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WED HR 2 080923

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
August 10, 2023 12:05 am

WED HR 2 080923

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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going on. And then and then the state officials, Nestle and Whitmer and Jocelyn Benson are saying that it was, you know, a free and fair election and all this crap is going on. And they've never reported on this. Again, we have the police report and it's it's it's unbelievable, Steve, when you when you start. When the police when the police and this is all up on gate one, the police go to GBI strategies and they see firearms and silencers and cash cards. And, you know, it looks like a a production house for these registrar registrations.

What happens to the verification of the eight to ten thousand? Were there charges brought to the secretary of state? Get involved here? I mean, what what does seem so outrageous? Something had to have happened, right?

Exactly. You know, when I started blogging back in 2004, there was a local St. Louis people who were filling out registrations in a local McDonald's. They filled out seven or ten and they were arrested. Well, they confirmed that at least forty six in this report were immediately they saw these these are bogus. And but no one's been charged.

No one was arrested. We have the name of one of the women who was dropping off these ballots. They talked to her. And the other interesting thing, too, Steve, is they were advertising for jobs out on these job sites, saying we're going to pay 15 bucks an hour and you can come work for us. And and where's the Republican Party?

Where's where's the FBI? Yeah. Hang on. Let's take a short break. I want to get in more of this. So I want to go back. Jim set the table. I get Patty McMurray in here also.

So GBI Strategies drops off eight to ten. This is all in a police report, drops off eight to ten thousand voter registrations in October of twenty twenty before the election. I guess it's still time in Michigan by state law to get registered. The registrar is concerned enough calls the police. The police goes investigates to go to this place and they've got like a boiler room. They've got weapons, silencers, you know, cash, the money cards. And it looks like they got a production facility to produce wait for it.

Voter registrations that maybe are not filled out and done by American citizens who are eligible to vote, who want to make sure they're eligible in that in that area. And there's a police report done. The last time I looked, that's almost three years ago, right?

October of twenty twenty is, you know, we're coming up on we're coming up on the third year anniversary of it within one hundred days. So so what's been done? What was done by the secretary of state was done by authorities? Well, they turned as as we said, as I said, they started an investigation with state police. Jocelyn Benson's office was in on this and then they turned it over to the FBI. And you know what happened, Steve?

This is this will shock you, but it it died. The the investigation died. They didn't do anything. Once again, the FBI FBI was involved in election interference. They have done nothing with this, just like Hunter's laptop that goes to the FBI and then disappears. So this is just another instance that shows that our FBI is against the people of this country and they're participating in stealing the elections.

I think we found the culprits here. So let me ask you, how do we know? Is it just because charges haven't been brought? You surmise that the FBI is not involved? Or do you guys have further reporting that show that the FBI did not pursue this? It is mentioned in the report that it was turned over to the FBI. And there has been some updates listed on the report.

Patty was looking over these items. But the last update was, I believe, in twenty twenty two. And it says that it's still being investigated. So you know what that means, Steve?

Nothing's being done. Jim, I want to get you guys both on because there's so much to go through here. And this is obviously quite explosive. Any concluding thoughts, brother? Yes, Steve, a couple of points. And Patty, you did an excellent job describing what we have. We also have as Phil and some other people have helped us.

Closing thoughts, Steve. We found also that they were using enterprise rental cars in their operations, which were the same enterprise cars that we found were driving inside the TCF Center on election night. That was also an enterprise rental car. And we also know from this report that this organization, GBI Strategies, was also being paid by the Democratic senatorial campaign in the past and also is being paid, I believe, in the report by Doug Jones senatorial campaign down in Alabama.

And it's linked to Joe Biden also. That's the money quote right there. We'll get it. We have to we have to have you guys back on to go through more detail.

Ready? We are back. Well, there you go, Joe. It just doesn't ever seem to stop, does it? No. No, it doesn't. It's just amazing. So many things come back to our FBI, our own government, the enemy within.

