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THU HR 2 070623

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
July 7, 2023 12:01 am

THU HR 2 070623

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Donate and listen to the podcast at Alright we're back and we have our our first caller at Cliff. Did you hear what I said that Dr. Glynn had a cure for?

What, to look better? Alright, go ahead and ask your question. I have an Ernie Sanders mask that I want everyone to wear. Alright, very good, yeah. Yeah, well, you know, speaking for the imprecatory prayer with Bill Gates, I would focus on the people working with him for the imprecatory prayer. He's too far gone, it's like almost like he's the Satan, so the imprecatory prayer I would direct at the people working on the mosquitoes.

Rochelle Walensky is a murderer, you know. A book I would recommend for Pete before I get to my question would be, it's called Solomon First Lord by Paul Levine. It's a legal book from more than ten years ago, it's on Audible, but it's got a savant in it, so it's a really good, you know, one of these writing man type stories in the mix.

So I would recommend that novel, Solomon First Lord, it's set in Florida. So Peter, first I would ask about what your thoughts are on Proverbs chapter 3, chapter 11 verses 3 to 10, where it's just contrasting the good and evil and health, and then my question is about the teeth. If you could reiterate that, because I'm hearing that, you know, what can you do to strengthen your teeth? Also, what would you recommend for various aspects of appearance, since we're on that, for hair, skin, muscles, what would you say for people, and what do you think of this whole maintaining the looks industry? Do you think they're also going in the wrong direction as well?

I just think they have extreme elements, too, with this plastic, you know, unnecessary plastic surgery, but I don't know if he shared the same opinion. Peter, what his question was about Proverbs 11 3, it says, the integrity of the upright shall guide them, but the perverseness of the transgressions shall destroy them. Riches profit not in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivereth from death.

Do you think that would be a good message for Big Pharma? Do we still have it? What happened?

I don't know. The NSA cut me off. I'm back, though. Okay, you're back. Okay, there you go. I got what you were saying, though.

I think I have enough under my belt to be able to make a reply. Well, this opens up a door that needs to be opened, and people need to walk around inside of this room and really think about this, because naturopathic medicine is called naturopathic because our philosophy and our treatment strategies are based upon natural law, which is immutable, like gravity. Gravity exists whether you believe in it or not. Solar radiation exists whether you believe in it or not.

And electromagnetic fields exist whether you believe in them or not. And there are natural laws which apply to health and physiology which exist whether you believe in them or not. And one of the fundamental natural laws that naturopathic medicine leans upon heavily is the belief that the human body is inhabited by a spiritual force, a God-given force.

You can call it whatever you want. Call it the spirit, call it the soul, different religions have different names for it, I don't care. But there is an indwelling spirit inside the human body which is intelligent, and it is running the show. Your body is so smart it grew itself all by itself from a tiny cell into you, and right now it's managing literally hundreds of millions of biochemical reactions all by itself, all by itself, outside of your conscious control.

Now how is this happening? Well, it is the presence of the spirit inside of the body which is taking care of all of this. And naturopathic medicine, ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, every system of holistic medicine in the world believes in the existence of the spiritual force. But guess which system of medicine does not?

MDs are trained in a system of medicine called allopathic medicine which is based on a reductionistic medical philosophy. And reductionism argues if it can't be measured it doesn't exist. So God doesn't exist, the soul doesn't exist, the spirit doesn't exist, life after death is a myth, angels are a myth, the devil is the myth, all of this metaphysical stuff is a myth, it's a fiction, it does not exist, the human body is a bag of biochemicals waiting to break. And because of this arcane reductionistic, I would say satanic view of the human body, this is why conventional medicine fails, and this is why we have such unbelievably horrible health outcomes, and we do have horrible health outcomes. Chronic disease is getting worse, it's not getting better, autism is getting worse, Alzheimer's is getting worse, everybody is sick, you know, and I know why, and this is the fundamental reason, because the medicine which is in the monopoly is atheistic. It's atheistic. Now I'm not saying that medical doctors are atheistic, some of them are very religious people, but when they go to work, they're atheistic, and this is a really important point to ponder.

I mean, it's a really important consideration, and I would say that that kind of is reflected in those verses, you know, because the people who are practicing medicine which is in keeping with God's law will be successful, and those who are doing otherwise will not be successful. I mean, it's inevitable, it's only a matter of time until those chickens come home to roost. I want to, you know, I want to see that the trials and tribulations table, baby. All right, I got to answer, take some more calls, because the whole board is listening.

