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Revival in America

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
July 29, 2022 7:00 pm

Revival in America

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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July 29, 2022 7:00 pm

Former Naval Captain Jim Kinney calls a nation to prayer. He talks with Stu about his ministry Inspire and Ignite, a movement of prayer warriors united to inspire and ignite America.


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What do you do to fix it? I'm going to give you so much hope this segment of Truth Talk, because I'm with my friend Captain Jim Kenney, retired Navy, and he loves Jesus, and he's got a solution that we're all going to agree at the end of this program segment, it's the only solution. Captain Kenney, talk to us about Inspire Ignite.

There's some huge things happening. Well, I don't have the answer, but I know who does. And the only way we're going to turn America to the right direction is for us to have a heart transplant, to have hearts changed. And who changes hearts? God Himself. When does He get Himself involved? When His people cry out to Him.

When His people ask for His involvement. So we've developed a prayer app with four different applications, including a daily prayer for America that we're launching August 5th, that calls people to prayer every day with a short little prayer for America, and then teaches them how to expand on that with personal requests for their communities, and of course to pray for national events that ask God's hand to reach out and touch America. We walked in this room, in this restaurant, the River Birch Lodge, we've had all kinds of men's groups, New Kansas Society meets here too, a bunch of godly men and women around, and you just shared your passion about bringing our country back to God. And you said something that's really interesting that, you know, we get all excited about this candidate and that candidate, oh this guy's going to do it, oh he's going to hold strong, he's not going to go up and they're not going to corrupt him, he's going to change Washington, whatever, and then sadly it doesn't always work out that way.

But you took us to another level about the ultimate solution tied in with 714, tied in with some other things. Can you talk about that and how that's driven this whole ministry of yours called Certainly. We do have a website,,,.us, where you can read about this vision, this idea, and you can join and be a part of what we're trying to do through the website itself. But what we've decided is that there is no personality, there's no political person, dynamic personality, there's no political party that's going to ultimately make much of a difference in the change. Can we do better? Certainly we can always do better. But that's not the answer.

The answer is how do we change the hearts? Our politicians, even our best politicians, go to DC with great intention, but the system is so much bigger than them they get swollen up. So they may make great promises and they mean it, but they can't fulfill them.

But still God has never broken his word once. So we're going to God as the solution for this thing. He is the one who can change hearts, he is the one who can change direction. The Bible says that he lifts up our leaders. So who's going to be in charge? It's an issue at God's throne. It's not an issue of this politician is better than that politician. God's in charge of that.

But beyond politics, politics is not going to change our course much, you know, three degrees this way, three degrees that way. But God can turn us around. It's called repentance. And God can turn this nation around.

If we cry we cry out to him as his people seeking his help and seeking his hand and his power. I love it. You're going to give a daily gift, a daily gift to everyone listening if they simply get it through your app. I want you to tell about that. But first, who is Captain Jim Kenney? Talk a little bit about your testimony. It's been some time since I've had you on my radio show Truth Talk.

I'm Stu Everson. He's sitting down with one of my favorite men. He's been a pastor to me, he's been a mentor to me, he's been a friend for years. Him and his amazing wife Linda, now they have great-grandchildren, great, double great-grandchildren.

The rest of us got a lot of catching up to do. Who is Captain Jim Kenney? How'd you come to faith in Christ, and how did God use you through your walk through the Bible years and through pastoring to where you are today? Well, I came to Christ at something that was called a Good News Club, which was halfway between my elementary school and my home. And the little lady, Mrs. Sawhill, gave us cookies at Kool-Aid if we stopped in.

So we stopped in for the cookies at Kool-Aid, quite frankly. I was in fifth grade, and she taught a lesson one day. And by the way, let me tell you how long ago that was.

She did not use a tablet, she did not use PowerPoint, she used philanthropy, if you remember those days. And at the end she said, do any of you want to invite this Christ into your heart? And there were, I don't know, half a dozen, maybe 10 of us there, 12 of us there, and I raised my hand, I was the only one.

So the others got to go get their cookies in Kool-Aid. But I remember very distinctly, kneeling by her couch when she knelt beside me and guided me through a prayer to invite Christ into my heart. I was in fifth grade. When I was 20, and I gave every sin I had over to Christ, but I wasn't a big sinner in fifth grade yet. But I learned how to do that. When I was 24, 25, God really impressed upon me that He wasn't the boss.

He had my soul covered, but I hadn't made Him the boss. And that was a dramatic change in my life. And that's when we really began to serve in dynamic ways, the kingdom. Now, my Navy career, I did 22 years flying off aircraft carriers as a captain of a spy plane. But when I retired, I went to work for a walk through the Bible. I was in charge of their nationwide live seminars.

We grew from about 600 a year to about 2,500 a year while I was there. And then I went to be on church staff at a church in Winston-Salem, one of the top 25 Baptist churches in America, Calvary Baptist Church. And from there, I went to work for Governor Mike Huckabee on his presidential campaign and stayed with him as a paid help until he ran out of money.

A good friend of mine to this day still talk with Mike on a regular basis. And then from there, I launched a radio program on your network called Just A Thought. And we did that for about five years. And that was a lot of fun. Then retired, but retired doesn't mean you quit working for the kingdom. And God has laid on my heart this thing about uniting prayer warriors, not people that want to hide behind a prayer as a shield, but people who are willing to take on the agenda of the enemy directly, every day at the throne, because we know that God is there for them.
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