I'm looking at somebody we know pretty well. Jay Sekulow, the chief there of American Center for Law and Justice. He said basically there was all this other election interference, but basically the worst of it was the deep state FBI. And he quotes all kinds of things from the Jim Jordan documents, our FBI agents lying under oath about the FBI's knowledge about how they worked with fake book and Twitter.

It goes on and on and on. But he was talking about this censorship that was done through the FBI as one of the greatest threats to free speech I've seen in 40 years. He said one of the federal judges he worked with declared it Orwellian, arguably the most massive attack against free speech. Well, then our vote is, you know, that ability to all ties in. It's our own government bringing us down. Everywhere we look, it's our own government. It's at the bottom of all our problems. Well, it is. It's gone.

It's been completely corrupted. And when Khrushchev said back in the early 60s, when he said, when he took his shoe off, he beat the podium, he said, we will destroy you from within. And he said, we're going to do it, starting with the public school systems. And we warned people, we warned people, the indoctrination. And that's what he did. And so today, those kids back then, now today, they're in government. And like the John Kerrys and the Hillary Clintons and that, and they are completely corrupt.

They have gone completely corrupted. But anyhow, here's FDA approves. Now, remember Remdesivir, Joe? We used to call it, if you couldn't remember the name of it, run with fear, okay?

Run with fear, exactly. And so the FDA approves Remdesivir for COVID treatment of kidney patients, even though it totally destroys, the drug destroys kidney's functions. Let me read that again.

The FDA approves Remdesivir for COVID treatment of kidney patients, even though the drug completely destroys kidney function. And, uh, That sounds just, it sounds like something that should be on The Onion, you know, but it's not really funny. It's not something you'd make a joke of. It just, it sounds unbelievable. This is an article by Ethan Huff.

And so here, it goes on to say, Remdesivir has, is so dangerous and has killed so many people that there are large support groups online for surviving family members and friends, and yet the FDA has seen fit to approve the drug for a class of patients most at risk of suffering serious complications of death as a result of taking it. Unbelievable there, what's, what's taking place. But this is again, but you see, we're not supposed to know this because this is all part of the depopulation, but Joe six back out there, he's not supposed to know this.

Okay. And so here's another one that you're not supposed to know. Pfizer purchase arena pharmaceuticals to gain control of cardio vascular treatments that are in high demand after the COVID jab. So, so they're making buddy on both sides. Remember, do you remember the Pez? You know, remember those little Pez things?

Yeah. And the idea was they, they sell the, they give you the dispenser. If you buy two packs of Pez, um, because they'll give you the dispenser to bikes cause you'll keep buying the medicine. It's their dispensers.

The only way you could use it. So here's Pfizer now they're out there. They've, they've put out there, they've got all kinds of people now that have the myocarditis from the shots. And so now they're going to go ahead.

And uh, again, they're going to demand, let me read this again. Pfizer purchase arena pharmaceuticals to gain control of the cardiovascular treatments that are on high demand due to the COVID jabs. There you go.

Because it causes the heart problems. So now their jab causes the problems. Now they bought the company that has the medication to help not care, but treat right. Absolutely.

And that's art. That article, uh, is, is, uh, by CD Wells and that's, there you go. That's out of the home and pharma. All right. Well, here's another one that people need to know. Uh, we warned a long time ago about that Chinese credit system that the Chinese use to control the people.

And we warned it would be coming here because it was an American tech company that made the system for the Chinese. Right. Well, you remember a doctor that we've talked about a great deal. Uh, dr. Mark Cola. Oh yeah. Dr. Joseph Mark Cola.

He's a really popular doctor proponent of alternate medicine and natural health products. He was warning about, you know, the backs, the poison poke and all this. Anyway, JP Morgan chase bank is a woke bank and guess what they did. They shut down on July 13th chase, shut down the accounts of Mercola's market and his CEO, his CFO, even of their prospective spouses and children. Right. Totally using that.

And they said, no, that wasn't the reason, but that is the only reason they're going after people now through shutting down that happened to what what's right. What's left your bank for the church, right? Yep. Yeah.