Let's go to Ryan in Michigan. Hi, I thought you might be interested in this because you were talking about the Amish earlier. Yeah. My neighbor, he goes to a lot of the farm markets, and he was at the Ann Arbor one where they have a lot of organic farmers, and there was Amish farmer up there with the chickens, so he tried to, he pinned them down with, you know, how do they, how does he raise his chickens, and the feed that, he just kind of responded like he's used any feed, you know, and to me that's what's wrong with the, one of the things wrong with the chickens, they feed them soy or GMO, you know, so, but this Amish, it just like wasn't a big deal, just whatever, you know, just feed them whatever. Well, that's interesting. I have a friend who's a retired U.S. Navy SEAL, and before he became a U.S. Navy SEAL, he grew up Amish, you know, he was an Amish kid, and he joined the Navy to get away from the Amish, but then after the Navy, he came back and he started working with the community, and one of the things that he did is he started turning on the farmers and the chicken farmers into using mineral supplements for their crops and for their chickens, and when they started putting the minerals into the chicken feed, hardly any of the chicken eggs broke, and that was something I didn't even know was a thing, that, you know, there's like a percentage of the eggs that the chicken farmer expects to break, and so, you know, they just expect to lose a certain percentage of their yield, but when they gave the chicken minerals with the feed, that stopped, and they had a remarkably huge bumper crop of chicken eggs because none of the eggs are breaking anymore, and the same thing happened with the plant. They had a much higher yield on the same amount of acreage than they did the year before, so, you know, knowledge is power, and just because you're Amish doesn't mean that you know everything. After my neighbor told me, I thought, what does the word Amish really mean? I mean, it's not organic, it's not, you know, what do they practice organic?

Do they practice soy free or they practice, you know, what do they really practice? So I used to like to go to the Amish myself, but now it doesn't really mean anything to me. Yeah, that's an interesting, and they also have a very strange relationship or understanding of how men should treat women. It's a little archaic, quite frankly, and a little disturbing, but nonetheless, I brought the Amish thing up because one of the things they don't do is vaccinate their kids, and because they don't vaccinate their kids, they don't have any autism.

Right. Pastor Ernie, can I add this real quick? Last Friday, I had your program on, and you had this guest, John, somebody? Mike, no, Mike Gill, Mike Gill. Oh, Mike, that's right, I thought it was John, but it was fascinating.

I called last night from, I think it was Style, to get how to download the podcast, but that was fascinating show. I didn't know any of that. Yeah, we've had him on before, yeah, we've talked about that. Mike was, he was one of the largest mortgage, he owned the largest mortgage company in the country, and not only that, but he owed 230-something racehorses on the racetracks he owned. He was a billionaire, and he had hired, because he wanted to find out what were happening to all these children that were missing, the human trafficking, so he put together a group of detectives and investigators, and he found out that he worked with Governor Sununu and Sheehan, who was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, and he was, he had been working with them, and he was a little amazed to find out that they traced it right back to them. The very people you're working with are the people that are behind this cartel, and so what happened was, and there was a lot, you're wondering how they're getting away with this, how these children are being sold over and over and over, and people from high places in the FBI, high places in the IRS, are being paid. There's all of this money that is out there is going to these people, but they offered him 50 million dollars in cash just to forget, to forget what he found out, and he said, no I'm not gonna, I'm a billionaire, I don't need your 50 million dollars, and so they went after him. They ended up, he lost his businesses, his home, and he's hiding, you know, he's in hiding now. He calls from in hiding.

He had the Pandora papers, and the Pandora papers, he has all this documented, and it goes right to, and Trump now has the Pandora papers too now. We've always known New Hampshire was the money laundering capital of the United States, just like Ukraine is the money laundering capital of the world. Alrighty, thanks for calling. Let's go out to San Diego. We got Carol out in San Diego. Hi pastor, I just want to tell you two things, one one for you and one for Dr. Glidden. I just saw the sound of freedom, and it was wonderful, and continue trying to get the word about child sex trafficking. It's such a huge problem, and it's very seldom do we ever hear of any children being rescued. It's just a tremendously, just a horrific story, so please continue the sound of freedom.

