back to where we left off. The Lord, for my people, children of the oppressors and women who rule over them, O my people which lead their cause, they do error and destroy the way of the paths. The Lord standeth up to plead and standeth to judge the people. The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of the people and the princes thereof, for they have eaten up the vineyard, the spoil of the poor is in your houses.

What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces and grind their faces of the poor, saith the Lord God? Moreover, the Lord said, because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanting eyes, walking and menacing as they go, making, tinkling with their feet. Now these are the wealthy Jewish women, Hebrew, you know, Jewish women who, that is referring to, that look down upon the poor. They look down upon, they're full of themselves and, boy, it's kind of like the Hillary Clintons here in America today, the Gillibrands.

Well, all of those on that, what they call the view, these are women that are unclean women, they're haughty. Now, there's an interesting thing that's taken place. There's a big split divide within the so-called feminist movement. And what is it over? It's over rape.

Well, what is going on? A number of these people, like Hillary Clinton, and I couldn't believe it, I didn't think I would ever, ever agree with Hillary on anything, but she was right when she said, if rape is wrong, it's just as wrong to rape Jewish women as anybody else. Well, they have a big split because a number of these so-called feminist organizations are supporting Hamas, and they're not protesting as Hamas is raping these Jewish women. They're remaining silent. There's about four or five so-called women's organizations that are remaining silent on the raping of these Jewish women. And Hillary and a cadre of others, mostly Jewish women, have come out and they're spoking out against them, saying rape is wrong and it's wrong with Jewish women just like it is anybody else.

So I don't think I'd ever hear Hillary make sense. He goes on to say, moreover, the Lord said, because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes and walking in menacing as they go, making tingling with their feet. In other words, they try to be seductive and they're haughty. Therefore, the Lord will smite them with a scab in the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their sacred parts. Well, one of the ways that these haughty women showed their wealth, that as one, they would stay out of the sun, their skin would be nice and white, too, they would have handmaids, and these handmaids would do things with their hair. You know, they would take their hair and they would make it like a beehive and they would stick all kinds of things in their hair, almost looking like a Christmas tree decorated up. But this is one of the ways they showed how wealthy they were, and he goes on and he's saying that the Lord is going to cause that, instead of having that beautiful, beautiful hair, he's going to give them baldness.

He's going to give them baldness. And then he says, and the Lord will discover their sacred parts. Well, in those days when they went to war, when you had a conquering tribe, if the Philistines were to win and conquer in a battle, and they would take captive, take prisoners, they would go into the gates of their city and they would have like a big platform, and they would bring these conquerors. They usually killed all the men that were of fighting age, they usually killed them right away. They kept the younger men and girls, but they would take and they would auction these people out to the slave, and the women of the conquering tribe, like the Philistines or whatever, they would bring these haughty women, these Jewish women, who they hated, and they would humiliate them. They would be brought up on the stage stark naked, stark naked, and that beautiful long hair would be gone. They would shave their heads bald. And then the women of the conquering tribe, like they would when you took horses, when you would show their teeth. She's got teeth here or whatever, but when it says they discovered their secret parts, they would do that right in the public.

Give them cavity checks right in front of people out there, just totally humiliate them to the utmost humiliation. And then it goes on to say, in that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tickly ornaments about their feet and their cowls and their round tires like moon. Those are those little jingling ankle bracelets, and some what was called finery would go. And the change in the bracelets and the mufflers, the bonnets and the ornaments of the legs and the headbands and the tablets and the earrings. And some of those tablets and that headdress, they were perfume boxes, these little boxes that they would have perfume in. The rings and the nose jewels and the changeable suits of apparel, the mantels and the wimples and the crisping pins. That's festival apparel, outer garments, what it's talking about. The glasses and the fine linen and the hoods and all the veils. And it shall come to pass that instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stink, instead of a girdle, a rent, instead of well said hair baldness, instead of a stomach or a girding of sackcloth and burning instead of beauty. See, so these women who would have been kept out of the sunlight with a life of luxury, now they had to work out in the fields and they would get sunburned. And all that fine clothes that they had would be taken away, instead of perfume they would be stinking from sweat and instead of a girdle they would be given sackcloth which is burlap.

And I'm going to tell you that burlap, if you've ever worked around that stuff, it causes you to itch. And the men shall fall by the sword, the mighty men in war, and her gaze shall emit and mourn and she being desolate shall set upon the ground. So I'm going to stop right there folks and just tell you is what we're coming to. When I was talking to this fellow the other day, and again he doesn't believe in absolutes, right? And at least he said he didn't believe in absolutes. I said really?

And he was a math teacher. So I said is math an absolute science or not? Well of course, you know. But anyhow, you have to understand out there for everybody listening to you, when people say, well I don't believe in that, somehow they get a mindset that if they don't believe in something you can't hurt them, right? It's like the old what you don't know can't hurt you.

No, what you don't know can kill you. And it often does more often than not. And when they say, well somehow I don't believe, folks, it doesn't matter what they believe, it's what God says. You see, God has a 100% perfect record for the beginning of time. What he says will happen, has happened, is happening, and will happen, 100% perfect.

God has said to everyone out there, it's appointed to all men wants to die and end the judgment. And that will happen. There's no chance in the world that it won't happen.

It will happen. Every one of you listening out there to me tonight at some point will die. And I'm hoping if you're listening to me tonight you'll realize I'm just a messenger, that the message is coming from God. This is the message that I'm told to tell you. And here if you die in your sin, if you die apart from Jesus Christ, there's only one Messiah, one Savior.

One potentate, there's only one. And that's reality. God has said that. And if you die in your sin, well, you go south. Things are really, really unbearable, really horrible.

And that's forever. That's a reality. But you don't have to die in your sin. Remember those famous words of Forrest Gump, those immortal words, stupid is as stupid does? You don't want to be stupid. You really don't.

And so what do you do? You realize that Christ took your place upon a cross. He was a substitutionary death. And He did it for you. What have you done for Him? He did it for you.

And a smart person would say right there, that's enough for me. And Jesus said pray to the Father in the name of the Son. Ask for forgiveness of your sins.

And then call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. Ask Him to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, without any reservations. Now God will always honor the commitment, always. He's the only one that we can always trust. He's always capable of doing exactly what He says He is.

He's the only one that can always keep every promise. And so if you do that, you will become a new creature. You will become a born again believer, an heir of the kingdom. And you will be on the road to eternal life. Now it don't get any better than that. It doesn't.

And, well, the alternative doesn't get any worse. Eternity and hellfire. So what are you going to do? I would do that tonight. I would do that tonight.

Go to the Gospel of John chapter 3 and read it and do it. And so we're coming to the end of the program like we do every night at this time. I want to thank you for being here.

I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas because Jesus is the only reason for this season. And as we always say at this time, we've got about 30 seconds. At this time we always say good night.

So I'm saying good night. We're always saying God bless. And folks, we always say this.

First I'm going to take a quick swig. And then I'm going to say always, always, always keep fighting the fight. And then I'm going to say, always, always, always keep fighting the fight. And then I'm going to say, always, always, always keep fighting the fight. And then I'm going to say, always, always, always keep fighting the fight.
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