They're using this same Chinese social credit score. If you're not, uh, PNC. Yeah. Well, yeah, they did, but they were right with us. They were totally, uh, in opposition to all of our positions. We're pro life. They were pro death. We're a pro heterosexual.

They're pro homosexual. So, uh, everything that, you know, they were in total opposition to us and they were very, uh, I would just say disrespectful in the way that they did that. Okay.

Uh, you know, they found out our positions and we found out theirs. Okay. And so you're right that they, they wanted to cancel us and I'm glad we're not doing business with them. I don't want to do business with, uh, any, any very, very sinful, you know, uh, banks like that.

And by the way, the bank that we did that, that was very disrespectful that they, they closed down shortly afterwards. So very good Mercola here is telling people get out of the big banks, but he's doing something. He's not putting up with this. He is taking his case to Florida's attorney general to test a new law signed by governor Ron DeSantis that prohibits financial institutions from denying or canceling services based on political or religious belief. And he said, basically we're going to, we're going to be the test case to determine whether the governor's new law has teeth or not. Well, they've been going after, been invoked before this is new ground. They've been going after frontline doctors left and right, trying to now just today, just today, uh, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, who's been on this program, who I've known for years and years and years.

Okay. Uh, she's been on this radio program. She's nationally known, a nationally known doctor. And, um, guess what they did. Right. And today they pulled her license. They didn't pull her license for right. Yep. Not for malpractice of any kind, but she apparently didn't fill out her forms the correct way. Right. Here's a, here's a woman I've had on this radio program probably 30 years ago.

I don't know how long she's been in practice, but I believe it's been about 30 years since I've had her when it says the first time I had her on and found a mistake in a form. Huh? Yeah. Okay. So, uh, so, so I mean, now you don't possibly suppose Joe, that they're not being straight up with us.

And so my, my suggestion, you'd think that our government and some of these agencies are corrupt and they're doing things that are detrimental to the citizens of the country. I pastor Ernie, that just put a shocking thought. We've only been screaming about this for more years than many of our listeners are old. You know what?

My suggestion to frontline doctors is don't wait for them to pull your license, take your license, go in and throw it on their desk and say, you know what? We want nothing to do with the AMA anymore. You become illegitimate. You've gotten bad. You've gone bad. You've, you've apostatized like the others.

And you have that many real doctors start their own one. That's upright one that they can trust. Okay. That has not gone woke.

That has not been totally corrupted. You know, Joe, I got, um, I wanted to do, Kyle, are you there? Are you listening? Do we have, could you put up that, um, the, the, the one with the Amish who, uh, the Amish fellow who, who they went after, they're going after, they're trying to put in prison for making rifles, which they've been doing for years and years to shotguns.

Alrighty. Joe, you know, again, like I'm saying, uh, mostly the field agents in the FBI, most of those people are still out there trying to do their job. Uh, not all of them, some of them, they, they, they still don't get it about the constitution. Joe trying to move up to join the, uh, more crazies at the top.

Absolutely. And, uh, here we have a situation where you have an Amish farmer who, you know, besides farming, they've, they've made shotguns and rifles for years. And this, it's not illegal what they're doing, but we'll go ahead and play that clip. So a simple Amish farmer was just arrested in Pennsylvania for selling guns, even though he broke no laws.

How does that work exactly? Well, basically like all Amish men, Reuben King's primary job is working a small family farm, but on the side, he has a second job buying and selling firearms, or he did until federal agents swooped in and arrested him and had him convicted in federal court. Now he faces up to five years in prison.

Sentencing is set for September 6th. King's crime is selling firearms without a federal license. Okay, but except there's no clear statutory requirement to have a license to sell off one's firearms.

The law is completely vague, probably intentionally. Only certain guns require a license no matter what, but King wasn't selling those. He was just selling simple, small arms. It's perfectly legal to sell those guns, including guns that are part of a large collection without a license. When does simple buying and selling become illegal gun trafficking? Well, there's no clear line.

Just whatever the government feels like imposing on people. And this time the government feels like pulverizing a dairy farmer who was otherwise not a threat at all. Well, of course, we would love to talk to Mr. King directly, but he's such a devout Amish man that he disagrees with even appearing on a video screen. So instead, we're joined by one of his local defenders, Chris Hume.