I hope everybody gets to see it, and Dr. Glidden, I have a question for you please. What do you have anything for oral thrush that you would suggest? Yeah, there's a homeopathic medicine called BORAX, B like baby O-R-A-X, homeopathic BORAX. I would get it in the 12-C potency, C like Charlie, take two pellets three times a day for a week, two pellets three times a day for a week, or oral thrush is also an indication that your body has is slacking in its ability to metabolize sugar, and in order for your body to properly metabolize sugar, you need minerals, and you actually there are 90 essential nutrients that you need in order to do that. This is one of the reasons that people get sick as they get older. This is one of the reasons the chronic disease generates in the first place.

It's because people's bodies run out of the raw materials that the body needs in order to keep itself healthy, and the raw materials that your body needs are 90. There are 90 essential nutrients, and in 35 years of clinical work as a licensed naturopathic doctor, I am here to tell you that the easiest, cheapest, most effective way to get the 90 essential nutrients into your body is by purchasing a product called the Healthy Foundation Pack, which is available at Eiffel Health, Eiffel Life Tower in France, Eiffel Health. Their phone number is 888-618-1796.

That's 888-618-1796. You should be taking the 90 essential nutrients every day. Well, what I recommend is for the first two months, you take it every day, and then after the first two months, you can back off to every other day.

But these things your body needs, and if your body is neutrified and has everything in it that God intended it to have, your body works the way that nature and God intended it to, and then things like thrush and arthritis and migraine headaches don't develop. But in the meantime, the homeopathic borax can go a long way towards helping you to get on the other side of it. And just one other thing, the borax, I got that, and three times a day for a week, but what was it that I'm supposed to, or not, I'm calling, actually, I'm calling for a friend. So what are they supposed to be taking every day, three times a day? What is it? The homeopathic borax in the 12c potency, three pellets.

This medicine is dispensed in a small vial, little tiny white medicated pellets, and the dose is three pellets, orally, three times a day for a week. Wonderful. Thank you. You've been so kind, and I really appreciate you. Thank you so much.

Thanks. And Cliff, I wanted to tell you, because I know you're still out there in radio land, to make the teeth healthy, you need the Eiffel Health plant-derived minerals and the Eiffel Health Beyond Osteo-FX, which is the best calcium donor I've ever seen. And this isn't rocket science, right? In order for the enamel of the teeth and for the roots of the teeth to be healthy, they need to be mineralized, because that's what they're made from. So if you're having problems with your teeth or your gums, you take a tablespoon of the plant-derived mineral, and you mix it with a tablespoon of the Osteo-FX, which is the calcium supplement. You mix them together, you put it in your mouth, and you swish it around in your mouth for about 30 seconds, which is a long time when you're counting. Then you swallow it, then you rinse your mouth with water, and then you swallow that. You do that twice a day, and over the course of 30 days, that will go a long, long way towards strengthening your teeth. And then once you've done the swish thing with your mouth for 30 days, you can just drink the supplement without swishing it around in your mouth. If there was only one supplement I was allowed by law to recommend to people, it would be the Beyond Osteo-FX, a white liquid calcium.

It is a remarkably effective product, and get it at Eiffel Health, 888-618-1796. All right, I'm holding the book Attempt to Cure with Holistic Menace, and I start off with A, acid reflux, heartburn gird, you call it, and here you go through. You've got, well, two full pages on how to treat that naturally and how to cure it, acid reflux. In fact, wait a minute, you got more than two pages.

I'm going on now. You know what's one of the most important things that you need to to cure heartburn? Salt.

Salt? Well, yeah, you need to be salting your food so that it tastes good, because salt is an essential nutrient, and salt is sodium chloride. Your body needs the chloride part of the sodium chloride to make hydrochloric acid, which is what your stomach acid is made of, and by the way, oh by the way, heartburn is not caused by an excess of stomach acid. That is a medical myth. Heartburn is caused by stomach acid.

That is too weak, and I walk you through how that happens on a really nice video that I put together. It's on my website,, but nonetheless, if you give the body the stuff that it needs, right, then you're gonna have a healthy stomach. You're not gonna have heartburn. You don't have heartburn because you have stomach. You don't have eczema because you have skin. You don't have asthma because you have a lung, for goodness sake.

These things happen because usually your body has run out of the stuff that needs to keep that part of your body healthy, or you inadvertently consumed a whole bunch of toxic crap, which is gumming up the works, and you need to get that stuff out of your body. These are our fundamental precepts. You have to neutrify, and you have to detoxify.

If you do these two things prudently, then you're gonna love the way that you feel. No kidding. All right. Once a month, Dr. Glidden comes down here, and we give you ample opportunity to call and find out how you can actually use, by the natural, the herbs, the natural medicine that God gave us, that God gave us, folks, to cure, not just to treat the ailment, but to cure the disease. And he has written his book of 280 pages, and he goes from A to Z on all of these different things. And he gives you, now I know in some of the, in some of these things you use, again, some of these things I've never heard of, like glucose gel liquid or glucose gel caps or biometrics. Yeah, so in the book Attempt to Cure, in the treatment section, there are supplements that I recommend because it's what you need. And the supplements that I recommend are the most effective supplements that I've used in 35 years of clinical work.

And I tell people where to go and get them. The easiest place to go and get them is at Eiffel Health. It's Eiffel, like the tower in France, And the people that work at Eiffel Health can help you understand how much to get because it's based on your body weight, right? If you're 300 pounds, you're going to need more than if you're 100 pounds. If you're 50 pounds, you're going to need less than if you're 200 pounds, and so forth. People at Eiffel Health are wonderful at being able to help you sort all of that out, find an affordable nutritional supplement program, right? Because medical insurance isn't going to pay for this.

And oh, by the way, they did that on purpose. Imagine how great it would be if you're a medical insurance paid for vitamins. You imagine that?

That would change the world overnight. But that's not going to happen because that's against, you know, the farmers. It's because big farmers are not making any money off it. Because vitamins are secured as a client loss, right? Right.

Right. So Eiffel Health is the place to go for all of your nutritional supplement needs. They are my preferred vendor of nutritional supplements that I recommend.

And the people that work there are fantastic and will help you a lot. And for a donation, you can get both of my books from Pastor Sanders. A small donation will get you the Attempt to Cure book that lines up 88 different illnesses, plus it gives you a little bit of a backstory of the evolution of medicine, plus my first book, which is more like a Dr. Glidden rant, Everybody is Sick and I Know Why, you get a two-for-one deal for a small donation to the cause and everybody wins. All right. Right now they can get both books for donation.

We would ask a donation of $50, donation of $50 for both books. Attempt to Cure and Everybody is Sick and I Know Why. And folks, the address is WRWL Ministries, WRWL Ministries, 1 4 7 8 1, 1 4 7 8 1 Sperry, S-P-E-R-R-Y Road, Newberry, Ohio, 4 4 0 6 5. Or you just go up to our website and all that info is on there.

Now the phone lines are open at 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3. We get Peter here one day a month. He comes on and he can give you advice because he's an actual doctor and here again this is this is what God has given us, what God has given us folks.

This is what I use. I Peter I was amazed you know every time I just went in and when I go to see these doctors they're amazed that I don't take any drugs. You don't take any drugs. What medications? They always ask you what medication.

I said I'm not on any and I'm not gonna get on any and they at first because of my age they don't believe me okay and I just had a lady who was a real real sweet woman. I went in because you know I had a complete shoulder replacement and she was the first thing she said let's see what medications you're on and I said I'm not on any and she said she says you're not on any. God bless you she says God bless you and she says I'm like you you know and she works there for the surgeons and she believes the way we do stay away from any kind of medications. All right let's go to let's go to Connecticut and talk to Cindy.