Chris works with the Lancaster Patriot and is the author of the book Vote Christian, Biblical Principles for Voting, and he joins us now. Chris, thank you so much for coming. We appreciate you being here. Hey, thanks so much, Stu.

Thanks for having me on. Yeah, and you've just laid out this case pretty well. I mean, I want your listeners to understand what's going on here. I mean, here's a man who's selling rifles and shotguns mainly to the Amish. I mean, these are hunting weapons, maybe personal defense. We're not even talking about handguns in this case. He's selling these small arms, these long guns. And what happened is the ATF agents, the Pennsylvania State Troopers went to him undercover. You had undercover police officers posing as a regular buyer coming to Reuben King and buying a few arms.

And then they take him to court and say, you know what, you don't have the right to do this. You can't sell these guns. You don't have a license.

You've crossed, as you mentioned, this imaginary line. Now, the ATF, that agency that is tasked with managing the right, you know, regulating firearms in America, they say you don't need a license to buy and sell firearms unless you're doing it with the principal motive of making a profit. Again, it's intentionally vague.

And I think, Stu, it's vague so that they can target the people they want to and then they can use the loopholes to let the people go that they don't want to go after. So in King's mind, he's a dairy farmer. He doesn't even keep exact data on all his gun sales. And, you know, in his mind, he says, well, I'm not doing this as a business. I'm not breaking the law. The ATF agents come to him and say, you might be breaking the law here. You might face prosecution.

But there was no clear line because there is no clear line. There's no clear line going from selling guns as a hobby to doing it as a business. And in this case, they targeted Reuben King and he could spend five years in prison. Who's the victim here? Exactly.

This is very similar to the case of Amos Miller, who's another Amish farmer here in Lancaster County who ran afoul of the USDA food regulations in that case. And in this case, there's no victim. There's no one bringing a charge against Reuben King saying, you know, someone purchased your gun and used it.

And even in that case, of course, wouldn't be Reuben King. OK, OK. So let's back up here a little bit. So the ATF says you might be breaking the law. You might be prosecuted. Now they've prosecuted him. And so what prosecutor is saying? They think they have a case here. What exactly is the charge? What exactly is the case? So the charge through is that he sold a firearm without a federal license.

But the statute doesn't say that he needs to have a license to do what he was doing. So how can they with something so flimsy? What is the real goal here? Actually, let's just get to that brass tax. What are they really doing here?

Yeah, they they want to come. They have confiscated all his weapons. So he had about 600 firearms. Now, he wasn't even selling all of those.

The court documents say they're about one hundred and twenty five or so out for sale. They have confiscated all his weapons and they want to lock him up. Now, whether they end up doing that, we'll see. But the charge through is selling firearms without a federal license.

But the language is so vague that no one can know when they've crossed that line. OK, let's talk principality and motives. What is the Fed's motive for arresting him? Why do they want to seize his weapons? Do they not like him? Is he a conservative? Is he outspoken? Is he a dissident to the regime?

Yeah, I mean, certainly not an outspoken guy. I mean, most of the Amish lay low. I mean, this is a case you look at Lancaster County and a lot of places throughout this country where people are just minding their own business, you know, and serving their neighbor again. We got to emphasize that Ruben King here was serving his neighbor by selling these firearms. A lot of the Amish can't get firearms the typical route. They don't have photo I.D. So he's serving his neighbors.

He's selling firearms. And the federal government does not want that, Stu. I mean, we could probably come up with a lot of reasons why. But they want to come down hard on this guy because he's not following their loopholes. What we have, Stu, is we have a nation that is becoming a nation of loopholes and not righteous laws.

And the federal government here, they've abandoned any sense of justice, any sense of morality. And they've adopted this idea of loopholes. So then when they want to target someone, here's a guy that is minding his own business, but he's not following their regulations. And probably part of that is money involved. If they're going to regulate it, they're going to want money from it. And he's not bowing the knee to their system.