Hey Cindy yes hello thank you for taking my call. I would like to ask Dr. Glidden if there is anything to do for bone on bone arthritis I have it in my hip and they want me to have surgery and I do not want to have surgery especially with all the nonsense that's going on with COVID and people getting killed in hospitals and I'm 67 years old and I don't want surgery so what does Dr. Glidden recommend please? Okay yeah all right so so I just came from a conference of annual continuing education conference about six weeks ago in Arizona where a case was presented with bone on bone arthritis and guess what the cartilage grew back. That's what I think can happen. Yeah now I will tell you that there is a point of no return right I mean if you cut your finger off in a buzzsaw heaven forbid I don't know of anything that's going to grow that back right so there is a point in the joint the evolution of the joint pathology where it's too far gone and you really do need the surgery now however nobody knows where that point of no return is I used to think I knew where that was by the way before I started doing this stuff and that the things I've seen people recover from you wouldn't believe something that's not all the time I'm not saying this is a cure-all end-all for all human disease it's not but it's a very effective treatment strategy so and it's like never fail fudge because let's have the worst case scenario let's say we put you on the program and it isn't effective at helping to regrow the cartilage because you have passed the point of no return okay well so you need the surgery so what do you think would be a smarter thing for someone to do to go into the surgical arena with a under-nutrified weak body or to go into surgery with a neutrified and strong body oh that's a very good point yeah of course of course the healing will be much much faster and for people that actually do need surgery which is you know a small percentage but every once in a while you need it people who follow my protocols they recover in half the time and the surgeons are always amazed and they also need much less pain medication but so the protocol is how much your body weight okay I'm about a hundred thirty pounds okay so that's easy so it's per month it's one healthy foundation pack one healthy foundation pack okay healthy foundation pack okay you know one extra bottle of osteo FX OS TEO FX one extra bottle so there is a bottle in the foundation pack but you need one more okay one extra bottle of plant-derived mineral one extra bottle of plant-derived mineral and two bottles the two bottles of gluco gel capsules in the 240 count two bottles of gluco gel capsules in the 240 count and you're gonna take 15 of those a day you're gonna take what I would practice five with lunch and five with dinner it's not hard okay the people the people that you got this at Eiffel Health right eight eight eight six one eight seventeen ninety six I would encourage you to call to place the order because they have free shipping and all kinds of things you can save a lot of money which is better than if you just go online and try to you know buy the products online so give them a call eight eight eight six one eight seventeen ninety six they'll also tell you how to take this stuff so it takes this every day for 90 days but but look here's the here's here's the really interesting part okay if your body is so under neutrified that your joints have you know collapsed right you got bone-on-bone arthritis the cartilage is gone then guaranteed there are other things that are going on with your health that you have gotten used to that you think are just a function of getting older like oh my sleep's not that great oh I got restless legs at night oh I got hot flushes at night oh I get sleepy at two o'clock in the afternoon oh I've got a little bit of heartburn whatever it is could be anything right once you start the foundation pack be mindful of how it affects you globally not just how it affects your joint look to see what happens to your mood your energy your appetite your weight the whole the whole enchilada and that's why it's called holistic medicine by the way because when we deliver these treatments we expect and anticipate a global effect right not just on the joint and so if you're mindful of all of these things then you're going to be it's going to be much better for you moving forward but that was my recommendation yes I know I know that from personal experience too because I was diagnosed with cancer seven years ago and I didn't do with the radiation treatments that they wanted me to do and I saw a naturopathic doctor and cancer but you're my new you're my new best friend that was a brave move on your part by that was a really brave move on your part so all right I really know what I really I really applaud you Cindy I got to move on but thanks for calling god bless you and we'll be back after this he made the ground high in the year round and I saw God become a man and hung upon a cross by love the ancient of days can't teach us his ways give all your love give him all your praise hanging on a cross there he took my place can't see it with your eyes touch it with your hands the son of God became a man strong enough to change the heart of any man Oh he will lift you up he won't let you down they say broken life turn it all around ever since time nothing ever been found stronger than love some men are like me no question or doubt strengthen their fate they in his day out sins all forgiven all blooded out then I see how I've been less got a home in heaven the very best then I know by God this world was blessed can't see him with your eyes touch him with your hands the son of God became a man strong enough to change the heart of any man this man called he will lift you up he won't let you down turn it all around ever since time nothing ever been found stronger than love can't see him with your eyes touch him with your hands the son of God became a man strong enough to change the heart of any man this man called Oh he will lift you up he won't let you down take your broken life turn it all around ever since time nothing ever been found stronger than love all right you can take that to the bank ask the good Lord let's go to New York and talk to Liz hey Liz you're in there yes hello thank you for taking my call I have a question for dr. Lyndon what do you recommend for non-alcoholic fatty acid a fat non-alcoholic fatty liver you mean yeah I just told today I have that okay so the first thing you need to do is stop 100% stop eating anything that has high fructose corn syrup in it yeah well yeah I think that you do and you just don't know that you do but high fructose corn syrup is associated strongly with fatty liver number one okay now the liver is a really interesting organ because it regenerates itself it's the only organ you can surgically remove I think three-quarters of it it'll grow back right so the liver wants to be healthy and it's trying to make itself healthy but it needs raw materials to do that I mean if you're gonna build a house you need wood and nails and shingles yeah you don't have wood nails and shingles you got all the carpenters you're still not going to have a house so the healthy foundation will help that plus there's two other things that you should add to the foundation pack so you get one healthy foundation pack you get one bottle of ultimate selenium se le n like Nancy I um like Mary ultimate selenium and two bottles of good herbs liver and gallbladder support two bottles yeah it's a product called liver and gallbladder support okay okay and you do the liver and gallbladder support for eight weeks okay and everything else you do for the rest of your life everybody needs these nutrients and that's what I would do and like I said to the previous caller as you're rolling down the track here with the foundation pack under your belt pay attention to how it makes you feel across the board you move your energy that I put the I call help yeah Eiffel health right it's better to call them because you'll get a better deal with shipping and special instructions Oh 100% yeah their phone number eight eight eight six one eight six one eight six one eight six one eight one seven nine six one seven nine six okay all right thank you very much and best of luck yep let's go out to Carl Carl you're in there what's going on pastor as well as doctor Ernie how's everything oh it's okay what's happening yeah the New York sends you some love this is the thank you um there's a guy named doctor said he's no longer with us but he always promoted sea moss and things of that nature what is your opinion on sea moss well sea moss is a wonderful donor of minerals and you know it's got a lot of iodine in it and that's probably one of the reasons that he promoted it and you know nutritional supplements are like wine all wine is made from grape but there's a pretty big difference from bottle to bottle right so there are some nutritional supplements that are really good some that are middle of the road and some that just really are just useless so the sea moss product is a middle-of-the-road product the plant derived mineral offered at Eiffel Health is a hundred times better than the sea moss product interesting that would that would be the place to go if you want to and I'm telling you man this is not rocket science your body my body everybody's body needs 90 essential nutrients 60 minerals 16 vitamins 12 amino acids and two fatty acids your body needs these things but it cannot make them so you have to consume them but they're not in the food not like they used to be interesting you need another met they were saying that sea moss has that in it the 90 yeah but but it doesn't yeah I'm sorry that's that's not correct it does not I've seen the analysis of it as a matter of fact there's one product in the healthy foundation pack it's part of the healthy foundation pack it's called the tangy tangerine multivitamin and that has seamoth in it so there is seamoth in the healthy foundation pack but there's more because the seamoth doesn't have everything that you need and I don't make any money on the sale of these supplements by the way just so you know the reason that I recommend them is because they work and that's important one last quick question dealing with our teeth issues because I know a lot of people probably are afraid to go to the doctor I mean a dentist and so on and so forth what is is there a way to actually cure an infected gum or let's say you have a cavity no I don't know of anything that'll get on the other side of a cavity besides dental work but gum disease is pretty easy to get on the other side of 99% of the time or receiving gums or gum disease are simple mineral deficiencies you know it's like back in the day when all the pirates and all the sailors got scurvy because they were out on the sea all the time and scurvy is a horrible disease man it's that your teeth fall out your skin cracks and oozes and it's a slow horrible painful death it's a vitamin C deficiency that's all that it is you get vitamin C in your body that goes away well with gum disease well you get minerals into your body and it goes away most of the time okay well thanks a lot doctor thanks Carl let's go out to California with Teresa Teresa you're in the air mother Teresa yeah and thank you dr. gluten pastor and Ian and everyone there for all your good work that's funny my daughter calls me mother Teresa but she does a tongue and cheek that's for sure anyway I I've been listening to what you tell your guests and I've already written down and I need to get the foundation packet but the reason that I'm calling is that for the past two years I have had a an open wound on the top of my foot and I don't I've been tested for diabetes which I do not have and diagnosed as venous insufficiency meaning that my veins aren't pushing the blood yeah that's a that's a BS diagnosis by the way because right a medical doctor has to give you some diagnosis because oh my god you get a skin lesion on your feet so they're just going to throw something against the wall to see it stick thank you okay that's why I'm calling you okay okay so so you need skin nutrients okay