And they don't like that. So what's he going to do? I mean, what are we asking people to do? We're a show of action here. So we're an action based platform.

How can we help? I mean, what is the underlying, the driving factor here? Yeah. So Ruben King's attorney, I mean, he tried to get this indictment dismissed, basically saying, hey, there's no clear line here. You're right. There's no clear line, but we're not going to dismiss this anyway. We're still going to we're still going to bring this to trial. A jury convicted King, a jury of his peers convicted him and said he has to give up six hundred or so of his weapons. His lawyer tried to get that verdict vacated. The judge just released. No, we're not vacating this. We are going to sentencing. You know what? All your arguments about the Second Amendment, they don't apply here.

The Second Amendment does not protect your right to sell commercially, commercially. So in the end here, what we're facing is he could potentially be put away. If you want to help him, if you want to donate to Ruben King's cause, you can go to the Lancaster Patriot dot com slash king.

You can make a donation. Any news will be will be putting it up. What's happening next? If Ruben King is sentenced, once he's sentenced, it appears he's going to be sentenced now. Once he's sentenced, his lawyer can appeal this and he can take this up. This could potentially go to the Supreme Court.

At this point, that seems to be the only recourse to continue to appeal this. So the Supreme Court can hear it. And the argument there would be that you can't regulate a Second Amendment right. And Justice Thomas has said, if you start to regulate the Second Amendment and you regulate these freedoms, it's no longer freedom. So that's where we're at.

It's it's a pretty dark case. It's a it's a case of the federal government. Really, there's a verse in the Old Testament that says, can wicked rulers be aligned with the Lord, those who frame injustice by statute?

And that is what we have right now. We have wicked rulers who are framing injustice by statute. And it always ends up hurting the little guy. It hurts the guy who's trying to serve his neighbor, trying to put food on the table for his family. It doesn't hurt the big, you know, the big corporations.

It hurts people like Reuben King or like Amos Miller in the USDA case. They're providing for their neighbors. But the federal government wants to be the nanny state. They want to control things.

They want to regulate it. And you can't have a guy exercising freedom. Still, I think that's the ultimate motive here, that if you have people who are self-governed, who are serving their neighbor, the federal government does not want that. We have statism in America. It's the idea that the government is supreme. The government is God.

And that's infected the American mind. And the highest law becomes man's regulation. So I think real quick, Stu, that, you know, the real problem here at the heart of this problem is the ATF agents and the police officers, the state troopers who would go into a man's, you know, residence, pose, you know, as an undercover police officers to get this guy locked up. As long as we have men in America willing to do things like that, violating the higher law, the moral law of God, in order to enforce, well, I'm just doing what I was told. I'm just following orders. And that's what we have in America.

People who are following orders to enforce statism and man-made law. Couldn't have said it better. Christian, thank you so much. We appreciate you being here. All right. We're back. And folks, we're going to, I got a couple of things real quickly, Joe.

I wanted to do this one. Dr. Coalition sues California Medical Board for insisting that white individuals are naturally racist.

That's right. Two doctors, one that's black and the other, an Iranian American, have sued the Medical Board of California for its requirements forcing continuation of medical education courses that are focused on implicit bias. In other words, Dr. Marilyn Singleton and Dr. Azadeh Kahabati argued that such a requirement violates their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and civil rights. So basically to sum this whole article up, it tells you that the implicit bias and requirement promotes that inaccurate belief that all white individuals are naturally racist. And so there you go.

That's the California Medical Board. I kind of have a feeling. That means you're born hating. Yeah.

Or you're a born hater. Yep. Yeah. I got to have a feeling that the Ohio Medical Board is similar in the way that they treated Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. I want to add something to that story about the Amish. We've done stories how they were trying to shut down Amish dairies because they were selling raw milk to their neighbors.

And the government, oh, couldn't, you know, it wasn't pasteurized, it wasn't homogenized, it just milked the cake from a cow and they were having fits. They were getting after the Amish for selling beef that they had farm raised beef that there wasn't USDA inspected. They hate the Amish because the Amish are like, well, like you said, they're self-governing. They take care of themselves. They don't need the government.