though I mean the first thing that I would have said is have your blood sugar checked make sure your blood sugar is okay because most of the time lesions in the feet that don't heal is the blood sugar issue but yours is not a blood sugar issue so you've dodged a big bullet there so I I'm gonna guess that if you just did the foundation pack with one bottle of gluco gel and one extra bottle of fish oil that this would heal that this would heal rather quickly and there's another thing that you can do which is really interesting and kind of important you want to go to the health food store and get a colloidal silver colloidal silver in a spray bottle any type of colloidal silver that they have in a spray bottle okay here's what I want you to do I want you to get a bucket you know like a mixing bowl or a bucket from the garage and I want you to put cold water from the tap in it and I want you to put ice cubes in it and then I want you to get a face cloth that will put a fit around your foot and I want you to soak the face cloth in the ice cold water for a couple minutes make the make the face cloth nice and cold then wring it out and wrap it around the foot that has the lesion on it okay leave the cold towel on there for 10 minutes 10 minutes the foot will warm the towel up I'll leave it on for 10 minutes and then take it off and do that twice a day if you can do that okay and then when you're done with that you spray the colloidal silver on top of the lesion and you bandage it you put a band-aid on it or gauze or something you bandage it okay and I want you to change the bandage three times a day and I want you to put spray it with colloidal silver each time that you do it and I want you to do the cold towel at least once a day plus the 90 essential nutrients with extra glucose gel and extra fish oil and I'm gonna bet you 25 cents that that'll fix it in about 30 32 days you know what I tried to I'm cupping down everything you say and I'm going to give you a report because this has been going on for two years and I will follow your advice to the letter and I'll let you know what happened because if I just had no doubt that I'm that something's going to change and I really appreciate your direction well yeah thank you very much thanks for the trust so right back at you and yeah come back and tell us what happened please come back and tell us what happened I have a subscription service by the way on my website and as part of a as one of the benefits to being a subscriber there's a live chat with me for two hours every week my subscribers open a chat room they ask me questions just like you are and I can't do that then they give me reports yeah so check it out it's dr. Glidden dot-com dr GL IDD en dot-com check it out all lowercase and I will doesn't yeah it doesn't matter doesn't matter oh okay okay I will do that and I think I think you've given me some new hope here and I really needed it thank you all right mother Teresa thank you for the trust thank you all right let's go out to pastor hell how you doing we're doing okay how are you very good do you have any before you close us in prayer do you have any questions or comments for dr. Glidden well I was just gonna say the minerals and I can I can attest to that I was diagnosed with stage four lymph cancer back in July non-hotkins and I turned down the chemotherapy when it almost gave me a heart attack when I was up at the hospital in Cleveland and I said no more of that and started taking the natural you know minerals and vitamins and stuff like that and the to the lymph nodes shrunk away and you know I got plenty of energy and I I can take walks work out I don't have no pain or anything and I can attest to the fact that the minerals I take that osteo flex every day and I think the plant minerals and you know and I also take some curcumin and some French grapeseed extract and all these natural things it really works and I can I can testify to that fact too because you got very very ill there right right at the church you became very ill we had to take you right into the hospital and yeah I mean you've never been real pretty but boy you look really bad then okay and we were very concerned about you if you were gonna come out of there or not and but but but now you've lost but how much weight have you lost I lost about 20 pounds and you know I'm just I try and eat more organic lettuce are they four or five handfuls of organic lettuce every day and you know just staying away from staying away from sugar primarily or you know carbohydrates the turn of sugar and stuff too that you know that can be so hard to do because you know I have a fetish for these nut they're almonds and all of these nut bars but they have dark chocolate with them well dark chocolate good sugar is not the Antichrist it's how much sugar you eat what type of it and whether or not your body has the raw materials necessary to metabolize the sugar your DNA is made from sugar did you know that that's why you're so sweet pastor so that's the reason all right look pastor help you better tell us how we can get to heaven okay it's pretty simple you know the Bible says like us just reading in the Romans 5 6 it says for when we were yet sinners for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for us and then later on it says much more than being not justified by his blood we should be saved from the wrath through him and you know a lot of people hear from preachers Christ died for you so you can go to heaven but they don't tie the two together why did Christ have to die for me to go to heaven it's very simple God hates sin God cannot let sin come into heaven and he just can't look the other way and pretend our sins aren't there and we never were there and so when we sin it's like a cord around us that stays with us when the unsaved people die their cords that says they're bound by the cords of sin to take them straight down to hell and and you know God wants you to come to heaven God loves you he wants you to come to heaven but he says your sins cannot come with you so what he let let Jesus do when Jesus sat on that cross God was allowing Jesus to pay the payment in full for every sin you and I have ever done so when you buy faith come to Jesus being sorry about the fact your sinner that's repentance asking Jesus to come into your heart and give to you the payment he paid in your place on that cross he does that and he gives you that payment and that's what saves your soul he his blood washed away our sins the Bible says in Ephesians 1 7 in whom we have redemption through his blood we couldn't save ourselves if you could quit sinning right now and then never sin again just the sins you've already done would be enough to send you to hell one sin to keep you out of heaven so that's why it was necessary for Jesus to die on that cross and pay the payment that had to be paid God's righteousness demanded that payment be paid it will either be paid by you by going to hell or you be paid by Jesus who you receive as your Savior when you ask them to come into your heart and get that payment and so the choice is yours Ephesians 2 8 9 says provide grace are you saved through faith and not of yourself as the gift of God not of works but any man should boast listen the difference between true Christianity and all the false religions out there is that all the false religions tell you you've got to do something to earn points somehow to get to heaven true Christianity says there's not a thing you can do to get to heaven outside of receive the payment Jesus paid in your place on that cross and so if the choice is yours and John 1 12 said but as many as received him to them gave me the power to become the sons of God right now if you're listening my voice your creation of God but even the devil's a creation of God you go to heaven you have to become a son of God and that's what happens when you ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and save you right then and there God's Holy Spirit comes into your soul and gives you a spiritual birth into the family of God making you a son of God a child of God instead of just a creation of God and that's from that time on you could know that if you drop dead your soul would be with Jesus before your body even hit the floor and John 14 6 Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me that means you could be a member of every church in town and then go to hell with all your membership cards and water baptism doesn't wash away your sins no place in the Bible do I read where the city's water system is going to wash away one of your sins but the blood of Christ I don't care for you the worst sinner had ever lived it can wash away your sins and make them new creature in Christ now if you want to go to heaven you got to do it God's Way and God's Way is the simplest way that I've seen Jesus did all the work he went through all the pain all the suffering he said it is finished when he died on that cross which means there's nothing more you can do to add to what he's already done for you now will you let him come into your heart and save you Luke 13 priest says except you repent you shall likewise perish repentance is admitting something to God that he knows already anyway that without Jesus in our heart we're a bunch of miserable sinners on our road to hell and I know you don't want to go there and God don't want you to go there so that means you have to receive the payment he paid for you on that cross to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ so if you want to do that Romans 10 13 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved he called means to pray that you talking to God I'd like to lead you in a simple prayer of faith it's called a sinner's prayer but even though we're praying together it'd be one minute you and God because only you can ask Jesus come into your heart and save you so pray the simple prayer with all your heart and mean it oh dear God please forgive me a sinner I confess I've sinned against you and thought word indeed and I repent of my sins and I Lord Jesus I believe be done on the cross and shed your blood to save my soul so you paid the penalty for me and all my sins and right now Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart forgive me of all my sins and save my soul from hell in Jesus name amen the Bible says in 1st John 5 13 these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that means you receive them as your Savior that you may know you have eternal life not that you may think it wish it or hope for it but that you may know how can you know because God made you that promise and God cannot lie that means if I died right now my soul would be with heaven before I even hit the floor and that's what is same with you have you prayed that prayer just now and amen well pastor help thank you so much Peter thanks for being here with us thanks pastor it's always a pleasure and folks and we always say this when we get to this point we want to say good night we say God bless always always keep fighting the fight thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance what's right what's left hosted by pastor Ernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry please visit us online at please tune in next time for another edition of what's right what's left the preceding program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content when I grow up I want to work for a woke company like super woke when I grow up when I grow up I want to be hired based on what I look like rather than my skills I want to be judged by my political beliefs I want to get promoted based on my chromosomes when I grow up I want to be offended by my co-workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words policed by HR words like grandfather peanut gallery long time no see no can do when I grow up I want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long when I grow up I want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd I want to be a conformist I want to weaponize my pronouns what are pronouns it's time to grow up and get back to work introducing the number one woke free job board in America red balloon dot work
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