They, you know, they stay out of trouble. They take care of their own. And I think it's just totally hated because they are not a group of people who will ever be controlled and they will not be part of the mainstream that will go along with the government. Well, they feel the way we do that their rights come from God and their rights are not privileges granted by the state. And that's what, that's the mindset that they have out there today. In other words, they're trying to tell us the Democrats believe we have no rights. They, we have privileges that are granted by the state and, and, and the state don't want to grant you those privileges, then you don't deserve them.

That's the mindset that we're dealing with out there today. Anyhow, very quickly. Judge Alene Cannon blast Jack Smith for operating out of district secret grand jury in a blistering order. And that I praise the good Lord for that. That took place Monday. Judge Alene Cannon on Monday, at least, at least there's still a few judges out there that have not been totally corrupted and bought off.

And this is out of the gateway pundit. Judge Alene Cannon on Monday, blasted Jack Smith for operating a secret out of district grand jury. Now this guy has been committing more crimes. He's really pushing it to the level thinking he's messing up all over the place as far as what he's allowed to do. Cannon can't, he doesn't abide by the law. No, he's got a, he's got a reputation even by either the other crooked lawyers say this guy is, is, you know, it's over the top.

They even give them a bad name. So, uh, that is something here and I got to feel, you know, and Trump, Trump is going right after him. Boy, I mean, Trump has really been nailing him and he, as he should, um, he's calling him Biden's thug.

You think about this. Biden has set this corrupt department of justice, DOJ with a totally, totally, totally, completely corrupt department. Marvin, Mary Garland, Mary Garland, I in is the most corrupt attorney general. He far succeeds bill bear or, or, uh, bar bill bar bar bill bar and bill bars bill bar is corrupt. He, but not nearly as bad as his Garland.

Garland is bad. He also didn't have any courage to stand up and do anything. And he was also a man without principle, without courage.

So right. He turned, he turned and you know, speaking of them, Mike Pence, I can't believe Pence did, did the dumbest thing. He just killed himself when he said, look, he's already done these done it before. So why should you be surprised if he keeps shooting himself in the foot? Well, he came out and he said he would be willing to, uh, to, to testify against Trump. Nobody, nobody likes a trader. Nobody.

Yep. They don't like a trader or a snitch or he's not a snitch because he wouldn't really be telling the truth. He'd have to try and say that he, you know, Trump didn't really think he, you know, lost or something. That's the only way they can make their case.

So I'm worried they're trying to get him to say something that wouldn't be true at all. So, so then the only there's only two that can read your heart. One is God and the other is Mike Pence. Mike Pence don't like that. Yeah.

He's right up there. Okay. Well, you know, that's one of the charges that this Jack Smith's trying to say is that Trump really didn't believe.

Let me ask you this. There were 2 million people that came to Washington DC on January 6th. Did they come there because they believed that the election was stolen off from under the word?

They just exactly. That's why they were there. And there were millions of others that couldn't go because of work or children or sickness or lack of funds who believe the same thing. And if they put on a trial, they've opened up the door for Trump to bring in as many witnesses as he wants to validate all these people believe that election was crooked stolen. And now we could actually use the stories. I was just talking from through the vote and the information they're putting online about the Chinese servers having all this election knowledge that could all come out in a trial. I can see where this could really benefit Donald Trump.

These people may have shot themselves in both feet. Well, Trump now real every time they go in and indict him is his poll numbers go way up. And he's now 40 40 points ahead of DeSantis 40. There's a lot to make a lot of points.

Looking at the I've got one story I've got to get in here. You have been talking for most of your radio career about get your children out of the public full system, right? Yeah, all of the 50 years I've been talking about that. Well, the they now have a new president of the American Library Association. She is a admitted Marxist lesbian. Emily drabinski said she will not hide her personal politics during her tenure, hopes to make marginalized communities feel represented in local libraries, libraries where people still take their children, right. And Montana was the first state around to cut officially cut ties with the library, oldest library trade there, the American Library Association. So here she came out, she said, I, she made a post quote, it's now been deleted, but we captured it. I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that the collective power is possible to build and can be welded for a better world is the president elect of the ALAL library. I'm so excited for what we can do to gather solidarity. If you've got children that you take to libraries to read books, the head of it now is a lesbian Marxist running the American Library Association has a lot of influence on every library in every small town in America.

No, they just keep on getting better, huh? But you gotta, I mean, the library is no longer safe. It used to be safe to let your kids go to the library.

Now it's one of the most dangerous places, whether it's in school or the public library down the street. And the one thing I know, our local library, I talked to, I know a couple of the people that work there. Um, they don't let things into their library like that.

They're not going to, if they get fired or not here. Hey Joe, we have, we have our California contributor and correspondent out there, Ms. Linda Stair and she's called in. She's got a message. Hey Linda.

Hey, thanks for taking my call. I wanted to report, um, something that's going on here in Southern California. Uh, the movement of the Holy Spirit is very strong here. Uh, there are groups. The thing that really was so interesting was that Hollywood Boulevard was completely packed with Christians praising the Lord two Saturdays ago.

Of course they don't report this on the news. So I wanted to call in and let the Christians across America know what's going on. They've got big groups in Santa Monica, Huntington beach, San Clemente, and there's lots of little home groups that are popping up. I'm going to them.

Uh, I spoke to several of them and they're just amazing where the people have acoustic instruments and we just sing and praise the Lord and we just want to blanket the area with the Holy Spirit. And it's, it's really catching on. I wanted to report that to you.

Well, I'm glad you did. Yeah, I was aware of that. Oh my, I'd love to hear news like that.

I didn't see it anywhere and I do an awful lot of research. Yeah. Well I was aware of that and uh, yeah, we want to just, you, you're right. You're not going to hear that, that the NBC, ABC, CBS, you don't want you to know that, but see the God's people, there seems to be a movement. Now I think, you know, Romans eight 28, you know, do you know what that says? This is all things work together for good for those that love the Lord. Now with what happened, that, that verse kept popping up in my mind after what happened yesterday here in Ohio. Uh, because a lot of the people were, were confused.

They, they, and the way that was written up, it was written to confuse them with the deep state and your state, California, the corruption out there, they poured in tons of money in Ohio here. And now we're trying to make it an effort. If we can get through to the churches here first, the pastors have, if they can, they can stand up and, and honor God with boldness and being doers of the word. We have to defeat this. We have three months before the November election and we have to defeat this ungodly legislation that they're bringing in right from the pit of hell.

And you know what? There are, we're seeing movements now. I saw a greater involvement from the pulpit in this last issue then, um, then I've seen a long time and that's good news. Oh, that's good.

So very, very, very good. So it seems as if everything is backfiring on them because the more deceptions they, they, they put upon us, the more people know it's wrong and want to go out and just get together and just, you know, have Jesus time, have Holy spirit time. And, uh, it's wonderful to see. Well yeah, we, you know, again, God has raised us up for such a time as this. This is our time. The fact that we, we are here now. Okay.

Means that, you know, God doesn't do anything off the cuff and things does don't happen by accident. So we are here. And so we are the ones that are, are he raised up to run to this battle. Okay. Do you think God can equip his people to do the job?

Yes. Well then why don't we really get after it? I mean, that's what we really have to do. I think that's what's happening here in Southern California. I mean, it's just an outpouring. People are getting healed. People are just coming to the Lord.

And I see people over time, over the month that their, their whole demeanor changes from, you know, being depressed to just have this glow about them and you can't fake that. No, I think that, you know, and, and everyone that's listening, you know, people that want to start their own home group where they just have, you know, worship time together and praying together. It's just, and then have, you know, the Holy Spirit will visit that home.

It's just so powerful. You know what, Hey Joe, we've only had one other woman and all the time we've been on the air, give the invitation. Okay. And that was, that's right. I think you're right that I can remember.

Yeah. And that was a, remember I asked her, well, I think that this lady right here, Linda is capable of doing that. Linda, would you like to give an invitation, invite people to heaven and out of hell? Well, thank you pastor for, for putting that trust in me.

I, I just really want to let people know that's listening that Jesus is real. I myself was healed after going to these meetings. I had my left hip was numb.

You know, if I lay on my left hip at night, it would just hurt because it was just numb and painful. And I asked for healing. It took like two, two times asking and he healed me. He healed me last Saturday. It's gone.

I don't have any numbness in my left hip at all now. And you know, God, Jesus is so real. The Holy Spirit is so real that it's eternal. And you know, I just pray for people that don't already know the Lord, that they will come to him and just surrender. And you know, it's a process. It's not like instantaneously your whole life has to change, but he knows your heart. And when your heart is contrite and, and believing in him, that's all he wants.

And he can take it from there. And so I just, I just pray for anybody in this situation right now, kind of sitting on the fence that they would just go ahead and believe. And it's just a, it's a holy thing. It just sets you apart because you know that you're a special person deep down inside. And it's because God put that in you. He put his, his love in you and the potential to have this faith. And he's rooting for you. He's in your corner. And so come to him. I pray in Jesus name. Amen. Well, you're welcome there.

And we'll just a couple of questions there. Does God want anyone to perish? No, he does. He doesn't want not one person. So has no, he created all of us.

He doesn't want any of us. Did he do all the heavy lifting? Did, did the Lord Jesus Christ do all the heavy lifting? I mean, did he do what we could have never done for ourselves?

He did. Now can, has anyone ever done anything that means as much to them as calling upon the name of the Lord and getting saved? Well, no, because this is our eternity because we're going to go somewhere when we're, when we die. And so we're going to know the second after we die, where that's going to be.

And if we didn't, you know, believe in Jesus and the God that created us, well then he has to take his wrath out on. So is everyone listening to me right now out there? Are they going to die whether they want to or not?

Yeah, we all are. Yes. Well, you know, I mean, I'm telling you this because George Soros and some others said they're going to have their, I know it's Soros, but what's his name?

Close. Schwab says he's going to have his brain frozen and be come back to life someday. I really don't think it's going to work that well for him. Well, I think it's already frozen. You're right.

It's going to get a lot warmer here when he dies. You get thought out. So anyhow, folks, that's the bottom line. Listen, what you just told you, nobody, nobody has to go to hell. What is required is repentance.

Okay. To acknowledge the fact that you're a sinner and only a sinner can get saved. And to acknowledge the fact that it's not God's will that any comes short of heaven, but then he's done the job.

You have to, one, do exactly what he says. You have to feel he should regret that it was your sin to put the Lord Jesus upon that cross. It was your sin that was nailed to him. Two, that you need to ask for forgiveness of that. Ask for forgiveness of that. It's called repentance.

Three, you have to ask the Lord Jesus. You have to call upon his name. You have to ask him to be the Lord of your life, all of your life, without any reservations.

Okay. And if you do that, uh, God is always, always, always ready to honor any true commitment. And he's the, he's the only one that we can always completely trust upon. And when that happens, when that happens, you will become a new creature, a born again believer, an heir of the kingdom. And folks, you will be on the road to eternal life. And so we're out of time for tonight. So as we approach this time, as we always say at this time, we always do this. We go, are we down to 20 seconds yet?

Yes. All right. So we always say, God bless. God bless. We always say good night. Good night. And then we always say this then always, always, always.

Oh, and I did mean always ready. Keep fighting the fight fight fight. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at www dot Please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left.

The preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content. When I grow up, I want to work for a woke company like super work. When I grow up when I grow up, I want to be hired based on what I look like rather than my skills on be judged by my political beliefs. I want to get promoted based on my chromosomes. When I grow up, I want to be offended by my co workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words police by HR words like Grandfather peanut gallery long time no see no can do when I grow up. I want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long. When I grow up, I want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd. I want to be a conformist. I want to weaponize my pronouns.

What are pronouns? It's time to grow up and get back to work introducing the number one woke free job board in America red balloon dot work.
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